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Myharl (prime)/Wedding of Myharl and Jastalyn

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Pictured: Myharl and Jastalyn at their wedding in the Garden Sancturary. AI painting generated by the player of Myharl using a combination of Stable Diffusion (DPM++@M Karras sampling method) and Midjourney with post processing in Photoshop.


On the evening of Volnes, day 22 of the month of Olaesta in the year 5124, in the company of many of their closest friends and comrades, Myharl and Jastalyn became husband and wife. They were married at the Garden Sanctuary in a ceremony officiated by a high priest of Oleani.

Wedding Party

Wedding Ceremony Log

The Bride & Groom Meet at the Altar

Today is Volnes, day 22 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124.  It is 21:05 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Myharl smiles.

Myharl glances south.

Myharl smiles happily

Jastalyn's group just arrived.

Myharl gazes lovingly at Jastalyn.

Nephtyris smiles.

Jastalyn slowly empties her lungs.

Jastalyn walks toward Myharl.

Lithyia smiles.

Lithyia winks at Wolfloner.

Jastalyn grins from ear to ear.

Myharl sighs happily.

Lilanna hums happily to herself.

Jastalyn grins at Myharl.

(Lithyia holds and fixes Jastalyn's train so it lays nice and flat.)

Lithyia winks at Jastalyn.

Jastalyn smiles at Lithyia.

Nephtyris grins slowly.

[Garden Sanctuary, Altar]
Neutral sand-hued stones pave the shadowy ground and are punctuated by a mix of smaller blue-grey and ivory pebbles.  A series of decorative stone lanterns line a wide, silk-spread aisle, leading to a lush koi pond in front of an ornate mistwood altar.  Minimal flowerage exists within the verdure flourishing around the area, dotted only by sprays of woody indigo blossoms and nearly transparent white buds.  You also see Flordio.

Also here: Myharl, Jastalyn, Lithyia, Lord Nephtyris, Lilanna, Ibar who is sitting, Tservin who is sitting, Chamorr who is sitting, Lord Randsford who is sitting, Branch Guardian Starkitty who is sitting, Scroll Keeper Gelfander who is sitting, Elronae who is sitting, Queatus who is sitting, Lady Erienne who is sitting, Chronicler Falvicar who is sitting, Lady Opalina who is sitting, Olgretien who is kneeling, Wolfloner who is sitting, High Lord Svardin who is sitting, Adalfuns who is sitting, Imrys who is sitting, Town Councilor Saraphenia who is sitting, Whimweaver Leafiara who is sitting, Grand Lady Mystiq who is sitting, Lord Darphin who is sitting, Teevai who is sitting, Lord Dallinn who is sitting, Augustinia who is sitting, Anstara who is sitting, Arena Heroine Luxelle who is sitting, Jarilyn who is sitting, Miss Evii who is sitting, Lady Lyracellan who is sitting, Crazyfeather who is sitting, Sister-in-Arms Roelaren who is sitting

Obvious paths: south

Lilanna Performs a Song About Jastalyn and Myharl

Lilanna removes a silvery owl-carved harp from in her cedar case.

Lilanna brushes her fingers over the strings, modulating softly from chord to chord as if playing to herself.

Myharl turns an inquisitive ear toward Lilanna.

Lithyia folds her hands.

Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Lilanna.

Jastalyn grins at Lilanna.

Lilanna recites:

   "Him, a kindred from the far south
    wastelands of sand and heat
    A path leading him slowly north
    Beyond the long snow, wyrmslayer his feat"

Lilanna recites:

   "She, a Councilor, a chair, a leader in the north
    a half-elf, decendant of Faendryl line
    Protecting and defending what she holds dear
    Her town and her people northwest of the spine"

Lilanna brushes her fingers over the strings, modulating softly from chord to chord as if playing to herself.

Lilanna recites:

   "As dust and ash swirled high above
    Bearing bad news for all of us to fear
    He came to town to tell of what he'd seen
    They happened upon one another eager to hear"

Lilanna recites:

   "As they spoke and learned more than local lore
    United under threat and a will to protect
    Things began to bloom long hidden under the snow
    A bond and a love they both did not expect"

Lilanna recites:

   "They grew so close in a short amount of time
    hearts seeking soon were bound
    this connection strong, but tender, and true
    when least expected, such a thing is found"

Lilanna brushes her fingers over the strings, modulating softly from chord to chord as if playing to herself.

