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War of Nations: Hochstib's Demise

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This is the finale and completion of Baron Hochstib and the Mandis Crystals and for the most part all of the events surrounding the War of Nations. It was hosted by the Order of the Silver Gryphon and presented by Sir Geijon Khyree on November 17th, 2024 at their Holding in the Lysierian Hills.

The viewpoint is from Sir Guarrin Hjeldin. Leader of the Order of the Silver Gryphon.

Prior details are:

Part was a re-telling by Cryheart of the Tale of Two Barons. Part II was War of Nations lead up and historical connections prior and then during the Baron Hochstib and the Mandis Crystals into the War and finally this presentation was the culmination of the War of Baron Lerep Hochstib's death in the Outlands Manor near Solhaven

Geijon says, "This won't be short if you want to settle in and grab refreshments and food."

Geijon says, "One would wish it was th' last War we'd fight, but history has not been so kind."

You exclaim, "With that, please, enjoy the refreshments. Settle in, for the third telling of war of nations!"

Geijon says, "My thanks Sir Guarrin. I appreciate the introduction for our event and your leadership of the Order."

Geijon says, "Good evening and welcome to the Holding of the Order of the Silver Gryphon. Tonight we'll be presenting the third and last portion of the War of Nations: The Jantalar War."

Geijon says, "If you look at th' map on th' block it details much of th' areas embroiled in this long conflict. Namely the Barony of Jantalar, Vornavis and the entire North at later stages."


Geijon says, "Sir Cryheart Thaxin recounted the Tale of Two Barons as part one detailing the Imperial Expansionist Baron Lerep Hochstib of Jantalar and his opposite the progressive Baron Dunrith Malwind of Vornavis."

Geijon says, "Baron Hochstib had long wanted to take the landing as it was beyond Imperial borders as his thirst for power was hard to contain. He had long been in a shadow war with Vornavis through mercenaries, sabotage and a blockade of the Port of Solhaven."

Sparks shoot up from the flames to dance in the hot air above the fire.  They glow brightly for a time and then slowly burn up and fly away as ash on the wind.  You feel this is a commentary on life itself, and it saddens you for a moment.

Geijon says, "Part two ended the long gestating conflict as Baron Hochstib acted with his full armies with the power of the feared Mandis Crystal's, or magic suppression and life draining artifacts to wage his war directly on Vornavis, Wehnimer's Landing and eventually Icemule Trace. Hoctib had previously expanded his barony by taking control of Talador, Mestanir and blockading Vornavis from the sea. That stalemate had existed for nearly a decade prior to 5103 when this takes place."

Geijon says, "Driven to act by impatience, the blue comets arrival and pressure from the newly risen Emperor Aurmont Anodheles, who to this day leads the empire, and the appointment of Earl Jovery as Northern Sentinal the Baron saw his influence shrinking rapidly after the Empress Mynal'lyanna's death, which would rob him of his access to the Mandis Crystals. It was then that he was prepared to take what he chose."

Geijon says, "In early 5103 of  the campaign Jantalarian forces had finished repairing the roads from Mestanir to Vornavis and further north to Wehnimer's Landing where he could supply by land instead of sea. This would prove key as Hochstib's mercenary sailors, the Sea Wolves, attempted to loot and sack the city of  Solhaven on the 12th day of Oleasta (April), but their ships were quickly immobilized, several sunk and elsewise captured and their forces humilated breaking the blockade."

Geijon says, "I see some in attendance who fought there and freed Solhaven, as they would many times since."

Geijon says, "Attacks were day and night with increasingly a lack of supplies. Jantalarian forces often targeted triage areas so Voln, Hearthstone and private houses were used in some cases. Luckily the road to Solhaven hadn't been cut off and Vornavis would be instrumental in keeping the defenders going. The effects of the Mandis Crystal, which we had prepared for, were devastating. As long as the Crystals were being utilized victory was not likely."

You reach out with a complex gesture and activate the panel of your agara-fae wristlet.  Citrine-hued motes of light suddenly appear and dance in the air before coalescing and shifting into a mandis crystal illusion.

