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Silvergate Inn: Difference between revisions
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The other offices Secretary, Treasurer and CO-offices will be appointed by the Chairman. The length of term will be until the officer appointed leaves the house or does not wish to be an officer any longer, or is terminated by the chairman. |
The other offices Secretary, Treasurer and CO-offices will be appointed by the Chairman. The length of term will be until the officer appointed leaves the house or does not wish to be an officer any longer, or is terminated by the chairman. |
For purposes of this document the term Chairman and Lord of the Manor are to be considered the same and interchangeable. |
For purposes of this document the term Chairman and Lord/Lady of the Manor are to be considered the same and interchangeable. |
===BYLAWS:=== |
===BYLAWS:=== |
Revision as of 17:23, 7 April 2017
The Silvergate Inn is predicated on the thought that Elanthia's citizens should have a place where they are able to enjoy themselves in comfort and style. The age, profession, religious leanings or social status of an adventurer is of no concern at House Silvergate.
The Inn is unusual amongst Elanthian Houses in that it is a House that requires membership, yet more than half of the Inn is open to the public at large. Private rooms are available to all. The interior decoration in some of these rental rooms are quite special; a must-see for visitors. Also, the ballroom can be rented for parties and receptions.
Silvergate Inn is located in Wehnimer's Landing, but has annexes available to its members in all the known towns and cities. It is a member of the Co-operative Houses of Elanthia.
- Lady of Manor : Katara
- Chatelaine: Saesa
- Seneschal : Elrodin
- Event Secretary : Kristabel
- Gate Guardian : Chaum
- Ambassador : Zyllian
- House Cleric: Mikalmas
- Hunt Master: Archales
As of: the 7th of the month of Olaesta in the year 5117.
Name | Location |
Cloudberry Room | Icemule Trace |
Kharam Dzu | |
Annex, Silvergate Inn Lobby | Mist Harbor |
River's Rest | |
The Hunting Lounge | Ta'Illistim |
Ta'Vaalor | |
Lockers, Antechamber | Solhaven |
Silvergate Annex | Zul Logoth |
Bylaws and such
The Silvergate Inn is a working Inn. It is nonpolitical and offers its members a variety of comfortable rooms, roomy storage facilities, pleasant dining, and the use of the house workshop for those who can benefit from its powers.
Nonmembers may rent rooms for private use.
The Inn is intended to provide a focal point for camaraderie and relaxation.
The Chairman has final authority and overall responsibility over the House's activities. The other offices to be filled by appointees selected by the Chairman.
The office of chairman is established for life. Unfilled positions are appointed by the Chairman. An unfilled Chairman position will be immediately assumed by the Secretary; failing that, the Treasurer will assume the Chairmanship.
The other offices Secretary, Treasurer and CO-offices will be appointed by the Chairman. The length of term will be until the officer appointed leaves the house or does not wish to be an officer any longer, or is terminated by the chairman.
For purposes of this document the term Chairman and Lord/Lady of the Manor are to be considered the same and interchangeable.
Article I
Name: The name of this officially recognized House of Elanthia is the Silvergate Inn, hereinafter referred to as the "House".
Article II
Membership Services:
The following benefits follow the guidelines as those set forth by the local government unless otherwise noted.
1) Benefit of being an organization.
2) Coat of Arms
3) Storage Facility.
A. There will be a base 40 item locker assigned to each member.
1. Any bonus given by the town will be added on top of the base 40 item size.
B. There will be an Armory available to house members. They may place items in it for other house members to use, or take items from it for their own use. It is to be stocked by the house members.
4) Workshop.
A. A workshop will be available to house members for doing magical research.
B. The following are the only known Spells which receive a bonus when using the workshop. If other spells are discovered they will be added to this list.
1. Wizard Spell 925 - Enchant Item 2. Minor Elemental 420 - Magic Item Creation
C. The workshop is therefore exclusively for use by members using those spells in the workshop for the bonus that the workshop provides.
5) Includes all non-membership services at no fee.
A. Does not include the Dining room charges.
Article III
Non-Membership Services:
1) Room Rental (see appendix "B").
A. Rooms will be available for rent at going rates.
B. A Bridal suite will be available for a slightly higher rental.
2) Dining area
A. Fresh food will be available to all at going rates.
Article IV
Membership and Dues:
1) Membership in this House is contingent on compliance with requirements specified in these bylaws.
2) Membership is restricted by minimum membership standards as set forth by the local government.
3) Membership is unrestricted by consideration of nationality, race, creed, life-style, size, color, sex or age.
A. Life-Style does not include being a known troublemaker.
1. Troublemaking includes but is not limited to the following.
a. Having your name posted on the wanted list at the constables office more than once.
b. Openly insulting any of the Silvergate Inn officers.
4) Categories of membership in this House are General member, Lifetime member, and Founding member.
