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Category:Summit Academy

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A cloaked woman stands in the foreground, looking toward a tall snow-covered hillside, where a dense cluster of buildings circles a large manor house with a tall tower. Snow-covered pine trees ring the town, and below it is a large lake. A colorful aurora fills the sky and is reflected in the water.

Summit Academy was the venue for a series of pay events that ran under different names and themes, including Sylinar's Spire, Summit Expression Faire, and Return to Summit Academy. The pay events held at Summit Academy had a specialized focus, such as enhancives or signature verbs. The last Summit Academy event was run in 2017.

Summit Academy is no longer used as a standalone venue for events, however its grounds have been incorporated into part of Rumor Woods when the new event began in 2019. For information about Rumor Woods and its offerings, see the Rumor Woods pay event page.

Run Dates

Event Dates Instance Shop List Saved Posts
Return to Summit Academy 12/20/2017-12/30/2017 Both Shop List Saved posts
Return to Summit Academy 2/24/2017-2/26/2017 Both Shop List Saved posts
Return to Summit Academy 2/10/2017-2/12/2017 Both Shop List Saved posts
Sylinar's Spire 4/7/2016 Prime Shop List Saved posts
Sylinar's Spire 4/2/2016 Prime Shop List Saved posts
Sylinar's Spire 12/19/2015 Prime Shop List Saved posts
Summit Expression Faire 5/14/2015 Prime Shop List Saved posts
Summit Expression Faire 2/28/2015 Both Shop List Saved posts
Sylinar's Spire 1/22/2015 Prime Shop List Saved posts
Sylinar's Spire 12/13/2014 Prime Saved posts
Sylinar's Spire 12/11/2014 Plat Saved posts
Sylinar's Spire 12/7/2014 Prime Saved posts
Sylinar's Spire 11/30/2014 Prime Saved posts
Sylinar's Spire 11/25/2014 Prime Saved posts
Sylinar's Spire 11/23/2014 Plat Saved posts


Event offerings varied depending on the event's billed name. Sylinar's Spire focused on enhancives while the Summit Expression Faire focused on signature verbs and similar character customizations. Both were run by live GM merchants and NPCs. Return to Summit Academy also focused on character customizations and first introduced automated systems for acquiring them, which are now used as part of Rumor Woods and similar events.

The information presented below is associated with the last event held exclusively on the Summit Academy grounds in December 2017.


The event grounds are free to access, and limited shopping is available for those with the silvers.


Character customizations will be available on the College Grounds (Brickburn Hall, Ostwicke Hall, Groundskeeper's Cottage, Sebastian House, Thurgine Hall). Enhancive and fusion work will be handled inside Sylinar's Spire.

All information for the available options for customizations can be seen by READing each LIST in the appropriate room on the grounds.

Magical cubes will contain both gems and coins, and could possibly return a special custom certificate that will offer a pre-made Fire Spirit, Major Sanctuary, Manna Bread, Animated Disk, Call swarm, or Grasp of the Grave to the recipient. A few delayed services for player designed versions are also included. They must be opened on the Summit Academy grounds. - This service/game is no longer available as of the December 2017 run.

The fusion shaman can be found in a hidden alcove on the ground floor of the tower.

Enhancive Exclusions

Due to the nature of specific items, some enhancives won't be able to be worked on. This includes the following:

  • Fusion
  • Consumables
  • Permanent (never lose a charge)
  • Non-rechargeables (for enhancives, not magic items)
Character Limitations

A single character can have up to the following:

Additional Information


1200 SimuCoins (~$8.40 - $10.80)
a feature token
900 SimuCoins (~$xx - $xx)

an advanced customization token

  • Pre-written spell customizations, including various bolt spell customizations and utility/offensive spells such as Grasp of the Grave, Tangleweed, Call Swarm, Fire Spirit, Major Sanctuary, Resurrection, Well of Life, and empath Transfer.

This service is new to the December 2017 run and is not shown on the old version of the map. It is found in the east room of Thurgine Hall, which is the structure located down the path in the northeast curve of the central Ellipse on the Summit Academy grounds.

800 SimuCoins (~$5.60 - $7.60)
a customization token
500 SimuCoins (~$7.00 - $9.50)
an enhancive token
  • Increase MaxCharges by 10% (or +10, whichever is greater)
  • Recharge 10% of MaxCharges (or +10, whichever is greater)
  • Permify Enhancives (Service only available with older enhancive tokens, not those currently for sale.)

[NOTE: The cost dropped from 1000 SimuCoins (February 2017) to 500 SimuCoins at the December 2017 run. Enhancive permanence was removed as an eligible service for newly purchased tokens, but any existing tokens (IE: purchased at the previous run and/or received as part of the SimuCon Goodie Bags) are still eligible for enhancive permanence.]

500 SimuCoins (~$3.50 - $4.99)
a stylized golden griffin pin
600 SimuCoins (~$xx - $xx)

a golden fusion token

  • Fusion Shaman - Unlimited Access; orbs from service will be account attuned
100 SimuCoins (~$xx - $xx)

a silvery fusion token

  • Fusion Shaman - Single Item; orbs from service will have no attunement
10 SimuCoins (~$0.07 - $0.10)
  • Magical Cube (an enruned stone cube)
250 uses, 2500 SCs
100 uses, 1000 SCs
50 uses, 500 SCs
10 uses, 100 SCs
1 use, 10 SCs

[NOTE: Removed beginning at the December 2017 run.]

Portal/Travel Info

No longer will one need to seek out a portal to gain access to the grounds! Typing QUEST TRANSPORT will work from most in-town locations, provided they do not block magical transportation.

Residents of Ta'Vaalor, take note! Because the Fortress of Ta'Vaalor is warded to prevent anyone from teleporting into its walls, you will have to walk outside the gates to enter Summit Academy.

Saved Posts, Teasers, and Announcements

Artwork Archive

See Also


This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.

Pages in category "Summit Academy"

This category contains only the following page.