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The HOLD verb is useful in group mechanics and expressing longing and affection. It is also affected by DEMEANOR.



    HOLD {self}                     - Wring your hands
    HOLD {target}                   - Holds a target
    HOLD SET [option]               - Shows or sets the HOLD verb options available.

>hold set
You have the following options available to you:

Your current option is:

Please click VERB INFO HOLD to see details about the available options.

Verb Info

Verb information for verb "HOLD":

People targets:
CATHEDRAL WEDDING  - You clasp (target's) hand gently and pull him/her into your
                     tight embrace.
WAVEDANCER WEDDING - You draw (target) close to you and gaze deeply into his/her
                     eyes, making it clear that you wish him/her to linger near.
STANDARD           - You grab (target's) hand.

Self target:
                   - You wring your hands.

Object targets: (Note: not in hand)
  FIRST PERSON     - You clench your fists involuntarily as you gaze at (object),
                     wishing it could be yours.
  OTHERS           - Person clenches her fists and gazes at (object) longingly.

Creature targets:
  FIRST PERSON     - You consider holding hands with (creature). Surely your
                     prospects can't be that dim?
  OTHERS           - Person glances at (creature) with a forlorn expression on
                     her face.

NOTE:  ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions.  Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging.  Messaging without an option shown applies to all options.  Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.

HOLD (item in hand)

You relax your hold on the {item}.