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Landing Events - 2020-03-31 - A Town in Transition (log)
Charlatos 31 - Olaesta 1, 5120
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- Marshal Thadston comes to Moot Hall to say that it would be the night of a new mayor, but the town council has voted to permanently extend Lylia's term and give her sole power, becoming Ta'Landing! ...Day of Zelia's Warning. He says we need to laugh since the place keeps crawling with Halllings.
- He congratulates Mayor Leafiara and says hopefully she won't be as stubborn as the first adventurer mayor--or the last one, Mayor Lylia adds--and she assures that she's pretty easygoing. Thadston says Vlashandra is due to arrive tonight, another mage in the [[::Kingdom of Hendor|Hendoran]] outpost--and the adjudicator for Pylasar's upcoming trial. He trusts everyone will help escort her to the outpost.
- Thadston thanks Lylia and says he's glad he hasn't had to carry her corpse, a prophecy having not yet occurred, and she thanks him as they exchange some words in Faendryl.
- He tells Captain Stormyrain that they'll need to discuss militia plans soon, as without the blight suffocating us, it's time to rebuild and train. She assures she's at his leisure as always. Thadston tells Lylia she did well as mayor and that her image burns in the minds of krolvin orphans somewhere, which she says pleases her greatly. Then he tells Leafi that he looks forward to what they can accomplish together without [[::Brotherhood of Rooks|Rooks]]; she teases back, but then says she expects to work well together. During his talks with Lylia, Stormy, and Leafi, curls of azure light are briefly noted flickering in front of their faces before vanishing...
- A flash of ivory light appears in the distance and Thadston says it's her cue, and to welcome Vlashandra--or don't. He leaves and the rest of the group gathers at the North Gate while Vlashandra appears in the distance in a spark of ivory fire.
- She arrives and thanks everyone for the gathered greeting. [[::Xorus_Kul'shin|Xorus]] says the resesmblance is uncanny and she thanks him, saying it wasn't easy or painless, but Grand Magister Octaven always gets what she wants. Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] agrees, and Vlashandra says she's shorter than she imagined, then says she'll get settled over the next few days and announce the trial dates. She asssures that she's fair in her purpose here.
- Lylia asks Vlashandra if she's had word of Pylasar's whereabouts; she says no and and that there is little else she can answer, saying to respect that she has a job to do. Guarrin welcomes her and says she'll find the outpost suitable; she tells him she'll make it so if not; Raelee says she'll have to make it so.
- Vlashandra says we'll see more of each other and wishes everyone a pleasant evening.
Sonnillon raspily says, "Nice we have mayors for the night." Lylia says, "Only temporarily. Soon, only one." Lylia quips, "And then I shall be free to truly abuse some power."
Speaking flirtatiously to Xorus, Pukk asks, "So is that a runestaff you are holding or are you happy to see me?" Xorus says, "It is, indeed, a runestaff."
Faerinn says, "If Stone were coming Thadston would be looking for the loudest way to get himself killed."
Cruxophim offers Kamiel a ball of black fire. Kamiel accepts Cruxophim's black fire. Speaing curiously to Cruxophim, Kamiel asks, "What is this?" Speaking mildly to Kamiel, Cruxophim explains, "Hot and dark. Like some people we know."
Thadston says, "And Leafiara..." Thadston says, "I look forward to what we can accomplish together without Rooks." Thadston smirks. Speaking mildly to Thadston, Leafiara teases, "Good luck with that." Darcena mutters, "Don't eat or accept anything she hands you, for sure."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia asks, "Have you had word of the accused or his whereabouts?" Leafiara muses, "Or his whenabouts." Speaking to Leafiara, Cruxophim mutters, "Or his whatabouts."
Awaiting Thadston
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see an herbal remedy donation bin, some stone benches with some stuff on it and a sunset-hued leaf-shaped sign that reads, "Vote Leafiara, a Night and Day Difference!".
Also here: Leafiara, Tilbin, Sonnillon, Nixlsplixt, Conquerer of Reim Lexbubba, Journeyman Moaskoan, Krampton, Lady Sochestie, Bernadette, High Lord Asben, Pukk, Finwrick who is sitting, Lady Alisette who is sitting, Embret, the body of Sincerae who is lying down, Novice Yagrush, Orlicks, Galoran, Inoxia, Beaumaunt who is kneeling, Haleran, Dougross who is sitting, Kamiel who is kneeling
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "You're it!"
Beaumaunt says, "The last time you did that..."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Leafiara!"
Finwrick softly says, "Are we locking arms or..."
Pukk: "As the unofficial official town herald. Leafiara is tonight's Cryheart and everybody is to join her."
Pukk yells, "Don't be a mook! Join Leafiara!"
Speaking to Inoxia, Beaumaunt asks, "You're scary you know that?"
Leafiara recites:
"Join up for, uh--whatever we're up to tonight!"
Felita says, "Yoos betcha."
Thadston: "Does the rain ever stop?"
Leafiara: "Only during the day!"
Pukk: "No! It's been horrible!" [it had been raining (or, in Icemule, snowing) for over a week all throughout the western region prior to this, but had cleared up by this point, so Leafi and Pukk are both speaking the truth here]
Leafiara says, "Thadston on the net--our marshal."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Yeah...don't remind me."
Speaking curiously to Pukk, Leafiara asks, "Not a fan?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "He has no sense of humor."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Dennet had more than him."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "I mean come on...he danced with Lornieh!"
Aeith: "Sometimes the outdoor world can be an inhospitable place."
Stormyrain settles her gaze on Fisdan, watching him intently.
Leafiara recites:
"Join up and we'll head east! Or just head east yourself, either way!"
Pukk recites:
"Everybody kiss Leafiara!"
Speaking to herself, Stormyrain murmurs, "Surely the end is near." [I think in reference to Fisdan]
Jokic kisses Leafiara tenderly.
Jokic says, "I win."
Pukk exclaims, "I mean join!"
Pukk recites:
"Make that join!"
