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Mental focus crystal
Mental focus crystals will increase the casting strength of a mental spell for one cast. Each item has four uses.
Only the Minor Mental circle is affected. While Bard Base and Empath Base are hybrid circles in theory, they only use elemental or spiritual mechanics respectively.
Alchemy Recipes
Minor mental focus crystal
Minor mental focus crystals will increase the casting strength for one mental spell cast by ten points for one cast.
Lesser mental focus crystal
Lesser mental focus crystals will increase the CS of the user by 15 for one mental spell cast. The user of the crystal must be at least level 40.
The rank has been deduced since the mental focus crystal recipe ranks seem to align with the spiritual.
Greater mental focus crystal
Greater mental focus crystals will increase the CS of the user by ?? for one spiritual cast. The user of the crystal must be at least level 60.
Faintly glowing dust=extracted s'ayanad crystals |
A flask of hazy grey liquid essence |
- Activation
Your thoughts gain an exceptional focus, previously faint sparks of understanding growing clearer in your mind.
A deeply focused look fills Zuzana's eyes.
- Spell ending
Like a fading dream, your exceptional magical focus slips away.
Zuzana appears less focused.