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A Knight To Remember - 2020-09-20 - Tacticalegalese (log)

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Imaerasta 20-21, 5120

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


  • Judge Renpaw comes to the Chamber of Justice to hear Mayor Leafiara's arguments or appointments for the Town Council positions. First is the matter of the Interim Marshal; she selects Khylon (over alternative options Amos, Casiphia, and Cutlass) and he says they'll make it effective tomorrow morning.
  • As for the Steward of the Guilds, Renpaw notes that he received a letter from Leafiara and she explains to the gathered crowd the concerns: that with the recent attacks on half the original candidates (implying Amos and Walward), it seems unwise to appoint either of the remaining candidates, who are among the most believable suspects behind those attacks. Both should be investigated thoroughly before the appointment goes through--and alternatively, if both are innocent, then she's being asked to have someone put their life at risk when it's not normally a requirement of that seat.
  • Renpaw asks if anyone there would argue against delaying the appointment. Sir Goldstr, Lylia, Guarrin, Chandrellia, Sir Cryheart, Alosaka, Kiwoeachi, Faerinn, Pukk, Bernadette, and Hapenlok seem to agree (or in some cases simply not object). Renpaw says he'll permit a 45 day extension on the decision, but rules that it's entirely based on the suspicion of the remaining candidates given the nature of Walward's and Dakris' withdrawals. As for the aspect of danger, candidates accept such when they apply; Leafi notes it as precedent set in stone, then.
  • Renpaw asks Captains Stormyrain and Shinann if they have any concerns regarding Khylon before he makes it official. Stormy asks if he's up to the job, as he last left it under less than optimal circumstances and it would be welcome if the Interim Marshal were able to participate in the job, which we've not had much luck with in the past few years. Renpaw says it was his understanding that Khylon left due to Raznel's curse; Stormy says she's not had much interaction with him since he became Captain of the Guard, so she is not sure how his recovery has gone or what it's done to or for his health. Renpaw says he seems to be in plenty of health to him. Shinann says Stormyrain was here at the time (when Khylon initially stepped down) and she was not, but she is fine with Guard Captain Khylon.
  • Alosaka says Thadston demonstrated that a marshal can have too much power; Leafi says that after his hearing, the Judge did rule that his powers can be better defined; Alosaka raises the question of what if we don't have a marshal; Leafi says she and the captains did bring that up already but Renpaw ruled against it; Renpaw explains that it's a requirement filling an important seat on the council and that, while the captains are strong and capable, we need a singular person in charge. He hopes it is a short-lived position and that Thadston can return to his senses.
  • Stormy asks whether Renpaw's stance means that the next time the marshal leaves town to gallivant on a chase or goes scouting for months on end, we will have a replacement--which she would welcome. Renpaw nods and says we can agree that past situations like that were not desirable and because they existed once doesn't mean they should again.
  • Renpaw rules that it's his bed time and says he'll appoint a new Guard Captain this week--from a replacement named by Khylon. He thanks everyone for their time and hopes for a quiet and uneventful week.

Highlights - Comedic

A town crier shouts, "Judge Renpae shall be available in the Chamber of Justice within Moot Hall shortly to hear the Mayor's arguments or appointments for new town council positions."
Pukk exclaims, "They changed Renpaw's name!"
Shinann asks, "Will we die again?"
Shinann says, "Chamber of death."
A town crier shouts again, "Renpaw! His name is Renpaw! Oh sweet Kai don't tell him I said it wrong!"
Guarrin asks, "Is that the plural?"
Faerinn asks, "Too late for a mulligan?"
Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "I'll try to convince him on the mulligan point."
Leafiara mumbles, "Hopefully he'll hear me out."
Speaking to Leafiara, Sareyna says, "Now Lea no hope we are strong women we make silly men listen whether they wish or not."
Speaking to Renpaw, Hapenlok says, "It's nice not being hauled before your bench for a change."
Hapenlok says, "I'm just rather surprised that I didn't get accused of the wagon burning. There's usually one wiseass that throws that out there every time there's a large fire."
Hapenlok says, "You guys are letting me down here."

Highlights - Thematic

Xorus says, "Amusing that one must be a citizen longer to vote than to be appointed to the town council."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "One who has sold us out? Or one that we have no idea who he is, except a purveyor of potentially stolen technology from the Hall of Mages?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Who probably has a grudge against the humans."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Yeah... 'really terrible' and 'even worse' are the choices, but which is which, I don't know."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, if it were me? I probably would have had them both killed already."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Stephos for sure."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I think someone's trying. I just can't tell who *that* is either."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, if one of them dies in the next forty-five days? we kill the survivor."
Hapenlok says, "I may or may not have been kidding."


Awaiting Renpaw

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Maevie disk, the Dargol disk, the Therapeou disk, the Kelstien disk, an ember-eyed fire wyrdling, a green-eyed grey and white kitten, the Dwi disk, a falcon feather, the Rawdune disk, some basal moss, some wolifrew lichen, some haphip root, some basal moss, some haphip root, a ruffled red-footed falcon, a frumpy mauve cape, a large acorn, an amber-eyed tawny range wolf, a slate grey quiver, a sinuous bone white serpent, a large acorn, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a large acorn, a large acorn, a rose pink faille cap, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and some stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Mayor Leafiara, High Lady Maevie, Dargol, Laja, Therapeou, Xayd, Kelstien, Lady Immoras, Lord Yavs, Pinson who is sitting, Loamian, Voreain, Dwi who is sitting, Rawdune, Kippe, Hapenlok, Kiwoeachi who is sitting, Magister Raelee, Great Lord Torpe, Sir Cryheart, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Targetina

The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.

