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Category:Wedding Planner

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Wedding Planners are accessed through the Wedding Halls that are scattered across Elanthia and opened for the first time during Rings of Lumnis event in 2022.

Once a couple has purchased a Wedding License from the Simucoin Store and redeemed it, they gain access to the Wedding Halls that are in every Town and Major Festival Ground in Elanthia and can visit with a Wedding Planner to begin the process of planner their wedding.

Planners and their Halls

City Planner Map Location Festival Planner Map Location
Cysaegir Bre'ka - Bloodriven Village TBA -
Icemule Trace Tilif - Ebon Gate TBA -
Kraken's Fall Anne - Isle of Ornath Elluin -
Mist Harbor Veronica - Rumor Woods TBA -
River's Rest Kennan - - - -
Solhaven Sinne - - - -
Ta'Illistim Carysta - - - -
Ta'Vaalor Marceivlous - - - -
Teras Isle Tromgren - - - -
Wehnimer's Landing Katrina - - - -
Zul Logoth Perrola - - - -


Verb Modifier First
ASK The Wedding Planner Anne says, "I don't know everything, but I do know quite a bit about AREAS, CEREMONY, CRIER, DATE, FOOD, INVITATION, LICENSE, OFFICIANT, TRUNK, AND WEDDING. You can ASK me about any of those topics. In addition, whenever you speak with a wedding planner, you should have the marriage license somewhere on your person. This will help us keep all of your specific details straight."
ASK AREAS The Wedding Planner Anne motions toward an austere corridor and says, "Venture beyond our walls, even if only for a brief moment." She folds her hands behind her back and rocks on her heels as she smiles proudly. "We have a number of locations available for you to celebrate your day, and our attendants have gone to great lengths to provide you with descriptive details of each area. Once you have decided on one of our offered wedding areas, you can ASK me ABOUT AREA {area #}, and I will look into the availability. Of course, we can only schedule the officiant if your license is signed by both parties."

[USAGE: ASK PLANNER ABOUT AREA {area #}. The materials on the bookshelf contain the {area #}.] in the viewing room down the corridor.]

ASK CEREMONY Anne says, "We provide twenty-seven different types of ceremonies for our couples to choose from. We have one for each of the twenty-four major Arkati as well as three generic offerings. For more information on these ceremonies, you may ASK me ABOUT the OFFICIANT for a specific Arkati, DARK (LORNON), LIABO (LIGHT), or NEUTRAL (NONALIGNED)."
ASK CRIER The Wedding Planner Anne says, "I don't know everything, but I do know quite a bit about AREAS, CEREMONY, CRIER, DATE, FOOD, INVITATION, LICENSE, OFFICIANT, TRUNK, AND WEDDING. You can ASK me about any of those topics. In addition, whenever you speak with a wedding planner, you should have the marriage license somewhere on your person. This will help us keep all of your specific details straight."
ASK DATE The Wedding Planner Anne points to an entry in her master wedding journal and turns the page for you to view. She says, "You already have a date scheduled. Here you are, listed right next to Mare." She shows you the journal entry:


Wedding Date: 1/20/2022 11:00:00 eastern

Anne notes, "You can READ your marriage license to recall important details of your very special day. We have also provided you with a handy checklist on the back. If you need to CHANGE your date, then you can ASK me ABOUT CHANGE, and we can look at modifying the schedule.

ASK FOOD This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
ASK INVITATION Anne says, "We have many lovely designs for you to choose from for your wedding invitations. Once you are ready to secure a design, which means that you have scheduled your date, selected the event's area, and chosen an officiant, you only need to ASK me ABOUT INVITATION DESIGN {article #} {adjective #} {embellishment #}. It's that simple! Fortunately, it doesn't take long to get them printed, and we will include them in your wedding trunk. Take a look at what we have available."

She unfurls a gold-bordered ivory scroll with elegant black lettering.

ASK LICENSE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
ASK OFFICIANT, PRIEST, PRIESTESS The Wedding Planner Anne says, "The officiant of your choice will lead your ceremony in accordance with his, her, or their beliefs. They aren't able to handle special requests, but rest assured that they have performed these ceremonies many times and are experts in their craft." Anne continues, "If you have already decided which one you would like to have for your wedding, you can ASK me ABOUT a specific Arkati, or you can ASK me ABOUT an alignment like LIGHT, DARK, or NEUTRAL."


ASK SHOPPING Anne waves her hand toward a faintly shimmering doorway and says, "Right over there is where you'll want to go to access the latest and greatest in wedding wares, but in order to access the Concourse, you have to receive your wedding trunk. Located on the back of your license is a handy checklist, that will help you track your progress on all of your wedding tasks. If you do not have a copy of your license, you can always ask me about specific items like DATE or INVITATION."
ASK SURNAME Anne smiles, nodding her head slowly. "We decided to focus on those things we do best. This can be easily handled by the Surname Registrar in town."
ASK TIME This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
ASK TRUNK This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
ASK VERBS This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
ASK WEDDING The Wedding Planner Anne greets you warmly and says, "Hello, Jenny. We've been expecting you." Anne flips briskly through her notes. "Oh, yes. Here you are right here." Anne points to a spot on her paper that contains various notes and turns her journal in your direction.


Primary Spouse's Trunk - Spouse2 should ASK PLANNER ABOUT TRUNK {feminine|masculine}
Partner's Trunk - Spouse2 should ASK PLANNER ABOUT TRUNK {feminine|masculine}
Wedding Date - Completed
Invitations Received - ASK ME ABOUT INVITATIONS

"Additionally, you can opt-out of any of the items on your task list by...."