Leafiara recites:
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a tiny pocket mouse, a dappled ocelot, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, the Gutstorm disk, a large purple wooden barrel, a polished bleakstone statue, a shattered sign of bones fashioned into elegant calligraphy, "Civil Disobedience Is Still Disobedience: Obey Xorus." and a bright painted campaign sign that reads, "Faerinn 5120: Painting a brighter tomorrow, together.".
Also here: Eledryn, Berost, Lyrna, Thornly, Roelon, Fisdan, Chamorr, Tolene, Zodiark, Jokic, Madmountan, Aeith, Hours, Punt, Felita, Tilbin, Sonnillon, Lexbubba, Moaskoan, Bernadette, Asben, Pukk, Alisette, Orlicks, Kamiel, Leafiara, Krampton, Lady Sochestie, Loamian, Mayor Lylia, Xorus, High Lady Shyspirit, Guarrin, High Lord Mongonator, Faerinn, High Lord Gutstorm
Pukk says, "Although kissing is good."
Sonnillon yells, "Drink time!"
Thadston: "I'll be along shortly to town before our guest arrives."
Deep in the shadows, you think you see movement: something like a thousand snakes all swarming around each other. By the time you've focused to get a closer look, they are gone.
Cruxophim suddenly fades into view.
Leafiara: "Which guest tonight?"
Bernadette softly says, "A guest no less."
Alisette: "Thank you, sir."
Speaking in Elven, Eledryn asks something you don't understand.
Eledryn asks, "Why does it have to be snakes?"
Sonnillon raspily says, "Nice we have mayors for the night."
Speaking amusedly to Eledryn, Leafiara says, "That's just how Crux is."
Lylia says, "Only temporarily. Soon, only one."
Cruxophim yells, "There can be only one!!!"
Lylia quips, "And then I shall be free to truly abuse some power."
Speaking flirtatiously to Xorus, Pukk asks, "So is that a runestaff you are holding or are you happy to see me?"
Xorus says, "It is, indeed, a runestaff."
Wisps of pale viridian light begin to swirl around Eledryn's hand as he prepares a spell...
Eledryn skillfully begins to weave another verse into his harmony.
Eledryn begins singing and focuses his voice into a vortex of air shaped like a sonic runestaff, centered on his right hand.
Sonnillon leaps from hiding to attack!
Sonnillon swings a sharply honed eonake longsword at a rolton!
AS: +516 vs DS: +7 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +61 = +611
... and hits for 242 points of damage!
Hard blow to the rolton's ear!
Deep gash and a terrible headache!
The rolton collapses to the ground, emits a final bleat, and dies.
- Necrotic energy from Sonnillon's eonake longsword flares up momentarily! **
Sonnillon appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy!
Pukk says, "Dead rolton now."
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "Sorry, Pukk. He is spoken for."
Eledryn shows Pukk a sonic runestaff.
Pukk says, "Good job everybody! Invasion stopped."
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "I'm okay with that too."
Lylia simply says, "Me too."
Sonnillon raspily asks, "Did I win?"
Pukk: "It's okay Thadston. We killed the rolton. You can go back now."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "All taken care of."
Cruxophim curiously inquires, "Who we expectin'?"
Lylia says, "Thadston."
Speaking deeply to Cruxophim, Berost says, "Was jest gonna ask."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara confesses, "Other than Thadston, I've no idea."
Speaking to Darcena, Pukk exclaims, "I was talking to a wolf yesterday that knew you!"
Cruxophim offers Sonnillon a glistening black apple.
Sonnillon accepts Cruxophim's black apple.
Sonnillon takes a bite of his black apple.
Speaking eagerly to Cruxophim, Darcena says, "Stone, I hope."
Speaking bemusedly to Darcena, Cruxophim ventures, "Really?"
Speaking raspily to Cruxophim, Sonnillon asks, "Tasty. Where can I aquire more?"
Speaking musingly to Darcena, Leafiara says, "Wouldn't mind it, but I think Thadston would be a bit less casual if Stone was expected."
Speaking to Leafiara, Darcena asks, "But I don't like Thadston. This is why I crawled out of my home?"
Stormyrain gazes in amusement at Darcena.
Speaking flatly to Stormyrain, Darcena says, "He's rude."
Speaking to Darcena, Leafiara says, "Can't argue that one."
Faerinn says, "If Stone were coming Thadston would be looking for the loudest way to get himself killed."
Cruxophim recites:
Cruxophim's eyes cloud over with dark shadows as he prepares a spell...
There is a bright flash and a bacon-wrapped blood pudding donut appears in the air, then falls to the ground.
Berkana says, "Speaking of Stone..."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Leafiara!"
Speaking to Cruxophim, Eledryn says, "I don't think either of our mayors have those."
Xorus says, "He could impale Glethad's face again. That would be amusing."
Speaking to Eledryn, Darcena exclaims, "He was a Mayor!"
Speaking thoughtfully to Eledryn, Cruxophim admits, "Fair point."
Berkana says, "Someone's blocked entrance to my Brass Tower."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Eledryn concedes, "Though I haven't seen either of them naked, so I could be wrong."
Speaking flatly to Eledryn, Leafiara says, "Not happening."
Sonnillon raspily exclaims, "This would be a better mob if it was a torch wielding mob!"
Razanetika snuggles Leafiara, who responds by cradling an an arm around her.
Speaking curiously to Razanetika, Leafiara asks, "You've sure been saving my perfume for a while, haven't you?"
Pukk exclaims, "Let's get some torches!"
Pukk asks, "Where is Maylan when we need her?"
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika says, "Special occasions."
Speaking to Leafiara, Eledryn says, "Yes, but imagine how much trouble I could have stirred up if I implied I had."
Speaking raspily to Pukk, Sonnillon says, "I second that motion."
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "Assembling torches, probably."
Speaking heartily to Sonnillon, Chamorr says, "Better."
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk exclaims, "Good thinking!"
Cruxophim casually muses, "I have."
Cruxophim's face breaks into a devilish grin.
Sonnillon yells, "Bring out the torches!"
Pukk exclaims, "Lylia says we should get some torches!"
