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SIGNATURE allows for further customization of a character via use of signature verbs. Available through contests, raffles, auctions, and other limited release events, a player is able to request a unique verb for their character. This is a delayed service and is subject to QC and approval from a GameMaster. Premade verbs accessed via SIGNATURE are available at various festivals and pay events, such as Ebon Gate and Rumor Woods, and at Bayview Villa on Mist Harbor. A character may have up to 50 different signature verbs.


SIGNATURE {option} {target if required}

{option} - one of the signature options available to your character
{target} - target object or player's name, if the option allows for a target
SIGNATURE VIEW {option} - Preview

Using the SIGNATURE verb alone will indicate if that particular character has a signature verb.

A single verb cannot be both self targeted and targeted toward others.

Custom Signature Verbs

Signature verbs are essentially extremely flexible ACTs unique to a given character in that they omit the parentheses normally attached to an ACT. This permits a GM to craft a totally personalized "verb" for you when creating a fully custom signature verb. Remember, though, that signature verbs should not force another character to appear to do something nor should they allow a character to appear to do things that are impossible via the normal magic and physics of GemStone.

In essence, a signature verb must make sense for anything that a player can do with ACT. This means that if you wish for lightning to bolt out of your fingertips via a signature verb, that will not fly, since this is something that does not really make sense with ACT, but is instead in the realm of spells that certain professions cast. There is a fuzzy line when it comes to magic and signature verbs, and one must always remember that these are meant for normal actions within Elanthia -- not for actions that are not normally possible. Also, a signature verb is not intended to replace SAY, nor is it intended to create situations (whether props, people, or critters) that fall outside of what you, by yourself, can do with an action.

The signature verb, when chosen, can be either an existing verb or a verb that does not exist. This will not affect the way that your existing verbs work in any way at all. The signature verb simply creates an extra option for the verb.

You will need to decide whether you want the verb to act:

  1. With no target (ie. not directed at a person or item)
  2. Directed at another character
  3. Directed at an item/object

Some examples of a signature verb that would pass through QC with no issues:

Using SIGNATURE WHISTLE (this one is set to be directed at an item/object):

1st person: You raise your head and let out a piercing whistle aimed in (object target)'s direction.
3rd person: Quilic raises his head and lets out a piercing whistle aimed at (object target).

Using SIGNATURE EXAMINE (this one is set to be directed at another character):

1st person: You stand unusually close to (target), carefully examining (his/her) face to look for signs of emotion.
2nd person: Quilic stands unusually close to you, clearly examining your face.
3rd person: Quilic stands unusually close to (target), examining (his/her) face.

Using SIGNATURE BOW (this one is set with no target):

1st person: You bow respectfully, taking note of just how close the ground is while in this position.
3rd person: Quilic bows respectfully, the motion accentuating his short stature.

Examples of signature verbs include the following from options available at Rumor Woods:

Gazing at {Character}, you quirk your eyebrow in a questioning manner.

Overcome with frustration, you stare at {Character} as your fingers curl into talons. You take an almost involuntary step forward, your hands raised as if you might strangle her, but at the last-minute throw your arms in the air and turn around.

You try hard to stifle a laugh and cover your failure with a loud clearing of your throat.

Feeling mildly skeptical about the current commentary, you wipe all emotion from your countenance and mouth, "Yeah, right."

Gazing blankly ahead, you toy with your earlobe, allowing your mind to wander.

Gleefully leaping into the air, you click your heels together once.

Additional examples of pre-written signature verbs can be viewed in the character customizations category.

See Also