Sterling feathered jewelry

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Sterling feathered jewelry was introduced as an update to the Ghezyte chelioboros item quest reward first released at Ebon Gate 2017. At Ebon Gate 2021, the ability to convert the item's appearance and abilities, along with its deity, was made available as part of the quest. It is a self-charging item that has different abilities based on whether one has completed the yearly quest and/or converted to the deity Gosaena. Similar to the ghezyte chelioboros item, the amount of favor gained for it allows its various upgrades. The first year being 1000 followed by 2000 for the second year. Favor is garnered by doing the various Caligos Isle yearly quest(s). Currently the primary way of doing this is by collecting items that drop mostly from Deep Sea Diving. There is a cost of 250,000 silver to purchase the item from the chest when available on Caligos Isle. Once purchased, the item is attuned to the character that picked it up.

The item can be rotated between four various worn locations via the PROD verb. Those four locations include wrist(bracelet), finger(ring), neck(choker), and ankle(anklet).

The LOOK/TAP of the item is: a sterling silver-feathered (noun) with green abalone accents. The SHOW is:

Flashes of indigo within the ghezyte beckon from beneath the sterling silver-feathered overlay, though the play of light on the vanes etched into the paler, matte-finished metal are far more distracting. Shards of green abalone are interspersed along the contoured edges of each feather, and the blades of the sickle-shaped accent beads glisten as if sharply honed.


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Tier 1

Tier 1 refers to the benefits when the item has 1000 favor.


Verb Modifier First Second Third
COVER (Gosaena Follower Only) Success Taking a deep breath, you place your hand upon (item) and call out to the calm of eternity. A soft breath of air courses past you, tender upon your skin and as light as a flutter of wings. Surety stills your mind and anchors itself at the center of your chest, and you exhale with quiet confidence. N/A (Character) takes a deep breath and places (his/her) hand upon (item). A moment later, (he/she) exhales as (his/her) shoulders relax and (his/her) spine straightens, eyes steady with quiet confidence.
(Gosaena Follower Only) Failure - Not Enough Favor You take a deep breath as you settle your hand upon (item), but it sits heavy in your chest as the (item) remains unresponsive beneath your touch. N/A N/A
(Gosaena Follower Only) Failure - Backlash A virid flare of light catches your eye as it glints off your (item), and an unsettling sense of emptiness reverberates through your chest. N/A N/A
(Gosaena Follower Only) Failure - All Uses Expended for Day Beneath your palm, your (item) remains still, unchanging and unresponsive with neither a sense of judgment or malice, but rather a placid resolution. N/A N/A
KISS N/A Remembrance curls your lips as shades of indigo play across your mind's eye, but a light touch upon your (item) and a shallow breath restores your inner peace. N/A (Character)'s lips curl briefly, and (he/she) seems to unconsciously touch (him/her) (item) as (he/she) takes a shallow breath.
LISTEN N/A Ever so subtly, you cant your head to one side as you recall the tempestuous crash of waves upon a distant shore and the scent of salt and kelp fills your nose. With a fluttering of your eyes, you dismiss the memories and settle your (item) in place. N/A (Character)'s head cants subtly to one side as the scent of salt and kelp trickles by on an errant breeze. As (his/her) eyes flutter, (he/she) moves to settle (his/her) (item) in place.
POINT Success With steady intent and an even gaze leveled on (target), you channel your energy through your (item), petitioning Gosaena to lend her aid to your purpose.

Whispsers rise from the air about you, formless and uncannily uniform in cadence and tone before they are swept up in a whip of wind that coils toward (target). Detritus slashes at (target) in stinging scythes of grit and unmoored voices, a weaponized cacophony that assails (target) in a rush before abruptly ceasing, leaving an uncomfortable dearth of sound.

(Character)'s chin dips as (he/she) levels an even gaze on you.

