Palestra Trials 5122/Day 2: Difference between revisions

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*[[Palestra Trials 5122/Day 1|Day 1]]
*[[Palestra Trials 5122/Day 1|Day 1]]
*[[Palestra Trials 5116/Day 3|Day 3]]
*[[Palestra Trials 5122/Day 3|Day 3]]
Day two of the 5122 Palestra Trials began with sparring matches between candidates, between candidates and Palestra Master, Blade [[Mishrac]], and a collective battle against a [[lesser demon]].
Day two of the 5122 Palestra Trials.




A massive incarnadine [[vathor]] arrives, its membranous black wings spreading slightly.

Vaeldrys gestures.
The magic of Vaeldrys's spell falters as it takes hold on Vaeldrys, its energies diminished.

A burst of deep indigo light surrounds Dhairn's sculpted body armor as a series of deep indigo and cobalt blue ethereal chains encase his body to protect against a massive incarnadine vathor's attack!
A massive incarnadine vathor pounds at Dhairn with its fist!
AS: +567 vs DS: +976 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +12 = -365
A clean miss.

Murmuring into the air, Ketsimney prepares a spell, causing tiny pinpoints of silver-hazed light to dance along her form. As she gestures, the starbursts link together, forming ethereal constellations that fade into the air...
Ketsimney gestures.
A muted pale blue sphere surrounds Ketsimney.

Khobra carefully weaves her spell into the air, trails of indigo and silver mist following the somatic components. Twisting and twining, the skeins of energy slip away from her, leaving moisture to drop from her fingertips...
Khobra gestures.
Nothing happens.

Ethereal bearded-dragon eels coil to life around Dhairn's arm and chest, writhing and riding hidden currents to form a chelioboros above his gesturing hand. They fade away while his voice becomes but a whisper.
Dhairn gestures.
Fingers of fog-hued mist appear and begin to twirl around Dhairn, coalescing into a scintillant miasma.

Anru surveys his surroundings carefully.
[SMR result: 92 (Open d100: 40)]
Anru feints to the left, a massive incarnadine vathor almost buys the ruse, but recovers just in time.
Tayler hurls himself at a massive incarnadine vathor!
[SMR result: -76 (Open d100: 34, Penalty: 20)]
Tayler fails to bring a massive incarnadine vathor down, but manages to scramble to his feet!
A massive incarnadine vathor raises its huge foot and brings it down sharply, sending forth a ring of blazing blue fire rippling outwards!
A burning ripple of intense blue flames moves outward from a massive incarnadine vathor.
Brutish is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
... 25 points of damage!
Back bursts into a spectacular display of flames. Bet it hurts too.
He is stunned!
Ketsimney is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
... 21 points of damage!
Flames cook Ketsimney's back. Looks about medium well.
She is stunned!
Khobra is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Left arm burnt away at elbow. Ointment won't help.
She is stunned!
Xylador is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
... 37 points of damage!
The lower half of Xylador's right leg is almost completely burned away.
He is stunned!
Tayler is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Head reduced to a charred stump.
* Tayler drops dead at your feet!

Tayler seems less resolute.
The warm glow fades from around Tayler.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Tayler suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Tayler seems a bit less imposing.
The bright luminescence fades from around Tayler.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Tayler.
The barrier of force around Tayler dissipates.
Tayler's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
The air about Tayler stops shimmering.
The deep blue glow leaves Tayler.
Tayler becomes solid again.
Tayler appears less confident.
The guiding force leaves Tayler.
The light blue glow leaves Tayler.
The powerful look leaves Tayler.
Tayler seems to lose some dexterity.
The dim aura fades from around Tayler.
Tayler returns to normal color.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Tayler.
Anru is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
... 36 points of damage!
Left arm incinerated. Unfortunate.
He is stunned!
Dhairn is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
Yardie is forced out of hiding as he is knocked to the ground by the intense blue flaming ripples.
Yardie's tree moss ankle-cuff pulses briefly, deflecting some of the burning damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames char abdomen a crispy black.
He is stunned!
Alanisse is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
... 50 points of damage!
Left leg completely charred.
She is stunned!
Vaeldrys is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
... 35 points of damage!
Right arm scorched so bad it might as well be gone.
He is stunned!

Tayler's muscles seem to strain for an instant. A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

A massive incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air.

Dhairn tries to pull Yardie towards him.

A massive incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Brutish!
The chaotic nature of the incarnadine vathor causes Dhairn's magic to dissipate harmlessly.
A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
CS: +479 - TD: +435 + CvA: -46 + d100: +87 - -5 == +90
Warded off!
A dull grey beam snakes out toward Dhairn, but dissipates upon impact.
Dhairn stands up.

A massive incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air.

Dhairn just tried to pull Alanisse to her feet, but Alanisse couldn't stand on her own and she falls over!

A blast of heat explodes from Ketsimney's midnight black nagimaki as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.

A massive incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Brutish!
The chaotic nature of the incarnadine vathor causes Dhairn's magic to dissipate harmlessly.
A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
CS: +512 - TD: +426 + CvA: -46 + d100: +46 - -5 == +91
Warded off!
A massive incarnadine vathor's cast misses Dhairn. Nothing more happens.

Dhairn just tried to pull Vaeldrys to his feet, but Vaeldrys couldn't stand on his own and he falls over!

The chaotic nature of the incarnadine vathor causes Dhairn's magic to dissipate harmlessly.
A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
A massive incarnadine vathor moves to attack Dhairn, but freezes momentarily before madly clawing at its eyes!

Ketsimney beseeches her deity for some divine assistance.

Xylador lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!

Ketsimney stands up.

Ketsimney beseeches her deity for some divine assistance.

Brutish lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!

Anru lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!

Xylador shakes off the stun and begins frothing at the mouth!
The berserker's rage leaves Xylador's eyes.

The chaotic nature of the incarnadine vathor causes Dhairn's magic to dissipate harmlessly.
A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
A massive incarnadine vathor tries to bite Dhairn!
AS: +563 vs DS: +885 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +38 = -277
A clean miss.

Xylador stands up.

Brutish jumps to his feet snarling in anger!

Ketsimney looks determined and focused.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Ketsimney engages a massive incarnadine vathor in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
As Ketsimney attempts to strike with her midnight black nagimaki, a surge of power flows out of it, through Ketsimney, and leaps out at the vathor!
A brilliant aura begins to radiate from Ketsimney!
CS: +420 - TD: +602 + CvA: +25 + d100: +50 == -107
Warded off!
The incarnadine vathor appears startled briefly, but quickly regains its composure.
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +354 vs DS: +570 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +95 = -109
A clean miss.
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +354 vs DS: +570 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +69 = -135
A clean miss.
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +354 vs DS: +570 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +89 = -115
A clean miss.
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
The incarnadine vathor evades the attack by a hair!

