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The ethereal necrotic film covering your hoarbeam runestaff shrivels away.
The ethereal necrotic film covering your hoarbeam runestaff shrivels away.


Failure message for testing a permanent item (7x @ lvl 36):
<div {{log}}>
You channel at an ice blue tapered faewood runestaff tipped with a smooth bone wand.<br>
You sense that the tapered faewood runestaff has not yet been permanently ensorcelled and that this ensorcellment will be nearly impossible.

Possible failure for testing (5x @ lvl 37):
<div {{log}}>
You sense that the faewood runestaff has not yet been permanently ensorcelled and that you are more likely than not to succeed on your cast, but you will need some luck. (5x @ lvl 37)

Failure message for permanent item:
<div {{log}}>
You make an excellent attempt!<br>
Failure! You are unable to overcome the tapered faewood runestaff's defenses, wasting some of your stored necrotic energy in the fruitless attempt.

==See Also==
==See Also==

Revision as of 11:34, 14 May 2013

Ensorcell (735)
Mnemonic [ENSORCELL]
Duration Varies
Utility Magic  
Subtype Weapon/Armor Enhancement 
Availability Weapon, Armor, Shield, Runestaff 
Sorcerer Base Spells
Blood Burst (701) Attack
Mana Disruption (702) Attack
Corrupt Essence (703) Attack
Phase (704) Utility
Disintegrate (705) Attack
Tenebrous Tether (706) Attack
Eye Spy (707) Utility
Limb Disruption (708) Attack
Grasp of the Grave (709) Attack
Energy Maelstrom (710) Attack
Pain (711) Attack
Cloak of Shadows (712) Defensive
Balefire (713) Attack
Scroll Infusion (714) Utility
Curse (715) Attack
Pestilence (716) Attack
Evil Eye (717) Attack
Torment (718) Attack
Dark Catalyst (719) Attack
Implosion (720) Attack
Minor Summoning (725) Utility
Animate Dead (730) Utility
Ensorcell (735) Utility
Planar Shift (740) Utility

Ensorcell allows sorcerers to enhance weapons, runestaves, shields, and armor by collecting and then infusing necrotic energy into them. Items may be either temporarily or permanently ensorcelled, with varying benefits depending on the nature of the item and the strength of the ensorcellment. Most weapons, runestaves, shields, and armor are able to accept an ensorcellment (provided they do not resist magic in general), though the difficulty of the skill check increases based on the item's exact properties.

Temporary Ensorcellment

Temporary ensorcellment allows sorcerers (and sorcerers only) to gain temporary life channeling flares on their weapons and runestaves. There appears to be no skill check for temporary ensorcellment, though an item's properties may prevent it.

In order to temporarily ensorcell a weapon, simply PREPARE 735 and CAST it at the item while holding it.


  • Armor and shields can be temporarily ensorcelled, though they will not provide flares
  • Non-sorcerers may benefit temporarily ensorcelled gear for certain Shield and Combat Maneuvers
  • Temporary ensorcellment does not require necrotic energy
  • Magical attack flares from temporary ensorcellment occur randomly and have an average rate of 1 flare per 7 attacks.
  • Physical attack flares from temporary ensorcellment occur randomly and have an average rate of 1 flare per 5 attacks. This is the same rate as an ebladed weapon, although ebladed weapon flares are not randomized.
  • A temporarily ensorcelled weapon or runestaff is the same as one that's been permanently ensorcelled to tier 1

Permanent Ensorcellment

Permanent ensorcellment can be put on a weapon, armor, shield, or runestaff with the benefits depending on the type of item ensorcelled and can be used by members of any profession. Permanently ensorcelling an item requires necrotic energy, which is gained by killing like level creatures.

There are 5 tiers of permanent ensorcellment, each tier requires a separate CHANNEL of 735 with the cost of necrotic energy going up for each tier. The benefits provided by a permanently ensorcelled item going up with each tier added to it.

In order to permanently ensorcell an item, PREPARE 735 and CHANNEL it at the item while holding it. This will give you a message telling you how difficult it will be to place a permanent ensorcellment on the item as well as the current tier of ensorcellment already on that item. If you still wish to add a tier of ensorcellment to the item, CHANNEL 735 at it again with-in 30 seconds to make the attempt. Enhancive and holy items require the use of a special potion prior to the attempt, this potion remains unreleased as of this date.