Whispers rise from the air about (him/her), formless and uncannily uniform in cadence and tone before they are swept up in a whip of wind that coils toward you. Detritus slashes at you in stinging scythes of grit and unmoored voices, a weaponized cacophony that assails you in a rush before abruptly ceasing, leaving an uncomfortable dearth of sound.

(Character)'s chin dips as (he/she) levels an even gaze on (person).

Whispers rise from the air about (his/her), formless and uncannily uniform in cadence and tone before they are swept up in a whip of wind that coils toward (target). Detritus slashes at (target) in stinging scythes of grit and unmoored voices, a weaponized cacophony that assails (person) in a rush before abruptly ceasing, leaving an uncomfortable dearth of sound.

Failure - Not Enough Favor You take a deep breath as you settle your hand upon (item), but it sits heavy in your chest as the (item) remains unresponsive beneath your touch. N/A N/A
Failure - Backlash A virid flare of light catches your eye as it glints off your (item), and an unsettling sense of emptiness reverberates through your chest. N/A N/A
Failure - Used all daily uses Beneath your palm, your (item) remains still, unchanging and unresponsive with neither a sense of judgment or malice, but rather a placid resolution. N/A N/A
PROD N/A You trace a fingertip along (item), a tactile study of its sickle-shaped accent beads and green abalone-edged feathers. Beneath the silver overlay, indigo shadows churn within the ghezyte, but are quickly banished by a pulse of soft, silvery white light. N/A (Character) traces a fingertip along (item) as if studying its contours by touch. Beneath (his/her) finger, there is a brief pulse of soft, silvery white light.
Changes worn location of the item.
RUB N/A In a meditative gesture, you rub a thumb against your (item), marking the vanes of each feather with the edge of your nail. As if in response, a caress tickles at the back of your hand, fleeting and as light as a sigh. N/A (Character) rubs a thumb against (his/her) (item) in a meditative gesture, and after a moment, (his/her) expression grows still and serene.
TOUCH N/A Beneath your (item), you feel a subtle tremble against your skin and reflexively glance at (item). A coil of indigo slithers across one of the sterling feathers, but as it reaches toward one of the sickle-shaped accent beads, a sliver of silvery white light shears through its length, and it dissipates. N/A (Character) glances abruptly at her (item) as a coil of indigo slithers across one of its sterling feathers. As the tendril reaches toward one of the sickle-shaped accent beads, a sliver of silvery white light shears through it, and it dissipates.

Tier 2

Tier 2 refers to the benefits available upon with 2000 favor.


Verb First Third
NUDGE You knuckle the sterling silver overlay of feathers on your (item), thoughtfully appreciating the contours as your mind wanders. (Character) knuckles the sterling silver overlay of feathers on (his/her) (item), a thoughtful expression on (his/her) face as a subtle glint of silvery white ignites beneath (his/her) touch.
TICKLE Beneath the thoughtful brush of your fingers, the green abalone at the edges of your (item)'s feathered overlay pulses in a steady rhythm for the span of a heartbeat or two, then fades away. Beneath the brush of (character)'s fingers, the green abalone at the edges of (his/her) (item)'s feathered overlay pulses in a steady rhythm for the span of a heartbeat or two, then fades away.

Tier 3

Tier 3 refers to the benefits available with 3000 favor.


Verb First Third
GAZE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PRAY With a murmured prayer for the serenity of impartiality in all things, you turn your mind toward the memories of the circumstances which brought (item) to you. As you take and release a breath, you feel a light weight fall across your shoulders like a brush of feathered wings. (Character) murmurs a prayer as her eyes drift to (item). With the taking of a breath, (his/her) shoulders straighten and (his/her) gaze rises.

Tier 4

Tier 4 refers to the benefits available with 4000 favor.


