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Wedding Florals

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Part of the all Wedding Packages, which can be purchased during Rings of Lumnis, Duskruin, Rumor Woods, or Ebon Gate from the Simucoin Store.


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Targeted and Untargeted Verbs.


Verb First Person Message Third Person Message
PLUCK - Bouquet You nervously pluck at your red rose bouquet, ensuring that everything is perfect for Bride and Groom's wedding. PERSON nervously plucks at his/her red rose bouquet, ensuring everything is perfect.
PLUCK - Boutonniere You lovingly straighten your red rose boutonniere, thinking fondly of a wedding. PERSON lovingly straightens his/her red rose boutonniere.
STOMP - Bouquet You clutch your red rose bouquet tightly and stomp your foot. Things are not going your way! PERSON clutches her red rose bouquet tightly and stomps her foot, a perturbed look on her face.
STOMP - Boutonniere You throw your red rose boutonniere to the floor and stomp on it! Regaining your composure, you scoop the boutonniere back up. PERSON throws his/her red rose boutonniere to the floor and stomps on it! After taking a few deep breaths, PERSON scoops the boutonniere back up.
GAZE - Both You gaze lovingly at your BOUQUET/BOUTONNIERE as you think about your wonderful spouse, a smile dancing across your lips. PERSON gazes lovingly at the BOUQUET/BOUTONNIERE, a smile dancing across his/her lips.
TURN - Bouquet You nervously fidget with your red rose bouquet, turning it in your hands. PERSON nervously fidgets with his/her red rose bouquet, turning it in his/her hands.
TURN - Boutonniere You carefully turn the red rose boutonniere, admiring it from all angles. Its soft fragrance wafts up into the air with the movement. PERSON carefully turns his/her red rose boutonniere, admiring it from all angles. Its soft fragrance wafts up into the air with the movement.
SMELL - Bouquet You bring the red rose bouquet up to your nose and inhale the fragrance. It has a heady aroma, sweet and uplifting. The scent calms your jittery nerves. PERSON brings the red rose bouquet up to his/her nose and inhales. Instantly, he/she appears calmer.
SMELL - Boutonniere You bring the red rose boutonniere up to your nose and inhale the fragrance gently. It has a heady aroma, sweet and uplifting. You smile wistfully as the scent triggers the memory of a wedding. PERSON brings the red rose boutonniere up to his/her nose and inhales gently. He/she smiles wistfully.
ATTEND - Bouquet With gentle fingers you arrange the red rose bouquet, making sure the binding is tightly snug around the blossoms. With a gentle finger PERSON arranges the red rose bouquet, making sure the binding is tightly snug around the blossoms.
ATTEND - Boutonniere You attend to your red rose boutonniere with care, rearranging some of the blooms with the greenery for accent. PERSON attends to his/her red rose boutonniere with care, rearranging some of the blooms with the greenery for accent.
TOSS - Bouquet Only

NOTE: Destroys bouquet but creates "a <focal flower> spray" + "a <focal flower> nosegay"
You reach into the red rose bouquet and remove a small souvenir nosegay before tossing the bouquet.
You face away from those gathered and hoping to catch the red rose bouquet, then gently toss the bouquet in a high, gentle arc over your shoulder.

The red rose bouquet spins end over end in a blur of color.

The ribbon binding the red rose bouquet streams and flutters behind the fragrant missile.

The red rose bouquet begins its descent toward the waiting crowd. A few of the delicate petals detach from the bouquet and flutter slowly to the ground.

The red rose bouquet descends gently toward RANDOM PERSON! He/she reaches up a hand and snags it out of the air! The soft fragrance of the blossoms lingers on for a few moments. In the process, the bouquet unravels, leaving only a red rose spray.
PERSON turns away, his/her back to those gathered in the hope of catching the red rose bouquet. She gently tosses the bouquet in a high, gentle arc over her shoulder.

The red rose bouquet spins end over end in a blur of color.

The ribbon binding the red rose bouquet streams and flutters behind the fragrant missile.

The red rose bouquet begins its descent toward the waiting crowd. A few of the delicate petals detach from the bouquet and flutter slowly to the ground.

