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Landing Events - 2019-12-08 - Magister's Mission and Pirate's Play (log)
Eorgaen 8-9, 5119
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- Magister Cordarius comes to Moot Hall with a green apple in hand, as Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] asks if that's one of their purified samples. He offers congratulations for Raznel's death, though the blight remains, and he says that he and Raelee look forward to working with many of the crowd over the coming weeks to learn what we can. He asks [[::Ysharra_Nagorn|Ysharra]] if the blight's spoken to her agan and she says not since that evening; Cordarius hopes it will again.
- He says he heard about Thadston and that the Hall of Mages haven't found him yet, but Octaven's golems have nearly completed their work and many will return soon. If they find anything, he'll let everyone know.
- As Cordarius is about to leave, something moves in the shadows and a ball of white comes flying toward him... it's a snowball from Larsya Caulfield, now returned! Cordarius gives Lazaryth an apple and tells him to enjoy it for a very, very long time.
- Larsya gets a snowball fight started, along with firing her suction cup arrow at a efw people, then says she found some things in a pack left by Pylasar--and pulls out a purple firework to light! A spark from one catches on Pukk's pants and lights him ablaze, but Darcena, Leafiara, and Erienne manage to put him out in time. Larsya ties Chamorr's shoes together and nudges him to stumble back, then runs off for the night.
Pukk recites: "Xorus and Ysharra sitting in a tree...." Melikor narrows his eyes and gives Pukk a dirty look. Speaking to Melikor, Pukk says, "Sorry I didn't know you were there." Pukk recites: "Melikor and Xorus sitting in a tree...."
Larsya places a purple firework on the ground next to Pukk's behind. Larsya carefully lights the fuse on a purple firework, which immediately begins to issue forth a torrent of multi-colored sparks. A small spark of fire seems to have caught on the back of Pukk's ebon leather pants. The spark begins to grow... Pukk flails his arms about. Pukk suddenly bursts into flames! Pukk screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones. Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm says, "Yer ash looksh hot."
Lazaryth says, "And this is why I'm never having children."
Log Version 1: All-Inclusive (Player-Driven Event Style)
This style is, in a sentence: if you said it, it's in the log. Could be as banal as exchanging hellos, could be as utilitarian as asking for healing or spellups, and could even be completely off-topic. Takes the longest time to edit, and this incarnation is 45,168 characters long for this night.
Awaiting Cordarius
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a green-eyed grey cat, the Razanetika disk, the purple Kobane disk, the Trallihn disk, an ancient cinereous vulture that is flying around, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, the black Monthas disk, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, the Dannore disk, the blue Littlefuut disk, the Chiora disk, the Peachykin disk, a large acorn, a threadbare pink woolen hood, a flask of aged Reiver whisky, a large acorn, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.
Also here: Razanetika, High Lord Kobane, Echonar, Trallihn, Elsweyr, Nostre, Lady Hithyr, Lord Oldale, Great Lord Monthas who is sitting, Event Planner Leafiara, Lord Zaxabar, Lord Dannore who is sitting, Littlefuut, Chiora, Peachykin, Lord Hellionn, Lord Musix, Sanguino, Xisum
The sky is filled with a blanket of low clouds, pale and unmoving. Sounds seem muffled and the air feels thick and takes on a quiet stillness.
Glistening flakes of snow cascade down from the skies.
Leafiara muses, "Another cold night."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You're it."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Leafi!"
Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Leafiara asks, "For what?"
Leafiara says, "Oh, of course."
Razanetika softly exclaims, "I need a healer!"
Dhairn quietly says, "Mana me."
Speaking thoughtfully to Razanetika, Leafiara says, "Hmm, Balley just went off to sleep, I believe..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "It was either you or Stormy, but Stormy is grumpy, so I chose you."
Dhairn quietly says, "Thank ya."
Rasson asks, "Could I get healed too please?"
Razanetika softly asks, "Where are the empaths hiding?"
Kobane quietly says, "I could use a healer as well."
Speaking to Razanetika, Leafiara says, "There's one." [Shinann walked in]
Shinann says, "There you go."
Speaking softly to Shinann, Razanetika exclaims, "Thank you sweetly!"
Speaking quietly to Shinann, Kobane says, "Thank you."
Rasson says, "Thank you."
Chamorr glances at Stormyrain.
Shinann says, "Welcome."
Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at Chamorr.
The coppery barn owl moves closer to Shinann.
Stormyrain paces to her left, moving in a circle around an oak tree.
Stormyrain grumbles.
Stormyrain shakes her head at Chamorr and clucks her tongue.
Chamorr reaches out and takes Stormyrain's hand, shaking it vigorously. Suddenly a loud *bzzzzzzzzzt* emanates from their clasped hands! Stormyrain's arm vibrates wildly, causing her to jump and her eyes to grow wide!
Stormyrain swears under her breath.
Shinann raises an eyebrow in Stormyrain's direction.
Speaking to Shinann, Stormyrain says, "Chamorr and that damned hand zapper."
Aderion asks, "Healing please?"
Dhairn quietly says, "I need wizardly attentions."
Pukk reaches out and takes Chamorr's hand, shaking it vigorously. Suddenly a loud *bzzzzzzzzzt* emanates from their clasped hands! Chamorr's arm vibrates wildly, causing him to jump and his eyes to grow wide!
Shinann says, "Oh."
Leafiara reaches out and takes Pukk's hand, shaking it vigorously. Suddenly a loud *bzzzzzzzzzt* emanates from their clasped hands! Pukk's arm vibrates wildly, causing him to jump and his eyes to grow wide!
Chamorr heartily says, "It's a epidemic."
Leafiara amusedly says, "The buzzers are out in force tonight."
The coppery barn owl hoots.
Pukk says, "Those hand buzzers are the bestest thing ever."
The coppery barn owl hoots.
Leafiara hoots at the coppery barn owl.
Maags exclaims, "Good eves everybodies!"
The coppery barn owl hoots at Maags.
Shinann says, "There you go."
Lyrna says, "Hello all."
Speaking fondly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Evenin', love."
Cordarius: "Why, hello all."
Speaking to Shinann, Maags says, "Has one moment."
Leafiara offhandedly says, "Ah, Cordarius."
Leafiara: "Good eve."
Ysharra: "Good evening, Cordarius."
Speaking to Maags, Shinann says, "Possibly."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika asks, "Mage?"
Speaking to Razanetika, Leafiara affirms, "The very one!"
Cordarius: "I'm coming to town soon."
Speaking idly to Razanetika, Leafiara admits, "I still wonder what was so special about him of all people that Quinshon wanted his blood."
Eldanari: "Okay santa."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lyrna asks, "Staying out of too much trouble?"
Guarrin deeply says, "Evening."
Rendena softly asks, "Huh?"
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Darcena.
Darcena says, "A quick ride."
Razanetika softly exclaims, "Be right back!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Who wanted whose blood?"
Speaking slowly to Pukk, Leafiara explains, "Quinshon wanted Cordarius'."
Lyrna says, "Seems like lots of people want blood around here."
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Pukk exclaims, "Hiya handsome!"
Speaking deeply to Stormyrain, Guarrin greets, "Captain."
Speaking to Guarrin, Stormyrain greets, "M'lord."
Lyrna says, "Almost seems to be a currency."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "You know what I want to know?"
Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara concedes, "Around here... yeah, more or less."
Speaking curiously to Pukk, Leafiara asks, "What?"
Speaking jokingly to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Why was Balley's scarab different than the others?"
Speaking deeply to Stormyrain, Guarrin says, "We're going to have to move past that eventually."
Speaking lightly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "She's still wondering too."
Speaking optimistically to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Maybe we'll find out, now that she's not here."
Speaking to Guarrin, Stormyrain offers, "So you say."
Maags says, "Fine."
Lyrna asks, "Just lucky?"
Shinann joins Maags's group.
Maags traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Maags gestures.
Maags's group is surrounded by a swirling grey mist and vanishes!
Speaking to Avalera, Stormyrain greets, "M'Lady, it's good to see you as always."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Avalera says, "It's very nice of you to say so, thank you."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Lyrna says something you don't understand.
Cordarius' Congrats and Plans
Magister Cordarius just arrived.
Magister Cordarius just went east.
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a glistening black apple, a maddened mountain spirit that is flying around, a sinuous bone white serpent, a giant mound of snow, the Ysharra disk, the pallid grey Melikor disk emblazoned with a vibrant scarlet pentacle, a snow white raven that is flying around, a polished bleakstone statue and a large purple wooden barrel.
Also here: Magister Cordarius, Darcena, Lord Thrassus, Lord Zolis, Ysharra, Melikor
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Kobane, Lyrna, Felita and Pukk followed.
Darcena says, "And the one who created it for me..."
Darcena says, "Is here."
Pukk yells, "Owly! You might have to lead us since the turtle isn't here tonight!"
Cordarius polishes a green apple on the sleeve of his robe.
Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra greets, "Magister Svala."
Speaking crossly to Cordarius, Raelee asks, "Why do you always insist upon doing this here?"
Chamorr winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Maags. At the last moment Maags tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Chamorr heartily says, "Bang."
Maags says, "Problies is not good to be in the path of dueling magisters."
Leafiara yells, "The Magister's over here, friends! ...two of them, in fact."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Let's see if Owly wants to lead the group."
Guarrin whispers something to Erienne.
Cordarius says, "The blanket of snow in the sky reminds me of your flawless skin carved from the purest of ivory, spared only by the same white luster of your eyes that has been freckled with motes of the sun itself."
Cordarius winks at Raelee.
Leafiara dryly says, "Uh-huh."
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "That sounded not a bit rehearsed."
Speaking flatly to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Nothing about that reads as a legitimate reason."
Lyrna asks, "Where did he come from?"
Cordarius chuckles.
Speaking offhandedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Hall of Mages."
Cordarius says, "My life is rehearsed."
A snow white raven suddenly releases an ear-piercing shriek!
Cordarius chuckles.
Speaking to Zolis, Darcena says, "You could maybe practice a bit of that."
Maags says, "Not as good as Sir Knight's poetries."
Lyrna asks, "Oh?"
Speaking to a snow white raven, Ysharra says, "I thought so, too."
The voice of Chamorr heartily says, "Vauldville."
Speaking deeply to Darcena, Zolis asks, "Oh you think so?"
Cordarius says, "Sir Knight's twenty year opus."
Cordarius winks at Maags.
Maags says, "But less blushing. He melts the snow."
Speaking softly to Cordarius, Razanetika says, "That sounds a bit boring."
Pukk recites:
"Xorus and Ysharra sitting in a tree...."
Maags nods at Cordarius.
Maags grins.
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Is that one of our purified samples? The apple."
Melikor narrows his eyes and gives Pukk a dirty look.
Cordarius grins at Raelee.
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra asks, "One of the trees that eats bodies?"
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Cordarius smacks his lips.
Speaking curiously to Raelee, Cruxophim ventures, "Purified samples?"
Cordarius says, "Delicious, isn't it."
Speaking to Melikor, Pukk says, "Sorry I didn't know you were there."
Maags says, "I spose he has had more time to work on it."
Pukk recites:
"Melikor and Xorus sitting in a tree...."
Cordarius says, "First..."
Melikor sighs.
Speaking to Melikor, Pukk asks, "Better?"
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra says, "I like that better."
Lyrna says, "Hmm. I think I'm missing a bit."
Cordarius says, "Congratulations are in order."
Rasson asks, "So apples to cure the blight?"
Cordarius says, "I am sure there is a bell ringing somewhere."
Maags whispers something to Pukk.
Cordarius says, "But the witch is dead."
Speaking to Rasson, Leafiara muses, "Other way around, if the Magister is right..."
Cordarius says, "You must be very happy."
You hear a melodious tune as Razanetika taps the bells.
You hear a melodious tune as Kobane taps the bells.
Ysharra says, "It's possible. Apples are highly resistant to regular sorts of blight and infestations."
Razanetika smooths the folds of her white silk skirt, causing the bells on it to tinkle softly.
Cordarius says, "She's been a thorn in your town's side for almost as long as the Ta'Mori."
Cordarius snickers to himself.
Cordarius says, "It's got to feel good."
Melikor looks over at Pukk and shakes his head.
Speaking seriously to Cordarius, Darcena says, "I'm quite pleased."
Speaking bemusedly to Cordarius, Cruxophim reminds, "They're... not so much a threat."
Speaking in Faendryl, Xorus says something you don't understand.
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm says, "Look at dish."
Gutstorm eyes an antique silver-wrapped staff incised with alchemical symbols with barely contained fury.
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee asks, "What do you mean 'if'?"
Lyrna says, "I think the Ta'Mori have been a pain in everyone's side for as long as they've existed."
