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A Knight To Remember - 2020-12-01 - The Plan with the Man (log)
Eorgaen 1-2, 5120
by [[::Leafiara (prime)|Leafiara]] Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- Thadston comes to Mayor [[::Leafiara (prime)|Leafiara]]'s office to discuss the Bleakwalker, saying that once he's free of her, we won't need defense towers. However, she's growing stronger, restless, and harder to resist.
- Leafi says that Casiphia said Thadston died in the Bleaklands, but the Bleakwalker brought him back somehow; he says that's a fair assessment; she raises the concern of whether that means he'll die if they get the Bleakwalker out now; he doesn't think so, but says it's his risk regardless. Thadston says he needed the Bleakwalker in the Bleaklands, but we're not there anymore and if anything, she might need him here.
- [[::Faerinn (prime)|Faerinn]] arrives and asks if we're finally going to arrest Stephos DeArchon; Thadston suggests burying him as Leafi and [[::Hapenlok (prime)|Hapenlok]] agree, but the latter says to focus on Thadston tonight.
- Magister [[::Raelee (prime)|Raelee]] says resisting the Bleakwalker is likely making it more difficult to study and extract and Thadston is perhaps putting too much effort into suppressing it. He asks if she's suggesting he let it take over; she says yes, as it's easier to dig up something at the surface then buried a dozen feet down.
- Faerinn proposes either chasing it out or finding something more enticing to it than Thadston. He (Thadston) asks like what, and Faerinn says he's more querying everyone for suggestions. Leafi says he (Thadston) would know best what it desires; he calls the Bleakwalker raw--angry, jealous, and scared all at once. He thinks she wants to live or be loved.
- Sir [[::Goldstr (prime)|Goldstr]] suggests Casiphia could be the cure in some way, and Faerinn agrees that she brings out the worst of the Bleakwalker.
- Hap suggests finding a suitable vessel for it and Thadston asks what kind; he says a dead one or some sort of construct. [[::Peggyanne (prime)|Peggyanne]] says maybe a phylactery to trap its essence. Faerinn suggests something still strongly connected to the Bleak, like the tree outside town.
- Thadston raises the idea of the [[::Lylia (prime)|Lylia]] statue and Leafi asks if we even know where it is ever since Vlashandra took it away. After a bit of discussion, everyone concludes that we don't know whether Vlashandra took it for herself, delivered it to Octaven, whether Octaven still has it, and where Octaven is. Leafi says even if Vlashandra doesn't have the statue, she might be able to help create a vessel, but that would depend on us being able to trust her and we can't.
- Back to Faerinn's idea of the tree, Thadston asks wasn't it subdued by the manafires. Faerinn says it's subdued, but still there, and it showed him something before it went still. Faerinn shows him a drawing of the archaic symbol the tree drew for him, but doesn't know what it meant.
- Raelee brings up the question of roots and what the reach of the Bleakwalker might be in a tree; Leafi brings up the question of whether it would want to be connected to the Bleak, considering it came here with Thadston and the goal is finding something to entice it away.
- Peggyanne says when her sister was infected with a parasite, they couldn't kill it without fear of injuring her, so instead had to find something to drive it from her; rather than entice it, why not drive it out? Thadston nods, but says what to use. Leafi says her initial idea was a dispelling ritual mixing different dispelling magic, though that's incredibly dangerous. Hap spells it out by saying that it makes people explode.
- Rone is briefly spotted outside the window, perched on a rooftop, before turning and disappearing. Thadston seems to see or sense the vigilante and tells Mayor Leafiara that Rone can't be allowed to operate much longer and he hopes she knows this. She asks if he realizes he's the one who said a couple months ago that he'd overlook Rone if they aided with Malluch Burdos; he says he knows and thought Malluch was the bigger threat at the time, but now realizes we have to just sweep them all away.
- Captain Stormyrain says the Bleakwalker reacts strongly to feminine presences and maybe we use that, with Casiphia. Faerinn says we'll still need some prison after we draw her out, and Leafi raises the question of how we actually separate her from Thadston. Stormy continues on, saying the reactions have been to platonic touches, so what would happen with increased intimacy? Thadston says that would be dangerous, but Stormy, Goldstr, and Peggyanne say we always face danger. Later in the night, Thadston explains that last time he was with Casi, the Bleakwalker nearly choked her to death.
- [[::Xorus (prime)|Xorus]] asks if this Bleakwalker is of the same kind as the bleakwalkers we fought in the Bleaklands. Those were essentially dark vorteces, mostly anti-magical and power draining, with their essence being drained into elemental soulstones. Leafi says she supposes that's why the kroderine shards in Thadston haven't affected it, and writes off the dark horse plan of borrowing Sir [[::Cryheart (prime)|Cryheart]]'s kroderine armor long enough to suffocate the Bleakwalker. Raelee picks up on the elemental soulstone idea, as well as Leafi's mana mix idea, and perhaps a soulstone made of elemental and spiritual methods.
- Hap summarizes that the key elements are enticement, restraint, and banishment of the Bleakwalker, but we're talking about Casiphia's involvement when she's not even here.
- Thadston starts to sweat and asks about the elemental soulstones and whether, as Xorus brought up, his Bleakwalker is different from the other ones. Xorus says he does not know, but it is a premise to work off.
- Leafi revisits the question of how to protect Casiphia, since Thadston doesn't want her endangered. Hap says restrain him, and Leafi says she was wondering if it might be that simple. Faerinn says if Thadston's restrained, the Bleakwalker might be more likely to respond outside the body.
- Thadston continues to sweat as others inquire how he's feeling or what he's hearing or experiencing, but he simply says it's hot in here, then steps away from the fireplace and closer to the window.
- Xorus says the Bleakwalkers hunger for power and it could have been drawn by the explosion of energy when Thadston used the kroderine gauntlets to close the portal. Leafi wonders if the kroderine armor idea can be back on the table, but the Bleakwalker does have the shards in Thadston's arms; he wonders if the shards sealed her in. She (Leafi) says she was thinking that, yet the Bleakwalker can move his arms--so how would that be possible if they're sealing her off? Thadston says she'd only need his mind to move his arms. Faerinn says the shards didn't keep the Bleakwalker out, so he doubts they sealed her in.
- Xorus says it's a pity we don't have the Talon of Toullaire, which is a siphon stone. Thadston says he won't be the reason Xorus gets the Talon, while Leafi says Octaven is the one who knows where it is and is missing or dead.
- Hap wonders if there's room in Barnom Slim's phylactery for one more soul; Leafi says then we'd have go through the Goblyn bottleneck. Faerinn says that on the topic of solutions no one would like, Malluch did claim he could remove the Bleakwalker--though he (Faerinn) doubts he (Malluch) can cure anything greater than crow's feet. Thadston says no Grishom Stone and he'd sooner slit his own throat.
- Thadston says find a way that still keeps Casi safe and he'll do it, but he doesn't know how much longer he can maintain this. Leafi asks if anyone's seen Casi in weeks or months; Thadston says he saw her a week or two ago but didn't linger. He wishes everyone good night.
