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[[Premium subscription]] members can have '''Premium homes'''. Only one character per account may have and decorate a home, but all characters may access it.
[[Premium subscription]] members can have '''Premium homes'''. A premium customer must be subscribed for a total of 90 consecutive days in order to be eligible to claim a home. Only one character per account may have and decorate a home, but all characters may access it. A premium subscription is required to maintain access to the house. If the subscription is ever cancelled, the home will become inaccessible. Premium homes can be personalized using pre-made items found in shops, occasionally customized through [[merchant]]s or [[raffle]]s and can even come with an interactive pet that will follow the character around the neighborhood.

The Premium home system has been up for a review since its inception.
The Premium home system has been up for a review since its inception.
Line 22: Line 22:
The type of home claimed will forever determine what the OUTSIDE of that home may look like. Home exteriors must match the neighborhoods in which they have been placed (cabins will only be allowed in rural areas, for example, and shanties will not be allowed in expensive neighborhoods.)
The type of home claimed will forever determine what the OUTSIDE of that home may look like. Home exteriors must match the neighborhoods in which they have been placed (cabins will only be allowed in rural areas, for example, and shanties will not be allowed in expensive neighborhoods.)

The exteriors of shops (as well as doors) can be changed in [[Misty Isle Exteriors]] on [[Mist Harbor]].
The exteriors of homes (as well as doors) can be changed in [[Misty Isle Exteriors]] on [[Mist Harbor]].

==Purchasing a New Home==
==Purchasing a New Home==
Line 36: Line 36:

==Moving an Existing Home==
==Moving an Existing Home==
Whether staying in the same neighborhood or moving half-way across [[Elanith]], home furnishings must be shipped. Go to the local Cartage Merchant and the merchant will say how much it will cost and how long it will take. Following the directions on the sign to order shipment while holding the deed in the right hand and promissory note in the left hand.
Whether staying in the same neighborhood or moving half-way across [[Elanith]], home furnishings must be shipped. Go to the local Cartage Merchant and the merchant will say how much it will cost and how long it will take. Following the directions on the sign to order shipment while holding the deed in the right hand and a promissory note in the left hand.

The next step is to wait until the furnishings arrive at the new destination. Then the new home may be claimed with the deed in the right hand. When a new home is successfully claimed, furnishings will be inside.
The next step is to wait until the furnishings arrive at the new destination. Then the new home may be claimed with the deed in the right hand. When a new home is successfully claimed, furnishings will be inside.

Very important: Do NOT buy a new home in the new location! Use the existing deed to CLAIM the new home. If you purchase a new deed, rather than using the deed you used when moving the furniture, your furniture will not arrive promptly.

===Cartage Merchant Locations===
{| {{prettytable}}
!Shop Name
!Lich Room
|River's Rest
|Ceraleth's Cartage
|Inside the bank building
|Wehnimer's Landing
|Ceraleth's Cartage
|Inside Moot Hall

Line 53: Line 73:
;Lists of Items (permanent shops only)
;Lists of Items (permanent shops only)
*[[Premium home doors‎]]
*[[Premium home doors‎]]
*[[Premium home exteriors]]
*[[Premium home fireplaces‎]]
*[[Premium home fireplaces‎]]
*[[Premium home firewood shops‎]]
*[[Premium home firewood shops‎]]
Line 72: Line 93:
*[[:Category: Premium Home Window Shops|Windows]]
*[[:Category: Premium Home Window Shops|Windows]]

Shops may also have pets, which are found in [[Island Menagerie]] on Mist Harbor.
Homes may also have pets, which are found in [[Island Menagerie]] on Mist Harbor.

== HOME (verb) ==
== HOME (verb) ==
HOME CLAIM claims a home in your current room.
HOME CHANGE changes the way your room is described.
HOME SWAP enables you to swap the position of your 'bed' and 'table' items.
HOME GUEST {player} sets ONE guest who may enter the home at any time.
HOME GUEST CLEAR clears your guest.
HOME SCENT changes the scent of your home.
HOME PRIVACY {FAMILIAR | LOCATE} turns privacy options on or off.
HOME SAVE saves your room description, scent, privacy options and guest.
HOME TRANSFER transfers ownership to the character typing the command. You
must stand in the room of your home entrance to use this command.
HOME DEED creates a deed for your home, which can be sold or moved.
HOME HELP {#} gives you online help.
Using the{{boldmono| HOME }}verb anywhere in the game will bring up the HOME menu. Certain parts of the verb must be used by home owners, or in the home only.
Using the{{boldmono| HOME }}verb anywhere in the game will bring up the HOME menu. Certain parts of the verb must be used by home owners, or in the home only.
Line 96: Line 133:
{{boldmono|HOME SWAP }}enables the owner to swap the position of the 'bed' and 'table' items. This allows replacement of each with a separate category of furniture. Please pay careful attention to what the merchant says when ordering a new piece!
{{boldmono|HOME SWAP }}enables the owner to swap the position of the 'bed' and 'table' items. This allows replacement of each with a separate category of furniture. Please pay careful attention to what the merchant says when ordering a new piece!