Raelee says, "If the core problem is that the individuals responsible have not revealed themselves, do not wait for them to do so."

Speaking heartily to Chandrellia, Dwi says, "Aww...I liked yer ferst idear bedder."

Raelee bluntly says, "Investigate."

Chandrellia softly asks, "Yes, but where does one begin with so many forks to travel down?"

[General] Leafiara muses, "Another rainy Landing night it is."

Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "Honestly, this time? Someone else will have to investigate. I've got my own ....things I'm looking into."

Speaking softly to Hapenlok, Chandrellia asks, "Speaking of, have you gotten any closer to your dilemma with the doll?"

Cryheart says, "Last bite Owly."

Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "But I was kind of going to convey that point."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Hapenlok says, "Nope."

Leafiara says, "Just a moment to go fetch one of my charts for the good Judge, in case he wants to speak tonight."

[steps away briefly, then returns]

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "I felt sumpthin thru my butt."

Speaking to Raelee, Hapenlok says, "You're not wrong. but, honestly. I've had my eyes on ...other things. I've been trying to avoid these town problems."

Kiwoeachi asks, "We rousing up trouble again?"

Speaking softly to Hapenlok, Chandrellia says, "You do tend to put a lot on your plate Hap."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Kiwoeachi says, "Ya, you should just fix everything, cleanse it with fire."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk asks, "How would you like to be the militia marshal?"

Kiwoeachi says, "Ladies wanna watch the world burn."

Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok asks, "If you had asked me that question a couple of years ago...?"

Hapenlok says, "I probably would have said probably."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk says, "I would have to find Pylasar to do that."

Faerinn says, "Would have been an evern faster hearing."

Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "But as it is now? Considering recent history? I'm lucky they haven't tried to clap me in irons, yet."

Leafiara asks, "Well. Anyone want to make any last minute cases for or against the various candidates?"

Chandrellia softly says, "Yes."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk says, "Look at everything Thaddy did and what people think Amos has should be fine."

Leafiara says, "Amos, Casiphia, Khylon, and Cutlass in the marshal situation... Amos or Stephos in the Steward of the Guilds situation."

Chandrellia softly says, "No Amos or Stephos for Guild seat."

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi says, "Imma bote fer least til da real mayer shows up."

Chandrellia softly says, "No Amos for Marshal."

Speaking to Dwi, Leafiara asks, "Owly?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Considering that Stephos is still marked for death in my eyes? ...what do you think?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Faerinn asks, "Cutlass did drop out then?"

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi asks, "How many times ye want me to bote dis time tho?"

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "He's still in."

Speaking to Leafiara, Faerinn asks, "That bad huh?"

Xayd asks, "Just me or do these seem like not great choices?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Ooh maybe we can get Goblyn to be marshal."

Leafiara says, "I can't figure out what Cutlass would even bring to the table, and he sure hasn't spoken with anyone or sent word about why to consider him."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Remind me again, who exactly is Cutlass?"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Owner of the fish shop."

Hapenlok says, "Sounds like an awful pirate's name."

Hapenlok says, "...and now it makes more sense."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "And yeah, I know how bad Stephos is, but meanwhile Amos is busy transporting freakish four-armed ogres here to release them for sport on a hunt."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk says, "Maylan is a pirate's just sounds piraty."

The voice of Thrassus says, "Who knows? Since he's a business on the docks, the Rooks might have thier hooks in him."

Pukk mutters, "Maylan."

A town crier shouts, "Judge Renpae shall be available in the Chamber of Justice within Moot Hall shortly to hear the Mayor's arguments or appointments for new town council positions."

Pukk exclaims, "They changed Renpaw's name!"

Leafiara slowly says, "Well, here we go."

Kiwoeachi says, "Oooh."

Shinann asks, "Will we die again?"

Cryheart says, "Moving out to the Chamber."

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi asks, "Ye gonna argue wittem?"

Shinann says, "Chamber of death."

Faerinn asks, "Too late for a mulligan?"

Cryheart says, "Moving in three......"

A town crier shouts again, "Renpaw! His name is Renpaw! Oh sweet Kai don't tell him I said it wrong!"

Cryheart says, "Two......"

Kiwoeachi says, "Let's hope for no hand pylon mass death."

[General] Pukk exclaims, "This just in. Renpaw has changed his name to Renpae!"

Cryheart says, "Moving."

Leafiara says, "I'll try to convince him on the mulligan point."

Leafiara says, "Oh, Faerinn left already."


Guarrin asks, "Is that the plural?"

Cryheart asks, "I think the town crier is miffed with his honor?"

Guarrin says, "I suppose we'll find out if we break dimensions again."

[Moot Hall, Chamber of Justice]

Two high-backed, elaborately carved chairs face the imposing, burnished oak bench where members of the official Town Council convene to decide matters of solemn importance. A narrow stairway leads up to a low balcony that surrounds the chamber, providing ample seating for interested visitors to observe the proceedings. You also see an oak door and a modwir arch.

Also here: Guarrin, Pukk, Kippe, Hapenlok, Kiwoeachi, Lady in Waiting Chandrellia, Lord Lycurgus, Loamian, Shinann, Stormyrain, Sareyna, Bernadette, Sir Cryheart, Towermen, Barrister Faerinn

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "I'll try to convince him on the mulligan point."

Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk says, "Or he has been spending more time at Helga's."

Hapenlok whispers something to Leafiara.

Hapenlok whispers something to Leafiara.

Goldstr says, "Ahhh."

(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "So, while we got a bit of slack time, while I was away, they released an open sea adventure thing?"

(OOC) Chandrellia's player whispers to the group, "It scales to highest in party like bandits."

(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "Many holes in da wotter ye kin pour silber into!"

(OOC) Shinann's player whispers to the group, "Type osa... lots of info."

(OOC) Chandrellia's player whispers to the group, "It's a lot of fun."

(OOC) Pukk's player whispers to the group, "Also type ASC too."

(OOC) Pukk's player whispers to the group, "Oh. Also type RES too."

Leafiara mumbles, "Hopefully he'll hear me out."

(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "Also type Note C."

(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "So, is it something you can solo? Or is it pretty much team required, like vault raids used to be in fo76?"

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "If he doesn't, I may end up in jail for contempt of court."

(OOC) Kiwoeachi's player whispers to the group, "Please don't type res all I get is loud music from the 80's." [OOC: heh, yeah, I had to alias res to resource; that's what happens in the StormFront window}

(OOC) Bernadette's player whispers to the group, "I think there's a limit to how many in a boat."

(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "Lil boats hole lil crew."

Kiwoeachi says, "THAT woke me up."

Speaking to Leafiara, Sareyna says, "Now Lea no hope we are strong women we make silly men listen whether they wish or not."

Kiwoeachi exclaims, "Bum bumbubumbumbuim!"

Renpaw and the Interim Interim Marshal

Renpaw wanders in.

(OOC) Chandrellia's player whispers to the group, "You can solo it but it's easier with a group so you can have one repair the ship and the other fire cannons and the captain of the ship stearing and helping the other two."

(OOC) Dwi's player whispers to the group, "So...bout a dozen happyloks."

Goldstr whispers to the group, "Sloop only carries 3 and I solo but is tough."

Renpaw clears his throat.

(OOC) Hapenlok's player whispers to the group, "Yeah, I'm gonna have to check that out at some point. I mean, my backstory involved me having a ship at one point."

Speaking to Renpaw, Leafiara greets, "Good eve, your honor."

Pukk exclaims, "Very brave of you to change your name to Renpae!"

Renpaw exclaims, "Good evening fellow citizens and the like!"

Cryheart says, "Good evening."

Speaking to Renpaw, Hapenlok says, "It's nice not being hauled before your bench for a change."

Chandrellia softly says, "Good evening your Honor."

Leafiara says, "Hopefully the chamber is secure tonight."

Renpaw says, "We've taken some measures to increase security."

Leafiara nods approvingly at Renpaw.

Renpaw says, "I'd share them, but, that would defeat the purpose."

Leafiara grins at Renpaw.

Speaking to Pukk, Sareyna says, "I think he was referring to you when he said ...'the like.'"

Bernadette softly asks, "Jessin case, eh?"

Speaking softly to Renpaw, Chandrellia says, "Quite alright so long as everyone is safe."

Speaking to Sareyna, Pukk says, "I think so too."

Speaking to Lylia, Alosaka exclaims, "We meet again!"

Speaking agreeably to Renpaw, Leafiara says, "Yeah, definitely don't share. Good to hear either way."

Dwi heartily says, "Prolley put sawdust onna floor."

Bernadette softly says, "Er marbles."

Lylia says, "We do, and how fortunate for you."

Renpaw says, "Now then, the hour is late, I am sure we all have many things to do..."

Faerinn says, "I hope it's not lightning bug or ogre based."

Alosaka says, "Humans need the luck. We don't have time for misfortune."

Kiwoeachi says, "Nope, nothing."

Hapenlok murmurs, "I was going to buy a boat. Instead I'm here."

Pukk says, "People to do and things to see."

Renpaw says, "First, let us discuss the matters of the position for interim Town Marshal."

'Leafiara nods at Renpaw.

Renpaw turns an inquisitive ear toward Leafiara.

Renpaw asks, "Have you made your selection?"

Pukk says, "Goblyn."

Speaking simply to Renpaw, Leafiara says, "I have. Khylon is my pick."

Leafiara nods at Renpaw.

Renpaw nods.

Leafiara admits, "Getting the easy one out of the way."

Leafiara chuckles.

Renpaw says, "I approve then. We shall make it effective tomorrow morning."

Leafiara nods approvingly at Renpaw.

The Challenge with the Steward of the Guilds

Renpaw asks, "What now, of the Steward of the Guilds?"

Leafiara slowlys say, "As for the Steward of the Guilds, well..."

Renpaw says, "I received a letter."

Pukk says, "Xorus."

Leafiara nods at Renpaw.

Sareyna asks, "Me?"

Leafiara says, "Yes, but let me reiterate it here to make sure nothing was lost or miscommunicated."

Lylia notes, "He is already a guild master."

Pukk says, "I would say Owlie but he is going to be Mayor next year."

Leafiara begins, "In short, given the recent attacks on half of the candidates, it seems unwise to me to appoint a Steward of the Guilds at this time--at least out of the two candidates remaining."

Leafiara says, "Two of the most believable suspects to be behind the attacks are, well, those very candidates themselves. The nature of the attacks would require someone with great wealth and resources, which both merchants are. So I believe we should investigate both thoroughly before this appointment can go through."