Awaiting Thadston
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the orange Ithloria disk, the Demandred disk, a skinny white wolf, a large acorn, an ornate delicate box decorated with bits of colorful glass, a silver-traced carved mahogany cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Ithloria, Hown, Mayor Leafiara, Great Lord Farend who is sitting, Aiss who is kneeling, High Lord Demandred, Ellottos, Lord Almihti, Lemkius, Thuffir, Gurneey, Portaur, Braosh, Keemar, Odelin who is sitting
The sky is filled with a blanket of low clouds, pale and unmoving. Sounds seem muffled and the air feels thick and takes on a quiet stillness.
Farend deeply says, "Aye."
Farend deeply says, "You too."
[General] Leafiara observes, "Looks like a lovely snowy eve in the Landing!"
Speaking humbly in Dark Elven to Almihti, Yardie says something you don't understand.
[General] Valaza thinks, "Every evening is a lovely evening in the Landing."
[General] Leafiara agrees, "True!"
[General] Leafiara adds, "But not all of them are snowy."
Speaking to Yardie, Almihti says, "I don't know what you said, so I'm going to assume it was a compliment."
Speaking humbly to Almihti, Yardie says, "Thank you."
Speaking to Yardie, Almihti says, "Of course! I mean this in the best way, but I would hate to have to raise you."
Speaking to Almihti, Yardie says, "Raising me means I died in the first place. I try to avoid that to the best of my ability."
Speaking playfully to Almihti, Yardie says, "Otherwise, my name would be Taulramil."
Leafiara musingly says, "I guess it's time to find where I put my fire gloves."
Leafiara removes some fingerless autumn-hued gloves inset with sylvan sigils in white ora from in her instrument case.
Leafiara slips some fingerless autumn-hued gloves inset with sylvan sigils in white ora over her hands.
The autumn-hued gloves burst into a pure white flame!
Leafiara pleasedly says, "Ah, right here."
A skinny white wolf exclaims, "She's on fire.. someone put her out!"
A skinny white wolf exclaims, "Help, help!"
[General] Thadston thinks, "Eve."
A skinny white wolf exclaims, "Someone save her!"
[General] Leafiara greets, "Evening, Thadston!"
Speaking to a skinny white wolf, Almihti says, "She's the Mayor... in case you wanted to ask for that donut stand to be put up."
Leafiara musingly says, "Thadston over thoughts."
A skinny white wolf exclaims, "Woman on fire, woman on fire!"
A pale-faced coppery barn owl flies in.
Speaking softly in Elven to Leafiara, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Speaking to Khobra, Yardie asks, "You had a question for me?"
A skinny white wolf says, "You people don't seem very concerned someone is on fire just in front of you."
[General] Thadston thinks, "I'll be to the Mayor's office soon. Time for us to discuss some plans. But not in this damn snow."
[General] Leafiara understandingly thinks, "We'll go ready the fire."
Speaking to a skinny white wolf, Almihti says, "Everything is fine."
Leafiara says, "Moving along to light the fireplace in my office."
[General] Goldstr exclaims, "Evenin Sir Andrews!"
[General] Kethrain thinks, "Aw come on Thadston, it's good for ya, opens up yer lungs a bit."
Leafiara suggests, "Join up or don't, up to you!"
Leafiara recites:
"Moving in 3!"
[Mayor Leafiara's Office]
Silk-cushioned chairs surround a circular cherry red table toward the back of the room. Plush carpets of fake fur blanket the polished oak floor while myriad painted treats span the office's walls, interrupted by an oversized placard. In a back corner, above a brick fireplace, a mounted stag's head watches vigilantly from a distance over a hazelwood dart board near the entryway. A leaf-shaped window invites outside light toward a drink bar that stands beneath a painting. You also see a tiny two-tiered bookshelf and a basket of sticks.
Kippe, Khobra and Yardie followed.
Guarrin's group just came through a glossy maoral door.
Leafiara says, "Let's see here..."
[lighting the fireplace]
[General] Hapenlok asks, "Did I ever mention I hate snow?"
[General] Farend thinks, "It's not too bad."
[General] Leafiara admits, "We just assumed it since you hate so many other things."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Khobra says, "Not zure you've put enough of the vooden ztickz."
[General] Hapenlok thinks, "Reminds me of where I was born."
Leafiara relents, "Fine, fine."
[more wood in the fire]
Bleakwalker Plans
Thadston wanders in.
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara greets, "Evenin' to you!"
Thadston grins.
Thadston says, "Evening."
Hapenlok says, "More like early morning."
Guarrin greets, "Good evening."
A wisp of azure light flickers around Thadston's neck.
Leafiara relents, "Well... by some measures, sure."
Thadston says, "...she says hello too."
Thadston grumbles.
Hapenlok says, "It's option-....optional."
Leafiara wryly says, "Grand."
Leafiara asks, "Did you wish to discuss that, town defense, or... both?"
Thadston asks, "Small crowd. Is this our faction?"
Thadston smirks.
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "... no."
Thadston says, "Town defenses..."
Thadston waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Leafiara states, "Small in numbers but tough in spirit, that's us."
Speaking to Thadston, Kippe says, "The others are buried in the piles of snow... reportedly."
Leafiara pragmatically says, "Yeah, Dunigan's done a good job with the Armigers and the towers, so I suppose we can prioritize the Bleakwalker."
Thadston says, "As soon as I'm free of this azure wench, you won't need towers."
Yardie declares, "So, before we begin, I just want two things to be known. The first, is that I am hoping that there is no fight. And the second is that I am here for the free refreshments."
Speaking to Yardie, Hapenlok says, "Well, as to the first. You're a bit late on that. The second? ...well, there's a bar."
Speaking to himself, Yardie mutters, "This stuff is above my paygrade, alcohol is not."
Thadston says, "Has there been...thought on..."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "I'd been thinking about everything that's previously been said about the Bleakwalker, yes..."
Thadston taps his neck and an azure light flickers almost beneath his skin.
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "One concern that keeps coming back to me is what you meant when you said you needed her to live."
Thadston says, "She's getting stronger, and restless, and harder to resist."
Barrister Faerinn just came through a glossy maoral door.
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Casiphia likewise said you died in the Bleaklands, but implied the Bleakwalker... brought you back somehow."
Thadston nods at Faerinn.
Faerinn asks, "I heard there was ruckus? Are we finally going to go arrest Stephos?"
Thadston says, "A fair assessment."
Thadston nods at Leafiara.
Speaking warmly to an enormous midnight black greatfang, Khobra demands, "Go play."
Leafiara hopefully says, "Maybe soon."
Thadston smirks at Faerinn.
Leafiara nods at Thadston.
Thadston says, "Arrest? Or bury."
Thadston says, "I vote bury."
Leafiara says, "Better yet."
With a jaunty wink, Faerinn forms finger crossbows with both of his hands and points them at Thadston. He cocks his thumbs back and releases them while making the sound of a crossbow string's *TWANG*. Faerinn's playful smile widens as if awaiting a response.
Leafiara offhandedly says, "Accidents happen, and almost all of the other candidates have been attacked, after all."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok agrees, "We should have buried him years ago. But I think we ought to focus on for the moment."
Yardie asks, "Does anyone arrested actually serve their term?"
