EHShop:Twisted Ways: Difference between revisions

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==Current Shop Listing==
==Current Shop Listing==
{{:EHShop:Twisted Ways/2023}}
{{:EHShop:Twisted Ways/2024}}

==Previous Shop Listings==
==Previous Shop Listings==

Latest revision as of 14:49, 7 October 2024

Current Shop Listing

a gouge-riddled storefront, [Map Room XX], Room# 8083095, Lich# LXX, go gouge-riddled storefront

Twisted Ways, Windy Storefront

[Twisted Ways, Windy Storefront - 8084324]
The walls of the store's entrance have been sundered and blackened, the larger holes patched with strips of metal and planks of wood. Wisps of smoke and vapor spiral around a lazy little twisting dust devil slowly drifting across a patch of loose floorboards. The shop continues beyond a long cracked display rack, narrowing sharply where the walls have almost entirely caved in. You also see a battered rusty iron bucket wedged into a cracked floorboard and a twisted dark iron sign hanging from tangled chains.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, out
a twisted dark iron sign hanging from tangled chains

In the Common language, it reads:

          ~~ Twisted Ways ~~

  Weapons on the rack are Twisted Weapons, Vacuum Edition.

  * Weapons are equivalent to twenty castings by an enchanter (+20).

  * Flare with a collapsing void.

 ** Unlock Twisted Affinity (Tier 2) with the black polishing cloth (sold here).

*** Twisted Flares (Tier 3) are unlocked with the white whetstone (sold here).

On the cracked display rack you see: a twisted white ora tanto etched with dark whorls, a twisted white ora wakizashi etched with dark whorls, a twisted white ora ono etched with dark whorls, a twisted white ora tachi etched with dark whorls, a twisted white ora kunai etched with dark whorls, a twisted white ora katana etched with dark whorls, a twisted white ora tetsubo etched with dark whorls, a twisted white ora yari etched with dark whorls, a twisted white ora warlance etched with dark whorls, a twisted white ora ridgemace etched with dark whorls, a twisted white ora spikestar etched with dark whorls, and a white-runed twisted faewood asaya carved with dark whorls.

Item Type Info Details Price
a twisted white ora tanto etched with dark whorls dagger < 1 lb
Material: white ora
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Vacuum Flares
a twisted white ora wakizashi etched with dark whorls short sword 4 lbs
Material: white ora
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Vacuum Flares
a twisted white ora ono etched with dark whorls handaxe 6 lbs
Material: white ora
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Vacuum Flares
a twisted white ora tachi etched with dark whorls longsword 5 lbs
Material: white ora
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Vacuum Flares
a twisted white ora kunai etched with dark whorls katar 4 lbs
Material: white ora
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Vacuum Flares
a twisted white ora katana etched with dark whorls katana 6 lbs
Material: white ora
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Vacuum Flares
Heavily Weighted (Critical)
a twisted white ora tetsubo etched with dark whorls maul 8 lbs
Material: white ora
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Vacuum Flares
a twisted white ora yari etched with dark whorls spear 6 lbs
Material: white ora
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Vacuum Flares
a twisted white ora warlance etched with dark whorls lance 15 lbs
Material: white ora
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Vacuum Flares
a twisted white ora ridgemace etched with dark whorls mace 8 lbs
Material: white ora
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Vacuum Flares
a twisted white ora spikestar etched with dark whorls morning star 8 lbs
Material: white ora
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Vacuum Flares
a white-runed twisted faewood asaya carved with dark whorls rune staff 4 lbs
Material: faewood
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Vacuum Flares

In the rusty iron bucket you see: a void black polishing cloth and a glowing pure white whetstone.

Item Type Info Details Price
a void black polishing cloth unlock certificate
Twisted weapon
Your cloth will unlock Twisted Affinity on a Twisted Weapon - Vacuum Edition ONLY.
a glowing pure white whetstone unlock certificate
Twisted weapon
Your whetstone will unlock Twisted Flares on a Twisted Weapon - Vacuum Edition ONLY. * You must unlock Twisted Affinity before using this whetstone on such a weapon. * This whetstone will NOT work on a claidhmore!