Geijon says, "Jantalarian Champions and Knights wielded claidhmores and visciously cut down our armor. Our casters were reserved for engaging in areas away from the front as the Mandis Crystal and rolaren barriers were slowly moved encroaching on our defenses further with the intention of taking the city. Multiple siege catapults hurled pitch and while we had trained for years for this the numbers of the Jantalarian forces were far more vast than we'd known them to be."

Geijon says, "In the few lulls we could afford defenders often gathered at Hearthstone to exchange information and details as it evolved. We had managed to supress some of the life draining portions through Bloodstone amulets and tracked closely when the Crystals effect was. By about now it was much of the lower portions of Danjirland, the Colusses and growing. Icemule couldn't take direct roads and became increasingly harder to reach as well outside of single or small groups of individuals."

Geijon says, "It was at this point we got some good news from our gnome friend Hobb. He said we might be able to forge weapons from the shards of a damaged Mandis Crystal if we could destroy it and it was on Koar's Hill in the northern portion of the town green in Mestanir. He'd return with more details in a few more days, but to make ready to strike. The city of Mestanir itself was about a day travel beyond Vornavis, which Hobb called that Clifftoppers."
An imperial Jantalarian illusion bursts into citrine-hued motes of light and fades away.

Geijon says, "This holding had a functioning forge at the time and Sir Cryheart, Sir Metadi, Clunk and others had some reknown as Weaponsmiths already so we got to researching ways to work with crystal in case we had success."

Geijon says, "I had to dig to connect Clifftoppers to Vornavis. Hobb was...well, a gnome so probably normal in his way."

Geijon says, "Any good news was terribly short lived though...Baron Hochstib came to lead his armies, himself with local reports and propaganda saying he would deliver security and vanquish the beasts and aggressive humanoids in the region."

Geijon says, "Quote's from him directly."

Geijon recites:
    "The region has been war-torn for too long. The peoples of the region deserve better treatment, more opportunities, and the right to live out their lives in peace, should they so wish it," stated Baron Hochstib in a court address on the subject. "We will bring peace to the region, and give the people the correct environment in which to prosper."

Geijon says, "And our wormy "Friend" Holswort who had been lurking as Baron Hochstib's Mouth piece for ages."

Geijon recites:
    "Soon, the wilds surrounding Wehnimer's Landing will be safe for all! The day of true freedom for all citizens of the Landing is fast approaching, due to the diligent efforts of our noble fighting forces."

Geijon says, "I'll read an official account for Sir Kinshack Starblade. He would become the Order's leader for a time in 5105."

Geijon says, "The Sack and Occupation of Wehnimer's Landing."

Geijon recites:
    "This past Feastday evening, the 19th of Koaratos, Wehnimer's Landing came under heavy assault by the Jantalarian army under the direct leadership of Baron Lerep Hochstib. After quickly overwhelming the barricade established along the road to Upper Trollfang, the human army quickly poured into the streets of Wehnimer's Landing, laying waste to its citizens. Knights-champion reportedly killed nearly the entire populace in a matter of hours, leaving bodies to decay under the night sky, the sound of war horns, and the harrowing influence of the dreaded mandis crystals."

Geijon recites:
    "After evacuating the majority of the corpses and ceding temporary control to the Jantalarian forces, a number of local military groups -- including the Order of the Silver Gryphons, the Northern Fury, and the Protectors of the Citadel -- mounted a resistance effort which continues even now as I pen this report."

Geijon says, "Left the dead, even his own was the type of man Hochstib was."

Geijon recites:
    "Many casualties were endured, but the adventurers who protect the Landing are making minor victories every day against the soldiers that continually pour into the streets. While Lerep claims the Landing is won, it is believed the adventurers will fight tooth and nail until the conquesting party is purged from the area."

Geijon recites:
    "Reportedly, a gnome by the name of Ludli was seen to arrive on the situation via a metal sphere which landed in Lower Dragonsclaw. He constructed a mobile siege engine which still roams the streets of the Landing reaking havoc on the wouldbe conquerors, in the form of boiling oil and wooden arrows."

Geijon says, "I never found more reports of Ludli, but gnomes were very much involved in the war as scouts and "information gatherers" among other vital help."

Geijon says, "So nearly on top of the city now and it's effect."