Speaking frankly to Thadston, Leafiara says, "But yes, as for the Bleakwalker... the question is whether we can extract it without killing you."
Leafiara furrows her brow.
Thadston says, "I don't think I'll die."
Thadston says, "But if I do..."
Thadston shrugs.
Leafiara nods slowly.
Leafiara simply says, "...alright. One quandary resolved."
Thadston says, "A risk mine to carry."
Thadston says, "I needed her in the Bleaklands."
Thadston says, "We're not there anymore."
Thadston says, "If anything, she might need me here."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "I agree with that as well, I considered it."
Faerinn says, "Though the Bleak is rather well connected here...."
Leafiara says, "My initial thoughts were to attempt a sort of... mass extraction ritual using several types of mana, since I think the bleakwalker is a composite of at least two and probably three forms of mana."
Raelee states, "... resisting it is likely to make it far more difficult to study and thus far more difficult to extract."
Leafiara says, "Though Magister Raelee or Lord Xorus here might be able to explain why that's not the case, or why it is."
Snow falls steadily outside of the window, flakes tossed about like pale ash, blanketing the streets and rooftops of town in pure white.
Thadston asks, "So what are you suggesting Magister?"
Leafiara admits, "It isn't truly my field of study, but... just based on what the Bleakwalker's feats are and where it originated, it seems likely."
Goldstr turns toward Thadston and renders a sharp hand salute.
Thadston nods at Goldstr.
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "You know more than I do, apparently."
Balantine bows to Thadston.
Thadston bows to Balantine.
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Goods to see ye Sir Andrews."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I can only go by what I see..."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "You are putting a great deal of effort into supressing it. Perhaps... too much."
Thadston says, "You as well."
Thadston nods at Goldstr.
Thadston asks, "...and you would want her taking over?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Raelee.
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara explains, "It came from the Bleaklands, which were a creation of Chaston's spiritual magic with Raznel's elemenetal intervention, and it speaks to our minds--so like a mentalist."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "Yes."
Speaking to Raelee, Goldstr says, "Evenin Magister."
Thadston chuckles.
Speaking to Raelee, Faerinn asks, "Would that make her more....extractable?"
Thadston says, "Well, I knew you didn't like me but..."
Thadston waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee asks, "To utilize metaphor - what is easier to dig up? Something buried a dozen feet down, or something just at the surface?"
Thadston says, "...and if you're wrong."
Thadston furrows his brow.
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Elemental, and mental. Don't rule out the blood, either."
Speaking musingly to Thadston, Leafiara asks, "Along those lines, do you think she can control you in sleep at all?"
Thadston shrugs at Leafiara.
Faerinn asks, "Then what find something to chase it out or find something more enticing to the Bleakwalker than Thadston?"
Thadston asks, "Such as?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Faerinn.
Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok teases, "You volunteering?"
Guarrin muses, "And us without a dreamwalker."
Goldstr says, "Good thought."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "I feel like you'd know better than us what its desires are."
Leafiara says, "The jealousy toward women is... mysterious, to say the least."
Faerinn says, "Hmmm, it does seem to not like me but..."
Thadston says, "She is raw. Is the best I can describe it."
Speaking to Yardie, Peggyanne asks, "The whole bottle?"
Leafiara nods slowly at Thadston.
Faerinn says, "More of querying the room for suggestions."
Thadston says, "Angry. Jealous. Scared."
Thadston says, "All at once."
Faerinn says, "Yes, she is incredibly jealous."
Goldstr asks, "Scared?"
Leafiara says, "So untamed, pure emotions."
Thadston says, "I think she wants to live."
Thadston says, "..or be loved. I don't know. She is jealous."
Thadston says, "I have kept Casi at bay."
Hapenlok says, "You know...."
Speaking pointedly to Peggyanne, Yardie says, "Do you not see all the attacks in the Landing? The weather? The craziness? I am surprised scotch is not given in every baby bottle for them to cope with their eventual tragic adulthood."
Leafiara hesitantly says, "If the Bleakwalker does want to live, and potentially even needs you to live, then... well, it would seem we could simply threaten you. Which is more or less what Casiphia did at the hearing."
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr asks, "I knows ye have but maybe Casie could be da cure in some way?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Goldstr.
Faerinn says, "Casi is when she is at her worse, but the Bleakwalker seems to think ill of any women near you."
From outside the window, glistening flakes continue to drift down from the sky, fluttering about and covering the streets and rooftops of nearby buildings.
Speaking to Yardie, Peggyanne says, "I've seen the attacks, but being drunk won't solve our problems. It only elevates them, you cannot defend a city if you can't stand up."
Thadston nods at Faerinn.
Thadston asks, "Perhaps a scorned lover?"
Thadston says, "Chained to the world in death."
Thadston smirks.
Goldstr nods at Thadston.
Speaking to Peggyanne, Yardie counters, "And you can't feel pain if your passed out."
Leafiara inquires, "Let me ask this, does anyone have a general idea of how to actually... remove it, and not just taunt it out into speaking? Something better than my cursory 'perform a mass dispelling ritual with multiple types of mana' idea?"
Thadston says, "How lovely she found me."
Peggyanne says, "What if it's a ruse, to fool us into harming him."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, we could always find a suitable vessel for it."
Stormyrain just came through a glossy maoral door.
Leafiara mutters, "Really wish we could get our hands on more kroderine to see what that would do to it, too."
Thadston glances at Hapenlok.
Faerinn says, "If taunting it out alone worked I would have gotten her months ago."
Stormyrain nods faintly.
Thadston asks, "What kind of vessel?"
Thadston grins at Stormyrain.
Thadston says, "Captain."
Stormyrain smiles at Thadston.
Hapenlok says, "Well, I'm no necromancer...."
Raelee says, "... the first step to removing it is understanding it."
Stormyrain greets, "Interim Marshal."
A light azure glow flickers behind Thadston's eyes.
Hapenlok says, "But either a dead one, or some sort of construct."
Leafiara acknowledges, "Not a bad idea at all."
Peggyanne says, "Phylactery perhaps? What if you trapped its essence."
Faerinn asks, "What about something still strongly connected to the that tree outside of town?"
Thadston says, "The Bleak..."
Hapenlok says, "Years ago, I never would have suggested such. but ....the times we're in, we have to compromise our principles."
Leafiara says, "Hmm."
Thadston asks, "Lylia's statue?"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Yardie asks, "Isn't that extreme?"
Hapenlok says, "And you know, Faerinn's right, too. Might not have to necessarily be a body."
Leafiara asks, "What ever happened to that statue, anway?"
Balantine quietly asks, "Are those Mandis crystal coffins still about?"
Leafiara asks, "Did we.... ever get it back from Octaven and Vlashandra?"
Faerinn says, "Octaven put it somewhere..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Didn't it get hauled to the Faendryl Enclave?"
Speaking to Balantine, Raelee says, "There is no relationship between the Mandis crystals and the coffins."
Faerinn asks, "So maybe in the Outpost still?"
Thadston says, "...and Octaven is missing."
Thadston glances at Raelee.
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Not that I know of, before Vlashandra hauled it off."