Speaking hurriedly to Cruxophim, Leafiara exclaims, "Wasn't me!"
Roelon deeply asks, "We goin' to burn something?"
Speaking optimistically to Roelon, Leafiara says, "Can only hope."
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk asks, "I guess you want to end your term in fashion eh?"
Loamian asks, "Speaking of torches why can't we light those giant match sticks in the ballistas before we send them on their way?"
Sonnillon raspily says, "I'm in for a good old fashion burning."
Darcena cheerfully says, "Just not the pie shop."
Darcena mutters, "Been there. Done that."
Loamian says, "I've got a flint."
Loamian taps some flint, which is in his right hand.
Kamiel mildly says, "That's about as close as I'll be getting to torches tonight, myself. It was a good idea."
Sonnillon raspily says, "I got another torch I can grab if someone needs it."
Faerinn says, "I think the pie shop may still be smoldering."
Guarrin whispers something to Darcena.
Cruxophim lifts his bone chalice in a toast and proclaims:
"Wouldst thou like to live... deliciously? Eat heartily, and put a little more meat on those bones!"
Speaking mildly to Cruxophim, Kamiel repeats, "That's about as close as I'll be getting to torches tonight, myself. It was a good idea."
Ensayn exclaims, "Stay out of my fireplace!"
Sonnillon raspily says, "It's a shame, pie would be good for a burning."
Cruxophim offers Kamiel a ball of black fire.
Kamiel accepts Cruxophim's black fire.
Speaing curiously to Cruxophim, Kamiel asks, "What is this?"
Speaking helpfully to Kamiel, Leafiara says, "Mischief, probably."
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "I don't know why I'm mad but I know I had good reason..."
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "So there."
Speaking mildly to Kamiel, Cruxophim explains, "Hot and dark. Like some people we know."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra exclaims, "Fine!"
Kamiel curiously says, "It looks like fire, except for how it's black and therefore nothing like fire, but it doesn't burn."
Vlashandra En Route
Lord Thadston just arrived.
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara greets, "Evening there!"
Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "Howdy Thaddy."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Good evening to you."
Thadston says, "Evening."
Thadston gazes up into the heavens.
(OOC) Pukk's player whispers to the group, "Too late! Thadston's secret identity was exposed! Get him!"
Thadston says, "Oh good. The rain stopped."
Lyrna says, "Good evening."
Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin greets, "Evening."
Lyrna says, "For the moment."
Shadowy tendrils rise from the ground and wrap around Cruxophim's legs as they quickly engulf his entire body. The shadows quickly retreat back into the surroundings, leaving no trace of Cruxophim.
A streak of brilliant red energy shoots from a nearby location into the sky above.
The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.
Sonnillon raspily says, "Who needs a torch."
Leafiara wryly says, "Just had to say something."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain greets, "Marshal. Merry eve."
Leafiara amiably says, "But some of us like the rain, at least."
Thadston leans on his walking stick, looking about.
Lyrna mutters, "When it's actually water."
Roelon deeply asks, "Ah marshal eh?"
Speaking carefully to Thadston, Cruxophim muses, "You're looking... better."
Bernadette softly says, "Good eve Marshall."
>look thads
You see Lord Thadston Andrews.
He appears to be a Human from Hendor.
He is very tall. He appears to be mature. He has glassy steel grey eyes and tanned skin. He has a shaven head of golden-brown hair streaked with white. He has a scruffy face, a broken nose and an unkempt, golden-brown beard shot with flecks of white. Thin fragments of blackened kroderine seem woven into parts of the flesh along his forearms.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a thick red oak walking stick in his right hand.
He is wearing a silver-threaded blue tabard, a crystal amulet, some fitted dark leather pants, and a pair of stained black boots.
Sonnillon raspily asks, "Just in case do we have a fire brigade?"
Speaking to Lyrna, Eledryn says, "A good cleansing rain can be refreshing. Blood, on the other hand, not so much."
Pukk says, "I don't know..."
Thadston asks, "Tonight's the night eh, a new Mayor?"
Eledryn says, "Ruins my coat."
Speaking raspily to Tsarok, Sonnillon says, "Well that's on our side."
Speaking helpfully to Eledryn, Leafiara says, "This is why it's good to wear red."
Felita says, "Good ebes misser Marshall."
Lylia regretfully says, "I never did see a proper triumph held after Glaoveln."
Speaking surprisedly to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Oh, I thought that was tomorrow."
Leafiara musingly says, "Well, I guess it is tomorrow now, sort of."
Speaking suddenly to Leafiara, Cruxophim yells, "SURPRISE!"
Speaking sincerely to Cruxophim, Ensayn says, "A splash of color helps."
Speaking to Leafiara, Eledryn says, "Today is yesterday's tomorrow, yes."
Speaking casually to Leafiara, Cruxophim muses, "Welcome to the wonderful world of sudden, unexpected responsibility."
Speaking to Sonnillon, Pukk says, "Keep that for later."
Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Lyrna says, "Congratulations, my love."
Thadston says, "Unfortunately, the Town Council has voted."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara whispers aloud, "We'll start a communne with Zelia right afterward."
Speaking raspily to Pukk, Sonnillon says, "We will have our time to burn stuff."
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Wot dey vote on?"
Thadston says, "We are permanently extending Mayor Lylia's reign and turning sole power over to her, officially becoming Ta'Landing."
Speaking excitedly to Thadston, Pukk asks, "I'm the official town herald?"
Roelon deeply says, "This does nae sound good."
Speaking gently to Leafiara, Cruxophim warns, "You shouldn't, little on the nose right now."
Roblar deeply says, "Oh me knows what dat tiz."
Gutstorm flings himself against Thadston, bounces off of him, and giggles madly!
Thadston says, "Oh wait, Day of Zelia's Warning."
Thadston says, "Nevermind."
Thadston smirks.
Dhairn quietly says, "That's pretty darned funny."
Lylia gently corrects, "I would prefer Ta'Rashere. I like my name."
Speaking affably to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Another time, then."
Thadston says, "See, an old blind haunted man can joke."