Geijon recites:
    "Herald Holswort, author of several controversial sources of propoganda with noticeable favor for the Jantalarian conquest, was seen within the borders of the town, surveying the situation as the eyes and ears of the Baron. He was reportedly heard denouncing the claims of independence made by the Landing's citizens. Additionally, he made comments to the effect of supplanting the current knighted protectors of the Landing. It is clear the ruling class of Jantalar has no intent of acknowledging the legitimate claim of protection held by a number of the Landing's citizens."

Geijon recites:
    "On a related note, Lord General Valicar of the Northern Fury has issued a call to arms for all of his contingent to return to Icemule to prepare defenses for an expected onslaught in the northern town, while the Order of the Silver Gryphons remains present to combat the threat to our safety in the Landing."

Geijon recites:
    "I call upon all citizens of the realm who should read this missive to take up arms against this oppression. Now, more than ever, we of the northwestern regions need to assert our independence from the tyranny posed by Lerep's conquests. I urge you to fight alongside me in this battle for freedom, and will look forward to the day the sun rises again on a free Wehnimer's Landing."

Geijon says, "Sir Kinshack Starblade of the Order of the Silver Gryphon."

Geijon says, "We couldn't overcome the barrier and had no means to combat the crystal or destroy it so we pulled back to where we could reorganize and it wouldn't be the last time, but we became the Resistance."

Geijon says, "The quandry. Hochstib would now expand his sights on Icemule and a further Northern Empire of his own with his newly won battle the Mandis Crystal bathed Wehnimer's Landing in it's red-hue and power from Kai's Shrine protected by rolaren barriers that had been gradually choking our movements and assaults."

Geijon asks, "What do we do?"

Geijon says, "Baron Hochstib and Jantalar were winning. Victory was at hand."

Geijon says, "The Crystals sway reached the majority of the city, but the Monastary of Voln and portions of the Eastern side of the Landing remained safe and our resistance continued."

Geijon says, "I'm pretty sure we used a special entrance on occasion for the Hunter's Lodge over on North Ring road."

Geijon says, "Forces actively remained engaged, but we did do what we could from both Icemule, Solhaven, aid from Teras Isle and River's Rest were all actively engaged. Numerous militia and organizations or individuals assisted. It remained dire, but we weren't beaten."

Geijon says, "This was a dangerous time, not just here. Teras was recently occupied by th' Krol, but Murp and their forces had repelled them and chased them to River's Rest."

Geijon says, "Throughout and since Baron Dunrith Malwind sent direct and covert aid, but he routinely held Court audiences to discuss regional matters and those of his allies, which include the Landing to this day. At one such audience on the 23rd of Koaratos (July) with Earl Jovery in attendance and the Landing realing from being taken the command to mobilize Vornavis and Hendor's forces to constrain Jantalarian forces was given and they'd soon join the War in force."

Geijon says, "They would muster quickly and join the field of battle two days later."

Geijon says, "Knights, infantrymen, soldiers of all types wearing the colors and flags of Vornavis and Hendor."

Geijon says, "This audience was also cover for the Strike on Mestanir and the damaged Mandis Crystal! We'd muster at the Tentacle Tavern in Solhaven to join the Captain's Kimrella and Gurbah."

Geijon says, "Kimrella took charge detailing that at the top of the Outland's Manor had a mystic implementation that some gnomes who had been living in the abandoned village there could activate the diagram. It was mentioned an order of mystics or perhaps interestingly this portal was likely built by the Arcane Eyes who had operated in Mestanir then until Baron Hochstib's forces and witch-hunters scattered them."

Geijon says, "Officially the empire had orders not to destroy or attack crystals due to their importance as artifacts, but under the guise of Jantalarians with military tabards that Gurbah was taking as charity donations we should be ready on the following evening."

[Gryphon Holding, Great Hall]
A light draft stirs the banners draped overhead, each measure of silk representing a knight of the Order.  Dominating the room is a massive oak table with a dozen tall chairs around it.  Three smaller tables are set up in an alcove off the eastern wall for more private gatherings.  Elaborate figurines of former members line the mantel of a huge fireplace set at the far end of the room.  Flanking the hearth, floor-to-ceiling shelves hold a wide selection of reading material and ancient tomes.  You also see the flaming Frorin disk, the web-draped Missoni disk, a square auction block with a smooth polished surface with a crisp green-ribboned map on it, a white monir table burned with a keep-overlooked seaside cityscape with some stuff on it, a newel staircase and a wooden ladder.