{{boldmono|HOME SCENT }}will allow you to change way your home smells.

Line 120: Line 160:
{{boldmono|HOME DEED }}creates a deed for the home, which can be sold or moved.
{{boldmono|HOME DEED }}creates a deed for the home, which can be sold or moved.

{{boldmono|HOME DEED CONFIRM }} will get the deed to the home, which will become deserted. For a period of 96 hours, only someone with that exact deed will be able to claim that particular home.
{{boldmono|HOME DEED CONFIRM }} will get the deed to the home, which will become deserted. For a period of 96 hours, only someone with that exact deed will be able to claim that particular home.


{{boldmono|HOME HELP }}options:
>home help

HOME HELP options are:

1. Introduction.
2. Claiming a home.
3. Trading in one home for another.
4. Home Types.
5. Furniture types.
6. Purchasing furniture.
7. Changing your home's interior description.
8. Using chairs in your home.
9. Attaching objects to your furniture and wall.
10. Using your fireplace.
11. Changing your home's exterior description.
12. News!
13. Home policies
14. Home Deeds!
15. Where is my home?

:1. Introduction.
>home help 1


Welcome to the Premium Homes system! We hope you'll enjoy playing with the homes as much as we did creating them. The next few pages of this policy guide will explain a few of the features and restrictions on the homes, as well as give you an introduction to using them.

Type HOME HELP for a list of topics.

:2. Claiming a home.
>home help 2

Claiming a home

ONE HOME PER ACCOUNT! You may claim a home with any ONE character on your Premium account. If you wish to have more than one home, please contact about setting up a second Premium account and transferring a character to that account.

CLAIMING A HOME. To claim a home, go to the Town Hall in your area and pay the real estate clerk there the appropriate fee (type ASK CLERK ABOUT HOMES to find out what the fee is that day). To pay the clerk, type GIVE CLERK <amount> where <amount> equals the exact amount in silvers. If you have a bank note, the clerk will notice this and use the note.

After you have paid for the a home, go to a room in which there is a claimable home you like, and type HOME CLAIM. The system will show you a list of available homes and ask you to confirm your claim.

:3. Trading in one home for another.
>home help 3

You can transfer your home from one character to another on your account by standing in the room of your facade and typing HOME TRANSFER (with the character you want to be the new owner).

:4. Home Types.
>home help 4

Homes are divided into several basic categories:

- Urban or Rural
- Lower, Middle or Upper Class
- Freestanding Structure or Door
- Race or Class restrictions (select homes only)

Recognizing a home's category:

Lower Rural: hut or shack, or sagging wooden door.
Middle Rural: cabin or cottage, or modest wooden door.
Upper Rural: domicile or sturdy wooden door.
Lower Urban: hovel or sagging metal door.
Middle Urban: home, cottage, or modest metal door.
Upper Urban: residence or sturdy metal door.

The type of home you claim will forever determine what the OUTSIDE of that home may look like. Home exteriors must match the neighborhoods in which they have been placed (cabins will only be allowed in rural areas, for example, and shanties will not be allowed in expensive neighborhoods.)

:5. Furniture types.
>home help 5

Each home has several categories of furniture that are used to build the room description when you type LOOK. These categories are:

- Floor
- Optional Floor Covering
- Wall
- Optional Wall Hanging
- Large Item #1 (usually a bed)
- Large Item #2 (usually a flat surface, such as a desk or table)
- Fire/Heat Source
- Door (may be hidden from view)
- Optional Window (May be hidden from view)
- Optional Chairs


:6. Purchasing furniture.
>home help 6

To purchase furniture for your home, go to one of the many furniture stores throughout the game and type ORDER to see a list of what is available.

Once you know what you want, type ORDER <#>. The merchant will give you a price and usually offer a trade-in discount on your old piece of furniture of the same category. To confirm the order, type ORDER <#>. Your furniture will be delivered after you have left your home closed, locked and empty for a few minutes.


:7. Changing your home's interior description.
>home help 7

- To change the wording of your room description, type HOME CHANGE.
- To change your scent type, type HOME SCENT.
- To hide or unhide your door, window, floor cover or wall hanging, TAP them.
- To change your furniture, visit a merchant and ORDER a replacement piece.
- To switch your two miscellaneous furniture slots, type HOME SWAP.
- To evict someone, SHOW {player} to DOOR.
- To look out the window - if you have one - PEER WINDOW.
- To look out the door (open) or its peephole (closed), PEER DOOR.

:8. Using chairs in your home.
>home help 8

Chair syntax is as follows:

- To make more chairs, OPEN {chair}.
- To gather your chairs together, CLOSE {chair}.
- Other verbs:
- PULL CHAIR TO {furniture object}
- There are many different results you can get from the verbs.
Experiment a bit!