Anru staggers about trying to shake the stun!

Ethereal bearded-dragon eels coil to life around Dhairn's arm and chest, writhing and riding hidden currents to form a chelioboros above his gesturing hand. They fade away while his voice becomes but a whisper.
Dhairn gestures.
An invisible force guides Dhairn.

A massive incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air.

Brutish assaults a massive incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury!
Brutish's golvern katar pulses with a soft white light as it cleaves a burning swath through the chaotic forces shrouding the incarnadine vathor!

Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +612 vs DS: +728 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +50 = -44
A clean miss.
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +612 vs DS: +728 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +9 = -85
A clean miss.
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +612 vs DS: +728 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +80 = -14
A clean miss.
Brutish's mithril katar is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +612 vs DS: +728 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +91 = -3
A clean miss.

Anru staggers about trying to shake the stun!

Xylador snaps his arm forward, hurling his spiked vultite greatshield at a massive incarnadine vathor with all his might!
The spiked vultite greatshield flashes toward a massive incarnadine vathor!
[SMR result: -99 (Open d100: 46, Bonus: 5)]
The spiked vultite greatshield flies wide, narrowly missing a massive incarnadine vathor!
Xylador deftly catches his spiked vultite greatshield on the rebound.

A massive incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Xylador!
A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
Starburst patterns of pale blue light sweep forward from Dhairn's chest and infuse the deep blue glow with their energy.
CS: +512 - TD: +451 + CvA: -46 + d100: +6 - -5 == +26
Warded off!
A massive incarnadine vathor's cast misses Dhairn. Nothing more happens.

Dhairn winces.

Brutish assaults a massive incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury!
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
The incarnadine vathor evades the attack with ease!
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +612 vs DS: +732 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +52 = -46
A clean miss.
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
The incarnadine vathor dodges just in the nick of time!
Surprisingly, Brutish manages to effortlessly reverse his momentum and strike again!

Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +612 vs DS: +732 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +66 = -32
A clean miss.
Brutish's mithril katar is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
By amazing chance, the incarnadine vathor evades the attack!

A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
A burst of deep indigo light surrounds Dhairn's sculpted body armor as a series of deep indigo and cobalt blue ethereal chains encase his body to protect against a massive incarnadine vathor's attack!
A massive incarnadine vathor tries to bite Dhairn!
AS: +563 vs DS: +910 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +11 = -329
A clean miss.

Ketsimney looks determined and focused.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Ketsimney engages a massive incarnadine vathor in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
A heavy barrier of stone momentarily forms around a massive incarnadine vathor and blocks the attack!
As Ketsimney attempts to strike with her midnight black nagimaki, a surge of power flows out of it, through Ketsimney, and leaps out at the vathor!
A brilliant aura begins to radiate from Ketsimney!
CS: +420 - TD: +599 + CvA: +25 + d100: +14 == -140
Warded off!
The incarnadine vathor appears startled briefly, but quickly regains its composure.
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +709 vs DS: +560 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +39 = +200
... and hits for 34 points of damage!
Slash to the incarnadine vathor's left leg hits high!
Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
By amazing chance, the incarnadine vathor evades the attack!
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +709 vs DS: +555 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +55 = +221
... and hits for 44 points of damage!
Feint to the left as the incarnadine vathor dodges that way!
Deep gouges left in back.

Anru shakes off the stun and begins frothing at the mouth!
The berserker's rage leaves Anru's eyes.

The barrier of force around Brutish dissipates.

The barrier of force around Alanisse dissipates.

The barrier of force around Vaeldrys dissipates.

The barrier of force around Dhairn dissipates.

The barrier of force around Anru dissipates.

The barrier of force around Xylador dissipates.

The barrier of force around Ketsimney dissipates.

The barrier of force around Khobra dissipates.

With a percussive snap, Vaeldrys shakes out his arms in quick succession and bears down on a massive incarnadine vathor in a fury!
[SMR result: -64 (Open d100: 87, Penalty: 7)]
Relentless in his assault, Vaeldrys unleashes a frenzy of violence upon a massive incarnadine vathor!
Vaeldrys attempts to jab a massive incarnadine vathor!
Vaeldrys is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!

Xylador swings a jagged-spiked Faendryl spikestar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
The incarnadine vathor moves at the last moment to evade the attack!

A massive incarnadine vathor suddenly spreads its membranous black wings and ascends into the air, sending forth massive currents of wind buffeting the surroundings!

A gust of wind tugs at your sleeves. Suddenly, a fierce wind rips through the area, scattering everything in its path and making it difficult to remain standing.
Dhairn is knocked over by the wind!
Ketsimney is unaffected.
Xylador is knocked over by the wind!
Brutish is unaffected.
Anru is unaffected.
The magic of the incarnadine vathor's spell unravels violently, spiraling into Vaeldrys and darkening his metallic grey veins to black!
The wind then subsides.
The incarnadine vathor disappears into the sky.

Anru stands up.

Ketsimney concentrates deeply for a moment.

The sound of metal on bone comes from Archales's mouth.

Brutish spins around looking for something to attack!
Brutish lets out a blood curdling scream of frustration!

The berserker's rage leaves Brutish's eyes.

Vaeldrys hesitates, losing the rhythm of his assault. He takes a shaky breath in a visible effort to calm himself.

Ethereal bearded-dragon eels coil to life around Dhairn's arm and chest, writhing and riding hidden currents to form a chelioboros above his gesturing hand. They fade away while his voice becomes but a whisper.
Dhairn gestures.
As Dhairn issues the last syllable of his spell, an indigo nimbus formulates before him and settles into his skin.

Murmuring into the air, Ketsimney prepares a spell, causing tiny pinpoints of silver-hazed light to dance along her form. As she gestures, the starbursts link together, forming ethereal constellations that fade into the air...
Ketsimney gestures.
An invisible force guides Ketsimney.

Yardie comes out of hiding.
Yardie stands up.

A brief look of panic flits across Dhairn's face and is immediately followed by a silvery nimbus suffused with indigo waves settling upon his shoulders, chest, and back.

Khobra stands up.

Dhairn stands up.

Vaeldrys concentrates deeply for a moment.
Vaeldrys looks a little better.

All of a sudden, Xylador rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet!
[SMR result: 169 (Open d100: 43, Bonus: 23)]
A faint sound of wings beating draws your attention upwards as a massive shadow descends, its very form set aflame!
The vathor seems to be descending straight towards Xylador, a massive spear wreathed in flames clutched in its claws!

