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Confusion (1211)

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Confusion (1211)
Mnemonic [Confusion]
Duration Variable
Cast Time 2
Mana Cost 3
Attack Magic  
Subtype Warding 
Target(s) Single
Minor Mental Spells
Soothing Word (1201) Utility
Iron Skin (1202) Defensive
Powersink (1203) Attack
Foresight (1204) Defensive
Glamour (1205) Utility
Telekinesis (1206) Attack
Force Projection (1207) Attack
Mindward (1208) Defensive
Dragonclaw (1209) Offensive
Thought Lash (1210) Attack
Confusion (1211) Attack
Shroud of Deception (1212) Utility
Mind over Body (1213) Utility
Brace (1214) Defensive
Blink (1215) Defensive
Focus Barrier (1216) Defensive
Vision (1217) Utility
Mental Dispel (1218) Utility
Vertigo (1219) Attack
Premonition (1220) Defensive
Mindwipe (1225) Attack
Provoke (1235) Utility

When under the affects of Confusion, the target stumbles about in a daze and may attack either his allies or foes.

The caster is able to manipulate the target into attacking the target's allies more often by training in Mental Lore, Telepathy. The target will also be unable to perform special actions (e.g., maneuver attacks). This is a mental warding spell. The base effects and lore benefit are broken down as such upon successful warding:

Confused status applied:

  • 33% chance to not attack
  • 33% chance to attack allies
  • 34% chance to attack normally (players, etc.)

Every 20 skill in Mental Lore, Telepathy:

  • increases the chance to not attack by 1%
  • increases the chance to attack other creatures by 1%
  • decreases the chance to attack normally by 2%

Example: at 100 skill the chance to not attack would be 38%, chance to attack other creatures would be 38%, and chance to attack normally would be 24%

Duration of this spell is variable, based on warding margin and the caster's Influence bonus.


Successful Cast

>incant 1211
You take a deep breath and focus inward, raising a hand and quietly murmuring the words of the Confusion spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a wraith.
  CS: +96 - TD: +45 + CvA: +25 + d100: +60 == +136
  Warding failed!
A wraith becomes confused.

Attacking Ally

 A wraith claws at a wraith!
  AS: +117 vs DS: +80 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +62 = +140
  ... and hits for 12 points of damage!
  Glancing blow to the left arm leaves a trail of vapor in its wake.

Wearing Off

A wraith no longer appears confused.

Failed Cast

Warded off!

Lore Benefit

Skill Not Attack/Attack Others Attack Normally
0 33% 34%
20 34% 32%
40 35% 30%
60 36% 28%
80 37% 26%
100 38% 24%
120 39% 22%
140 40% 20%
160 41% 18%
180 42% 16%
200 43% 14%
220 44% 12%
240 45% 10%

See Also

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