:9. Attaching objects to your furniture and wall.
>home help 9

The ability to place objects in your home safely is a long term home project. More news on this as it comes closer to implementation.


:10. Using your fireplace.
>home help 10

The heat source in your home requires fuel. You'll have to stock it yourself. There are merchants around town that will sell you fuel.

Useful Verbs:

LIGHT {heatsource} - Lights the fire. You must have
fuel for this. See STOCK and STACK.
STOCK {heatsource} - Stocks fuel next to your heatsource.
(Used for storage. You'll need
fuel in your hand or hands for this.)
STACK {heatsource} - Stacks fuel inside your heatsource.
(Used to add fuel to your fire.).
STOKE {heatsource} - Shifts the wood and hot coals to
build up the fire.
UNSTACK {heatsrc} - Removes fuel from your fire.
CLEAN {heatsource} - Clean ash and coals out.

Replace {heatsource} above with the name of your fireplace, such as "firepit", "kiln", "brazier", and the like.

:11. Changing your home's exterior description.
>home help 11

To upgrade your home's exterior, visit one of the following shops according to what your home was ORIGINALLY called, type ORDER, and follow the instructions. If the merchant will not sell to you, you are in the wrong shop for your home type.

Home Class Initial Type

Lower Class Rural Huts, Shacks, Bothies
Lower Class Rural Doors Sagging Wooden Doors
Middle Class Rural Cabins, Most Cottages
Middle Class Rural Doors Modest Wooden Doors
Upper Class Rural Domiciles
Upper Class Rural Doors Sturdy Wooden Doors
Lower Class Urban Hovels
Lower Class Urban Doors Sagging Metal Doors
Middle Class Urban Homes
Middle Class Urban Doors Modest Metal Doors
Upper Class Urban Residences
Upper Class Urban Doors Sturdy Metal Doors

If your home is a freestanding model, you may also visit the appropriate door shop to order a door for your home. You may change your home's appearance as many times as you like, although the merchant will charge you each time you do so.

:12. News!
>home help 12

Recent Changes and Upgrades...

03-03-99 The following features were added:
- All characters on your account may now access
your home. The homeowner character must visit
the home once for this ability to take effect.
- After the homeowning character has visited the
home once, thereafter when someone looks at the
home, they will see who owns it.
- Characters will now log into homes from which they
have logged out of. Dead characters will log in
outside the home.
- HOME SAVE now works much better.
- PEER DOOR let you look outside in secret if the
door is closed!
- HOME SWAP will swap the position of your "bed"
and "table" items. If you swap them, when you
purchase a new item at the store, it will replace
the opposite piece. This will enable you to have
two beds or two table items if you wish.
- SHOW <player> to <door> is the new, expanded way
to eject someone from your home. It must be used
twice to evict them completely.
06-26-00 - Updated home help. Home Transfer is nearing
completion, and will allow you to transfer ownership
of your home between characters on your account.
In the meantime if you wish to transfer ownership you
may Assist and a GM can transfer it for you.
09-03-00 - Home transfer is live. Also a bug with the privacy
settings has been corrected, and they should save
and setup properly now. Please report any problems
in the Four Winds catagories on the message boards.
11-02-00 An update on information storage and the checks
allowing other characters on the account to use the
HOME commands is in. If you are having trouble getting
these commands to work, enter the home once with the
owner character to reset the information.
06-01-01 The following additions were made:
- HOME DEED was released.
- Tyramia Hollow and Highpark Estates opened up
in the Ta'Illistim area.
08-05-01 Chairs are now available in most major towns.

...end news.

:13. Home policies
>home help 13

A few rules:

You must be a Premium customer for 90 consecutive days to claim a home.

One home per account! If you want another account, contact

You must maintain your Premium subscription to keep your home. If you ever cancel your Premium subscription or your account, your home will be reclaimed immediately. Your 90 day period will start over if you resubscribe.

Normal game policies apply inside of homes! If a home is used to abuse game mechanics, it will be taken away.

And the most important rule: Have fun!

:14. Home Deeds!
>home help 14


Use HOME DEED to sell your home or to claim another home. You have three options for selling your home.

Do not ship your furnishings if you want to:
1) Sell your home to the clerk in town. He will pay you a fair price for it and its furnishings.
2) Sell or give it to another player for what you can get them to pay for it. If you do this, the other player must claim your home with your deed before 96 hours have elapsed from the time you got your deed.

You must ship your furnishings if you want to:
1) Use your deed to claim a home in a new neighborhood. This will preserve all the furnishings you have collected over time and install them in your new home.

Your furnishings always go with your deed.

Here's the process:

Step 1 - Getting the deed to your home

Type HOME DEED CONFIRM to get the deed to your home. Your home will become deserted. For a period of 96 hours, only someone with that exact deed will be able to claim that particular home. So, if you have plans to give it to a loved one or sell it to someone, you must accomplish this within 96 hours.