The vathor's impales Xylador savagely as he's slammed into the ground!
... 17 points of damage!
Strike to abdomen punctures stomach!
He is stunned!
A massive incarnadine vathor lets loose an unearthly, bestial scream as it clutches the tightly in its claws, sending forth waves of intense black flames!
A burning ring of void-black flames moves outward from a massive incarnadine vathor.
Xylador is buffeted by the void-black flames.
... 39 points of damage!
Flame burns everything but the bones from Xylador's left hand.
Ketsimney is buffeted by the void-black flames, and is knocked to the ground.
... 32 points of damage!
Left arm burnt away at elbow. Ointment won't help.
She is stunned!
Khobra is buffeted by the void-black flames, and is knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
The lower half of Khobra's right leg is almost completely burned away.
She is stunned!
Brutish is buffeted by the void-black flames, and is knocked to the ground.
... 25 points of damage!
Abdomen bursts into flames. Would be funny without the blood.
He is stunned!
Anru is buffeted by the void-black flames, and is knocked to the ground.
... 23 points of damage!
Flames incinerate right leg to the bone. Not a pleasant sight.
He is stunned!
Dhairn is buffeted by the void-black flames, and is knocked to the ground.
Yardie is forced out of hiding as he is knocked to the ground by the void-black flames.
Yardie's tree moss ankle-cuff pulses briefly, deflecting some of the burning damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right leg burns skin bright red.
Alanisse is buffeted by the void-black flames.
... 45 points of damage!
Left arm incinerated. Unfortunate.
Vaeldrys is buffeted by the void-black flames.
... 40 points of damage!
Left arm burnt away at elbow. Ointment won't help.
He is stunned!

A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
A massive incarnadine vathor pounds at Dhairn with its fist!
AS: +567 vs DS: +793 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +49 = -145
A clean miss.

The muted pale blue sphere surrounding Ketsimney flickers once and shudders before fading completely.

Dhairn stands up.

A massive incarnadine vathor raises its huge foot and brings it down sharply, sending forth a ring of blazing blue fire rippling outwards!
A burning ripple of intense blue flames moves outward from a massive incarnadine vathor.
Dhairn is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
Dhairn's holy armor resists burning damage and lessens the severity of the attack!
... 1 point of damage!
Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit.

Yardie's muscles seem to strain for an instant. A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

Dhairn's muscles seem to strain for an instant. A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

Anru's muscles seem to strain for an instant. A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

Brutish's muscles seem to strain for an instant. A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

Xylador's muscles seem to strain for an instant. A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

Khobra's muscles seem to strain for an instant. A sense of loss can be seen in her eyes.

Ketsimney's muscles seem to strain for an instant. A sense of loss can be seen in her eyes.

Vaeldrys's muscles seem to strain for an instant. A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

Alanisse's muscles seem to strain for an instant. A sense of loss can be seen in her eyes.

A massive incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air.

A brief look of wild exhilaration flits across Ketsimney's face and is immediately followed by a chaotic silver nimbus that beats restlessly upon her shoulders, chest, and back.

An incandescent veil fades from Ketsimney.

An incandescent veil fades from Vaeldrys.

An incandescent veil fades from Alanisse.

An incandescent veil fades from Yardie.

An incandescent veil fades from Dhairn.

An incandescent veil fades from Anru.

An incandescent veil fades from Brutish.

An incandescent veil fades from Xylador.

An incandescent veil fades from Khobra.

A massive incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Brutish!
CS: +512 - TD: +345 + CvA: -21 + d100: +41 - -5 == +192
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around Brutish and he bursts into flame causing 89 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Head explodes in flames! Grab some marshmallows.
* Brutish drops dead at your feet!

The warm glow fades from around Brutish.
Brutish seems less resolute.
Brutish's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Brutish seems a bit less imposing.
A massive incarnadine vathor's eyes blaze with pure incarnadine flames!

A massive incarnadine vathor glares around the area, its fire-ringed eyes flaring up higher.

Anru lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!

Ketsimney beseeches her deity for some divine assistance.

Ketsimney stands up.

Ketsimney whispers faintly and the ground rumbles for a moment, as dark green threads of energy swirl across the surface of her belt.

Ketsimney presses a small rune on her belt and sparks of deep green energy burst into existence and jagged chunks of dirt and rock erupt from the ground, rapidly spinning around her.

Anru jumps to his feet snarling in anger!

A massive incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air.

Dhairn stands up.

Vaeldrys stands up.

Superimposed over Dhairn's gauntlet-sword is the image of a silvery eel. He raises his gauntlet-sword high overhead and strikes down upon a massive incarnadine vathor with the full weight of Ghezresh's intimidating presence.
[SMR result: 99 (Open d100: 75, Bonus: 1)]
A massive incarnadine vathor dodges out of the way!
[SMR result: -37 (Open d100: -61, Bonus: 1)]
A massive incarnadine vathor dodges out of the way!

Muted veins of metallic grey ripple beneath Vaeldrys's skin.

Alanisse stands up.

Ketsimney whispers faintly, but nothing seems to happen.
An arc of yellow-green energy suddenly leaps up from Ketsimney's belt and flows into her hands.

Anru assaults a massive incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +679 vs DS: +672 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +7 = +35
A clean miss.
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +679 vs DS: +672 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +9 = +37
A clean miss.
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +679 vs DS: +672 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +85 = +113
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
Weak slash across chest!
Slightly less painful than heartburn.
** Necrotic energy from Anru's white ritual warblade flares up momentarily! **

Anru appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy!
Anru's white ritual warblade pulses with a soft white light as it cleaves a burning swath through the chaotic forces shrouding the incarnadine vathor!

Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
A heavy barrier of stone momentarily forms around a massive incarnadine vathor and blocks the attack!

A massive incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Dhairn!
CS: +512 - TD: +426 + CvA: -46 + d100: +81 - -5 == +126
Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around Dhairn and he bursts into flame causing 26 points of damage!
Dhairn's holy armor resists burning damage and lessens the severity of the attack!
... 1 point of damage!
Minor burns to head. That hurt a bit.
... 1 point of damage!
Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit.
... 1 point of damage!
Minor burns to right hand. Ouch.
The flames around Dhairn continue to burn!

A blast of heat explodes from Ketsimney's midnight black nagimaki as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.
Dhairn screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.

The silver nimbus surrounding Dhairn fades away.

Dhairn screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.

A massive incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air.

Dhairn screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.

Anru's surge of empowerment fades.

Vaeldrys's surge of empowerment fades.

Alanisse's surge of empowerment fades.

Dhairn's surge of empowerment fades.

Ketsimney's surge of empowerment fades.

Xylador's surge of empowerment fades.

Khobra's surge of empowerment fades.

