Tennalnen (prime)

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Tennalnen Silverstar
Race Human
Culture Bourth
Profession Warrior
Religion Koar
Affiliation(s) Citizen of Wehnimer's Landing

Member of The House of the Rising Phoenix

Guildmaster of the Warrior Guild

Former Squire in Order of the Silver Gryphon(resigned 5/16/5123 to pursue Regional Envoy of Wehnimer's Landing)

Member of the Wehnimer's Landing Militia

Tennalnen Silverstar, of Bourth, is a Human Warrior from the Turamzzyrian Empire. He currently resides in Wehnimer's Landing and spends most of his days releasing the souls of the Undead in Castle Varunar for The Order of Voln.

In 5123, Tennalnen Silverstar ran for Reigional Envoy of Wehnimer's Landing. He did not win.

5123 Regional Envoy Campaign


Early Life:5097-5115

Work in Progress

Born in a small village outside Gallardshold in the County of Bourth. Mother, Myanara, was the local school teacher. Father, Jahrahn, was a soldier with the Imperial Army Reserves. Childhood was ordinary, and he grew up hearing tales of Knights and Warriors. When he was 15 his father was killed in battle. Overcome with grief and despair, his mother didn't last long. Within two years she passed away when she got sick.


Work in Progress

After the funeral of my mother, I could not stay at the house anymore. I decided to tour the Empire and visit some of the places my father told me about. I sold the house, and most of my possessions, keeping only my fathers sword, armor, knife, and the supplies for my journey. My first stop was Tamzzyr by way of Krestle. After spending the winter in Tamzzyr I thought a journey at sea would be fun. Was I wrong. I signed on as a shiphand with a merchant ship heading to Fairport. The entire journey I spent topside, over the railing, unable to sustain any sort of dignity. Upon reaching Fairport I decided I needed to spend a long time on solid ground. I heard of work with the farmers in Oire, so off I travelled. Signing on with the first farm I found looking for workers, I learned that I should be more careful what I sign up for. The particular farmer was not a nice man. I soon learned he was quick with his fist, and short on his temper. I had given my word to work a season, and so I stayed. The day my contract expired I left. While I was in town deciding where to head next, one of the farmhands ran into the Inn I was at begging for help. Since I knew the man, I offered my assistance. We ran down the street towards the farm when he veered off the trail. Leading me into the woods we came upon a clearing where two men were having there way with his wife. Only having a knife, I drew the blade and yelled for the men to stop. Turning towards me, the two men stopped what they were doing, but drew swords from there belts. Glancing around I noticed the man had hidden himself. I was alone, against two armed men, wielding only a knife. Unsure whether or not I would survive the night I prayed to Koar for the power to uphold Justice. Whether luck, or Koar himself, was with me I don't know, but the two men were inept with a blade. I dodged the first who stumbled past, and moved in towards the second. He swung, wildly, leaving me an opening and I struck. Stabbing him in the side, he fell out of the fight. I turned to see the other man rubbing his head. The husband had helped, throwing stones at the first man while I was occupied. Dazed and confused the first man was turning wildly between me and the husband. Suddenly he turned towards me, and screaming, charged wildly at me. A quick sidestep, a slow moving leg, and trip-he falls flat on his face. Rapping him good on the skull I rendered him unconscious. Checking on the second man, the one with the stab wound, I discovered he had bled out. After making sure the unconscious man was securely bound, I notified the authorities while the husband took his wife to the local healer. After a long night of interviews and telling the tale over and over I was finally allowed to leave. Stopping off at the healer I took heart that the wife was well, and with the husbands praises following me out the door, I took my leave. Deciding that I had seen enough of the world, I began heading back to Gallardshold and somewhere familiar. My journey took me through Waterford. There I was once again reminded of the glories of the Empire. I heard of a Monastery in Nydds, The Halls of Solace, so I travelled to Nydds. There I was sticken with a desire to go on Pilgrimage to Mestinor. I journeyed through Mensyl Keep, Helt, and Jentala before arriving in Mestinor. (To be continued)

Sevice to the Empire

Work in Progress

In 5120, after spending 3 months in the Landing, I was recalled to Bourth by my fathers old company commander. My father requested I serve for a time in the Imperial Army Reserves. For 3 years I served with the reserves, predominantly training and serving guard duty for events. During this time I learned a proficiency for the shield, and trained vigorously to master the new skill set. In the year 5123, with permission from the commander, I was released from service. Knowing I had left behind certain duties and responsibilities that I had given my pledge to, I hastened back to the Landing.

Notable Events

Work in Progress

Nominated to Guildmaster of the Warriors Guild by Maugg and Goldstr on 5/16/5123


Work in Progress

You see Squire Tennalnen Silverstar the Master of the Order of Voln.
He appears to be a Human from Bourth.
He is tall.  He appears to be in the bloom of youth.  He has piercing crystal blue eyes and fair skin.  He has raggedly cut, dark blonde hair.  He has a clean-shaven face and broad shoulders.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a dashing simple black velvet hat, a patinated silver locket, a long black wool trench coat, an etched militia badge, a golden phoenix pin, an ebon Vornavian silk armband, a soft suede satchel with a ruby-inset clasp, a black imflass tower shield etched with red flames along the edges, a steel-framed dark grey wool pack, a stiff black wool surcoat swept in crimson thread, a brass-riveted militia tabard, a long-sleeved white linen shirt, some inscribed black vultite platemail fitted with stout invar buckles, a twisted gold ring, an engraved silver signet ring, an old cracked leather belt pouch, a round river reed basket, a large black leather sack, some elegant spidersilk pants, and some supple ebon suede boots.

Current Statistics and Skills

Work in Progress

Stats set for ease of growth. Trained for ohe/shield and full plate. Utilize the weapon techniques for hunting.

Name: Tennalnen Silverstar Race: Human  Profession: Warrior (shown as: Master of the Order of Voln)
Gender: Male    Age: 30    Expr: 1,956,377    Level:  42
                  Normal (Bonus)  ...  Enhanced (Bonus)
    Strength (STR):   100 (30)    ...  100 (30)
Constitution (CON):    95 (22)    ...   95 (22)
   Dexterity (DEX):    93 (21)    ...   93 (21)
     Agility (AGI):    93 (21)    ...   93 (21)
  Discipline (DIS):    74 (12)    ...   74 (12)
        Aura (AUR):    70 (10)    ...   70 (10)
       Logic (LOG):    99 (29)    ...   99 (29)
   Intuition (INT):    66 (13)    ...   66 (13)
      Wisdom (WIS):    57 (3)     ...   57 (3)
   Influence (INF):    61 (5)     ...   61 (5)

 Tennalnen (at level 42), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
  Skill Name                         | Current Current
                                     |   Bonus   Ranks
  Armor Use..........................|     230     130
  Shield Use.........................|     186      86
  Combat Maneuvers...................|     187      87
  Edged Weapons......................|     188      88
  Multi Opponent Combat..............|     170      70
  Physical Fitness...................|     186      86
  Dodging............................|     143      43
  Perception.........................|     186      86
  Climbing...........................|      90      20
  Swimming...........................|      90      20