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "I wouldn't say I feel good about it. But I see what you mean."
Cordarius says, "It would see the blight did not end with her though."
Lyrna says, "Just one opinion."
Cordarius says, "Clever, it's as I would have designed it."
Kobane quietly asks, "The Ta'Mori still exist?"
Lyrna mildly says, "Not a fan."
Cordarius says, "Everyone wants a legacy."
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm exclaims, "Look at dish new trick!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "You know what Owly says about magisters and their facts right?"
Cordarius says, "Magister Svala and I look forward to working with many of you over the coming weeks to learn more of what we can."
Speaking to Kobane, Lyrna says, "Saw Katze earlier this year. We could only hope, but usually they come back."
Speaking to Raelee, Darcena asks, "Did you hear that?"
Speaking to Raelee, Darcena says, "You are looking FORWARD to working with us."
Cordarius says, "No one wants spring never to come."
Lyrna asks, "Spring never to come?"
Razanetika softly says, "I prefer it to be winter always."
Lyrna asks, "Is that a danger?"
Rasson says, "Icemule lives fine without a spring."
Cordarius nods at Lyrna.
Ysharra says, "If the blight kills everything it might as well be winter forever."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "I he the imp with a sense of humor?"
Speaking to Raelee, Darcena says, "I hope these diplomatic conversations involve snacks."
Cordarius says, "Of course."
Lyrna says, "I know there was a long winter in Ta'Vaalor right before... a year or two ago."
Speaking to Darcena, Raelee says, "Not from me, they will not."
Cordarius removes the hood of his robe, revealing his features.
Leafiara whispers something to Pukk.
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Lyrna says, "But I believe that ended up being a child with an artifact." [was a story in Ta'Vaalor]
Speaking to Darcena, Raelee says, "No one should be eating the laboratory samples."
Speaking approvingly to Cordarius, Darcena says, "A man who enjoys snacks."
Cordarius asks, "Has the blight spoken to you again lately?"
Lyrna asks, "Different kind of perpetual winter though?"
Cordarius peers quizzically at Ysharra.
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm says, "I gotsh da powa."
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "No. Not since that evening."
Cordarius nods.
Cordarius says, "Hopefully it does again."
Speaking to Ysharra, Lazaryth asks, "Did you try to speak to it?"
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I tried after Naimorai died."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I received no response that I could sense."
Lazaryth says, "I see."
Cruxophim whispers something to Shiril.
Speaking to a snow white raven, Ysharra says, "I may have been a little distracted."
Cordarius offers Lazaryth a crisp green apple.
Lazaryth glances at Cordarius.
Chamorr heartily says, "Remember them black apple trees everywhere."
Lazaryth accepts Cordarius's green apple.
Lazaryth bows.
Regarding Thadston
Cordarius says, "I also heard the news of Sir Thadston."
Cordarius asks, "We....can still call him Sir, yes?"
Cordarius shrugs.
Chamorr heartily says, "We had to get the Maw."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Technically, no."
Cordarius says, "Well then. Sir Thadston it is."
Cordarius chuckles.
Leafiara offers, "The honor's not lost even if the spurs are surrendered?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Okay, he is funny."
Lazaryth says, "We must do something about Thadston. It'd be a shame to lose such a man."
Speaking amusedly to Leafiara, Cruxophim remarks, "Suppose even knights retire."
(Lazaryth rubs the apple idly on his jacket.)
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I'm sure that would be one of Lylia's priorities, with the blight."
Speaking heartily to Cordarius, Chamorr says, "Marshall."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Rasson says, "I would guess he has already went to join his son."
Cordarius says, "By all accounts, when the portal was closed, with you all on one side...and he on the other, he should have, or could have, ended up in the Bleaklands."
Speaking to Ysharra, Lazaryth asks, "Was that sarcastic? Or do you really think so?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra asks, "Are you sure about that?"
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I know it to be truth."
Speaking amusedly to Cordarius, Cruxophim speculates, "Can he not sojourn back? Walk it off, as it were?"
Thrassus asks, "There were still pylons and golems on the other side, yes?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Pukk asks, "Have you checked your facts with Owly to be sure?"
Lazaryth noncommittally says, "Mm."
Speaking to Cordarius, Leafiara admits, "Was hoping your golems would have found him, but if not, then... well, I suppose a long march is in order."
Speaking deeply to Cruxophim, Zolis says, "The outlook is bleak."
Raelee says, "... with the caveat that the portal had been previously tampered with in ways that we never entirely discerned."
Cordarius says, "I've been informed we have not found him yet. But Octaven's golems have nearly completed their work, many to return soon. If we find him, or any sign of him, you will all be the first to know."
Gutstorm yells, "No heals for you!"
From nearby, you hear Aderion yell, "I will eat you Guts!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Goldstr says, "We Tankee fer dat."
Kobane yells, "All the empaths went to bed!"
Lyrna says, "This place baffles me."
Xorus says, "The Bleaklands itself and the tampered portal are both caveats on where he should have ended up when it was closed."
Gutstorm yells, "We got a ton of healers infront of da Moot Hall! Walk yer lazy butt over here!"
Speaking to Lyrna, Lazaryth asks, "Why's that, now?"
Speaking fondly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "That's why we stay. Never a dull moment."
Speaking to Lyrna, Shiril says, "That's what makes it interesting."
Speaking heartily to Lyrna, Chamorr says, "Acourse it does."
Erienne whispers something to Guarrin.
Aderion asks, "Since when is this where healers hang out?"
Speaking to Lyrna, Darcena says, "You're stuck here now, pack."
Speaking to Aderion, Shiril says, "Since we have a guest in town."
Speaking softly to Aderion, Razanetika says, "When they have visitors."
Speaking politely to Aderion, Cruxophim informs, "Since we have company."
Lyrna says, "Because Landing is about as different from Ta'Vaalor as I can imagine. In pretty much every way. Every time I start to think I'm getting a handle on how things work here..."
Gutstorm yells, "Hey bring back da hotty bo body!!!"
Cordarius says, "But you will all get to see more of me."
Cordarius waits, looking for perhaps some cheering, perhaps some applause.
Cordarius asks, "No?"
Cordarius shrugs.
Speaking neutrally to Cordarius, Cruxophim remarks, "Oh joy."
Speaking sarcastically to Cordarius, Pukk says, "Oh yay...."
Speaking softly to Gutstorm, Razanetika asks, "Do I need to sleep you again?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Darcena asks, "What'd I miss?"
Chamorr heartily says, "More imperials, awesome."
Lazaryth dismissively says, "It's nothing. I barely even feel it." [scarab]
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "Your help will be greatly appreciated."
Cordarius nods at Ysharra.
Speaking to Cordarius, Goldstr says, "I woulds gladly join a party to search fer Sir Andrews if needs be."
Speaking amiably to Cordarius, Leafiara says, "Well, welcome, I suppose. Just watch out or you might find yourself wanting to become a citizen."
Speaking to Cordarius, Lazaryth asks, "What else can we do for you?"
Cordarius leans on Ysharra.
Cordarius says, "I look forward to long nights of research."
Cordarius nods at Ysharra.
Speaking to Darcena, Ysharra says, "He's going to help with the blight, Cub."
Leafiara confidentially says, "Happens to a lot of people."
Cordarius starts chuckling at Leafiara!
Speaking to Ysharra, Darcena asks, "Oh, well... He's going to cure the rolton?"
Speaking to Darcena, Ysharra says, "The roltons need to be made well again."
Lyrna says, "Think we're passing through, and suddenly you're a citizen in the town militia." [referring to her own story]
Speaking approvingly to Cordarius, Darcena says, "I guess you can't be half bad."
Cordarius says, "No. I've a different road I think."
Pukk exclaims, "Everybody needs to remember. Cordy isn't a normal magister. He actually has a sense of humor. He is odd even for a magister!"
Speaking to Ysharra, Goldstr says, "It bad fer Helga's stew."
Cordarius says, "I'm half bad, half horse."
Cordarius snickers at Darcena.
Cordarius says, "I kid I kid..."
Cordarius waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Darcena looks thoughtfully at Cordarius.
Speaking obsequiously to Cordarius, Cruxophim sighs, "Oh heavens, thank you for delivering this town."
Speaking flatly to Pukk, Raelee reminds, "Pylasar used to be a Grand Magister."
Sreka says, "Well, I like his fashion sense."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "Have I told you I missed you."
Speaking to Raelee, Pukk asks, "So two of a kind then?"
Cordarius exclaims, "Well, that's all I had to discuss this night. Good work on ending such a big threat. But much work still to be done!"
Suddenly, there is movement in the shadows.
Speaking earnestly to Cordarius, Leafiara says, "In all seriousness, we do appreciate the help. Have a good eve."
Cordarius blinks.
Cordarius turns around.
Leafiara curiously says, "Hm."
Lyrna says, "I know I'm not a wizard."
Razanetika softly exclaims, "Wasn't me this time!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "Let me know if I can assist, sirrah."
Lyrna says, "Or really a mgaical type."
Brandilor: "Looking to trade uncut emeralds for uncut diamonds."
Speaking drunkenly to Cruxophim, Gutstorm says, "Mitter Cruxophimsh, can you make a new bulletin board for me to write on? I feel itsh the besht way for me to let out my frushtrationsh."
Rasson says, "Looks like Mother has 2 silvers to add."
Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "You too, Magister."
Razanetika softly says, "And Crux is right there.. so it's not him either."
From out of the shadow of an alleyway, a ball of white comes flying into view soaring towards Cordarius...
Speaking amusedly to Gutstorm, Cruxophim remarks, "Maybe someday."
Lyrna says, "But I did study magic theory with a High Priest of Lumnis. If I can..."
Chamorr heartily says, "Hope it don't start cacklin."
Speaking to Raelee, Pukk asks, "Unless you're trying to tell me that underneath that stone cold expressionless heart of yours, beats the heart of a normal person with a sense of humor?"
Razanetika moves to stand in front of Cordarius.
....the ball of white comes into view and appears to be a snowball and slams the Magister in the side of the head!
You hear someone giggling.
Razanetika softly asks, "Someone throwing snowballs?"
Cordarius blinks.
Speaking amusedly to Cordarius, Cruxophim observes, "At least it's not yellow."
Pukk yells, "Good hit!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "Looks like an iceball that time."
Leafiara amusedly asks, "Larsya, you out here again?"
Cruxophim yells, "SNOWFIGHT!"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "He got hitteded wit a shnowball."
Chamorr heartily says, "Yow."
Sreka says, "Well, that's what snowballs are FOR."
Larsya dances out of the shadows.
Chamorr heartily says, "Maybe it's Maags."
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Cruxophim. At the last moment Cruxophim tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
[a bunch of people start throwing snow; just imagine hundreds of lines of it through the rest of the log]
Lady Larsya just skipped merrily north.
Xorus says, "Well played."
Leafiara yells, "Welcome back to town!"
Speaking to Chamorr, Maags says, "I thought it was yous."
Darcena yells, "Come back here Crux!"
Cordarius says, "Well then."
Pukk exclaims, "Great hit! Now try throwing a brick and see if you can hit him!"
Cordarius dusts off his ashen-hued robe.
Lazaryth scolds, "Now, now."
Lazaryth says, "Some of this snow is dirty."
Berost deeply says, "What all the hollerin."
Cordarius says, "Enjoy that apple."
Speaking to Cordarius, Lyrna asks, "Would it be possible that I could be of help?"
Cordarius nods at Lazaryth.
Cordarius says, "For a very, very long time."
Lazaryth glances appraisingly around the area.
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "Larsya is a child. That'll just encourage her."
Cordarius says, "No, seriously."
Speaking to Darcena, Shiril says, "Harder next time."
Cordarius nods at Lazaryth.
Lazaryth indicates his green apple with a smile.
You hear someone giggling.
Speaking to Cordarius, Lazaryth says, "It does seem.. rather substantial."
Cordarius exclaims, "Goodnight everyone!"
Cordarius pulls the hood of his robe down over his face, concealing his features.
The voice of Razanetika softly says, "Bah."
Leafiara wishes, "Rest well!"
The voice of Razanetika softly exclaims, "No pointing Lyrna!"
Cordarius kisses Ysharra on the hand.
Magister Cordarius just went north.
Lyrna says, "I suppose not then."
Speaking to Ysharra, Melikor says, "Really."
Larsya skips into view.
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Speaking to Melikor, Ysharra says, "You knew it was coming."
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Speaking amusedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "He might not have heard you in the bustle."
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Lazaryth. At the last moment Lazaryth tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You know how many magisters it takes to light a candle? Just 1, but it takes a long time because first they have to study the candle...."
Chamorr winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr exclaims, "Heya Lass!"
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Goldstr. At the last moment Goldstr tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Lyrna says, "I actually rather like doing research."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Hiya."