Anru assaults a massive incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +659 vs DS: +656 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +100 = +124
... and hits for 5 points of damage!
Love tap upside the incarnadine vathor's head!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
A heavy barrier of stone momentarily forms around a massive incarnadine vathor and blocks the attack!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +659 vs DS: +656 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +26 = +50
A clean miss.
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +659 vs DS: +656 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +93 = +117
... and hits for 3 points of damage!
Glancing blow to the incarnadine vathor's right leg!

Vaeldrys attempts to kick a massive incarnadine vathor!
Vaeldrys is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!

A massive incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Dhairn!
A massive incarnadine vathor hurls a roaring ball of fire at Dhairn!
AS: +465 vs DS: +830 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +61 = -282
A clean miss.

A shadowy figure leaps from hiding to strike!
The figure attempts to punch a massive incarnadine vathor!
UAF: 800 vs UDF: 755 = 1.059 * MM: 91 + d100: 86 = 182
... and hit for 31 points of damage!
Wide swing connects with left shin, sweeping it hard to the side!
The incarnadine vathor is knocked to the ground!
** Indigo and ethereal, an icicle-wreathed dragon eel bursts from from Yardie's ebon leather gloves, and explodes into a massive incarnadine vathor! **

The figure quickly disappears from view.

The muted grey veins beneath Vaeldrys's skin withdraw, submerging out of sight.

Xylador swings a jagged-spiked Faendryl spikestar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +435 vs DS: +493 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +60 = +24
A clean miss.

Anru assaults a massive incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +659 vs DS: +493 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +59 = +246
... and hits for 31 points of damage!
** Anru's white ritual warblade releases a blast of vibrating energy! **
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to right leg.
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +659 vs DS: +493 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +4 = +191
... and hits for 19 points of damage!
Diagonal slash to the incarnadine vathor's weapon arm.
Strike misses but bruises a few knuckles.
** Necrotic energy from Anru's white ritual warblade flares up momentarily! **

Anru appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +659 vs DS: +493 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +77 = +264
... and hits for 36 points of damage!
Quick slash to the incarnadine vathor's upper left arm!
Just a nick.
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +659 vs DS: +493 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +95 = +282
... and hits for 41 points of damage!
Awkward slash to the incarnadine vathor's stomach!
Everyone needs another belly button.

A massive incarnadine vathor rises to its feet.

The wall of force disappears from around Ketsimney.

The flames surrounding Dhairn flare up violently...
... 1 point of damage!
Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit.
The flames around Dhairn continue to burn!

Vaeldrys attempts to kick a massive incarnadine vathor!
Vaeldrys is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!

Yardie pushes off the ground in a short jump to extend his reach!
A shadowy figure leaps from hiding to strike!
The figure attempts to punch a massive incarnadine vathor!
UAF: 725 vs UDF: 742 = 0.977 * MM: 92 + d100: 52 = 141
... and hit for 36 points of damage!
Strong downward swing staggers foe and dents skull!
The incarnadine vathor is knocked to its knees!
A massive incarnadine vathor appears dazed and unsure.
The figure quickly disappears from view.

A massive incarnadine vathor rises to its feet.

Anru assaults a massive incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +659 vs DS: +512 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +4 = +172
... and hits for 19 points of damage!
Awkward slash to the incarnadine vathor's stomach!
Everyone needs another belly button.
** Anru's white ritual warblade releases a blast of vibrating energy! **
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +659 vs DS: +512 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +93 = +261
... and hits for 34 points of damage!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +659 vs DS: +512 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +12 = +180
... and hits for 17 points of damage!
Broken finger on the incarnadine vathor's left hand!
** Anru's white ritual warblade releases a blast of vibrating energy! **
... 20 points of damage!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
AS: +659 vs DS: +508 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +49 = +221
... and hits for 24 points of damage!
Blow glances off the incarnadine vathor's shoulder.

With a percussive snap, Alanisse shakes out her arms in quick succession and bears down on a massive incarnadine vathor in a fury!
[SMR result: -49 (Open d100: 72)]
Relentless in her assault, Alanisse unleashes a frenzy of violence upon a massive incarnadine vathor!
Alanisse attempts to jab a massive incarnadine vathor!
Alanisse is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!

Vaeldrys attempts to kick a massive incarnadine vathor!
Vaeldrys is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!

The chaotic silver nimbus surrounding Ketsimney's shoulders, chest, and back slowly vanishes.

Dhairn screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.

A quick flick of Xylador's wrist sends a jagged-spiked Faendryl spikestar into flight!
Xylador throws a jagged-spiked Faendryl spikestar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
** Xylador's Faendryl spikestar glows brightly for a moment, consuming the magical energies around the incarnadine vathor! **
The light blue glow leaves a massive incarnadine vathor.
A hazy film coats a massive incarnadine vathor.
AS: +373 vs DS: +465 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +97 = +27
A clean miss.
Momentum carries a jagged-spiked Faendryl spikestar past a massive incarnadine vathor to land nearby.

Dhairn screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.

Yardie pushes off the ground in a short jump to extend his reach!
A shadowy figure leaps from hiding to strike!
The figure attempts to punch a massive incarnadine vathor!
UAF: 725 vs UDF: 704 = 1.029 * MM: 97 + d100: 100 = 199
... and hit for 54 points of damage!
Awesome punch to forehead snaps head straight back with a sickening *CRUNCH!*
A massive incarnadine vathor's lets loose a bestial scream as it falls to the ground and expires.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a massive incarnadine vathor.
A massive incarnadine vathor glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The white light leaves a massive incarnadine vathor.
The very powerful look leaves a massive incarnadine vathor.
The silvery luminescence fades from around a massive incarnadine vathor.
The bright luminescence fades from around a massive incarnadine vathor.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a massive incarnadine vathor.
The powerful look leaves a massive incarnadine vathor.
A shadow seems to detach itself from a massive incarnadine vathor, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The deep blue glow leaves a massive incarnadine vathor.
** Necrotic energy from Yardie's ebon leather gloves flares up momentarily! **

Yardie appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy!
The figure quickly disappears from view.

Latest revision as of 05:49, 19 September 2022

Day two of the 5122 Palestra Trials began with sparring matches between candidates, between candidates and Palestra Master, Blade Mishrac, and a collective battle against a lesser demon.

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A massive incarnadine vathor arrives, its membranous black wings spreading slightly.

Vaeldrys gestures.
The magic of Vaeldrys's spell falters as it takes hold on Vaeldrys, its energies diminished.

A burst of deep indigo light surrounds Dhairn's sculpted body armor as a series of deep indigo and cobalt blue ethereal chains encase his body to protect against a massive incarnadine vathor's attack!
A massive incarnadine vathor pounds at Dhairn with its fist!
  AS: +567 vs DS: +976 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +12 = -365
   A clean miss.

