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ESP is the in-game messaging network of Elanthia. Accessed via a variety of common or unique magical items, players can tune into public or private channels and direct messages to other players on the network. The network is a popular way to communicate in character, particularly during invasions or visits from GameMaster characters.


The common crystal amulet provides access to the ESP network, as do house pins. Some special shops have jewelry that can hold a amulet for more fashionable access. Players send messages using THINK. Each rub provides one hour of access; the remaining duration can be seen via SPELL ACTIVE. These items usually have limited charges but are cheap to replace. The network can be turned off by removing the jewelry, eating tkaro root, or through more unique items.



    ESP IGNORE {option | HELP}              - Use or get usage for the IGNORE feature.
    ESP OPTION {option | HELP}              - Use or get usage for the OPTION feature.
    ESP CHANNELS                            - Shows the available channels.
    ESP CHANNELS [IC|OOC|OFF]               - Modifies channel names while thinking.
    ESP WHO {channel name}                  - Shows people listening to the specified channel.
    ESP FIND {channel name} {player name}   - Search a channel to see if a specific person is listening.
    ESP DEFAULT {channel name | CLEAR}      - Set or clear a channel as your default to think on.
    ESP COMMANDS                            - Lists the THINK usage.

Where {channel name} can be:

Your available channels are:
    Local, Merchant, Guild, Global, House, Person

You are currently ignoring the following channels:

You are currently ignoring the following people:

See Also