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North by Northwest (storyline)/2023-03-11 - An Attacker's Aroni-ous Assumption (log)
Charlatos 11-12, 5123
This log is purely intended as an archival record of spoken words and actions of characters within the game as could be witnessed by the character who was present to record them. The player posting it holds no position on the veracity, falsity, legitimacy, nor illegitimacy of any character dialogue, opinions, perspectives, interpretations, and stances presented herein.
Samfelt stands guard outside the camp for any more spiders and takes suggestions from Landing adventurers--but an Imperial scout runs by, saying the shadows swooped Lady Aronia away! Everyone finds her in a cottage in the Upper Trollfang, where several Rooks are impaled by thorny vines and she says the poison is wearing off. She says they might have wished to rile Elidal, as they didn't harm her beyond subduing her, then has her vines drag the bodies into the earth. However, Councilor Kiyna requests the bodies be returned for clues and she says that can be arranged. Samfelt and Aronia let the settlers know they can return to camp instead of continuing the search.
As the group returns to the camp itself, Rooks appear and attack, sparking a battle--though Councilor Vaemyr says it's unusual for them to attack directly unless this is a distraction. Aronia questions it, saying Mother did warn of violence if the settlers didn't return south. Aronia, Samfelt, and adventurers fight them off, but finally take one captive for questioning.
The captured archer says "freedom is rooted," Talador bled the Landing streets, none of the Empire is welcome here, freedom is rooted (again), and Walkar should have finished them off. After Vaemyr points out that the saying written in the Rusty Cutlass is "freedom takes root," the Rook switches to that saying--but Nalver kills him off before more information can be gleaned.
Afterward, the others try to puzzle out why any events of the night happened, but ultimately come to no certain conclusions. Aronia wishes everyone a good night, though spring brings as much danger as the winter.
Samfelt's Greeting
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a Wehnimer's runner, the Devoryah disk, the Xanxen disk, a yellow-eyed silvery lor mandrake sprouting black calla lilies, a lazy wild dark red dog, the Kelfyr disk, a grizzled porcupine, the Krendarr disk, a large grey-bellied hawk that is flying around, the Warrden disk, the flaming Nairena disk, a sleek forest mouse that is sitting, the Stormyrain disk, the Kialeigh disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, the Nizana disk, a sinuous bone white serpent, a large acorn, the skull-shaped Irval disk, the Arahnim disk, a large acorn, the Chamorr disk, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it and an old well.
Mourdeyan asks, "Coffee?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Female fitersh are yummy."
[General] Samfelt asks, "Hello? H-hello? Anyone there?"
[General] Lylia thinks, "Yes. Many of us."
[General] Evia thinks, "Yes and hello."
[General] Mauss unconvincingly thinks, "Nope."
[General] Mourdeyan thinks, "Evenin Suttler."
[General] Cryheart thinks, "Hello Samfelt."
[General] Cryheart asks, "How are ye?"
[General] Cryheart asks, "You be in the camp?"
A stiff breeze sends the motes sheeting horizontally, and they become momentarily monochromatic. [ambient message]
[General] Samfelt thinks, "I'm keeping an eye on things in the Dragonsclaw, just in case there are anymore of those spiders. Most of the guard is staying in the campsite and the outpost after what happened last night."
[General] Cryheart thinks, "Aye."
Guarrin says, "Should probably go help him."
[General] Cryheart asks, "Need some help?"
[General] Luxelle asks, "Motes?"
Cryheart says, "We going to the camp."
Cryheart asks, "All joined?"
[General] Samfelt asks, "I think it might be best if we work together to keep the path safe between the campsite and the gates so we can continue to buy goods as we need them?"
[General] Luxelle asks, "They are friendly motes, right?"
[General] Cryheart thinks, "Sounds good."
[General] Kayse informs, "The spring rain seems to have a sparkle to it now."
[Realm] Guarrin thinks, "That seems reasonable."
Speaking to her field rat, Mourdeyan says, "Hold tight Squints."
Tikba uncertainly says, "I am not dressed for combat."
Speaking encouragingly to Tikba, Missoni says, "It will be fine."
[Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest]
Pine cones are scattered about the ground here, knocked down by the movement of small animals through the trees and the wind that buffets this outlying section of the forest. You also see the sparking Dendum disk, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, a spotted truffle, a black truffle, a cudgel, a lumpy truffle and a wide dirt-covered trail.
Also here: Missoni, Town Councilor Kayse, Sir Guarrin, Irval, Stormyrain, Mourdeyan, Astrilyn, Chamorr, Dame Evia, Tikba, Alosaka, Goldstr, Earthdiver, Sir Cryheart, Kelfyr, Town Councilor Kiyna, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Seneschal Dendum, Lord Thrassus, Perigourd, Settler Samfelt
Samfelt deeply says, "What do you suggest we do to patrol? I'm not much of a guard, or soldier. But nobody else seems to want the job right now."
Samfelt deeply says, "I was just going to stand here like your guard does, at that gate."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ye leff me!"
Cryheart says, "Hello Samfelt."
Speaking politely to Samfelt, Tikba says, "You should not use our guard as an example."
Speaking to Samfelt, Dendum asks, ""You do not have a good view from the walls?"
Samfelt deeply says, "Without falling asleep though."
Mourdeyan says, "Good a spot as any."
Speaking to Samfelt, Perigourd says, "Depends on if it's a roving patrol or not."
Guarrin notes, "Well, already ahead of things then."
Alosaka says, "I think our efforts would be better spend educating folks on the dangers of the area, and what to avoid... and what to do if they encounter problems like those spiders."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "No hurt da koboldsh."
Speaking to Alosaka, Perigourd says, "Forewarned is forearmed."
Samfelt deeply asks, "Best hope is that it was just the one time. Maybe we are past it. But better to be safe, right?"
Speaking to Alosaka, Missoni asks, "Ah, what should they do if they find themselves implanted with spiders?"
Goldstr says, "Aye."
Speaking deeply to Dendum, Samfelt says, "You don't seem convinced."
Speaking to Missoni, Alosaka says, "Not return to camp."
Speaking to Samfelt, Dendum asks, ""Did they not....warn the settlers of what to expect?"
Speaking to Samfelt, Vaemyr says, "It's never one time around here."
Cryheart says, "Well..I think folks are fully aware of that impending danger at the least."
Samfelt deeply asks, "The spiders talked to you?"
Samfelt peers quizzically at Dendum.
A velnalin trots in!
A velnalin trots in!
A velnalin trots in!
Samfelt glances at a velnalin.
Samfelt's stomach growls.
Speaking to Samfelt, Dendum says, ""Meant in the general sense of coming to a land crawling with arachne worshippers...angry krolvin...and mad giants."
Irval asks, "Does chitter chitter mean anything?"
Irval says, "Thats about all I heard."
Evia says, "Best not to call attention to your stomach if possible, might make folk nervous."
Speaking to Samfelt, Stormyrain asks, "Your stomach is growling, are you eating enough here in the camp?"