Hapenlok asks, "Or was that still in progress when I went into exile?"
Goldstr says, "I tinks da Magister's folks took it."
Balantine quietly says, "I mean the one used to contain Drangell."
Faerinn says, "Yeah Vlashandra took it in Octaven's name, but who knows if it actually made it to her."
Leafiara says, "We weren't able to summon enough town defenders, guards, and militia in time to stop the golem army from dragging it away."
Crystalline flakes of snow fall outside the window, scattering about in the night.
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I wasn't really that anxious to go after it, to be fair."
Faerinn says, "That tree is also very connected to the Bleak. Ysharra and I were able to communicate to the Beak through it. Though the Bleak is terrible at conversations."
Leafiara says, "Ironic thing is, even if Vlashandra doesn't have the statue, she might be able to help create a vessel. But that would assume we could trust her, which we don't."
Thadston asks, "Isn't the tree and...whatever the heck it was...subdued by the fires?"
Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "Possessing a tree, now that's... an interesting thought, at least."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Mayor, we're probably going to have to make a lot of deals with people we'd rather not by the time this things is even half over."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "We've had this conversation, remember?"
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "One would also have to consider roots, and what a being in a tree could hypothetically reach."
Guarrin asks, "Do we want to connect it back to the Bleak? Or to the Bleak?"
Faerinn says, "Subdued, but still there. It did show me something before it went still."
Thadston asks, "What did it show you?"
Leafiara interjects, "Another question is whether it would even want to be connected back to the Bleak. It came here with Thadston, after all."
(Faerinn unrolls a sheet of parchment with an archaic symbol on it and shows it to Thadston.)
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "It's right here. we could ask 'it'."
Leafiara says, "Since we're trying to find something appealing enough to entice it away."
Peggyanne says, "May I ask a question."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "I haven't been able to make any headway on that that possibly meant."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Leafiara says, "Please, any thoughts are welcome."
Peggyanne says, "When my sister was infected with a parasite we couldn't kill the thing without fear of injuring her, instead we had to find something to drive the nasty thing from her."
Peggyanne says, "Instead of trying to entice it."
Peggyanne says, "Why not find a way to drive it out."
Rone Run
Outside, in the midst of the flurry of falling snow, a lone white figure is perched upon a rooftop. Metal shines beneath the white hood of the figure. Like a ghost, it turns and disappears into the backdrop of the cascading snow.
Thadston nods at Peggyanne.
Xorus asks, "This is called a 'bleakwalker' whenever it is brought up. Is it the same kind of entity as those other 'bleakwalkers' we were striking down in the Bleaklands?"
Thadston says, "But what, to drive it out."
Thadston glances at the window.
Leafiara says, "Right, that was more or less my initial idea--a form of dispelling ritual, though mixing different dispelling magic is usually incredibly dangerous."
(Faerinn rolls up his parchment again and puts it away.)
Peggyanne asks, "Were there any signs of distaste or hatred in its behaviour?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Usually one explodes when you do that, you know."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "It kind of hurts."
Speaking wryly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Yeah, that's what I was just dancing around."
Thadston says, "Rone can't be allowed to operate much longer. I hope you know this."
Thadston nods at Leafiara.
Leafiara tilts her head at Thadston.
Speaking slowly to Thadston, Leafiara asks, "Do you realize you were the one who put out the message a couple months ago saying you'd overlook Rone if they aided with Malluch?"
Stormy's Suggestion
Stormyrain offers, "It seems to react strongly to a feminine presence near you, Thadston. Mayhaps we use that?"
Speaking to Peggyanne, Faerinn says, "It has a lot of distaste to women."
Hapenlok teases, "Are you volunteering?"
Peggyanne says, "I'll volunteer."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Stormyrain says, "I don't believe I am the logical choice."
Stormyrain says, "Casi, however.."
Thadston nods at Stormyrain.
Stormyrain continues, "She might very well be."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Kasula says, "You in I'm in."
Thadston says, "The azure wench is a jealous sort."
Thadston says, "Worse I've ever seen."
Stormyrain casually glances at Thadston.
Faerinn says, "Still requires some kind of prison once we draw her out."
Peggyanne says, "Lady Winter protect us if we are used to drive out this beast."
Leafiara asks, "Just bringing her to the surface isn't enough, though. We've seen her speak--how do we extract her? Separate her?"
Goldstr says, "Was why I mentioned Cassie as seems to be its biggest fear, Tho without puttin Cassie in any danger."
Thadston says, "I know what I said about Rone. At the time, I thought Malluch was the greater threat."
Thadston says, "Now I've realized we just need to sweep them all away."
Speaking to Leafiara, Stormyrain says, "We've only seen the Bleakwalker react to relatively innocent interactions."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara acknowledges, "To be fair, you were ultimately right, but... alright then, have at it as you will."
Speaking slowly to Stormyrain, Leafiara says, "...oh, I think I catch your meaning now."
Speaking playfully to Kasula, Yardie says, "I save you from death and you become a crusader. I respect that."
Speaking to Thadston, Kippe says, "Rone is probably the least of the threats this town is facing."
Leafiara simply concludes, "Right then."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok says, "Well, it's kind of interesting how certain of the occupiers have acted, though. To be honest."
Speaking to Yardie, Peggyanne says, "She has joined a house of paladins you know."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Yardie says, "I am the furthest thing from a Paladin."
Peggyanne says, "So do I gather this correctly."
Speaking to Leafiara, Stormyrain says, "If the reactions we've seen are to platonic types of conversations and incidental touches, what would happen if the intimacy was..increased."
Thadston peers quizzically at Stormyrain.
Speaking flusteredly to Stormyrain, Leafiara exclaims, "Yes, I understood!"
Thadston says, "That would be dangerous."
Peggyanne asks, "The bleakwalker... is a beast that inhabits the bleak.. and it has some form of affectionate affiliation with Thadston as far as we know?"
Thadston says, "The last time...."
Thadston clenches his jaw.
Thadston says, "It's dangerous."
Speaking bluntly to Thadston, Stormyrain asks, "Can you think of anything we have done that is not?"
Faerinn says, "But I agree. I think Casi is definitely a key to getting a reaction out of the Bleakwalker. To draw it off further. As long as she doesn't trip on a patch of ice jumping on these rooftops..."
Thadston says, "No."
Stormyrain asks, "It is not as if any of us do not dance with death on a daily basis. Why would this be any different?"
Thadston glances at Faerinn.
(OOC) XYZ's player whispers, "Did Stormy just seriously suggest that they bump uglies....while we watch?"
Leafiara slowly asks, "Okay, so, summarizing all of this the possibilities we're considering are either: attempt to entice it into a vessel, offer it something it wants, dispel it, reconnect it back to the Bleak, or draw it out with some very... overt... interactions?"
Hapenlok asks, "Or some combination?"
Peggyanne says, "We are Wehnimerians... if ever there were a bunch of homicidal folks with unconscious death wishes it's us."
Speaking skeptically to Peggyanne, Raelee asks, "We?"
Berost deeply asks, "Overt interaction while we be in tha Bleaklands with a keg or three?"
Faerinn says, "I like the tree or statue as possible vessels. Things that are Bleak adjacent, but not currently connected."
