Category:Ceiluir Glade shops

The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
Revision as of 21:52, 9 June 2024 by GS4-XERAPHINA (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A listing of all town shops currently located in the Ceiliuir Glade of Mist Harbor. Each shop will have a listing of its current inventory. {{#ask: Category:Ceiluir Glade shops |?Shop location |?Shop type |?Shop wares |?Shop specialty |format=template |limit=50 |link=none |mainlabel= |template=ShopTable |introtemplate=ShopRealmTableStart |outrotemplate=Shop_table_end }} Category:Town shopsCategory:Mist Harbor")
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A listing of all town shops currently located in the Ceiliuir Glade of Mist Harbor. Each shop will have a listing of its current inventory.

Shop Name Shop Location Type Inventory Sold Shop Specialty
Confections and Cakes Ceiluir Glade shop food wedding-related food
Jeraud's Finery for the Groom Ceiluir Glade shop apparel masculine wedding attire
Riallia's Bridal Shop Ceiluir Glade shop apparel feminine wedding attire
Waeldan's Cards and Gifts Ceiluir Glade shop gifts

Pages in category "Ceiluir Glade shops"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.