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Blood Son - 2020-07-11 - Gamble on a Preamble Ramble (log)

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Koaratos 11-12, 5120

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


  • [[::Wehnimer's Landing|Landing]] adventurers gather outside the Blood Son's tents to await his revival. Malluch Burdos eventually emerges as townspeople watch from the edge of town. Faerinn asks him if he's from the future since he's supposed to still be in prison; he says he's free in more ways than one.
  • Malluch begins leading the group toward the museum. His followers and bloodguards salute while he passes through the forest. Faerinn asks if the Bleak (of the Bleaklands) talks to Malluch (as it did to [[::Ysharra_Nagorn|Ysharra]]); he says no. He began his work there because of the people there who are broken, cursed, and need hope more than most. Noting that the Bleaklands were created by Chaston Griffin, a Prelate of the Church of Koar, Malluch says the Bleaklands are the greatest recent example of the failure of the Arkati.
  • Balley asks him what he wants for payment; he says she's still stuck to the Arkati's way of thinking. As Malluch approaches the gate, some townspeople welcome him while others groan. Faerinn asks if he can heal those who do hear the Bleak's voice; Malluch says they've healed many.
  • Malluch notes the blood smears in town and traces his fingers around one. Meanwhile, [[::Brotherhood of Rooks|Rooks]] gather on rooftops near Moot Hall to observe. A young boy runs up asking if his mother can be healed. Malluch says to tell her to come to the museum and hear the message of the [[::Grishom Stone|Blood God]], then when he calls for them she will know no pain.
  • As the walk toward the museum continues, a town guard spits at Malluch's feet and calls him a murderer. Lylia says some haven't forgotten his past; he says we must never forget the past. Clusters of townspeople gather at the museum and Gutstorm tells Malluch he doesn't look impressive; Malluch says it's not about him being impressive, but about all of us being impressive.
  • At last they arrive and Malluch thanks all for coming; Darcena says he'll regret the "all" part; he says he'll regret none of it.
  • Malluch says he'll revisit the words of the Blood God tonight and everyone may judge whether they'll answer the Blood God when he calls in a short time. A townsperson calls him out as a false prophet who can't heal anyone; in response, he heals Alisette's wrinkles.
  • He continues that Grishom will call for others in almost two weeks' time, so first we'll begin with a retelling of his wisdom. He heals Maelkyth's wrinkles while he's at it, but then proceeds to read from Grishom's "Beyond the Arkati." (OOC note: summarizing this intensely dense section would probably do it a disservice, so [[::Blood_Son_-_5120-07-11_-_Gamble_on_a_Preamble_Ramble#The_Grishom_Review|click here and read the bolded]])
  • Some townspeople hiss at the mentions of Elithain Cross as a rival in Grishom's history; others shift uneasily at the mention of Grishom killing Madelyne after she killed his father. A split crowd sees some losing interest at the retelling of Grishom killing women while others listen more intently.
  • Malluch concludes by saying the people of the Landing are invited to be free, having aided to spark him to life (as he just recounted) and saying that it's only far now that he calls for them to come answer him and see themselves free. Elithain Cross is gone and Althedeus is unraveled, but the Blood God remains to free us frrom the Arkati and awaken ourselves.
  • Fahlo challenges the use of reading from a book anyone could check out of the library, but Malluch says even if only one hears the calling, this is worth it. Fahlo tells him to peddle elsewhere.
  • [[::Xorus_Kul'shin|Xorus]] asks if Grishom gave Malluch Everblood; he says no. Ysharra asks Malluch about his father and says neither are answering questions about the other. Malluch says his father raised him well and he hopes he (his father) will one day see that his (his father's) choice was wise. As for Lana (who Ysharra had brought up earlier in the night), he says she's missed and her death is not in vain.
  • Balley asks if Grishom shouldn't be here promoting himself; Malluch says he'll come soon. A townsperson shouts that Murdos would be disappointed. Malluch tells everyone to dwell on what they've heard, not of dark deeds but the power and potential within us.


Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr says, "Oh, he speaks to the doughnut wolf."
Yardie exclaims, "He spoke to me first!"
Iskandr says, "Well, technically he spoke to ME first in the Elven Nations and demanded a doughnut."
Iskandr says, "Now he demands doughnuts of you."
Yardie says, "So this is your doing."
Iskandr says, "I mean, much is my fault but not doughnut wolves."
Radeek mutters, "Nuthin good ever happens herebouts...folks come 'round sayin dey is do-gooders, den purdy soon we's all dyin."
Iskandr says, "I feel like any emerging cult may have to contend with the cult of Dreaven."


Awaiting the Revival

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a black-tipped twilight grey wolf, the Balley disk, a cranky dune spirit that is flying around, the Zosopage disk, the translucent Djinn disk, an ebon crowned eagle that is flying around, the Draelor disk, the sparkling Quigwurd disk, the sparkling Zurya disk, the Alisette disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, an herbal remedy donation bin and some stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Grand Lord Radeek, Yardie, Maelkyth, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Fahlo who is kneeling, Sir Cryheart, Alfain, Djinn, Draelor, Squire Legionnaire Iskandr, Nickonai, Quigwurd, Enervation, Rawdune, Kilroln who is sitting, Eyvindr, Mayor Leafiara, Lady Alisette, Zurya, High Lord Kroviec

[Society] Aoife exclaims, "I missed it because Teras! Sorry!"

[Society] Dwi exclaims, "Also ..yer cappin molasses!"

Draelor says, "Better wolves than snakes."

[Society] Fahlo exclaims, "Though we did find the basement and the laboratory just fine!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr says, "Oh, he speaks to the doughnut wolf."

[Society] Cryheart thinks, "Amen to that."

Yardie exclaims, "He spoke to me first!"

Iskandr says, "Well, technically he spoke to ME first in the Elven Nations and demanded a doughnut."

Iskandr says, "Now he demands doughnuts of you."

Yardie says, "So this is your doing."

Iskandr says, "I mean, much is my fault but not doughnut wolves."

Cryheart says, "Owly is asleep."

Yardie says, "We don't even have doughnuts in town."

Draelor says, "I'm sure there's donuts somewhere."

Yardie says, "I offered cinnamon twists."

Yardie says, "They refused."

Speaking to Cryheart, Radeek says, "Ya keep feedin dat bird an yer gonna hasta rename is froggy on accounta it's gonna bump its arse on da ground ever time it tries ta fly."

Speaking to Leafiara, Fahlo asks, "What's the word on this revival?"

Speaking suspiciously to Fahlo, Leafiara says, "Still scheduled for tonight last I heard."

Cryheart says, "Owly flies off the extra poundage."

Yardie says, "I see no dead body for revival."

Speaking to Yardie, Fahlo says, "Just a matter of time I'd imagine."

Yardie says, "Perhaps."

Iskandr says, "I'd love to see the ends and means of all this bloody town painting."

Yardie says, "I'm...confused."

Speaking to Iskandr, Fahlo says, "Hope it's nothing too far afield."

Yardie asks, "Town painting?"

Speaking lightly to Fahlo, Leafiara asks, "Want to put betting odds on it?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Fahlo says, "We can put a wager at Beldrin's.. I'm game."

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr asks, "You've still failed to notice all the bloody walls?"

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "I guess when one lives here it becomes a bit of a blur, but's it's pretty apparent to my eyes."

Speaking to Leafiara, Fahlo asks, "What's the wager?"

Speaking musingly to Fahlo, Leafiara says, "I was just joking, but I guess it would be how over bad this is going to get."

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "It's a bit of why I'm here. To see what all the fuss is about."

Speaking to Dunmetal, Derwood says, "Whom."

Speaking to Iskandr, Draelor asks, "For your report to the important whoevers?"

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie says, "I suppose I can watch while I rest my thoughts."

Speaking to Dunmetal, Derwood says, "Another false alarm."

Speaking coolly to Fahlo, Leafiara says, "Maybe everything will go perfectly smoothly."

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "I mean, also to see you, but I do have a task of checking in on this a bit."

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie says, "It's no problem."

Speaking to Draelor, Iskandr says, "I think you know who I work for."

Speaking to Leafiara, Fahlo says, "Ok. So I'll bet they will, at least tonight. That is no mass death, though at least one I'll say."

Radeek mutters, "Nuthin good ever happens herebouts...folks come 'round sayin dey is do-gooders, den purdy soon we's all dyin."

Speaking to Leafiara, Fahlo says, "That's my bet."

Speaking to Leafiara, Fahlo says, "I got 100k on it."

Speaking to Dunmetal, Derwood says, "Just need a smattering."

Speaking to Radeek, Pukk says, "I know! It's always so boring and quiet in Landing."

Speaking suddenly to Fahlo, Leafiara says, "Whoa, that's way too much money. I don't bet more than 1 silver at a time."

Derwood says, "Oh the days when I am killed at the gate by invaders."

Speaking to Leafiara, Fahlo says, "Ok well make that bet 100 thousand times, that's all you need to do."

Speaking to Pukk, Radeek says, "I'se a'gittin older...quiet an' borin be jus' fine."

Iskandr says, "I feel like any emerging cult may have to contend with the cult of Dreaven."

Speaking cheekily to Derwood, Leafiara says, "Could be as early as tonight."

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie says, "Cults don't help with coin."

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "Unless you're the leader, buddy, you should think about it. You have a dark charisma."

Speaking to Iskandr, Pukk says, "It's because I don't wash as much."

Pukk says, "Now you know something bad is going to happen tonight."

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie asks, "A dark charisma? I avoid the undead, hide from the shadows, and strike when necessary. How's that dark charisma?"

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "You trudge everywhere like your soul is on fire, good sir."

Speaking to Leafiara, Fahlo says, "Ok. I bet you 1 silver that there is no more than one death related to tonight's revival."

Speaking curiously to Fahlo, Leafiara asks, "What if I want to bet that there are no deaths?"

Speaking to Balley, Maelkyth says, "Sometimes I talk with my voice."

Speaking in Guildspeak to Leafiara, Fahlo asks something you don't understand.

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth exclaims, "You thought about it for a moment, didn't you?!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr says, "If you happen to hear about the direction of this revival and its occurence, I'd be most interested in seeing what is happening with it all."

Speaking to a black-tipped twilight grey wolf, Radeek says, "No coffee fer ya...yer wound too tight as it be."

Speaking carefully to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "Oh, we'll all be hearing about it soon enough, I'm sure..."

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie says, "Fair enough, I suppose. But I still have ways to learn. I have you sort and Wolfloner to thank, alone with Bbee and a few others."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Alisette says, "Was tryin to imagine you speaking with your foot."

Yardie says, "I'll get there, with practice."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth exclaims, "More blood magics?!"

Balley softly asks, "Leafi do you think Grishom will be there?"

Speaking thoughtfully to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "Well, it's not really clear *what* his healing is, honestly."

Balley softly asks, "To Supervise?"

Speaking wryly to Balley, Leafiara says, "Nope."

Speaking in Guildspeak, Fahlo says something you don't understand.

Maelkyth says, "Huh."

Balley softly says, "I am not sure."

Speaking amiably to Fahlo, Leafiara says, "Works for me."

Balley softly says, "I do know when he took my wrinkles he flinched."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth asks, "The question is, is whatever he practicing moisturizing?"

Balley softly says, "And hesitated."

Speaking in Guildspeak, Fahlo says something you don't understand.

Bernadette softly asks, "Are we spectin a big crowd?"

Speaking to Balley, Leafiara speculates, "I still think Malluch might be acting as a rogue agent somehow. I'm not sure if this lines up with Grishom's goals or not."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Alisette says, "He healed Mom's wrinkles, I wonder if he will heal mine."

Balley softly says, "You can ask."

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth exclaims, "But they add so much character!"

Radeek mutters, "Folks bes' r'members dat ever'thin be has'in a price...ain't nuthin free in dis town."

Leafiara reasons, "If Grishom wanted to build up followers, he could really easily just come here and do it himself. Why involve Malluch at all? That's the curious question."

Balley softly says, "Nothing is free."

Balley softly says, "I am not sure."

Balley softly says, "I want to know why he flinched."

Speaking to Leafiara, Alisette says, "Perhaps he is afraid of naysayers."

Balley softly says, "His energies wavered when he touched me."

Alisette says, "And he is into control."