Step 2 - Selling/Giving your home to the town merchant or to someone else

If you wish to sell your deed, go to the Contracts merchant in your town and sell it. That's it. You're done.

If you wish to sell or give your deed to another person, sell it or give it to them now. Now it's up to that person to do Step 3.

If, rather than sell or give away your deed, you wish to claim another home, go to step 3.

Step 3 - Claiming a new home with your deed

Note: Do not buy a new deed. Use the deed that you got when you used HOME DEED CONFIRM from step 1.

Whether you stay in the same neighborhood or move half-way across Elanith, you must ship your furnishings. Go to the local Cartage Merchant and the merchant will tell you how much it will cost and how long it will take. Following the directions on the sign, order shipment of your furnishings.

The next important step is to WAIT. Wait until your furnishings arrive at the new destination. Then you may go to your new home and, with deed in your right hand, type HOME CLAIM. When your home is successfully claimed, your furnishings will be inside.

Note: Be sure to thoroughly research your new neighborhood before you decide to move there. Some neighborhoods have race and profession restrictions that may prevent you from claiming a home there.

:15. Where is my home?
>home help 15

Your Premium Home is located in [NEIGHBORHOOD], which is in, or near, TOWN.
Your home's facade is: a plain cabin.

==Premium Home Alterations==

The information shared below is intended to help facilitate Premium home alteration planning. It is drawn from information provided to a player who won a raffle for a full Premium home alteration, as well as additional information learned during that raffle win redemption process.

:'''Facade:''' Capable of having long AND show.

The facade MUST fit to be appropriate for the neighborhood, including upper/middle/lower class status for that specific room. It cannot be something totally out of place, like a tree house. It should remain a structure that would make sense where it is located. It must be a normal structure capable of housing all standard home interior objects. As an example, a home in an upper class neighborhood room may be altered into an estate, manse, hall, manor, or villa, however hovels and shanties are not appropriate. Some nouns may be further restricted by QC.

In the case of homes located inside another structure, such as the Dragonsclaw Arms apartments or the Glarstim Cavern underground homes, the facade must reflect that the entry is a door leading into another interior structure. It may not be a standalone structure inside the larger apartment complex or caverns.

:'''Walls:''' Capable of having long AND show. This item in particular can look very unusual with some home arrangements.
:'''Wall hanging:''' Capable of having long AND show.
:'''Fireplace:''' Capable of having long AND show. Lit fireplaces change the displayed show description due to their script.
:'''Object #1:''' Capable of having long AND show. This is often a bed object.
:'''Object #2:''' Capable of having long AND show. This is often a table object.
:'''Floor:''' Capable of having 15/15/15 only.
:'''Rug:''' Capable of having long AND show. This can also be hidden.
:'''Seating object:''' Capable of having long AND show. This is typically a chair or similar. This can also be hidden.
:'''Windows:''' Capable of having 15/15/15 only. This can also be hidden.
:'''Door:''' Capable of having long AND show. This can also be hidden.

The essence of the item being altered should be similar. A chair can be altered to be a bench. It cannot be altered into a tub.

If the Object (#1 or #2) item being altered has a script associated with it, such as beds which can be sat or laid upon, or mirrors which can be peered into, then altered object must make sense to go with that item script.

The way the home interior text itself is displayed cannot be altered; only individual items in the interior can be altered. Interior objects can be rearranged normally.

For interior objects, some room arrangements look weird depending on how the object is altered. It is recommended to look at the various room arrangement options and how they display for a better idea of what to expect when planning interior alterations. For some room arrangement configurations, the long description is not visible in the room itself, even though it is present on the object.

Scents cannot be altered. Only the preset list of scents are available for use.

===Additional Notes===

Rare materials are not permitted on large areas, however sometimes small adornments can be made including rare materials if they are supplied. This may be subject to QC. Always have a backup.

All alter rules must be followed. Be familiar with ALTER 9 and ALTER 10.

==Neighborhood Maps==
|- valign="top"
|[[Image:Homes1.gif|thumb|Wehnimer's Landing Neighborhoods (inside town)]]
|[[Image:Homes2.gif|thumb|Wehnimer's Landing Neighborhoods (outside town)]]
|[[Image:Homes3.gif|thumb|Icemule Trace and Pinefar Neighborhoods]]
|[[Image:Homes4.gif|thumb|River's Rest and Teras Isle Neighborhoods]]
|[[Image:Homes5.gif|thumb|Elven Nations and Solhaven Neighborhoods]]

*[[Premium home (saved post)]]
*[[/saved posts|Saved posts]]
*[ Officials folder]
*[ Officials folder]

Revision as of 07:51, 11 November 2022

Premium subscription members can have Premium homes. A premium customer must be subscribed for a total of 90 consecutive days in order to be eligible to claim a home. Only one character per account may have and decorate a home, but all characters may access it. A premium subscription is required to maintain access to the house. If the subscription is ever cancelled, the home will become inaccessible. Premium homes can be personalized using pre-made items found in shops, occasionally customized through merchants or raffles and can even come with an interactive pet that will follow the character around the neighborhood.

