Phoen's Strength (606)

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Phoen's Strength (606)
Mnemonic [PHOENSTR]
Base Duration 1200 sec
Added Duration +60 sec per Ranger Base
Span Stackable
Offensive Magic - Enhancement  
Subtype Statistic Enhancement 
Enhancement + 10 Strength Bonus 
Availability Self-cast 
Ranger Base Spells
Natural Colors (601) Defensive
Resist Elements (602) Defensive
Wild Entropy (603) Attack
Nature's Bounty (604) Utility
Barkskin (605) Defensive
Phoen's Strength (606) Offensive
Sounds (607) Attack
Camouflage (608) Offensive
Sun Burst (609) Attack
Tangle Weed (610) Attack
Moonbeam (611) Attack
Breeze (612) Utility
Self Control (613) Defensive
Imbue (614) Utility
Call Swarm (615) Attack
Spike Thorn (616) Attack
Sneaking (617) Utility
Mobility (618) Defensive
Mass Calm (619) Attack
Resist Nature (620) Utility
Nature's Touch (625) Defensive
Animal Companion (630) Utility
Nature's Fury (635) Attack
Wall of Thorns (640) Defensive
Assume Aspect (650) Utility

Phoen's Strength provides a base bonus of +10 to physical attack strength by enhancing Strength Bonus (but does not directly enhance the Strength stat.)

For each rank of Ranger Base spells known:

  • the duration of the spell is extended by 60 seconds from its base 1200 second duration

This spell is selfcast only.


Your body suddenly fills with a warm strength.
You feel the inner strength leave you.
