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Category:Reaction skills

The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
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Reaction skills require a trigger to become available for use. These are faster than standard attacks, require no stamina, and can be used in self-inflicted roundtime. Reactions that require recent evade, block, or parry by the attacker require that EBP to have been made while in an aggressive (forward, advance, or offensive) stance. The character and/or creatures must be of a comparable level to utilize Reactions.

List of Reaction Skills

Name Type Category Trigger Description
Clobber [clobber] Reaction Blunt Weapons Recent Parry React to a parry with a devastating concussion attack.
Overpower [overpower] Reaction Two-Handed Weapons Recent Evade/Block/Parry (target) Deal your target a heavy blow that cannot be evaded, blocked, or parried.
Radial Sweep [radialsweep] Reaction Polearm Weapons Recent Evade/Block/Parry Spin your polearm around you, targeting the legs of enemies.
Reactive Shot [reactiveshot] Reaction Ranged Weapons Recent Evade Harry your foe with a quick shot and retreat.
Reverse Strike [reversestrike] Reaction Two-Handed Weapons Recent Parry Catch your target off guard with a quick, reverse strike.
Riposte [riposte] Reaction Edged Weapons Recent Parry React to a parry with a counter-attack.
Spin Kick [spinkick] Reaction Brawling Recent Evade Spin around, kicking a target.


Pages in category "Reaction skills"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.