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(Added text for Dispel Cooldown)
m (verbtable template update fix)
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|affinity= <!-- Brief explanation of affinity for that specific tier, if any. -->
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|itemverbtable= YES<!-- Answer YES if there are verbs associated with this tier. If not, leave blank. -->
}} {| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For formatting purposes, the table needs to start on the same line that the itemtier template ends. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
{| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For formatting purposes, the table needs to start on the same line that the itemtier template ends. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
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|affinity= <!-- Brief explanation of affinity for that specific tier, if any. -->
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|itemverbtable= YES<!-- Answer YES if there are verbs associated with this tier. If not, leave blank. -->
}} {| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For formatting purposes, the table needs to start on the same line that the itemtier template ends. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
{| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For formatting purposes, the table needs to start on the same line that the itemtier template ends. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
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! scope="col" style="width:5em;"|Verb
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|affinity= <!-- Brief explanation of affinity for that specific tier, if any. -->
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|itemverbtable=YES <!-- Answer YES if there are verbs associated with this tier. If not, leave blank. -->
}} {| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For formatting purposes, the table needs to start on the same line that the itemtier template ends. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
{| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For formatting purposes, the table needs to start on the same line that the itemtier template ends. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
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|affinity= <!-- Brief explanation of affinity for that specific tier, if any. -->
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|itemverbtable= YES<!-- Answer YES if there are verbs associated with this tier. If not, leave blank. -->
}} {| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For formatting purposes, the table needs to start on the same line that the itemtier template ends. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
{| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For formatting purposes, the table needs to start on the same line that the itemtier template ends. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
|- {{verbtableheader}}
|- {{verbtableheader}}
! scope="col" style="width:5em;"|Verb
! scope="col" style="width:5em;"|Verb

Revision as of 16:32, 30 September 2021


Dramatic Draperies were released at Duskruin Arena in August 2021 at Sigil Shop by GameMasters Estild and Gyres. Dramatic Draperies are part of the 3-piece Sigil Set, along with Sigil Staves and Mana-Infused Armor.

Tier 1

At this tier, it is a standard shoulder-worn container that weighs 9 pounds and holds 140, with some special messaging verbs and the ability to create a special sigil on the ground. As with Sigil Staves, these special verbs make use of settings that are customizable via a willing GALD merchant and can be viewed in the drapery's ANALYZE.


Verb First Third
CLOSE You seal your <dramatic drapery> with a touch, threads of <set color> light stitching it closed under the slide of your fingertips. XXX seals <his/her> <dramatic drapery> with a touch, threads of <set color> light stitching it closed under the slide of <his/her> fingertips.
COVER You sweep the edge of your <dramatic drapery> up to obscure your face, leaving only your eyes visible above your <material>-draped arm. XXX sweeps the edge of <his/her> <dramatic drapery> up to obscure <his/her> face, leaving only <his/her> <eye color and description> eyes visible above <his/her> <material>-draped arm.
OPEN You brush your fingertips along a seam of your <dramatic drapery>. The threads there take on a lucent <set color> glow and unravel, allowing the edges to part and the <dramatic drapery> to hang open. XXX brushes <his/her> fingertips along a seam of <his/her> <dramatic drapery>. The threads there take on a lucent <set color> glow and unravel, allowing the edges to part at the <dramatic drapery> to hang open.
PULL You tug sharply at the <set cover type> of your <dramatic drapery> to give yourself some breathing room. XXX tugs sharply at the <set cover type> of <his/her> <dramatic drapery>.
PUSH You adjust the <set cover type> of your <dramatic drapery> and smooth it into place.. XXX adjusts the <set cover type> of <his/her> <dramatic drapery> and smoothes it into place.
SIGIL (default) Focusing on the air before you, you reach out with your will. Your <dramatic drapery> ripples and sways, the <set material> lifting as though windblown. Lines of <set color> power leap from it and etch themselves upon the emptiness in an intricate collection of angles, arcs, and whorls, until they form an <set sigil article> <set color> <set sigil noun> emblazoned in the air. XXX focuses <his/her> attention on the air before <him/her>. <His/Her> <dramatic drapery> ripples and sways, the <set material> lifting as though windblown. Lines of <set color> power leap from <him/her> and etch themselves upon the emptiness in an intricate collection of angles, arcs, and whorls, until they form an <set sigil article> <set color> <set sigil noun> emblazoned in the air.
SIGIL (while also wearing Mana-Infused Armor) Focusing on the ground below you, you reach out with your will. Threads of <set color> light bleed through your <dramatic drapery> and ripple down over your <mana-infused leather, if worn>, sending <mana-infused leather set color> sparks skittering across the surface. Lines of power spread out from your feet, etching themselves around you in an intricate collection of angles, arcs, and whorls, until they form an <set sigil article> <set color> <set sigil noun> emblazoned upon the ground. XXX focuses <his/her> attention on the ground below <him/her>. Threads of <set color> light bleed through <his/her> <dramatic drapery> and ripple down over <his/her> <mana-infused leather, if worn>, sending <mana-infused leather set color> sparks skittering across the surface. Lines of power spread out from <his/her> feet, etching themselves around <him/her> in an intricate collection of angles, arcs, and whorls, until they form an <set sigil article> <set color> <set sigil noun> emblazoned upon the ground.
SIGIL (while also holding Sigil Staff) Focusing on the space above you, you reach out with your will. Luminous <set color> filaments crackle up your arm and around your upraised <sigil staff>, sending <sigil staff adjective> sparks dripping to the ground. Lines of power splay outward in a widening spiral before etching themselves in the air above in an intricate collection of angles, arcs, and whorls, until they form an <set sigil article> <set color> <set sigil noun> emblazoned overhead. <His/Her> attention fixed on the space above <him/her>, XXX raises <his/her> <sigil staff>. Luminous <set color> filaments crackle up <his/her> arm and around the runestaff, sending <sigil staff adjective> sparks dripping to the ground. Lines of power splay outward in a widening spiral before etching themselves in the air above in an intricate collection of angles, arcs, and whorls, until they form an <set sigil article> <set color> <set sigil noun> emblazoned overhead.
TURN As you turn, your <dramatic drapery> flares and billows with more drama than can be attributed to the force of your movement. Luminous <set color> plumes ripple and dance across the <material> from hem to shoulders, fading as the drape of the <dramatic drapery> settles. XXX's <dramatic drapery> flares and billows boldly as <he/she> turns. Luminous <set color> plumes ripple and dance across the <material> from hem to shoulders, fading as the drape of the <dramatic drapery> settles.