Speaking musingly to Alisette, Leafiara concedes, "Well, if Malluch keeps the mask off, then I guess he'll have recognition going for him since he's a citizen..."

Balley softly says, "Well my head is protected but open."

Leafiara says, "That might explain it..."

Radeek says, "Stone be a mani...manipu...ah hell, he likes making folks does stuff while he be in da shadows."

Cryheart says, "I think Stone wanted loyal followers to speak good of him."

Speaking to Leafiara, Alisette says, "True, but it is only a theory, the control bit, who knows."

Speaking to Radeek, Maelkyth asks, "He's a seductress?"

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie asks, "Are you sure we're not in any sort of danger?"

Speaking lightly to Yardie, Leafiara says, "Around here, never be sure of that."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Radeek says, "Wit'out da ess."

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "No, I'm absolutely unsure."

Cryheart says, "Tis always good to be wary of Grishom Stone."

The coppery barn owl hoots at Cryheart.

Balley softly says, "I wonder if there will be a power struggle. Barnom Vs Grishom."

Leafiara hoots at the coppery barn owl.

Cryheart hoots at the coppery barn owl.

Speaking to Cryheart, Radeek says, "Nay wary..I were a'leanin more ta a arrow in his left eye."

Cryheart feeds a pale-faced coppery barn owl the last of his vanilla bean cupcake.

Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie says, "That's....not reassuring for a shadow dweller like me."

The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.

Cryheart says, "Last bite, Owly."

Speaking to Cryheart, Radeek says, "But dats jus' me I reckon....some others wanna snuggle up all warm an' fuzzy like wit' him."

Speaking to Yardie, Draelor says, "Just have to remember when to duck into the shadows and run for it."

[Realm] Leafiara muses, "Looks like another rainy Landing night!"

Cryheart says, "A fool and their coins are soon parted."

Speaking to Cryheart, Maelkyth exclaims, "Hands out of my pockets!"

Radeek says, "Now'd be a good time...afore da town burns down ag'in."

Speaking to Yardie, Iskandr says, "You can always hide in the back of the revival."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Cryheart!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "I made it back just in time!"

The coppery barn owl moves closer to Cryheart.

Cryheart says, "Nae, meaning to follow someone like Grishom Stone."

Speaking to Cryheart, Radeek asks, "Where we goin?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Yardie says, "For the person that parts with his coins, yes, he's a fool."

Cryheart says, "Errr...I hae no idea."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Cow tipping!"

Radeek mutters, "An dey says rangers has gots no sense a d'rection."

Speaking to Cryheart, Maelkyth asks, "Minotaur?"

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth exclaims, "What? It's a group.. should be a hoot!"

Cryheart says, "I think tis more of a challenge to tip a crawler."

Speaking to Cryheart, Maelkyth says, "We're after amusement, not challenge."

Speaking to Cryheart, Maelkyth says, "I stand corrected, some apparently like to be challenged."

Cryheart says, "Clouds."

Alisette says, "Eesh."

Alisette says, "Rain."

[General] Corwin asks, "So amunet still works?"

[General] Baleal thinks, "Usually."

[General] Leafiara affirms, "Naturally!"

[General] Mekimin thinks, "Better than ever."

Radeek says, "Ever notice how da weather goes ta hell when we has visitors....gots ta be somethin to dat."

[General] Amirt thinks, "That's good I can just sell 'em and not worry about carrying a spare."

[General] Zosopage thinks, "Even when you don't want it to."

Leafiara suspiciously asks, "Crazy, isn't it?"

Cryheart says, "Or a big warning sign outside."

Speaking to Leafiara, Viva asks, "Can't they tell that we're under the weather and they should come back another time?"

Alisette wryly says, "Has somethin to do with fair weather friends and all."

Speaking amusedly to Iskandr, Leafiara asks, "Was it you who said earlier that the Blood Son will be competing with the cult of Dreaven?"

Radeek mutters, " it be a'readin welcome ta Whnimers Asylum."

Speaking to Leafiara, Iskandr says, "It was."

[General] Fahlo thinks, "I thought I was just imagining things. Going to have to rethink the thoughts I thunk."

Speaking to Leafiara, Yardie says, "He speaks of it often. It's unsettling."

[General] Corwin thinks, "Hey I was around long enough ago I expect it to work."

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth asks, "You spanking Shan yet?"

Speaking to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "I can just sense them gathering at the Wayside now."

Iskandr says, "It feels like a cult in that inn sometimes too."

Alisette says, "No."

Yardie asks, "Wait. Sense?"

Iskandr says, "Though I won the games last evening."

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth says, "I think you'd enjoy that."

Iskandr asks, "But my win was all part of him drawing me in, right?"

Yardie asks, "Should I run?"

[General] Mirando thinks, "It just changed like a week or two ago."

Alvyara exclaims, "Look!"

Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara says, "He did it. The Blood Son."

Alisette exclaims, "You are so beautiful!"

Alvyara says, "Look, my skin."

Speaking to Yardie, Pukk says, "Run and hide."

[General] Fahlo thinks, "I blame Pukk."

Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara says, "I'm sure he can heal you too."

[General] Amirt thinks, "Thanks have not been around the last 10 days or so much."

[General] Dwi exclaims, "Goodness...Pukk's my goto fer blame!"

[General] Viva thinks, "Always Pukking things up."

Prendoss raspily says, "A spidey bit me."

Speaking to Alvyara, Alisette says, "You have always been beautiful, I know those wrinkles were a worry."

Iskandr says, "I don't know, so far, just people getting skin."

[General] Amirt thinks, "Pukk is always looking guilty as sin, so good choice."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Alisette asks, "Shan? what is shan?"

Speaking to Maelkyth, Alvyara says, "You can pay me back sometime."

[General] Leafiara teasingly thinks, "You might say it's just our Pukk."

Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara says, "Thank you, Alisette. As are you, of course."

Speaking to Alvyara, Alisette says, "Charge him a bunch of silver."

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth says, "It's where we're headed."

Iskandr says, "QUITE the rain."

Alvyara says, "Hmmm."

[General] Dwi thinks, "Miss Pukk's a nice gal tho...wish der was more o' her."

Iskandr says, "Does it normally rain like this here these days? I was here in childhood but don't remember such sheets or rain."

Speaking softly to Alvyara, Balley asks, "When he healed you did you feel anything? Any hesitation?"

Radeek mutters, "As much rain as we gits ya'll shoul' be buildin a arc ..."

Speaking musingly to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "Every few nights or so, yeah."

[General] Amirt thinks, "Actually on is probably enough."

Speaking to Balley, Alvyara says, "I don't think so, but..."

Speaking to Iskandr, Alisette says, "Often these days."

[Ord] Dwi exclaims, "Ye gotta see me board! I gots some help wit it...but mosly I did da work!"

Speaking to Balley, Alvyara says, "I was very.. I was in a very distractible state."

Alvyara quietly says, "I was a bit emotional."

The voice of Yardie says, "I don't like this."

[General] Amirt thinks, "More than one and the uniqueness would be gone."

Leafiara recites:

"Remember, lightning is drawn to Cryheart! So stick close but not too close!"

Speaking softly to Alvyara, Balley says, "I felt his energies change and waver a bit."

The voice of Yardie asks, "Wait, wait what?"

Radeek mutters, "It be da armour."

Speaking worriedly to Alvyara, Alisette asks, "Are you okay my friend?"

Pukk says, "He's attractive that way."

Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara exclaims, "More than okay!"

Iskandr says, "You're scaring the the man here."

The voice of Yardie says, "I'm not in for a shock."

Speaking in Guildspeak, Maevie says something you don't understand.

Speaking softly to Alvyara, Balley says, "There may be a price to pay for the healing. Nothing is ever free."

Alvyara says, "Yes. The other night, I was sure he wouldn't be able to heal me, but also so anxious to see if he really could.."

Speaking to Balley, Alvyara says, "Now, that's not true at all."

Iskandr says, "I've never met a dark elf rogue so afraid of his own shadow."

Alvyara says, "I heal for free all the time."

Alvyara says, "There are kind people in the world."

Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara asks, "Isn't that right?"

Leafiara says, "To be fair, most empaths do heal mostly with just their mana, and then they recover it quickly."

Speaking to Alvyara, Alisette says, "Yes."

Speaking softly to Alvyara, Balley says, "I never take money or anything for healing either, but with magic there is a price with someone like him."

Alvyara dubiously says, "Maybe."

Balley softly says, "If he is working with Grishom there is a price."

Alvyara says, "But I won't pass judgment so soon on a man who may simply be trying to help."

Balley softly says, "I do not trust Malluch."

Dwi heartily says, "Folks is blamin ye fer stuff..."

Balley softly says, "He was blind, lost his memory and in bad shape then he shows up here good as new."

Cryheart says, "Beware of false prophets."

Alvyara says, "I trust him. I trust him to be a fanatic, to do what a fanatic would do."

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "I said dey was prolley rite."

Leafiara innocently says, "Never any false prophets around here."

Speaking to Dwi, Pukk exclaims, "Me? Never!"

Alvyara says, "Fanatics are all the same, aren't they? People so desperate to believe in something that they hold to it no matter what."

Alvyara says, "They're predictable, in the end."

Leafiara says, "If nothing else, at least we'll learn more of what he's about tonight."

Balley softly says, "I have learned NEVER say NEVER."

Alvyara says, "But it doesn't mean they can't also be kind."

Alisette says, "Am a fanatic about tarts."

The voice of Yardie says, "I have no desire to learn about who's about tonight."

Dwi heartily says, "I neber say dat anyways."

The voice of Yardie says, "I'm still trying to learn about MYSELF."

Leafiara offers, "Sometimes we learn about ourselves through our relationships with others, but that's your decision to make."

Signs of the Times

Some torch lights begin to glow amidst the tents outside of Wehnimer's Landing.

Iskandr says, "I'd pop a spell to find you, you silly coward, but I've already been arrested in this town for shooting bees in my face and am dubious about further spell use."

Leafiara musingly says, "Looks like they're signaling a start."

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi asks, "Kin I say da thing tonite?"

Alvyara asks, "Are they going to come into town?"

Mekimin asks, "What's going on out there?"

Cryheart says, "I think tis time."

Speaking to Mekimin, Leafiara affirms, "About to find out."

Cryheart says, "A revival by the Blood Son."

Mekimin asks, "Is there a venue set?"

Cryheart says, "Moving out in three...."

Leafiara vaguely says, "Whatever exactly a 'revival' is in this case."

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi exclaims, "Please lemme say it!"

Speaking to Dwi, Pukk says, "I already said it."

Cryheart says, "Two........."

Alisette exclaims, "Revive the tarts!"

Cryheart says, " we go."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ghianna asks, "What kind of storm have I awoken to?"


Roelon deeply says, "Ah missed the Pukk momment to join Cryheart."

[General] Faerinn thinks, "Oh lawd, that Blood Boi's he's a comin'."

Maelkyth exclaims, "We's going cow tipping?!"

The voice of Yardie asks, "What in the world?"

[Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest]

Your ears are becoming more attuned to the sounds of the forest surrounding you. Over your footsteps you hear the sounds of small birds overhead, comfortably nested in the sturdy oak trees. You also see a grey-armored bloodguard, a grey-armored bloodguard, a covered wagon, a red canvas tent and a red canvas tent.

Leafiara says, "Here we are."

Roelon deeply says, "Rolton spinning."

The voice of Yardie asks, "Why are we here?"

Gutstorm attempts to kick Dwi!

Dwi looks less calm and refreshed than a moment ago.

UAF: 58 vs UDF: 413 = 0.140 * MM: 49 + d100: 54 = 60

A close miss!

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Hiyah!"

Iskandr says, "The revival."

Maelkyth says, "Right? there're no minotaur here."

Leafiara explains, "To discover what this guy is all about."

Prendoss raspily says, "We wait."

Cryheart says, "To watch over the proceedings."

Felita says, "We is goin to a revival."

The voice of Yardie asks, "Blood Son. What is he about?"

Cryheart says, "To make sure they dinnae cause trouble."

Speaking amusedly to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Leafiara says, "Yes, we know, naturally you've already figured out his every move."

Viva says, "They live in tents, they live intense."

The coppery barn owl hoots at Leafiara.

