Ranger Lores

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Ranger Lores Overview

Rangers benefit primarily from Spiritual Lores - Blessings and Summoning, which affect a variety of their spells.

Lore Effects Table

The table below outlines the specific effects of Blessings Lore and Summoning Lore on each Ranger spell.

Spell Blessings Lore (Ranks) Summoning Lore (Ranks)
Natural Colors (601)
  • Adds +1 DS bonus per seed 5 summation of ranks. +10 DS at 0 ranks, +23 at 143 ranks.
  • Adds +1 to stealth activity rolls per seed 1 summation of ranks. +1 at 1 rank, +16 at 136 ranks.
  • 11 ranks: EVOKE to affect the ranger's group.
Resist Elements (602)
  • Training in Summoning Lore, Blessings provides an extra +1 DS per seed 5 summation of ranks against fire, ice, steam, and electrical bolt DS.
  • Increases protection from extreme weather, 15% at 0 ranks, 28% at 143 ranks.
Wild Entropy (603) -
  • Adds to the base magnitude (10) of the stacking Nature resistance debuff at +1 per seed 1 summation.
  • Debuff stacks with diminishing returns: 10 + 5 + 2 + 1... (up to 11% debuff at 1 rank, 24% at 105 ranks).
Nature's Bounty (604)
  • Adds +1 skinning and foraging bonus per rank, maximum bonus of +30.
  • Increases the value of skins by 1% per seed 5 summation (up to 13% at 143 ranks).
  • 30 ranks: EVOKE to restore forage slots once per hour.
Barkskin (605)
  • Increases the chance of Barkskin enduring past the initial absorb at +1 per 2 ranks (for moderate attack successes).
  • 15 ranks: COMMUNE to cast while incapacitated.
  • 50 ranks: EVOKE to affect the group for 15 mana.
Sounds (607) -
  • Increases spell-casting hindrance of target by 1% per seed 1 summation. 10% at 0 ranks, 26% at 136 ranks.
Camouflage (608)
  • 20 ranks: Companion gains +30 SMRv2 bonus for its next attack (if in offensive).
Tangle Weed (610)
  • 10 ranks: Strength drain provides up to +25 AS equal to debuff, CS bonus = 60% of debuff.
  • Increases maneuver success (unknown amount).
  • Increases chance to poison target, strength drain base -15, poison chance scales with Summoning Lore bonus/2. 5% at 2 ranks, 100% at 100 ranks.
Moonbeam (611)
  • For the bolt version, Blessings Lore makes the 4-second immobilization from Sun Burst recur every 6 seconds, 1 extra cycle per 30 ranks.
  • The following benefits apply only to the bolt version.
  • Adds DF scaling: 0.001 per rank 1-50, 0.001 per 2 ranks for 51-100, 0.001 per 4 ranks for 101-200 (200 ranks = 0.100 DF increase).
  • Flare chance boosted by 50% when paired with Sunburst.
  • Immobilization flare chance scales with Summoning Lore (30 + (Summoning Lore ranks/2) +/- (level differential)^2).
  • Increases maneuver success (unknown amount).
Breeze (612)
  • Reduces ranged RT by 1 second per 12 ranks (max 1 sec).
  • SMRv2 roundtime infliction scales with ranks (2-4 seconds).
Self Control (613)
  • Adds +1 TD bonus per seed 5 summation of ranks. +20 TD at 0 ranks, +33 at 143 ranks.
Imbue (614)
  • 5 ranks: Imbue Wild Entropy in wands/rods.
  • 40 ranks: Double MIU bonus for Imbued items.
Call Swarm (615) -
  • Adds +1 potency per seed 5 summation for attack effects. +1 potency at 5 ranks, +13 at 143 ranks.
Spike Thorn (616) -
  • Provides a chance for extra damage cycle based on (Summoning Lore skill bonus/2)-30. 1% at 13 ranks, 95% at 151 ranks.
  • Increases maneuver success (unknown amount).
Sneaking (617) -
  • Decreases chance of slipping in icy conditions while active.
Resist Nature (620)
  • Provides elemental resistance equal to 20% + 1% per 4 Blessings ranks (50% max at 120 ranks via enhancives/Ascension).
Nature's Touch (625)
  • Increases AS boost from magic attack-generated Wild Entropy flare at +1 per seed 1 summation of ranks. +11 AS at 1 rank, +24 at 105 ranks.
Nature's Fury (635) -
  • Increases chance for extra critical damage cycles based on Summoning Lore skill bonus. 100 ranks = 100% chance for 3 cycles, 51% chance for 4 cycles.
Assume Aspect (650)
  • Stats (porcupine, rat, owl, wolf, lion, bear): Adds +1 per seed 2 summation of ranks to the base +20. +35 at 135 ranks.
  • Evade/block/parry (burgee, mantis, serpent): Adds +1% per seed 2 summation to base 10% chance (up to 25% at 135 ranks).
  • Sense/forage/healing RT reduction (yierka): Increases base 25% RT reduction by +3% per seed 1 summation. 73% at 136 ranks.
  • Skills (jackal, panther, hawk, yierka): Increases base +20 skill ranks by +1 per seed 2 summation.
  • Wall of Thorns (porcupine): Increases block rate/poison potency of Wall of Thorns.
  • Health Points (bear): Increases base +25 HP by +1 per seed 1 summation. +41 HP at 136 ranks.

External Resources

For more details on Ranger spells and lore benefits, see the Ranger Base page.