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "I agree Sir To rid ye of dis Bleakwalker We will an mus face danger."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Hapenlok says, "And incidentally, Captain, as a murdering fiend, your suggestion is the most horrifying thing I've heard in my entire life."
Speaking to Raelee, Yardie says, "By the way, that person of interest appeared again."
The Nature of the Situation
Xorus indifferently remarks, "The 'bleakwalkers' I recall from the Bleaklands were essentially dark vorteces. Mostly anti-magical, power draining. But their essence is absorbed into elemental soulstones."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Hapenlok says, "And that's saying a lot."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Stormyrain says, "Why thank you."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Hapenlok says, "There's some lines even I don't cross."
Speaking to Goldstr, Peggyanne says, "Alright you put that much more elegantly than i did."
Faerinn says, "I don't think the idea of her getting back in touch with the Bleak at large."
Speaking to Yardie, Raelee asks, "When?"
Hapenlok says, "I do have some morals. Not many."
Speaking amusedly to Stormyrain, Leafiara remarks, "Lovely, you've topped your bees from 5116."
Speaking to Xorus, Guarrin says, "That sounds preferable to the other vessels."
Speaking to Raelee, Yardie says, "Yesterday. We escorted her to the library again. She asked about books, and then rushed to her daughter's voice."
Speaking to Raelee, Yardie adds, "She does not know it is 5120."
Peggyanne asks, "Is violence the only answer? Is there a way to come to a peaceful resolution with the Bleakwalker? What is her end goal?"
Leafiara says, "I suppose that explains why the kroderine shards haven't affected it, if it's already anti-magical itself."
Xorus takes a drink from his glass of absinthe.
Leafiara says, "And now we can safely write off the 'borrow Cryheart's armor until it suffocates the Bleakwalker' dark horse idea."
Speaking worriedly to Raelee, Yardie says, "I tried to send for you, but you seem to be a hard person to find and I did not wish to upset you anymore than you may ever."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Hapenlok says, "Honestly, when something of this nature gets its ....hold on you, and you don't want it there? ...there's a certain amount of force required to get it out."
Speaking to Leafiara, Kippe says, "That had my vote."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Peggyanne says, "Oh I get that I do."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Hapenlok says, "And it's not exactly going to come out when we ask it nicely. We've kind of tried that."
Speaking simply to Yardie, Raelee states, "I am not upset."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Peggyanne says, "I just am curious if we know its motives."
Thadston breaks out in a sweat.
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, I'm still for the we find it a vessel."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "But not one that's made of ur-non."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I still have nightmares about Madelyne."
Peggyanne says, "We have the magic to bring meteors from the skies and we've monks who can disguise themselves as others."
Leafiara admits, "Most any of the ideas seem at least... plausibly workable, to me."
Peggyanne says, "Why don't we disguise somone as Sir Thadston."
[General] Kotin thinks, "Bandits gots him."
Peggyanne says, "Again I volunteer."
Leafiara says, "I do tend to prefer the ideas that don't rely on a single specific person, since then the Bleakwalker has an easier route to stop it, but... anything does seem possible."
Thadston says, "The last time I spent any amount of time with Casi..."
Peggyanne says, "I'll host this terrible thing and you guys can trap it with your magics in some phylactery."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Goldstr exclaims, "Good thought but da Bleakwalker would still be inside Him!"
Thadston says, "We nearly choked the life from her."
Speaking to Xorus, Raelee says, "... elemental soulstones."
Raelee gives a slight flick of her wrist, and a gleaming multicolored soulstone suddenly appears in her hand!
Thadston says, "If you suggest anything involving her, you must be beyond cautious."
Thadston says, "Or I will not even tempt it."
Peggyanne says, "Does it need to expose itself to inhabit him?.... surely taking over someone's body will weaken something."
Speaking slowly to Thadston, Khobra repeats, "Choke the life from her?"
Peggyanne says, "And when it finds out I'm not him that will give you a short window."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Yardie says, "I do not know about that."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "Which does lead somewhat to what you were suggesting... which is creating utilizing elemental and spiritual methods."
Xorus removes a gleaming multicolored soulstone from in his xenium-threaded backpack.
Speaking to Peggyanne, Yardie says, "If anything, depending on the vessel, it could strengthen them."
Faerinn says, "It is more visible the most in control it is. An azure light..."
Peggyanne says, "Then use somone as bait... I still think we can mimic even Thadston's life force."
Hapenlok says, "Well, enticement, restraint and banishment. Three key elements in this."
Peggyanne says, "To trick it."
Peggyanne says, "Then when it's weakened we strike."
Goldstr says, "Enticement seems da key to me."
Leafiara says, "And nothing especially stops us from trying to incorporate all three, either, although..."
Leafiara admits, "Now I'm wondering if it hears what we're planning."
Hapenlok says, "Casi shows some leg. The Bleakwalker wakes up, we beat up Thadston a little and drive her out some way."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "Probably."
Hapenlok says, "And then we go murder some Knave faces."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Yardie asks, "Don't they wear masks?"
Speaking offhandedly to Yardie, Leafiara says, "Not them, no."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee asks, "As in mental, too?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, that's sort of the basic plan, anyway."
Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara says, "I believe so, just by virtue of it talking directly to our minds."
Thadston breaks out in a sweat.
Peggyanne says, "You'll need the magic of the arkati to entrap something like that... youll need a vessel blessed by Lorminstra herself."
Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara reasons, "It at least seems that that's part of... either its power, its being, or both."
Hapenlok says, "But we're talking about Casiphia's involvement and she's not even here."
Thadston asks, "Elemental soulstone?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "The beauty of mana is that... mana is always mana."
Leafiara removes a gleaming multicolored soulstone from in her cherry red cloak.
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "What defines elemental versus spiritual versus mental mana is how it is being utilized in the moment."
Peggyanne says, "She keeps the gate of those who've passed onto death she can trap some malevolent spirit."
Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara says, "Right, and it seems to be able to utilize it in any way."
Faerinn says, "I don't mind volunteering mental mana since I do have a connection to Talador that was."
Leafiara muses, "Though that's very curious, considering what Xorus said about it potentially being anti-magical."
Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok asks, "I was there when it blew up. Would that count, as well?"
Leafiara offers, "The good thing about using all forms of mana on our end is that, no matter who we have on hand at the time, we should be able to muster up the resources to... extract it. Dispel it. Whatever we're aiming to do."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Faerinn says, "Born there in my case."
Xorus says, "The 'bleakwalkers' we encountered and fought were essentially more powerful dark vorteces. Their powers and immunities."
Speaking to Xorus, Hapenlok says, "Jeez, I haven't fought those in a really long time."
Hapenlok says, "I tended to avoid them."
Leafiara says, "Just fought them as recently as Vlashandra's escapades."
Xorus says, "In the shadow realm there were voidwalkers." [whoops, heh... I was wrong, though for a different reason; obviously bleakwalkers wouldn't be in the shadow realm, but for some reason I thought I remembered Vlashandra taking us to the Bleaklands]
Thadston says, "Is mine different."
Thadston peers quizzically at Xorus.