Kiyna offers Samfelt a golden cinnamon apple scone drizzled with caramel icing.
Kiyna smiles at Samfelt.
Samfelt deeply says, "Sorry, I skipped the meal earlier to keep an eye on things better."
Samfelt accepts Kiyna's cinnamon apple scone.
Samfelt deeply says, "Thank you."
Samfelt takes a bite of his cinnamon apple scone.
Cryheart says, "Ye should eat to keep your energy."
Samfelt deeply says, "Oh that is really good. Apple."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "If only we had a bard to pashify dish area."
Speaking to Samfelt, Kiyna agrees, "They're delicious."
Mourdeyan says, "Be nice ye great goof."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Stormyrain says, "We do. Tikba."
Mourdeyan exclaims, "Shoo!"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me got peanuts."
Mourdeyan waves a hand at the velnalin, shooing it off.
Gutstorm shows Samfelt his salty peanuts.
Irval says, "Dont do it..."
Irval exclaims, "Its a trap!"
Samfelt deeply says, "Between those goblins and the spiders, I've about had my fill of wandering out into the Trollfang. I think I'll just stick to the Dragonsclaw for now."
Aronia Taken
An imperial scout hurries into the area, originating form the wide trail. "They took her. A quick dart to the neck, and the shadows came in and swooped Lady Aronia away. We've got to find her!" The scout darts off, and several other settlers, a rag tag group of lumberjacks, fishermen, and carpenters rush off, torches and swords in hands.
Samfelt deeply exclaims, "What? What happened?!"
Vaemyr says, "Oh heck."
Kayse slowly says, "Shadows..."
Missoni worriedly asks, "Who is they?"
Alosaka asks, "Well, Rooks or Reivers?"
Goldstr exclaims, "Ack!"
Mourdeyan says, "Gads."
Cryheart asks, "Shadows?"
Irval exclaims, "Where Scout where!"
Alosaka says, "One's probably in town, the other's out in the valley."
Kayse says, "We have other enemies besides Rooks and Reivers."
Tikba says, "It is dangerous for the settlers to search without protection."
Mourdeyan says, "Aye, spiders."
Kiyna says, "Wait... everyone is leaving the campsite and splitting up to search? This is terrible! They could be picked off easily."
Samfelt deeply asks, "Who uses darts like that? Someone snuck past us, somehow?"
Thrassus says, "A dart from the shadows do not sound like Reivers at all, so that leaves only one."
Guarrin asks, "Was she in the camp?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Prolly them elfsh from TV."
Cryheart says, "Could hae been anyone."
Irval says, "Instead of pontificating on who done it, why don't we move to where she was and see if we can find a trial."
Irval says, "Trail."
Samfelt deeply exclaims, "Don't stand around! We need to find her!"
Alosaka dryly asks, "Perhaps our friends who are also friends of Mother's could ask if she knows anything about this?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Cryheart legsh kinna shtiff."
Irval asks, "Where was she last! Darnit, where'd that scout go?"
Speaking to Samfelt, Guarrin repeats, "Was she in the camp?"
Cryheart says, "Getting information that may help our searching."
Samfelt deeply exclaims, "She was, but everyone just went looking for her in the forest!"
Speaking to Samfelt, Dendum asks, ""Was that a good idea?"
Cryheart asks, "They went southward?"
Cryheart says, "Ok..folks let's separate into groups."
Vaemyr says, "Gonna scout then."
Cryheart says, "Some go west, some north, and some south."
Guarrin says, "I'll take a few."
Vaemyr says, "Will say if we find anything."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Guarrin asks, "Which direction are you heading?"
Mourdeyan whispers to the group, "Where ya want me?"
Cryheart says, "I will head southward."
[people split up; later...]
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Samfelt returned to the camp in case she is returned. He will let us know if that happens."
[Realm] Guarrin thinks, "We have found her."
[Inside Cottage]
You are in the main room of the cottage. A stone fireplace crackles merrily on the south wall, casting a yellow-gold glow throughout the room. All the furniture here is made of heavy wood and is simple and functional. Scattered about the room are weapons, traps, bundles of animal skins and sacks of food. Obviously this is the cottage of a trained woodsman. You also see a lazy wild dark red dog, a fluffy white cat, the skull-shaped Irval disk, a series of thorn-covered green vines impaling a dark hooded figure in several spots, a series of thorn-covered green vines impaling a dark hooded figure in several spots, a series of thorn-covered green vines impaling a dark hooded figure in several spots, a series of thorn-covered green vines impaling a dark hooded figure in several spots, a series of thorn-covered green vines impaling a dark hooded figure in several spots and a heavy door.
Also here: Earthdiver, Perigourd, Missoni, Town Councilor Kiyna, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Irval, Alosaka, Magister Raelee, Tikba, Dame Evia, Sir Guarrin, Lady Aronia
Aronia twists her head slightly, cracking her neck. She looks relieved.
[General] Cryheart asks, "Is she ok?"
Irval says, "That looks...painful."
Aronia says, "I am sorry...the poison is still wearing off."
[Realm] Guarrin thinks, "She is well, recovering. They are not."
[General] Evia thinks, "Seems to be so far."
[General] Cryheart asks, "Where ye at?"
Alosaka says, "I suppose I should be more concerned about them."
Speaking to Aronia, Vaemyr says, "Glad to see you are safe."
Speaking to Aronia, Guarrin says, "Once you have recovered we should return to camp."
[General] Kisun thinks, "On my way."
Aronia nods at Guarrin.
Aronia says, "I worry there are more."
Thrassus says, "Remove the hoods from one of these corpses."
Speaking worriedly to Aronia, Missoni asks, "Do you know what they wanted?"
Vaemyr says, "We should probably try to get the civilians back to their camp though... it's not really safe about anymore."
Perigourd asks, "Or whom they were?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ye know...fer all da food ye feed Owlie, me make him get ush."
Cryheart says, "Whew."
(Raelee reaches up towards one of the dark figures' hoods.)
Guarrin says, "It may be worth checking them to see if we can recognize any."
Kelfyr says, "Got a head of steam there."
Raelee says, "... someone... taller do this."
Cryheart says, "Glad ye be ok, Lady Aronia."
[General] Aronia thinks, "Settlers, return to camp. It is far more dangerous for you in the wilds. I appreciate your heart, I appreciate the aid of the heroes of the Landing."
Irval asks, "Did they say anything? Better yet, did ye leave any alive?"
Aronia says, "I am no dimpled princess in an ivory tower. I do not believe they expected that."
Tikba mildly says, "Imaera provides."
Speaking to Aronia, Alosaka asks, "I don't suppose they said anything?"
[General] Cryheart thinks, "Samfelt, Lady Aronia has been found and safe it seems."
Aronia tightens her fist, and some of the vines further impale one of the Rooks, who has long since stopped moving.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hey take it eashy crazy lady."
Irval says, "And its Rooks..."
Thrassus says, "Figures."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "How we gonna queshtion dem?"