The red rose bouquet descends gently toward RANDOM PERSON! He/she reaches up a hand and snags it out of the air! The soft fragrance of the blossoms lingers on for a few moments. In the process, the bouquet unravels, leaving only a red rose spray.
THROW - Bouquet Only

NOTE: Destroys bouquet but creates "a single <focal flower>" + "a <focal flower> nosegay"
You reach into the red rose bouquet and remove a small souvenir nosegay before tossing the bouquet.

You face away from those gathered nearby hoping to catch the red rose bouquet. You twist your body and pull your elbow back with the bouquet grasped tightly by the bundled stems. With a grunt of exertion, you propel the bouquet in a high, spiraling arc.

The red rose bouquet quickly zips through the air, a spiraling blur of color arcing toward the gathered attendees.

The fragile ribbon binding the floral bundle flutters wildly in the wind behind the fragrant projectile. It looks as if the ribbon has begun to fray!

The red rose bouquet quickly fall toward the waiting onlookers. Multiple tiny blossoms and leaves detach from the bouquet, following its swift arc of descent. Petals fall onto the crowd like raindrops from the sky.

The red rose bouquet falls quickly toward RANDOM PERSON and falls into his/her hands, now almost more stems than flowers. A blizzard of red petals drifts down to the ground, ending the furious floral shower. In the process, the bouquet has unraveled, leaving only a single red rose.
PERSON turns away, his/her back to those gathered nearby with hopes of catching the red rose bouquet. He/She twists his/her body and pulls his/her elbow back with the bouquet grasped tightly by the bundled stems. With a grunt of exertion, he/she propels the bouquet in a high, spiraling arc toward the onlookers.

The red rose bouquet quickly zips through the air, a spiraling blur of color arcing toward the gathered attendees.

The fragile ribbon binding the floral bundle flutters wildly in the wind behind the fragrant projectile. It looks as if the ribbon has begun to fray!

The red rose bouquet quickly fall toward the waiting onlookers. Multiple tiny blossoms and leaves detach from the bouquet, following its swift arc of descent. Petals fall onto the crowd like raindrops from the sky.

The red rose bouquet falls quickly toward RANDOM PERSON and falls into his/her hands, now almost more stems than flowers. A blizzard of red petals drifts down to the ground, ending the furious floral shower. In the process, the bouquet has unraveled, leaving only a single red rose.
KICK - Bouquet Only

NOTE: Destroys bouquet but creates "some battered flower stems" + "a <focal flower> nosegay"
You reach into the red rose bouquet and remove a small souvenir nosegay before tossing the bouquet.

You face away from those gathered hoping to catch the red rose bouquet. Pausing momentarily for effect, you abruptly turn toward the crowd with a wild look in your eye, before dropping the bouquet. Before it hits the ground, you kick it, launching the bouquet high into the sky toward your guests!

Petals and leaves rapidly spin away from the red rose bouquet as it violently propels through the air.

The ribbon rips from the red rose bouquet, sending its flowers spinning off in multiple directions.

Petals rain down upon the onlookers, obstructing their view as the remaining flowers hurtle toward the ground. The crowd scrambles to avoid being hit by the scraggly stems amidst the confusion.

As the red rose bouquet continues to come apart and fly in all directions, a couple stems hurtle directly toward RANDOM PERSON. He/she reaches up and plucks what is left of the red rose bouquet from the air. You look on in bewilderment, attempting to comprehend what just happened while a slight smirk dawns upon his/her face.
PERSON turns and faces away from those gathered hoping to catch the red rose bouquet. After a slight pause, he/she abruptly turns toward the crowd with a wild look in his/her eyes, and drops the bouquet! Before it hits the ground, he/she kicks it, launching the bouquet high into the sky toward the guests!

Petals and leaves rapidly spin away from the red rose bouquet as it violently propels through the air.

The ribbon rips from the red rose bouquet, sending its flowers spinning off in multiple directions.

Petals rain down upon the onlookers, obstructing their view as the remaining flowers hurtle toward the ground. The crowd scrambles to avoid being hit by the scraggly stems amidst the confusion.

As the red rose bouquet continues to come apart and fly in all directions, a couple stems hurtle directly toward RANDOM PERSON. He/she reaches up and plucks what is left of the red rose bouquet from the air. You look on in bewilderment, attempting to comprehend what just happened while a slight smirk dawns upon his/her face.
Wedding Florals Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep No
Item Verbs