Speaking to Xorus, Hapenlok says, "Like I said, a long time. That was the last time I fought something like that."
Peggyanne asks, "Don't vortece shrink as they expend power?"
Stormyrain murmurs, "Pardon me."
Stormyrain just left.
Speaking to Xorus, Yardie asks, "Shadow realm. That sounds like a valence of some sort?"
Xorus says, "I do not know."
Speaking to Yardie, Leafiara says, "It is, yes."
Xorus says, "But it is a premise to work off."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "Which again leads to the need to allow it to surface some so that we might make those determinations."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "You do realize, all this planning is moot if Casi isn't with us, right?"
Peggyanne says, "Then somone pretends to be her."
Leafiara says, "The bleakwalkers we saw in the Bleaklands never did possess other beings, but... I do agree with Xorus that it's at least a working theory."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Hapenlok says, "No, it needs to be the genuine article. That kind of deception we wouldn't have the time to create."
Leafiara says, "So then the question is the same as before, how to protect Casiphia if the plan does need to involve her."
Peggyanne exclaims, "Bah I got this!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "We restrain him."
Leafiara says, "Is this even possibly as simple as--"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Yeah, exactly."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok adds, "By any means necessary."
Leafiara says, "We're rarely that lucky, but it seems like a simple solution."
Goldstr says, "Best I've heard be to entice dis bleakwalker out a Sir Andrews into somethin mer appealing."
Thadston breaks out in a sweat.
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok says, "You're fairly silent on this."
Speaking cautiously to Thadston, Leafiara says, "I know I lit the fire pretty bright in here, but you look a bit, uh--warm."
Speaking politely to Thadston, Yardie says, "Mr. Thadston, sir. The nervousness is usually reserved for me."
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr asks, "She speakin to ye Sir?"
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee asks, "Talk. What are you experiencing now?"
Faerinn says, "I think the Bleakwalker might be more likely to respond outside of the body if Thadston is restrained...but we need to ensure Casi's protection from her."
Xorus says, "They hunger for power, draining it from others. Perhaps it was drawn by the kroderine gauntlets."
Xorus says, "If it is the same kind of thing."
Speaking to Xorus, Hapenlok says, "Any ideas? My thinking is more conventional, like the wards I know."
Speaking to Guarrin, Kippe says, "You mentioned that as a possibility."
Speaking to Xorus, Hapenlok says, "Which I'm not sure would work."
Thadston says, "It is hot in here."
Thadston nods.
Leafiara says, "If that were the case, using Cryheart's armor might be back on the table after all... but it hasn't really made a move toward him at any point."
Lehon says, "Thank you for the invitation."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "How about Cryheart's armor on her?"
Leafiara says, "...then again, it has those kroderine shards right there in your arms."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "If she's even corporeal at all, once we draw her out. I'm... not sure she is."
Kippe curiously asks, "Can the shards be removed?"
Xorus says, "The power unleashed in sealing the portal and their explosion. At least."
Speaking to Xorus, Leafiara agrees, "Good point."
Faerinn says, "I don't have kroderine gauntlets per se but mine eat spells just as effectively."
Thadston steps further away from the fireplace and closer to the window.
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, like I said, i've got no frame of reference in this matter. I'm just going with what I know."
Speaking to a brick fireplace, Faerinn asks, "How long has that been out?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "And somehow, I don't see Casi wearing full plate, at any rate."
Thadston asks, "Did the shards seal her in?"
Goldstr asks, "Tinks we should step outside da Hall?"
Speaking offhandedly to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "Not very."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "That's what I was thinking at first, except she seems able to move your arms."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Still a possibility, though."
Faerinn says, "Didn't seem enough to keep her out, I doubt they keep her in."
Leafiara says, "It would seem to me that if the shards sealed her in, then likewise she shouldn't be able to move your arms."
Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "And that."
Thadston says, "All she needs is my mind to move my arms."
Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Thadston.
Leafiara snaps her fingers.
Leafiara concedes, "Not a bad point."
Speaking to Goldstr, Hapenlok asks, "Know who I miss at a time like this?"
Raelee dryly says, "If shards in his arms were all it took to trap her inside... amputation can be accomplished quite quickly."
Speaking to Goldstr, Hapenlok says, "Rowmi."
Speaking to Goldstr, Hapenlok asks, "You remember Rowmi, don't you?"
Speaking to Goldstr, Hapenlok asks, "The one who melted Zyndur's brain?"
Goldstr says, "Aye."
Speaking to Goldstr, Hapenlok says, "By all accounts, he was getting more improved, before he left town."
Xorus says, "Pity we do not have the Talon. It is a siphon stone."
Xorus takes a drink from his glass of absinthe.
Speaking to Xorus, Leafiara says, "...and the one who knows where it is, is potentially away in a coffin somewhere or dead..."
Peggyanne says, "I tried."
Leafiara mutters, "Convenient."
Faerinn asks, "I don't recommend putting a kroderine shard in Thadston's head or anyone's....would the Talon really be a good place to store something like that?"
Hapenlok says, "Krodera, a wizard's nightmare....well, that and Mandis."
The fire wyrdling chuckles.
Speaking to a fire wyrdling, Hapenlok says, "Wasn't funny."
Peggyanne says, "Weren't the mandis crystals used to make bane weapons."
Leafiara asks, "It seems like the leading ideas are try to lure it out with a promise of something it wants more, and if that doesn't work then force it out--but in either case we'd need a vessel or prison, yes?"
Thadston says, "I won't be the reason you get the Talon."
Thadston begins chuckling at Xorus!
Goldstr asks, "Hmmm A proper Master Empath could nae place da shard?"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Yardie says, "Would not be wise to upset it."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Well, some sort of receptacle."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Doesn't necessarily have to be organic, I guess."
Xorus says, "It was worth a shot."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Wonder if there's any space left in Slim's phylactery for one more soul?"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "That might overcomplicate things since then we have to go through the Goblyn bottleneck too."
Faerinn says, "While we're mentioned solutions no one would like Malluch did claim he could remove the Bleakwalker if Thadston actually wanted her out....though I'm not convinced Malluch can cure anything greater than Crow's feet."
Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok says, "Utlimately, it's up to Thadston."
Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok says, "But that brings Grishom Stone into the picture."
Leafiara says, "That's right up there with asking Grishom Stone himself, which is an instant no."
Thadston says, "No Grishom."
Thadston says, "Or his pets."
Thadston says, "I'll cut my own throat first."
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok says, "Well, you can't fault him for having an idea."
Concluding Thoughts
Thadston says, "Find a way, that still keeps Casi safe."
Thadston says, "...and I'll do it."
Speaking to himself, Guarrin mutters, "We still don't know much about it."
Thadston nods.
Speaking to Thadston, Hapenlok says, "Even though I wanted to punch his lungs out for suggesting it."
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr asks, "Would ye take da risk of a Master Empath plantin a small Kroderine shard in yer head?"
Thadston says, "But I don't know how much longer I can maintain this."
Leafiara says, "So we're settled on involving Casiphia, at the very least."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara asks, "Have you seen her at all?"
Speaking neutrally to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Are we? how does she feel about the idea?"
Leafiara asks, "Or has anyone here, in... weeks? Months?"