Murmuring into the air, Ketsimney prepares a spell, causing tiny pinpoints of silver-hazed light to dance along her form.  As she gestures, the starbursts link together, forming ethereal constellations that fade into the air...
Ketsimney gestures.
A muted pale blue sphere surrounds Ketsimney.

Khobra carefully weaves her spell into the air, trails of indigo and silver mist following the somatic components.  Twisting and twining, the skeins of energy slip away from her, leaving moisture to drop from her fingertips...
Khobra gestures.
Nothing happens.

Ethereal bearded-dragon eels coil to life around Dhairn's arm and chest, writhing and riding hidden currents to form a chelioboros above his gesturing hand. They fade away while his voice becomes but a whisper.
Dhairn gestures.
Fingers of fog-hued mist appear and begin to twirl around Dhairn, coalescing into a scintillant miasma.

Anru surveys his surroundings carefully.
[SMR result: 92 (Open d100: 40)]
Anru feints to the left, a massive incarnadine vathor almost buys the ruse, but recovers just in time.
Tayler hurls himself at a massive incarnadine vathor!
[SMR result: -76 (Open d100: 34, Penalty: 20)]
Tayler fails to bring a massive incarnadine vathor down, but manages to scramble to his feet!
A massive incarnadine vathor raises its huge foot and brings it down sharply, sending forth a ring of blazing blue fire rippling outwards!
A burning ripple of intense blue flames moves outward from a massive incarnadine vathor.
Brutish is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
   ... 25 points of damage!
   Back bursts into a spectacular display of flames.  Bet it hurts too.
   He is stunned!
Ketsimney is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
   ... 21 points of damage!
   Flames cook Ketsimney's back.  Looks about medium well.
   She is stunned!
Khobra is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
   ... 40 points of damage!
   Left arm burnt away at elbow.  Ointment won't help.
   She is stunned!
Xylador is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
   ... 37 points of damage!
   The lower half of Xylador's right leg is almost completely burned away.
   He is stunned!
Tayler is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
   ... 40 points of damage!
   Head reduced to a charred stump.
 * Tayler drops dead at your feet!

Tayler seems less resolute.
The warm glow fades from around Tayler.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Tayler suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Tayler seems a bit less imposing.
The bright luminescence fades from around Tayler.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Tayler.
The barrier of force around Tayler dissipates.
Tayler's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
The air about Tayler stops shimmering.
The deep blue glow leaves Tayler.
Tayler becomes solid again.
Tayler appears less confident.
The guiding force leaves Tayler.
The light blue glow leaves Tayler.
The powerful look leaves Tayler.
Tayler seems to lose some dexterity.
The dim aura fades from around Tayler.
Tayler returns to normal color.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Tayler.
Anru is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
   ... 36 points of damage!
   Left arm incinerated.  Unfortunate.
   He is stunned!
Dhairn is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
Yardie is forced out of hiding as he is knocked to the ground by the intense blue flaming ripples.
Yardie's tree moss ankle-cuff pulses briefly, deflecting some of the burning damage!
   ... 15 points of damage!
   Burst of flames char abdomen a crispy black.
   He is stunned!
Alanisse is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
   ... 50 points of damage!
   Left leg completely charred.
   She is stunned!
Vaeldrys is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
   ... 35 points of damage!
   Right arm scorched so bad it might as well be gone.
   He is stunned!

Tayler's muscles seem to strain for an instant.  A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

A massive incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air.

Dhairn tries to pull Yardie towards him.

A massive incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Brutish!
The chaotic nature of the incarnadine vathor causes Dhairn's magic to dissipate harmlessly.
A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
  CS: +479 - TD: +435 + CvA: -46 + d100: +87 - -5 == +90
  Warded off!
  A dull grey beam snakes out toward Dhairn, but dissipates upon impact.
Dhairn stands up.

A massive incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air.

Dhairn just tried to pull Alanisse to her feet, but Alanisse couldn't stand on her own and she falls over!

A blast of heat explodes from Ketsimney's midnight black nagimaki as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.

A massive incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Brutish!
The chaotic nature of the incarnadine vathor causes Dhairn's magic to dissipate harmlessly.
A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
  CS: +512 - TD: +426 + CvA: -46 + d100: +46 - -5 == +91
  Warded off!
A massive incarnadine vathor's cast misses Dhairn.  Nothing more happens.

Dhairn just tried to pull Vaeldrys to his feet, but Vaeldrys couldn't stand on his own and he falls over!

The chaotic nature of the incarnadine vathor causes Dhairn's magic to dissipate harmlessly.
A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
A massive incarnadine vathor moves to attack Dhairn, but freezes momentarily before madly clawing at its eyes!

Ketsimney beseeches her deity for some divine assistance.

Xylador lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!

Ketsimney stands up.

Ketsimney beseeches her deity for some divine assistance.

Brutish lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!

Anru lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!

Xylador shakes off the stun and begins frothing at the mouth!
The berserker's rage leaves Xylador's eyes.

The chaotic nature of the incarnadine vathor causes Dhairn's magic to dissipate harmlessly.
A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
A massive incarnadine vathor tries to bite Dhairn!
  AS: +563 vs DS: +885 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +38 = -277
   A clean miss.

Xylador stands up.

Brutish jumps to his feet snarling in anger!

Ketsimney looks determined and focused.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Ketsimney engages a massive incarnadine vathor in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
As Ketsimney attempts to strike with her midnight black nagimaki, a surge of power flows out of it, through Ketsimney, and leaps out at the vathor!
A brilliant aura begins to radiate from Ketsimney!
  CS: +420 - TD: +602 + CvA: +25 + d100: +50 == -107
  Warded off!
  The incarnadine vathor appears startled briefly, but quickly regains its composure.
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +354 vs DS: +570 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +95 = -109
   A clean miss.
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +354 vs DS: +570 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +69 = -135
   A clean miss.
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +354 vs DS: +570 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +89 = -115
   A clean miss.
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
The incarnadine vathor evades the attack by a hair!

Anru staggers about trying to shake the stun!

Ethereal bearded-dragon eels coil to life around Dhairn's arm and chest, writhing and riding hidden currents to form a chelioboros above his gesturing hand. They fade away while his voice becomes but a whisper.
Dhairn gestures.
An invisible force guides Dhairn.

A massive incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air.

Brutish assaults a massive incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury!
Brutish's golvern katar pulses with a soft white light as it cleaves a burning swath through the chaotic forces shrouding the incarnadine vathor!

Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +612 vs DS: +728 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +50 = -44
   A clean miss.
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +612 vs DS: +728 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +9 = -85
   A clean miss.
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +612 vs DS: +728 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +80 = -14
   A clean miss.
Brutish's mithril katar is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +612 vs DS: +728 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +91 = -3
   A clean miss.