Leafiara reasons, "And, on the other hand, if both are innocent, that's even worse in a sense."

Leafiara says, "Because then I'm being asked to appoint someone to what's a life-risking position right now when that's not normally a requirement. Not for *that* seat, at least."

Leafiara nods at Renpaw.

Felita says, "Mebbe deh needs a buddy guard."

Speaking to Felita, Leafiara says, "I think it would take far more than that, at this point."

Hapenlok says, "Let's be fair, Mayor, everyone's generally in danger here most of the time."

Renpaw asks, "Is there any here, who would argue against delaying a Steward appointment?"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Well, yes, but even more so than normal right now."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Kiwoeachi asks, "That doesn't have anything to do with you?"

Leafiara observes her surroundings.

Goldstr shakes his head.

Lylia says, "On the contrary; I think the decision is a wise one."

Leafiara encouragingly says, "Do speak up if anyone has a good argument."

Guarrin shakes his head.

Chandrellia agrees with Lylia.

Speaking to Kiwoeachi, Hapenlok says, "We're not going to discuss that now."

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "I'd argue dat I dunno wot dat is."

Cryheart says, "I think someone of proven worth and respected."

Alosaka says, "I think that's a very wise decision."

Cryheart nods at Leafiara.

Leafiara nods at Cryheart.

Kiwoeachi turns to Leafiara and cheers!

Cryheart nods at Renpaw.

Faerinn says, "I second the descision of delaying for a thorough investigation."

Alosaka says, "Almost... suspiciously wise."

Leafiara nods at Faerinn.

Lylia says, "You know, if it is not to be Xorus, that is."

Pukk says, "I agree with Dwi. I would argue out of spite."

Chandrellia softly says, "Third."

Pukk nods enthusiastically!

Bernadette nods.

Dwi reaches for her dwarven waraxe and it nearly springs into her hand.

Dwi heartily says, "Spite!~." [name of her weapon]

Kiwoeachi exclaims, "I have no say in anything that happens but I support Leafi!"

Pukk exclaims, "Rabble rabble!"

Speaking to Alosaka, Leafiara concedes, "Well, I do hear out everyone and many raised good points. Including Barrister Faerinn here, Chandrellia, Sir Cryheart, and more."

Leafiara grins at Alosaka.

Leafiara remarks, "It takes all of us to make the Landing the best it can be."

Hapenlok says, "Honestly, the logic is sound. and honestly, i've had a longstanding ....problem with one of said candidates. seems people have awful short memories about what he did a few years back."

Speaking in Faendryl, Xorus says something you don't understand.

Leafiara nods at Hapenlok.

Speaking heartily to her dwarven waraxe, Dwi says, "Spite says he's in line fer emporer er nuffin."

Hapenlok says, "I don't care that he got a pardon, he didn't get one from me."

Renpaw says, "I will permit a 45 day extension of the decision to name a Steward. I would rule though, that this is entirely based on the suspicion of the remaining two candidates, given the nature of Walward and Dakris's removals, while no such matters occured in regard to the Marshal position."

Leafiara nods at Renpaw.

Renpaw says, "As for the aspect of danger and at-risk, let it be known Mayor, these candidates accept such when they apply."

Speaking to Renpaw, Pukk says, "Stephos called Hapenlok Sturbin Turbin or something once and Hap has been so upset ever since."

Speaking to Renpaw, Leafiara says, "Agreed, the marshal position seems to have been untainted. Thankfully."

Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Renpaw.

Kiwoeachi says, "Dakris always seemed a strange fellow."

Xorus asks, "What if they are both involved?"

Speaking musingly to Renpaw, Leafiara says, "Fair enough, I suppose. Another precedent set in stone."

Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "No, he knows exactly what I'm talking about."

Speaking to Xorus, Leafiara says, "I think that's entirely possible."

Leafiara removes an elaborate gold-framed painting from in her cherry red cloak.

Leafiara raises her gold-framed painting proudly, displaying it for all to see.

An impressively large chart occupies the canvas, analyzing four cases labeled Scenario A(mos), D(eArchon), B(andits), and C(o-Conspirators) as potential parties behind an attack on Walward. Each scenario details lists--some more extensive than others--of plausible pros and cons to either Amos' or Stephos' appointment as Steward of the Guilds, and outside factors potentially able to keep the appointee in check. Circled in red are Alendrial and several outcomes in which Stephos will be attacked or killed.

Leafiara put an elaborate gold-framed painting in her cherry red cloak.

Faerinn says, "The wise thing to do then is to look at what is different in those two positions. Or who is not running for Marshall perhaps."

Speaking heartily to Hapenlok, Dwi says, "Ye should gits a soapbox."

Regarding Khylon and Marshal Matters

Renpaw asks, "Captains Stormyrain and Shinann, have you any concerns of Khylon for the Marshal position before I make it official tomorrow morn?"

Leafiara glances between Stormyrain and Shinann.

Leafiara tilts her head toward Stormyrain, examining her intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.

Leafiara tilts her head toward Shinann, examining her intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.

Pukk says, " says it all."

Leafiara says, "And please don't hesitate with such concerns."

Speaking to Leafiara, Alosaka says, "You need red strings to connect everything."

Speaking amusedly to Alosaka, Leafiara says, "Already have them on the placard in my office."

Stormyrain says, "Is he up to the job? He left under less than...optimal circumstances and it would be most welcome if the Interim, Interim Marshal were actually able to participate in the job. We have not had much luck with that in the past few years."