The Premium home system has been up for a review since its inception.

Home Types

Homes are divided into several basic categories:

- Urban or Rural
- Lower, Middle or Upper Class
- Freestanding Structure or Door
- Race or Class restrictions (select homes only)

Recognizing a home's category:

Lower Rural: hut or shack, or sagging wooden door.
Middle Rural: cabin or cottage, or modest wooden door.
Upper Rural: domicile or sturdy wooden door.
Lower Urban: hovel or sagging metal door.
Middle Urban: home, cottage, or modest metal door.
Upper Urban: residence or sturdy metal door.

The type of home claimed will forever determine what the OUTSIDE of that home may look like. Home exteriors must match the neighborhoods in which they have been placed (cabins will only be allowed in rural areas, for example, and shanties will not be allowed in expensive neighborhoods.)

The exteriors of homes (as well as doors) can be changed in Misty Isle Exteriors on Mist Harbor.

Purchasing a New Home

To claim a home, go to the town realtor in the area (sometimes in town hall) and pay the clerk the appropriate fee (type ASK CLERK ABOUT HOMES to find out what the fee is). To pay the clerk, GIVE CLERK {amount} where {amount} equals the exact amount in silvers. Bank notes are accepted.

>ask realtor about homes
"A home will cost you 100000 silvers if you want to register for one right now," says the realtor.  "Of course, the price will probably drop soon, but if you wish to register now, just give me the appropriate fee and I'll set you up."
(You'll need to GIVE the realtor 100000 silvers or a bank note for the same amount.

After paying for the a home, go to a room in a desired type of neighborhood that has a claimable home, and HOME CLAIM. The system will show a list of available homes and ask to confirm the claim.

Moving an Existing Home

Whether staying in the same neighborhood or moving half-way across Elanith, home furnishings must be shipped. Go to the local Cartage Merchant and the merchant will say how much it will cost and how long it will take. Following the directions on the sign to order shipment while holding the deed in the right hand and a promissory note in the left hand.

The next step is to wait until the furnishings arrive at the new destination. Then the new home may be claimed with the deed in the right hand. When a new home is successfully claimed, furnishings will be inside.

Very important: Do NOT buy a new home in the new location! Use the existing deed to CLAIM the new home. If you purchase a new deed, rather than using the deed you used when moving the furniture, your furniture will not arrive promptly.

Cartage Merchant Locations

Town Shop Name Location Lich Room
River's Rest Ceraleth's Cartage Inside the bank building 10913
Wehnimer's Landing Ceraleth's Cartage Inside Moot Hall 7974


Each home has several categories of furniture that are used to build the room description when LOOKed in. Whenever a new item of furniture is purchased, the old item in the same furniture category in the home is replaced.

Tips for Decorating
  • Rugs and other floor coverings are optional
  • Decorations for hanging on walls are optional
  • Two large objects are allowed. One does not have to be a bed, but usually is
  • Doors may be hidden from view
  • Having a window is optional. They may be hidden from view using TAP
  • Chairs are optional. They must be opened to multiply
Lists of Items (permanent shops only)
Lists of Shops (festival/pay event shops included)

Homes may also have pets, which are found in Island Menagerie on Mist Harbor.

HOME (verb)


  HOME CLAIM claims a home in your current room.
  HOME CHANGE changes the way your room is described.
  HOME SWAP enables you to swap the position of your 'bed' and 'table' items.
  HOME GUEST {player} sets ONE guest who may enter the home at any time.
  HOME GUEST CLEAR clears your guest.
  HOME SCENT changes the scent of your home.
  HOME PRIVACY {FAMILIAR | LOCATE} turns privacy options on or off.
  HOME SAVE saves your room description, scent, privacy options and guest.
  HOME TRANSFER transfers ownership to the character typing the command.  You
            must stand in the room of your home entrance to use this command.
  HOME DEED creates a deed for your home, which can be sold or moved.
  HOME HELP {#} gives you online help.

Using the HOME verb anywhere in the game will bring up the HOME menu. Certain parts of the verb must be used by home owners, or in the home only.


HOME CLAIM will attempt to claim a home in a neighborhood.


HOME CHANGE changes the way the room is described.


A floor spreads across this room into surrounding walls of {wall material}. A fireplace, a wall decoration hanging above it, stands guard over the bed and table that rest upon a rug covering the floor. A lingering scent of gardenia fills the air.
A lingering scent of gardenia fills this room. Its rug-covered floor supports a bed and a table, and the area is enclosed by walls of {wall material}. A fireplace sits at the far wall, above it hanging a wall decoration.
A bed and a table rest upon the floor of this room. A fireplace, a wall decoration hanging above it, sits at the edge of the cotton rug covering the floor. Walls enclose the area, holding in its lingering smell of gardenia.
A rug adorns the floor of this room. A fireplace, wall decoration hanging above it, rests between a bed and a table pushed up against the walls. The room holds a lingering scent of gardenia.
Walls of {wall material} and a floor covered by a rug enclose this room. In one corner lies a simple stick cot, and near the cot sits a table. Above a fireplace hangs a wall decoration. The room holds a lingering scent of gardenia.