The voice of Yardie says, "Blood and death, I could have told you that."

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "My volnfu ish shtrong."

Mekimin hopefully chirps, "Maybe we'll learn something!"

Speaking patiently to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Leafiara explains, "Some have to see for themselves, though."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "Breathe ye say?"

Speaking to Viva, Maelkyth says, "That's bold."

Lord Malluch just arrived.

Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara says, "I see."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Whew."

Malluch says, "Good evening all."

Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Dwi says, "We stand in da rain..Imma goway."

Balley softly says, "Hello Malluch."

Leafiara curiously says, "Good eve there."

Prendoss raspily says, "Now we wait."

Alvyara says, "Hello again."

Felita says, "Good eves misser Malluch."

Speaking to Malluch, Alisette says, "Evening, sir."

Bernadette softly says, "Good eve."

Some townspeople form on the edge of town but do not enter the forest.

Malluch gets an odd look on his face.

Leafiara says, "First part of the revival, keeping your torches lit in the rain. Good start."

Faerinn says, "This must be the fabled Blood Boi."

Radeek yells, "Cowards!"

Dwi yells, "Is kay..come o'er here!"

Malluch says, "You may join me, if you wish."

Iskandr says, "I find myself somewhat torn in this case between my Landing life of acceptance and my Nations life of getting a good division of men together to stamp out anything that starts painting the town with blood."

Leafiara curiously asks, "We going somewhere?"

Speaking to Radeek, Pukk says, "They are just regular townies. We are the adventurers to do this stuff."

Nochternus quietly exclaims, "I can smoosh kobolds!"

Speaking to Lylia, Maelkyth exclaims, "Be a joiner!"

Guarrin greets, "Good evening everyone."

Speaking raspily to Malluch, Cruxophim purrs, "Hi."

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn says, "So Malluch, tell me are you from the future? Because I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be in prison for another twenty years."

The voice of Yardie asks, "Did you see that?"

Speaking to Maelkyth, Lylia replies, "When it suits me, I can be."

Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Dwi says, "Smart...we track em."

Malluch says, "Yes. A true revival slowly burns to light. Tonight, we begin where it all started."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ghianna asks, "We going to the Mall?"

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "Good evening, Mr. Burdos."

Malluch grins at Faerinn.

Malluch says, "I am free, in more ways than one."

Malluch nods at Faerinn.

Pukk asks, "Free?"

Lord Malluch's group just went northeast.

[Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest]

You release the scents of the various herbs growing on the forest floor with your steps. They mingle with the breeze that courses through the trees to create an ever-changing, but always pleasant, aroma. You also see a kobold and a rolton.

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn says, "Clearly."

Speaking to Malluch, Alisette says, "Freedom is a good thing."

Speaking drunkenly to Cryheart, Gutstorm asks, "Kin we shwing by Helga'sh?"

[General] Dergoatean asks, "He's getting close?"

Ghianna says, "But Freedom is one of them things ya gotta pay for."

Malluch moves through the forest. Grey-robed figures wave to him from inside the flaps of their tents, as bloodguards nod or salute as he passes.

Lord Malluch's group just went north.

[Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest]

The darkness closes around you as you pass beneath the eaves of the forest, with little moonlight filtering through the canopy formed by the branches of the surrounding fir and pine. There is no discernible path between the closely grown trees and shrubs. You also see a rolton, a kobold and a white truffle.

Maelkyth asks, "What manner of revivification we discussing here?"

Lord Malluch's group just went east.

[Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest]

The underbrush is quite thick here near the forest's edge, forcing you to slow your steps as you maneuver through the trees. You also see a rolton, a kobold, a kobold, a kobold, a vine-covered arch and a briar patch.

Cruxophim bemusedly guesses, "Hopefully the zombie sort."

[General] Berost asks, "We be out an about?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I think Cryheart forgot to join Malluch because I didn't announce it."

Cryheart looks over at Pukk and shakes his head.

Speaking lightly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Never too late now."

Maelkyth says, "Huh."

[General] Alvyara thinks, "Yes, we're near the briar patch to kobolds now."

Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk says, "Oh okay you."

A dark hooded figure moves through some brush of the forest, disappearing into the woods.

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Malluch!"

Lylia says, "I believe the idea of 'revival' is one of the spirit and not the body, but the Common words for animation and revival are so similar, it is hard to say. But I suppose we shall see."

Lord Malluch's group just went north.

[Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest]

Looking through the trees here in the outskirts of the forest you can barely make out the grasslands in the distance. You also see a kobold, a kobold, some withered grey trees, an overgrown path and a trail leading into the woods.

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn asks, "So I hear you've been around my home country where you started your ministry? Spending that much time around the Bleaklands...does the Bleak talk to you too?"

From the forest, someone shouts, "Teach them Blood Son! Teach them!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I think Sir Molasses doens't want to join."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "It talked to us. Here."

Malluch looks over at Faerinn and shakes his head.

Malluch says, "The Bleaklands do not talk to me."

Lylia whispers something to Thrassus.

Radeek mutters, "A teacher....yeah...sure."

Iskandr says, "Well, that sounds like the revival."

Malluch says, "I began my work there, not because of the land, but because of the people."

Malluch says, "They are broken. Cursed. Still wounded in so many ways."

Malluch says, "They need hope more than most."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "The land is the people. It's their livelihood and their food."

Speaking musingly to Malluch, Leafiara says, "Well, the Blood God and the Bleaklands don't seem to get along, so makes sense."

Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk says, "You don't want to join Malluch? All the cool adventurers are here."

Malluch says, "A Prelate of the King of the Gods destroyed their world...."

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn says, "This much is very true."

Speaking deeply to Malluch, Berost says, "Go to tha mines o' Talador an heal my people then."

Speaking slowly to Malluch, Cruxophim inquires, "So you can cure the bleak?"

Malluch says, "There is no greater recent example of the failure of the Arkati than the Bleaklands."

Speaking heartily to Bbee, Dwi asks, "Gots yer goat sack?"

Ysharra says, "There is still great suffering in Talador and Mestanir."

Raelee suddenly fades into view.

Speaking softly to Malluch, Balley asks, "What are you asking as payment?"

Malluch asks, "Payment?"

Speaking to Raelee, Faerinn asks, "Ah, what did we say wrong?"

Speaking softly to Malluch, Balley asks, "For your service?"

Malluch says, "You are still stuck to the Arkati's way of thinking."

Bbee asks, "Want me to play my goatsack?"

Malluch nods at Balley.

Speaking to Malluch, Iskandr asks, "So this it against the Arkati then?"

Prendoss raspily asks, "We moved?"

Speaking to Lylia, Ysharra says, "Melikor is on his way."

Speaking deeply to Malluch, Berost says, "Tha bleak is the failin o' mortals; not tha arkati; ya daft ..."

Malluch says, "Against? Or beyond..."

Berost deeply says, "Nae matters."

Guarrin whispers something to Cryheart.

Speaking to Ysharra, Suleka says, "If he heals the people, it will be his whim. People pay for their whims. They are not paid."

Roelon deeply says, "There is always ah price. Be it visible or nae."

Lord Malluch's group just went east.

[Wehnimer's, Exterior]

You are standing at the northwest corner of the Landing. The path, which bends to the northeast as it moves along this section of the western wall of the fortified trading post. To the west can be seen a dark forest while to the south can be seen a rolling plain of high grasses. You also see a reinforced wooden defense tower, a short sword, a wooden shield, some light leather, a short sword, some light leather, a wooden shield, a short sword, a wooden shield, a wooden shield, a wooden shield, some light leather, a faded circle of smeared blood painted onto the wide trunk of a tree, a cobblestoned trail leading to a wooded glade and a tall wooden archery tower.

Walk of Fame

Lord Malluch's group just went northeast.

[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]

Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see the Wayside inn.

Alvyara asks, "Would you all stop saying that?"

Alvyara says, "I kindly heal without demanding a price. Not everything has a price."

Speaking quietly to Bbee, Dwi says, "In case we needa distracthin."

Bbee says, "Ahhh."

Some townspeople gather at the north gate to meet Malluch as he approaches the town. Some call out to him, welcoming him to speak, others groan at the sight of him.

Speaking to Suleka, Ysharra asks, "When did I mention payment?"

Bbee says, "I see."

Speaking to Alvyara, Maelkyth says, "Not if I get there first."

[General] Cruxophim thinks, "We're outside the North Gate now."

Zosopage says, "I suppose there are still some people that do things for the good of the land and not for a price."

Speaking to Ysharra, Suleka asks, "Didn't you ask what it would cost?"

Speaking casually to Malluch, Leafiara says, "Looks like you're remembered, for better and worse."

Speaking deeply to Zosopage, Berost says, "Not many."

Speaking to Suleka, Ysharra says, "I did not."

Speaking drunkenly to Berkana, Gutstorm says, "Fird timesh da charm."

Speaking to Alvyara, Alisette says, "Just pinch him."

[General] Malluch thinks, "But not for long. People of Wehnimer's Landing, if you wish to hear the first message of the revival, gather outside of the Museum."

Radeek mutters, "Half da town leans one way, do otha half da otha...wonder which one'll be right...."

Speaking to Ysharra, Suleka says, "Then I'm sorry."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Feller looks likka Burdos."

Speaking to Berost, Zosopage says, "Perhaps but all it takes is one."

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth asks, "When'd you become so vicious?"

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn asks, "Then let me rephrase this about the Bleak. Have you been able to heal those that do have the Bleak's attention? That hear its voice?"

Cruxophim turns his stretched skin easel to face Malluch.

Cruxophim casually inquires, "You mind?"

[General] The ghost of Darcena asks, "The Museum?"

Cruxophim gives Malluch a strong, encouraging smile.

Malluch strikes a painting-perfect pose for Cruxophim!

Alisette says, "Am not vicious."

Cruxophim turns to Malluch and cheers!

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth says, "Could be with a little work."

Cruxophim dabs the bristles of his paintbrush against his easel's palette and begins to paint.

[General] Dwi exclaims, "Darcena died inna museum? See...dey serious bout dem patron dues!"

Malluch says, "We've healed many."

Malluch nods at Faerinn.

Radeek mutters, "Da museum..what a odd place ta die."

[General] Alfryd exclaims, "I just caught a roa'ter!"

Speaking helpfully to Malluch, Cruxophim muses, "Also healed many."

[General] Fahlo exclaims, "They said an arm and a leg but.. sheesh!"

Faerinn nods at Malluch.

Lord Malluch's group just went through some reinforced wooden gates.

[Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.]

Vigilant night guardsmen scrutinize the citizens and travelers arriving and departing through the wide gates spanning the land route into Wehnimer's Landing. The cluttered streets of the city to the south are a far cry from the deceptively calm expanse of the wilds of Elanith outside. Two daunting towers survey the countryside and protect the town, flanking the road to the east and west. You also see a sturdy wooden table, a large wooden barrel and the town gates.

Speaking to Malluch, Alvyara asks, "We? Do you have apprentices?"

Malluch says, "The Blood God."

Leafiara says, "He is the apprentice."

Lord Malluch's group just went south.

[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]

The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see a faded circle of smeared blood along the side of a building.

Malluch nods to a faded circle of smeared blood along the side of a building.

[General] Pukk asks, "Okay, who forgot to feed the Darcena?"

Speaking softly to Malluch, Opalina asks, "Who is the blood god?"

Ysharra says, "I mentioned there being suffering in Mestanir and Talador, I believe."

[General] The ghost of Darcena mournfully thinks, "Everyone."

Malluch touches the smeared blood along a building and traces his fingers around and around and around it.

Radeek mutters, "Brings new meanin ta paintin da town red."

Prendoss raspily says, "I am curious to hear more."

Speaking to Malluch, Maelkyth asks, "That's kinda gross, really... you know that?"

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn asks, "Is your dad going to get one of those circles on his store?"

Faerinn says, "The Blood Dad."

Speaking amusedly to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "Like you don't like it and wouldn't do the same."

[General] Cruxophim gently asks, "Need help there, dear?"

Nochternus quietly says, "Bored."

[General] Darcena lovingly thinks, "I am okay."

Opalina softly says, "Sorry Amasalen is the only blood god I know."

Some dark hooded figures appear along rooftops near Moot Hall, seemingly with their sights on the Blood Son and the entourage following him.