Dwi heartily asks, "Interim interim?"

Speaking to Dwi, Stormyrain says, "Thadston was the Interim Marshal. This appointment will be until he can be restored. So yes. Interim, Interim."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Leafiara asks, "Could you explain further about the... circumstances?"

Stormyrain sighs slightly and rubs her temples.

Dwi heartily says, "Dat's a lotta inters."

Renpaw says, "It was my understanding he left due to the witch's curse on him, no? I can't follow it all it seems."

Stormyrain mutters, "Which highlights my concerns."

Leafiara notes, "These were many years ago and Raznel's dead, however."

Speaking to Renpaw, Stormyrain says, "Yes. He was still recovering."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Are you sure she's dead?"

Cryheart says, "Other circumstances."

Shinann says, "Stormyrain was here then, I was not."

Speaking to Pukk, Thrassus says, "It is most certain she is."

Leafiara explains, "My trouble is that the other three candidates all have conflict of interest as marshal, due to either running businesses--which means they could pass their own ships through inspection--or being involved in Thadston's removal by participating in his hearing."

Dwi heartily says, "Should jus take em all to Helden's basement...easy peasy... last one standin."

Sareyna removes a stained cloth doll from in her viridian silk reticule.

Stormyrain says, "I have not had much interaction with him since he took on the Captain of the Guard position so I am not sure how his recovery has gone, or what holding that position has done to, or for, his health overall."

Renpaw says, "He is in plenty of health these days it seems to me."

Sareyna says, "I remember ma....I mean Raznel."

Renpaw asks, "Captain Shinann, thoughts?"

Leafiara tilts her head toward Shinann, examining her intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.

Guarrin glances between Stormyrain and Shinann.

Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at Guarrin.

Shinann says, "I am fine with Captain Khylon."

'Renpaw nods.

Stormyrain folds her hands behind her back.

Leafiara nods.

Pukk says, "We can just appoint Xorus and they would settle that."

Alosaka says, "I feel as though Thadston demonstrated that the position of Marshall can, perhaps, wield too much power."

Renpaw asks, "Are there any other present who wish to express any concerns in regards to Khylon?"

Leafiara observes her surroundings carefully.

Xorus says, "Pukk has a valid point."

Speaking to Xorus, Pukk asks, "Wait...what...I do?"

Sareyna asks, "Pukk has a point?"

Speaking heartily to Xorus, Dwi says, "I been tryin to gits Misser Pukk to comb his hair o'er it."

Speaking to Sareyna, Pukk says, "I'm scared."

Alosaka asks, "What if we just... didn't have a marshall? Would we really be less safe?"

Chandrellia softly says, "I haven't had many interactions with the Captain to say yes or no so I will trust that of my Captains and my Mayor."

Speaking to Alosaka, Leafiara says, "After Thadston's hearing, the Judge did rule that the powers of the marshal might be worth better defining."

Hapenlok says, "Honestly, I've always thought the duties of a militia commander weren't exactly to regularly take to the battlefield every time we were in a fight."

Alosaka says, "Well, let that be my vote then. The position remains vacant."

Guarrin says, "Depends on the commander."

Leafiara acknowledges, "The captains and I did make the argument that perhaps we don't need a marshal as it's not a great emergency, but Renpaw has ruled otherwise."

Alosaka says, "Inasmuch as I have a vote."

Renpaw says, "A Marshal is a requirement. It fills an important seat upon the council, and arguably, while the Captains are very passionate, strong and capable leaders, in times of conflict and defense and sometimes offense, we need a singular person in charge."

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "Ye know it's not so obious when yer lookin like dis tho."

Speaking to Alosaka, Stormyrain says, "We have not had a Marshal for extended periods of time as Thadston and Thrayzar were both indisposed. And we were fine, however it has been deemed important to appoint someone."

Renpaw says, "I hope, as does Khylon, it is a short-lived position."

Lylia says, "We have always needed a single person in charge."

Renpaw says, "I hope Lord Thadston can return to his senses."

Lylia notes, "This is the issue with the Town Council. Too many people."

Alosaka says, "Then appoint someone weak."

Speaking ruefully to Renpaw, Leafiara agrees, "We all do."

Kiwoeachi says, "Ah this town does have a voice of reason."

Speaking to Renpaw, Stormyrain says, "Oh excellent, so next time the Marshal decides to leave town and go gallivanting around on some chase, or scouting for months on end, we will have a replacement? I would most welcome that."

Alosaka says, "I am serious. It fills this silly 'requirement' to have one on the council, but ensures it won't be another tyrant."

Hapenlok says, "I mean, it's not just battlefield prowess that's needed here. I mean, we've got two capable captains who can handle that."

Renpaw nods at Stormyrain.

Stormyrain adopts an agreeable expression.

Leafiara acknowledges, "I should probably mention that Khylon is the only candidate who's served as the marshal before, in case that wasn't clear earlier."

Renpaw says, "I think we can agree that the past situations like that, were not desirable."

Wolfloner darkly says, "Thadston's background was in a feudal system where he was in command. His trouble may have been his unfamiliarity with a democratic system where leaders are elected."

Stormyrain amusedly says, "Not desirable is very polite."

Renpaw says, "Because they existed, does not mean they should again."

Kiwoeachi says, "Anyone willing, but not wanting, is probably the best fit anyway."

Shinann shifts her weight.