Darcena mutters, "I didn't even realize he had the tinest bit of a sense of humor."
Felita says, "Dissis Impossibles."
Speaking to Lylia, Xorus asks, "I thought that was supposed to be a done deal?"
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Give me a generation or two."
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "Well....I will give it to you...I liked that joke too."
Thadston says, "We have to laugh, especially when this place keeps crawling with Halllings."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Shum make believe shtuff in me head."
Xorus says, "That is democracy for you."
Thadston asks, "Can we call them that? Is the Magister here?"
Speaking tiredly to Thadston, Krampton says, "So funny me forgot to laugh."
Speaking casually to Lylia, Cruxophim inquires, "When do you need 'em by?"
Speaking wryly to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Yeah, tell me about it."
Dhairn quietly says, "That sounds like it would take.. a LOT of babies."
Lylia asks, "Twenty years or so?"
Speaking dryly to Thadston, Raelee asks, "Which one?"
Speaking to Thadston, Alisette asks, "What is wrong with halflings?"
Speaking horrifiedly to Raelee, Leafiara says, "Oh, look, another one."
Thadston says, "The only real one."
Thadston says, "You."
Sonnillon raspily says, "Away with the little ones."
Speaking to Alisette, Leafiara says, "Halllings, not halflings."
Alisette says, "Oh."
Alisette giggles.
Speaking amusedly to Thadston, Cruxophim reasons, "She's outlived all the others."
Thadston says, "Congratulations Mayor Leafiara. Hopefully you won't be as stubborn as the first one." [referring to Puptilian]
Speaking wryly to Alisette, Leafiara says, "The Hall of Mage. They just keep on growing."
Alisette exclaims, "My bad!"
Lylia says, "Or the last one."
Lyrna asks, "Leafi, stubborn?"
Speaking raspily to Leafiara, Sonnillon asks, "The diference?"
Speaking amusedly to Thadston, Leafiara says, "I'm pretty easygoing."
Alisette exclaims, "Aha! Halllings!"
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara adds, "And thanks!"
Felita says, "Halflings should allway pay half price."
Cruxophim grimly mutters, "Speaking of easy...."
Speaking raspily to a pretty flower girl, Sonnillon says, "No I don't want to make out."
Faerinn says, "The rest of the Halllings are no doubt busy setting up their mock trial."
Thadston slowly empties his lungs.
Thadston says, "Someone asked me about our guest."
Lylia says, "Something with which to celebrate."
Lylia offers Leafiara a gleaming cobalt blue champagne bottle.
Leafiara accepts Lylia's champagne bottle.
Thadston says, "Vlashandra."
Lyrna asks, "Speaking of that, do we know when it is?"
Thadston scowls.
Speaking appreciatively to Lylia, Leafiara says, "Thank you."
Leafiara slowly says, "Ahhh, of course, our--trial inquisitor."
Guarrin says, "Ah for the trial."
Thadston says, "Another. Mage. In. The. Outpost."
Speaking to Thadston, Faerinn asks, "The Adjudicator?"
Cruxophim distractedly mutters, "Who?"
Speaking raspily to Tilbin, Sonnillon says, "I heard there was going to be punch and pie here."
Pukk says, "They are like rabbits...they keep multiplying."
Chamorr heartily says, "That's jus awesome."
Speaking coyly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "At least we don't have to worry about that with Raelee."
Speaking to Sonnillon, Tilbin says, "Soun's good to me."
Speaking hurriedly to Raelee, Leafiara adds, "Kidding."
Lylia says, "I consider myself having handed off the title as well as the champagne bottle. Govern well, Mayor. The world is watching this little corner surprisingly closely."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Don't feed her after midnight or get her wet."
(OOC) Bernadette's player whispers to the group, "Imagine the nerve of the flower girl tryin to sell flowers when the dad blasted ramp is busted."
Speaking casually to Leafiara, Cruxophim mentions, "You have to guzzle it in one go."
Speaking sincerely to Lylia, Leafiara says, "Thank you. This is going to be a promising year, I think."
Sonnillon whispers to the group, "Imagine the nerve of her trying to make out with me during the changing of the mayors. how rude."
Punt exclaims, "Chug! chug! chug!"
Lylia says, "I am confident it shall be. We live in interesting times."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Leafiara acknowledges, "Probably doable..."
Alisette whispers to the group, "Hey, the flower girl has to make a living, too."
Raelee whispers something to Lylia.
Speaking carefully to Cruxophim, Leafiara says, "Maybe I should wait until after we meet this new guest, though."
Sonnillon whispers to the group, "She smells like old cheese and broken dreams."
Lyrna says, "I'm going inside. That was bloody rain."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "She's a ranger."
Cruxophim airily states, "Drunk mayor is the only real way to mayor."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee asks, "Another mage. Yes. And what do you need me for?"
Sonnillon raspily says, "I'm all for drinks on the mayor."
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm says, "See, yooz needs a depooty mayer."
Thadston says, "I need you all to escort her to the Outpost when she arrives."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "You just want booze."
Thadston says, "I don't think I have it in me to, well, help."
Speaking amiably to Thadston, Leafiara says, "We'll do just that, then."
Speaking stubbornly to Leafiara, Cruxophim asserts, "It's the Landing way, though."
A small wisp of azure light curls up from the side of Thadston's neck then vanishes quickly.
Speaking sarcastically to himself, Pukk says, "Yeah, nothing ever goes wrong during times like these."
A Mayoral Transition
Thadston says, "But I had wanted to take the time to welcome the new Mayor."
Sonnillon raspily says, "I'm almost drunk enough to fight stuff."
Chamorr heartily asks, "What would happen if she accidentally fell on a sword?"
Thadston says, "And thank the old."
Sonnillon raspily says, "Like the sign in the square."
Raelee asks, "Why, precisely, do you insist upon new arrivals coming here first when they could simply arrive directly at the Outpost?"
Thadston says, "I am glad I have not had to carry your corpse."
Thadston nods at Lylia.
Speaking to Lylia, Leafiara says, "Indeed! Thank you for all you have gone through and done for us these past two years."
