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Thought Lash (1210)
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Thought Lash creates a crackling whip of psychic energy that strikes the target for damage and leaves a residue energy that increases subsequent critical damage on the target. This effectively gives the target negative critical padding. The residual energy will last for a duration of 30 seconds.
The initial damage from a successful cast will result in a grapple critical. These criticals will often result in injuring, knocking down and stunning the target.
Training in Mental Lore, Manipulation increases the critical damage of subsequent attacks. The lore increase is based on skill, with "100 skill adding a little less than half a crit rank" (see saved posts).
This is a mental warding spell.
The base rank of the grapple critical produced by a successful warding with Thought Lash is 3 + (success margin / 15). The actual result may vary by one rank in either direction.
Initial cast:
>>incant 1210 You take a deep breath and focus inward, raising a hand and quietly murmuring the words of the Thought Lash spell... Your spell is ready. You gesture at a giant marmot. A crackling whip of energy lashes out at the a giant marmot! CS: +81 - TD: +30 + CvA: +25 + d100: +44 == +120 Warding failed! ... 25 points of damage! Hard blow to chest knocks the giant marmot back and winds it. It is knocked to the ground! The giant marmot is stunned! The residual psychic energy from the attack surrounds a giant marmot. Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Residue energy effect:
The psychic energy surrounding a giant marmot intensifies the attack!
Wearing off:
The psychic energy surrounding a giant marmot dissipates.
Failed cast:
The residual psychic energy from the attack disperses.
See Also
External Links
- Minor Mental Spell Circle: Thought Lash, on