Larsya slings a light green wyrwood short bow off from over her shoulder.
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Pukk completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara suggests, "Can always try to send a missive."
Speaking amusedly to Larsya, Cruxophim wishes, "Have fun, kiddo."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Nice shot."
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Pukk completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Lyrna says, "I don't think I want to get in the middle of the snowball fight."
Larsya plucks at the string of her wyrwood short bow, making a dull twanging sound.
Melikor winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Pukk. At the last moment Pukk tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Lyrna says, "Goodnight all."
Melikor says, "Vengeance is mine."
Larsya plucks at the string of her wyrwood short bow, making a dull twanging sound.
Gutstorm winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Darcena exclaims, "Oops!"
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Lyrna completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Speaking warmly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "See you soon."
Speaking to Xorus, Darcena exclaims, "I was aiming for Zolis!"
Berost deeply asks, "What all the racket about?"
Pukk winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Speaking insincerely to Xorus, Darcena exclaims, "Really!"
Speaking amusedly to Berost, Leafiara asks, "Impromptu snowball fight to celebrate Larsya's return?"
Speaking to Xorus, Ysharra says, "Somehow I didn't expect that. I thought it would slough off and melt before it got anywhere close."
Berost deeply says, "Works fer me."
Larsya releases the clip on the bow's lower limb, freeing the arrow on its string.
Goldstr exclaims, "We needs find Dawn!" [Larsya's wolf, though I believe Dawn isn't missing, at least according to Larsya; she just isn't used to town]
Larsya draws back on the string of her wyrwood short bow and releases, sending the arrow straight for Pukk! You hear a *THWAP* as the suction cup sticks right in the middle of Pukk's forehead.
Larsya yanks on the string, snapping it from Pukk's forehead with a *POP*!
Gutstorm hurls himself at Larsya!
Gutstorm flies a bit wide and lands in a heap on the ground.
Pukk grins at Larsya.
Larsya twirls a light green wyrwood short bow over her head in a flashy move before slinging it onto her shoulder.
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Thrassus. At the last moment Thrassus tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Razanetika winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya dances around the area to music only she can hear.
Gutstorm winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Kobane winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Darcena exclaims, "Storm!!"
Stormyrain reaches into a large dark red jar painted with a pattern of silver sparks and gingerly pulls out a pinch of vivid red powder.
Stormyrain tosses a pinch of vivid red powder in the air and it expands into a thick cloud, obscuring her form. When the air clears, Stormyrain has vanished from sight.
The voice of Stormyrain asks, "Yes?"
Darcena exclaims, "Cheating!"
The voice of Thrassus says, "Can't hit what you can't see."
The voice of Stormyrain says, "Untrue."
The voice of Stormyrain amusedly says, "Playing smart."
Ysharra says, "Don't tempt me, Scholar."
Ysharra says, "I could drag you out if I really wanted to."
Chamorr heartily says, "Bang."
The voice of Thrassus says, "That would be cheating."
The voice of Stormyrain amusedly says, "I am with Thrassus here."
Speaking to Ysharra, Darcena says, "I already got him good."
Darcena says, "I think it even went up his nose."
Darcena asks, "Did it, Thrassus?"
Larsya says, "I found some things in a pack left by Pylasar."
The voice of Thrassus says, "No."
Speaking curiously to Larsya, Leafiara asks, "...oh?"
Larsya rummages in a bag at her belt.
Darcena seriously asks, "What?"
Larsya says, "Here it is..."
Speaking to Larsya, Ysharra asks, "What's that?"
Larsya moves to stand in front of Pukk.
The voice of Razanetika softly asks, "What kind of things?"
The voice of Razanetika softly asks, "Are they purple?"
Larsya places a purple firework on the ground next to Pukk's behind.
Larsya carefully sets a purple firework on the ground.
Pukk sticks his tongue out at Larsya, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!
Larsya carefully lights the fuse on a purple firework, which immediately begins to issue forth a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
Larsya giggles.
The fuse on a purple firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
The fuse on a purple firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
The fuse on a purple firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
Pukk flails his arms about.
Shinann says, "Oh..."
The fuse on a purple firework burns away into the body of the firework.
Pukk flails his arms about.
You notice Larsya slip out of hiding.
The purple firework issues a violent torrent of purple sparks from its base and shoots off into the air. A bright trail of purple light rises into the nighttime sky above the town of Wehnimer's Landing, vanishing from sight a heartbeat later.
A single bright, purple flash illuminates the nighttime sky and thunderously pounds the eardrums an instant later.
Pukk starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
Pukk flails his arms about.
Shinann says, "Hmm."
Speaking to Pukk, Darcena says, "Your hiney is going to be ultra hot."
Thrassus asks, "Is that safe?"
Ysharra says, "No."
The voice of Razanetika softly asks, "But... is it a rocket?"
Goldstr exclaims, "Fireworks from Peter!"
Speaking to Larsya, Pukk exclaims, "Okay, that was funny!"
Pukk giggles at Larsya.
Speaking to Larsya, Stormyrain inquires, "Do you still enjoy playing pirates, Miss Larsya?"
Speaking to Darcena, Lazaryth says, "I dare you."
Leafiara wistfully says, "Hopefully he'll be back. Even if he got lost six hundred years in the future, or something."
Speaking to Kobane, Ysharra says, "I like that."
A small spark of fire seems to have caught on the back of Pukk's ebon leather pants.
The spark begins to grow...
Pukk flails his arms about.
Pukk suddenly bursts into flames!
Pukk screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.
Speaking softly to Pukk, Razanetika says, "You're on fire dear."
Darcena just pushed Pukk over!
Leafiara begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Leafiara fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Darcena begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Darcena fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Erienne begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Erienne fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm says, "Yer ash looksh hot."
Rasson winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Pukk. At the last moment Pukk tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Darcena begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Darcena fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
The flames surrounding Pukk flare up and sear his skin!
... 18 points of damage!
Nasty burns to abdomen, Pukk shrieks in pain!
He is stunned!
Speaking quietly to Ysharra, Kobane says, "I learned it on Caligos Isle this year."
Leafiara begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Leafiara fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Larsya giggles.
Erienne begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Erienne fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Larsya asks, "Oops?"
Leafiara begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Leafiara fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Darcena begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Darcena manages to put out the flames surrounding Pukk! Pukk sits up and brushes some smoldering ashes from his clothing.
Darcena rolls Pukk over.
Darcena rolls Pukk over.
Leafiara rolls Pukk over.
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra says, "You need a fuse- oh, there it is."
Leafiara rolls Pukk over.
Lazaryth says, "And this is why I'm never having children."
Chamorr heartily says, "Oops."
Pukk sings:
"This Pukk is on fire!"
Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm says, "Don't ask me to kiss your booboo."
Erienne says, "I can't believe my snowball didn't melt."
Speaking gratefully to Darcena, Leafiara says, "Thank you." [healing for buned hands]
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Nicely done."
Erienne winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Pukk reaches up and lifts one corner of his hat, then quickly stuffs a tiny crown of bones inside it.
Pukk removes a moldy bone from in his leather pants.
Speaking to Larsya, Pukk exclaims, "You broke it!"
Pukk waves a moldy bone at Larsya.
Speaking to Larsya, Ysharra says, "Thank you for sharing."
Pukk put a moldy bone in his leather pants.
Pukk exclaims, "Yes!"
Larsya giggles.
Rasson winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Leafiara innocently muses, "If this snow doesn't melt, I'll have to keep my snowball satchel at the ready..."
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Razanetika. At the last moment Razanetika tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Razanetika winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Razanetika winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Razanetika winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya exclaims, "Goodnight!"
Larsya licks a giant mound of snow.
Larsya sticks out her tongue.
Erienne whispers something to Lazaryth.
Larsya exclaims, "I love the snow!"
Larsya giggles at Darcena.
Erienne whispers something to Lazaryth.
Speaking thoughtfully to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "You know, if they're figuring out how to undo the blight, maybe they can work with your scarab too..."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Good night Miss."
Speaking to Erienne, Lazaryth says, "Done."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth asks, "What's that you say?"
Speaking warmly to Larsya, Leafiara says, "See you soon, hopefully."
Darcena offers Larsya a perfectly rounded snowball.
Speaking to Pukk, Melikor says, "Ouch."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth asks, "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" [fill in dozens of lines of snowballs between these lines]
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara admit, "Well, it's only a hope."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "See what you started."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara adds, "But maybe the Hall can help you with the scarab problem."
Speaking softly to Pukk, Razanetika exclaims, "Just making sure the fire is out!"
Lazaryth distractedly says, "Ah.."
Lazaryth noncommittally says, "Mm."
Lazaryth says, "We'll see."
Larsya nods at Darcena.
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "Oh, I appreciate the sympathy."
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Pukk says, "So, they were just discussing some interesting facts about the Bleak. I thought they should consult with you first."
Darcena offers Larsya a perfectly rounded snowball.
Larsya accepts Darcena's rounded snowball.
Darcena flashes a quick grin at Larsya.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Gutstorm. At the last moment Gutstorm tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
The coppery barn owl hoots at Pukk.
The coppery barn owl hoots at Pukk.
Larsya exclaims, "Goooooodnight!"
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Pukk says, "I agree."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara offers, "For what it's worth, the witch had cursed me for months before and the Hall figured it out, along with aid from Crux and me."
Lazaryth curtly says, "Good night."
Speaking optimistically to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "So maybe this will be the same."
Pukk exclaims, "Good night all!"
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara clarifies, "I mean, maybe not the Crux and me part. But the Hall part."
[Pukk fogs us to Voln]
Rasson says, "Night."
[running back]
Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Kobane says, "Good one."
Speaking amusedly to Kobane, Leafiara says, "That was Pukk."
Speaking insincerely to Zolis, Darcena says, "Moderately sorry about dripping snow down your face."
Speaking deeply to Darcena, Zolis says, "Oh? I didn't even notice."
Speaking amusedly to Thrassus, Darcena says, "Not at all sorry about yours."
Larsya nudges Chamorr, who suddenly stumbles back and falls because of his shoes having been tied together. Larsya giggles and runs off into the snow-filled night.
Chamorr heartily says, "She got me good."
Speaking amusedly to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "Always the small ones with you. Larsya or Maags."
Goldstr says, "Nice work der on da Bear Lass."
Zolis winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Darcena. At the last moment Darcena tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Darcena exclaims, "Zolis Kyr'Resiv!"
Zolis deeply asks, "Yes?"
Speaking to Zolis, Darcena admits, "I deserved that."
(Lazaryth rolls his snow into a ball, but then, in a momentary lapse of concentration, ends up chucking his apple at Darcena's head instead.)
(Lazaryth drops his snowball and quickly retrieves the apple.)
Speaking stiffly to Lazaryth, Darcena snarls, "Next time make it a rolton rib."
Speaking quickly to Darcena, Lazaryth says, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Lazaryth says, "I don't know what happened."
Goldstr says, "Goods to see da lass back an happy."
Darcena mutters, "Brothers."
Chamorr heartily says, "Bang."
Lazaryth says, "Let me get changed first next time we have a snowball fight."
Lazaryth mutters, "I'm sure I have a pair of overalls somewhere.."
Speaking playfully to Lazaryth, Leafiara asks, "Where's your sense of spontaneity?"
Razanetika softly says, "Wish we could aim the snowballs."
Goldstr exclaims, "Take care folks. I be off!"
Lazaryth pinches Leafiara!
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I wouldn't be sure of that."
Erienne says, "The best snowball fights are never planned."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "There."
Log Version 2: Mostly Inclusive (Witchful Thinking Style)
Fairly similar to the above, but greetings and goodbyes are cut out unless they involve GM NPCs, as are healing requests, spellups, and the most obviously off-topic comments. Below you'll see a 42,437 character log, where most of the cut material compared to the above is in the first section. This being a pure RP night, the changes aren't as noticeable as they would be on an invasion night where I usually cut hundreds of lines of healing and spelling up.
Awaiting Cordarius
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a green-eyed grey cat, the Razanetika disk, the purple Kobane disk, the Trallihn disk, an ancient cinereous vulture that is flying around, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, the black Monthas disk, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, the Dannore disk, the blue Littlefuut disk, the Chiora disk, the Peachykin disk, a large acorn, a threadbare pink woolen hood, a flask of aged Reiver whisky, a large acorn, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.
Also here: Razanetika, High Lord Kobane, Echonar, Trallihn, Elsweyr, Nostre, Lady Hithyr, Lord Oldale, Great Lord Monthas who is sitting, Event Planner Leafiara, Lord Zaxabar, Lord Dannore who is sitting, Littlefuut, Chiora, Peachykin, Lord Hellionn, Lord Musix, Sanguino, Xisum
The sky is filled with a blanket of low clouds, pale and unmoving. Sounds seem muffled and the air feels thick and takes on a quiet stillness.