Thadston says, "I suppose that prophecy did not occur. Yet."
Thadston gazes up into the heavens.
Speaking deeply to Raelee, Berost says, "Have ta see tha fabled town, I am sure."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Thank you, truly. And do not make assumptions yet; I intend for you to live a good deal longer, just in case I have need of you to keep me alive."
Lylia leans closer to Thadston and kisses the air next to his cheek.
Speaking affably to Lylia, Cruxophim assures, "Agreed."
Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.
Speaking raspily to a bright painted campaign sign that reads, "Faerinn 5120: Painting a brighter tomorrow, together.", Sonnillon says, "You want some of me."
Leafiara whispers something to Pukk.
Sonnillon abruptly punches at a shattered sign of bones fashioned into elegant calligraphy, "Civil Disobedience Is Still Disobedience: Obey Xorus."!
Speaking in Faendryl to Thadston, Lylia murmurs something you don't understand.
Speaking raspily to a bright painted campaign sign that reads, "Faerinn 5120: Painting a brighter tomorrow, together.", Sonnillon says, "You know I don't mean it baby. I love you."
Thadston grins at Lylia.
Pietra asks, "Do we get a new statue, too?"
Lylia says, "Ah, the statue."
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Kin I keep da old one?"
Speaking in Faendryl, Thadston says something you don't understand.
Thadston nods at Lylia.
Lylia smiles.
Speaking heartily to Lylia, Chamorr says, "You should take it home with ya."
Speaking softly to Gutstorm, Razanetika asks, "Where precisely would you keep it?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "We are okay. Roblar is here now."
Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara says, "The symbol and sign of stability."
Faerinn says, "May want to get the signs down before the Dhe'nar mates with them."
Speaking amusedly to Thadston, Cruxophim suggests, "Perhaps the Faendryl Enclave."
Faerinn says, "He'll leave burns in them."
Lylia says, "Perhaps we can make arrangements for it to be kept at the Faendryl Enclave..."
Speaking drunkenly to Razanetika, Gutstorm says, "Havent gotten dat far yet."
Sonnillon raspily says, "I'm stable."
Lylia says, "Yes."
Thadston leans against a polished bleakstone statue.
Thadston says, "We'll need to discuss militia plans soon."
Pukk whispers something to Roblar.
Thadston turns to where he last heard Stormyrain's voice.
Speaking to Raelee, Guarrin says, "It doesn't."
Pukk whispers something to Roblar.
Speaking quietly to Guarrin, Raelee says, "Perhaps so."
Roblar whispers something to Pukk.
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm says, "Ask when we invadin Icemool."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara reports, "Ah, speaking of which--you probably know this, but I of course handed my badge over to the captain. I'm sure I'll rejoin you all after my time in office is done, but a leave of absence for now."
Pukk whispers something to Roblar.
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain asks, "Yes?"
A small curl of azure light flickers in front of Stormyrain's face then vanishes.
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain murmurs, "I'm sorry, what did you say? I don't think I heard you?"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Yooz peeples needs to feed deez petsh."
Thadston says, "I said we'll talk soon."
Darcena whispers something to Stormyrain.
Speaking slowly to Thadston, Stormyrain agrees, "Of course you did. And yes, at your leisure as always, Marshal."
Thadston says, "Without a blight suffocating us, we need to rebuild and train and be sharp."
Thadston says, "I trust you will all help Vlashandra find her way to the Outpost."
Thadston says, "If not..."
Thadston shrugs.
Cruxophim mildly assures, "Of course."
Leafiara says, "Puptilian has been doing an amazing job with training the recruits. I'm sure they're in good hands with him and the captains."
Thadston leans forward, moving his walking stick, and comes to stand near Lylia.
Xorus says, "I suppose if she goes missing we will just have to declare it all a mistrial."
Thadston places his hand on Lylia's shoulder.
Speaking to Xorus, Faerinn says, "Exactly how that works."
Thadston says, "You did well Mayor Lylia. I know this town and all of us are just a notch in a long life, but you did well."
Lylia says, "A long life is a meaningless one without caring about something other than oneself."
Thadston says, "And I am sure your image burns in the minds of little krolvin orphans somewhere."
Thornly says, "Here here."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "I am their scourge. I am their nightmare."
Lylia says, "And this pleases me greatly."
Xorus says, "... I tried to burn the orphans, too, but alas.."
A small curl of azure light flickers in front of Lylia's face then vanishes.
Sonnillon raspily says, "I'm ok."
Aeith exclaims, "To Lylia! And her time as Mayor!"
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Your time will come. Praxopius' research..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Grabbers says, "Congratulations, Mayor."
Speaking raspily to Pietra, Sonnillon says, "I cry when im nevous."
Speaking to Sonnillon, Pietra says, "Maybe stop drinking for a few minutes."
Thadston says, "And Leafiara..."
Thadston seems to be looking about.
Speaking curiously to Thadston, Leafiara asks, "Hm?"
Lylia warmly says, "Thank you."
Speaking raspily to Pietra, Sonnillon says, "Got some im out."
Thadston turns to face Leafiara.
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara offers, "Over here."
Thadston says, "I look forward to what we can accomplish together without Rooks."
Thadston smirks.
Lylia says, "I shall not be leaving. Only freer than I had been, in some ways."
Leafiara grins crookedly at Thadston.
Speaking mildly to Thadston, Leafiara teases, "Good luck with that."
Darcena mutters, "Don't eat or accept anything she hands you, for sure."
Lylia admits, "Although I may go on a bit of a tour of the world..."
Speaking nonchalantly to Lylia, Cruxophim offers, "It's not a bad gig."
Speaking earnestly to Thadston, Leafiara says, "But, seriously--we should do well, I think."
Lyrna says, "You'll do wonderfully, Leafi."
A small curl of azure light flickers in front of Leafiara's face then vanishes.
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "I know the mayor and militia are separate powers, so I don't intend to get in your way very often if ever."
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "Yes, yes, I know. You were right."
Pukk smirks.
Pukk struts about.