Anru staggers about trying to shake the stun!

Xylador snaps his arm forward, hurling his spiked vultite greatshield at a massive incarnadine vathor with all his might!
The spiked vultite greatshield flashes toward a massive incarnadine vathor!
[SMR result: -99 (Open d100: 46, Bonus: 5)]
The spiked vultite greatshield flies wide, narrowly missing a massive incarnadine vathor!
Xylador deftly catches his spiked vultite greatshield on the rebound.

A massive incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Xylador!
A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
Starburst patterns of pale blue light sweep forward from Dhairn's chest and infuse the deep blue glow with their energy.
  CS: +512 - TD: +451 + CvA: -46 + d100: +6 - -5 == +26
  Warded off!
A massive incarnadine vathor's cast misses Dhairn.  Nothing more happens.

Dhairn winces.

Brutish assaults a massive incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury!
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
The incarnadine vathor evades the attack with ease!
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +612 vs DS: +732 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +52 = -46
   A clean miss.
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
The incarnadine vathor dodges just in the nick of time!
Surprisingly, Brutish manages to effortlessly reverse his momentum and strike again!

Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +612 vs DS: +732 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +66 = -32
   A clean miss.
Brutish's mithril katar is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!
Brutish punches with a light blue golvern katar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
By amazing chance, the incarnadine vathor evades the attack!

A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
A burst of deep indigo light surrounds Dhairn's sculpted body armor as a series of deep indigo and cobalt blue ethereal chains encase his body to protect against a massive incarnadine vathor's attack!
A massive incarnadine vathor tries to bite Dhairn!
  AS: +563 vs DS: +910 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +11 = -329
   A clean miss.

Ketsimney looks determined and focused.
In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Ketsimney engages a massive incarnadine vathor in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
A heavy barrier of stone momentarily forms around a massive incarnadine vathor and blocks the attack!
As Ketsimney attempts to strike with her midnight black nagimaki, a surge of power flows out of it, through Ketsimney, and leaps out at the vathor!
A brilliant aura begins to radiate from Ketsimney!
  CS: +420 - TD: +599 + CvA: +25 + d100: +14 == -140
  Warded off!
  The incarnadine vathor appears startled briefly, but quickly regains its composure.
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +709 vs DS: +560 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +39 = +200
   ... and hits for 34 points of damage!
   Slash to the incarnadine vathor's left leg hits high!
   Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
By amazing chance, the incarnadine vathor evades the attack!
Ketsimney swings a midnight black nagimaki at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +709 vs DS: +555 with AvD: +12 + d100 roll: +55 = +221
   ... and hits for 44 points of damage!
   Feint to the left as the incarnadine vathor dodges that way!
   Deep gouges left in back.

Anru shakes off the stun and begins frothing at the mouth!
The berserker's rage leaves Anru's eyes.

The barrier of force around Brutish dissipates.

The barrier of force around Alanisse dissipates.

The barrier of force around Vaeldrys dissipates.

The barrier of force around Dhairn dissipates.

The barrier of force around Anru dissipates.

The barrier of force around Xylador dissipates.

The barrier of force around Ketsimney dissipates.

The barrier of force around Khobra dissipates.

With a percussive snap, Vaeldrys shakes out his arms in quick succession and bears down on a massive incarnadine vathor in a fury!
[SMR result: -64 (Open d100: 87, Penalty: 7)]
Relentless in his assault, Vaeldrys unleashes a frenzy of violence upon a massive incarnadine vathor!
Vaeldrys attempts to jab a massive incarnadine vathor!
Vaeldrys is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!

Xylador swings a jagged-spiked Faendryl spikestar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
The incarnadine vathor moves at the last moment to evade the attack!

A massive incarnadine vathor suddenly spreads its membranous black wings and ascends into the air, sending forth massive currents of wind buffeting the surroundings!

A gust of wind tugs at your sleeves.  Suddenly, a fierce wind rips through the area, scattering everything in its path and making it difficult to remain standing.
Dhairn is knocked over by the wind!
Ketsimney is unaffected.
Xylador is knocked over by the wind!
Brutish is unaffected.
Anru is unaffected.
The magic of the incarnadine vathor's spell unravels violently, spiraling into Vaeldrys and darkening his metallic grey veins to black!
The wind then subsides.
The incarnadine vathor disappears into the sky.

Anru stands up.

Ketsimney concentrates deeply for a moment.

The sound of metal on bone comes from Archales's mouth.

Brutish spins around looking for something to attack!
Brutish lets out a blood curdling scream of frustration!

The berserker's rage leaves Brutish's eyes.

Vaeldrys hesitates, losing the rhythm of his assault.  He takes a shaky breath in a visible effort to calm himself.

Ethereal bearded-dragon eels coil to life around Dhairn's arm and chest, writhing and riding hidden currents to form a chelioboros above his gesturing hand. They fade away while his voice becomes but a whisper.
Dhairn gestures.
As Dhairn issues the last syllable of his spell, an indigo nimbus formulates before him and settles into his skin.

Murmuring into the air, Ketsimney prepares a spell, causing tiny pinpoints of silver-hazed light to dance along her form.  As she gestures, the starbursts link together, forming ethereal constellations that fade into the air...
Ketsimney gestures.
An invisible force guides Ketsimney.

Yardie comes out of hiding.
Yardie stands up.

A brief look of panic flits across Dhairn's face and is immediately followed by a silvery nimbus suffused with indigo waves settling upon his shoulders, chest, and back.

Khobra stands up.

Dhairn stands up.

Vaeldrys concentrates deeply for a moment.
Vaeldrys looks a little better.

All of a sudden, Xylador rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet!
[SMR result: 169 (Open d100: 43, Bonus: 23)]
A faint sound of wings beating draws your attention upwards as a massive shadow descends, its very form set aflame!
The vathor seems to be descending straight towards Xylador, a massive spear wreathed in flames clutched in its claws!