Lilanna recites:

   "This journey is not yet at an end my friends
    but to this moment a special road has lead
    this journey has just begun before ye today
    for to wed is just a new path to tread"

Lilanna recites:

   "Today we witness that bond and promise made
    and I ask little of thee my Lord Charl
    But today we all ask for sunny skies an calm seas
    to bless the voyage of Jast and Myharl!"

Lithyia closes her eyes for a moment.

Jastalyn beams happily at Lilanna!

Lilanna brings her quiet performance to a close with three descending harmonics; these last notes ring on, barely heard, as she lets her arms fall to her sides.

Lithyia smiles at Lilanna.

Lilanna smiles at Jastalyn.

Lilanna smiles at Myharl.

Lilanna bows.

Jastalyn applauds Lilanna.

Jastalyn turns to Lilanna and cheers!

Myharl applauds Lilanna.

Jastalyn turns to face Myharl.

Jastalyn slowly empties her lungs.

Lithyia glances between Myharl and Jastalyn.

Myharl beams!

Myharl nods.

Lithyia grins.

Jastalyn grins.

Lilanna says, "Thankee."

Lilanna put a silvery owl-carved harp in her cedar case.

Myharl Speaks

Myharl recites deeply, "Good evening!"

Lithyia smiles at Myharl.

Myharl gratefully says, "I would like to begin tonight by thanking all of you for being here. I am grateful to see so many familiar faces, friends, and loved ones. I am honored and humbled to be able to share this moment with you all."

Myharl smiles happily.

Jastalyn grins at Myharl.

Myharl warmly says, "A special thanks to Lilanna for her performance and beautiful song, and to Lithyia and Nephtyris for standing with Jastalyn and I on this very special and momentous occasion."

Myharl applauds Lilanna.

Myharl smiles at Lithyia.

Myharl smiles at Nephtyris.

Lithyia smiles.

Nephtyris smiles.

Jastalyn gazes lovingly at Myharl.

Jastalyn bites her lip.

Lithyia winks at Myharl.

Myharl flashes a wide grin.

Myharl's Vows

Myharl clears his throat.

Myharl nods once.

Myharl deeply says, "It was on a niveous winter's night, beneath frigid skies framed in dense snowfall and glacial ice, that I discovered the greatest warmth. A night like many others in the North but embraced by the tenderness of friendship and admiration."

Myharl warmly says, "Though Jastalyn and I had crossed paths often over the years, OUR story began as comrades delving into the mysteries of the frozen North. Together we braved the hibernal wilds and sought to uncover secrets lost to time. Together we discovered something far more magical and amazing. We discovered each other. We found true love."

Jastalyn grins at Myharl.

Myharl turns to face Jastalyn.

Myharl gazes admiringly at Jastalyn.

Myharl sighs happily.

Jastalyn flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks.

Speaking lovingly to Jastalyn, Myharl says, "Jastalyn, from the moment you walked into my life, your beautiful smile shone the brightest light and cast away the darkest of shadows. Your voice has sung true to the tempo of my heart, and your touch ignites the passion that has become the beacon to my desire."

Jastalyn bites her lip.

Myharl gazes lovingly at Jastalyn.

Speaking devotedly to Jastalyn, Myharl says, "As your husband, I vow to always stand by your side and to have your back no matter what challenges we may face together. I promise to be faithful, attentive, and to place your needs before all others. I give myself to you. I will be the shield that defends your heart, the mantle that envelopes you in love, and the sword that defends your honor."

Myharl gazes fondly at Jastalyn.

Speaking adoringly to Jastalyn, Myharl says, "I love you. Today, tomorrow, and every moment henceforth I promise to you, my winter rose, my one and only. I am yours eternally."

Jastalyn rubs her cobalt-violet eyes.

Myharl gives Jastalyn a lingering kiss on the hand.

Myharl gazes lovingly at Jastalyn.

Jastalyn sniffs.

Jastalyn gazes lovingly at Myharl.

Jastalyn's Vows

Jastalyn clears her throat.

Jastalyn slowly empties her lungs.

Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Jastalyn.

Jastalyn recites softly to Myharl, "I choose you above all else, every time, without question. I am yours and you are mine. All that I have and all that I am I give to you.."

Myharl gazes lovingly at Jastalyn.

Jastalyn recites softly to Myharl, "I will guard your heart as if it were my own. Your happiness is my happiness. Your burdens are my burdens. Your success is my success."

Jastalyn slowly empties her lungs.

Jastalyn grins.

Myharl sighs happily.

