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Imbue (614)

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Imbue (614)
Mnemonic [IMBUE]
Duration Immediate
Utility Magic  
Subtype Create Imbeddable 
Components foraged bark, stick, or wiregrass
Ranger Base Spells
Natural Colors (601) Defensive
Resist Elements (602) Defensive
Wild Entropy (603) Attack
Nature's Bounty (604) Utility
Barkskin (605) Defensive
Phoen's Strength (606) Offensive
Sounds (607) Attack
Camouflage (608) Offensive
Sun Burst (609) Attack
Tangle Weed (610) Attack
Moonbeam (611) Attack
Breeze (612) Utility
Self Control (613) Defensive
Imbue (614) Utility
Call Swarm (615) Attack
Spike Thorn (616) Attack
Sneaking (617) Utility
Mobility (618) Defensive
Mass Calm (619) Attack
Resist Nature (620) Utility
Nature's Touch (625) Defensive
Animal Companion (630) Utility
Nature's Fury (635) Attack
Wall of Thorns (640) Defensive
Assume Aspect (650) Utility

Imbue will allow the caster to imbue foraged sticks, wiregrass, or other natural, organic material to create an imbeddable rod, wand, bracelet/anklet, or amulet. These items may then be imbedded with a spell using Magic Item Creation (420) or Holy Receptacle (325).

The amount of mana the new magical item will hold is determined by training in Ranger Base spell circle, Spiritual Mana Control, as well as Discipline and Intuition stat bonuses. Training in Spiritual Mana Control and the Ranger Base circle increases success rates and chance of creating a rod instead of a wand. Training in Spiritual Lore, Summoning increases the maximum amount of mana that can be imbedded in items.

Wearable magic items created by Imbue can be infused with elemental resistances via Resist Nature (620).


Foraged Item Imbued Item Maximum Mana
some mezereon/wyrmwood/tree bark a mezereon/wyrmwood/tree bark amulet 50
some wiregrass a wiregrass anklet/bracelet 50
an (adjective) stick an (adjective) wand 40
an (adjective) stick an (adjective) rod 80
  • "Maximum Mana Capacity" before lore benefit.

Lore Benefit

Training in Spiritual Lore, Summoning increases the mana capacity of the imbued item by +1 per seed 1 summation of ranks.

Spiritual Lore, Summoning ranks 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91
Additional mana capacity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

At 5 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Blessings, the Ranger may cast the spell at an imbued wand or rod that they created to imbed it with Wild Entropy (603) for the full cost of the charges added. The wand/rod will only be usable by its creator.

At 40 Blessings lore ranks, the Ranger receives double the Magic Item Use benefits for any magic item that they create via Imbue.

NOTE: As of 1/28/2022 per GM Mestys on Discord, there are hard caps in place limiting the maximum mana to the below:

Rods - 93, Wands - 53, Amulets/Bracelets/Anklets - 63


In progress messaging - multiple casts are required:

Your body suddenly fills with a tingling sensation as you feel power from your surroundings channeling through your body and into the bark.  After a few moments, the tree bark begins to heat in your hand!  Just before it becomes almost unbearable, you feel the surge of power end, leaving you drained.  You feel the process has not been finished.

Success messaging:

Your body suddenly fills with a tingling sensation as you feel great power from your surroundings channeling through you and into the bark.  Suddenly, there is a blinding flash of light!  As the surge of power ends, you feel the bark has changed somehow.

Failure messaging:

Your body suddenly fills with a tingling sensation as great power from your surroundings channels through your body!  Suddenly, you feel the bark reject the change, and the power flows back through you!  You quickly end the spell and let it dissipate harmlessly.

Major Failure:

You gesture at a dark stick.
Your body suddenly fills with a tingling sensation as you feel great power from your surroundings channeling through your body!  Suddenly, you feel the a dark stick reject the change, and the power flows back through you!  You are unable to stop the spell in time!
   ... 40 points of damage!
   Arcing bolt of electricity snaps through neck as if it wasn't there and now it really isn't.  Instant Death.
You return to normal color.

Wild Entropy (603) - 2 casts required:

A murky haze forms a conduit between your hand and the bent rod.  As the connection resolves, you establish a deeper understanding of the artifact, but feel as if its true potential may not yet be realized.
[You prepare to imbue the bent rod with up to 21 charges of Wild Entropy, for a cost of 63 mana.  You may CAST at the rod once more to complete the process and permanently attune it to you.]

Wild Entropy (603) - Success:

Redolent of petrichor and leaf mold, a murky haze seeps from your hands and envelops a bent rod.  The rod shrivels somewhat, slowly staining darker as it absorbs the earthy brume.  When the haze clears, you are holding a dark gnarled wooden rod.

Nature Resist (620) Capacity Re-Calculation - Process:

>prep 614
You gesture discreetly, completing the forms for the Imbue spell while quietly murmuring its incantation...
Your spell is ready.
>channel my anklet
You channel at a wiregrass anklet.

[If you would like to proceed with renewing the wiregrass anklet's form for 25,000 Nature's Grace, re-CHANNEL the spell at the wiregrass anklet within the next 30 seconds.]
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>prep 614
You gesture discreetly, completing the forms for the Imbue spell while quietly murmuring its incantation...
Your spell is ready.
>channel my anklet
You channel at a wiregrass anklet.
Your body suddenly fills with a tingling sensation as you feel great power from your surroundings channeling through you and into the anklet.  Suddenly, there is a blinding flash of light!  As the surge of power ends, you feel the anklet has changed somehow.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Alteration Guidelines

Items created by Imbue may be altered, but their nouns may not change. They must also remain plant-based in composition. Other standard alteration restrictions and guidelines apply.