Geijon says, "Hochstib had two "loaned" to him by the Empress. Aurmont had required their return and this finally gave Earl Jovery and Baron Malwind credence to wage war directly."

Geijon says, "Officially the empire had orders not to destroy or attack crystals due to their importance as artifacts, but under the guise of Jantalarians with military tabards that Gurbah was taking as charity donations we should be ready on the following evening."

Geijon says, "Beyond that the discussion was how do we destroy it? Since it was reportedly on a huge wagon roll it into the Opalsand River, but Kimrella settled on bash it and pray and if that failed, we'd be dead anyways. A similar attempt had been made by 50 dwarves, who all perished, but did crack it leaving it as it was now. We started our preparations set on a mission to both strike our enemy and hopefully return with shards to forge weapons to destroy the fully functioning Mandis Crystals."

Geijon says, "Reports were about 100 defenders, the crystal itself and a priest who was tasked with caring for the device."

Geijon says, "Mestanir had been under Hochstib's control for over a decade. There Baron killed and Hochstib had ruled cruelly."

Geijon says, "We set out the next night as planned..."

Geijon says, "Official reports would later say the Mestanir people rebelled and overwhelmed the Jantalarians and destroyed the Mandis Crystal that night, but in actuality..."

Geijon says, "In a way they did."

Geijon says, "This report is from Shikel. A member of the Protectors of the Citadel, a militia based out of the House of the Rising Phoenix."

Geijon recites:
    "In a daring raid last night, a large contingent of people from the armed services and independents disguised themselves as Jantalarian soldiers. Gurbah, captain of the Vornavis troops, brought tabards for us with the emblem of Jantalar, and we were to meet a young gnome who knew the workings of a magical glyph in the Tower in the Outlands near the Freeport of Solhaven."
Geijon recites:
    "After dressing appropriately, we made our way to the top of the Tower, stealthy as only a hundred strong can be. We waited a brief time until Leafblade appeared and after a moment's composure, she began to recite magical words and make gestures at the symbols upon the wall, and soon thereafter we were standing upon the roof of a hostel in Mestanir."
Geijon recites:
    "There we were met by a man named Orthen, who was a Mystic of Koar, and part of the resistance in Mestanir against the rule of Jantalar. Orther directed us to Koar's Hill, whereupon stands an old cart with a Mandis Crystal that affects the entire region."

Geijon recites:
    "Guarding the Crystal was a Jantalarian knight-banneret, and though it was difficult to persuade him away, we finally did. After we made sure he was gone, the entire force began to shove the cart down Koar's Crown."
Geijon recites:
    "Using our combined strength, we shoved and pushed against the cart until finally the cart began to roll down the hill!"

Geijon recites:
    "We chased after it, not wanting it to get too far away, but before long it had reached the bottom of the hill and collided with an ancient relic called the Fist of Koar."

Geijon recites:
    "A deep groaning rumbles up from the ground as the Fist of Koar teeters from the massive blow. With a final might creak, the ancient, huge relic topples over right onto the crystal! A shrill piercing note echoes across the air as the black crystal explodes in a blaze of blue-black fire! Thousands of shards are thrown up in the air as the shockwave rapidly approaches you!"
Geijon recites:
    "Shards rained down among us as we scrambled to our feet. We could hear the approach of Jantalarian troops so we gathered up as many pieces of the Crystal that we could and high-tailed it back to where Orthen waited for us. Reversing the magic, he reopened the circle for us to travel back to the Outlands, but before we left, he thanked us for we all could feel and use magic once again in Mestanir. Saying farewell, we hurried back through and into the Outlands.."

Geijon says, "Mestanir would be free and we had Mandis Crystal shards to forge what would become known as Bane Weapons."

Geijon draws his vultite greatsword.  It makes a strange sound as it slides from his harness, like the distant scream of a forlorn soul.

Geijon raises his vultite greatsword skyward!

Geijon says, "We now had a way to destroy the crystals if we could reach them..."
Geijon says, "Mestanir would finally have a Baron ascend in 5112. It was not a short recovery for them."
Geijon says, "Baron Hochstib was tightening his grip on the landing. His herald or morale officer, Holswort Niffelheim had been disceminating leaflets with the intention to rename the town "Chaston's Intent" and you can imagine the repurcussions that held for anyone not aligned with the Edict at that time."