Faerinn says, "Like I said, I'm no longer convinced Malluch can do anything of substance."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "That's what I'm getting at."
Goldstr says, "Casi do be me first thought to help on dis."
Thadston says, "I saw her recently. A week or two ago. I did not linger."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I haven't seen her since.....I think I saw her once since I had returned from my first exile."
Speaking relievedly to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Ah, good."
Hapenlok says, "But the way things have gone, I'd imagine it's a bit painful for her to be around here."
Faerinn says, "Been a few minutes since I've seen her."
Leafiara says, "As long as she's alright, though, there's hope for her in this."
Hapenlok says, "Not assigning blame, mind you. Just stating a fact. As I see it."
Leafiara asks, "So Casiphia acts as a lure to draw the Bleakwalker out, at which point we... somehow extract or separate it from Thadston, then force it into a vessel. A soulstone? A construct?"
Faerinn says, "Something without arms perferably."
Thadston breaks out in a sweat.
Peggyanne asks, "What was Slim's phylactery constructed of?"
Leafiara asks, "Is there some reason we can't just... destroy it once it's out?"
Peggyanne asks, "Some white gem?"
Thadston says, "I'm going to retire for the night."
Peggyanne asks, "Do we know anything of that?"
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Da love er trust dat ye an Casi has fer each other be MUCH stonger dem dis bleakwalker should be able to handle."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Understandable. Try to rest well and we'll... finalize plans."
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Tinks on dat."
Thadston nods.
Faerinn says, "I suppose there is no reason we can't destroy the Bleakwalker, but I think trapping it is easier? Unless the trap fails."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Hapenlok says, "As I recall, it was an exceedingly valuable gemstone. That was 'specially prepared for transferring a soul into."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Peggyanne asks, "De we know where to mine this gem?"
Speaking musingly to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "True enough. I'm just wondering if we're holding ourselves back by thinking we need the vessel, when we might not. The vessel is only truly needed if we're trying to offer it something better."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Hapenlok says, "It was sundered when our people thought they killed Slim the first time, but the pieces were scattered around the LIch's old holding."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Hapenlok says, "And honestly? No. That kind of ritual is knowledge that's closely guarded."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn says, "Good night. Stay away from women."
Faerinn grins.
Thadston nods at Faerinn.
Speaking to Hapenlok, Peggyanne says, "Perhaps one of those shards could serve for a base to construct a prison."
Peggyanne says, "A soul prison if you will."
Speaking to Xorus, Hapenlok asks, "Would I be out of line if I said that Lich making is something even your people wouldn't play with....much?"
Peggyanne says, "Oh yeah."
A flicker of azure light dances along Thadston's arm like a wisp of ethereal fire.
Leafiara says, "I guess we could always imprison it and then destroy the prison."
Thadston says, "Goodnight."
Speaking to Leafiara, Faerinn says, "I think the trap it plan works for helping us keep Casi safe in the process as well."
Lord Thadston just went through a glossy maoral door.
Discussion Afterward
Speaking to Xorus, Hapenlok asks, "Or at least not let any of us play with?"
Speaking suddenly to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "Ah, true."
Peggyanne offers Leafiara a white chocolate treat of a delicate rose in full bloom.
Leafiara accepts Peggyanne's white chocolate treat.
Peggyanne says, "Heard ye like chocolate."
Xorus says, "It is more of a cultist thing, pursuing lichdom."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Leafiara affirms, "Heard correctly!"
Speaking to Xorus, Hapenlok says, "Agreed, there was the Council up in Icemule..."
Peggyanne says, "Is an Elanthian rose."
Leafiara says, "So the sticking point is... how exactly we get it out of Thadston, if it doesn't remove itself. The imprisoning part is similar to what we've done."
Hapenlok says, "Those were the only other liches, other than those Rift Liches I ever encountered."
Leafiara says, "And the taunting is the easy part."
Faerinn says, "Though as Rone, I think Casi is better at taking care of herself than Thadston gives her credit for."
Speaking musingly to Leafiara, Yardie says, "Thousands of lives at stake, and the Mayor takes the time to express her affinity for chocolate. Only the Landing."
Speaking sagely to Yardie, Leafiara says, "Small moments to remind us what we're fighting for."
Speaking incredulously to Leafiara, Yardie asks, "Chocolate?"
Peggyanne says, "I know a lady who had a chat with a lich in the monestary."
Speaking to Leafiara, Goldstr says, "I still think Cassi be a strong point in dis."
Speaking wryly to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "Yeah, can't wait until he figures that one out."
Faerinn says, "If Casi is our bait then the Rone gauntlets on the table as an asset."
Peggyanne says, "He was said to be some great lich of old."
Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Balantine says, "There is much in this discussion I am ignorant of, but I provide this advice... Tis wise to know yer foe afore ye engage in battle. Seems a lot of speculation in the plans dicussed to me."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Okay, we're thinking Casi is Rone? Dr do we have some proof?"
Goldstr says, "Naw."
Speaking to Balantine, Leafiara says, "Yeah, that's the point Raelee was driving home as well. The problem is, only Thadston truly knows the Bleakwalker."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "No proof, but... a decent enough number of things point that way."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Or is that just Faerinn talking out of another part of his anatomy?"
Peggyanne says, "What if we contacted that lich and learned his secrets."
Peggyanne says, "Uthex."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "Which, again, means that no matter how little he enjoys the concept... he is going to need to allow it to surface."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara admits, "No, I'll give him that one. I've been thinking it too and it was one reason I was trying to steer him away from his mission against Rone."
Peggyanne says, "That was the name."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Hapenlok says, "No."
Balantine quietly says, "I urge caution, ye could make the situation worse though an action which brings upon us greater enemies."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "She coincidentally disappeared at the same time Rone got injured, and coincidentally reappeared in the same time frame Rone re-emerged."
Speaking to Balantine, Hapenlok asks, "Remember Estrion, too, don't you?"
Leafiara says, "At least based on what Thadston said tonight."
Speaking to Balantine, Hapenlok says, "I think that debt still has yet to be collected."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Goldstr says, "Aye da Folly."
Guarrin says, "Even validating Xorus' theory would be helpful before attempting any transfer."
Leafiara says, "Anyway, yeah... one problem at a time. I'm hoping we can get through this Bleakwalker situation before Thadston starts doing anything rash about Rone."
Faerinn says, "Or Rone is someone else that would come by and risk a bounty to steal glances at Thadston."
Hapenlok says, "You know."
Hapenlok says, "Gods above, I'm old. I'm not thinking so great."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Yardie says, "Too many hits to the head."
Hapenlok says, "No, just old age."
Leafiara says, "Like Raelee said... ultimately, to validate anything--Xorus' theory, Balantine's thoughts, anything at all--the first step is making the bleakwalker surface."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Yardie repeats, "Which attributes to too many hits to the head."
Leafiara says, "In a more extreme way than we've seen so far."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "That nonsense about stopping Rone?"
Faerinn says, "And Thadston was sure getting hot under the collar after Rone visited..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I think the bleakwalker knows. Even if he doesn't."
Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara admits, "Yeah, I've... I've even wondered if he's in on it, but--"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Exactly."