Glistening flakes of snow cascade down from the skies.
Leafiara muses, "Another cold night."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You're it."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Leafi!"
Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Leafiara asks, "For what?"
Leafiara says, "Oh, of course."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "It was either you or Stormy, but Stormy is grumpy, so I chose you."
Chamorr glances at Stormyrain.
Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at Chamorr.
The coppery barn owl moves closer to Shinann.
Stormyrain paces to her left, moving in a circle around an oak tree.
Stormyrain grumbles.
Stormyrain shakes her head at Chamorr and clucks her tongue.
Chamorr reaches out and takes Stormyrain's hand, shaking it vigorously. Suddenly a loud *bzzzzzzzzzt* emanates from their clasped hands! Stormyrain's arm vibrates wildly, causing her to jump and her eyes to grow wide!
Stormyrain swears under her breath.
Shinann raises an eyebrow in Stormyrain's direction.
Speaking to Shinann, Stormyrain says, "Chamorr and that damned hand zapper."
Pukk reaches out and takes Chamorr's hand, shaking it vigorously. Suddenly a loud *bzzzzzzzzzt* emanates from their clasped hands! Chamorr's arm vibrates wildly, causing him to jump and his eyes to grow wide!
Shinann says, "Oh."
Leafiara reaches out and takes Pukk's hand, shaking it vigorously. Suddenly a loud *bzzzzzzzzzt* emanates from their clasped hands! Pukk's arm vibrates wildly, causing him to jump and his eyes to grow wide!
Chamorr heartily says, "It's a epidemic."
Leafiara amusedly says, "The buzzers are out in force tonight."
The coppery barn owl hoots.
Pukk says, "Those hand buzzers are the bestest thing ever."
The coppery barn owl hoots.
Leafiara hoots at the coppery barn owl.
The coppery barn owl hoots at Maags.
Shinann says, "There you go."
Cordarius: "Why, hello all."
Leafiara offhandedly says, "Ah, Cordarius."
Leafiara: "Good eve."
Ysharra: "Good evening, Cordarius."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika asks, "Mage?"
Speaking to Razanetika, Leafiara affirms, "The very one!"
Cordarius: "I'm coming to town soon."
Speaking idly to Razanetika, Leafiara admits, "I still wonder what was so special about him of all people that Quinshon wanted his blood."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lyrna asks, "Staying out of too much trouble?"
Rendena softly asks, "Huh?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Who wanted whose blood?"
Speaking slowly to Pukk, Leafiara explains, "Quinshon wanted Cordarius'."
Lyrna says, "Seems like lots of people want blood around here."
Lyrna says, "Almost seems to be a currency."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "You know what I want to know?"
Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara concedes, "Around here... yeah, more or less."
Speaking curiously to Pukk, Leafiara asks, "What?"
Speaking jokingly to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Why was Balley's scarab different than the others?"
Speaking lightly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "She's still wondering too."
Speaking optimistically to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Maybe we'll find out, now that she's not here."
Lyrna asks, "Just lucky?"
Cordarius' Congrats and Plans
Magister Cordarius just arrived.
Magister Cordarius just went east.
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a glistening black apple, a maddened mountain spirit that is flying around, a sinuous bone white serpent, a giant mound of snow, the Ysharra disk, the pallid grey Melikor disk emblazoned with a vibrant scarlet pentacle, a snow white raven that is flying around, a polished bleakstone statue and a large purple wooden barrel.
Also here: Magister Cordarius, Darcena, Lord Thrassus, Lord Zolis, Ysharra, Melikor
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Kobane, Lyrna, Felita and Pukk followed.
Darcena says, "And the one who created it for me..."
Darcena says, "Is here."
Pukk yells, "Owly! You might have to lead us since the turtle isn't here tonight!"
Cordarius polishes a green apple on the sleeve of his robe.
Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra greets, "Magister Svala."
Speaking crossly to Cordarius, Raelee asks, "Why do you always insist upon doing this here?"
Chamorr winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Maags. At the last moment Maags tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Chamorr heartily says, "Bang."
Maags says, "Problies is not good to be in the path of dueling magisters."
Leafiara yells, "The Magister's over here, friends! ...two of them, in fact."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Let's see if Owly wants to lead the group."
Guarrin whispers something to Erienne.
Cordarius says, "The blanket of snow in the sky reminds me of your flawless skin carved from the purest of ivory, spared only by the same white luster of your eyes that has been freckled with motes of the sun itself."
Cordarius winks at Raelee.
Leafiara dryly says, "Uh-huh."
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "That sounded not a bit rehearsed."
Speaking flatly to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Nothing about that reads as a legitimate reason."
Lyrna asks, "Where did he come from?"
Cordarius chuckles.
Speaking offhandedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Hall of Mages."
Cordarius says, "My life is rehearsed."
A snow white raven suddenly releases an ear-piercing shriek!
Cordarius chuckles.
Speaking to Zolis, Darcena says, "You could maybe practice a bit of that."
Maags says, "Not as good as Sir Knight's poetries."
Lyrna asks, "Oh?"
Speaking to a snow white raven, Ysharra says, "I thought so, too."
The voice of Chamorr heartily says, "Vauldville."
Speaking deeply to Darcena, Zolis asks, "Oh you think so?"
Cordarius says, "Sir Knight's twenty year opus."
Cordarius winks at Maags.
Maags says, "But less blushing. He melts the snow."
Speaking softly to Cordarius, Razanetika says, "That sounds a bit boring."
Pukk recites:
"Xorus and Ysharra sitting in a tree...."
Maags nods at Cordarius.
Maags grins.
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Is that one of our purified samples? The apple."
Melikor narrows his eyes and gives Pukk a dirty look.
Cordarius grins at Raelee.
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra asks, "One of the trees that eats bodies?"
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Cordarius smacks his lips.
Speaking curiously to Raelee, Cruxophim ventures, "Purified samples?"
Cordarius says, "Delicious, isn't it."
Speaking to Melikor, Pukk says, "Sorry I didn't know you were there."
Maags says, "I spose he has had more time to work on it."
Pukk recites:
"Melikor and Xorus sitting in a tree...."
Cordarius says, "First..."
Melikor sighs.
Speaking to Melikor, Pukk asks, "Better?"
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra says, "I like that better."
Lyrna says, "Hmm. I think I'm missing a bit."
Cordarius says, "Congratulations are in order."
Rasson asks, "So apples to cure the blight?"
Cordarius says, "I am sure there is a bell ringing somewhere."
Maags whispers something to Pukk.
Cordarius says, "But the witch is dead."
Speaking to Rasson, Leafiara muses, "Other way around, if the Magister is right..."
Cordarius says, "You must be very happy."
You hear a melodious tune as Razanetika taps the bells.
You hear a melodious tune as Kobane taps the bells.
Ysharra says, "It's possible. Apples are highly resistant to regular sorts of blight and infestations."
Razanetika smooths the folds of her white silk skirt, causing the bells on it to tinkle softly.
Cordarius says, "She's been a thorn in your town's side for almost as long as the Ta'Mori."
Cordarius snickers to himself.
Cordarius says, "It's got to feel good."
Melikor looks over at Pukk and shakes his head.
Speaking seriously to Cordarius, Darcena says, "I'm quite pleased."
Speaking bemusedly to Cordarius, Cruxophim reminds, "They're... not so much a threat."
Speaking in Faendryl, Xorus says something you don't understand.
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm says, "Look at dish."
Gutstorm eyes an antique silver-wrapped staff incised with alchemical symbols with barely contained fury.
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee asks, "What do you mean 'if'?"
Lyrna says, "I think the Ta'Mori have been a pain in everyone's side for as long as they've existed."
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "I wouldn't say I feel good about it. But I see what you mean."
Cordarius says, "It would see the blight did not end with her though."
Lyrna says, "Just one opinion."
Cordarius says, "Clever, it's as I would have designed it."
Kobane quietly asks, "The Ta'Mori still exist?"
Lyrna mildly says, "Not a fan."
Cordarius says, "Everyone wants a legacy."
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm exclaims, "Look at dish new trick!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "You know what Owly says about magisters and their facts right?"
Cordarius says, "Magister Svala and I look forward to working with many of you over the coming weeks to learn more of what we can."
Speaking to Kobane, Lyrna says, "Saw Katze earlier this year. We could only hope, but usually they come back."
Speaking to Raelee, Darcena asks, "Did you hear that?"
Speaking to Raelee, Darcena says, "You are looking FORWARD to working with us."
Cordarius says, "No one wants spring never to come."
Lyrna asks, "Spring never to come?"
Razanetika softly says, "I prefer it to be winter always."
Lyrna asks, "Is that a danger?"
Rasson says, "Icemule lives fine without a spring."
Cordarius nods at Lyrna.
Ysharra says, "If the blight kills everything it might as well be winter forever."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "I he the imp with a sense of humor?"
Speaking to Raelee, Darcena says, "I hope these diplomatic conversations involve snacks."
Cordarius says, "Of course."
Lyrna says, "I know there was a long winter in Ta'Vaalor right before... a year or two ago."
Speaking to Darcena, Raelee says, "Not from me, they will not."
Cordarius removes the hood of his robe, revealing his features.
Leafiara whispers something to Pukk.
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Lyrna says, "But I believe that ended up being a child with an artifact." [was a story in Ta'Vaalor]
Speaking to Darcena, Raelee says, "No one should be eating the laboratory samples."
Speaking approvingly to Cordarius, Darcena says, "A man who enjoys snacks."
Cordarius asks, "Has the blight spoken to you again lately?"
Lyrna asks, "Different kind of perpetual winter though?"
Cordarius peers quizzically at Ysharra.
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm says, "I gotsh da powa."
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "No. Not since that evening."
Cordarius nods.
Cordarius says, "Hopefully it does again."
Speaking to Ysharra, Lazaryth asks, "Did you try to speak to it?"
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I tried after Naimorai died."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I received no response that I could sense."
Lazaryth says, "I see."
Cruxophim whispers something to Shiril.
Speaking to a snow white raven, Ysharra says, "I may have been a little distracted."
Cordarius offers Lazaryth a crisp green apple.
Lazaryth glances at Cordarius.
Chamorr heartily says, "Remember them black apple trees everywhere."
Lazaryth accepts Cordarius's green apple.
Lazaryth bows.
Regarding Thadston
Cordarius says, "I also heard the news of Sir Thadston."
Cordarius asks, "We....can still call him Sir, yes?"
Cordarius shrugs.
Chamorr heartily says, "We had to get the Maw."
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Technically, no."
Cordarius says, "Well then. Sir Thadston it is."
Cordarius chuckles.
Leafiara offers, "The honor's not lost even if the spurs are surrendered?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Okay, he is funny."
Lazaryth says, "We must do something about Thadston. It'd be a shame to lose such a man."
Speaking amusedly to Leafiara, Cruxophim remarks, "Suppose even knights retire."
(Lazaryth rubs the apple idly on his jacket.)
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I'm sure that would be one of Lylia's priorities, with the blight."
Speaking heartily to Cordarius, Chamorr says, "Marshall."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Rasson says, "I would guess he has already went to join his son."
Cordarius says, "By all accounts, when the portal was closed, with you all on one side...and he on the other, he should have, or could have, ended up in the Bleaklands."
Speaking to Ysharra, Lazaryth asks, "Was that sarcastic? Or do you really think so?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra asks, "Are you sure about that?"
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I know it to be truth."
Speaking amusedly to Cordarius, Cruxophim speculates, "Can he not sojourn back? Walk it off, as it were?"
Thrassus asks, "There were still pylons and golems on the other side, yes?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Pukk asks, "Have you checked your facts with Owly to be sure?"
Lazaryth noncommittally says, "Mm."
Speaking to Cordarius, Leafiara admits, "Was hoping your golems would have found him, but if not, then... well, I suppose a long march is in order."
Speaking deeply to Cruxophim, Zolis says, "The outlook is bleak."
Raelee says, "... with the caveat that the portal had been previously tampered with in ways that we never entirely discerned."
Cordarius says, "I've been informed we have not found him yet. But Octaven's golems have nearly completed their work, many to return soon. If we find him, or any sign of him, you will all be the first to know."
Speaking to Cordarius, Goldstr says, "We Tankee fer dat."
Lyrna says, "This place baffles me."
Xorus says, "The Bleaklands itself and the tampered portal are both caveats on where he should have ended up when it was closed."
Speaking to Lyrna, Lazaryth asks, "Why's that, now?"
Speaking fondly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "That's why we stay. Never a dull moment."
Speaking to Lyrna, Shiril says, "That's what makes it interesting."