HOME SWAP enables the owner to swap the position of the 'bed' and 'table' items. This allows replacement of each with a separate category of furniture. Please pay careful attention to what the merchant says when ordering a new piece!


HOME SCENT will allow you to change way your home smells.


Homeowners may give a key to ONE character who is not on the owner account.

HOME GUEST {player} sets ONE guest who may enter the home at any time.

HOME GUEST CLEAR clears that guest.


HOME PRIVACY {FAMILIAR toggles privacy options on or off.

The HOME PRIVACY FAMILIAR flag must be on to SUMMON a Premium pet in a home.


HOME SAVE saves a room description, scent, privacy options and guest.


HOME TRANSFER transfers ownership to the character typing the command. Stand in the room of the home entrance to use this command.

Homes may be transferred from one character to another on an account by standing in the room of the facade and using HOME TRANSFER (with the new owner character).


HOME DEED creates a deed for the home, which can be sold or moved.

HOME DEED CONFIRM will get the deed to the home, which will become deserted. For a period of 96 hours, only someone with that exact deed will be able to claim that particular home.


HOME HELP options:

>home help

HOME HELP options are:

1.  Introduction.
2.  Claiming a home.
3.  Trading in one home for another.
4.  Home Types.
5.  Furniture types.
6.  Purchasing furniture.
7.  Changing your home's interior description.
8.  Using chairs in your home.
9.  Attaching objects to your furniture and wall.
10. Using your fireplace.
11. Changing your home's exterior description.
12. News!
13. Home policies
14. Home Deeds!
15. Where is my home?
1. Introduction.
>home help 1


Welcome to the Premium Homes system!  We hope you'll enjoy playing with the homes as much as we did creating them.  The next few pages of this policy guide will explain a few of the features and restrictions on the homes, as well as give you an introduction to using them.

Type HOME HELP for a list of topics.
2. Claiming a home.
>home help 2

Claiming a home

ONE HOME PER ACCOUNT!  You may claim a home with any ONE character on your Premium account.  If you wish to have more than one home, please contact about setting up a second Premium account and transferring a character to that account.

CLAIMING A HOME.  To claim a home, go to the Town Hall in your area and pay the real estate clerk there the appropriate fee (type ASK CLERK ABOUT HOMES to find out what the fee is that day).  To pay the clerk, type GIVE CLERK <amount> where <amount> equals the exact amount in silvers.  If you have a bank note, the clerk will notice this and use the note.

After you have paid for the a home, go to a room in which there is a claimable home you like, and type HOME CLAIM.  The system will show you a list of available homes and ask you to confirm your claim.
3. Trading in one home for another.
>home help 3

You can transfer your home from one character to another on your account by standing in the room of your facade and typing HOME TRANSFER (with the character you want to be the new owner).
4. Home Types.
>home help 4

Homes are divided into several basic categories:

 - Urban or Rural
 - Lower, Middle or Upper Class
 - Freestanding Structure or Door
 - Race or Class restrictions (select homes only)

Recognizing a home's category:

 Lower Rural: hut or shack, or sagging wooden door.
 Middle Rural: cabin or cottage, or modest wooden door.
 Upper Rural:  domicile or sturdy wooden door.
 Lower Urban:  hovel or sagging metal door.
 Middle Urban: home, cottage, or modest metal door.
 Upper Urban:  residence or sturdy metal door.

The type of home you claim will forever determine what the OUTSIDE of that home may look like.  Home exteriors must match the neighborhoods in which they have been placed (cabins will only be allowed in rural areas, for example, and shanties will not be allowed in expensive neighborhoods.)
5. Furniture types.
>home help 5

Each home has several categories of furniture that are used to build the room description when you type LOOK.  These categories are:

 - Floor
 - Optional Floor Covering
 - Wall
 - Optional Wall Hanging
 - Large Item #1 (usually a bed)
 - Large Item #2 (usually a flat surface, such as a desk or table)
 - Fire/Heat Source
 - Door (may be hidden from view)
 - Optional Window (May be hidden from view)
 - Optional Chairs

6. Purchasing furniture.
>home help 6

To purchase furniture for your home, go to one of the many furniture stores throughout the game and type ORDER to see a list of what is available.

Once you know what you want, type ORDER <#>.  The merchant will give you a price and usually offer a trade-in discount on your old piece of furniture of the same category.  To confirm the order, type ORDER <#>.  Your furniture will be delivered after you have left your home closed, locked and empty for a few minutes.