Geijon says, "Thankfully events since with the Valley of Gold and the Kasendra Accords we live in a different world."

Geijon says, "We were now into early Phoenatos (August) and things would shift rapidely."

Geijon says, "Now we had Bane Weapons, they were quickly forged in large numbers. Few are probably as good as this Greatsword since they only had one purpose, find and destroy the remaining Mandis Crystal at Kai's Shrine."
Geijon says, "But we couldn't get beyond the rolaren barriers."

Geijon says, "Sorcerors around Elanthia in connection to efforts with our peers in Solhaven came up with a solution."
Geijon says, "Acid created with the help of wizards and the gelatinous magru creatures from the Broken Lands assisted in wearing down the rolaren barriers that protected the Mandis Crystal and we could finally bypass them and clear the roads."

Geijon says, "With a solution and Bane weapons in hand we launched a massive counter-attack with Vornavis and Hendorian forces on the 3rd day of Phoenatos."

Geijon says, "With the barrier removed and bane weapons the Mandis Crystal was destroyed after intense combat along the city walls and combat heard everywhere. The death toll was high, but we prevailed."

Geijon says, "Exhausted we heard their horns and shouting."

Geijon recites:
    "Retreat! Overheard after the destruction of the Mandis Crystal and the defeat of the Landing occupation forces. You hear a sharp cry of "Fall back! To Icemule! If we can't have this town then we'll take hold of the frigid north!" Shortly after, you hear a large amount of boots upon the ground marching steadily off into the distance."
Geijon says, "They fled in disarray, scattered all over. In years past there would be another battle ending in similar savagery, but tired and victorious we let them run."

Geijon says, "Much of this recounting is from Murp of the DDR for that portion."

Geijon says, "Sir Eahlstan transcribed all of the Court audiences for the most part so I am thankful for his penmenship."

Geijon says, "While Wehnimer's Landing had been liberated the Jantalarian armies were still afield, although scattered and realing with the lose of the Mandis Crystals they were still dangerous."

Geijon says, "Now Emperor Aurmont was becoming directly involved. Numerous messengers had gone missing and both of the Mandis Crystals that belonged to the Throne had been destroyed when repeated requests for their immediate return had been made. Hochstib was essentially a walking dead man and his actions from that point on were as one."

Geijon says, "It took some time to understand the new perimeters of battle and where our enemies were."

Geijon says, "Earl Jovery commented on matters within days of the Landing's liberation with Hendor and Vornavis forces still in the area."

Geijon recites:
    "Baron Hochstib still rules Jantalar and its subordinate baronies of Talador and Mestanir. His army is still in the field although it has withdrawn somewhat from the Landing. We believe he is in dire straights without the crystals, but is unwilling to admit defeat."

Geijon says, "Certain things diplomatically often were unsaid as Hochstib was the leader of a Barony and waging war was not directly cause for expulsion from such power."

Geijon says, "We'd hear from Hobb exactly what he was up to, but reaction from the Empire was swift to support, condemnation, derelection of his duty to Jantalar and as varied of views as one would expect."

Geijon says, "This was a commendation pin for the repelled invasion for defenders involved."
Geijon says, "Baron Hochstib's next move was incredibly more dangerous than we'd ever expected."

Geijon says, "Hobb, thankfully had news, but it was not necassarily positive."

Geijon says, "I'll read it in his words for levity."

Geijon recites:
    "Meself and others of us have been keeping an eye on Snotsack and his soldiers since they got kicked outta the town here. Turns out that when that big crystal got destroyed, a big cloud of dust from it went sky high and the wind took it...settled to ground a ways to the southeast."

Geijon says, "That is the Outlands Manor."

Geijon says, "He had previously sacrified his soldiers to empower the Mandis Crystal used in assaulting the Landing."

Geijon says, "There was a lull for a time as be brooded and marshalled his forces to return."

Geijon says, "In Jastatos (October) he sent an assassin to kill Dame Deavon. Luckily it failed."
Geijon says, "We expected resumed attacks and he didn't wait long."

Geijon says, "A direct report from Shonison."

