Song of Unravelling (1013)
Versus a player or creature target, the song will dispel a targeted spell or random spell if available. A penalty to the target's warding attempt is based on the Bard's Bard Base ranks. Targetted attempts do not receive the full benefit of this bonus, are more difficult to achieve versus spiritual spells, and are progressively harder against higher level spells.
If no spells are active on the targeted player or creature, the song will try to drain mana from the target. The amount of mana drained per attempt is based on the singer's Bard Base ranks. The amount of mana recovered is based on the singer's Bard Base ranks and Mental Mana Control skill.
Versus a magic item, the song will drain charges from the item and convert to mana. The same factors apply. Mana from non-elemental sources will be less efficient than from elemental sources.
Renewal Cost
4 Mana Points (MP), adjusted for the target's spell circle and spell level.
This song is not auto-renewable. If the song is dispelling random spells or draining mana from a character/creature/object, it may be manually renewed for the duration of the song and will continue to target the original target. Unravelling targeting spells from a target is not renewable in any form.
External Links
- Bard Base Spell Circle: Song of Unravelling, on