Twisted Ways, Smoldering Corner

[Twisted Ways, Smoldering Corner - 8084325]
Intense heat emanates from a glowing red pile of twisted weapons in the back corner of the desolated interior of this shop. Thick wooden beams are irreparably scorched, once supporting the remnants of wooden racks that displayed merchandise on the now rubble-littered floor. Colorful glass fragments mark the walls, deformed where they have melted into the soot-stained stonework. A splintered section of the ceiling hangs dangerously low, and all but the shortest visitors must duck to avoid its jagged edges. You also see a scorched wooden case wedged under a fallen beam and a blackened brass sign that barely clings to the wall.
Obvious exits: southwest, west
a blackened brass sign that barely clings to the wall

In the Common language, it reads:

          ~~ Twisted Ways ~~

  Weapons in the pile are Twisted Weapons, Fire Edition.

  * Non-claidhmore weapons are equivalent to twenty castings by an enchanter (+20).
    The claidhmore is NOT enchanted.

  * Flare with intense heat.

 ** Unlock Twisted Affinity (Tier 2) with the red polishing cloth (sold here).

*** Twisted Flares (Tier 3):

  The CLAIDHMORE is unlocked with the red file (sold here)

  All non-claidhmore weapons are unlocked with the red whetstone (sold here).

In the red pile you see: a twisted drake stiletto etched with pale spirals, a twisted drake backslasher etched with pale spirals, a twisted drake tomahawk etched with pale spirals, a twisted drake slasher etched with pale spirals, a twisted drake espadon etched with pale spirals, a twisted drake maul etched with pale spirals, a twisted drake partizan etched with pale spirals, a twisted drake sarissa etched with pale spirals, a twisted drake quadrelle etched with pale spirals, a twisted drake spikestar etched with pale spirals, a twisted drake scepter etched with pale spirals, and a twisted drake claidhmore etched with pale spirals.

Item Type Info Details Price
a twisted drake stiletto etched with pale spirals dagger < 1 lb
Material: drake
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Fire Flares
a twisted drake backslasher etched with pale spirals short sword 4 lbs
Material: drake
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Fire Flares
a twisted drake tomahawk etched with pale spirals handaxe 6 lbs
Material: drake
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Fire Flares
a twisted drake slasher etched with pale spirals katar 4 lbs
Material: drake
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Fire Flares
a twisted drake espadon etched with pale spirals bastard sword 9 lbs
Material: drake
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Fire Flares
a twisted drake maul etched with pale spirals maul 8 lbs
Material: drake
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Fire Flares
a twisted drake partizan etched with pale spirals spear 6 lbs
Material: drake
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Fire Flares
a twisted drake sarissa etched with pale spirals lance 15 lbs
Material: drake
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Fire Flares
a twisted drake quadrelle etched with pale spirals mace 8 lbs
Material: drake
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Fire Flares
a twisted drake spikestar etched with pale spirals morning star 8 lbs
Material: drake
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Fire Flares
a twisted drake scepter etched with pale spirals rune staff 4 lbs
Material: drake
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Fire Flares
a twisted drake claidhmore etched with pale spirals claidhmore 12 lbs
Material: drake
Twisted weapon
Fire Flares
Fantastically Weighted (Critical)

In the wooden case you see: a flame red polishing cloth, a glowing flame red whetstone, and a long flame red twisted file.

Item Type Info Details Price
a flame red polishing cloth unlock certificate
Twisted weapon
Your cloth will unlock Twisted Affinity on a Twisted Weapon - Fire Edition ONLY.
a glowing flame red whetstone unlock certificate
Twisted weapon
Your whetstone will unlock Twisted Flares on a Twisted Weapon - Fire Edition ONLY. * You must unlock Twisted Affinity before using this whetstone on such a weapon. * This whetstone will NOT work on a claidhmore!
a long flame red twisted file unlock certificate
Twisted weapon
Your file will unlock Twisted Flares on a Twisted Weapon - Fire Edition ONLY. * You must unlock Twisted Affinity before using this file on such a weapon. * This file will ONLY work on a claidhmore!