[General] Ulkov thinks, "Relative."

Cruxophim yells, "Hi there!"

Iskandr says, "Well, that's...."

Lord Malluch's group just went west.

[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]

The road turns gradually at this point as it forms the northwest corner of the city. The main path curves along the north and west walls, and another leads south between the buildings. The massive oak and modwir logs of the city palisade tower overhead. You also see an old weathered cart with some stuff on it.

[General] Darcena thinks, "Look. I'm alive."

Iskandr says, "That's great...."

Lord Malluch's group just went south.

[Wehnimer's, Talon St.]

The street runs between the northern palisade and the central square to the south and east. The traffic is varied here, as a few traders and travelers mingle on the dark streets with the ever-present and watchful militiamen. The pristine walls of the Stone Baths occupy nearly the entire block. You also see a brightly lit small painted wagon.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "This is going to get interesting."

[General] Darcena thinks, "That counts."

[General] Gutstorm thinks, "Lucky us."

Vaemyr asks, "Hmm assasins?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth exclaims, "Hey!"

Thrassus says, "Rooks."

Berost deeply says, "Rooks."

Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara speculates, "I'm going to guess that not everyone has forgotten, or enjoyed, his past adventures here in 5118..."

A young boy runs out into the street and stops before Malluch.

Dergoatean says, "What's everyone doing here? I thought we were meeting so-and-so at the museum."

Bbee asks, "Do the Rooks think we are friend or foe this eve?"

Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara explains, "We're on our way."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "He goes from one mask to another doesn't he?"

Lylia says, "So-and-so has collected a few people along the way as he walks toward the museum."

The boy says, "Can you heal us? Can you heal my mother?" The boy's eyes widen as he looks up at Malluch.

Malluch kneels down.

Speaking to Draelor, Iskandr says, "Keep your bow trained on those rooves."

Malluch looks at the boy. "Tell her to come to the museum. Tell her to come hear the message of the Blood God, and when he calls for us, when it is time to go to him, she will know no pain."

Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily asks something you don't understand.

Malluch stands up.

Prendoss raspily says, "I find that disconcerting."

Suleka says, "The dead know no pain. That is not a great promise."

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

Gnarles asks, "Yeah, she's going to leave tho right?"

Speaking to Malluch, Maelkyth says, "By my word, all will be healed. Now we'll just never know if it was you or my word..."

Lylia whispers something to Xorus.

Cruxophim casually reasons, "It's not untrue."

Lord Malluch's group just went south.

[Town Square, Northwest]

This corner of the square is lively and hectic even at night. A number of representatives of the Landing's population, including several elven loggers and a party of rough-looking dwarves, loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, where the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter. You also see a gypsy fortuneteller that is sitting, a burled haon raffle stand draped with Aspis-crested silk with some stuff on it, a faded circle of smeared blood along the side of a building and a polished granite statue.

Bbee says, "A very dark meaning."

Cruxophim wryly quotes, "Only the dead know the end of war."

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth asks, "It does give one pause for thought, no?"

A town guard wanders by and spits near Malluch's feet. "Murderer...." and he storms off.

Speaking flatly to Cruxophim, Darcena says, "I'm hungry."

Speaking to Darcena, Pukk says, "Good to see you up and about."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "They probably remember that clerk you killed."

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi says, "Also pacifists."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "I wonder if you do."

Faerinn says, "That's a pretty standard greeting here. I wouldn't be bothered by it."

Lylia murmurs, "Oh, yes, it seems some did not forget your past."

Dwi heartily says, "Not me..jus sayin."

Speaking to Malluch, Leafiara says, "Well, he's not wrong. Of course, if you could bring back some of those from last time, that might go a long way toward clearing things up."

Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Darcena says, "Thanks love."

Malluch says, "We must never forget the past."

Speaking amusedly to Dwi, Cruxophim teases, "I wasn't aware that war overlooked pacifists."

Speaking to Malluch, Pukk says, "That's just the guard's way of saying, 'Welcome back!'"

Speaking to Malluch, Iskandr says, "I know plenty of stories of people who have sought to gain control of this world through greater power only to nearly unravel it. Consider me a pessimist."

Speaking to Malluch, Radeek says, "Happens all too much here'bouts."

Lord Malluch's group just went east.

[Town Square, Northeast]

The entrance to Tykel's Arms, its heavy door bounded by iron-barred windows, dominates this corner of the square. All manner of citizens pass by, moving among the solid, multistoried wooden buildings that surround the bazaar. Just to the southwest can be seen the tree-shaded heart of the square, where citizens and adventurers gather for socializing, healing and rest. You also see a burled haon raffle stand draped with Aspis-crested silk with some stuff on it and a narrow alleyway.

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "That's not exactly a straight answer. Have you been listening to this fortuneteller?"

Lord Malluch's group just went south.

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a burled haon raffle stand draped with Aspis-crested silk with some stuff on it, a faded circle of smeared blood along the side of Moot Hall and a large purple wooden barrel.

Dwi heartily says, "First to go..offen o'er looked."

Some clusters of townspeople begin to trickle out of their homes and shops and slowly meander through the streets, heading towards the Landing Museum.

Dwi heartily exclaims, "Nuffin to see here!"

Lylia whispers something to Xorus.

Speaking to Malluch, Dergoatean says, "Oh, wait, YOU'RE the..."

Pukk yells, "You all forgot the pitchforks!"

Speaking to Zolis, Darcena says, "Got distracted by the fifth."

Leafiara curiously muses, "Can't wait to see why the museum and not the temple just nearby."

Speaking to Draelor, Iskandr says, "Oddly enough I was just wondering whether I should visit the museum the other day."

Ysharra says, "Malluch. Rone. Not-Quite Town Councilman."

Speaking to Ysharra, Dergoatean says, "I did not understand this to be the case."

Lord Malluch's group just went east.

[Wehnimer's, Penna St.]

The distant sounds of the merchants and tradesmen around the shops to the west are muted here. The cracked pavement, scattered cobblestones, and dirt drainage ditches along the side of the road form a not-so-gradual transition between the busier avenues of the main bazaar and the less frequented, humbler, and more unsavory sections of the town. You also see a burled haon raffle stand draped with Aspis-crested silk with some stuff on it and a low stone gate.

Suleka asks, "Well, he doesn't like the Arkati, so why would he visit their temple?"

Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara concedes, "This is pretty unusual even for us."

Lord Malluch's group just went east.

[Wehnimer's, Cheridin Ave.]

The broad avenue intersects here with the narrower byway connecting to the bazaar to the west, where occasional sounds of distant revelry rise from the lamplit streets. Older wood and stone buildings, mostly small shops and offices with upstairs lodgings overlooking the street, predominate here.

Speaking to Leafiara, Viva says, "Perhaps we are going to dig up some ancient history."

Speaking drunkenly to Malluch, Gutstorm says, "Yooz dont look all dat impreshib."

Ysharra asks, "Are we going to visit your father, first?"

Malluch says, "It's not about me being impressive."

Speaking to Suleka, Leafiara reasons, "Well, seems like the best place to rebuke the Arkati would be in front of their temple."

Malluch says, "It's about all of us being impressive."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "What about Lana's aunt?"

Speaking to Malluch, Darcena says, "Good. You're failing at that."

Speaking drunkenly to Malluch, Gutstorm asks, "Wotsh it bout den?"

Malluch glances at Ysharra.

Ulkov says, "I like that line of thought."

Lord Malluch's group just went south.

[Wehnimer's, Cheridin Ave.]

On the west side of this narrow stretch of Cheridin Avenue is the unlit back of the Moot Hall, and the dour building that houses the local constabulary and its jail looms along the other side of the street. To the southeast, a stone dome rises over the compound that surrounds the Landing's largest temple. Passers-by here move quickly north and south without much pause.

Lord Malluch's group just went south.

[Wehnimer's, Cheridin Ave.]

Several small shops crowd along the street, which is composed of the back walls of the high buildings bordering the central square. Each storefront vies with the others for street space and the attention of the many travellers who pass through here. A few traders, hoping to take advantage of some late business attracted by the nearby temple, have set up stands and pushcarts filled with clothing, trinkets and souvenirs. You also see the clerics' shop.

Lord Malluch's group just went east.

[Wehnimer's, Erebor Square]

The dome of a large temple rises above this peaceful square, silhouetted against the starlit sky. The circular building is surrounded by marble porticos and teak columns, and a promenade leads to two pillars, through which the inner sanctum can be glimpsed. Priests and worshippers wander here and there, engaged in various rituals of devotion or study. A locked almsbox is securely bolted to an iron pole alongside the pillars. You also see a cheery glacier spirit that is flying around, a black-tipped twilight grey wolf, a glowing white stone and a wrought iron gate.

Lord Malluch's group just went east.

[Wehnimer's, Erebor Square]

This quiet corner resembles a calm island amid the bustling life of Wehnimer's Landing. At the west end, a low, broad dome is visible. In the center of the square, several benches of polished wood and smooth stone surround a sculpture that stands as a sentinel before the Wehnimer's Museum. Cast in bronze, the work imparts a sense of peace, calm and protection to the landscaped surroundings. A gold plaque mounted on a gracefully chiseled malachite base stands before it. You also see a cheery glacier spirit that is flying around, a black-tipped twilight grey wolf and an ironwork gate.

Speaking to Ulkov, Darcena says, "Belch a little more."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "Since we're talking of the past."

Lylia says, "Yes. It is a kind of theater, and that means needing the appropriate venue."

Speaking drunkenly to Malluch, Gutstorm says, "Shwing by Helga'sh? firsht roundsh on me."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "Okay remember when we get to the roof we have to make people laugh for Cholen to notice!"

[Wehnimer's, Erebor Square]

This quiet corner resembles a calm island amid the bustling life of Wehnimer's Landing. At the west end, a low, broad dome is visible. In the center of the square, several benches of polished wood and smooth stone surround a sculpture that stands as a sentinel before the Wehnimer's Museum. Cast in bronze, the work imparts a sense of peace, calm and protection to the landscaped surroundings. A gold plaque mounted on a gracefully chiseled malachite base stands before it. You also see some gathered townspeople, a dark-masked black and white puppy with sparkling glacial blue eyes, the icy blue Iekid disk, a ruffled raven that is flying around, a blue wolf, a plum-crested turquoise hummingbird that is flying around, the Guarrin disk, the Pukk disk, the Lylia disk, the Gnarles disk, the Draelor disk, the Pfarrah disk, the Gutstorm disk, the icy blue Tilbin disk, the bloodstained Xorus disk with scuffed and dented sides, the Viva disk, the Alisette disk, the Dwi disk, the Ysharra disk, the Yakushi disk, the Razanetika disk, the translucent Djinn disk, the Balley disk, the Hours disk, the Kittelia disk, the Zosopage disk, a cranky dune spirit that is flying around, a massive snowy white tiger, an ebon crowned eagle that is flying around, an antsy taiga spirit that is flying around, a cheery glacier spirit that is flying around, a black-tipped twilight grey wolf and an ironwork gate.

Speaking wryly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "I've not forgotten. New members were just doing that an hour ago."

Cruxophim just arrived.

Cruxophim carefully places his stretched skin easel on the ground.

Cruxophim joins Malluch's group.

Using a small cloth tucked on the side of the easel, Cruxophim blots away some excess paint. He stands back and gazes at his creation.

Speaking lightly to Cruxophim, Darcena says, "Do keep up love."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ghianna asks, "New ... members?"

Revival Arrival

Some townspeople gather nearby, perhaps nearing a hundred, some crowding sections of the street as they watch Malluch and the crowd of adventurers. Some look on, intent to listen, others seem to stare on with disbelief and distaste.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "We might have a hard time laughing. I don't think Malluch has much of a sense of this might be difficult for him." [OOC: you know, I wish I'd thought of this on the spot, but actually Malluch was in the Order of Voln during his time as Rone]]

Cruxophim calmly informs, "I'm exactly where I need to be."

Malluch slowly empties his lungs.

Cruxophim raises his human portrait proudly, displaying it for you to see.

Hazy white-gold sunbeams streak down from a backdrop of watery pale blue hues that blend into ivory-colored clouds hovering above the rolling green hills of a lush countryside. Perched upon a stately rock in the foreground, a human male with cobalt blue eyes lifts the corners of his mouth in an enigmatic smile, his legs crossed in a casual pose while his hands rest atop each other in his lap.