Xorus says, "Strange that we should be back here, in this cottage..."
Irval says, "Time to put mother to pasture..."
Guarrin says, "First, let's return."
Lylia says, "They are past questioning now, it seems."
Aronia asks, "They said little, although, what is there to guess?"
Speaking to Xorus, Thrassus asks, "Remind me, what happened here before?"
Aronia says, "Perhaps they wished to harm Elidal, to rile him."
Alosaka says, "It's worth knowing what their intentions for you were. Clearly they wanted you alive."
Speaking to Alosaka, Tikba says, "At first."
Aronia says, "They did not harm me, beyond the initial subdue."
Speaking to Thrassus, Xorus says, "This is where she was after Gnul's forces assaulted and burned the wagons."
Lylia says, "The hunters we saw last night were alive, too. At first."
Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...
Gutstorm gestures at a series of thorn-covered green vines impaling a dark hooded figure in several spots.
Gutstorm launched a flare at a series of thorn-covered green vines impaling a dark hooded figure in several spots!
The thorn-covered vines grows warm to the touch then quickly cools off.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "It shtuck in dere goot."
Speaking politely to Gutstorm, Tikba says, "Please do not set fire to the vines in the small cottage we are all inside."
Aronia glances at a series of thorn-covered green vines impaling a dark hooded figure in several spots.
Alosaka says, "We'll inform the constable that these... citizens are here, and need to be recovered."
Speaking to Aronia, Vaemyr says, "Ransom or leverage to get him to leave, you are very important to Elidal afterall."
Speaking drunkenly to Tikba, Gutstorm slurs, "Goot idear."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Alosaka says, "In fact, that might be your baliwick."
[General] Samfelt asks, "That is good news to hear! I will let the settlers who check in know she has been found. Wh-who-how-what happened?"
[General] Evia thinks, "We aren't at all sure yet."
[General] Cryheart thinks, "A dark hooded figure found out not to mess with the Lady Aronia, he or she hae been subdued by a vine."
Irval says, "Yah that looks painful."
Speaking slowly to Alosaka, Stormyrain asks, "Are you asking me to have the militia or the guard retrieve the bodies?"
Lylia says, "I have heard rumors that 'Mother' passed out many Rook masks recently."
Lylia asks, "Is this accurate?"
Aronia closes her eyes and the vines begin to tighten around the bodies of the hooded figures even more, and they drag them outside of the cottage through the door, before both vines and bodies burrow into the very earth.
Speaking to Stormyrain, Alosaka says, "I think you might be in a better position to let the constable know of this than us."
Dendum says, "Five dead from the landing....five dead settlers...this spring is off to a bloody start."
Lylia says, "If so, then these 'Rooks' may not be what they appear."
Speaking to Alosaka, Stormyrain says, "..too late."
Kelfyr says, "I guess they won't be questioned or searched for clues."
Evia says, "Not at all a lady to be messed with."
Irval asks, "If it looks like a rook, acts like a rook, does that not make it a rook?"
Speaking politely to Lylia, Tikba says, "If they donned the masks of their own accord, they are what they appear."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Wut came firsht, da rook or da egg?"
Speaking to Irval, Stormyrain says, "Not always. Subterfuge happens."
Stormyrain says, "Is that the case here? Unknown at this point."
Aronia says, "I have stared into the void of the bleak. I am prepared for the dangers we'll face in the frontier. It is just, unfortunate."
Lylia noncommittally says, "That depends."
Speaking to Lylia, Kiyna says, "That is what I have heard, yes."
Mourdeyan says, "Or tha egg on mother's face."
Irval asks, "It does happen, but why are we constantly making allowances for the Rooks?"
Speaking to Aronia, Evia asks, "Do you wish for us to escort yu to camp, or anywhere?"
Irval says, "They literally get away with murder."
Irval says, "Regularly..."
Speaking to Irval, Stormyrain says, "I would say they got away with nothing this night."
Alosaka says, "Well, it seems you don't require our permission or escort to move about."
Stormyrain says, "They're dead."
Returning to Camp
Aronia says, "You can join me, if you'd like. I would welcome it. We'll walk together, I do not need an escort."
Lylia briskly says, "I am not 'making allowances.' I am hewing to known truths and separating them from that which is not yet known."
[people join]
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Cryheart will git ush losht."
Cryheart says, "I know where we be."
Chamorr heartily says, "Oops."
Cryheart says, "All form on the Lady Aronia."
[General] Alosaka thinks, "We're still figuring that out, Samfelt. But the urgency of the situation seems to have passed."
Speaking to Aronia, Lylia says, "It is good that you are safe."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me think dish da girl who cried wolf sitchiation, we were calt to find her, and she sheem fine."
Speaking to Alosaka, Perigourd says, "I expect this is what happened prior with the hunters, but they couldn't resist the poison as skillfully, nor handle their attackers the same."
Aronia nods at Lylia.
[General] Dendum thinks, "It is unlikely the Rooks will underestimate this way again."
[General] Tikba thinks, "Except that the settlers should return to camp at once."
Aronia says, "Thank you all again, for your help."
Alosaka says, "Well, we at some point five families will register five missing persons with the constable. We'll know who they were then."
Mourdeyan says, "'course."
Gatherings of torch-wielding settlers begin to converge on the Dragonsclaw forest, wandering back towards the settlement...
Irval says, "Seems the settlers are riled up."
Irval says, "With just cause."
Speaking to Aronia, Kiyna says, "Criminals or no, if they're Rooks, they were citizens of the Landing, and we'd appreciate you returning the bodies to us. They could be identified, and may carry clues."
Coins asks, "Are we killing orcs and trolls?"
Aronia says, "That will be arranged, Councilor."
Mourdeyan says, "Some are."
Aronia nods at Kiyna.
[Upper Trollfang]
The path twists and turns as it covers this area of transition between a dark forest to the southwest and a flat, moonlit plain to the north. You also see a greater orc, some full leather, a flail, a forest troll that is lying down, a flail, some full leather, some cuirbouilli leather, some full leather and a gnarled black forest.
Aronia frowns at a gnarled black forest.
Aronia says, "Unnatural. A true poison on the world. I can feel it so often."
Speaking to Aronia, Vaemyr says, "Of all our potential problems around here, that might be the worst."
Aronia nods at Vaemyr.
Lylia says, "There is a rather lengthy story about that..."
Speaking to Aronia, Dendum says, ""Of course you can feel it....the roots are everywhere."
Irval says, "Much like the Rooks..."
Aronia says, "We know of Grishom Stone, and the Deadfall."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Guarrin says, "Indeed, one I would like to focus on."
Irval says, "If there were ever a better metaphor."
Irval says, "I know it not."
Speaking drunkenly to Raelee, Gutstorm slurs, "Kin ye git in dere?"
Speaking to Irval, Stormyrain asks, "I'm sure you did not just compare the Rooks to Grishom and the Deadfall?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Raelee asks, "Why?"