Felita says, "Aye missie Leafie ye be a goodins mayor."
Aeith exclaims, "And to Leafiara! And the start of new chapters!"
Thadston nods.
Leafiara raises her champagne bottle skyward!
Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr asks, "Do ya know when Renpaw is gonna do the swearin in?"
Thornly whispers something to Leafiara.
Punt asks, "There's reading?"
Thadston grins at Leafiara.
Leafiara recites:
"To a year of progress in our chaotic Landing way!"
Leafiara raises her champagne bottle skyward!
Speaking raspily to Tilbin, Sonnillon asks, "Think it's torch time?"
Aeith says, "Hmm... how to work one of these..."
Ensayn asks, "Progessively more chaotic?"
Leafiara recites:
"To our knights, our blood mages, our captains, our Magisters, and more!"
Vlashandra's Arrival
A flash of ivory light appears in the distance.
Cruxophim raises his bone chalice in a toast and proclaims:
"May the roa'ters of life always miss when they come to surface."
Lyrna says, "Only in Landing."
Thadston says, "That is my cue."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "And don't forget our Pukk!"
Berkana says, "Our Faendryl."
Thadston says, "Welcome her, or don't."
Thadston smirks.
Alisette says, "Light."
Pukk exclaims, "Me!"
Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara exclaims, "Our herald, true!"
Thadston says, "Goodnight."
Berost deeply says, "Finger waggler comin."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara exclaims, "Rest well!"
Thornly says, "Rest well."
Pukk exclaims, "Quick tackle him!"
Lyrna says, "Goodnight, Marshal."
Aeith exclaims, "There we go!"
Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm asks, "I tell ye I shot Goblyn wif da cannon da utta night?"
Roelon deeply says, "Hrm."
Thadston walks away slowly, clutching to the red oak walking stick. A band of azure light flickers briefly around his neck then fades as he steps out of sight.
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk exclaims, "You finally listened to me and join!"
Lyrna says, "I think she joined in spite of that, not because of, Pukk."
Leafiara recites:
"Join up and we'll head for the north gate!"
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Wot dis masigtarsh name agin? Vlashranda?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "Vlashandra."
Lylia says, "Sometimes it is good simply to go where the river flows."
Speaking to Lyrna, Pukk says, "No, no...I think she finally saw the wisdom of my suggestion."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "I was close."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara admits, "I can only remember because it rhymes with Ylandra."
Felita says, "Too many letters fer me."
Leafiara recites:
"Moving to the gate in 3..."
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see the Ijjy disk, the Wayside inn, a reinforced wooden defense tower and a bright painted campaign sign that reads, "Faerinn 5120: Painting a brighter tomorrow, together.".
Xorus says, "How they always miss that outpost is beyond me... there is nothing around it."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika says, "You left Roblar behind."
Pukk exclaims, "Everybody is joining in tonight!"
Dhairn quietly asks, "Onslaught time?"
Roelon deeply says, "Somethin' bad in the air. And for once it ain't ma kilt."
Roblar deeply asks, "Maybe she come by sea?"
Lylia says, "Ceremonial, really. A matter of seeing who bows to whom first, and at which angle."
Speaking to Razanetika, Leafiara exclaims, "He had his chance!"
Speaking to Xorus, Guarrin mutters, "Politics."
Sonnillon raspily says, "Lock shields."
Lylia fondly echoes, "Politics."
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Shield lock reddy!"
Roelon deeply says, "Perhaps..."
Myharl deeply says, "We forming a mob? I left my pitchfork back at the shop."
Sonnillon raspily asks, "Is it break time?"
Dhairn quietly asks, "Wait.. who we lynchin?"
Speaking to Myharl, Loamian says, "Go fetch it, I'm sure we can wait."
Speaking to Dhairn, Darcena says, "You."
Dhairn quietly says, "I probably deserve it."
Speaking deeply to Dhairn, Roelon asks, "Does it usually matter?"
Pukk muses, "Now only if Happy was here."
Speaking playfully to Dhairn, Darcena teases, "Likely."
Leafiara acknowledges, "Well, we are outside the gates, so lynching is no longer illegal here..."
There is a spark of ivory fire that appears at the edge of the forest and it billows up, quickly growing and taking on a humanoid shape. The alabaster flames bleed away to give life to a slender woman in a deeply hooded blue robe, the cowl casting her face in shadows. The white fire dies around her form as she walks slowly towards the North Gate.
Pukk says, "And Sir Shiny."
Myharl deeply says, "I'll just a torch, it's more impressive than my pitchfork."
Myharl waves his sephwir torch around, illuminating the area.
Sonnillon raspily says, "Brace for impact."
Speaking to Leafiara, Eledryn says, "We should probably try to maintain SOME semblance of order."
Dhairn quietly says, "Huh. She's almost pretty."
Roelon deeply says, "...somethin' ah don' see everyday..."
Eledryn says, "But I now have a pitchfork."
Eledryn indicates a sonic trident as a possible option.
Eledryn says, "Ish."
Lady Vlashandra just arrived.
Chamorr heartily says, "Quite an entrance."
Pukk says, "Somebody has a flashy entrance."
Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara inquires, "I forget, is white fire typically hotter or less hot than red fire?"
Speaking suddenly to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Ah, good eve to you."
Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "Howdy."
Roelon deeply says, "Oiy..."
Vlashandra gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Sonnillon raspily says, "Not much for a first wave."
Speaking darkly to Leafiara, Wolfloner asks, "Trouble?"
>look vlash
You see Lady Vlashandra the Adjudicator of the Hall of Mages.
She appears to be a Human.
It is difficult to properly see her features as the hood of her robe is pulled down over her face.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a thin gold choker, a deeply hooded light blue robe, a gold-clasped black leather satchel, and some sturdy dark leather boots.
Speaking to a dappled ocelot, Loamian says, "Calm down."
Speaking to Pukk, Thornly says, "Outdid you on that entrance."
Speaking calmly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim offers, "Welcome to the Landing."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara affirms, "Yes, the rumors of our large greeting parties were true."