Iskandr says, "Oh god, I had to make Cholen laugh just the other day, but across the mountains. Apparently that's not just a regional thing."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Radeek says, "Don't ferget ta add da graves in da background a dat paintin cause dats what be a'comin."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dish ish an ebil playsh."

Speaking to Alvyara, Ysharra says, "I was holding her hand."

Speaking to Melikor, Lylia replies, "Quite a good one, in fact. I hope yours is as well."

Iskandr asks, "Though apparently I should cast the gods aside and follow the son of, what was it, the gem shop owner?"

Malluch clears his throat.

Cruxophim offers Leafiara a male human portrait.

Leafiara accepts Cruxophim's male human portrait.

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Ye jus hates readin."

Speaking to Leafiara, Darcena asks, "What original did you just get?"

Malluch recites:

"Thank you all for coming."

Speaking to Darcena, Leafiara explains, "A drawing of Malluch here."

Speaking wryly to Malluch, Darcena says, "You'll regret the all part soon enough."

Malluch looks over at Darcena and shakes his head.

Malluch says, "I will regret none of it."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "Did you ever?"

A black-tipped twilight grey wolf bares her teeth hungrily at Madmountan!

Speaking to a black-tipped twilight grey wolf, Darcena says, "No."

Maelkyth says, "I say a day without regret is a missed opportunity."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "Usually that's the first thing they promise to take, isn't it?"

Speaking to Maelkyth, Ghianna says, "I regret hearing you say that...."

Malluch recites:

"Many call me the Blood Son. I've held many other names before. I am the harbinger of the Blood God. I bring his message. To some of you, it will be new. To some of you, it will be a reminder. Tonight we will revisit his words and you may judge for yourself if when he calls, in a short time from now, if you will answer him."

Speaking to Malluch, Dergoatean asks, "You mean Grishom Stone? Or is there some other blood god now?"

Malluch nods at Dergoatean.

Malluch says, "Grishom Stone, the Blood God."

Darcena hopefully asks, "Grishom?"

Balley softly asks, "Is he coming this night?"

Dergoatean says, "Lovib Keke, if I remember correctly."

Darcena says, "As long as he doesn't kill Storm."

Someone from the crowd shouts "Charlatan! False prophet! You can't heal anyone!"

Radeek mutters, "Guys been a pain in dis towns arse fer years now...."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "He picked up Tehir at some point."

Dwi yells, "He's a harbungler..he said so!"

Speaking suddenly to Dergoatean, Leafiara says, "Ahh, right. Had almost forgotten."

Cruxophim noncommittally remarks, "People change."

Zosopage says, "I take it back. Stone is involved so there is a price."

Speaking to Radeek, Faerinn says, "Twenty years for mine. Good for toning though, I suppose."

Bbee asks, "A harbunglar?"

Malluch holds out his hand and the skin along his palm begins to tear open into a narrow fissure that oozes with blood.

Melikor whispers something to Darcena.

Malluch moves to stand in front of Alisette.

Speaking to Malluch, Alisette asks, "Do you need to show them that you are not a false prophet?"

Speaking to Guarrin, Ysharra says, "I was just thinking I'd heard that about the Devourer, the Wargod, and the Painlord."

Ulkov says, "Neat trick."

Pukk exclaims, "Yeah I want to see you cure Dwi's speech impediment!"

Speaking evenly to Malluch, Cruxophim remarks, "Some people eventually come to see the light."

Alisette tilts her head up.

Alisette smiles at Malluch.

Pheon melodically says, "That seems uncomfortable."

Speaking deeply to Malluch, Roelon says, "There are herbs for that ...problem."

Speaking to Ysharra, Guarrin says, "All started so close to here too."

Speaking to Alisette, Leafiara says, "Ah, at least some good will come of this. You could use the aid."

Speaking to Dwi, Pukk says, "We will get that fixed sooner or later."

Speaking to Pukk, Ghianna asks, "Speache podiment? ya mean she puts her foot in her mouth?"

Speaking to Guarrin, Ysharra says, "It was just over 'yonder where the battle raged, yes."

Speaking heartily to Pukk, Dwi says, "Lotta ladies gots da same idear bout ye."

Dwi heartily says, "Ebentually."

Malluch leans down and touches Alisette's face with his bloody palm, smearing the blood along the grooves of her wrinkles. The blood seeps into her skin, smoothing the folds of flesh and he steps back, the wound in his hand slowly sealing up.

Alisette blinks.

Alisette touches one finger to her lips.

Speaking pleasedly to Alisette, Leafiara says, "Much better."

Lylia removes a thin silver mirror bordered with star rubies from in her wrap.

Lylia shows Alisette her silver mirror.

Many in the crowd seem to grow quiet and some lean in, listening.

Prendoss raspily says, "Fascinating."

(Alisette slowly runs her fingers across her cheek.)

Malluch slowly empties his lungs.

Madmountan asks, "I'mma need to taste some of that blood, mmmkay?"

Speaking to Alisette, Maelkyth exclaims, "That moisturizer worked wonders!"

Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara asks, "Do you feel better, as well?"

Speaking to Madmountan, Darcena scolds, "Stop."

Speaking amusedly to Madmountan, Cruxophim remarks, "Same."

Alisette warmly says, "I feel.....whole."

Speaking to Madmountan, Darcena asks, "Didn't you learn your lesson last time?"

Malluch recites:

"There is no better words to hear, than from the writings and wisdom of Grishom Stone, the Blood God."

Speaking offhandedly to Maelkyth, Leafiara wonders, "And you still don't even *want* your wrinkles undone, right?"

Alisette drops smoothly into a deep curtsy before Malluch, sweeping her arms grandly to her sides.

Iskandr says, "I mean, I've seen beautiful women out in the wilds floating around with their intestines hanging out. I'm not so impressed by bloody wrinkle cures."

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth asks, "Why would you have that impression?"

Speaking warmly to Malluch, Alisette says, "Thank you."

Evocater says, "Catering to vanity does not appear to be a path of light to me."

Malluch recites:

"In almost two weeks time, he will call for all those who hear him. So tonight, we first begin with a retelling of his wisdom. You will hear, and you must decide."

Bbee asks, "Who the heck is Grishom Stone?"

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Speaking surreptitiously to Maelkyth, Leafiara says, "I could have sworn you said it the other night, but I might be misremembering."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Alvyara asks, "Did you wish healing, as well?"

Malluch slowly empties his lungs.

Speaking to Leafiara, Maelkyth says, "Oh, no... I meant for others. I have no use for mine."

Speaking to Alvyara, Maelkyth says, "May as well."

Mekimin gently notes, "Doesn't hurt to hear the man out."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Alisette says, "Let him heal you."

Iekid says, "Ya found a great lotion formula."

The Grishom Review

Malluch recites:

"The Age of Darkness saw the clash of two titanic powers in the world-changing war between the regal Drakes and the chaotic Ur-Daemons. As history shows, the aftermath of the war brought the rise and adoration of the Arkati, beings who, up until then, were merely servants and play-things for the powerful Drakes. Our world has become so enamored with these selfish deities that they have so easily forgotten that with enough power we could easily repeat history and replace them. My father, Sabasation Stone, was a revolutionist among the Arcane Eyes, which was originally based in Mestanir. Most of our brethren held a devout reverence of Koar but never gave credence to the myths of him being the last great Drake. It was my father's belief and now mine that even Koar himself has lost his way, turning his back on the true power that lies beyond the Arkati. For it is not only a theory that we can ascend to such power; it is in fact our destiny to do such."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "Do the people you called here tonight have to wait, or will you see to their ailments?"

Speaking to Malluch, Alvyara says, "Sir, Maelkyth was also touched by Vlashandra's --"

Roelon whispers something to Alisette.

Alvyara murmurs, "Oh, he's making a speech."

Gnarles says, "Oh, there's a whole speech too."

Suleka says, "And yet no one has."

Speaking calmly to Malluch, Cruxophim notes, "I know the tome."

Gnarles says, "This guy..."

Leafiara says, "He's reciting from Grishom's past words. There might be a copy in a library in one of the organizations you're a part of, should anyone need."

Dergoatean says, "It's not so much that he's wrong about the arkati, as what to do about it."

Malluch moves to stand in front of Maelkyth.

Maelkyth glances at Malluch.

Malluch extends his hand, a bloody wound forming along his palm, and he smears blood across Maelkyth's face.

Speaking to Malluch, Maelkyth asks, "You've any of that moisturizer left?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Suleka says, "Why would anyone care what Stone says? I thought he was bad and had hurt this town over and over again."

Ghianna says, "Ewww....icky."

Maelkyth raises an eyebrow.

Maelkyth wiggles his eyebrows.

Malluch closes his palm, the bloody wound sealing up.

Speaking to Suleka, Leafiara says, "Well, it's up to them to decide what they remember, forget, or believe."

Maelkyth exclaims, "Am I smooth and youthful again?!"

Malluch recites:

"There is a new age dawning, one that I will herald in. The Age of Ascension. It is during this time, through enlightenment and magical growth, that the lesser races will find their opportunity to replace the Arkati. It is the natural cycle of our world. Power rises and falls, servants become the masters, slaves become the rulers. The Arkati demonstrate their power in many forms, granting abilities and prowess to clerics, paladins, or faithful servants who follow them. Less commonly, they even answer the pleas of mortals during religious communes. What if this power is less an extension of the Arkati themselves, and more of an innate ability within us all being drawn forth, albeit temporarily?"

Gnarles asks, "You're still going to wash that out though right?"

Speaking to Maelkyth, Iskandr says, "Smoothful even."

Lylia says, "Power speaks loudly, no matter what has transpired before."

Speaking to Suleka, Radeek says, "Someone spoke bouts people chaingin a few minutes ago...load a yierka dung if'n yas ask'd me."

Darcena doubtfully asks, "Lesser races?"

[TownCrier]-GSIV:Dergoatean: "Malluch has quite a speech prepared, including: There is a new age dawning, one that I will herald in. The Age of Ascension"

Maelkyth exclaims, "Oh my!"

Maelkyth says, "My eyes have bags under them."

Pheon melodically says, "More room for storage."

Alvyara murmurs, "Oh, I don't think we should be trying to supplant the Arkati. Whatever they are."

[TownCrier]-Leafiara: "Hey, if he releases ascension skills then I'm all in."

Speaking to Malluch, Maelkyth says, "My thanks."

Berost deeply says, "Everyone lesser than a dwarf but ya aint seein me out here banging drums and wipin blood on folks."

Bbee says, "Bbut I like the Arkati, they always treated me well."

Speaking to Maelkyth, Iskandr says, "I have some cucumber slices I dipped in kobold urine that should clear that right up."

Malluch recites:

"This is the thinking that will usher in our greatest achievement. When we forsake our mortal vessels of blood and flesh and move stars and rocks with our will. When the sheep of the world build great temples to our glory and carry out acts of zealotry in our name. When we tear down the houses of the Arkati yet remain mindful of the past and their role during their time. Our time, our era, is approaching. I am not insane or mindless as I write this, so know that I speak truth because I have seen it. I have not only felt the power beyond the Arkati, but I have also harnessed it."

Speaking to Malluch, Maelkyth asks, "Although, please do tell Vlashandra I said 'hi'... and 'you're hot'... if you run into her again?"

Cruxophim disapprovingly mutters, "That will not do." [his painting]

Speaking to Malluch, Dergoatean asks, "So you're saying the Arkati don't actually DO any of those things for us? We've just been doing them ourselves all along?"

Prendoss raspily says, "This feels like it is escalating quickly."

Suleka says, "Stone is very silly."

Radeek mutters, "Vanity...folks first an longest fall inta shadow..."

Speaking quietly to Ysharra, Alvyara mumbles, "He sounds like a bit of an egotist, doesn't he?"

Speaking curiously to Malluch, Darcena asks, "Our era?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Ghianna asks, "Rolton are gonna build temples?"

Dwi heartily asks, "Spite makes his own sunshine?"