Speaking drunkenly to Raelee, Gutstorm slurs, "Why not?"
Irval says, "Both are weeds that need plucking."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Raelee says, "'Why not?' in response to a query asking for reasoning is not an answer, but a demonstration of a lack of one."
Speaking drunkenly to Raelee, Gutstorm slurs, "Because."
A shadow slips between some trees.
Stormyrain states, "I assure you Grishom is much more than a weed."
Cryheart says, "One is watching us."
Vaemyr says, "Hmm."
Irval yells, "Come out!"
Irval says, "Ready."
Lylia indifferently says, "Possibly just an orc. You are all so jumpy."
Mourdeyan says, "Whass with tha orcs."
Irval says, "Doubtful."
Cryheart says, "Cautious."
Alosaka says, "There's clearly plenty of wildlife around here."
Earthdiver says, "I've always wanted one of these."
A grey-beaked dark hooded figure ambles in.
A grey-beaked dark hooded figure ambles in.
A grey-beaked dark hooded figure ambles in.
Cryheart says, "And vigil."
Guarrin says, "Well."
Kelfyr says, "I guess we're not questioning them either."
Chamorr heartily says, "Coulda asked his name first."
Alosaka says, "Alright, straight to killing."
A grey-beaked black hooded wizard ambles in.
A grey-beaked black hooded wizard just arrived!
A grey-beaked black hooded wizard ambles in.
Earthdiver says, "They came in force, so..."
Earthdiver says, "Responded to force in turn."
Speaking to Earthdiver, Alosaka says, "We also came in force."
Raelee quietly mutters, "... they did promise this."
Aronia frowns.
Earthdiver says, "I guess we'll see if their force matters."
Irval says, "That seems pretty damning."
Gutstorm sings with jollity:
Dendum says, "Will not stand here and kill citizens of the landing because this idiot Green Sister walks slower than a one legged kobold."
Vaemyr asks, "Did Mother just like... give out masks to every bandit she saw or something?"
Speaking lightly to Alosaka, Tikba apologizes, "Next time, I will change."
A grey-beaked black hooded wizard ambles in.
A grey-beaked black hooded wizard ambles in.
A grey-beaked black hooded wizard ambles in.
A grey-beaked black hooded wizard ambles in.
A grey-beaked black hooded wizard ambles in.
Speaking to Vaemyr, Lylia says, "Yes, from what I heard."
Alosaka asks, "Where did she find all these people?"
Evia says, "Good question."
Irval says, "Roots run deep..."
Speaking to Alosaka, Tikba says, "The Landing is not a small city."
(OOC) Gutstorm's player whispers to the group, "Need a few more to fry."
Alosaka asks, "Well, that's, what... a few dozen deaths on her head, now?"
Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...
Gutstorm gestures at a cockatrice.
Numerous grotesque limbs in varying states of decay suddenly burst out of the dirt! With startling speed and ferocity, the arms grab at whatever they can!
The arms snatch viciously at a cockatrice and pin it to the dirt!
A human bandit is forced out of hiding!
A salt-crusted brick red crab pincer mottled with brown quickly snatches at a human bandit, dragging him down before retreating into the dirt!
Speaking mildly to Alosaka, Tikba says, "One should take credit for one's own work."
Alosaka acidly says, "I'm sure Thadston will be happy to know how his pardon is going."
Speaking to Aronia, Kiyna says, "Get moving, we're exposed here."
Markx says, "Bork."
Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...
Gutstorm gestures at a human rogue.
Numerous grotesque limbs in varying states of decay suddenly burst out of the dirt! With startling speed and ferocity, the arms grab at whatever they can!
A human rogue is forced out of hiding!
The arms snatch viciously at a human rogue and drag him down to the dirt!
A halfling robber is forced out of hiding!
The arms snatch viciously at a halfling robber and drag him down to the dirt!
A human brigand is forced out of hiding!
The arms snatch viciously at a human brigand and drag him down to the dirt!
A human mugger is forced out of hiding!
The arms snatch viciously at a human mugger and drag him down to the dirt!
A human rogue is forced out of hiding!
The arms snatch viciously at a human rogue and drag him down to the dirt!
A dwarven robber is forced out of hiding!
The arms snatch viciously at a dwarven robber and drag him down to the dirt!
The arms snatch viciously at a human rogue and drag him down to the dirt!
[combat and travel]
Astrilyn says, "These are, um... very not talented bandits."
[extended combat]
Cryheart says, "Sad that mother convinced so many."
Alosaka bewilderedly asks, "What are they doing this for?"
Aronia frowns.
Kelfyr says, "Like two fifths of a coral wand down there."
Irval says, "Time to board up the cutlass."
Vaemyr says, "I... don't understand."
Guarrin says, "Recover. Then let's move onward."
Irval says, "Force her into the open."
Vaemyr says, "This isn't like them."
Evia says, "They came with snacks too."
Aronia asks, "What is like them?"
Guarrin says, "They are attacking near the camp as well."
Aronia peers quizzically at Vaemyr.
Kiyna says, "Something feels off. Regardless, let's get back to the campsite."
Goldstr asks, "Who was Manacled?"
Alosaka says, "This is baffling."
Speaking to Aronia, Vaemyr says, "Sabatage, deceit, stealing, throwing exploding prisms or pylon shots."
Irval says, "What isnt? This is exactly like them. Them protecting the town is in their best interests. Now that their interests no longer align with most of the citizenry. This is the response."
Mourdeyan says, "Whatha."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dead bodies wit Samfelt."
Coins says, "Wizards in Dragonsclaw."
Aronia says, "They are criminals."
[General] Cryheart thinks, "We he encountered many dark figures as well."
Aronia says, "They warned us of violence if we did not retreat."
Cryheart says, "Meet them with fierce resistance."
Speaking to Aronia, Vaemyr says, "They do not typically just send a bunch of people against adventurers, if this is the Rooks, then all of this is a distraction."
Aronia asks, "The wolf came time after time, and howled and snarled, and now you are surprised it has tried to bite?"
Speaking to Aronia, Vaemyr says, "To destroy something in camp or such."
Guarrin says, "Perhaps we may discuss the why of the matter at camp."
Irval says, "My 10 million silver bounty on Mother doesn't seem so stupid anymore does it,"
Aronia says, "Perhaps they are desperate."
Stormyrain says, "I don't know that I agree with the opinion of a distraction."
Kelfyr says, "It still seems suicidal."
[General] Alosaka thinks, "Settlement is holding just fine."
Irval says, "Desperation like Lady Aronia says. Corner a rat and it will eventually fight back."
Evia says, "And a bit orchestrated suicide."
A sleek black arrow comes flying out of the shadows and strikes Evia in the throat!
... 35 points of damage!
Strike clean through neck, what a shot! Good form!
Evia drops dead at your feet!
A sleek black arrow comes flying out of the shadows and strikes Cryheart in the throat!
... 7 points of damage!
Strike just below the jaw, nice shot to the neck!
He is stunned!