Speaking heartily to Lyrna, Chamorr says, "Acourse it does."
Erienne whispers something to Guarrin.
Speaking to Lyrna, Darcena says, "You're stuck here now, pack."
Lyrna says, "Because Landing is about as different from Ta'Vaalor as I can imagine. In pretty much every way. Every time I start to think I'm getting a handle on how things work here..."
Gutstorm yells, "Hey bring back da hotty bo body!!!"
Cordarius says, "But you will all get to see more of me."
Cordarius waits, looking for perhaps some cheering, perhaps some applause.
Cordarius asks, "No?"
Cordarius shrugs.
Speaking neutrally to Cordarius, Cruxophim remarks, "Oh joy."
Speaking sarcastically to Cordarius, Pukk says, "Oh yay...."
Speaking softly to Gutstorm, Razanetika asks, "Do I need to sleep you again?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Darcena asks, "What'd I miss?"
Chamorr heartily says, "More imperials, awesome."
Lazaryth dismissively says, "It's nothing. I barely even feel it." [scarab]
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "Your help will be greatly appreciated."
Cordarius nods at Ysharra.
Speaking to Cordarius, Goldstr says, "I woulds gladly join a party to search fer Sir Andrews if needs be."
Speaking amiably to Cordarius, Leafiara says, "Well, welcome, I suppose. Just watch out or you might find yourself wanting to become a citizen."
Speaking to Cordarius, Lazaryth asks, "What else can we do for you?"
Cordarius leans on Ysharra.
Cordarius says, "I look forward to long nights of research."
Cordarius nods at Ysharra.
Speaking to Darcena, Ysharra says, "He's going to help with the blight, Cub."
Leafiara confidentially says, "Happens to a lot of people."
Cordarius starts chuckling at Leafiara!
Speaking to Ysharra, Darcena asks, "Oh, well... He's going to cure the rolton?"
Speaking to Darcena, Ysharra says, "The roltons need to be made well again."
Lyrna says, "Think we're passing through, and suddenly you're a citizen in the town militia." [referring to her own story]
Speaking approvingly to Cordarius, Darcena says, "I guess you can't be half bad."
Cordarius says, "No. I've a different road I think."
Pukk exclaims, "Everybody needs to remember. Cordy isn't a normal magister. He actually has a sense of humor. He is odd even for a magister!"
Speaking to Ysharra, Goldstr says, "It bad fer Helga's stew."
Cordarius says, "I'm half bad, half horse."
Cordarius snickers at Darcena.
Cordarius says, "I kid I kid..."
Cordarius waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Darcena looks thoughtfully at Cordarius.
Speaking obsequiously to Cordarius, Cruxophim sighs, "Oh heavens, thank you for delivering this town."
Speaking flatly to Pukk, Raelee reminds, "Pylasar used to be a Grand Magister."
Sreka says, "Well, I like his fashion sense."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Ysharra says, "Have I told you I missed you."
Speaking to Raelee, Pukk asks, "So two of a kind then?"
Cordarius exclaims, "Well, that's all I had to discuss this night. Good work on ending such a big threat. But much work still to be done!"
Suddenly, there is movement in the shadows.
Speaking earnestly to Cordarius, Leafiara says, "In all seriousness, we do appreciate the help. Have a good eve."
Cordarius blinks.
Cordarius turns around.
Leafiara curiously says, "Hm."
Lyrna says, "I know I'm not a wizard."
Razanetika softly exclaims, "Wasn't me this time!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "Let me know if I can assist, sirrah."
Lyrna says, "Or really a mgaical type."
Brandilor: "Looking to trade uncut emeralds for uncut diamonds."
Speaking drunkenly to Cruxophim, Gutstorm says, "Mitter Cruxophimsh, can you make a new bulletin board for me to write on? I feel itsh the besht way for me to let out my frushtrationsh."
Rasson says, "Looks like Mother has 2 silvers to add."
Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "You too, Magister."
Razanetika softly says, "And Crux is right there.. so it's not him either."
From out of the shadow of an alleyway, a ball of white comes flying into view soaring towards Cordarius...
Speaking amusedly to Gutstorm, Cruxophim remarks, "Maybe someday."
Lyrna says, "But I did study magic theory with a High Priest of Lumnis. If I can..."
Chamorr heartily says, "Hope it don't start cacklin."
Speaking to Raelee, Pukk asks, "Unless you're trying to tell me that underneath that stone cold expressionless heart of yours, beats the heart of a normal person with a sense of humor?"
Razanetika moves to stand in front of Cordarius.
....the ball of white comes into view and appears to be a snowball and slams the Magister in the side of the head!
You hear someone giggling.
Razanetika softly asks, "Someone throwing snowballs?"
Cordarius blinks.
Speaking amusedly to Cordarius, Cruxophim observes, "At least it's not yellow."
Pukk yells, "Good hit!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "Looks like an iceball that time."
Leafiara amusedly asks, "Larsya, you out here again?"
Cruxophim yells, "SNOWFIGHT!"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "He got hitteded wit a shnowball."
Chamorr heartily says, "Yow."
Sreka says, "Well, that's what snowballs are FOR."
Larsya dances out of the shadows.
Chamorr heartily says, "Maybe it's Maags."
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Cruxophim. At the last moment Cruxophim tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
[a bunch of people start throwing snow; just imagine hundreds of lines of it through the rest of the log]
Lady Larsya just skipped merrily north.
Xorus says, "Well played."
Leafiara yells, "Welcome back to town!"
Speaking to Chamorr, Maags says, "I thought it was yous."
Darcena yells, "Come back here Crux!"
Cordarius says, "Well then."
Pukk exclaims, "Great hit! Now try throwing a brick and see if you can hit him!"
Cordarius dusts off his ashen-hued robe.
Lazaryth scolds, "Now, now."
Lazaryth says, "Some of this snow is dirty."
Berost deeply says, "What all the hollerin."
Cordarius says, "Enjoy that apple."
Speaking to Cordarius, Lyrna asks, "Would it be possible that I could be of help?"
Cordarius nods at Lazaryth.
Cordarius says, "For a very, very long time."
Lazaryth glances appraisingly around the area.
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "Larsya is a child. That'll just encourage her."
Cordarius says, "No, seriously."
Speaking to Darcena, Shiril says, "Harder next time."
Cordarius nods at Lazaryth.
Lazaryth indicates his green apple with a smile.
You hear someone giggling.
Speaking to Cordarius, Lazaryth says, "It does seem.. rather substantial."
Cordarius exclaims, "Goodnight everyone!"
Cordarius pulls the hood of his robe down over his face, concealing his features.
The voice of Razanetika softly says, "Bah."
Leafiara wishes, "Rest well!"
The voice of Razanetika softly exclaims, "No pointing Lyrna!"
Cordarius kisses Ysharra on the hand.
Magister Cordarius just went north.
Lyrna says, "I suppose not then."
Speaking to Ysharra, Melikor says, "Really."
Larsya skips into view.
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Speaking to Melikor, Ysharra says, "You knew it was coming."
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Speaking amusedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "He might not have heard you in the bustle."
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Lazaryth. At the last moment Lazaryth tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You know how many magisters it takes to light a candle? Just 1, but it takes a long time because first they have to study the candle...."
Chamorr winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr exclaims, "Heya Lass!"
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Goldstr. At the last moment Goldstr tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Lyrna says, "I actually rather like doing research."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Hiya."
Larsya slings a light green wyrwood short bow off from over her shoulder.
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Pukk completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara suggests, "Can always try to send a missive."
Speaking amusedly to Larsya, Cruxophim wishes, "Have fun, kiddo."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Nice shot."
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Pukk completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Lyrna says, "I don't think I want to get in the middle of the snowball fight."
Larsya plucks at the string of her wyrwood short bow, making a dull twanging sound.
Melikor winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Pukk. At the last moment Pukk tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Melikor says, "Vengeance is mine."
Larsya plucks at the string of her wyrwood short bow, making a dull twanging sound.
Gutstorm winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Darcena exclaims, "Oops!"
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Lyrna completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Speaking warmly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "See you soon."
Speaking to Xorus, Darcena exclaims, "I was aiming for Zolis!"
Berost deeply asks, "What all the racket about?"
Pukk winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Speaking insincerely to Xorus, Darcena exclaims, "Really!"
Speaking amusedly to Berost, Leafiara asks, "Impromptu snowball fight to celebrate Larsya's return?"
Speaking to Xorus, Ysharra says, "Somehow I didn't expect that. I thought it would slough off and melt before it got anywhere close."
Berost deeply says, "Works fer me."
Larsya releases the clip on the bow's lower limb, freeing the arrow on its string.
Goldstr exclaims, "We needs find Dawn!" [Larsya's wolf, though I believe Dawn isn't missing, at least according to Larsya; she just isn't used to town]
Larsya draws back on the string of her wyrwood short bow and releases, sending the arrow straight for Pukk! You hear a *THWAP* as the suction cup sticks right in the middle of Pukk's forehead.
Larsya yanks on the string, snapping it from Pukk's forehead with a *POP*!
Gutstorm hurls himself at Larsya!
Gutstorm flies a bit wide and lands in a heap on the ground.
Pukk grins at Larsya.
Larsya twirls a light green wyrwood short bow over her head in a flashy move before slinging it onto her shoulder.
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Thrassus. At the last moment Thrassus tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Razanetika winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya dances around the area to music only she can hear.
Gutstorm winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Kobane winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Darcena exclaims, "Storm!!"
Stormyrain reaches into a large dark red jar painted with a pattern of silver sparks and gingerly pulls out a pinch of vivid red powder.
Stormyrain tosses a pinch of vivid red powder in the air and it expands into a thick cloud, obscuring her form. When the air clears, Stormyrain has vanished from sight.
The voice of Stormyrain asks, "Yes?"
Darcena exclaims, "Cheating!"
The voice of Thrassus says, "Can't hit what you can't see."
The voice of Stormyrain says, "Untrue."
The voice of Stormyrain amusedly says, "Playing smart."
Ysharra says, "Don't tempt me, Scholar."
Ysharra says, "I could drag you out if I really wanted to."
Chamorr heartily says, "Bang."
The voice of Thrassus says, "That would be cheating."
The voice of Stormyrain amusedly says, "I am with Thrassus here."
Speaking to Ysharra, Darcena says, "I already got him good."
Darcena says, "I think it even went up his nose."
Darcena asks, "Did it, Thrassus?"
Larsya says, "I found some things in a pack left by Pylasar."
The voice of Thrassus says, "No."
Speaking curiously to Larsya, Leafiara asks, "...oh?"
Larsya rummages in a bag at her belt.
Darcena seriously asks, "What?"
Larsya says, "Here it is..."
Speaking to Larsya, Ysharra asks, "What's that?"
Larsya moves to stand in front of Pukk.
The voice of Razanetika softly asks, "What kind of things?"
The voice of Razanetika softly asks, "Are they purple?"
Larsya places a purple firework on the ground next to Pukk's behind.
Larsya carefully sets a purple firework on the ground.
Pukk sticks his tongue out at Larsya, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!
Larsya carefully lights the fuse on a purple firework, which immediately begins to issue forth a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
Larsya giggles.
The fuse on a purple firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
The fuse on a purple firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
The fuse on a purple firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
Pukk flails his arms about.
Shinann says, "Oh..."
The fuse on a purple firework burns away into the body of the firework.
Pukk flails his arms about.
You notice Larsya slip out of hiding.
The purple firework issues a violent torrent of purple sparks from its base and shoots off into the air. A bright trail of purple light rises into the nighttime sky above the town of Wehnimer's Landing, vanishing from sight a heartbeat later.
A single bright, purple flash illuminates the nighttime sky and thunderously pounds the eardrums an instant later.
Pukk starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
Pukk flails his arms about.
Shinann says, "Hmm."
Speaking to Pukk, Darcena says, "Your hiney is going to be ultra hot."
Thrassus asks, "Is that safe?"
Ysharra says, "No."
The voice of Razanetika softly asks, "But... is it a rocket?"
Goldstr exclaims, "Fireworks from Peter!"
Speaking to Larsya, Pukk exclaims, "Okay, that was funny!"
Pukk giggles at Larsya.
Speaking to Larsya, Stormyrain inquires, "Do you still enjoy playing pirates, Miss Larsya?"
Speaking to Darcena, Lazaryth says, "I dare you."
Leafiara wistfully says, "Hopefully he'll be back. Even if he got lost six hundred years in the future, or something."
Speaking to Kobane, Ysharra says, "I like that."
A small spark of fire seems to have caught on the back of Pukk's ebon leather pants.
The spark begins to grow...
Pukk flails his arms about.
Pukk suddenly bursts into flames!
Pukk screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.