Malluch recites:

"In my darkest hour came my greatest triumph. I had fled imperial meddling in Mestanir and was hidden away on a sea vessel when krolvin raided our ship. While defending my own life, I was wounded and tossed overboard, unfit to keep as a slave. I was certain then that my life was nearing its end, that the arctic waters would freeze me to the driftwood I clung to or the creatures of the sea would tear me to pieces if my wounds did not kill me first. I was not afraid of death; I was merely determined to deny it. Seizing my destiny and focused on the truth that mortality is but a choice, I cried out in the middle of the storm that ravaged around me. From the darkness, my call was answered."

Speaking to Cryheart, Radeek says, "Bes' dat ya stocks up on buckets...dis here towns gonna burn again."

Vaemyr asks, "I'm all for gaining power to rival the gods, but would it not be better to work with the Arkati rather than try to replace them?"

Darcena swears, "Krolvin."

Speaking quietly to Dergoatean, Raelee says, "When matters go well, it was the power of mortals. When matters go poorly, it is a failure of the arkati."

Speaking wryly to Dergoatean, Raelee says, "Clearly."

Speaking deeply to Malluch, Berost says, "TOld yas earlier, yer out yer damned mind."

Dergoatean says, "Ain't that the truth."

Malluch recites:

"After darkness had overcome me, I awoke to find myself on the shores of an island, its sky a rustic crimson hue, a sharp contrast to the ocean storm I had just survived. I felt the gritty sand between my fingers, and I knew then that the island was alive; I could sense its energy humming along the beach. Before me stood a dense ironwood forest, and from it came a wave of force that overtook me, and veins rose up from the sands, embracing me and leaving me with a birthmark on my neck. Instantly I became aware of the island's sentience, and my blood felt aflame as my wounds healed and my weariness washed away. I was reborn."

Dwi heartily says, "Yeesh breffast issa choice."

Speaking to Alvyara, Ysharra says, "Grishom Stone is definitely an egotistical individual. He may have the power to make some of this reality...but the question is..."

Speaking to Raelee, Lylia says, "Reverse those, and you have the core of every religious faith."

Darcena curiously asks, "Which island?"

Iskandr says, "I'm all for crazy, my town thinks it was founded by a wyvren, but this is nuts."

Leafiara comments, "I'm mostly curious whether they also want to surpass the Drakes or just the Arkati, but... questions in due time after he's done."

Speaking to Alvyara, Ysharra asks, "Is making a thing how you envision it the same thing as truth? Or is that just crafting a lie?"

Radeek mutters, "Big diff'rence tween bein re-born an' turned inta a tool."

Balley softly says, "His home I bet."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ghianna asks, "He woke up on a volcano?"

Malluch recites:

"For over ten years I dwelled on the red island, learning its secrets, harnessing its unbridled power, and strengthening the bond it had made with me. It had given me life. It had immortalized my body and enhanced my powers. Having no true voice, the living island spoke to me in the form of dreams and visions, imparting me with the knowledge of blood magic beyond anything I could have imagined. To this day I have never fully gleaned the island's origin, for part of me knew the answer would never be given, while the other part of me knew the truth. Was it a creation of the Drakes themselves? Perhaps the trapped spirit of an Ur-Daemon? Maybe something else entirely. But it was ancient, and it was confirmation of my father's and my beliefs. It was true power beyond the Arkati."

Speaking wryly to Raelee, Cruxophim states, "The Arkati love... man kills."

Speaking to Iskandr, Draelor says, "An odd sight to be sure."

Speaking to Raelee, Faerinn says, "Not entirely true. I believe both the Empire and Koar soiled the throne he slept in at Talador. I can blame mutiple things at once."

Dergoatean asks, "Anyone know the island he's talking about?"

Bbee asks, "Teras?"

Speaking to Ysharra, Alvyara says, "I don't think I'm smart enough to answer that question."

Scarswyrth says, "The red one."

Prendoss raspily asks, "Power. Indeed. But at what price?"

Ysharra says, "HIs Island close to Mist Harbor, I think."

Darcena whispers aloud, "Blood magic."

Malluch says, "These are Grishom Stone's words. I am reciting the tome he has authored inside the library of your museum."

Speaking to Bbee, Ghianna says, "Teras is a pain in the ASH."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Darcena deadpans, "Yes. Love kills."

Malluch recites:

"A master of summoning, my father knew no equals among our order of the Arcane Eyes. While I had studied all he knew, I had never reached his heights until coming to the red island, where the use of blood magic allowed me to stand with no rivals. Even my family's enemy, Elithain Cross, could not compete with the power I now wielded. With the art of summoning and blood magic combined, I was able to call forth and gather the flesh and metal I needed, and then able to bleed life into my creations. The island's power was endless, offering me an unlimited supply of energy to create vast numbers of servants. An army loyal to me and my cause."

Some in the crowd hiss at the mention of Elithain Cross.

Speaking to Darcena, Ulkov says, "Mellow your ma'ams."

Dwi heartily says, "Dont eat breffast...den mortality's yer choice. Jus sayin."

Bbee says, "Aye, bbut lava is mostly red."

Cruxophim gently counters, "So does hunger. Famine. Pestilence. War."

Melikor whispers something to Ysharra.

Speaking in Faendryl, Xorus dryly says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Ysharra, Dergoatean says, "I know he's got that island over there, but I'm not so sure it's the same one."

Malluch recites:

"But the instincts of animals and mindless golems was not enough. I strove for more. The island knew I could achieve greatness. Nothing fascinated me further than the creation of life. What more must a man do to prove his worth beyond the Gods? I would create a superior being, wrestling with the power of chaos and manipulating it into order, into servitude, and into life. After a decade on the red island, I returned to my home in Mestanir, in a time when the barony had finally been freed of Jantalarian control. The new baron was more accepting of the practice of magic, and while I still operated within the shadows, it was indeed easier than before. My order had been splintered, so I gathered to me those who had once been loyal to my father before his murder at the whims of our rival, Elithain Cross. It was then, among my father's old work that had been hidden away, that I discovered all that I needed."

Speaking flatly to Cruxophim, Darcena says, "Only one or two of those affected me."

Radeek mutters, "Oh yippee skippee.....stronger'n Cross."

Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Dwi says, "Also baths."

Speaking casually to Malluch, Cruxophim agrees, "He was a pretender. A heretic."

Guarrin whispers something to Cryheart.

Speaking absently to a small stretched skin easel with a sinew-lashed bone frame, Cruxophim remarks, "A little man playing big games."

Malluch recites:

"In my father's old collection was a unique chunk of urnon, which he had recorded to be far more chaotic, and by nature more powerful, than any other of the metals he had seen before. Years before his death he had created a ritual to transform the urnon into sentient life, but all his attempts had failed. Using blood magic, I was able to complete his rite, taking life in order to give life. I had in my possession the tool to achieve such a powerful transfer of force. You see, my father's enemy, Elithain Cross, manipulated his daughter, Madelyne, into seducing me in the naivety of my youth in order to get close enough to my father to kill him. While I was too late to save him, I bore witness to the murder and used Madelyne's dagger, the one stained with my father's blood, to in turn kill her."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Radeek says, "Best ya hopes he don't come to a sudden stop er yer nose is gonna go somewheres no nose shoul ever go."

Cryheart whispers something to Guarrin.

Some of the townspeople shift uneasily at the mention of murder and Madelyne.

Speaking to Faerinn, Raelee says, "... people commit many acts in the name of the Arkati, but they are still the acts of mortals. I never thought it the responsibility of the Arkati to save us from ourselves."

Speaking to Zosopage, Bbee asks, "Father like son perhaps?"

Berost deeply says, "Always tha blood magicks... and always out their mind."

Speaking drolly to Radeek, Cruxophim inquires, "What are you trying to suggest? I'm not a fan of Cross?"

Ysharra says, "It may be unwise to read this section of your holy tome, Malluch."

Ysharra says, "The weaponsmith might hear you."

Malluch recites:

"Later inspection of the dagger revealed to me that Madelyne's spirit had become trapped within. Even before I had arrived on the red island, there was an innate power in my being that had been used to infuse her soul into the blade. Yet another testament to my belief. After my bond with the island's magic had formed, I mastered my ability to manipulate emotions into energy. I knew my father's ritual would need the power of spirits to be successful, and I knew exactly how to acquire them. I chose my victims methodically, seducing women with hair and eyes that matched those of Madelyne. Their appearance fueled my anger and heightened my pain. When I dug the steel of my dagger into their flesh, their eyes, full of betrayal, gave me the energy I needed to trap their souls. It would be years of building up the ritual and claiming countless spirits until I was finally ready."

Prendoss raspily says, "I don't know about the rest of you, but I am uneasy at all of this."

Leafiara reminds, "Well, he *did* just say we shouldn't forget the past..."

Speaking dully to Radeek, Cruxophim reminds, "I just said as much."

Speaking to Raelee, Darcena whispers aloud, "I'm bored and hungry."

Speaking to Darcena, Raelee asks, "... and?"

Cryheart whispers something to Guarrin.

A few of the townspeople begin to lose interest in the retelling of murder and mayhem and begin to walk off. A few others lean in, listening even more intently.

Speaking to Cryheart, Radeek says, "I ain't listenin ta no more a dis drivel..lemme know when da time comes ta kill em."

Speaking to Lylia, Xorus says, "We are getting to the part where all the women were brought to this museum."

Malluch recites:

"When the time came for my ritual, I was surrounded by my brethren, all members of the old Arcane Eyes but now fiercely loyal to me and our new path. My dagger glowed red with the souls of hundreds of women, the energy humming loudly as I uttered my father's archaic rite. I plunged my blade into the urnon, its metal shifting to accept the dagger as the spirits emptied into it. We stepped back as the chunk of urnon sprang to life, shaping into the likeness of my victims. Before me stood a slender nude woman, ready to live but not ready to serve. Arms and hands shaped into razor-sharp blades, the urnon golem killed two of my summoners before escaping into the night. While many among my order labeled my ritual a failure, I instead claimed a victory. I had transformed chaos into life. Now I would go reclaim that which was mine."

Ysharra says, "He became a great man by reducing women to bloody props of his discovery."

Malluch recites:

"My creation eluded me for two years, taking on the name of Mirayam and immersing herself among the people of the Empire. She was finally discovered in the frontier town of Wehnimer's Landing, a dirty speck of a town that the empire itself considers a blight on the land. While my allies and I worked hard to manipulate the leaders of the town into returning my urnon creature, the citizens of Wehnimer's proved far more resilient than we originally thought possible. After waves of my golems battered the town, the frontier people remained. To my despair, when the town was finally threatened with extinction, Mirayam sacrificed herself to protect the town, thwarting my power and destroying her body in the process. I moved quickly to regain her remains but only retrieved one shard of urnon, while four others remained at large, all secreted away by the townspeople."

Bbee says, "Stone wrote all this? I think he spent too much time alone."

Speaking to Bbee, Leafiara says, "Well, yes, he just recounted spending years on that island..."

Speaking to Bbee, Darcena whispers aloud, "Definitely far too much time alone."

Malluch recites:

"I eventually will tell you of Wehnimer's Landing and its final days. For in my path to ascension, the town and its people will not survive for their defiance against me. I used my wealth and my charm to infiltrate their town under the guise of an influential merchant, since none could prove me the creator of the urnon golem. For over a year I manipulated their town, frightening merchants into doing my bidding and eventually overthrowing their mayor, who proved a constant thorn in my side. All the while I used my wealth to buy favor in the eyes of the townspeople, a feat easier than I could have imagined. Despite many small defeats, I eventually took control of the town from the shadows and would take the next step towards ascension."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ghianna asks, "So...he made a golem-girlfriend. It ran away and he wants it back?"

There are some jeers among the townspeople, but again, a few more lean in to listen.

Lylia notes, "He never did get elected."

Speaking to Ghianna, Leafiara says, "Bit of old history--she's been destroyed now and her soul scattered into the energies of the Reach, as I understand."

Malluch recites:

"In one of my struggles against the frontier town, I came across the knowledge of a creature called Drangell, who was once a giantman mercenary for the human empire, but a curse had turned him into an immortal troll. I manipulated new servants among the town, those who sought to serve me out of their own personal gain for power, into releasing the troll from his magical prison. In exchange for Drangell's freedom, I asked only two things. I tasked him with destroying Wehnimer's Landing and giving me some of his blood. He set about gathering his armies of trolls, and for nearly two months, waged war against the frontier town but ultimately proved weak in the end and was defeated. But from his blood I gained something even greater."

