Weddings/Meeting With the Wedding Planner

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For the purposes of this tutorial, and to ensure that we are capturing as many things as possible, each member of the party will be identified as the following:

  • Spouse1 - this person has purchased the license and/or obtained it. In the examples listed here, this person is female.
  • Spouse2 - this is the person who will be marrying the license holder. In the examples listed here, this person is male.
  • Package Type - this will always be deluxe so that we can handle the largest amount of data at once. All other packages have fewer items. Where we can, we will note the differences.
  • Wedding Hall - this will always be Kraken's Fall, but you can visit any of the Wedding Halls in the lands that are open.
  • Wedding Planner - this will always be Anne, but your wedding planner can be anyone that is associated with a wedding hall.

It is important to note that married couples may be any of these combinations: female/female, female/male, male/female, male/male.

It is also important to note that meeting with the Wedding Planner only requires one Spouse and that it doesn't matter if it is Spouse 1 or Spouse 2. Both spouses can enter the wedding hall. Both spouses can handle this portion of the planning stage. It is not, however, a requirement.

Entering the Wedding Hall

In order to enter the wedding hall, you must have a signed marriage license and it must be signed by both Spouse1 and Spouse2.

If you need instructions on how to do that, please visit the first part of this tutorial: Obtaining and Using a Wedding License.

Now that you are in the wedding hall, you should ask your wedding planner how she can help you.

Conversing with the Wedding Planner

Now that you are in the wedding hall, you should ask your wedding planner how she can help you.

The Wedding Planner Anne greets you warmly and says, "Hello, Spouseone.  We've been expecting you."  Anne flips briskly through her notes.  "Oh, yes.  Here you are... right here."  Anne points to a spot on her paper that contains various notes and turns her journal in your direction.

  DELUXE WEDDING NOTES FOR Spouseone and Spousetwo 

Primary Spouse's Trunk - Spousetwo should ASK PLANNER ABOUT TRUNK {feminine|masculine}
Partner's Trunk - Spousetwo should ASK PLANNER ABOUT TRUNK {feminine|masculine}
Invitations Received - ASK ME ABOUT INVITATIONS

"Additionally, you can opt out of any of the items on your task list by...."

Setting Your Date

Important Note: All wedding times are in EDT.

Wrayth Date Selection Dialog Box
A wide smile forms across Anne's lips as she takes a deep breath and says, "When you are ready to choose your date, all you need to do is ASK me ABOUT DATE {YYYYMMDD} {HHmm}, and then I will peruse the schedule to see if it is available."

[USAGE: To request June 7, 2022 at 6:15 PM, ASK PLANNER ABOUT DATE 20220607 1815.  Date requests should be 8 digits, and time requests (Eastern) should be 4 digits using a 24-hour clock.]

If you are using Wrayth and have Dialogue Boxes set to ON, then a handy pop-up window appears that conveniently lets you set your wedding date and time.

Otherwise, you need to enter it manually. It is very important that you follow the steps outlined by the wedding planner.

Breakdown of Date
YYYY - 4 digits for year - these are in OOC terms.  (example: 2022, 2023, etc.)
MM   - 2 digits for month (example: May/Ivastaen = 05, June/Lumnea = 06, December/Eorgaen = 12, etc.)
DD   - 2 digits for day (example: 1st of the month = 01, 10th of the month = 10, etc.)
HH   - 2 digits for hour - We utilize a military clock for this system. (example: 10am = 10, 10pm = 22)
mm   - 2 digits for minute - We utilize 60 minutes in an hour where 00 is the top of the hour and 59 is the latest. (example: 5 after nine, would be 05)

Click to view example 1...

Example 1
You would like to have your wedding date be on the 22nd day of Ivastaen in the year 5122 at 4pm EDT.
Because you purchased your license on 4/7/2022, you can do this.

You would ask the wedding planner to do the following:

20220522 1600
Example 2
You would like to have your wedding date be on the 22nd day of Ivastaen in the year 5123 at 4pm EDT.
Because you purchased your wedding on 4/7/2022, you cannot do this.

ASK ANNE ABOUT DATE 20230422 1600

Anne counts on her fingers, working through both hands a number of times.  "That's way too far in the future!  Please request a date that is before the expiration date on your license."
Example 3
You would like to have your wedding date be on April 10th, 2022 at 8pm CST.
Because you purchased your wedding on 4/7/2022, you cannot do this.

>ASK ANNE ABOUT DATE 20220410 2100

Anne jots down your date request and checks her master wedding journal.  "Aha!  It looks like 4/10/2022 at 9:00 PM elven is available!  Would you like for me to reserve that date and time for you?"  Please double-check to make certain this is the date you want.  If it is, REPEAT YOUR COMMAND WITHIN 30 SECONDS, and I will chisel you in."

>ASK ANNE ABOUT DATE 20220410 2100 (this is the confirmation)

Anne creates a few entries in her master wedding journal and slaps the book closed as she turns away to whisper-yell to an attendant, "Tell Master Tooterra there's another one on the books and to start preparing!"  She turns her attention back to you and says, "There we go.  Your wedding date is now scheduled for 4/10/2022 at 9:00 PM elven!"  She nods enthusiastically.

