Category:Summit Academy
Originally run as Sylinar’s Spire in November of 2021, Summit Academy returned in 2017 as a standalone customization event. Later, in 2019, the college reopened as part of Rumor Woods. Summit Academy is a college campus outside of Sylinar's Spire. While Sylinar is no longer in attendance, Diriko and Siethidi are the wardens of the spire and all of Rumor Woods, leaving the college to continue in its persuits.
Buildings and Facilities
Summit Academy has several buildings and connections with the surrounding forest known as Rumor Woods.
Brickburn Hall
Located on the western side of the central Ellipse, Brickburn Hall is hope to scholars that help you in customizing your Spell Preparations and, as of 2024, a new option to customize the Urchin Guide messaging.
In 2024, all previous customizations were removed and new ones were put in their place.
- Custom Spell Preps
- Urchin Guide Customizations
- Cost: 1,000 raikhen
Sebastian House
Located on the northern side of the central Ellipse, Sebstian House offers customizations for your arrival and departure from the game environment.
In 2024, all previous arrival/depature customizations were removed and new ones were put in their place.
- Arrival/Departure
- Cost: 1,000 raikhen
Thurgine Hall
Located on the northeastern side of the central Ellipse, Thurgine Hall offers advance spell customizations to certain spells as well as to custom bolt spells.
Advanced Spell Customizations are available for the following spells: Fire Spirit (111), Manna (203), Spirit Guide (130), Major Sanctuary (220), Well of Life (308), Raise Dead (318)/Divine Word (1640), Floating Disk (511), Tangle Weed (610), Call Swarm (615), Grasp of the Grave (709), Tremors (909), Empathic Assault (1110), Blink (1215), Transfer, Transference (225), Familiar Gate (930), Traveler's Song (1020), Aid the Fallen (1620),
Custom Bolt Spells are available for the following spells: Fire Spirit (111), Web (118), Holy Bolt (306), Hand of Tonis (505), Hurl Boulder (510), Disintegrate (705), Balefire (713), Minor Shock (901), Minor Water (903), Minor Acid (904), Minor Fire (906), Major Cold (907), Major Fire (908), Major Shock (910), Empathic Assault (1110), Telekinesis (1206), Arcane Blast (1700), Minor Steam (1707), Minor Cold (1709), Major Acid (1710)
In 2024, all previous advance spell customizations and bolt customizations were removed and new ones were put in their place.
Ostwicke Hall
Located on the eastern side of the central Ellipse, Ostwicke Hall is home to the academy's central theatre. Here, you can learn signature verbs, and customize the following features: Body Build, Distinguishing Mark, Height, Wing Features (Aelotoi only), and Wing Quirks (Aelotoi only). Summit Academy is one of the few places you can get Height and Body features done.
- Signature Verbs
- Body Build
- Distinguishing Marks
- Height
- Wing Features
- Wing Quirk Features
- Cost: 1,000 raikhen
Groundskeeper's Cottage
Located off a path at the eastern side of the central Ellipse, the Groundskeeper's Cottage is home to the academy's verbose groundskeeper. Here, you can learn custom swearing.
- Custom Swears
- Cost: 1,000 raikhen
Archives of Past Summit Academy Events
- Sylinar's Spire in 2014
- Return of Summit Academy in 2017
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
- Summit Academy artwork (2 F)
- Summit Academy saved posts (3 P)