The vathor's  impales Xylador savagely as he's slammed into the ground!
   ... 17 points of damage!
   Strike to abdomen punctures stomach!
   He is stunned!
A massive incarnadine vathor lets loose an unearthly, bestial scream as it clutches the  tightly in its claws, sending forth waves of intense black flames!
A burning ring of void-black flames moves outward from a massive incarnadine vathor.
Xylador is buffeted by the void-black flames.
   ... 39 points of damage!
   Flame burns everything but the bones from Xylador's left hand.
Ketsimney is buffeted by the void-black flames, and is knocked to the ground.
   ... 32 points of damage!
   Left arm burnt away at elbow.  Ointment won't help.
   She is stunned!
Khobra is buffeted by the void-black flames, and is knocked to the ground.
   ... 40 points of damage!
   The lower half of Khobra's right leg is almost completely burned away.
   She is stunned!
Brutish is buffeted by the void-black flames, and is knocked to the ground.
   ... 25 points of damage!
   Abdomen bursts into flames.  Would be funny without the blood.
   He is stunned!
Anru is buffeted by the void-black flames, and is knocked to the ground.
   ... 23 points of damage!
   Flames incinerate right leg to the bone.  Not a pleasant sight.
   He is stunned!
Dhairn is buffeted by the void-black flames, and is knocked to the ground.
Yardie is forced out of hiding as he is knocked to the ground by the void-black flames.
Yardie's tree moss ankle-cuff pulses briefly, deflecting some of the burning damage!
   ... 10 points of damage!
   Burst of flames to right leg burns skin bright red.
Alanisse is buffeted by the void-black flames.
   ... 45 points of damage!
   Left arm incinerated.  Unfortunate.
Vaeldrys is buffeted by the void-black flames.
   ... 40 points of damage!
   Left arm burnt away at elbow.  Ointment won't help.
   He is stunned!

A massive incarnadine vathor is momentarily distracted, but appears to lose complete interest in the miasma of fog-hued mist.
A massive incarnadine vathor pounds at Dhairn with its fist!
  AS: +567 vs DS: +793 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +49 = -145
   A clean miss.

The muted pale blue sphere surrounding Ketsimney flickers once and shudders before fading completely.

Dhairn stands up.

A massive incarnadine vathor raises its huge foot and brings it down sharply, sending forth a ring of blazing blue fire rippling outwards!
A burning ripple of intense blue flames moves outward from a massive incarnadine vathor.
Dhairn is buffeted by the intense blue flaming ripples, and is knocked to the ground.
Dhairn's holy armor resists burning damage and lessens the severity of the attack!
   ... 1 point of damage!
   Minor burns to left arm.  That hurts a bit.

Yardie's muscles seem to strain for an instant.  A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

Dhairn's muscles seem to strain for an instant.  A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

Anru's muscles seem to strain for an instant.  A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

Brutish's muscles seem to strain for an instant.  A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

Xylador's muscles seem to strain for an instant.  A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

Khobra's muscles seem to strain for an instant.  A sense of loss can be seen in her eyes.

Ketsimney's muscles seem to strain for an instant.  A sense of loss can be seen in her eyes.

Vaeldrys's muscles seem to strain for an instant.  A sense of loss can be seen in his eyes.

Alanisse's muscles seem to strain for an instant.  A sense of loss can be seen in her eyes.

A massive incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air.

A brief look of wild exhilaration flits across Ketsimney's face and is immediately followed by a chaotic silver nimbus that beats restlessly upon her shoulders, chest, and back.

An incandescent veil fades from Ketsimney.

An incandescent veil fades from Vaeldrys.

An incandescent veil fades from Alanisse.

An incandescent veil fades from Yardie.

An incandescent veil fades from Dhairn.

An incandescent veil fades from Anru.

An incandescent veil fades from Brutish.

An incandescent veil fades from Xylador.

An incandescent veil fades from Khobra.

A massive incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Brutish!
  CS: +512 - TD: +345 + CvA: -21 + d100: +41 - -5 == +192
  Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around Brutish and he bursts into flame causing 89 points of damage!
   ... 30 points of damage!
   Head explodes in flames!  Grab some marshmallows.
 * Brutish drops dead at your feet!

The warm glow fades from around Brutish.
Brutish seems less resolute.
Brutish's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Brutish seems a bit less imposing.
A massive incarnadine vathor's eyes blaze with pure incarnadine flames!

A massive incarnadine vathor glares around the area, its fire-ringed eyes flaring up higher.

Anru lets out a loud snarling growl and goes berserk!

Ketsimney beseeches her deity for some divine assistance.

Ketsimney stands up.

Ketsimney whispers faintly and the ground rumbles for a moment, as dark green threads of energy swirl across the surface of her belt.

Ketsimney presses a small rune on her belt and sparks of deep green energy burst into existence and jagged chunks of dirt and rock erupt from the ground, rapidly spinning around her.

Anru jumps to his feet snarling in anger!

A massive incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air.

Dhairn stands up.

Vaeldrys stands up.

Superimposed over Dhairn's gauntlet-sword is the image of a silvery eel.  He raises his gauntlet-sword high overhead and strikes down upon a massive incarnadine vathor with the full weight of Ghezresh's intimidating presence.
[SMR result: 99 (Open d100: 75, Bonus: 1)]
A massive incarnadine vathor dodges out of the way!
[SMR result: -37 (Open d100: -61, Bonus: 1)]
A massive incarnadine vathor dodges out of the way!

Muted veins of metallic grey ripple beneath Vaeldrys's skin.

Alanisse stands up.

Ketsimney whispers faintly, but nothing seems to happen.
An arc of yellow-green energy suddenly leaps up from Ketsimney's belt and flows into her hands.

Anru assaults a massive incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +679 vs DS: +672 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +7 = +35
   A clean miss.
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +679 vs DS: +672 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +9 = +37
   A clean miss.
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +679 vs DS: +672 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +85 = +113
   ... and hits for 3 points of damage!
   Weak slash across chest!
   Slightly less painful than heartburn.
 ** Necrotic energy from Anru's white ritual warblade flares up momentarily! **

   Anru appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy!
Anru's white ritual warblade pulses with a soft white light as it cleaves a burning swath through the chaotic forces shrouding the incarnadine vathor!

Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
A heavy barrier of stone momentarily forms around a massive incarnadine vathor and blocks the attack!

A massive incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Dhairn!
  CS: +512 - TD: +426 + CvA: -46 + d100: +81 - -5 == +126
  Warding failed!
Wisps of black smoke swirl around Dhairn and he bursts into flame causing 26 points of damage!
Dhairn's holy armor resists burning damage and lessens the severity of the attack!
   ... 1 point of damage!
   Minor burns to head.  That hurt a bit.
   ... 1 point of damage!
   Minor burns to left arm.  That hurts a bit.
   ... 1 point of damage!
   Minor burns to right hand.  Ouch.
The flames around Dhairn continue to burn!

A blast of heat explodes from Ketsimney's midnight black nagimaki as the violet flames surrounding it gain new life.
Dhairn screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.

The silver nimbus surrounding Dhairn fades away.

Dhairn screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.

A massive incarnadine vathor cleaves a burning trail of fiery sigils through the air.

Dhairn screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.

Anru's surge of empowerment fades.

Vaeldrys's surge of empowerment fades.

Alanisse's surge of empowerment fades.

Dhairn's surge of empowerment fades.

Ketsimney's surge of empowerment fades.

Xylador's surge of empowerment fades.