Speaking softly to Pukk, Razanetika says, "You're on fire dear."
Darcena just pushed Pukk over!
Leafiara begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Leafiara fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Darcena begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Darcena fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Erienne begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Erienne fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm says, "Yer ash looksh hot."
Rasson winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Pukk. At the last moment Pukk tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Darcena begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Darcena fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
The flames surrounding Pukk flare up and sear his skin!
... 18 points of damage!
Nasty burns to abdomen, Pukk shrieks in pain!
He is stunned!
Speaking quietly to Ysharra, Kobane says, "I learned it on Caligos Isle this year."
Leafiara begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Leafiara fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Larsya giggles.
Erienne begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Erienne fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Larsya asks, "Oops?"
Leafiara begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Leafiara fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Darcena begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Darcena manages to put out the flames surrounding Pukk! Pukk sits up and brushes some smoldering ashes from his clothing.
Darcena rolls Pukk over.
Darcena rolls Pukk over.
Leafiara rolls Pukk over.
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra says, "You need a fuse- oh, there it is."
Leafiara rolls Pukk over.
Lazaryth says, "And this is why I'm never having children."
Chamorr heartily says, "Oops."
Pukk sings:
"This Pukk is on fire!"
Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm says, "Don't ask me to kiss your booboo."
Erienne says, "I can't believe my snowball didn't melt."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Nicely done."
Erienne winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Pukk reaches up and lifts one corner of his hat, then quickly stuffs a tiny crown of bones inside it.
Pukk removes a moldy bone from in his leather pants.
Speaking to Larsya, Pukk exclaims, "You broke it!"
Pukk waves a moldy bone at Larsya.
Speaking to Larsya, Ysharra says, "Thank you for sharing."
Pukk put a moldy bone in his leather pants.
Pukk exclaims, "Yes!"
Larsya giggles.
Rasson winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Leafiara innocently muses, "If this snow doesn't melt, I'll have to keep my snowball satchel at the ready..."
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Razanetika. At the last moment Razanetika tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Razanetika winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Razanetika winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Razanetika winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya exclaims, "Goodnight!"
Larsya licks a giant mound of snow.
Larsya sticks out her tongue.
Erienne whispers something to Lazaryth.
Larsya exclaims, "I love the snow!"
Larsya giggles at Darcena.
Erienne whispers something to Lazaryth.
Speaking thoughtfully to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "You know, if they're figuring out how to undo the blight, maybe they can work with your scarab too..."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Good night Miss."
Speaking to Erienne, Lazaryth says, "Done."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth asks, "What's that you say?"
Speaking warmly to Larsya, Leafiara says, "See you soon, hopefully."
Darcena offers Larsya a perfectly rounded snowball.
Speaking to Pukk, Melikor says, "Ouch."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth asks, "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" [fill in dozens of lines of snowballs between these lines]
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara admit, "Well, it's only a hope."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "See what you started."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara adds, "But maybe the Hall can help you with the scarab problem."
Speaking softly to Pukk, Razanetika exclaims, "Just making sure the fire is out!"
Lazaryth distractedly says, "Ah.."
Lazaryth noncommittally says, "Mm."
Lazaryth says, "We'll see."
Larsya nods at Darcena.
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "Oh, I appreciate the sympathy."
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Pukk says, "So, they were just discussing some interesting facts about the Bleak. I thought they should consult with you first."
Darcena offers Larsya a perfectly rounded snowball.
Larsya accepts Darcena's rounded snowball.
Darcena flashes a quick grin at Larsya.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Gutstorm. At the last moment Gutstorm tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
The coppery barn owl hoots at Pukk.
The coppery barn owl hoots at Pukk.
Larsya exclaims, "Goooooodnight!"
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Pukk says, "I agree."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara offers, "For what it's worth, the witch had cursed me for months before and the Hall figured it out, along with aid from Crux and me."
Lazaryth curtly says, "Good night."
Speaking optimistically to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "So maybe this will be the same."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara clarifies, "I mean, maybe not the Crux and me part. But the Hall part."
[Pukk fogs us to Voln]
[running back]
Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Kobane says, "Good one."
Speaking amusedly to Kobane, Leafiara says, "That was Pukk."
Speaking insincerely to Zolis, Darcena says, "Moderately sorry about dripping snow down your face."
Speaking deeply to Darcena, Zolis says, "Oh? I didn't even notice."
Speaking amusedly to Thrassus, Darcena says, "Not at all sorry about yours."
Larsya nudges Chamorr, who suddenly stumbles back and falls because of his shoes having been tied together. Larsya giggles and runs off into the snow-filled night.
Chamorr heartily says, "She got me good."
Speaking amusedly to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "Always the small ones with you. Larsya or Maags."
Goldstr says, "Nice work der on da Bear Lass."
Zolis winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Darcena. At the last moment Darcena tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Darcena exclaims, "Zolis Kyr'Resiv!"
Zolis deeply asks, "Yes?"
Speaking to Zolis, Darcena admits, "I deserved that."
(Lazaryth rolls his snow into a ball, but then, in a momentary lapse of concentration, ends up chucking his apple at Darcena's head instead.)
(Lazaryth drops his snowball and quickly retrieves the apple.)
Speaking stiffly to Lazaryth, Darcena snarls, "Next time make it a rolton rib."
Speaking quickly to Darcena, Lazaryth says, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Lazaryth says, "I don't know what happened."
Goldstr says, "Goods to see da lass back an happy."
Darcena mutters, "Brothers."
Chamorr heartily says, "Bang."
Lazaryth says, "Let me get changed first next time we have a snowball fight."
Lazaryth mutters, "I'm sure I have a pair of overalls somewhere.."
Speaking playfully to Lazaryth, Leafiara asks, "Where's your sense of spontaneity?"
Razanetika softly says, "Wish we could aim the snowballs."
Lazaryth pinches Leafiara!
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I wouldn't be sure of that."
Erienne says, "The best snowball fights are never planned."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "There."
Log Version 3: Obviously On-Topic Only (Post-Rone Style)
This style cuts it back to 29,356 characters by trimming down to only lines that are not merely on-topic, but obviously on-topic. This is quite a bit faster editing-wise since I get to remove a lot of "fluff" and do fewer asides to explain what in the world people are referencing. On the surface, this editing style might sound like the most "common sense" of them--why would we want off-topic talk?
...but the downside is that I have to use personal judgment and the limitations of knowledge from my own social circles to decide what's off-topic or not, making this the most subjective editing style. Furthermore, even if I properly identify what's off-topic (and not, for example, that it's a character purposely deflecting or lying), something of value can still be lost as some character attributes are better defined in the "noise" of casual chatter than in the interactions with NPCs.
Awaiting Cordarius
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a green-eyed grey cat, the Razanetika disk, the purple Kobane disk, the Trallihn disk, an ancient cinereous vulture that is flying around, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, the black Monthas disk, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, the Dannore disk, the blue Littlefuut disk, the Chiora disk, the Peachykin disk, a large acorn, a threadbare pink woolen hood, a flask of aged Reiver whisky, a large acorn, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.
Also here: Razanetika, High Lord Kobane, Echonar, Trallihn, Elsweyr, Nostre, Lady Hithyr, Lord Oldale, Great Lord Monthas who is sitting, Event Planner Leafiara, Lord Zaxabar, Lord Dannore who is sitting, Littlefuut, Chiora, Peachykin, Lord Hellionn, Lord Musix, Sanguino, Xisum
The sky is filled with a blanket of low clouds, pale and unmoving. Sounds seem muffled and the air feels thick and takes on a quiet stillness.
Glistening flakes of snow cascade down from the skies.
Cordarius: "Why, hello all."
Leafiara offhandedly says, "Ah, Cordarius."
Leafiara: "Good eve."
Ysharra: "Good evening, Cordarius."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika asks, "Mage?"
Speaking to Razanetika, Leafiara affirms, "The very one!"
Cordarius: "I'm coming to town soon."
Cordarius' Congrats and Plans
Magister Cordarius just arrived.
Magister Cordarius just went east.
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a glistening black apple, a maddened mountain spirit that is flying around, a sinuous bone white serpent, a giant mound of snow, the Ysharra disk, the pallid grey Melikor disk emblazoned with a vibrant scarlet pentacle, a snow white raven that is flying around, a polished bleakstone statue and a large purple wooden barrel.
Also here: Magister Cordarius, Darcena, Lord Thrassus, Lord Zolis, Ysharra, Melikor
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Kobane, Lyrna, Felita and Pukk followed.
Cordarius polishes a green apple on the sleeve of his robe.
Speaking crossly to Cordarius, Raelee asks, "Why do you always insist upon doing this here?"
Maags says, "Problies is not good to be in the path of dueling magisters."
Cordarius says, "The blanket of snow in the sky reminds me of your flawless skin carved from the purest of ivory, spared only by the same white luster of your eyes that has been freckled with motes of the sun itself."
Cordarius winks at Raelee.
Leafiara dryly says, "Uh-huh."
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "That sounded not a bit rehearsed."
Speaking flatly to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Nothing about that reads as a legitimate reason."
Lyrna asks, "Where did he come from?"
Cordarius chuckles.
Speaking offhandedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Hall of Mages."
Cordarius says, "My life is rehearsed."
Cordarius chuckles.
Maags says, "Not as good as Sir Knight's poetries."
Lyrna asks, "Oh?"
Cordarius says, "Sir Knight's twenty year opus."
Cordarius winks at Maags.
Maags says, "But less blushing. He melts the snow."
Maags nods at Cordarius.
Maags grins.
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Is that one of our purified samples? The apple."
Cordarius grins at Raelee.
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Cordarius smacks his lips.
Cordarius says, "Delicious, isn't it."
Maags says, "I spose he has had more time to work on it."
Cordarius says, "First..."
Cordarius says, "Congratulations are in order."
Rasson asks, "So apples to cure the blight?"
Cordarius says, "I am sure there is a bell ringing somewhere."
Cordarius says, "But the witch is dead."
Speaking to Rasson, Leafiara muses, "Other way around, if the Magister is right..."
Cordarius says, "You must be very happy."
You hear a melodious tune as Razanetika taps the bells.
You hear a melodious tune as Kobane taps the bells.
Ysharra says, "It's possible. Apples are highly resistant to regular sorts of blight and infestations."
Razanetika smooths the folds of her white silk skirt, causing the bells on it to tinkle softly.
Cordarius says, "She's been a thorn in your town's side for almost as long as the Ta'Mori."
Cordarius snickers to himself.
Cordarius says, "It's got to feel good."
Speaking seriously to Cordarius, Darcena says, "I'm quite pleased."
Speaking bemusedly to Cordarius, Cruxophim reminds, "They're... not so much a threat."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee asks, "What do you mean 'if'?"
Lyrna says, "I think the Ta'Mori have been a pain in everyone's side for as long as they've existed."
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "I wouldn't say I feel good about it. But I see what you mean."
Cordarius says, "It would see the blight did not end with her though."
Lyrna says, "Just one opinion."
Cordarius says, "Clever, it's as I would have designed it."
Kobane quietly asks, "The Ta'Mori still exist?"
Lyrna mildly says, "Not a fan."
Cordarius says, "Everyone wants a legacy."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "You know what Owly says about magisters and their facts right?"
Cordarius says, "Magister Svala and I look forward to working with many of you over the coming weeks to learn more of what we can."
Speaking to Kobane, Lyrna says, "Saw Katze earlier this year. We could only hope, but usually they come back."
Speaking to Raelee, Darcena asks, "Did you hear that?"
Speaking to Raelee, Darcena says, "You are looking FORWARD to working with us."
Cordarius says, "No one wants spring never to come."
Lyrna asks, "Spring never to come?"
Razanetika softly says, "I prefer it to be winter always."
Lyrna asks, "Is that a danger?"
Rasson says, "Icemule lives fine without a spring."
Cordarius nods at Lyrna.
Ysharra says, "If the blight kills everything it might as well be winter forever."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "I he the imp with a sense of humor?"
Speaking to Raelee, Darcena says, "I hope these diplomatic conversations involve snacks."
Cordarius says, "Of course."
Speaking to Darcena, Raelee says, "Not from me, they will not."
Cordarius removes the hood of his robe, revealing his features.
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Speaking to Darcena, Raelee says, "No one should be eating the laboratory samples."
Speaking approvingly to Cordarius, Darcena says, "A man who enjoys snacks."
Cordarius asks, "Has the blight spoken to you again lately?"
Cordarius peers quizzically at Ysharra.
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "No. Not since that evening."
Cordarius nods.
Cordarius says, "Hopefully it does again."
Speaking to Ysharra, Lazaryth asks, "Did you try to speak to it?"
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I tried after Naimorai died."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I received no response that I could sense."