Speaking to a tiny pocket mouse, Krampton says, "No more cheese for yous mister nibbles, you'll get too chonky."
Chamorr heartily says, "I'm from da Empire and I'm here to help."
Vlashandra removes the hood of her robe, revealing her features.
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "Typically hotter, but magic creates a variable in which the color may be unrelated to temperature."
Vlashandra says, "Evening, Wehnimer's Landing."
Speaking evenly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim adds, "Adjudicator."
>lo vlash
You see Lady Vlashandra the Adjudicator of the Hall of Mages.
She appears to be a Human.
She is average height. She appears to be in the spring of life. She has sharp, gold-flecked snow white eyes and ashen skin. She has long, loosely ringeleted copper red hair. She has an angular face.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a thin gold choker, a deeply hooded light blue robe, a gold-clasped black leather satchel, and some sturdy dark leather boots.
Speaking to Vlashandra, Pukk says, "We killed the rolton. You can go back now."
Speaking to Leafiara, Giogionni asks, "Ya already makin' folks mad?"
Speaking confidently to Giogionni, Leafiara says, "Undoubtedly."
Roelon deeply says, "Evenin'...ah good one hopefully.."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "Adjucator."
Tarteye asks, "One day as mayor, and we are bein 'judicated?"
Vlashandra says, "I am used to audiences. I welcome the crowd. Thank you for...the gathered greeting."
Speaking to Leafiara, Giogionni says, "Let me know if ya need me."
Speaking to Giogionni, Leafiara says, "I will, and I will."
Speaking to Giogionni, Leafiara says, "And everyone."
Xorus says, "The resemblance is uncanny."
Lylia stresses, "Yes. Quite uncanny."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Pukk says, "This isn't a gathered greeting...this is a mob..."
Vlashandra says, "Thank you."
Speaking in Dwarven, Gutstorm drunkenly says something you don't understand.
Vlashandra smiles at Xorus.
Xorus nods at Vlashandra.
Sonnillon whispers something to Tilbin.
Speaking in Dwarven, Gorvalt says something you don't understand.
Vlashandra says, "It wasn't easy and it wasn't painless."
Tarteye says, "I'm greeting! I brought food. Mobs bring pitchforks."
Speaking to Pukk, Eledryn says, "I don't see any actual pitchforks."
Eledryn says, "I also have food."
Speaking to Eledryn, Pukk says, "Sonn has a torch."
Myharl deeply says, "And torches."
Through some reinforced wooden gates, you hear Soliere yell, "Ya buncha hooligans!"
Vlashandra says, "But Grand Magister Octaven always gets what she wants."
Tarteye exclaims, "Maybe we aren't a mob, we're a picnic!"
Eledryn yells, "Hootigans!"
Pukk yells, "Right back at you!"
Xorus mutters triplets.
Speaking raspily to Eledryn, Sonnillon says, "Two torches."
Through some reinforced wooden gates, you hear Soliere yell, "Woohoo!!"
Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "She got whole town so bully for her."
Speaking evenly to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "... indeed she does."
Lyrna says, "Well, welcome to you."
Vlashandra smiles at Raelee.
Eledryn whispers something to Faerinn.
Xorus whispers something to Lylia.
Vlashandra says, "You're shorter than I imagined."
Vlashandra nods at Raelee.
Vlashandra shrugs.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "I got dibsh on da talla one."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "... I see."
Berost deeply asks, "So ... this when tha mages blow everyone up fightin themselves?"
Speaking amusedly to Vlashandra, Leafiara says, "Oh, maybe you'll fit in surprisingly fine around here."
Tarteye says, "No fighting, this is a picnic."
Speaking in Krolvin, Ekagi barks something you don't understand.
Speaking brightly to Tarteye, Darcena asks, "Oh good! Did you bring the raw rolton?"
Lylia mildly says, "And here I am having left my basket elsewhere..."
Speaking raspily to Tarteye, Sonnillon says, "I dont see drinks or snacks."
Vlashandra says, "I will get settled over the next few days, and we will announce the dates of the trial."
Dhairn quietly asks, "So... what I miss? Why's there another hen in the Mage house?"
Ekagi asks, "Is this a celebration?"
Tarteye says, "The raw rolton wanders in every now and then, nice and fresh."
Vlashandra says, "I won't dance around my purpose here. I am fair, I assure you."
Speaking neutrally to Dhairn, Cruxophim observes, "Another Raelee."
Ekagi asks, "What we celebratin?"
Speaking to Vlashandra, Leafiara offers, "We appreciate it. Well, some of us."
Lyrna asks, "How does the trial work?"
Berost deeply says, "Fer tha man what stopped tha witch. Got it."
Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr asks, "How long a trial afore ya finds him guilty?"
Speaking drunkenly to Ekagi, Gutstorm says, "Wetter er not we gonna kill Pylasaar."
Leafiara musingly adds, "...okay, more like a few of us."
Lylia adds, "If Pylasar is anywhere to be found, that is."
Eledryn whispers something to Faerinn.
Speaking to Lyrna, Faerinn says, "Without the accused it's a thought exercise at best."
Darcena exclaims, "Stop fogging up the place!"
Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara offers, "They can always have the other trials for that, I suppose."
Rkana corrects, "Any time to be found more like it."
Faerinn says, "Hardly even a mock trial."
Speaking gleefully to Vlashandra, Cruxophim urges, "No please, do dance!"
Lyrna says, "But it can still have long standing implications."
Sonnillon raspily asks, "Is this turning into a dance off?"
Erienne says, "Oh I hope so."
Myharl deeply says, "A fair trial where the defendant isn't even present to defend themselves? That seems questionable, at best."
Eledryn asks, "Danceoff?"
Speaking to Sonnillon, Leafiara says, "A verbal dance of sorts, I suppose."
Sonnillon raspily says, "I'm in."
Erienne says, "That would be quite the sight to see."
Ensayn says, "Naamit is not here."
Dhairn quietly asks, "Why we need an Adjudicator for this trial, by the by? Won't mob justice just be a bit quicker?"