A. General Member: A player who has met minimum House and government standards for membership. A General member is required to pay quarterly dues.
B. Lifetime Member: A General member who has paid a one time sum and is no longer required to pay quarterly dues, as outlined in section 7:Dues.
C. Founding Member: An original member who joined together with other original members to form the house, before construction began. A Founding member is not necessarily a Lifetime member, and may have started as a General member.
5) Initiation
A. Before induction a player should read and agree to the GemStone IV House system.
B. Before induction a player should have read and agreed to the House bylaws set forth here.
C. Before induction of a player, the officers performing the induction will ensure that the player will read the House bylaws, and by reading the House bylaws that player knows they are to read the GemStone IV House system information.
D. Time and place of inductions to be determined by the Chairman.
E. The Chairman reserves the right to limit the membership of the Silvergate Inn to what he deems a reasonable number of members.
6) Termination
A. The Chairman may terminate a member for failure to meet membership requirements, provided the member was offered an opportunity to have a hearing if requested at which the member was permitted to defend against the termination.
1. Hearing to consist of the Chairman, any officers that can attend and any members that can attend.
2. Before a hearing is conducted a notice will be posted on the GemStone IV Silvergate Inn Topic boards with a minimum of one week notice.
3. No hearing will be conducted in the event of non-payment of delinquent dues (as described in (7)).
B. The Chairman may terminate membership of any member that is caught and confirmed of committing any offense while within the walls of the Silvergate Inn, that would get you arrested by the constable,
1. Also let it be known that the current Chairman of the Silvergate Inn is a deputy and as such can call the constable if it is deemed necessary.
C. If terminated, a member may be allowed to rejoin by the Chairman after demonstrating eligibility for membership.
7) Dues New automated system to be started 7/1/2011
A. An initial membership offering as stipulated by the local government (currently 5000 silvers in COINS, not a note) this applies to all members. Coins are required because the clerk can't read. If you're worried about theft while waiting, don't bring the coins with you, the Chairman will stop at the bank when needed during the inductions.
B. Dues of 1000 silvers a month will be charged in a similar way that guild dues is charged and collected.
C. Lifetime Membership may be purchased for 100,000 silvers payable via the dues system at any time after becoming a member.
D. Monthly dues are not required from Lifetime members.
Article V
1) Membership contributions to GENERAL FUNDS will be considered donations to the House.
Purpose of GENERAL FUNDS: The General Funds can be drawn upon by the Treasurer for House expenses, House entertainment (parties), etc.
2) Members are not required to contribute to GENERAL FUNDS.
3) Contributions do not entitle a member to special privileges.
4) Contributions will not be accepted in lieu of dues or loan payments.
5) Contributions must be reported to the Chairman or the Treasurer so that possible discrepancies in the accounts (system) may be found and clarified.
6) Members may contribute items and equipment to the Armory.
Article VI
Rules and Regulations:
1) The Chairman will be the final judge on what constitutes non-compliance with these bylaws.
Article VII
House Colors:
1) The Silvergate Inn has chosen to represent itself at official functions under the colors of Silver and Green. The Silver was chosen to represent the commerce of the land, and the Green represents the land itself, from which we all subsist.
Appendix A
I as a person and a player of GemStone IV, wish to provide a roleplaying environment for those wishing to have a place to call home while in Elanthia.
As such, I take responsibility to maintain and rule this house structure. I have invested and I intend to invest considerable time and money (both real and fantasy) in this venture.
After careful consideration I have opted to roleplay this House as an Inn operated as a sole proprietorship by my character Enegue LionHeart.
It is my hope that Simutronics will carefully consider this and allow me to play it as such or to reach a compromise.
Appendix B
To rent a room, visit the concierge at the Front Desk. The various prices for the rooms are listed on the scroll there. Feel free to rent any room that is currently available. One person may rent a room for an entire party. Members of the Silvergate Inn may rent rooms free of charge.
Info on how to Join the Silvergate Inn
Updated process for Joining the Silvergate Inn as of 4/26/2010
I. Joining
A. Requirements
1. You need to be 5th year training or older.
2. You need to have read the Silvergate Inn Bylaws.
a. The current Bylaws can be found
1). On the Simutronics - GemStone III Message Board
a). Interhouse Discussions
b). Charters and By-laws (all houses)
2). On the Silvergate Inn Website
3). Send a note requesting a copy of the bylaws to LordEnegue at
B. When to Join
1. Signup time will Sundays, at 9:00 P.M., eastern time.
2. If it's not possible for you to be there that day and time, drop me a note to LordEnegue at
3. Only those that arrive in the first 15 min of the start time will be inducted that day.
4. Allow 40 min to an hour for the induction process.
C. Where to Join
1. You can meet me in the Courtyard at the Silvergate Inn.
Lord Enegue LionHeart
Lord of the Manor
Silvergate Inn