Speaking agreeably to Renpaw, Leafiara says, "A very fair assessment."

Dwi heartily exclaims, "If'n ye find yerself inna needs sumbody in charge, I agree wit dat ol' feller in da bathrobe!"

Cryheart says, "A charter written up outlining the specific duties, which balances the power of the council would work."

Pukk exclaims, "I vote Xorus as marshal, Lylia as steward and Hapenlok as Frost King!"

Thrassus asks, "Perhaps have a Vice Marshall?"

Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "You are more than half right."

The Coming Week

Renpaw says, "Policies, laws..."

Renpaw yawns.

Renpaw says, "Make me tired."

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "That means I'm more than half shocked."

Renpaw says, "I rule it is bed time."

Speaking to Thrassus, Stormyrain says, "That should be considered, if it were up to me."

Hapenlok says, "I mean, honestly, if you oppose Khylon, Pukk's going to do something stupid like mention my name as a town Marshal, and I can tell you, we don't want that."

Lylia says, "You are in the wrong line of work if you find the law tiring, Your Honor."

Speaking softly to Renpaw, Chandrellia says, "Good night your Honor and thank you."

Lylia gazes in amusement at Renpaw.

Renpaw chuckles.

Speaking appreciatively to Renpaw, Leafiara says, "Thank you for having us tonight. I believe you've ruled wisely."

Cryheart says, "I think under the circumstances, Khylon may be the best option."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk says, "You're going to be Frost King and Chandrellia will be Frost Queen."

Guarrin says, "Seems so."

Renpaw says, "I will appoint a new Guard Captain this week sometime."

Leafiara says, "45 days to investigate and conclude."

Renpaw nods at Cryheart.

Speaking to Renpaw, Hapenlok whispers aloud, "Not Draccor."

Speaking curiously to Renpaw, Leafiara says, "I thought that was to be Khylon's job? Naming a replacement."

Speaking to Renpaw, Pukk exclaims, "Draccor!"

Speaking softly to Renpaw, Chandrellia says, "Please not Draccor."

Renpaw says, "Thank you all for your time. Here's to a quiet and uneventful week, let us hope."

Renpaw says, "Yes."

Renpaw nods at Leafiara.

Leafiara grins at Renpaw.

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Or for one of the other two to disappear."

Leafiara nods at Renpaw.

Renpaw waves.

Speaking wryly to Renpaw, Leafiara says, "Around here... don't bet on it."

Lylia flatly says, "Not Draccor."

Speaking to Renpaw, Hapenlok asks, "Why would you say that?"

Speaking to Renpaw, Pukk exclaims, "Have a good night Renpae!"

Faerinn says, "I hope resources are being allocated to the investigation rather than wait and see..."

Alosaka says, "Good evening, then."

Renpaw waves.

Judge Renpaw just went through a modwir arch.

Discussion Afterward

Speaking to himself, Guarrin mutters, "That went far too well."

Dwi heartily says, "He's ready fer bed...bathrobe anna all."

Goldstr says, "Dat went verra good."

Pukk says, "I hope he remembers where he lives...poor Renpae."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "That was a bit, easy."

Speaking to Guarrin, Lylia says, "He dropped the crimson orb at the very end of the discussion."

Lylia removes a small crimson glass orb from in her wrap.

Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok says, "Well, someone's going to investigate. Me? I'll be sitting on a roof, watching in the general direction of the Deadfall Forest."

Leafiara says, "Now to the matter of *how* exactly we investigate Amos and Stephos..."

Kiwoeachi says, "Everyone seems so surprised."

Speaking to Xorus, Pukk says, "I tried."

Kiwoeachi says, "Cryheart is here, of course it went well."

Xorus wryly says, "You can have them investigate each other."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Faerinn says, "So a big no then."

Speaking to Xorus, Leafiara muses, "Only works if they're not co-conspirators."

Siggurd says, "Opposing Amos tends to lead to not end well for the opposition."

Leafiara mutters, "Which at this point I can't write off."

Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok says, "It's not exactly my problem, these days."

Stormyrain shortly says, "Pardon me. I have things to do."

Lycurgus softly says, "Me toos."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Well... you could always say we have appointed another candidate, a last minute one, and see how they react."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Hapenlok says, "I complimented both of you, you know."

Xorus says, "Their shared ties with Jantalar are conspicuous."

Goldstr exclaims, "We needs someone to apply fer dat job. Anyone but the two we have!"

Cryheart asks, "Is Amos a citizen of this town?"

Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "They wouldn't even believe that unless it came from the Judge."

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara says, "He is as of last month, yes."

Speaking to Xorus, Faerinn says, "That is an interesting observation there."

Hapenlok says, "And I actually meant it."

Pukk says, "I still say. Hapenlok for Frost King and either Chandrellia or Dwi for Frost King."

Speaking heartily to Chandrellia, Dwi exclaims, "I know how to gits thru a marsh!"

Pukk says, "Frost queen I mean."

Alosaka says, "Since it seems we're about to dissolve this gathering, I will simply reiterate my proposal that our next marshal be someone weak. Not as an insult, but as a desirable temperment."

Speaking to Dwi, Pukk says, "I still get confused with you."

Leafiara says, "And Amos has yet to answer why exactly he moved here."

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "Ditto."

Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok asks, "Pukk, honestly, why do you feel it necessary to encourage my violence?"

Lylia says, "I have never understood this Frost King and Frost Queen business. Royalty is not elected."