Khobra's surge of empowerment fades.

Anru assaults a massive incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +659 vs DS: +656 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +100 = +124
   ... and hits for 5 points of damage!
   Love tap upside the incarnadine vathor's head!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
A heavy barrier of stone momentarily forms around a massive incarnadine vathor and blocks the attack!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +659 vs DS: +656 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +26 = +50
   A clean miss.
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +659 vs DS: +656 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +93 = +117
   ... and hits for 3 points of damage!
   Glancing blow to the incarnadine vathor's right leg!

Vaeldrys attempts to kick a massive incarnadine vathor!
Vaeldrys is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!

A massive incarnadine vathor eyes burn with an intense black fire as it glares harshly at Dhairn!
A massive incarnadine vathor hurls a roaring ball of fire at Dhairn!
  AS: +465 vs DS: +830 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +61 = -282
   A clean miss.

A shadowy figure leaps from hiding to strike!
The figure attempts to punch a massive incarnadine vathor!
  UAF: 800 vs UDF: 755 = 1.059 * MM: 91 + d100: 86 = 182
  ... and hit for 31 points of damage!
  Wide swing connects with left shin, sweeping it hard to the side!
  The incarnadine vathor is knocked to the ground!
** Indigo and ethereal, an icicle-wreathed dragon eel bursts from from Yardie's ebon leather gloves, and explodes into a massive incarnadine vathor! **

The figure quickly disappears from view.

The muted grey veins beneath Vaeldrys's skin withdraw, submerging out of sight.

Xylador swings a jagged-spiked Faendryl spikestar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +435 vs DS: +493 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +60 = +24
   A clean miss.

Anru assaults a massive incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +659 vs DS: +493 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +59 = +246
   ... and hits for 31 points of damage!
 ** Anru's white ritual warblade releases a blast of vibrating energy! **
   ... 10 points of damage!
   Light blow to right leg.
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +659 vs DS: +493 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +4 = +191
   ... and hits for 19 points of damage!
   Diagonal slash to the incarnadine vathor's weapon arm.
   Strike misses but bruises a few knuckles.
 ** Necrotic energy from Anru's white ritual warblade flares up momentarily! **

   Anru appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +659 vs DS: +493 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +77 = +264
   ... and hits for 36 points of damage!
   Quick slash to the incarnadine vathor's upper left arm!
   Just a nick.
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +659 vs DS: +493 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +95 = +282
   ... and hits for 41 points of damage!
   Awkward slash to the incarnadine vathor's stomach!
   Everyone needs another belly button.

A massive incarnadine vathor rises to its feet.

The wall of force disappears from around Ketsimney.

The flames surrounding Dhairn flare up violently...
   ... 1 point of damage!
   Minor burns to chest.  That hurts a bit.
The flames around Dhairn continue to burn!

Vaeldrys attempts to kick a massive incarnadine vathor!
Vaeldrys is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!

Yardie pushes off the ground in a short jump to extend his reach!
A shadowy figure leaps from hiding to strike!
The figure attempts to punch a massive incarnadine vathor!
  UAF: 725 vs UDF: 742 = 0.977 * MM: 92 + d100: 52 = 141
  ... and hit for 36 points of damage!
  Strong downward swing staggers foe and dents skull!
  The incarnadine vathor is knocked to its knees!
A massive incarnadine vathor appears dazed and unsure.
The figure quickly disappears from view.

A massive incarnadine vathor rises to its feet.

Anru assaults a massive incarnadine vathor with an unrelenting fury!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +659 vs DS: +512 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +4 = +172
   ... and hits for 19 points of damage!
   Awkward slash to the incarnadine vathor's stomach!
   Everyone needs another belly button.
 ** Anru's white ritual warblade releases a blast of vibrating energy! **
   ... 5 points of damage!
   Blow connects with abdomen.
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +659 vs DS: +512 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +93 = +261
   ... and hits for 34 points of damage!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +659 vs DS: +512 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +12 = +180
   ... and hits for 17 points of damage!
   Broken finger on the incarnadine vathor's left hand!
 ** Anru's white ritual warblade releases a blast of vibrating energy! **
   ... 20 points of damage!
Anru swings an ancient white ritual warblade at a massive incarnadine vathor!
  AS: +659 vs DS: +508 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +49 = +221
   ... and hits for 24 points of damage!
   Blow glances off the incarnadine vathor's shoulder.

With a percussive snap, Alanisse shakes out her arms in quick succession and bears down on a massive incarnadine vathor in a fury!
[SMR result: -49 (Open d100: 72)]
Relentless in her assault, Alanisse unleashes a frenzy of violence upon a massive incarnadine vathor!
Alanisse attempts to jab a massive incarnadine vathor!
Alanisse is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!

Vaeldrys attempts to kick a massive incarnadine vathor!
Vaeldrys is repelled by the chaotic forces surrounding the incarnadine vathor!

The chaotic silver nimbus surrounding Ketsimney's shoulders, chest, and back slowly vanishes.

Dhairn screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.

A quick flick of Xylador's wrist sends a jagged-spiked Faendryl spikestar into flight!
Xylador throws a jagged-spiked Faendryl spikestar at a massive incarnadine vathor!
 ** Xylador's Faendryl spikestar glows brightly for a moment, consuming the magical energies around the incarnadine vathor! **
The light blue glow leaves a massive incarnadine vathor.
A hazy film coats a massive incarnadine vathor.
  AS: +373 vs DS: +465 with AvD: +22 + d100 roll: +97 = +27
   A clean miss.
Momentum carries a jagged-spiked Faendryl spikestar past a massive incarnadine vathor to land nearby.

Dhairn screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.

Yardie pushes off the ground in a short jump to extend his reach!
A shadowy figure leaps from hiding to strike!
The figure attempts to punch a massive incarnadine vathor!
  UAF: 725 vs UDF: 704 = 1.029 * MM: 97 + d100: 100 = 199
  ... and hit for 54 points of damage!
  Awesome punch to forehead snaps head straight back with a sickening *CRUNCH!*
A massive incarnadine vathor's lets loose a bestial scream as it falls to the ground and expires.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a massive incarnadine vathor.
A massive incarnadine vathor glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The white light leaves a massive incarnadine vathor.
The very powerful look leaves a massive incarnadine vathor.
The silvery luminescence fades from around a massive incarnadine vathor.
The bright luminescence fades from around a massive incarnadine vathor.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a massive incarnadine vathor.
The powerful look leaves a massive incarnadine vathor.
A shadow seems to detach itself from a massive incarnadine vathor, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The deep blue glow leaves a massive incarnadine vathor.
 ** Necrotic energy from Yardie's ebon leather gloves flares up momentarily! **

   Yardie appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy!
The figure quickly disappears from view.