Warding Sphere (310)

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Warding Sphere (310)
Mnemonic [WARDSPHR]
Base Duration 900 sec
Added Duration 20 sec per Cleric Base rank
Span Refreshable
Combat Magic - Defense Enhancement
Type DS and TD
Availability Group spell
Cleric Base Spells
Prayer of Holding (301) Attack
Smite/Bane (302) Attack
Prayer of Protection (303) Defensive
Bless (304) Offensive
Preservation (305) Utility
Holy Bolt (306) Attack
Benediction (307) Defensive
Well of Life (308) Utility
Condemn (309) Attack
Warding Sphere (310) Defensive
Blind (311) Attack
Fervent Reproach (312) Attack
Prayer (313) Defensive
Relieve Burden (314) Utility
Remove Curse (315) Utility
Censure (316) Attack
Divine Fury (317) Attack
Raise Dead (318) Utility
Soul Ward (319) Defensive
Ethereal Censer (320) Attack
Holy Receptacle (325) Utility
Sanctify (330) Utility
Divine Wrath (335) Attack
Symbol of the Proselyte (340) Offensive
Miracle (350) Utility

Warding Sphere generates a bonus to the DS and TD of the caster and his or her group. If the caster is not leading the group, it is necessary for the caster to cast this spell at the group leader.

The base bonus is +10 DS/TD, +1 DS/TD per each Cleric Base ranks trained beyond 10. The spell's maximum bonus is +20 DS/TD.


While the spell initially benefits all members of the cleric's group, proximity to the cleric is necessary to maintain the benefit, as it is the strength of the Cleric's conviction that bolsters their inherent abilities. Mechanically, the game intermittently checks to ensure that a character is in the room with the cleric that initially cast Warding Sphere - if not, the spell expires.