Weapons and Runestaffs

Weapons and runestaffs that have been permanently ensorcelled gain premanent life channeling flares which can be used by members of any profession (unlike temporary ensorcellment, which can only be used by sorcerers). The strength and frequency of these flares are based on the tier of ensorcellment.

Shields and Armor

Shields and armor that are permanently ensorcelled provide the bearer with an +2 bonus to CvA per tier of ensorcellment. They may also be used for several combat and shield maneuvers that require gear with anti-magical properties.

Success Factors


  • A failed attempt costs 5% of the amount of necrotic energy that would have been required for a successful attempt
  • There is no chance of losing an item due to a failed attempt
  • A sorcerer may make another attempt immediately after a failed attempt, provided they still have the required amount of necrotic energy

Life Channeling Flares

Life channeling flares allow the beneficiary to absorb some built up necrotic energy and regain some of it as either health, mana, stamina, or spirit (depending on the nature of the attack and random chance). If the beneficiary of the flare is full on the resource that would otherwise be returned, they gain a temporary +5AS/+3CS bonus on their next attack per tier of ensorcellment on the item that caused the flare. These flares trigger approx 15% of the time on an item that has a single tier of ensorcellment, with the frequency increasing with added tiers.

Ensorcellment on weapons will trigger life channeling flares when the weapon is swung at an enemy while ensorcellment on a runestaff will trigger life channeling flares when attack spells are cast.

Flare Message
Health You feel healed!
Mana You feel empowered!
Spirit You feel rejuvenated!
Stamina You feel reinvigorated!
Acuity You feel energized!

Necrotic Energy

Necrotic Energy is automatically gained by sorcerers with knowledge of 735 when they kill like level creatures. It is required to permanently ensorcell items, with the amount required depending on the tier of ensorcellment being sought.

While there is a cap on both how much necrotic energy can be gained in a week as well as the total amount of necrotic energy a sorcerer can store, a sorcerer will only lose necrotic energy if they attempt to permanently ensorcell an item. The amount of necrotic energy gained from a creature depends on the creature's level in relation to the sorcerer, though no necrotic energy is gained from creatures a sorcerer cannot learn from.


  • The weekly cap appears to reset with the first creature a sorcerer kills after their Triple X bonus has reset for the week
  • The weekly cap appears to be approximately the same amount of necrotic energy required to produce a single tier ensorcellment
  • The amount of necrotic energy required for a tier 1 ensorcellment appears to be that gained from approx. 1000 creatures



The flares appear basically similar, besides their respective messages of feeling. For example, an acuity flare:

 ** Necrotic energy from your <weapon> overflows into you! **

   You feel energized!

Acuity is the only flare which also wears off (whether used or unused):

You feel the unnatural surge of necrotic power wane away.


Casting Ensorcell at one's self yields information on the present necrotic power.


You sense no build up of necrotic energy within you.

Lowest tier

You sense a weak build up of necrotic energy within you.

Second tier:

You sense the build up of necrotic energy within you approaching the amount needed to permanently ensorcell an item for the first time.

Ready for the first permanent attempt (at tier 1)

You sense the build up of necrotic energy within you has reached the point necessary to permanently ensorcell an item for the first time.


Success for a temporary item (note usage of CAST):

>cast at my staff
You gesture at a drakar-runed ebonwood staff.
Necrotic energy materializes around your ebonwood staff and sinks onto it like an ethereal film.

Wearing Off

Temporary item ensorcellment wearing off.

The ethereal necrotic film covering your hoarbeam runestaff shrivels away.


Failure message for testing a permanent item (7x @ lvl 36):

You channel at an ice blue tapered faewood runestaff tipped with a smooth bone wand.
You sense that the tapered faewood runestaff has not yet been permanently ensorcelled and that this ensorcellment will be nearly impossible.

Possible failure for testing (5x @ lvl 37):

You sense that the faewood runestaff has not yet been permanently ensorcelled and that you are more likely than not to succeed on your cast, but you will need some luck. (5x @ lvl 37)

Failure message for permanent item:

You make an excellent attempt!
Failure! You are unable to overcome the tapered faewood runestaff's defenses, wasting some of your stored necrotic energy in the fruitless attempt.

See Also

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