"Now that your special day is set, you need to choose the wedding area and officiant.  Anne rubs her hands together briskly.  You can ASK me ABOUT AREA, or ASK me about CEREMONY or OFFICIANT, or you can even ASK me ABOUT an individual Arkati if that's your preference.  I can even tell you a little about LIGHT, DARK, or NEUTRAL ceremonies.  If you would like to see all of the available areas, you can take a step through the corridor and read all the lovely descriptions our attendants have prepared for your review."

When you look at your license, you'll notice the change:

Read License (abridged to prevent spamming)
This marriage license is a contract for marriage between Spouseone, signed on 9 Olaesta, 5122, and Spousetwo, signed on 9 Olaesta, 5122.

Conveniently scrawled on the back of the license is a task list for your wedding planning.  Your details are as follows:

~~*~~*~~   WEDDING CHECKLIST   ~~*~~*~~

Wedding Date * (4/10/2022 at 9:00 PM elven)

Setting the Location

Every wedding hall has multiple rooms. There is the primary room where you interact with your wedding planner and there is the Viewing Room where you can look at the various Wedding Glades that are available to host your weddings. Your wedding planner tells you this when you speak with her. Important Note: No two weddings may use the same glade at the same time. There is also a buffer of one hour on both ends of a wedding to prevent any overlap.

The Wedding Planner Anne motions toward an austere corridor and says, "Venture beyond our walls, even if only for a brief moment."  She folds her hands behind her back and rocks on her heels as she smiles proudly.  "We have a number of locations available for you to celebrate your day, and our attendants have gone to great lengths to provide you with descriptive details of each area.  Once you have decided on one of our offered wedding areas, you can ASK me ABOUT AREA {area #}, and I will look into the availability.  Of course, we can only schedule the officiant if your license is signed by both parties."

[USAGE: ASK PLANNER ABOUT AREA {area #}.  The materials on the bookshelf contain the {area #}.] in the viewing room down the corridor.]
  • GO CORRIDOR - this brings you to the room with all the wedding glade information
  • LOOK BOOKSHELF - lists pamphlets, leaflets, and journals that display brief views of the glades
  • READ {noun} on BOOKSHELF - gives you the name of the wedding glade
  • TAKE {noun} on BOOKSHELF - gives you a brief description of the area
Example 1
>take leaflet on bookshelf
You carefully remove a stark black leaflet from its place on the tall bookshelf and secure it atop the pedestal.  You glance over all the leaflet's pages...

Wedding Area Descriptions: Location 19 ----- [Secluded Beach, Sprawling Sands] White sands sprawl across the beach, glittering in the sunlight and darkening as the gently lapping tide dampens their edges. Tall trees and dense foliage form a verdant backdrop to an awning-covered dance floor, while surrounding large flat rocks provide natural, if rustic, seating to visitors. At the edges of the awning, a multi-tiered cake stand and a small table provide refreshments and delectable treats. [Secluded Beach, Cliff Overhang] Sparkling in the sunlight, pearlescent seashells and glittering sand line a sprawling pathway that descends to the picturesque beach below. Colorful orchid primrose tower above their shorter bumble bee cousins as they lounge along the edge of a man-made overhang that provides a majestic view of the sun-dappled deep blue ocean. Resting at the center of the overhang is carved boulder worn smooth and reshaped to create an altar. [Secluded Beach, Tidal Pools] Ascending sharply to the overhang above, a steep path of gravel and imbedded stones spills into a small area surrounded by high cliffs on three sides and lapping water on the fourth. Large boulders scattered throughout the area stay dry, their smooth faces providing sitting space and offering a view of the various tidal pools whose waters are refreshed by the lapping tide. [Secluded Beach, Small Cove] Sparkling white sands sprawl from the thick foliage at their back towards a stretch of coastline edged in crystal clear waters dappled in sea froth. Rocky cliffs pierce the tree line, the path leading up to the secluded spot at its peak is dappled with crushed seashells and glitter sand. A tangle of magenta-tipped, gradient purple honeywort grows in verdant profusion along the westernmost section of the beach. Once finished, you return the stark black leaflet to its proper place on the bookshelf.
Example 2
>tak pamphlet
You carefully remove a silver ring-bound pamphlet from its place on the tall bookshelf and secure it atop the pedestal.  You glance over all the pamphlet's pages...