Tier 2

At this tier, the drapery may be RAISEd in order to render the wearer invisible for up to 10 seconds. The ability has a base cooldown of 20 minutes when unlocked at Tier 2, and reduces by 5 minutes per rank, to a minimum cooldown of 5 minutes at rank 5.


Verb First Third
RAISE You grasp the edges of your <dramatic drapery> and fling up your arms with a theatrical flourish! The <material> surges around you in a tight spiral, shimmering and growing transparent as it does so. Your skin tingles with arcane feedback from your invocation of invisibility, but you know the concealment won't last long. XXX flings <his/her> arms skyward with a flourish! The <material> of <his/her> <dramatic drapery> surges with the motion, coruscating with <set color> light. With one final flash of brilliance, <he/she> is gone!

Tier 3

At this tier, the wearer gains two abilities:

Confound Dispel

When targeted by a single or mass-dispel, Confound Dispel will force the enemy to dispel the least desirable spells the target is wearing rather than random (and potentially costly) spells. The ability has a base cooldown of 15 minutes when unlocked at Tier 3, and reduces by 5 minutes per rank, to a minimum cooldown of 5 minutes at rank 5.

For the dispel, each spell is given a "desirability" rating based on several factors and the following calculation:

[250 points per spell level * spell circle mod (1x for Minor, 2x for Major, and 3x for Profession spell circles) + 1 point per minute duration remaining]

Note: Iron Skin is rated as a level 20 spell, Spirit Barrier aka Airwall is rated as a level 10 spell (or lower), Fasthr's Reward and Blink are treated as level 5 spells. Bard Spellsong Durations are weighted at 2-hours for the calculation. Society Signs and non-natively known spells are weighted higher then spells as of 9/6/21.


This ability conceals your worn inventory, replacing it with one of several choices you can cycle through by SHAKEing the Dramatic Drapery. PINCH can be used to toggle the Dispel Warding effect.
Verb Style First Third
N/A Dispel Warding A <set color> haze distorts the air around you, confounding <target's> spell! N/A
N/A Dispel Cooldown Your <dramatic drapery> rustles and you see it flicker from the corner of your eye, alerting you that its Masquerade ability is available once more. N/A
PINCH Dispel Off Choosing carefully, you pinch four distinctive runes stitched along the edge of your <dramatic drapery> in succession. A <set color> scintillation rolls beneath your fingers, and the runes darken into quiescence. N/A
PINCH Dispel On Choosing carefully, you pinch four distinctive runes stitched along the edge of your <dramatic drapery> in succession. A <set color> scintillation rolls beneath your fingers, and the runes take on a gentle glow. N/A
SHAKE Option 1 You give your <dramatic drapery> a subtle shake, and it writhes unnaturally, enveloping you in deep, concealing folds of <material>. The <material> of <his/her> <dramatic drapery> writhes unnaturally about <him/her>, concealing <his/her> form.
SHAKE Option 2 You give your <dramatic drapery> a subtle shake, and it billows with a <set color> sheen, enveloping you in deep, concealing folds of <material>. <Set color>-sheened <material> billows about <him/her>, obscuring all else.
SHAKE Option 3 You give your <dramatic drapery> a subtle shake, and it drapes about you in deep, concealing folds of <material>. <His/Her> form is concealed within the folds of a <dramatic drapery>.
SHAKE Option 4 You give your <dramatic drapery> a subtle shake, and it enshrouds you in deep, concealing folds of <material>. Enshrouded as <he/she> is within a <dramatic drapery>, naught else of <his/her> attire can be seen.
SHAKE Option 5 You give your <dramatic drapery> a subtle shake, and it casts your attire in deep shadow, enveloping you in deep, concealing folds of <material>. Little can be seen of <his/her> attire, only a dark silhouette enveloped by a <dramatic drapery>.