Geijon recites:
    "Baron Lerep Hochstib launched two attacks against the Elven Village tonight, claiming we would pay for destroying his crystals. Though they were defeated, a new anti-magical zone now extends to the border of the Lower Dragonsclaw Grasslands. There are no dispelling/mana draining effects, however. It seems that the baron has somehow fused a number of crystal shards with his own body, thus making him far more powerful than your average mortal being. In fact, Hochstib himself may be causing this new anti-magic field."
Geijon says, "He had imbedded the Mandis Crystal into his own chest. A horrific transformation through dark ritual."

Geijon says, "Out of his new base in the Outlands attacks resumed both in the Landing and Icemule."
Geijon says, "But he was dwindling in options as well, until.."

Geijon says, "Sir Cryheart was leading patrols near the Abandoned Inn when he was ambushed, blindfolded and captured."

Geijon says, "Others had similar experiences."

Geijon says, "Direct recountings shared."
Geijon recites:
    "Suddenly, a squad of Jantalarian soldiers converge upon you, and a sharp blow to the head sends you reeling! Blackness closes in as the ground rushes up to embrace you..."
Geijon recites:
    "A pair of Jantalarian soldiers round the tower's curve from the northwest carrying Haxley with all of the care one might bestow on a sack of coal. With uncomplimentary grunts they lower his limp body to the floor, and, with their eyes carefully downcast, they return the way they came."
Geijon says, "He had taken political rivals and his own sister, Delphinuria also."
Geijon says, "Outlands Manor in it's tower."
Geijon says, "Also here: Great Lord Kabriel who is lying down, Kriztian who is lying down, Ichiko who is lying down, Lord Izalude who is lying down, Guarrin who is lying down, Perigourd who is lying down, Cryheart who is lying down, Maldon who is lying down, Lerep, Orthen who is lying down, Inquisitor Philnep who is sitting, Lady Delphinuria who is sitting."

Geijon says, "Lerep says, "You shall die tonight, my sister. You could not resist turning against me while I was busy at the outpost, but you will pay for it tonight."

Geijon says, "Orthen pointed him out as an "Abomination" for he was entirely mad at this point."

Geijon says, "Of all people, Holswort. He frees Delphinuria and the others. His ask? Kill Lerep."

Geijon says, "Hochstib had planned to sacrifice everyone."
Geijon says, "Shortly thereafter, the resistance lead by Sir Cryheart, met Lerep head-on. They attacked him, slashing him left and right. Eventually the final blow was struck by a man by the name of Falicor. After the last of Hochstib's energy vanished and things calmed down a bit, Delphinuria and Holswort came back to congratulate the resistance in their victory. Delphinuria has taken leadership over Jantalar, and vowed to end the war with the North, healing the wounds they have caused."

You casually note, "You know, Baroness has never thanked me for returning her coronet."

Geijon says, "Falicor had planned to attend, but as a firsthand account from him was initially confusion, being kidnapped, an act of self-defense and a long call back to an event as a young man, but Baron Lerep Hochstib was dead. Felled by bane weapons."

Geijon says, "He had dark powers, he could stun at will with a whorl of energy. Kriztian managed to tackle him before Falicor essentially cut him straight through the heart."
Geijon says, "Delphinuria would become Baroness and remains of Jantalar."

Geijon says, "Sir Maldon would return to be a warden for her."
Geijon says, "His founding reasoning for our Order fulfilled, he could go home."

Geijon says, "This war did echo through the ages, but for the most part an truce and status quo would return. Chaston's Edict would not be changed yet, but under Earl Jovery and Baron Malwind's example in many places it increasingly losened until Emperor Aurmont repealed it in 5119."

Geijon says, "So ended Hochstib and gradually the fear-mongering and imperial expansionism he embodied."

Geijon says, "This finally ended the Jantalar War and with it the passing of the blue comet."

Geijon says, "And that is our story."

Geijon says, "I'll make tonights portion available in writing for those who could not attend in a few days hopefully. I am also set to work on the Valley of Gold with Sir Guarrin for availability."

Geijon says, "I hope it was insightful and uncovered details you had not heard before in one setting. I am glad to be able to share as much detail as we had through these series of events."
Geijon says, "Thank you to the many who had items, artifacts and helped with this. It was a great number of people."