Wedding Area Descriptions: Location 16 ----- [Isle of Ornath, Willow's Close] Swelling like chaotic currents against ordained obstacles, black granite paths swirl through a lush blanket of manicured velvety grass. They swoop around charming vignettes with rings of cylindrical planters surrounding intimate seating, staggered about the lawn until they coalesce around an ivory marble-bordered koi pond and the ancient weeping willow at its heart. A different path, this one straight and mist grey, moves away from the water up a gentle slope towards an alabaster rotunda with a stained glass roof. [Isle of Ornath, Willow's Crown] An unbroken circle of low white silk divans line the alabaster balustrade that embraces the space in a ring of safety. Five columns, identical to the ones below in all ways but their scale, lift the stained glass dome at the center of the cupola. Daylight pours through its thousand panes of glass and casts a kaleidoscope of color over a round marble table. Hidden in the shadow of one of the columns, a spiraled staircase guarded by a scrollwork railing descends through a hole in the floor. [Isle of Ornath, Willow's Ring] Five fluted columns stand watch around the conjoined eahnor, faenor, glaes, veniom, and vaalin rings that inlay the golden parquet floor. Sunlight spills in between them and, reflecting off a burnished copper ceiling stamped with a pattern of overlapping circles, casts the rotunda in a warm glow. Off to one side, a collection of chairs with silk cushions and overstuffed velvet sofas form a few variously sized clusters at the base of a spiraled scrollwork staircase that ascends to a stained glass cupola. [Isle of Ornath, Willow's Grace] The veil of silvery sage shrouding this private island spills from the ancient white willow's canopy like tears, each leaf responsible for a ring of ripples where it kisses the water. Not much light filters through the thick foliage and the little that does is constantly shifting and being reflected off water, the effect akin to permanent dreamlike twilight. Penetrating the drape of leaves, a grey slate walkway stretches towards the base of the tree, its craggy trunk twisted and knotted with age, and stops before a natural woven lattice arbor. Once finished, you return the ring-bound pamphlet to its proper place on the bookshelf.
Example 3
>tak third journal
You carefully remove a sun-bleached journal from its place on the tall bookshelf and secure it atop the pedestal.  You glance over all the journal's pages...

Wedding Area Descriptions: Location 9 ----- [Tropical Beach, Walkway] The faint roar of the surf can be heard, carried on a warm, salty breeze that stirs the tall grasses growing in the white sand dunes on either side of this sun bleached wooden walkway. The fine layer of sand covering the boards shifts and eddies in the wind, while sunlight glints off of the quartz and salt crystals contained within the grains. A small landing leads to a bamboo hut, and a glimpse of the crystal green ocean can be seen in the distance. [Tropical Beach, Reception] Swathes of gossamer stretch between the thick beams supporting the roof and sway in the cool salt tinged breeze. Frosted crystal globes sit atop linen covered tables, the candles within casting a muted glow over bamboo chairs with woven palm frond seats. A long serving table sits near a set of stairs which lead down a torch-lined path toward the beach. Four bamboo torches mark the corners of a slightly raised dance floor in the center. Next to a trio of wide steps that lead toward the sound of falling water is a lacquered driftwood cart. [Tropical Beach, Waterfall] A steady rush of water cascades over a cliff, crashing into a small pool of crystal clear water, before forming a stream and flowing off to empty into the ocean. Massive palms ring the clearing around the pond, and several flat boulders sit nearer the water's edge. A pair of torches on tall bamboo poles flank the entrance to a bamboo hut, which is surrounded by exotic foliage, abloom in a vast hue of color. A salt-tinged breeze blows in along a sandy trail strewn with palm fronds. [Tropical Beach, Altar] Crystal green water gently laps at the clean, white sand that stretches into the distance to the east and west. A walkway, made of multi-hued flower petals, leads toward a gossamer-strung bamboo arch. Nestled under the arch is a simple bamboo altar. Rows of bamboo chairs draped in ivory silk sit to either side of the walkway, and a sandy trail strewn with palm fronds disappears into the trees lining the beach. Once finished, you return the sun-bleached journal to its proper place on the bookshelf.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we are going to pick Location #16:

ask anne about area 16
The Wedding Planner Anne says, "What a great choice!  Our Isle of Ornath, Rings of Lumnis area is quite popular.  Just one moment while I check the availability of this location."

Anne studies her master wedding journal, flipping back and forth through its pages.  After a moment, she glances up from her journal and says, "Well, it looks like the Isle of Ornath, Rings of Lumnis location is available for you.  If you are sure this is where you would like us to host your ceremony and reception, REPEAT YOUR COMMAND WITHIN 30 SECONDS and I will make it official!  Be sure this is the area you want before you reserve it, as changing venues is not recommended."


ask anne about area 16

Anne scrawls a few notes in her wedding journal and snaps it shut as she calls out, "Another one on the books, ladies and gentlemen!"  She turns her attention back to you and says, "There you have it!  The Isle of Ornath, Rings of Lumnis has been reserved for you."  She shakes your hand enthusiastically.

Now that we have selected our wedding area, our license is once again updated:

Read License (abridged to prevent spamming)
This marriage license is a contract for marriage between Spouseone, signed on 9 Olaesta, 5122, and Spousetwo, signed on 9 Olaesta, 5122.

Conveniently scrawled on the back of the license is a task list for your wedding planning.  Your details are as follows:

~~*~~*~~   WEDDING CHECKLIST   ~~*~~*~~

Wedding Date * (4/10/2022 at 9:00 PM elven)
Wedding Area * (Isle of Ornath, Rings of Lumnis)

Selecting the Officiant