Lazaryth says, "I see."
Speaking to a snow white raven, Ysharra says, "I may have been a little distracted."
Cordarius offers Lazaryth a crisp green apple.
Lazaryth glances at Cordarius.
Lazaryth accepts Cordarius's green apple.
Lazaryth bows.
Regarding Thadston
Cordarius says, "I also heard the news of Sir Thadston."
Cordarius asks, "We....can still call him Sir, yes?"
Cordarius shrugs.
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Technically, no."
Cordarius says, "Well then. Sir Thadston it is."
Cordarius chuckles.
Leafiara offers, "The honor's not lost even if the spurs are surrendered?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Okay, he is funny."
Lazaryth says, "We must do something about Thadston. It'd be a shame to lose such a man."
Speaking amusedly to Leafiara, Cruxophim remarks, "Suppose even knights retire."
(Lazaryth rubs the apple idly on his jacket.)
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I'm sure that would be one of Lylia's priorities, with the blight."
Speaking heartily to Cordarius, Chamorr says, "Marshall."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Rasson says, "I would guess he has already went to join his son."
Cordarius says, "By all accounts, when the portal was closed, with you all on one side...and he on the other, he should have, or could have, ended up in the Bleaklands."
Speaking to Ysharra, Lazaryth asks, "Was that sarcastic? Or do you really think so?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra asks, "Are you sure about that?"
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "I know it to be truth."
Speaking amusedly to Cordarius, Cruxophim speculates, "Can he not sojourn back? Walk it off, as it were?"
Thrassus asks, "There were still pylons and golems on the other side, yes?"
Lazaryth noncommittally says, "Mm."
Speaking to Cordarius, Leafiara admits, "Was hoping your golems would have found him, but if not, then... well, I suppose a long march is in order."
Speaking deeply to Cruxophim, Zolis says, "The outlook is bleak."
Raelee says, "... with the caveat that the portal had been previously tampered with in ways that we never entirely discerned."
Cordarius says, "I've been informed we have not found him yet. But Octaven's golems have nearly completed their work, many to return soon. If we find him, or any sign of him, you will all be the first to know."
Speaking to Cordarius, Goldstr says, "We Tankee fer dat."
Xorus says, "The Bleaklands itself and the tampered portal are both caveats on where he should have ended up when it was closed."
Cordarius says, "But you will all get to see more of me."
Cordarius waits, looking for perhaps some cheering, perhaps some applause.
Cordarius asks, "No?"
Cordarius shrugs.
Speaking neutrally to Cordarius, Cruxophim remarks, "Oh joy."
Speaking sarcastically to Cordarius, Pukk says, "Oh yay...."
Speaking to Cordarius, Darcena asks, "What'd I miss?"
Chamorr heartily says, "More imperials, awesome."
Lazaryth dismissively says, "It's nothing. I barely even feel it." [scarab]
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "Your help will be greatly appreciated."
Cordarius nods at Ysharra.
Speaking to Cordarius, Goldstr says, "I woulds gladly join a party to search fer Sir Andrews if needs be."
Speaking amiably to Cordarius, Leafiara says, "Well, welcome, I suppose. Just watch out or you might find yourself wanting to become a citizen."
Speaking to Cordarius, Lazaryth asks, "What else can we do for you?"
Cordarius leans on Ysharra.
Cordarius says, "I look forward to long nights of research."
Cordarius nods at Ysharra.
Speaking to Darcena, Ysharra says, "He's going to help with the blight, Cub."
Leafiara confidentially says, "Happens to a lot of people."
Cordarius starts chuckling at Leafiara!
Speaking to Ysharra, Darcena asks, "Oh, well... He's going to cure the rolton?"
Speaking to Darcena, Ysharra says, "The roltons need to be made well again."
Lyrna says, "Think we're passing through, and suddenly you're a citizen in the town militia." [referring to her own story]
Speaking approvingly to Cordarius, Darcena says, "I guess you can't be half bad."
Cordarius says, "No. I've a different road I think."
Pukk exclaims, "Everybody needs to remember. Cordy isn't a normal magister. He actually has a sense of humor. He is odd even for a magister!"
Speaking to Ysharra, Goldstr says, "It bad fer Helga's stew."
Cordarius says, "I'm half bad, half horse."
Cordarius snickers at Darcena.
Cordarius says, "I kid I kid..."
Cordarius waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Darcena looks thoughtfully at Cordarius.
Speaking obsequiously to Cordarius, Cruxophim sighs, "Oh heavens, thank you for delivering this town."
Speaking flatly to Pukk, Raelee reminds, "Pylasar used to be a Grand Magister."
Sreka says, "Well, I like his fashion sense."
Speaking to Raelee, Pukk asks, "So two of a kind then?"
Cordarius exclaims, "Well, that's all I had to discuss this night. Good work on ending such a big threat. But much work still to be done!"
Suddenly, there is movement in the shadows.
Speaking earnestly to Cordarius, Leafiara says, "In all seriousness, we do appreciate the help. Have a good eve."
Cordarius blinks.
Cordarius turns around.
Leafiara curiously says, "Hm."
Razanetika softly exclaims, "Wasn't me this time!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "Let me know if I can assist, sirrah."
Rasson says, "Looks like Mother has 2 silvers to add."
Speaking to Raelee, Ysharra says, "You too, Magister."
Razanetika softly says, "And Crux is right there.. so it's not him either."
From out of the shadow of an alleyway, a ball of white comes flying into view soaring towards Cordarius...
Lyrna says, "But I did study magic theory with a High Priest of Lumnis. If I can..."
Chamorr heartily says, "Hope it don't start cacklin."
Speaking to Raelee, Pukk asks, "Unless you're trying to tell me that underneath that stone cold expressionless heart of yours, beats the heart of a normal person with a sense of humor?"
Razanetika moves to stand in front of Cordarius.
....the ball of white comes into view and appears to be a snowball and slams the Magister in the side of the head!
You hear someone giggling.
Razanetika softly asks, "Someone throwing snowballs?"
Cordarius blinks.
Speaking amusedly to Cordarius, Cruxophim observes, "At least it's not yellow."
Pukk yells, "Good hit!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "Looks like an iceball that time."
Leafiara amusedly asks, "Larsya, you out here again?"
Cruxophim yells, "SNOWFIGHT!"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "He got hitteded wit a shnowball."
Chamorr heartily says, "Yow."
Sreka says, "Well, that's what snowballs are FOR."
Larsya dances out of the shadows.
Chamorr heartily says, "Maybe it's Maags."
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Cruxophim. At the last moment Cruxophim tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
[a bunch of people start throwing snow; just imagine hundreds of lines of it through the rest of the log]
Lady Larsya just skipped merrily north.
Xorus says, "Well played."
Leafiara yells, "Welcome back to town!"
Speaking to Chamorr, Maags says, "I thought it was yous."
Cordarius says, "Well then."
Pukk exclaims, "Great hit! Now try throwing a brick and see if you can hit him!"
Cordarius dusts off his ashen-hued robe.
Lazaryth scolds, "Now, now."
Lazaryth says, "Some of this snow is dirty."
Cordarius says, "Enjoy that apple."
Speaking to Cordarius, Lyrna asks, "Would it be possible that I could be of help?"
Cordarius nods at Lazaryth.
Cordarius says, "For a very, very long time."
Lazaryth glances appraisingly around the area.
Speaking to Lazaryth, Ysharra says, "Larsya is a child. That'll just encourage her."
Cordarius says, "No, seriously."
Cordarius nods at Lazaryth.
Lazaryth indicates his green apple with a smile.
You hear someone giggling.
Speaking to Cordarius, Lazaryth says, "It does seem.. rather substantial."
Cordarius exclaims, "Goodnight everyone!"
Cordarius pulls the hood of his robe down over his face, concealing his features.
Leafiara wishes, "Rest well!"
Cordarius kisses Ysharra on the hand.
Magister Cordarius just went north.
Lyrna says, "I suppose not then."
Larsya skips into view.
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Speaking amusedly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "He might not have heard you in the bustle."
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Lazaryth. At the last moment Lazaryth tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You know how many magisters it takes to light a candle? Just 1, but it takes a long time because first they have to study the candle...."
Chamorr winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr exclaims, "Heya Lass!"
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Goldstr. At the last moment Goldstr tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Lyrna says, "I actually rather like doing research."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Hiya."
Larsya slings a light green wyrwood short bow off from over her shoulder.
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Pukk completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara suggests, "Can always try to send a missive."
Speaking amusedly to Larsya, Cruxophim wishes, "Have fun, kiddo."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Nice shot."
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Pukk completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Lyrna says, "I don't think I want to get in the middle of the snowball fight."
Larsya plucks at the string of her wyrwood short bow, making a dull twanging sound.
Larsya plucks at the string of her wyrwood short bow, making a dull twanging sound.
Gutstorm winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Lyrna completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Berost deeply asks, "What all the racket about?"
Pukk winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Speaking amusedly to Berost, Leafiara asks, "Impromptu snowball fight to celebrate Larsya's return?"
Berost deeply says, "Works fer me."
Larsya releases the clip on the bow's lower limb, freeing the arrow on its string.
Larsya draws back on the string of her wyrwood short bow and releases, sending the arrow straight for Pukk! You hear a *THWAP* as the suction cup sticks right in the middle of Pukk's forehead.
Larsya yanks on the string, snapping it from Pukk's forehead with a *POP*!
Gutstorm hurls himself at Larsya!
Gutstorm flies a bit wide and lands in a heap on the ground.
Pukk grins at Larsya.
Larsya twirls a light green wyrwood short bow over her head in a flashy move before slinging it onto her shoulder.
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Thrassus. At the last moment Thrassus tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Razanetika winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya dances around the area to music only she can hear.
Gutstorm winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Kobane winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya says, "I found some things in a pack left by Pylasar."
Speaking curiously to Larsya, Leafiara asks, "...oh?"
Larsya rummages in a bag at her belt.
Darcena seriously asks, "What?"
Larsya says, "Here it is..."
Speaking to Larsya, Ysharra asks, "What's that?"
Larsya moves to stand in front of Pukk.
The voice of Razanetika softly asks, "What kind of things?"
The voice of Razanetika softly asks, "Are they purple?"
Larsya places a purple firework on the ground next to Pukk's behind.
Larsya carefully sets a purple firework on the ground.
Pukk sticks his tongue out at Larsya, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!
Larsya carefully lights the fuse on a purple firework, which immediately begins to issue forth a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
Larsya giggles.
The fuse on a purple firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
The fuse on a purple firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
The fuse on a purple firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
Pukk flails his arms about.
Shinann says, "Oh..."
The fuse on a purple firework burns away into the body of the firework.
Pukk flails his arms about.
You notice Larsya slip out of hiding.
The purple firework issues a violent torrent of purple sparks from its base and shoots off into the air. A bright trail of purple light rises into the nighttime sky above the town of Wehnimer's Landing, vanishing from sight a heartbeat later.
A single bright, purple flash illuminates the nighttime sky and thunderously pounds the eardrums an instant later.
Pukk starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
Pukk flails his arms about.
Speaking to Pukk, Darcena says, "Your hiney is going to be ultra hot."
Thrassus asks, "Is that safe?"
Ysharra says, "No."
The voice of Razanetika softly asks, "But... is it a rocket?"
Goldstr exclaims, "Fireworks from Peter!"
Speaking to Larsya, Pukk exclaims, "Okay, that was funny!"
Pukk giggles at Larsya.
Leafiara wistfully says, "Hopefully he'll be back. Even if he got lost six hundred years in the future, or something."
A small spark of fire seems to have caught on the back of Pukk's ebon leather pants.
The spark begins to grow...
Pukk flails his arms about.
Pukk suddenly bursts into flames!
Pukk screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.
Speaking softly to Pukk, Razanetika says, "You're on fire dear."
Darcena just pushed Pukk over!
Leafiara begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Leafiara fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Darcena begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Darcena fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Erienne begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Erienne fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm says, "Yer ash looksh hot."
Rasson winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Pukk. At the last moment Pukk tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Darcena begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Darcena fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
The flames surrounding Pukk flare up and sear his skin!
... 18 points of damage!
Nasty burns to abdomen, Pukk shrieks in pain!
He is stunned!
Leafiara begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Leafiara fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Larsya giggles.
Erienne begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Erienne fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Larsya asks, "Oops?"
Leafiara begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Leafiara fails to put out the flames surrounding Pukk!
Darcena begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Darcena manages to put out the flames surrounding Pukk! Pukk sits up and brushes some smoldering ashes from his clothing.
Speaking to Pukk, Ysharra says, "You need a fuse- oh, there it is."
Lazaryth says, "And this is why I'm never having children."
Chamorr heartily says, "Oops."