Verb First Third
HISS At the fringes of your mind, wisps of indigo color your thoughts for the sheerest of moments before a silvery white calm flashes behind your eyes and banishes all traces. In relief, your breath leaves you in a soft hiss. Indigo veins slither briefly down (character)'s cheeks before (his/her) eyes flare with a silvery white luminescence, and (his/her) breath leaves (him/her) in a soft hiss.
MOCK Insidious threads of contempt wend through your mind for the most scant of moments, teasing a temptation to revel the defeat of the scourge of Caligos, but they quickly unravel and disperse beneath your staid rejection. N/A

Tier 5

Tier 5 refers to the benefits available with 5000 favor.

Additional Information

Mechanical Information

In order to activate any of the special abilities on the bracelet, the user must have the required amount of favor for that ability. Minimum required favor is 1000.

Year/Total Favor POINT (at target) COVER
Adds an intimidate debuff to the target that reduces the targets DS/TD by: Must follow Gosaena
Lasts 5 minutes, Sheer Fear Boost will increase user's sheer fear level by:
2017 - 1000 favor 5/3, 5x/day 1, 3x/day
2018 - 2000 favor 10/6, 10x/day 2, 2x/day
2019 - 3000 favor 15/9, 15x/day 3, 3x/day
2020 - 4000 favor 20/12, 20x/day 4, 4x/day
2021 - 5000 favor 25/15, 25x/day 5, 5x/day


1P: In your ears echoes the brittle clink of glass on silver, followed by the soft plink of drops falling into water. 
2P: (Character)'s eyes grow distant for a brief moment as she cants her head.

1P: A feathery soft wind coasts past you, and you see a glint of silver out of the corner of your eye.
2P: A feather soft wind stirs the air, and a single, silvery spectral feather coasts by on its currents before evaporating.

1P: Contentious tendrils of indigo and silvery white swirl over your (item), and you feel a gentle vibration against your skin before stillness fills your ears.
2P: Contentious tendrils of indigo and silvery white swirl across (character)'s eyes before the air abruptly stills, and she blinks rapidly a few times.

1P: A creeping chill slithers across your skin from your (item), slippery slick and discomforting, before a gentle caress sweeps over you, dispelling the sensation.
2P: (Character) appears momentarily unsettled and uncomfortable before the tension abruptly bleeds away from her.

1P: The fetid scent of rotting seaweed and muck fills your nose before being swept away by a swirl of incense-perfumed air.
2P: The fetid scent of rotting seaweed and muck wafts by, though a stirring breeze tinged with the perfume of incense quickly sweeps it away.

1P: A tiny swirl of air sparked with shimmering motes of silvery white skips along the (ground/floor), whirling past your leg before dissipating in a curl of glittering dust.
2P: A tiny swirl of air sparked with shimmering motes of silvery white skips along the (ground/floor) before spinning out to dissipate in a curl of glittering dust.

1P: A distant chord of quiet chanting catches your attention, and as you strain to understand the words, a swirl of spectral white feathers encircles you before evaporating along with the voices.
2P: (Character) appears to be listening to something intently as a swirl of spectral white feathers manifests in coil around (his/her) before evaporating into thin air.

1P: A sense of utter stillness and calm distills itself at the center of your chest, and you take a single cleansing breath.
2P: (Character's) eyes flash icy blue as (he/she) takes a single cleansing breath.

1P: Movement catches your attention, and from the corner of your eye, you see a lone gossamer white feather skip along the (ground/floor) as if caught up in a current of air.
2P: (Character) glances down and away briefly, and a soft, silvery white haze clouds (his/her) eyes before (he/she) blinks, and it's gone.

Fear Resistance Ending:
1P: Across the breadth of your shoulders and back, you feel as if a comforting weight has evaporated like the shedding of a gossamer shroud.
2P: N/A

See Also

Sterling feathered jewelry Information
Type Mechanical
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Jewelry
Alterable No
Light/Deep No
Original Release Venue Ebon Gate 2021
Quest Item Yes
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 5
How to Unlock Quest
Attunement Yes
Attunes to Character
Item Verbs