Lylia says, "That is the mystery to me. This is a pointless waste, when they could have --"
Aronia kicks some dirt on the corpse of Evia.
Aronia frowns.
Aronia kneels down.
[General] Alosaka thinks, "Bandits in the camp."
Goldstr says, "Ack."
Aronia pulls Evia into her arms, guarding her.
Guarrin says, "They are inside the camp."
The ghostly voice of Evia says, "Golly."
Cryheart says, "Let's go defend the camp."
The ghostly voice of Evia says, "Watch out for those arrows if you can."
Aronia raises her hand, and vines burrow up from the ground, encircling her and Evia's body.
Vaemyr says, "Some can, some should stay with Aronia."
Cryheart says, "Aye, I felt one."
Guarrin says, "Once the lady is done with Dame Evia, perhaps."
Mourdeyan says, "When Evia is up."
Aronia stands up.
Aronia nods.
Vendayan asks, "What would they want?"
Cryheart says, "Thank ye whomever healed me."
Irval says, "The Rooks and the settler's here were never going to be able to both exsist. It was one or the other."
Mourdeyan says, "Me as well."
Guarrin says, "She is in town."
Guarrin says, "Let's move on."
[Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest]
Pine cones are scattered about the ground here, knocked down by the movement of small animals through the trees and the wind that buffets this outlying section of the forest. You also see a black handaxe, a black handaxe, a kobold that appears dead, a kobold that appears dead, the Coins disk, the driftwood Nalver disk, a red-eyed highland serval, a plain maoral trunk, a dented steel strongbox, a rolton that appears dead, a grey-beaked black hooded wizard that appears dead, a grey-beaked black hooded wizard that appears dead, a grey-beaked black hooded wizard that appears dead, a grey-beaked black hooded wizard that appears dead, a grey-beaked dark hooded archer that appears dead, a grey-beaked dark hooded archer that appears dead, a grey-beaked dark hooded archer that appears dead, a grey-beaked dark hooded archer that appears dead, a kobold that appears dead, a grey-beaked black hooded wizard that appears dead, a grey-beaked black hooded wizard that appears dead, a grey-beaked black hooded wizard that appears dead, a grey-beaked black hooded wizard that appears dead, a grey-beaked dark hooded ranger that appears dead, a cockatrice that appears dead, a grey-beaked dark hooded ranger that appears dead, a grey-beaked dark hooded ranger that appears dead, a grey-beaked dark hooded ranger that appears dead, an iced ginger muffin, a stale cinnamon tart, a black truffle, a lumpy truffle and a wide dirt-covered trail.
Nalver says, "Hi."
Guarrin says, "Nicely done."
Nalver says, "Chase."
Nalver says, "Perigourd stole Samfelt to himself and is dragging him around."
Nalver says, "Didn't seem to want anyone else to know anything about what's going on there."
Aronia sighs.
Aronia takes a pair of matte argent slippers beaded in lilac glaes petals off her feet.
Aronia sits down.
Thrassus says, "I wouldn't relax just yet."
[General] Mauss asks, "Yas needin' any help down dere?"
Irval says, "We not outta the woods yet people."
Samfelt deeply says, "Lady Aronia! You are safe."
Speaking to Guarrin, Perigourd says, "Some slipped in over the wall, or found their way through in the melee here."
Aronia places her feet outward, letting her toes press into the soil of the earth.
Speaking to Samfelt, Vaemyr asks, "You alright?"
Speaking slowly to Thrassus, Stormyrain says, "Not sure that is what she is doing, exactly."
Speaking to Perigourd, Guarrin asks, "All clear now?"
Speaking to Guarrin, Perigourd says, "Seemingly."
Samfelt deeply says, "I'm in one piece. I had some help guarding the trail."
Cryheart asks, "Connecting with nature, Lady Aronia?"
Speaking worriedly to Perigourd, Missoni asks, "No one was hurt I hope?"
Guarrin asks, "And those other settlers returned?"
Laralana asks, "Is there a group?"
Speaking to Guarrin, Alosaka says, "Master Samfelt is quite the man-at-arms, it turns out."
Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "Citan fell to a wizards fire, but otherwise we came away unscathed."
Aronia closes her eyes.
Cryheart says, "Join Lady Aronia."
Samfelt peers quizzically at Alosaka.
Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin says, "Oh? Glad to hear it."
Cryheart says, "Good job, Samfelt."
Aronia opens her eyes, her toes covered in dirt.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Rubn shum dirt onnit."
Aronia says, "More approach."
Samfelt deeply exclaims, "More of them!"
A sleek black arrow comes flying out of the shadows and strikes Nalver in the throat!
... 35 points of damage!
Strike clean through neck, what a shot! Good form!
Nalver drops dead at your feet!
A sleek black arrow comes flying out of the shadows and strikes Perigourd in the throat!
Some rugged golvern plate-and-mail partially deflects the onslaught of the puncture attack.
... 19 points of damage!
Neck skewered, sliding past the throat and spine! That looks painful.
He is stunned!
Earthdiver exclaims, "Those arrows look just like mine!"
Lylia says, "Oh, pity."
Alosaka exclaims, "Gods!"
A sleek black arrow comes flying out of the shadows and strikes Vendayan in the throat!
... 40 points of damage!
Strike punctures throat and ruins vocal cords!
Vendayan drops dead at your feet!
Samfelt deeply exclaims, "Everyone get down. Arrows are coming through the trees!"
Cryheart says, "They aim well."
For no apparent reason, Samfelt flings himself at the ground.
Alosaka asks, "Where are they coming from?"
Samfelt stands up.
The ghostly voice of Vendayan exclaims, "Behind the arrows!"
Coins says, "Hrm."
The ghostly voice of Nalver exclaims, "I was likely on your side ya dolts!"
Goldstr exclaims, "Cowards!"
The ghostly voice of Nalver says, "Maybe."
Citan deeply says, "Well.. the enlightening to the skull."
Coins says, "Oops."
Speaking to Nalver, Tikba says, "Killing them was an error, then."
Aronia raises one hand outward.
Samfelt deeply says, "I should probably get a shield, like some of you use."
The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Nice kitty."
A nearby tree begins to sway.
Samfelt glances up.
Guarrin asks, "Setup triage in the camp for now?"
Cryheart says, "A good idea, Samfelt."
Samfelt deeply exclaims, "Watch that tree!"
Aronia turns her hand over.
Samfelt deeply says, "I thought we were going to have to fight trees. I guess anything is possible after what happened last night."
Speaking to Samfelt, Kelfyr says, "That is an option around these parts."
Samfelt deeply asks, "You don't have trees that try to kill you around here too, do you?"
A tree shifts and several branches twist about, soon dragging a dark hooded archer into view, pulling him from the concealment of the canopies and lowering him to the ground, the branches still twisted around his legs and immobilizing him.
A grey-beaked dark hooded archer just arrived!
[Mourdeyan, Chamorr, Peche, and Perigourd kill him]
Alosaka says, "Please don't kill this..."
