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Survivalist's Kit

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A Survivalist's Kit is a scripted herb container. It was introduced at the Bloodriven Village shop, The Herbal Huntsman in February of 2023. It can store stacked herbs inside, and with certain unlocks, it is also capable of turning solid healing herbs into their liquid counterparts. The kit comes in several varieties, including magical, mechanical, and natural.

Tier 1

At this tier, the kit holds 50 doses of healing herbs, each maintaining the weight of a single dose.


You analyze the suede sack and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
The suede sack is a Survivalist's Kit, which is a specialized container for storing healing herbs.  All herbs stack up to 50 by default and maintain the weight of a single dose.  Doses may be removed one at a time from within the sack.  Herbs may be discarded from the sack entirely by PULLing on them.  The sack otherwise functions as a normal container that may be altered, lightened, and deepened per standard guidelines.

Capacity: 1/5 (50 charges maximum per herb)
Liquid Storage unlock: no
Extractor unlock (requires Liquid Storage): no
Potency unlock (requires Liquid Storage): no

The suede sack is set up with magical-themed messaging, which cannot typically be altered.

The following descriptions may be customized by a merchant:
  - Inner lining description, in "adjective noun" form: basilisk skin
      This should be some form of fabric/leather.
  - Container close mechanism, in "adjective noun" form: feathered drawstrings
      This must end in one of the following: buckle, drawstrings, clasp, latch, toggle.
  - Extractor indicator description, in "article adjective" form: a scale-etched
  - Extractor toggle description, in "article adjective" form: a blue tanik

Current stock: 

You can tell that the sack is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.


Verb Modifier First Third
OPEN Buckle You tug on the strap of your suede survival kit, loosening its dark buckle and lifting its cover free to expose the purple linen lining within. XXX tugs on the strap of her suede survival kit, loosening its dark buckle and lifting its cover free to expose the purple linen lining within.
Drawstrings You pick apart the knotted feathered drawstrings of your suede sack. The cords relax and the sack gapes open, exposing the basilisk skin lining within. XXX picks apart the knotted feathered drawstrings of his suede sack. The cords relax and the sack gapes open, exposing the basilisk skin lining within.
Clasp You slide the silvery mithril clasp on your leopard pelt tote to loosen its cinching cords. The tote gapes open, exposing the pale suede lining within. XXX slides the driftwood clasp on his lacquered hip-satchel to loosen its cinching cords. The hip-satchel gapes open, exposing the hazel flax lining within.
Latch You press the copper latch on your leather herb kit and it springs open, exposing the waxed linen lining within. XXX presses the copper latch on his leather herb kit and it springs open, exposing the waxed linen lining within.
Toggle You fiddle with the clawed onyx toggle on your bear hide pack, and it slides free of its securing loop. The pack gapes open, exposing the auburn flannel lining within. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
CLOSE Buckle You thread the strap of your suede survival kit through the dark buckle and tug it tight to secure its cover. XXX threads the strap of her suede survival kit through the dark buckle and tugs it tight to secure its cover.
Drawstrings You pull the feathered drawstrings of your suede sack tight and knot them securely. XXX pulls the feathered drawstrings of his suede sack tight and knots them securely.
Clasp You pull the cords of your leopard pelt tote tight and slide its silvery mithril clasp up to cinch it closed. XXX pulls the cords of his lacquered hip-satchel tight and slides its driftwood clasp up to cinch it closed.
Latch As you push your leather herb kit closed, its copper latch catches with an audible click. As XXX pushes his leather herb kit closed, its copper latch catches with an audible click.
Toggle You slip the clawed onyx toggle of your bear hide pack through its securing loop and twist, sealing it closed. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
CLEAN N/A While picking through the innards of your lacquered hip-satchel, you shake loose and promptly discard several fragments of unrecognizable plant matter and a few bits of lint. While picking through the innards of her lacquered hip-satchel, XXX shakes loose and promptly discards several fragments of unrecognizable plant matter and a few bits of lint.
EAT (herb) Magical You take a bite of your dose of ambrominas. Simultaneously crisp and soothing, a wintry bouquet laced with mint opens your airways. XXX takes a bite of his dose of ambrominas.
You take a bite of your dose of ambrominas. A minty tang cools your tongue, the flavor inextricably intertwined with a bracing aroma reminiscent of juniper. XXX takes a bite of his dose of ambrominas.
Mechanical You take a bite of your dose of ambrominas. A spicy commingling of cinnamon, ginger, and hot pepper sets your tastebuds alight. XXX takes a bite of his dose of ambrominas.
You take a bite of your dose of ambrominas. Warmth blooms on your tongue and spreads throughout your whole mouth, the fiery blend of flavors giving way to a faintly metallic aftertaste. XXX takes a bite of his dose of ambrominas.
Natural You take a bite of your dose of ambrominas. The complex herbal melange teases at your senses, its vegetal notes mingling with citrus over an earthy base. XXX takes a bite of his dose of ambrominas.
You take a bite of your dose of ambrominas. Tannins underlie the verdant medley of herbal flavors with a touch of astringency. XXX takes a bite of his dose of ambrominas.
GAZE N/A You regard your lacquered hip-satchel with a critical eye, tallying your supplies and contemplating the tasks ahead of you. XXX regards her lacquered hip-satchel with a critical eye, the focus of her gaze shifting by increments as she contemplates.
PEER (when not empty) N/A