7. Changing your home's interior description.
>home help 7

 - To change the wording of your room description, type HOME CHANGE.
 - To change your scent type, type HOME SCENT.
 - To hide or unhide your door, window, floor cover or wall hanging, TAP them.
 - To change your furniture, visit a merchant and ORDER a replacement piece.
 - To switch your two miscellaneous furniture slots, type HOME SWAP.
 - To evict someone, SHOW {player} to DOOR.
 - To look out the window - if you have one - PEER WINDOW.
 - To look out the door (open) or its peephole (closed), PEER DOOR.
8. Using chairs in your home.
>home help 8

Chair syntax is as follows:

 - To make more chairs, OPEN {chair}.
 - To gather your chairs together, CLOSE {chair}.
 - Other verbs:
    - PULL CHAIR TO {furniture object}
    - There are many different results you can get from the verbs.
      Experiment a bit!
9. Attaching objects to your furniture and wall.
>home help 9

The ability to place objects in your home safely is a long term home project.  More news on this as it comes closer to implementation.

10. Using your fireplace.
>home help 10

The heat source in your home requires fuel.  You'll have to stock it yourself.  There are merchants around town that will sell you fuel.

Useful Verbs:

LIGHT {heatsource} - Lights the fire.  You must have
                     fuel for this.  See STOCK and STACK.
STOCK {heatsource} - Stocks fuel next to your heatsource.
                     (Used for storage.  You'll need
                     fuel in your hand or hands for this.)
STACK {heatsource} - Stacks fuel inside your heatsource.
                     (Used to add fuel to your fire.).
STOKE {heatsource} - Shifts the wood and hot coals to
                     build up the fire.
UNSTACK {heatsrc}  - Removes fuel from your fire.
CLEAN {heatsource} - Clean ash and coals out.

Replace {heatsource} above with the name of your fireplace, such as "firepit", "kiln", "brazier", and the like.
11. Changing your home's exterior description.
>home help 11

To upgrade your home's exterior, visit one of the following shops according to what your home was ORIGINALLY called, type ORDER, and follow the instructions.  If the merchant will not sell to you, you are in the wrong shop for your home type.

Home Class                  Initial Type

Lower Class Rural           Huts, Shacks, Bothies
Lower Class Rural Doors     Sagging Wooden Doors
Middle Class Rural          Cabins, Most Cottages
Middle Class Rural Doors    Modest Wooden Doors
Upper Class Rural           Domiciles
Upper Class Rural Doors     Sturdy Wooden Doors
Lower Class Urban           Hovels
Lower Class Urban Doors     Sagging Metal Doors
Middle Class Urban          Homes
Middle Class Urban Doors    Modest Metal Doors
Upper Class Urban           Residences
Upper Class Urban Doors     Sturdy Metal Doors

If your home is a freestanding model, you may also visit the appropriate door shop to order a door for your home.  You may change your home's appearance as many times as you like, although the merchant will charge you each time you do so.
12. News!
>home help 12

Recent Changes and Upgrades...

03-03-99 The following features were added:
         - All characters on your account may now access
           your home.  The homeowner character must visit
           the home once for this ability to take effect.
         - After the homeowning character has visited the
           home once, thereafter when someone looks at the
           home, they will see who owns it.
         - Characters will now log into homes from which they
           have logged out of.  Dead characters will log in
           outside the home.
         - HOME SAVE now works much better.
         - PEER DOOR let you look outside in secret if the
           door is closed!
         - HOME SWAP will swap the position of your "bed"
           and "table" items.  If you swap them, when you
           purchase a new item at the store, it will replace
           the opposite piece.  This will enable you to have
           two beds or two table items if you wish.
         - SHOW <player> to <door> is the new, expanded way
           to eject someone from your home.  It must be used
           twice to evict them completely.
06-26-00 - Updated home help.  Home Transfer is nearing
           completion, and will allow you to transfer ownership
           of your home between characters on your account.
           In the meantime if you wish to transfer ownership you
           may Assist and a GM can transfer it for you.
09-03-00 - Home transfer is live.  Also a bug with the privacy
           settings has been corrected, and they should save
           and setup properly now.  Please report any problems
           in the Four Winds catagories on the message boards.
11-02-00   An update on information storage and the checks
           allowing other characters on the account to use the
           HOME commands is in.  If you are having trouble getting
           these commands to work, enter the home once with the
           owner character to reset the information.
06-01-01 The following additions were made:
         - HOME DEED was released.
         - Tyramia Hollow and Highpark Estates opened up
           in the Ta'Illistim area.
08-05-01 Chairs are now available in most major towns.

...end news.
13. Home policies
>home help 13

A few rules:

You must be a Premium customer for 90 consecutive days to claim a home.

One home per account!  If you want another account, contact

You must maintain your Premium subscription to keep your home.  If you ever cancel your Premium subscription or your account, your home will be reclaimed immediately.  Your 90 day period will start over if you resubscribe.

Normal game policies apply inside of homes!  If a home is used to abuse game mechanics, it will be taken away.

And the most important rule: Have fun!
14. Home Deeds!
>home help 14


Use HOME DEED to sell your home or to claim another home.  You have three options for selling your home.