Pukk sings:
"This Pukk is on fire!"
Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm says, "Don't ask me to kiss your booboo."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Nicely done."
Erienne winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Speaking to Larsya, Ysharra says, "Thank you for sharing."
Larsya giggles.
Rasson winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Razanetika. At the last moment Razanetika tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Razanetika winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Razanetika winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Razanetika winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Larsya. At the last moment Larsya tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking her face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya exclaims, "Goodnight!"
Larsya licks a giant mound of snow.
Larsya sticks out her tongue.
Larsya exclaims, "I love the snow!"
Larsya giggles at Darcena.
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Good night Miss."
Speaking warmly to Larsya, Leafiara says, "See you soon, hopefully."
Darcena offers Larsya a perfectly rounded snowball.
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "See what you started."
Speaking softly to Pukk, Razanetika exclaims, "Just making sure the fire is out!"
Larsya nods at Darcena.
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Pukk says, "So, they were just discussing some interesting facts about the Bleak. I thought they should consult with you first."
Darcena offers Larsya a perfectly rounded snowball.
Larsya accepts Darcena's rounded snowball.
Darcena flashes a quick grin at Larsya.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Gutstorm. At the last moment Gutstorm tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya exclaims, "Goooooodnight!"
Larsya nudges Chamorr, who suddenly stumbles back and falls because of his shoes having been tied together. Larsya giggles and runs off into the snow-filled night.
Chamorr heartily says, "She got me good."
Speaking amusedly to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "Always the small ones with you. Larsya or Maags."
Goldstr says, "Nice work der on da Bear Lass."
Goldstr says, "Goods to see da lass back an happy."
Log Version 4: Bare Minimum (Kestrels Style)
Lastly, here's my earliest and shortest editing style, leaving only 14,253 characters. In this one, your line has to elicit a response from an NPC to get in. It's the fastest editing and the fastest read, but throws out essentially all material and mood, along with almost all speculation.
Awaiting Cordarius
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a green-eyed grey cat, the Razanetika disk, the purple Kobane disk, the Trallihn disk, an ancient cinereous vulture that is flying around, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, the black Monthas disk, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, the Dannore disk, the blue Littlefuut disk, the Chiora disk, the Peachykin disk, a large acorn, a threadbare pink woolen hood, a flask of aged Reiver whisky, a large acorn, some stone benches with some stuff on it and an herbal remedy donation bin.
Also here: Razanetika, High Lord Kobane, Echonar, Trallihn, Elsweyr, Nostre, Lady Hithyr, Lord Oldale, Great Lord Monthas who is sitting, Event Planner Leafiara, Lord Zaxabar, Lord Dannore who is sitting, Littlefuut, Chiora, Peachykin, Lord Hellionn, Lord Musix, Sanguino, Xisum
The sky is filled with a blanket of low clouds, pale and unmoving. Sounds seem muffled and the air feels thick and takes on a quiet stillness.
Glistening flakes of snow cascade down from the skies.
Cordarius: "Why, hello all."
Cordarius: "I'm coming to town soon."
Cordarius' Congrats and Plans
Magister Cordarius just arrived.
Magister Cordarius just went east.
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a glistening black apple, a maddened mountain spirit that is flying around, a sinuous bone white serpent, a giant mound of snow, the Ysharra disk, the pallid grey Melikor disk emblazoned with a vibrant scarlet pentacle, a snow white raven that is flying around, a polished bleakstone statue and a large purple wooden barrel.
Also here: Magister Cordarius, Darcena, Lord Thrassus, Lord Zolis, Ysharra, Melikor
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Kobane, Lyrna, Felita and Pukk followed.
Cordarius polishes a green apple on the sleeve of his robe.
Speaking crossly to Cordarius, Raelee asks, "Why do you always insist upon doing this here?"
Cordarius says, "The blanket of snow in the sky reminds me of your flawless skin carved from the purest of ivory, spared only by the same white luster of your eyes that has been freckled with motes of the sun itself."
Cordarius winks at Raelee.
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "That sounded not a bit rehearsed."
Speaking flatly to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Nothing about that reads as a legitimate reason."
Cordarius chuckles.
Cordarius says, "My life is rehearsed."
Cordarius chuckles.
Maags says, "Not as good as Sir Knight's poetries."
Cordarius says, "Sir Knight's twenty year opus."
Cordarius winks at Maags.
Maags says, "But less blushing. He melts the snow."
Maags nods at Cordarius.
Maags grins.
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Is that one of our purified samples? The apple."
Cordarius grins at Raelee.
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Cordarius smacks his lips.
Cordarius says, "Delicious, isn't it."
Maags says, "I spose he has had more time to work on it."
Cordarius says, "First..."
Cordarius says, "Congratulations are in order."
Cordarius says, "I am sure there is a bell ringing somewhere."
Cordarius says, "But the witch is dead."
Cordarius says, "You must be very happy."
Cordarius says, "She's been a thorn in your town's side for almost as long as the Ta'Mori."
Cordarius snickers to himself.
Cordarius says, "It's got to feel good."
Cordarius says, "It would see the blight did not end with her though."
Cordarius says, "Clever, it's as I would have designed it."
Cordarius says, "Everyone wants a legacy."
Cordarius says, "Magister Svala and I look forward to working with many of you over the coming weeks to learn more of what we can."
Cordarius says, "No one wants spring never to come."
Lyrna asks, "Spring never to come?"
Lyrna asks, "Is that a danger?"
Cordarius nods at Lyrna.
Cordarius says, "Of course."
Cordarius removes the hood of his robe, revealing his features.
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Cordarius asks, "Has the blight spoken to you again lately?"
Cordarius peers quizzically at Ysharra.
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "No. Not since that evening."
Cordarius nods.
Cordarius says, "Hopefully it does again."
Cordarius offers Lazaryth a crisp green apple.
Lazaryth glances at Cordarius.
Lazaryth accepts Cordarius's green apple.
Lazaryth bows.
Regarding Thadston
Cordarius says, "I also heard the news of Sir Thadston."
Cordarius asks, "We....can still call him Sir, yes?"
Cordarius shrugs.
Speaking to Cordarius, Raelee says, "Technically, no."
Cordarius says, "Well then. Sir Thadston it is."
Cordarius chuckles.
Cordarius says, "By all accounts, when the portal was closed, with you all on one side...and he on the other, he should have, or could have, ended up in the Bleaklands."
Cordarius says, "I've been informed we have not found him yet. But Octaven's golems have nearly completed their work, many to return soon. If we find him, or any sign of him, you will all be the first to know."
Cordarius says, "But you will all get to see more of me."
Cordarius waits, looking for perhaps some cheering, perhaps some applause.
Cordarius asks, "No?"
Cordarius shrugs.
Speaking to Cordarius, Ysharra says, "Your help will be greatly appreciated."
Cordarius nods at Ysharra.
Speaking amiably to Cordarius, Leafiara says, "Well, welcome, I suppose. Just watch out or you might find yourself wanting to become a citizen."
Cordarius leans on Ysharra.
Cordarius says, "I look forward to long nights of research."
Cordarius nods at Ysharra.
Leafiara confidentially says, "Happens to a lot of people."
Cordarius starts chuckling at Leafiara!
Speaking approvingly to Cordarius, Darcena says, "I guess you can't be half bad."
Cordarius says, "No. I've a different road I think."
Cordarius says, "I'm half bad, half horse."
Cordarius snickers at Darcena.
Cordarius says, "I kid I kid..."
Cordarius waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Darcena looks thoughtfully at Cordarius.
Cordarius exclaims, "Well, that's all I had to discuss this night. Good work on ending such a big threat. But much work still to be done!"
Suddenly, there is movement in the shadows.
Cordarius blinks.
Cordarius turns around.
From out of the shadow of an alleyway, a ball of white comes flying into view soaring towards Cordarius...
....the ball of white comes into view and appears to be a snowball and slams the Magister in the side of the head!
You hear someone giggling.
Cordarius blinks.
Larsya dances out of the shadows.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Cruxophim. At the last moment Cruxophim tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
[a bunch of people start throwing snow; just imagine hundreds of lines of it through the rest of the log]
Lady Larsya just skipped merrily north.
Cordarius says, "Well then."
Cordarius dusts off his ashen-hued robe.
Cordarius says, "Enjoy that apple."
Cordarius nods at Lazaryth.
Cordarius says, "For a very, very long time."
Cordarius says, "No, seriously."
Cordarius nods at Lazaryth.
Lazaryth indicates his green apple with a smile.
You hear someone giggling.
Speaking to Cordarius, Lazaryth says, "It does seem.. rather substantial."
Cordarius exclaims, "Goodnight everyone!"
Cordarius pulls the hood of his robe down over his face, concealing his features.
Cordarius kisses Ysharra on the hand.
Magister Cordarius just went north.
Larsya skips into view.
Larsya scrapes around and gathers up a handful of snow.
Larsya rolls a handful of snow around in her hands until it is perfectly rounded.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Lazaryth. At the last moment Lazaryth tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
[imagine lots more snowball fight]
Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr exclaims, "Heya Lass!"
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Pukk completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Speaking amusedly to Larsya, Cruxophim wishes, "Have fun, kiddo."
Speaking heartily to Larsya, Chamorr says, "Nice shot."
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Pukk completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Lyrna says, "I don't think I want to get in the middle of the snowball fight."
Larsya plucks at the string of her wyrwood short bow, making a dull twanging sound.
Larsya plucks at the string of her wyrwood short bow, making a dull twanging sound.
Larsya fires her arrow with a lack of grace that sends it flying wide, missing Lyrna completely. She pulls her arrow back into her hand, flushing slightly.
Larsya releases the clip on the bow's lower limb, freeing the arrow on its string.
Larsya draws back on the string of her wyrwood short bow and releases, sending the arrow straight for Pukk! You hear a *THWAP* as the suction cup sticks right in the middle of Pukk's forehead.
Larsya yanks on the string, snapping it from Pukk's forehead with a *POP*!
Larsya twirls a light green wyrwood short bow over her head in a flashy move before slinging it onto her shoulder.
Larsya says, "I found some things in a pack left by Pylasar."
Larsya rummages in a bag at her belt.
Larsya says, "Here it is..."
Larsya moves to stand in front of Pukk.
Larsya places a purple firework on the ground next to Pukk's behind.
Larsya carefully sets a purple firework on the ground.
Pukk sticks his tongue out at Larsya, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!
Larsya carefully lights the fuse on a purple firework, which immediately begins to issue forth a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
Larsya giggles.
The fuse on a purple firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
The fuse on a purple firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
The fuse on a purple firework burns down further, issuing a torrent of multi-colored sparks.
Pukk flails his arms about.
The fuse on a purple firework burns away into the body of the firework.
Pukk flails his arms about.
You notice Larsya slip out of hiding.
The purple firework issues a violent torrent of purple sparks from its base and shoots off into the air. A bright trail of purple light rises into the nighttime sky above the town of Wehnimer's Landing, vanishing from sight a heartbeat later.
A single bright, purple flash illuminates the nighttime sky and thunderously pounds the eardrums an instant later.
Pukk starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
Pukk flails his arms about.
Speaking to Larsya, Pukk exclaims, "Okay, that was funny!"
Pukk giggles at Larsya.
A small spark of fire seems to have caught on the back of Pukk's ebon leather pants.
The spark begins to grow...
Pukk flails his arms about.
Pukk suddenly bursts into flames!
Pukk screams in agony as the flames continue to burn the flesh from his bones.
Darcena just pushed Pukk over!
[people start rolling him]
The flames surrounding Pukk flare up and sear his skin!
... 18 points of damage!
Nasty burns to abdomen, Pukk shrieks in pain!
He is stunned!
Larsya giggles.
Larsya asks, "Oops?"
Darcena begins to frantically roll Pukk around on the ground trying to put out the flames!
Darcena manages to put out the flames surrounding Pukk! Pukk sits up and brushes some smoldering ashes from his clothing.
Larsya giggles.
Larsya exclaims, "Goodnight!"
Larsya licks a giant mound of snow.
Larsya sticks out her tongue.
Larsya exclaims, "I love the snow!"
Larsya giggles at Darcena.
Darcena offers Larsya a perfectly rounded snowball.
Larsya nods at Darcena.
Darcena offers Larsya a perfectly rounded snowball.
Larsya accepts Darcena's rounded snowball.
Larsya winds up and hurls a perfectly rounded snowball toward Gutstorm. At the last moment Gutstorm tries to dodge the rounded snowball but ends up sticking his face right in its path. That had to hurt!
Larsya exclaims, "Goooooodnight!"
Larsya nudges Chamorr, who suddenly stumbles back and falls because of his shoes having been tied together. Larsya giggles and runs off into the snow-filled night.