In the leather herb kit you see:
a small dagger

The kit contains DOSEs of the following solid herbs:
ambrominas (50)

The kit contains TINCTUREs of the following liquid herbs:
acantha (50)

PINCH N/A With a thoughtful frown, you indecisively rifle through the contents of your lacquered hip-satchel. With a thoughtful frown, XXX indecisively rifles through the contents of her lacquered hip-satchel.
REMOVE N/A Loosening its bindings, you free a lacquered hip-satchel woven from green reeds from your belt. Loosening its bindings, XXX frees a lacquered hip-satchel woven from green reeds from her belt.
RUB N/A With firm strokes, you clear away the stray detritus clinging to your lacquered hip-satchel, finishing with one last, careful swipe along the driftwood clasp. With firm strokes, XXX clears away the stray detritus clinging to her lacquered hip-satchel, finishing with one last, careful swipe along the driftwood clasp.
TOUCH N/A Resting the heel of your hand on your lacquered hip-satchel, you drum your fingertips against its surface. Resting the heel of her hand on her lacquered hip-satchel, XXX drums her fingertips against its surface.
WEAR N/A You bind a lacquered hip-satchel woven from green reeds onto your belt and adjust its position until it rests comfortably at your hip. XXX binds a lacquered hip-satchel woven from green reeds onto her belt and adjusts its position at her hip.

Tier 2

At this tier, the number of doses increases to 75.

Tier 3

At this tier, the doses increase to 100.

Tier 4

At this tier, the doses increase to 125.

Tier 5

At this tier, the doses increase to the maximum 150.

Liquid Storage Unlock

Unlocks the container to allow for the conversion of herbal potions to herbal tinctures.


Verb First Third
GET (tincture from) You retrieve a squat glass tincture of rose-marrow from within your lacquered hip-satchel. XXX retrieves a squat glass tincture of rose-marrow from within her lacquered hip-satchel.
PUT (potion in to convert) You find a suitable home for all 2 doses of the potion within the hazel flax-lined depths of your lacquered hip-satchel. XXX tucks a talneo potion away within the hazel flax-lined depths of her lacquered hip-satchel.
PUT (tincture in) You add the single dose of the rose-marrow to the supply stored within your hazel flax-lined lacquered hip-satchel, bringing your total available liquid rose-marrow doses to #. XXX tucks a squat glass tincture of rose-marrow away within the hazel flax-lined depths of her lacquered hip-satchel.

Liquid Extractor Unlock

This unlocks the container to allow for the conversion of solid herbs to liquid form over time. Requires the liquid storage unlock.