Do not ship your furnishings if you want to:
1)  Sell your home to the clerk in town.  He will pay you a fair price for it and its furnishings.
2)  Sell or give it to another player for what you can get them to pay for it.  If you do this, the other player must claim your home with your deed before 96 hours have elapsed from the time you got your deed.

You must ship your furnishings if you want to:
1)  Use your deed to claim a home in a new neighborhood.  This will preserve all the furnishings you have collected over time and install them in your new home.

Your furnishings always go with your deed.

Here's the process:

Step 1 - Getting the deed to your home

Type HOME DEED CONFIRM to get the deed to your home.  Your home will become deserted.  For a period of 96 hours, only someone with that exact deed will be able to claim that particular home.  So, if you have plans to give it to a loved one or sell it to someone, you must accomplish this within 96 hours.

Step 2 - Selling/Giving your home to the town merchant or to someone else

If you wish to sell your deed, go to the Contracts merchant in your town and sell it.  That's it.  You're done.

If you wish to sell or give your deed to another person, sell it or give it to them now.  Now it's up to that person to do Step 3.

If, rather than sell or give away your deed, you wish to claim another home, go to step 3.

Step 3 - Claiming a new home with your deed

Note:  Do not buy a new deed.  Use the deed that you got when you used HOME DEED CONFIRM from step 1.

Whether you stay in the same neighborhood or move half-way across Elanith, you must ship your furnishings.  Go to the local Cartage Merchant and the merchant will tell you how much it will cost and how long it will take.  Following the directions on the sign, order shipment of your furnishings.

The next important step is to WAIT.  Wait until your furnishings arrive at the new destination.  Then you may go to your new home and, with deed in your right hand, type HOME CLAIM.  When your home is successfully claimed, your furnishings will be inside.

Note:  Be sure to thoroughly research your new neighborhood before you decide to move there.  Some neighborhoods have race and profession restrictions that may prevent you from claiming a home there.
15. Where is my home?
>home help 15

Your Premium Home is located in [NEIGHBORHOOD], which is in, or near, TOWN.
Your home's facade is: a plain cabin.

Premium Home Alterations

The information shared below is intended to help facilitate Premium home alteration planning. It is drawn from information provided to a player who won a raffle for a full Premium home alteration, as well as additional information learned during that raffle win redemption process.


Facade: Capable of having long AND show.

The facade MUST fit to be appropriate for the neighborhood, including upper/middle/lower class status for that specific room. It cannot be something totally out of place, like a tree house. It should remain a structure that would make sense where it is located. It must be a normal structure capable of housing all standard home interior objects. As an example, a home in an upper class neighborhood room may be altered into an estate, manse, hall, manor, or villa, however hovels and shanties are not appropriate. Some nouns may be further restricted by QC.

In the case of homes located inside another structure, such as the Dragonsclaw Arms apartments or the Glarstim Cavern underground homes, the facade must reflect that the entry is a door leading into another interior structure. It may not be a standalone structure inside the larger apartment complex or caverns.


Walls: Capable of having long AND show. This item in particular can look very unusual with some home arrangements.
Wall hanging: Capable of having long AND show.
Fireplace: Capable of having long AND show. Lit fireplaces change the displayed show description due to their script.
Object #1: Capable of having long AND show. This is often a bed object.
Object #2: Capable of having long AND show. This is often a table object.
Floor: Capable of having 15/15/15 only.
Rug: Capable of having long AND show. This can also be hidden.
Seating object: Capable of having long AND show. This is typically a chair or similar. This can also be hidden.
Windows: Capable of having 15/15/15 only. This can also be hidden.
Door: Capable of having long AND show. This can also be hidden.

The essence of the item being altered should be similar. A chair can be altered to be a bench. It cannot be altered into a tub.

If the Object (#1 or #2) item being altered has a script associated with it, such as beds which can be sat or laid upon, or mirrors which can be peered into, then altered object must make sense to go with that item script.

The way the home interior text itself is displayed cannot be altered; only individual items in the interior can be altered. Interior objects can be rearranged normally.

For interior objects, some room arrangements look weird depending on how the object is altered. It is recommended to look at the various room arrangement options and how they display for a better idea of what to expect when planning interior alterations. For some room arrangement configurations, the long description is not visible in the room itself, even though it is present on the object.

Scents cannot be altered. Only the preset list of scents are available for use.

Additional Notes

Rare materials are not permitted on large areas, however sometimes small adornments can be made including rare materials if they are supplied. This may be subject to QC. Always have a backup.

All alter rules must be followed. Be familiar with ALTER 9 and ALTER 10.

Neighborhood Maps

Wehnimer's Landing Neighborhoods (inside town)
Wehnimer's Landing Neighborhoods (outside town)
Icemule Trace and Pinefar Neighborhoods
River's Rest and Teras Isle Neighborhoods
Elven Nations and Solhaven Neighborhoods