Aronia stares off into space.
Alosaka says, "I should've said that earlier."
Aronia says, "Have you no...."
Speaking to Aronia, Lylia says, "There are surely more in the woods, if you can find them."
Aronia sighs.
Kelfyr says, "We're just not going to question a soul tonight, I guess."
The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hehe he come in....piecesh."
Guarrin says, "Questioning one of them would be ideal."
Mourdeyan says, "Sorry."
The voice of Thrassus asks, "Let's hold back for a moment, eh?"
Lylia suggests, "Patience? Mercy?"
Samfelt deeply asks, "Maybe one of the kobolds saw something? Do they talk?"
Speaking to Coins, Kisun says, "He was coming right at me. Thank you."
The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dey talk if ye dont kill dem."
Earthdiver says, "Sometimes."
Cryheart says, "Sometimes."
Speaking to Samfelt, Kiyna says, "Badly, but yes."
Aronia closes her eyes, toes in the dirt.
Chamorr heartily says, "Who knew."
Alosaka observes, "Being able to question one would be helpful."
Mourdeyan asks, "When they are killin us from hiding?"
Guarrin says, "Hold."
Vaemyr says, "Don't attack this one..."
Kisun asks, "Maybe, sanct it here?"
Speaking to Mourdeyan, Kelfyr says, "That one wasn't hiding anymore."
Alosaka traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Alosaka gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
Chamorr recites heartily:
"Hold attacks"
Aronia turns her hand over, curling her fingers.
Kelfyr asks, "Maybe we can get one of the wizards?"
A tree bends, with twisted branches pulling a hooded archer from his hidden perch, keeping his legs bound while the branches throw him onto the ground.
A grey-beaked dark hooded archer just arrived!
Irval says, "We really going to interrogate one? Let me surmise it for you. Death to the imps and any who support them or not see our way of things, blah blah. Tale as old as time."
Cryheart says, "Dinnae attack."
Aronia stands up.
Speaking politely to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Tikba asks, "What do you think of Mother's plan?"
Speaking lightly to Irval, Stormyrain says, "You don't have to stay if you don't wish to."
Cryheart says, "Speak archer."
Stormyrain says, "But these are citizens of our town, and mayhaps we should hear one to better understand."
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Vaemyr asks, "Hello there... so what brought all this on tonight, what was it you thought you would accomplish?"
The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dat not a rook, rooksh hang on da rooftopsh in town."
Aronia spreads her fingers, and the branches pull on the archer's legs and arms, spreading him out tight like an human X.
Aronia nods.
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Nalver says, "I hope you have a deed gem for me you rat."
Aronia says, "Ask what you need."
Citan deeply says, "Wow..."
Irval looks over at Stormyrain and shakes his head.
Alosaka asks, "Well, first, let's ask if he would like to surrender?"
Samfelt deeply says, "I agree with Irval, but I think we should listen. Lady Aronia probably knows how to ask the questions in a way he will want to answer, based on what I'm seeing."
Kisun says, "Rangers, take notes on how to do that.."
Speaking to Irval, Stormyrain asks, "No, to what part?"
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Alosaka says, "Would you like to surrender? I'm not certain what will happen to you if you don't."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Irval says, "Just No."
Stormyrain says, "Mhm."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Irval says, "Something you are clearly not use to hearing."
Speaking to Alosaka, Tikba says, "You are certain."
Speaking to Tikba, Alosaka corrects, "I am reasonably certain, yes."
Lylia says, "Oh, do shut up. This is real life, not a novel, and you are not the main character."
Speaking amusedly to Irval, Stormyrain says, "If you think that, then you truly do not listen, watch, or understand anything about me or the position of Marshal."
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Alosaka says, "Look, I'm the one keeping this place peaceful, but that won't last forever."
The hooded archer hisses, "Freedom is rooted!"
Aronia furrows her brow.
Samfelt frowns.
Nalver asks, "Rooted in what?"
Speaking politely to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Tikba asks, "What?"
Kayse wryly says, "As are you at the moment."
The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Wot dat mean?"
Julenne softly says, "Hmmm."
Citan deeply asks, "Fear, death?"
Julenne softly asks, "Like a plant with roots?"
Citan deeply says, "Freedom isn't free if it's governed by fear."
Samfelt glances at Irval.
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Alosaka says, "I admire your dedication to your cause, but there is nothing more to gain from resisting."
Julenne softly says, "Oh please resist."
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Alosaka says, "I'm sure you have a family that would love for you to return to them."
The hooded archer squirms, "I have no family. The imperials saw to that!"
Aronia squints.
Samfelt frowns.
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Kayse inquires, "What happened?"
Samfelt put a fel-hafted logging axe in his leather axe frog.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dem damn perialsh."
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Nalver asks, "Then why did you kill maybe the person who is the most outspoke against the empire?"
Samfelt deeply says, "Not pearls, Impeeeriaaals."
Samfelt nods at Gutstorm.
Kisun says, "Then give us information and get justice for what happened."
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Alosaka says, "If it was Gnul that killed your family, then you have my sympathies. If it was the Empire, you still have my sympathies. But there is nothing to be gained from this any more."
Nalver says, "If it was Gnul, it was his fault. If it was the empire, then it was no one's fault! What a line."
Speaking heartily to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Chamorr says, "Freedom brother."
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Kelfyr asks, "Who do you serve?"
Speaking to Alosaka, Kiyna says, "I don't think he cares about your sympathies."
Lylia coldly asks, "So your plan was to make an ineffective charge at a well-defended settlement? At whose command?"
The hooded archer hisses, "Freedom is rooted!"
Mourdeyan asks, "Rooted in what?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Wot color eyesh Thadston got ?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Lylia says, "Steely grey."
The archer spits, "Talador bled our streets. None of you are welcome here. None."
Irval says, "The blood of " imperrriiaals" obviously."
Mourdeyan asks, "Welcome here?"
Thrassus says, "Ah, Chaston."
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Guarrin asks, "Care to clarify that?"
The archer howls, "Walkar should have finished the rest of you off."
Cryheart says, "Hate to tell ye, but Talador tried to shake the folks in the Landing as well."
Evia asks, "Has taken root? is that what this means? this freedom slogan?"
Thrassus says, "I spoke too soon."
Speaking evenly to Irval, Kayse says, "I am sure there are more archers in the trees who would love to fire at your neck again if you keep your taunting up."
Speaking to Evia, Lylia says, "I have never heard it before, but with so much propaganda floating about..."
Lylia asks, "Who can say?"
Mourdeyan says, "Your freedom seems rooted in death from hiding."
Cryheart says, "We fought Talador and defended the Landing."
Speaking hoarsely to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Perigourd asks, "Did the rooks have a hand in what happened with the hunting party the settlers had in the Trollfang?"
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Vaemyr says, "Walker is the one who caused the problems in Talador in the first place..."
Irval asks, "Walkar...the abomination?"
The hooded archer hisses, "Freedom is rooted!"