Speaking slowly to Vlashandra, Cruxophim inquires, "Does a trial not typically require... well, you know, an accused?"
Speaking to Myharl, Faerinn says, "Not really a trial by Frontier Standards or by the Rysus Codex."
Pukk exclaims, "A dance-off between Raerae and Vlash!"
Speaking to Vlashandra, Lylia asks, "Have you had word of the accused or his whereabouts?"
Leafiara muses, "Or his whenabouts."
Speaking to Leafiara, Cruxophim mutters, "Or his whatabouts."
Lyrna says, "It doesn't require the accused at all, although some of us are so lucky."
Vlashandra says, "Whereabouts, not yet, no."
Lylia murmurs, "I see."
Tarteye says, "If you bring the accused to their own trial, I think they get to talk and then it takes longer. This seems more streamlined."
Darcena mutters, "Wish we would have found him before we found Thadston."
Vlashandra says, "I am sorry, there is little else I can answer. I have a job to do. Please respect that."
Vlashandra smiles.
Speaking raspily to Tilbin, Sonnillon says, "Dancing and burning sounded like a pretty good night."
Leafiara acknowledges, "Fair enough, I suppose."
Roelon deeply says, "Bein' able to defend yirself... such a chore ah guess..."
Lylia says, "I have great regard for a sense of what must be done, yes."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Cruxophim croons, "Shocking."
Lyrna says, "My only questions are what the charges are and the format."
Speaking heartily to Vlashandra, Chamorr says, "Night, welcome to da Landing."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Faerinn says, "I will return the respect you are giving our legal system tenfold back to you."
A dark-eyed indigo merlin asks, "So what are we waitin for?"
Vlashandra says, "Thank you for your welcome. I appreciate an audience, I really do."
Vlashandra smiles.
Speaking raspily to Tilbin, Sonnillon says, "Need that nice man with the keg to come back and cater the next burning night."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Guarrin greets, "Welcome to the Landing, I'm certain you will find the outpost suitable."
Lyrna says, "We're all about the audiences."
Vlashandra says, "I will make it so, if not."
Vlashandra nods at Guarrin.
The faint outlines of caliginous shadows flutter in and out of sight around Darcena as she raises her hands in an insistently beckoning manner.
Darcena gestures at a rolton.
The force of Darcena's power warps the air as it surges toward a rolton!
CS: +478 - TD: +3 + CvA: +25 + d100: +51 == +551
Warding failed!
A nebulous haze shimmers into view around a rolton, plunging inward to envelop his chest!
... 35 points of damage!
Deep, penetrating wound etched into chest, exposing ribs and lung tissue!
The rolton collapses to the ground, emits a final bleat, and dies.
Speaking to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "You will have to make it so."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Pukk says, "You are so brave to greet us with those boots."
Speaking to Darcena, Jokic exclaims, "Murderer!"
Darcena says, "Predator."
Myharl deeply says, "Well, now we have rolton."
Sonnillon raspily says, "Take that rolton. Stay off the lawn."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "I'm complimenting her!"
Dhairn quietly says, "Dinner on Darcena."
Dhairn quietly says, "Someone spark the fire."
Speaking to Jokic, Darcena says, "Do not tempt me. I will eat you."
Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Hopefully she realizes that."
Vlashandra says, "I hope the archways are tall enough in the Outpost."
Vlashandra smiles at Raelee.
Speaking dryly to Vlashandra, Raelee says, "I have not found that to be a problem."
Lylia says, "I have never had to stoop when walking through them."
Speaking raspily to Dhairn, Sonnillon says, "Fire it up."
Speaking glumly to Raelee, Cruxophim complains, "I have."
Vlashandra says, "I suspect you have not."
Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn says, "So do I."
Lylia says, "I am certain, then, that you would encounter no trouble."
Alisette amusedly says, "I am sure the arches are quite as tall as they need to be."
Vlashandra says, "We shall see more of each other."
Leafiara amusedly says, "She probably realizes that and is just teasing the Magister."
Vlashandra says, "Have a pleasant evening everyone."
Lylia says, "That outpost has certainly been through a great deal."
Dhairn quietly says, "Hey..."
Sonnillon raspily says, "Good night."
Vlashandra asks, "It has, hasn't it?"
Vlashandra peers quizzically at Lylia.
Lylia admits, "They may have lost an inch or two after bringing it back from Tol'Karsken..."
Vlashandra says, "There and here again."
Dhairn quietly says, "What happens when your fair trial dun find him guilty."
Vlashandra says, "Fascinating."
Vlashandra smiles.
Roelon deeply says, "We shall see...."
Lylia agrees, "Yes. Fascinating."
Vlashandra waves.
Vlashandra pulls the hood of her robe down over her face, concealing her features.
Lady Vlashandra just went southwest.
Speaking to Lylia, Cruxophim mutters, "Oh my. I slipped."
Leafiara admits, "Well, that went more smoothly than I was expecting."
Dhairn quietly says, "I dun like this."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Darcena says, "Liar."
Lyrna says, "Other than refusing to answer any questions."
Lylia says, "Black raspberry."
Thrassus asks, "Weren't we supposed to escort her to the Outpost?"
Roelon deeply says, "Hrm..."
Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Myharl says, "I still have my doubts."
Faerinn says, "Well I suppose you don't need any further help getting to the outpost, through those gates, center of town, down the well..."
Speaking to Lylia, Xorus asks, "Is it that kind of party?"
Leafiara suddenly says, "Oh, yes."
Bernadette softly says, "I thot so."
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "It can be."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I'm so impressed that she isn't obsessed with how she looks."
Leafiara musingly says, "But she didn't seem to want an escort, so..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Tarteye says, "Lovely picnic miss Mayor. Thanks for inviting everybody."
Sonnillon raspily asks, "Is it time to burn some stuff or something something ssssmsmssooo?"
Lyrna says, "I need to get the rest of this blood off me, or I'm going to be sick."
Lyrna says, "Again."
Leafiara slowly says, "...I guess we could follow just to make sure she made it."
Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia softly says something you don't understand.
[travel, no sign of her]