Balantine quietly asks, "Has it communicated with anyone besides Thadston?"
Hapenlok says, "Man, I used to be a bit quicker to figure these things out."
Goldstr says, "Well folks I go rest on dis fer a bit .. We shall see."
Speaking to Balantine, Hapenlok says, "Told a few of us to bugger off months ago."
Speaking to Balantine, Leafiara says, "It's communicated with several of us, threatening us to go away or it'll kill us."
Faerinn says, "It has communicated telepathically at least once."
Speaking to Balantine, Hapenlok says, "Not me, though. I'm not threatening enough to it."
Speaking to Goldstr, Kasula says, "Good night M'Lord."
Leafiara says, "It hasn't been able to make good on its threats so far, except apparently trying to kill Casi at some point when she and Thadston were alone."
Goldstr says, "Niters folks."
Hapenlok asks, "Why's Casiphia so threatening to it, though?"
Guarrin says, "Good night, everyone."
Hapenlok says, "I don't understand that."
Speaking curiously to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "You think there's something more to it than just her... love of Thadston?"
Faerinn says, "The Bleakwalker is a jealous lover."
Hapenlok says, "I don't understand it."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok concedes, "I don't know."
Leafiara says, "Frankly..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I really hadn't encountered her much before i had to ...seal myself away."
Peggyanne asks, "Could she be feeding off of him in a literal sense like the parasite I mentioned?"
Faerinn says, "It has sometimes seen the Mayor and Stormy as threats, but I don't think either swing that way."
Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "She does, but not me."
Faerinn says, "Fair enough."
Leafiara hurriedly adds, "Uh, though, not toward Thadston specifically."
Hapenlok says, "Nothing really seemed special, seemed like she could fight, but I didn't sense anything out of the ordinary."
Leafiara quickly says, "Just to clarify that."
Kippe quietly says, "Rest well, everyone."
Faerinn says, "Right."
Hapenlok asks, "You know what I mean?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Yardie says, "Mayor. Rest well. Be safe. And above all, fight to loosen your chocolate addiction."
Faerinn says, "I go either way, but not towards Thadston. So I doubt that is useful."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I forget if you were there when I was talking with Chandrellia about this, but her theory was that Casiphia's a... sort of very good actress who can change personas dramatically."
Speaking to Yardie, Leafiara wishs, "Thank you, and you rest well too."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "So basically, she's a better actor than Faerinn?"
Hapenlok adds, "Way better?"
Speaking slowly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "My point is... she might be Rone, Mother, or both. I know you and I have talked about that before."
Leafiara says, "But it was nice to hear it even from someone who hadn't been thinking that."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Who knows?"
Faerinn asks, "Am I supposed to be acting in something?"
Leafiara says, "Rone is absolutely an actor or actress. No one talks like that."
Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok adds, "I saw your play. I vomited. Many times."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Faerinn says, "Good."
Leafiara says, "As for Mother, here's some fun coincidence for you..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Faerinn asks, "Yeah?"
Leafiara says, "Right after I appointed Khylon, I was telling Casiphia she was doing a good job and she told me I hadn't hurt her feelings, if that's what I was worried about. Then, a couple nights later, we spoke with Mother and the first thing Mother said in response to my letter is that I was worried about her and she was touched."
Hapenlok says, "She's taking a very long deep breath."
Leafiara says, "It's... it's just all a little too coincidental for me."
Leafiara says, "She's one of them."
Leafiara says, "Or both."
Faerinn says, "You did think Mother was missing at the time."
Hapenlok says, "That kind of makes sense."
Faerinn says, "Or worried she was worse."
Leafiara adds, "Also, this is to say nothing of Rone coming to my office and threatening me that I can't have two sides of the same coin. As in, the Rooks and Rone, since I was asking for Rone's help."
Leafiara says, "But, you know... two sides of the same coin are still the same coin."
Hapenlok says, "But good luck proving any of it."
Leafiara admits, "I don't actually care which of them she is. I'm just worried how Thadston will react."
Faerinn says, "Eh, I was right about the Fist."
Leafiara says, "It'll get ugly, but... yeah, one thing at a time."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Honestly, the way Thadston had been acting?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "It drove a lot of people to rebel."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Oh, undoubtedly."
Leafiara says, "Honestly, the militia was... falling apart even before the barracks were destroyed."
Hapenlok says, "Our enemies know us better than we do."
Leafiara says, "The rogue militia faction, the Warcats, threatening Thadston. Thadston running his Operation Stonewall with a secret inner circle and cutting the captains out of the loop."
Leafiara says, "I wonder if he even knows there are a ton of double agent Rook and militia members."
Hapenlok says, "It's always been a bit of a fragile thing, our solidarity."
Faerinn says, "Yeah, he's working with us right now so I don't want to set him off telling him Casi is Rone."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I'm rather surprised that it took this long for factions to move in."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Yeah, honestly... in hindsight."
Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara says, "Exactly. Dancing around the subject right now as best we can."
Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok says, "He'd challenge you to prove it, and throw you out the window."
Hapenlok says, "Probably at the same time."
Leafiara agrees, "...also true."
Faerinn says, "He's welcome to try if it's better than his headbutts."
Speaking to Faerinn, Hapenlok says, "Or better than this..."
Hapenlok says, "Or not."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "You had your office made into a sanctuary?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Coward."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara protests, "The council wouldn't let me not!"
Leafiara wryly says, "Trust me, I have all those fond memories of you assassinating Crux. I'd never make it a sanctuary on my own."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "More proof that I'm needed on that council."
Faerinn says, "Good night. We'll see if a better vessel comes to mind as I sleep on it."
Leafiara exclaims, "Rest well!"
Faerinn says, "Y'all too."
Leafiara says, "Suppose that's that until the next time."
Hapenlok says, "We all kind of ignored Peggyanne, she had some good ideas too."
Hapenlok says, "I feel bad about that."
Leafiara says, "I'm a little surprised Xorus had as few ideas as he did."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I invited her in, I think. Hopefully she saw it, at least."
Hapenlok says, "Not exactly what we need."
Hapenlok says, "And we don't need another mega lich."
Hapenlok says, "Wait."
Leafiara admits, "It's crazy how difficult this is, compared to if the bleakwalker was just roaming around it and we'd have it dead in two seconds."
Hapenlok says, "Vlashandra, the woman of a thousand faces."
Speaking to himself, Hapenlok says, "You're brillant."
Leafiara asks, "You're saying offer it Vlashandra's body?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Why not?"
Hapenlok says, "She's worn the face of Raelee."
Speaking dubiously to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "How would we get her and Barnom to agree to that?"
Speaking cheerfully to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I HAVE NO IDEA."
Hapenlok cheerfully exclaims, "But it's brilliant!"
Leafiara says, "Actually... I bet if Barnom liked the idea, she would do it."
Leafiara wryly says, "Something to bring up with Barnom if he ever holds that feast, I suppose."
Hapenlok says, "Something to think on. I'm going to retreat to my bed."
Hapenlok says, "Night."
Leafiara admits, "And Vlashandra does know how to move souls around."
Leafiara says, "Rest well, Hap."