Faerinn says, "He didn't even make it to the polls."

Xorus says, "Mm. Everblood."

Vaemyr says, "Get to the part where you got turned to stone and shattered."

Dergoatean says, "The crazy thing about all this is he wrote it before he had the Star of Khar'ta in his possession. His power and ego have grown exponentially since this writing, if you can believe it."

Malluch recites:

"The Ever-Blood, as I have called it. Using Drangell's cursed blood opened new opportunities for me with magic. Eventually I was able to summon forth an entire army of flesh golems, each one bearing my face. The perfect tribute to a creator. I have only begun my initial research, but it appears some of the ever-blood golems have taken on even minute details, like my tone of voice and mannerisms. I hope by further exploration I can determine whether they even possess memories or fragments of my power. I can only fathom the opportunities if either is the case."

Darcena disappointedly says, "Not trolls."

Faerinn says, "Grishom still can't get over me though."

Malluch recites:

"As I write this, I have nearly torn the town of Wehnimer's Landing apart. Its people's spirits are broken and beaten, their own town militia in shambles. Their political leaders are useless or in hiding. I have broken the magical wards their allies have placed around the town, and now there is no force that challenges me. Ironically, it's disappointing in a way. I had never envisioned myself thoroughly destroying a town from the inside-out, especially one so insignificant as this one. But their people, in their blind loyalty to limited reasoning, have stood in my way time and time again, and I cannot allow such injustices to go unpunished. To think, had the people of Wehnimer's Landing returned that which belonged to me in the beginning, their streets would still be clean, and their women and children would still be safe. I suppose in a strange way I needed these people. I have grown in power because of them, and now is the time of my ascension."

Speaking boredly to Leafiara, Ghianna asks, "More blood-majix stuff?"

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo asks, "We can all read the book ourselves. You got something else to say outside of it?"

Xorus says, "He is speaking of the bone pillars in that part."

Lylia says, "Some may say they could read the book themselves, yet not everyone has. And no, not everyone is literate."

Malluch recites:

"With a host of demons and golems at my control, immortality coursing through my veins, and the knowledge of the ancients flowing from my mind, I cannot help but pause and appreciate that I have accomplished as a human what none of my kind ever has. Even the elves with their longevity and their favor among the Arkati could not rival the heights of glory that await me. I have reached a critical yet inevitable apex of my journey. Despite my meddling, the people of Wehnimer's Landing have kept the four urnon shards of Mirayam's remains away from me. I was left with only one, which my research concluded would not be powerful enough for what I originally intended. But from that shard, I have created three more, each infused with the blood of those who once thought me an ally, only to betray them in the end. Once activated, my four urnon golems, powered by their blood shards, will be my deadliest harbingers yet."

Bbee says, "Did Stone have anything to do with that sword that was stuck in the stone? I miss that sword."

Cruxophim amusedly comments, "Xorus is wise."

Speaking curiously to Madmountan, Darcena asks, "Is he talking about us?"

Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily asks something you don't understand.

Malluch recites:

"When Mirayam was destroyed, the spirits I had infused her with remained behind, many of them haunting me or trying to warn others of my nature. I knew I could no longer rely on their energy, and so I enacted my most significant plan, which has torn a hole into the hearts and spirits of that blasted frontier town. Leading up to this moment, I had summoned swarms of wasps, bats and spiders to plague Wehnimer's, using my creatures to siphon blood from their victims to energize my magic. Most importantly, the blood of the weaker-willed allowed me a stronger connection for what was to come. Distracting their defenders with my golems, I called upon the women of the town and enthralled many of them into joining me in the museum's lobby. Others who resisted my enchantment tried to stop me, but it was no use. I opened a portal to the red island, where I led the women to their captivity, where they will serve as a sacrifice for a cause higher than their simple lives."

Speaking in Dwarven, Ulkov says something you don't understand.

Darcena says, "Speak up."

Malluch recites:

"Another significant loss when Mirayam was shattered was that the ghost of Madelyne escaped as well. She was a powerful spirit, and, I could argue, was one of the key components to the successful creation of the urnon golem in the first place. She was a skillful sorcerer in her life, and her power was only enhanced in death, when harnessed properly. For a brief moment I felt pity for her, as she had spent all of her living days as a pawn of Elithain, her father. Always a means to the ends. Such is her curse, for I have the same fate for her in mind. I was recently able to recapture her spirit into my sacrificial dagger, and now I feel, with her power in my grasp, I can proceed without the need for my missing shards."

Suleka asks, "Stone has a thing about using and murdering women, doesn't he?"

Iskandr says, "I feel like mosquitos would have been more economical."

Lylia coolly says, "Yes. Those women and their simple lives. Fuel for a great conflagration of power. Naturally."

Faerinn says, "This is not a great recruitment speech."

Bbee asks, "It's wrong that anyone would think that much, did he ever stop to bbake tarts?"

Malluch takes a moment, moving closer to the crowd of townspeople, even locking eyes with those who seem to be listening intently to him.

Leafiara says, "Credit where it's due, he's really not afraid of acknowledging the past in its entirety."

Malluch slowly empties his lungs.

Malluch recites:

"I stand on the cusp of greatness now. My enemies rally, thinking they have found an ally to help them against me. In truth? They are nothing but pawns in our battle. A war between beliefs. A war they refuse to accept I have won. I will have my creation returned, its power unmatched by any mortal being. I will have my weapon, but most of all, I will have my accomplishment. Who can challenge me on the power beyond the Arkati, when I wield the same life-creating force they do? Will I ascend to a place among them? No, instead I will set in motion the twilight of the Arkati. With my knowledge and with my help, the races that now act as servants will rise up and out of their mortal coils, unlocking their innate power that has been secreted away for too long. The power they worship will become the power they control. I will be seen as their salvation as I lead them into the new Age of Ascension. I am Grishom Stone, and I am beyond the Arkati. As are you."

Concluding Remarks

Speaking to Malluch, Dergoatean says, "So what you're saying is, Stone hates everyone in this town, especially the women."

Suleka says, "At least he's telling everyone here how valueless their lives are to Stone."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ghianna says, "That doesn't make it right."

Speaking to Faerinn, Dergoatean says, "Lot of signups coming, I'm sure."

Speaking offhandedly to Ghianna, Leafiara says, "Yeah, I'm just surprised he was willing to go there."

Faerinn says, "Needs more snake handling and speaking in tongues."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean asks, "Should we just skip to the end and kick him out now?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Ghianna says, "Gotcha."

Mekimin admits, "Impressively candid, but not particularly persuasive."

Darcena whispers aloud, "Grishom Stone."

Lylia says, "It seems to me that the only time in which he acknowledged that others are 'beyond the Arkati' is in his last three words. Otherwise, it is all about his own greatness."

Prendoss raspily says, "Power brings chains."

Roelon deeply says, "Reinforces why ah despise ....."

Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily says something you don't understand.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Chains? me not into bondage."

Speaking in Dwarven, Ulkov says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Lylia, Alvyara says, "You're right. It's a little one-note, as plots go."

Speaking surprisedly to Gutstorm, Darcena asks, "Really?"

Speaking to Malluch, Darcena says, "Tell us more."

Speaking to Bbee, Ghianna says, "That sounds like a new kinda will get ya totaly Grisham-stoned."

Speaking to Faerinn, Guarrin admits, "Most do not open with such disdain for the people they're trying to recruit."

Malluch recites:

"The people of Wehnimer's Landing are invited to be free. You have aided to help spark the Blood God to life, it is only fair now, that he calls for you to come, answer him, and see yourself free."

Speaking affably to Leafiara, Cruxophim concludes, "Third time's a charm. That'll do." [he'd been painting the whole time]

Leafiara slowly asks, "So... was that it? That's the revivval?"

Speaking to Alvyara, Ceilia says, "That's the nature of zealotry."

Lylia confesses, "If I wrote an autobiography, I am certain I would sound magnificent in it too."

Speaking to Malluch, Dergoatean asks, "So if we all have the power within us to be greater than the Arkati, I suppose that means we also have the power to outstrip your master's?"

Speaking to Lylia, Madmountan says, "That's a good idea. I need me one of those."

Speaking to Malluch, Lylia says, "If I may..."

Cruxophim raises his gold-framed painting proudly, displaying it for you to see.

Beneath a darkened crimson sky looms a huge skeletal tree encircled by a jagged altar of bone, around which is gathered a throng of people from every culture. Assembled but not organized, the crowd is full of discordant shouting, ravenous ribaldry, euphoria and violence, all in chaotic disharmony. At the center is a blood-haired half-sylvan maiden wearing a crown of bones, held aloft by a dark skeletal knight and a shadow-encased lich as she regally surveys the crowd.

Malluch recites:

"Elithain Cross is gone. Althedeus is unraveled. The Blood God remains to tear at the threads of heaven and free us all from the Arkati. To awaken ourselves."

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo says, "Thanks for the invitation, but for myself, I must respectfully decline."

Cruxophim offers Leafiara an elaborate gold-framed painting.

Speaking to Lylia, Maelkyth says, "I dunno, I think I might still come off as an idiot."

Leafiara accepts Cruxophim's elaborate gold-framed painting.

Madmountan smacks himself across the cheek!

Prendoss raspily asks, "And what if we don't wish to answer?"

Madmountan exclaims, "I'm awake!"

Suleka says, "And by 'free' he means hypnotized, compelled, and used as sacrifices to make Stone stronger."

Speaking warmly to Leafiara, Cruxophim jokes, "Little welcoming gift."

Dergoatean asks, "Anyone else seeing that?"

Draelor says, "Sounds a bit full of himself."

Speaking grimly to Madmountan, Darcena says, "Better be."

Alisette says, "I see something."

Speaking amusedly to Dergoatean, Leafiara says, "That's just Crux's painting."

Speaking to Malluch, Lylia asks, "If we awaken ourselves, why do we need the intermediary of a man who drew his power from so many other sources? Why must we have Grishom Stone intercede on our behalf in this fashion?"

Ysharra says, "He read the Gospel of Grishom Stone. And thinks that will move you."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "Never mind. Sometimes Crux's paintings look like they're alive."

Speaking confusedly to Ysharra, Darcena asks, "Won't it?"

Roelon holds his prayerbook away from his body, as if warding off some unwanted spirit, and chants an incantation denouncing Grishom Stone.

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "What did that tell you, when you heard it?"

Iskandr says, "Come to Ta'Vaalor Malluch, you won't get past the gate with your damn nonsense."

Speaking to Darcena, Paiyot asks, "Not really?"

Malluch says, "Yet, you are not awakened. The Blood God can help such." [not entirely clear who if anyone this was responding to]

Speaking affably to Malluch, Cruxophim requests, "One more for posterity?"

Cruxophim turns his stretched skin easel to face Malluch.

Bbee asks, "I would venture to say that if any one of us wrote down every odd thought that entered our heads while in solitude would sound a bit whacko too?"

Malluch strikes a painting-perfect pose for Cruxophim!

Speaking to Malluch, Dergoatean says, "If I should worship someone over the unraveling of Althedeus, I'd pick Aralyte first."

Speaking to Bbee, Leafiara concedes, "Yeah, probably."

Suleka says, "Stone is a silly man who uses people. Just like you're being used, Malluch."

Speaking to Malluch, Alvyara says, "I've no wish to transcend who I am. I happen to think I do alright like this."

Lylia says, "I have time to, ah...sleep late, shall we say. Being Faendryl."

Malluch says, "She alone unraveled nothing."

Speaking seriously to Dergoatean, Cruxophim assures, "I have not given up."

Faerinn says, "Yeah definitely needed more snake handling."

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo asks, "So you come to read out of a book that is readily at the library. To awaken folks who can get a copy of that dumb rhetoric for 3k a pop?"

Faerinn says, "Maybe a fire breather."

Speaking to Bbee, Ghianna asks, "You thought of that while you were alone....right?"

Malluch says, "The book was just recently re-added this evening."

Malluch says, "It has been missing, locked away for awhile."

Malluch says, "But tonight, things change."

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo asks, "And?"

Alvyara says, "It's the ramblings of a man obsessed with his own self."

Malluch says, "If only one hears the call, the revival is worth it."

