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Guarrin (prime)
Guarrin is a Kindred warrior and member of the Order of the Silver Gryphon hailing from the Dragonspine Mountains. He is active in Solhaven, Landing and elsewhere across the continent of Elanith.
Born upon the slopes of the Dragonspine Mountains, Guarrin was raised amongst the T'Kirem clan. As is common with many of his clan, once he passed the trials of his youth, he ventured down the slopes and into the Turamzzyrian Empire where he quickly found work as a mercenary and guard for several merchants and lesser nobles. During his early travels, he also spent time visiting other clans, especially the Araime Sun Clan and Grishknel Wolf Clan.
During his time with the Araime Sun Clan, he had his first encounter with Krolvin, setting the stage for many upcoming battles.
After traveling through the Empire, he eventually found himself at the frontier town of Wehnimer's Landing where he joined the Order of Voln after meeting Sir Shirkon, Dame Evia, Sir Morgiest, Sir Cryheart, and Sir Geijon.
Eventually, Sir Geijon extended an invitation to join the Order of the Silver Gryphon. His first task as a squire was to reform and lead the Protectors of the Citadel, an assignment he would perform for the next several years through the Griffin Sword War and War of Nations. Both events would change Guarrin significantly.
After returning to his home for a time, and renewing his ancestral obligation to the Guardians of Sunfist, Guarrin returned to Sol Haven and defended the city during the Solhaven Cataclysm.
After the events of the Cataclysm, Guarrin again spent some time traveling the Empire before returning to the highlands of the Dragonspine, and his home amongst the T'kirem. After several years of living amongst his people once again, he returned to the lowlands of Wehnimer's Landing to fulfill his Oath and obligation to the Order.
Significant Events
Champion and/or Master of multiple events at the Highman Games 2010.
Elected Leader of the Order of the Silver Gryphon in 5122-5125.
Guarrin was knighted by Baron Dunrith Malwind in Charlatos of 5122.
- You see Sir Guarrin Hjeldin the Knight-Errant.
- He appears to be a Giantman of the T'Kirem.
- He is of a towering height. He appears to be full grown. He has deeply-set piercing steel grey eyes and pale skin. He has very long, dark blonde hair worn in a trio of thick, interwoven braided twists across the top of his head with the sides shaved close to the scalp.
- He has a weathered face, a crooked nose and a neatly trimmed, full beard gathered into a single glossy braid with a curled tip. He has a thin, faded scar across the front of his neck, a long diagonal scar running across his left eye from brow to cheek, and broad shoulders.
- He has an ebon and ivory skeletal gryphon tattoo on his arm, and a weaving Saramar runes tattoo on his arm.
- He is wearing a black enameled bracer with a silver gryphon set in a ruby circle, a hammered vultite brooch, a fur-lined iron boar hide cloak, a light linen tunic, a leather swordbelt, a lightweight hunter tartan great-kilt with a long swathe pinned at the left shoulder, some pointille steel-plated sabatons, and a pair of golden spurs.