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The aishan is a demon archetype which originates in the valence of Shien'tyr. There are no known subtypes of the aishan. The aishan can be summoned through the use of Minor Summoning (725).
The aishan is a creature which is relatively similar to that of Elanthian wolves. It is bulkier and coated in coarse fur, which is especially heavy around the neck. Its fur color is commonly found in red and black, though grey, silver and white are found occasionally, with the brighter colors being the most rare. The fur is known to be particularly insubstantial to the touch, and some theories abound that it is perhaps a physical manifestation of Shien'tyr's shadowy haze. Aishans are regularly found without tails, though whether this is a natural mutation or something that occurs to them in Shien'tyr is unknown. Aishan's have large, pupilless eyes, which resemble flames of various sorts in their color, ranging from from dark red, to yellow, to light blue, and in their constant shifting movement, causing them to flicker like flames. These eyes are shiney enough that they provide a clear reflection if gazed into. Their most distinguishing feature from that of Elanthian wolves are their large, powerful jaws, filled with oversized teeth. Their teeth are so large that it makes it hard for aishans to close their mouths. These teeth are also capable of inflicting virulent diseases in those who they bite. The aishan, like its Elanthian cousins, is capable of exceptional hearing and smell, which give them a natural benefit to finding things that their summoners may not be able to.
Aishans seem to lack any sort of sentience, and as such, do not have any society amongst themselves. Furthermore, they seem to be rather preoccupied, and not give much attention to their surroundings unless bidden by their summoner to do various commands. Oddly enough, they are incredibly loyal to their summoners, even if the summoner is abusive towards them. Unlike other demons, the aishan will, without bidding, protect their masters from pickpockets and the like.
Aishans offer a few particular benefits for a summoner, including exceptional ability to find invisible and hidden people, and a very high ability in protecting from pickpockets. Aishans are unmatched by any other demons in their ability to find hidden and invisible people, due to their exceptional sense of smell and hearing. They also will protect your pockets without being bidden to do so, and also are very proficient at doing it as well. Assuming a pickpocket is caught by your aishan, he or she will be inflicted with a painful wound, and will also get a disease from the bite. Aishans have their downfalls as well, being able to carry no mana, no coins, not being able to deliver messages, and only being able to carry two items.