Irval asks, "Really, thats your name drop?"
Mourdeyan says, "Aye, ye said that."
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Earthdiver says, "Do you want to become a tree."
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Nalver asks, "Is that code for fir trees?"
Mourdeyan says, "Rooted in what exactly."
Samfelt deeply asks, "Why do you wear masks, if you want to be free?"
Samfelt peers quizzically at a grey-beaked dark hooded archer.
The sense of peace and security begins to wane from the area.
Vaemyr says, "Also I thought the phrase was freedom takes root? right? Someone correct me if I'm wrong."
Alosaka traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Alosaka gestures.
Nothing happens.
Thrassus says, "He's referring to the fact that Walkar had a plot against Talador and got caught in it, then the town would not hand him over to justice."
Speaking to Samfelt, Lylia says, "One may wear a mask for many reasons. Some of them even good ones."
Alosaka traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Alosaka gestures.
Nothing happens.
The sense of peace and security passes away from the area.
Samfelt glances at Lylia.
Julenne softly says, "Well is it rooted in kobs poo, because it nae seems its rooted in good soil."
Alosaka says, "I have bad news."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Irval asks, "New recruit?"
The hooded archer hisses, "Freedom takes root!'.
Nalver's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
Nalver gestures at a grey-beaked dark hooded archer.
Nalver hurls a seething blast of steam at a grey-beaked dark hooded archer!
AS: +576 vs DS: +217 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +84 = +465
... and hits for 128 points of damage!
Accurate steam gust severely burns the dark hooded archer's right hand!
- Necrotic energy from Nalver's burled fireleaf staff flares up momentarily! **
Nalver appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy!
Nalver's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
Nalver gestures at a grey-beaked dark hooded archer.
Nalver hurls a seething blast of steam at a grey-beaked dark hooded archer!
AS: +605 vs DS: +204 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +83 = +506
... and hits for 142 points of damage!
Blast of superheated steam shrivels the dark hooded archer's left hand!
The archer's heavy crossbow falls to the ground.
- The fiery torrent of energy surrounding Nalver flares toward the dark hooded archer! **
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to left leg. That hurts a bit.
Samfelt peers quizzically at Nalver.
Irval whispers arcane incantations, and the air about him swirls with ghostly wisps of power.
Irval gestures.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
Nalver says, "Umm."
Cryheart says, "Cease."
Mourdeyan says, "Hold."
Aronia frowns at Nalver.
Speaking to Irval, Lylia says, "Thank you."
Samfelt deeply asks, "What was the purpose of doing that?"
Samfelt removes a fel-hafted logging axe from in his leather axe frog.
Speaking to Alosaka, Perigourd says, "He's close to death."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We needsh a medic."
Speaking heartily to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Chamorr says, "Need better planning bro."
Speaking to Samfelt, Nalver says, "He shot my neck."
Aronia sighs.
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Irval asks, "Feel like answering questions now?"
Mourdeyan says, "An archer wi'no hands that speaks freedom in riddles."
Speaking to a grey-beaked dark hooded archer, Vaemyr says, "Strange to me, that you didn't know the Rooks slogan... you also mention Walker and his business with Talador."
Alosaka dubiously says, "I can try to heal him, but without his consent..."
The archer gurgles on blood.
The dark hooded archer falls to the ground and dies.
Discussion Afterward
Irval says, "Guess not."
Cryheart says, "One of them shot me in the neck as well."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Wot da hell...a doorknob?"
Kayse flatly says, "Well, that was productive."
Cryheart says, "I wanted to hear more."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Earthdiver says, "I bet he stole that."
Chamorr heartily says, "Well, ya are protecting the imperial princess."
Speaking to Nalver, Lylia asks, "Why were you so keen to kill him before he could say more?"
Citan deeply says, "Well apparently some one didn't want us to hear more."
Speaking politely to Chamorr, Tikba corrects, "Priestess."
Speaking to Lylia, Nalver says, "Cause he shot me in the neck."
Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Chamorr says, "Didja spect them to behave."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Oh no blame Nalver, dat feller shay all him wood gonna shay."
Irval says, "You dont know if that was the one that shot you in the neck."
Speaking to Nalver, Alosaka corrects, "One of them shot you in the neck."
Lylia prompts, "And this could not wait until we learned more because...?"
Irval says, "You were just looking for an avenue to vent your anger for taking one in the neck."
Cryheart says, "I expected to allow the archer to say more."
Vaemyr says, "This is all very concerning."
Speaking quietly to Alosaka, Raelee echoes, "... blood over information."
Tikba asks, "Are there more archers nearby?"
Cryheart says, "He was confined as it was."
Speaking to Tikba, Earthdiver says, "I would expect so."
Citan deeply says, "Strung up with roots and branches too."
Lylia says, "There is no use in quarreling about it, but it is a risible pity when a man cannot hold himself back."
Alosaka says, "Well, friend councilmembers, I submit that Mother sent some hundred or so of your citizens to their death tonight, in a failed attempt to murder who knows how many settlers."
Guarrin says, "Well, it is done. Seems we are just left with more questions."
Alosaka says, "I am curious what the Council thinks of this."
Chamorr heartily says, "Freedom takes roots."
Cryheart says, "I understand how ye feel."
Julenne softly says, "In poo probably."
Mourdeyan says, "A bit hard t'tell sometimes wi'so much goin on."
Lylia dryly remarks, "This time you get to disappoint a whole crowd of people instead of just one partner."
Citan deeply says, "But.... Like I said.. somone didn't want the beans to spill out tonight."
Aronia frowns.
Aronia says, "Unnecessary death and violence."
Aronia says, "Regardless of who they were, or serve..."
Aronia shakes her head.
Speaking to Aronia, Nalver says, "Imagine if the empire stayed in their borders."
Speaking to Alosaka, Vaemyr says, "Maybe, the problem with masked people is anyone can put on a mask, even Gutstorm has one..."
Cryheart says, "It is, what it is."
Samfelt looks about with a puzzled expression on his face.
Vaemyr says, "Regardless they are a threat and a problem."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Alosaka asks, "That is your response?"
Speaking to Aronia, Nalver says, "Then the empire wouldn't have a chance to put innocent people in the way of harm."
Speaking heartily to Aronia, Chamorr says, "Perhaps the barony would find a better place to take root."
Cryheart says, "Imagine if folks would accept strangers into their lands."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Shum lady gimme dish a few week back."
Aronia says, "Imagine if you did too."
Aronia nods at Nalver.
Xorus dryly says, "They have been moving their borders for centuries."
Samfelt deeply asks, "Did they say why they were trying to take you, Lady Aronia?"
Nalver says, "You all act like the Nalfein with your scheming plots then pale at the sight of blood of someone who was just trying to kill you all."
Speaking to Nalver, Tikba says, "The waste, not the blood."
Speaking to Alosaka, Vaemyr says, "My response is we should of kept some alive to actually question and try and learn information, but people are too bloodthirsty, so yeah since we weren't able to learn more, I'll not jump to conclusions without bloody evidence."