Verb Type First Third
NUDGE Magical (activate) Reaching into the depths of your suede sack, you trace a blue tanik glyph stitched into the basilisk skin lining above the sovyn compartment. As warmth blooms beneath your fingertips, your sovyn supply slowly begins to crystallize and melt inward with a chime-like crackling sound. Person reaches into the depths of his leopard pelt tote. A chime-like crackling sound, erratic yet melodious, begins to emanate from it.
Magical (active) A soft, chiming crackle emanates from your leopard pelt tote as the magic within continues to extract liquid acantha. A muted crackle emanates from Person's leopard pelt tote.
Magical (deactivate) You feel around in the depths of your suede sack and graze your fingertips over the unnaturally warm a blue tanik glyph stitched into its basilisk skin lining. It cools abruptly, and the soft, melodic crackle falls silent. Person rummages around in his leopard pelt tote, and a moment later the soft, melodic crackle from within falls silent.
Mechanical (activate) Reaching into the depths of your bear hide pack, you locate a matte kelyn toggle protruding from its auburn flannel lining and flip it with an audible *click*. As a low, grinding whir emanates from the pack, the contents of the acantha compartment churn in place. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Mechanical (active) A low thrum and grind of gears sounds from your leather herb kit as the contraption within continues to extract liquid acantha. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Mechanical (deactivate) You feel around in the depths of your bear hide pack and nudge a matte kelyn toggle protruding from its auburn flannel lining. It clicks over, and the muffled whir of gears stutters to a halt. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Natural (activate) Reaching into the depths of your lacquered hip-satchel, you loosen a driftwood plate below the acantha compartment and allow its contents to slowly trickle into the infuser, where warm water churns in measured cadence like muted waves. XXX reaches into the depths of her lacquered hip-satchel. A measured liquid cadence, like muted waves, begins to emanate from it.
Natural (active) The susurrus of swirling liquid emanates from your lacquered hip-satchel as the infuser within continues to extract liquid acantha. A liquid susurrus emanates from XXX's buckskin bag.
Natural (deactivate) You feel around in the depths of your lacquered hip-satchel and slide a driftwood plate back into place, sealing off the infuser. As you do so, the churn of water in the infuser gentles into quiescence. XXX rummages around in her lacquered hip-satchel, and a moment later the churning liquid sound from within gentles into quiescence.
POINT (kit at herb in kit) Magical You adjust a scale-etched knob mounted just inside the rim of your suede sack. Luminous patterns reminiscent of frost burst into scattered bloom along its basilisk skin lining, converging in spirals to highlight a glyph stitched above the sovyn compartment. N/A
Mechanical You adjust an acantha-etched knob mounted just inside the rim of your leather herb kit and, with a staccato ratcheting noise, a scalloped armature rotates along the inner chambers and comes to rest framing the acantha compartment. N/A
Natural You adjust a wave-carved knob mounted just inside the rim of your lacquered hip-satchel and, with a reedy whisper, a glass-enclosed mesh infuser rotates along the inner chambers and comes to rest beneath the ambrominas compartment. N/A

Potency Upgrade Unlock

This upgrade unlocks the container to allow any liquid herbs that come from the kit to be administered at a faster rate based on the consumer's Survival training. This effect fades 30 seconds after the herb has been removed from the kit. Requires the liquid storage unlock.

Additional Information

Potency with Survival and First Aid

With Potency, both Survival and First Aid bonuses count to reduce the roundtime of liquid herbs removed from a Survivalist's Kit, and the roundtime floor is lowered to 2 seconds.

n.b. The below table assumes that the bonuses of the two skills are summed to determine roundtime reduction.

Herb Type Roundtime First Aid plus Survival bonus for minimum RT Total First Aid plus Survival ranks for minimum RT
Hit points or rank 1 wounds 5 seconds 60 12 (10 FA + 2 Survival or equivalent)
Rank 2 wounds 10 seconds 160 35 (20 FA + 15 Survival or equivalent)
Rank 3 wounds, rank 1 scars 15 seconds 260 70 (40 FA + 30 Survival or equivalent)
Rank 2 scars 25 seconds 460 260 (140 FA + 120 Survival or equivalent)
Rank 3 scars 30 seconds 560 360 (180 FA + 180 Survival or equivalent)

General Information

  • The kit can contain both the solid version and liquid version of an herb.
  • Sweetfern tea, Pinefar's liquid version of ambrominas leaf, turned into ambrominas leaf under tinctures after being put in the kit. Cothinar flower turns into acantha leaf.
  • The kit will combine herbs based on what they heal. Icemule tarts, for example, turn into the basic healing herb type and bundle with acantha leaf for Dobbings family tart.
  • For a kit that contains both a liquid and solid version of an herb, this syntax will let you go between the two: get tincture of acantha and get dose of acantha.

See Also

Survivalist's Kit Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Container
Item(s) Applied to
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep Yes
Customizable Yes
Custom Inner lining
Close mechanism
Extractor indicator
Extractor toggle
Original Release Venue Bloodriven Village
Original Release Year 2023
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 5
How to Unlock Certificate
Item Verbs