Cryheart asks, "Perhaps if ye made it a requirement of time being in the Landing in order to apply as Steward?"

Leafiara acknowledges, "Amos did say it's to expand his business, but why he thinks this is the best spot specifically is the question."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "If you spoke to Renpaw in a letter explaining your actions and asking for his aid in this investigation is it possibile he would help, in order to bring justice and get the seat filled a bit faster?"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk says, "Because you are so cute when you are mad."

Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara says, "I can bring that up with the judge. Even with Thadston, that was a bit of a problem."

Speaking to Alosaka, Faerinn says, "I'd have to see how good Khylon's headbutts are."

Speaking to Alosaka, Faerinn says, "Then I'll know."

Leafiara suddenly says, "Ah, with the town council rather. They're the ones who approve or deny changes in the law."

Cryheart says, "His reaction might explain a lot."

Pukk says, "Oh wait...let me use my other form."

Speaking to Faerinn, Alosaka says, "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with him."

Xorus says, "Amusing that one must be a citizen longer to vote than to be appointed to the town council."

Pukk's body, including any visible musculature, relaxes significantly. His skin then ripples violently, its appearance shifting, and sharp cracking sounds come from beneath his skin as his body transforms to alter his height and body.

The transformation seems to come to its conclusion as the cracking sounds fade away and Pukk's visible skin firms up around his muscles and facial features. It isn't entirely clear if this is an illusion framing him or his true form.

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi exclaims, " it's showin!"

Speaking to Alosaka, Faerinn says, "I haven't met him either, but I've been headbutted a few times by Thadston."

Speaking to Lylia, Pukk asks, "How about this form?"

Speaking to Xorus, Leafiara says, "Sage observation as usual."

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "That must have been expensive."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I don't envy the choices you have at this moment."

Speaking to Faerinn, Guarrin says, "He is better with his fists, I suppose."

Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "I would not be fooled."

Pukk snaps his fingers.

Pukk says, "I needed more sneering."

Dwi heartily says, "If'n ye wanna work in gotta do da forms in triplicate."

Alosaka says, "We tolerate far too much tyranny from our supposed protectors."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "One who has sold us out? Or one that we have no idea who he is, except a purveyor of potentially stolen technology from the Hall of Mages?"

Leafiara says, "Given the Judge's ruling, it's not out of line for me to write to both candidates requesting some public meetings--questions and answers."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Who probably has a grudge against the humans."

Speaking to Leafiara, Goldstr says, "Good work der Madam Mayor."

Kiwoeachi says, "Sounds like a good plan, have them scrutinized, why not."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Yeah... 'really terrible' and 'even worse' are the choices, but which is which, I don't know."

Leafiara grins at Goldstr.

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, if it were me? I probably would have had them both killed already."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Stephos for sure."

Kiwoeachi says, "There are always better choices than 'the lesser of two evils'."

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi asks, "So... ye giff any thought to 'diculous?"

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I think someone's trying. I just can't tell who *that* is either."

Speaking curiously to Dwi, Leafiara asks, "Hm?"

Dwi points at herself.

Xorus blithely says, "I did not do it."

Vaemyr says, "For what it's worth, obvious secrets that we don't know about aside, from just my personal dealings with Amos, I've kinda liked the guy, which obviously means he's a new evil demi-god bent on conquering the world."

Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, if one of them dies in the next forty-five days? we kill the survivor."

Dwi heartily says, "Not dat I'd bolunteer fer nuffin."

Hapenlok says, "I may or may not have been kidding."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "I like him on a personal level too, but the surrounding circumstances and his refusal to answer almost any question asked to him are serious problems--at least for someone seeking power."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Vaemyr says, "That is a solution I guess."

Faerinn says, "I'll keep trying to find some connection...but official questioning can help that along."

Hapenlok says, "I was kidding. Sort of."

Cryheart says, "Immediate charm does not always reveal the true character of a person."

Speaking softly to Hapenlok, Chandrellia says, "No one was killed, they just stepped down without warning or reason, almost like they were threatened or coerced."

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "I'll send word to them. Meanwhile, I agree--if everyone can think about how to investigate, please do."

Hapenlok says, "Well, let's put it this way."

Leafiara says, "Like I said earlier, sometimes it takes all of us."

Hapenlok asks, "Can I just poll the room?"

Hapenlok asks, "How many of you were around when Mayor Stennis met his demise?"

Dwi heartily says, "Ye poll a raft...silly."

Hapenlok raises his hand.

Leafiara admits, "Not me."

Siggurd shakes his head.

Sareyna says, "Lots I tink."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr asks, "Have you talked with Dakris yet about why he withdrew?"

Cryheart raises his hand.

Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok asks, "You were, weren't you?"

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "I reached out, but he hasn't responded."

Hapenlok asks, "Remember what happened to the mayoral candidates, back then?"

Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Falvicar says, "I'm tired."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "A shame since he could potentially give crucial details."

Hapenlok says, "It's tradition around here."

Vaemyr says, "I think that might be a decent place to start."

Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara guesses, "Assassinations?"

Hapenlok says, "Well, among other things."

Speaking heartily to Vaemyr, Dwi says, "He tole me he aint gots any skin in da game."

Vaemyr says, "Oh well, I'll muse one things a bit I guess."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "What if you asked for a public meeting with all candidates that were on the orginal ballot in front of everyone and ask those two why they stepped down without warning or provocation with the other two candidates left and see for one what they say, and for two how the other react."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Also not a bad idea, but Dakris and Walward might not feel up to it."

