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NOTE: Much of this page needs to be updated since the spell Resist Nature (620) was redesigned.

Resistances modify damage taken from a specific damage sources (e.g. puncture, slash, crush, impact). Armor and armor accessories can be found in the treasure system with any type of resistance. This modification is generally positive for the player and results in reduced damage and wounds, but vulnerabilities exist which allow for increased damage and wounds as well. Resistances exist for all critical tables except for UAC-specific ones and noncorporeal, since characters are corporeal. Only the highest amount of resistance applies from any source available (eg. armor, shields, cloaks, ascension, etc), they do not stack together.

It's important to note that resistances on armor accessories only apply to that area. It's also equally important to know how armor accessories with resistance interact with padding on armor. More information can be acquired here: Padding#Interactions.

Puncture, slash, and crush resistance can be applied temporarily on armor by warriors using specialized armor fittings.

Bards making use of Sonic Armor (1014) will benefit from its inherent resistance to cold, heat, and lightning. They will in turn suffer a vulnerability to impact.

Monks have an inherent ability to MEDITATE to receive resistances. The amount of resistance is 10%, plus a 2% per bonus per a seed 1 summation of the monk's Mental Lore, Transformation skill. Thus, a monk with 28 ranks of ML, Transformation would have a 24% resistance ability, and a monk with 91 ranks would have a 36% resistance.

Loresinging can be used to detect the presence and amount of protection provided, as well as any potential vulnerabilities, but if the source of the item is unknown (i.e. if it came out of a locker after many years), a ranger should ASSESS the item if a natural resistance is detected that can be applied with the Resist Nature spell to determine whether the resistance is temporary and how many hits remain. A loresong will correctly identify that an item is temporarily resistant when it comes from the treasure system, and while resistance applied with Resist Nature will not explicitly be indicated as temporary, the song will usually provide the name of the ranger who imbued the resistance, as well as the wear and tear on the armor fittings. Warriors can also ASSESS armor to determine how many hits are remaining on the armor fittings.

Resistance and Critical Ranks

Critical damage in Gemstone is determined using a Damage Severity Weighting value, which is used to generate a critical rank which is taken off the appropriate critical table to deal damage and wounds. DSW works approximately the same way for non-weapon swinging attacks that raw damage works when swinging a weapon, except that only the critical is dealt to the target. The critical divisor is always 5 points for DSW-based attacks.

Resistance to a damage type reduces the DSW of incoming attacks by that percentage, which can reduce the critical rank dealt and thus the health loss, wounds, and collateral effects from the attack.

Whenever resistance to incoming damage is sufficient to reduce the critical rank dealt, the game displays a message indicating that your resistance lessened the damage of the attack.

Creature Puncture Resistance

For a time there were many creatures that were immune to puncture attacks. This was replaced with varying resistances to puncture, with bony creatures and arachnids the most resistant to puncture damage, and creatures with thick hides less resistant (more vulnerable).

The Ranger Resistance Scale

The following information was provided by Nuadjha, the Briar Fox and may not be entirely accurate. This is resistance to natural and elemental damage added by the spell Resist Nature (620).

Messaging Percent Protection
Slight (0-20%)
Moderate (21-30%)
Good (31-40%)
Very good (41-50%)
Great (51-60%)
Incredible (60+%)

Armor Resistance Scale

This category covers resistance to: crush, slash, puncture damage; added by a merchant, warrior fittings, or that is otherwise inherent in the armor. This information is player provided and may not be accurate.

Messaging Percent Protection
Slightly (0-9%)
Moderately (10-19%)
Very (20-25%)
Highly (26-49%)
Incredibly (50%+)
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