Tier 4

At this tier, the wearer gains access to Grandiose Movement, allowing 5 different, customizable options for messaging while moving between rooms (including while invisible).


Verb Style Leaving Entering
RUB Motes XXX dissolves into motes of <set color> light that flow north. Motes of <set color> light flow in and resolve into XXX.
RUB Lines Thin, <set color> lines of energy creep in along the floor, with XXX following close behind. Thin, <set color> lines of energy creep along the floor ahead of XXX, heading north.
RUB Footprints XXX strolls in, leaving a trail of rapidly fading <set color> footprints. XXX strolls north, leaving a fading trail of <set color> footprints behind.
RUB Glow XXX stalks in, framed by a shifting, sourceless <set color> glow. XXX stalks north, framed by a shifting, sourceless <set color> glow.
RUB Glitter XXX flounces in amidst a diffuse cloud of <set color> glitter. XXX flounces north amidst a diffuse cloud of <set color> glitter.

Tier 5

At this tier, the user gains a 20 bonus to defend against incoming SMRv2 attacks on a standard flare chance (20%). This will show up as a flat 20 penalty to the end roll of the opponent's attack and is not subject to the diminishing returns of normal SMRv2 defense.

A triton radical dips his shoulder and rushes towards you!
** Branching filaments of power snap outward from your cendal cape in a lambent cerulean corona! **
[SMR result: 2 (Open d100: 20, Penalty: 20)]
You stand firm and manage to maintain your balance.
Note: You may see "Penalty" above/below 20 depending upon mitigating factors such as the character's abilities that help defend against the maneuver (such as Dodging, Combat Maneuvers). The bonus is still included.


This is a tier 5 Dramatic Drapery.
  1: Sigil [SIGIL] - Unique actions, and the ability to draw a special sigil in your vicinity.  Base 6 minute cooldown, reduced by 1 minute per tier.
  2: Flourish [RAISE] - Extravagantly gesture and throw the folds of the duster around yourself, temporarily becoming invisible for 10 seconds.  Base 30 minute cooldown, reduced by 5 minutes per tier.
  3: Masquerade [SHAKE|PINCH] - Conceal your attire fully beneath the dramatic folds of your drapery.  In addition, this tier unlocks the ability for your garment to confound dispel attempts, causing your least desirable wards to be targeted first.  Base 30 minute cooldown, reduced by 5 minutes per tier.
   Appearance: Off [SHAKE]
           Dispel: On [PINCH]
  4: Grandiose Travel [RUB] - Enhance the theatrics of your movement as you amble from place to place.  Even while invisible!
      Setting: Motes of Light
  5: Wondrous Weave - Your drapery will flare with protective magics to help you defend against maneuvers.
Unlocked verbs: close, cover, open, pull, push, raise, rub, shake, sigil, turn
Customization settings:
        Material: leather
           Color: silver
      Cover Type: collar
 Cover Adjective: wide, flared
   Sigil Article: an intricate
     Sigil Color: silver (defaults to the duster color if not set)
      Sigil Noun: sigil
Alteration Guidelines:
Aesthetically, the garment can be any kind of cloak, cape, or long, loose coat or robe.  It billows, it swirls, it drapes, so nothing short or cut close.  The material can be heavy like leather or canvas, but it must be pliable.
Dramatic Drapery does not have fastenings to secure it. Any buttons or clasps would be nonfunctional and decorative.
Keep customizations to a few words to best flow with the messaging that uses them.  One is ideal, two or three may be acceptable.
Color customizations should only be describing a color itself, not a quality.  'Peacock blue' is fine; 'brilliant peacock blue' is not.
Covering customizations should be an adjective describing the hood, cowl, or collar.
Sigil customizations are limited to 15 characters each (15/15/15) for the article, color (adjective), and noun.  The noun should be a sigil, symbol, rune, glyph, or similar.

Additional Information

Set Bonus with Sigil Staves and Mana-Infused Armor

If at least one other item in the Sigil Set are used in combat, the user gains the ability to flare a Sigil of Binding effect via an SMRv2 attack that roots your opponents and prevents them from using combat maneuvers. Each unlocked tier of the Sigil Set worn by the user increases the odds of a flare by 1% (up to 15%, if Tier 5 of all 3 items are used). T0 contributes 0% towards this chance but can still count as one of the two items needed to activate the flare.

A rooted target is unable to move away from the room but can still perform combat actions. Rooted targets receive a penalty of -50 AS to melee attacks, -25 AS to ranged attacks, and -25 DS, but this does not stack with some other status conditions. In addition, rooted creatures cannot perform maneuvers.


Dramatic Drapery Information
Type Mechanical
Feature altering
Item Classification Container
Item(s) Applied to Cloak-worn
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep Yes
Feature(s) Altered Inventory concealing
Customizable Yes
Custom Verb
Original Release Venue Duskruin Arena
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 5
How to Unlock Certificate
Corresponding Item Scripts Sigil Staff
Mana-Infused Armor
Spell Invisibility (916)
Restrictions See analyze.
Item Verbs