Dwi heartily exclaims, "Imma see if'n I kin find one dem lil wooden hammers...Luck all!"

Speaking to Chandrellia, Hapenlok says, "They're not going to stick their necks out that far."

Kiwoeachi says, "Well someone did blow up Walward's stuff."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Then there would be a reason they fear something which definitely shows foul play, so that adds to our suspicions already."

Leafiara opines, "And, truthfully... with the Judge's ruling that risking their lives *is* an expectation of the Steward of the Guilds, probably neither of them should be eligiible."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Hapenlok says, "That's twice that I can recall Dakris being warned off."

Faerinn says, "Maybe the two should have to declare their assets, but most likely we'll only be able to pull records for what they have locally."

Speaking softly to Hapenlok, Chandrellia asks, "When was the first?"

Sareyna says, "A 'gift' from Raznel." [the doll she was holding]

Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "Agreed, their... wider-reaching ties are a problem here."

Leafiara says, "They both seem real crafty."

Alosaka says, "Well, it seems the solution to all our problems will have to wait another day, at least."

Speaking softly to Sareyna, Chandrellia exclaims, "Oohh thats pretty!"

Sareyna says, "She made dolls of several of us."

Speaking to Alosaka, Leafiara says, "It will, but... the work does begin tonight with some letters."

Hapenlok says, "Honestly, they both have a wide variety of goons they could call on from a variety of places."

Hapenlok says, "Stephos built himself a base of power on Brisker's Cove."

Speaking to Leafiara, Faerinn says, "Probably deeply mired in Imperial bureacracy too."

Hapenlok says, "When he was ....on the run from us."

Sareyna asks, "I think Lylia had one I right Lyl?"

Xorus's group just went through a modwir arch. [and there went Lylia, but the answer was yes; we found her doll at the end of 5116]

Hapenlok says, "Probably before."

Hapenlok asks, "Amos?"

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "Well, what if one of the rulings was they have to step down from merchanting in order to fill the seat?"

Chandrellia softly says, "Not that that would ever happen but hey."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Steward of the Guilds? The very job is *about* merchanting, but..."

Hapenlok says, "Well, we'd be foolish not to assume the same."

Hapenlok says, "You're always going to get someone lining their pockets from that job."

Speaking tentatively to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "No, I'm pretty sure the Judge wouldn't approve that. In that case, the only people who would run are people so unsuccessful in their business that the town council pay is better."

Leafiara adds, "Which is its own sort of problem."

Leafiara says, "Times like this, I wish Rodnay weren't busy feeding up in the Reach."

Hapenlok says, "But, the problem I have is that you have one known traitor. And a completely unknown quantity, whose people have been brutalized by the Empire, and most likely has a rather large axe to grind."

Leafiara says, "He could sort this out real quick."

Faerinn says, "Anyway. I'm going to bed."

Speaking appreciatively to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "Thanks again for your advice. We won, for the night."

Leafiara exclaims, "And rest well!"

Speaking softly to Hapenlok, Chandrellia says, "Sadly that's all we are left with, it's not like people were lining up in the streets for the position."

Faerinn says, "Hopefully this jumble will turn into new insights."

Hapenlok says, "And honestly, considering we've still got the Malluch and Stone problem? I don't envy you the job you have. But I've got my own watch to stand."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Yeah... it'll be even tougher in future years after the Judge's ruling tonight too."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "If we can only have candidates willing to risk their lives, then we're sure to attract more people who are just like Amos and Stephos."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Because they have silver and protection, not that it's legal protection mind you."

Hapenlok says, "I'm just rather surprised that I didn't get accused of the wagon burning. There's usually one wiseass that throws that out there every time there's a large fire."

Hapenlok says, "You guys are letting me down here."

Chandrellia mutters 3armedogres.

Speaking lightly to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "4-armed."

Chandrellia softly says, "Oh."

Sareyna asks, "Hap did it in the forest with a candlestick?"

Hapenlok perplexedly asks, "Yeah, that kind of irks and cofuses me, why bring those things here to hunt?"

Leafiara says, "And where he got them, I have no idea."

Speaking softly to Hapenlok, Chandrellia says, "It irked a lot of us."

Leafiara says, "Apparently Jantalar nobles like finding weird creatures to hunt and he buys them in shady black market rings."

Hapenlok says, "And this is why I hate Jantalar."

Hapenlok says, "They're really weird there."

Leafiara says, "He wouldn't even answer Cryheart about whether the Baroness approved the fighting rings."

Leafiara says, "Just said that people don't ask."

Hapenlok says, "I'm telling you, Hochstib's dead....but honestly, he enabled a lot of that situation there."

Hapenlok says, "The outlands of Vornavis aren't too far from the holdings of Jantalar."

Wolfloner darkly says, "Have a grand evening all."

Leafiara says, "Alright... the hour's pretty late and I'd better get to writing some letters, I suppose. Thanks again to everyone for coming out."

Leafiara says, "Maybe I'll be back after I finish those letters, or maybe not."

Hapenlok says, "And magic is dead in a lot of that area. Because of the Mandis."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Good luck Miss Mayor dear."

Hapenlok says, "Another reason for me not to go there."

Hapenlok says, "I'm out of here too. I'm going back on my eternal watch."

Leafiara says, "Have a great eve all."

Hapenlok says, "I just came back for supplies."