Twisted Ways, Frozen Corner

[Twisted Ways, Frozen Corner - 8084326]
Cooled vapor hovers in the air, and tendrils of hoarfrost pattern the walls and ceiling of this crowded space. An icy blue frost-covered crate nearly fills the entire corner, the floor slick with ice around it. Moist floorboards are riddled with mold, warped and swollen from exposure to constant gusts of dry heat from the eastern corner of the shop. You also see a frozen silver-banded shelf and a bent frost-covered sign affixed to a cracked wooden beam.
Obvious exits: east, southeast
a bent frost-covered sign affixed to a cracked wooden beam

In the Common language, it reads:

          ~~ Twisted Ways ~~

  Weapons in the crate are Twisted Weapons, Frost Edition.

  * Weapons are equivalent to twenty castings by an enchanter (+20).

  * Flare with a freezing chill.

 ** Unlock Twisted Affinity (Tier 2) with the blue polishing cloth (sold here).

*** Twisted Flares (Tier 3) are unlocked with the blue whetstone (sold here).

In the frost-covered crate you see: a glyph-etched twisted rhimar dagger flecked with blue shards, a glyph-etched twisted rhimar epee flecked with blue shards, a glyph-etched twisted rhimar kris flecked with blue shards, a glyph-etched twisted rhimar cleaver flecked with blue shards, a glyph-etched twisted rhimar katar flecked with blue shards, a glyph-etched twisted rhimar warsword flecked with blue shards, a glyph-etched twisted rhimar maul flecked with blue shards, a glyph-etched twisted rhimar spear flecked with blue shards, a glyph-etched twisted rhimar pike flecked with blue shards, a glyph-etched twisted rhimar mace flecked with blue shards, a glyph-etched twisted rhimar spikestar flecked with blue shards, and a glyph-etched twisted rhimar staff flecked with blue shards.

Item Type Info Details Price
a glyph-etched twisted rhimar dagger flecked with blue shards dagger < 1 lb
Material: rhimar
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Cold Flares
a glyph-etched twisted rhimar epee flecked with blue shards rapier 3 lbs
Material: rhimar
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Cold Flares
a glyph-etched twisted rhimar kris flecked with blue shards short sword 4 lbs
Material: rhimar
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Cold Flares
a glyph-etched twisted rhimar cleaver flecked with blue shards handaxe 6 lbs
Material: rhimar
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Cold Flares
a glyph-etched twisted rhimar katar flecked with blue shards katar 4 lbs
Material: rhimar
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Cold Flares
a glyph-etched twisted rhimar warsword flecked with blue shards bastard sword 9 lbs
Material: rhimar
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Cold Flares
a glyph-etched twisted rhimar maul flecked with blue shards maul 8 lbs
Material: rhimar
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Cold Flares
a glyph-etched twisted rhimar spear flecked with blue shards spear 6 lbs
Material: rhimar
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Cold Flares
a glyph-etched twisted rhimar pike flecked with blue shards lance 15 lbs
Material: rhimar
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Cold Flares
a glyph-etched twisted rhimar mace flecked with blue shards mace 8 lbs
Material: rhimar
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Cold Flares
a glyph-etched twisted rhimar spikestar flecked with blue shards morning star 8 lbs
Material: rhimar
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Cold Flares
a glyph-etched twisted rhimar staff flecked with blue shards rune staff 4 lbs
Material: rhimar
Twisted weapon
Enchant: +20
Cold Flares

On the silver-banded shelf you see: a frosted blue polishing cloth and a glowing icy blue whetstone.

Item Type Info Details Price
a frosted blue polishing cloth unlock certificate
Twisted weapon
Your cloth will unlock Twisted Affinity on a Twisted Weapon - Frost Edition ONLY.
a glowing icy blue whetstone unlock certificate
Twisted weapon
Your whetstone will unlock Twisted Flares on a Twisted Weapon - Frost Edition ONLY. * You must unlock Twisted Affinity before using this whetstone on such a weapon. * This whetstone will NOT work on a claidhmore!

Previous Shop Listings