Aronia says, "No, they subdued me, and did not harm me."
Samfelt frowns.
Kayse asks, "Did they say what they wanted with you?"
Aronia says, "Their poison did not last long, I suspect they did not expect that. I have conditioned myself over the years with the Sisters."
Speaking in Faendryl, Avondell says something you don't understand.
Kayse perplexedly asks, "Poison?"
Guarrin notes, "Odd location for them to take you."
Aronia says, "Truthfully, I did not give them much time to speak when I came to."
Aronia peers quizzically at Guarrin.
Perigourd says, "I'd expect to leave you in front of whatever laid the eggs into those hunters."
Speaking to Avondell, Nalver says, "Indeed. Absurd how some behave."
Speaking to Aronia, Guarrin says, "Why not a ship? If ransom was their intent."
Guarrin shrugs slightly.
Perigourd says, "But that's a guess at best."
Aronia says, "Perhaps it was not ransom."
Aronia shrugs.
Speaking evenly to Kayse, Alosaka says, "Lady Kayse, I recall that I have argued with you -- perhaps even unfairly berated you -- in the past when Mother took some actions I did not approve of. Burning those effigies. Threatening all those people. Now hundreds lie dead."
Speaking to Avondell, Nalver says, "May this bracelet remind you of another empire whose absurdity killed too many."
Guarrin nods at Aronia.
Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni says, "That does seem likely."
Evia says, "It may be the intent was to put her out of commission for a time."
Tikba says, "They were also ready to attack the campsite when the guards had left to search."
Aronia says, "Perhaps it was a message. To show how close they can get."
Thrassus says, "They may have hoped it would provoke the baron into unleashing his wrath on the town."
Speaking to Kayse, Alosaka asks, "I no longer have the fire for an argument, but I wonder, have we at last reached the point where you will condemn Mother?"
Aronia asks, "If I am not safe, then what of any settler?"
Aronia says, "Honestly..."
Speaking to Aronia, Tikba agrees, "Yes."
Speaking to Aronia, Earthdiver says, "Maybe they should have picked a different target..."
Citan deeply says, "So'em killed the archer.. One of Landing's citizen but the says the Empire made me do it."
Speaking to Aronia, Vaemyr says, "That's kinda the point I think."
Aronia says, "We could spend eternity trying to apply logic to the Rooks. it will not occur."
Speaking deeply to Aronia, Samfelt says, "You didn't come here alone, as I recall."
Aronia says, "They are flawed, in mind, in action, in mission."
Samfelt leans on his axe.
Thrassus says, "They are being led by a literal madwoman, after all."
Chamorr heartily says, "Not in misson."
Mourdeyan says, "Fear and hatred of the empire praps."
Alosaka exclaims, "They are deceived! The people we killed tonight were not evil, they were misled!"
Aronia says, "I did not say they were evil."
Guarrin says, "Seems there is a need for further protection at the camp."
Cryheart says, "Fear and hate make folks do foolish things it seems."
Speaking to Alosaka, Kayse says, "I have never defended Mother. I have defended the mission of the Rooks and what they stand for. That being said I don't condone the violence that has taken place. Nor do I think people wearing masks automatically makes them Rooks."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Evil ish a matter of pershpective."
Evia says, "If one is not safe, all are not safe, not even into our own citizens and visitors, no one, we are a shameful society in that regard, we rarely change course."
Aronia says, "Despite my safety, tonight was a tragedy."
Lylia says, "No, not evil, but when people are so perilously misled as to believe the dimmest of fictions, the most transparent tissue of lies, they are...poisoned, in a way."
Aronia says, "Many of the dead had families. I wish they had seen the importance of that."
Samfelt agrees with Aronia.
Guarrin says, "It is sad that it comes to this."
Lylia says, "Like the meat of an animal that has known only fear. Sour and useless."
Samfelt glances at Kayse.
Samfelt deeply says, "This one seems to know something."
Samfelt points at Kayse.
Samfelt nods.
Speaking to Aronia, Goldstr says, "But dey attacked ye an us."
Samfelt nods at Aronia.
Lylia says, "Town Councilors typically know quite a few things. It is their job to do so."
Speaking heartily to Aronia, Chamorr asks, "Would the empire leave if they asked nice?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Aronia can do da vine trick to her....."
Aronia puts a pair of matte argent slippers beaded in lilac glaes petals onto her feet.
Speaking lightly to Samfelt, Kayse says, "Merely my opinion."
Samfelt deeply says, "You just don't like trees. I understand."
Samfelt nods at Kayse.
Aronia says, "I am in your debt again, and grateful for your help this night."
Speaking to Samfelt, Kayse counters, "I often sleep in trees."
Alosaka says, "I recall that when Mother burned settlers in effigy, Lady Kayse was quick to tell us that burning effigies is not a crime. I recall that when Mother repeatedly, insistently threatened the lives of settlers, the Baron and others, Lady Kayse informed us that those threats were not a crime."
Samfelt tilts his logging axe side to side, making the light play off it.
Samfelt put a fel-hafted logging axe in his leather axe frog.
Kelfyr says, "If this was in fact the Rooks, I'd tend to expect Mother to take vocal credit."
Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin says, "Alright."
Speaking to Kayse, Perigourd says, "Both with, and sometimes in."
Mourdeyan says, "Aye, we get it."
Speaking to Alosaka, Kiyna says, "Those remain not crimes."
Speaking to Kelfyr, Tikba asks, "Credit for what?"
Irval asks, "What about having me assassinated?"
Tikba amusedly says, "They did take credit for that."
Evia says, "Burning fires on roofs is endangering public safety at the very least, but it was dismissed."
Speaking drunkenly to Irval, Gutstorm slurs, "Conshider it a badge of honor."
Lylia says, "Despite being masked, the Rooks do typically proclami themselves loudly."
Speaking to Tikba, Kelfyr asks, "For this? Tonight?"
Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin says, "We are aware. Compose yourself."
Lylia says, "Interesting point to consider."
Speaking measuredly to Alosaka, Kayse says, "Burning effigies isn't a crime. I said nothing about threats, do not put words in my mouth because you are looking for someone to attack."
Vendayan says, "I suppose they are afraid."
Speaking to Irval, Vaemyr says, "That wasn't mother, that was you making a guy who was trying to defend the town mad, and him deciding to shoot you for the insult, I've seen adventurers do much the same in many years."
Evia says, "Endangering public safety is a crime, in my eyes."
Irval says, "Easy now, All Alosaka is saying is that we are done having excuse after excuse to keep them from culpability."
Aronia says, "Goodnight everyone. It would seem spring brings as much danger as the winter. We shall all need our rest, wits, and cooperation."
Speaking to Kelfyr, Tikba says, "If these were the Rooks, then she sent dozens to die to gain nothing. There is no credit earned."
Irval says, "Regardless of who said it."
Aronia disbands her group.
Aronia waves.
Lady Aronia just went north.