Alvyara says, "And as much as I appreciate your healing me..."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "How do you think Lana would feel, seeing you here, awake and reading the words of a murderer much like the man who took her life?"

Alisette says, "Or perhaps a man who discovered himself."

Malluch glances at Ysharra.

Speaking to Alisette, Alvyara asks, "What do you mean?"

Xorus says, "There are almost ten years of testament to add to that book."

Speaking calmly to Malluch, Cruxophim inquires, "What about the lost apocryphal chapters of that book?"

Speaking to Malluch, Chirakk says, "I am decidedly... unimpressed. Any evidence of what this 'ascension' is even? Sounds like smoke and mirrors to me."

Speaking heartily to Alisette, Dwi asks, "Ye mean he dont go outside?"

Speaking to Malluch, Bbee says, "If transcending precludes me from eating eight meals a day, I will pass."

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo says, "Point being? It had been there for long enough .. if it was worth anything it would've garnered followers in the past."

Speaking to Chirakk, Lylia says, "It is hard to argue that Stone has achieved tremendous power. That much is true."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "I was holding her hand when she died, Malluch. She was begging me to leave her so I wouldn't be hurt by what was being done to her."

Prendoss raspily says, "It sounds like we're made to not have a choice, in spite of the offering of one."

Leafiara agreeably asks, "Chirakk does raise a good question--what exactly does this ascension or awakening process involve?"

Speaking curiously to Faerinn, Cruxophim repeats, "More snake handling?"

Lylia says, "Whether he is a 'god' depends, perhaps, on the definition of godhood."

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo says, "You're playing on old worn out strings. Go peddle your nonsense someplace else."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn says, "As opposed to none. I was told this was a revival."

Malluch says, "When the Blood God calls for us, we will be ready to join him."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "Grand Magister Kestrel claimed he was doing what he was right for him, too. His own truth."

Speaking to Lylia, Guarrin says, "Not the first to claim such. Won't be the last."

Alisette hesitantly says, "I mean....I can see his point. I am one who has suffered greatly at the hands of the Arkati....."

Malluch says, "You are free to go elsewhere."

Malluch nods at Fahlo.

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo says, "I'm not going anywhere."

Malluch says, "For as long as there is but one who would listen, I will speak."

Speaking to Alisette, Ysharra says, "There is clarity in Suffering."

Speaking to Malluch, Xorus asks, "Has Grishom given you Everblood?"

Leafiara admits, "Well, no doubt you'll always find at least one."

Speaking evenly to Malluch, Cruxophim teases, "I was born in a crucible of blood. This alters little, either way."

Roelon deeply asks, "And how many hae suffered at the hands of Stone in the past?"

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo says, "Free to do so.. and I'll tell you what I think."

Malluch says, "No."

Prendoss raspily says, "This is a town of vibrant, kind people. Why must they yield to you now?"

Ysharra says, "I need my pain."

Roelon deeply says, "What makes him any different now? Only that he wishes more power."

Malluch says, "We all suffer, for a time."

Ulkov asks, "Vibrant? Kind?"

Speaking jovially to Malluch, Mekimin says, "Yeah, I'll hear ya out."

Ulkov asks, "Did I do something wrong?"

Speaking to Cruxophim, Darcena complains, "My flask is empty."

Speaking to Cruxophim, Faerinn asks, "Maybe like some fun tracts to make that tome of Grishom's more palatable?"

Bbee exclaims, "Bbeware, any that tries to harm me shall have to defend themselves from an onslaught of wind from my infamous goat bag!"

Speaking dreamily to Prendoss, Darcena asks, "Why wouldn't we yield to Grishom?"

Roelon deeply says, "To compare that with the Arkati. Even they know there is ah balance. Well, most."

Speaking quietly to Xorus, Raelee says, "One must wonder if Stone explained what he gave him at all. Historically, that is one area where he is rarely very giving."

Mekimin says, "So far the speech has been long on history and short on specifics about how one 'goes beyond.'"

Speaking bemusedly to Faerinn, Cruxophim admits, "I could work on it."

Someone in the crowd shouts, "Beyond the Arkati!"

Leafiara musingly says, "And there's the 'one.'"

Zolis deeply says, "Beyond, indeed."

Speaking to Raelee, Xorus says, "I noticed the wound on his hand sealing itself up."

Dergoatean says, "Someone's gonna get smote tonight."

Iskandr says, "I see an overprivileged son with a god complex."

Speaking to Malluch, Alvyara asks, "I admire your.. desire to help as many as possible. But you've such talents. Why not focus on healing, and let the rest of this madness go?"

Ysharra says, "There's always been beyond the Arkati."

Ysharra asks, "Why is this new or helpful?"

Malluch nods at Thrassus.

Berkana asks, "Is there a sign outside the gate that reads 'Zealots welcome!'?"

Speaking to Ysharra, Fahlo says, "It's not."

Roelon deeply says, "We all hae that freedom of choice. Let them gain or suffer from it."

Felita says, "Ye kin still work fer ye pop."

Leafiara adds, "Which, indeed, raises the question: do you hope to go beyond the Drakes too?"

Speaking to Berkana, Guarrin says, "I swore we took that down."

Speaking to Ysharra, Fahlo says, "It's just drumming up old garbage we've all ready taken out to the trash."

Zosopage asks, "If he ascends beyond the Arkati, does that mean he will disappear as they did?"

Speaking to Berkana, Lylia says, "This one was here already, in Murdos' home."

Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Roelon asks, "That would be the next step aye?"

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "You haven't responded to a single question about your father. Nor him, about you."

Bbee says, "Arm yourself."

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo says, "Good luck with stirring the pot."

Malluch glances at Ysharra.

Speaking pragmatically to Roelon, Leafiara asks, "Might as well aim for the top, right?"

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "And yes, I've asked him, too."

Speaking to Ysharra, Madmountan says, "He has a new dad now, it's okay."

Malluch says, "My father has served me well and raised me well. He is a decent man who I hope one day sees that his choice was wise."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "His choice?"

Speaking to Ysharra, Lylia says, "What a fascinating parallel. Disean found a new father, and so has this man, yet their old fathers remain."

Speaking to Dwi, Bbee exclaims, "Put your cotton in!"

Speaking quietly to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "What was his choice?"

Malluch says, "And Lana..."

Malluch slowly empties his lungs.

Malluch says, "She is missed."

Ysharra nods at Malluch.

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn says, "Thanks for the book I guess. Sorry, your blood dad wasn't able to make it your blood martial arts recital."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Yooz look like yooz ate a shmall town."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "She was brave and beautiful. And should not have died the way she did."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Madmountan says, "I have."

Leafiara muses, "Beyond the Arkati but not beyond the Ebon Gate."

Lylia flatly says, "What a pallid way of putting it. Passive and watery. 'She is missed.' If any lover or husband of mine said that about me, I would haunt him into his own grave."

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "You're on a precipice as much as this town is, aren't you?"

Speaking to Madmountan, Darcena whispers aloud, "I'm hungry too."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ghianna asks, "Sorry, I was busy sleeping....what disaster is about to befall us? Toads? Zombies? Ex-girlfriend hoards?"

Malluch says, "I loved Lana."

Iskandr says, "I wonder what time we kill the crazy man? In my town he'd be dead already."

Malluch says, "Her death is not in vain, then, or now."

Alvyara murmurs, "You clearly have such talent, Malluch. And you're wasting it on this man and his ramblings."

Speaking to Ghianna, Ulkov says, "Anything but exes, please."

Balley softly asks, "Why are you here promoting him? Should he be here promoting himself?"

Cruxophim whispers something to Darcena.

Speaking to Dwi, Bbee exclaims, "Put your cotton in!"

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Balley make da goot point!"

Speaking to Malluch, Lylia says, "Perhaps so, then."

Malluch nods at Balley.

Malluch says, "He will come soon. To take those who answer the call."

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

Speaking musingly to Darcena, Leafiara says, "Well, guess you have something to look forward to, at least."

Prendoss raspily says, "I worry for those who don't wish to."

Ysharra says, "I have said it 'afore. The Landiing is a place where you find your power. And your limits."

Speaking softly to Malluch, Balley says, "Is he afraid to make these statements himself? If he is so strong why is he not here announcing things himself. He likes to make himself known."

Dergoatean asks, "Fancy pledging yourself to a madman again?"

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "That's as true about Grishom Stone, as it is about any of us."

Speaking to Ysharra, Fahlo says, "We'll introduce him to his soon enough."

Madmountan says, "Prolly busy collecting more ladies for the arsenal."

Speaking neutrally to Ysharra, Cruxophim drawls, "Ayup."

Speaking flatly to Madmountan, Darcena asks, "Who is?"

Lylia whispers something to Xorus.

Faerinn says, "This is delegating. Malluch does the healing and miracles, and then Stone comes around to collect."

Speaking to Darcena, Madmountan says, "Grishom."

Speaking to Ysharra, Fahlo says, "He's not getting away with much.. it's decided."

Speaking to Darcena, Ulkov says, "Don't seem so excited."

Faerinn says, "Or maybe this is good cop, bad cop since if Grishom came himself no one would pay him heed."

Balley softly says, "Yes, Grisham will collect the payment for the healing and help."

Someone in the crowd shouts, "Your father would be disappointed Malluch!"

Felita says, "Please don fergets yer daddy misser Malluch."

Malluch squints.

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra asks, "Was was Murdos' choice, that you mentioned?"

Lylia says, "Oh, I rather enjoy seeing Stone. He never bores, at the very least."

Leafiara slowly says, "The shop isn't exactly far. We could always ask him if he's disappointed."

Malluch nods at Thrassus.

Xorus says, "Grishom enjoy his spectacles. He has to build it up to make his entrance."

Malluch glances at Leafiara.

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn says, "Maybe he'll make it to your next blood recital. Don't pay them any mind."

Leafiara shrugs.

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo says, "I'll be watching you."

Dergoatean says, "Precisely."

Speaking amusedly to Xorus, Cruxophim comments, "Don't we all? I mean, really."

Balley softly says, "He never is shy! That is why I am surprised he is not here promoting himself."

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo says, "You have my full attention."

Speaking to Fahlo, Leafiara says, "Pretty sure the entire town will be."

Malluch says, "I shall return to the forest. There are some who did not enter town, who need to hear the writings."

Malluch nods at Zolis.

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo says, "Yah take hike."

Speaking to himself, Guarrin murmurs, "Wonder what happens if he doesn't provide potential converts for Stone."

Fahlo says, "Gate's thatta way."

Malluch nods at Cruxophim.

Speaking gratefully to Malluch, Alisette says, "Thank you for the healing, and take care--you will need rest too."

Balley softly asks, "So when shall this Blood God make his presence known?"

Speaking distractedly to Malluch, Darcena asks, "What forest?"

Ysharra says, "The kobolds will never stand still that long."

Ysharra says, "But they certainly could use some help."

Speaking to Balley, Thrassus says, "In two weeks time."

Speaking to Darcena, Leafiara explains, "They're camping out in the Dragonsclaw."

Speaking to Malluch, Mekimin jeers, "If you want buyers, next time come with some specifics!"

Speaking to Ysharra, Fahlo asks, "He may do some good- teach them how to read?"

Balley softly says, "Thank you Thrassus."

Malluch recites:

"Goodnight all. Dwell on what you have heard tonight. Not of dark deeds and a checkered past...who among you, do not have that? But instead, cling to what power and potential lies in you. "

Speaking to Malluch, Faerinn asks, "Do how is Grishom going to call anyway? Send a runner, amulet? Talking blood puddle? Just start killing more women? What should we be looking for?"

Fahlo picks up a dark blood red leather tome.

Fahlo offers Malluch a dark blood red leather tome.

Speaking to Malluch, Ysharra says, "I think I will dwell on what I did not hear."

Dergoatean says, "There's dark deeds, and then there's murdering hundreds of women so you can make a pet."

Malluch recites:

"When the Blood God calls, hear him, and answer."

Malluch declines Fahlo's offer.

Iskandr says, "I was hoping to at least see a bit more magic healing."

Speaking to Malluch, Fahlo says, "Take your trash with you."

Speaking earnestly to Malluch, Darcena says, "I do."

Malluch disbands his group.

Lord Malluch just went west.