Jastalyn recites softly to Myharl, "I will face everyday from this day forward by your side, hand-in-hand, heart-to-heart."

Jastalyn recites softly to Myharl, "We are stronger together and I look forward to spending the rest of our lives showing you how much I love you."

Jastalyn nods at Myharl.

Myharl gazes admiringly at Jastalyn.

Lilanna smiles.

Lithyia smiles.

Jastalyn sniffs.

Jastalyn slowly empties her lungs.

Lilanna hums happily to herself.

Jastalyn grins.

Wedding Officiant Flordio Performs Ceremony

Gliding toward Myharl and Jastalyn with a beatific smile on his face, Flordio spends a few moments fussing with Jastalyn's attire before lightly dusting off Myharl's shoulders.  With a slow nod of satisfaction, he steps to the side and inclines his head, waiting for silence.  "Greetings all!"  Flordio chirps happily.  "With us here are Myharl and Jastalyn, who wish to be joined in the divine sacrament of marriage."

Myharl nods to Flordio.

Nephtyris grins.

Jastalyn grins.

Myharl flashes a wide grin.

Myharl gazes lovingly at Jastalyn.

Jastalyn gazes lovingly at Myharl.

Flordio folds his hands in front of him, gazing at Myharl and Jastalyn with the sheen of tears in his eyes.  He turns to a nearby acolyte, who hands him a thornless long-stemmed white rose, and inhales the fragrance before continuing.
"They ask now for the blessing of the Lady Oleani, who happily looks down upon lovers and takes them into her bosom to care for their devotion."  A single tear trails down Flordio's face, and he fumbles in his robes for a handkerchief.  "Today we will set another couple to the path of lasting ardor."

Nephtyris nods.

Flordio glides forward and kneels, placing the rose on the floor before the couple.  He stands easily and gazes at Myharl and Jastalyn.  "Love is like this rose, wild and sweet, but it must be tended if it is to grow to its full potential.  Oleani is happy to bless your union, but only you can water, with love, and tend, with care, what is planted here to make sure it grows lovely and strong."

Jastalyn offers Lithyia a trailing snow white rose bridal bouquet tied with platinum satin ribbons.

Lithyia accepts Jastalyn's rose bridal bouquet.

Lithyia nods at Jastalyn.

Lithyia curtsies to Jastalyn.

Smiling at Myharl, Flordio asks, "Do you, Myharl, agree to tend this love, water it with kindness, and nurture its growth with faithfulness and dedication?"

Jastalyn grins at Myharl.

Myharl deeply exclaims, "I do!"

Jastalyn giggles.

Flordio acknowledges Myharl's response.

Nephtyris rests a gentle hand on Myharl's arm.

Myharl grins at Nephtyris.

Nephtyris nods.

Smiling at Jastalyn, Flordio asks, "Do you, Jastalyn, agree to tend this love, water it with kindness, and nurture its growth with faithfulness and dedication?"

Jastalyn softly exclaims, "I sure do!"

Flordio acknowledges Jastalyn's response.

Jastalyn grins from ear to ear.

Tilting his head back, Flordio is briefly surrounded by a rose-hued nimbus.  He throws his arms open and laughs merrily as the rose on the ground writhes in an unseen wind.  He picks up the bloom and wraps it around the wrists of Myharl and Jastalyn.  "Oleani has blessed your love; now you must work to hold that blessing to you.  Go forth now, joined, and live a felicitous and fruitful life."

Myharl pulls Jastalyn closer to himself.

Myharl gives Jastalyn a lingering kiss on the mouth.

Jastalyn gives Myharl a lingering kiss on the mouth.

Myharl gazes lovingly at Jastalyn.

Jastalyn grins.

Jastalyn gazes lovingly at Myharl.

Myharl grins.

Lithyia turns to face Jastalyn.

Lithyia giggles.

Myharl flashes a wide grin.

Lithyia sarcastically says, "Was so worried you wouldnt."

Lithyia rolls her eyes.

Lithyia applauds.

Lilanna applauds.

Turning to regard the gathered assembly, Flordio smiles warmly.  "This couple is now married by law.  Help them celebrate their union and bask in the warmth of their adoration and devotion."  He bows his head and subtly swipes at his cheeks with his handkerchief before stuffing it back into his robes and striding out.
A jubilant chorus of bells rings mellifluously throughout the area.

Randsford applauds.

Olgretien applauds.

Imrys lets out a cheer!

Luxelle applauds.

Lilanna lets out a cheer!

Nephtyris lets out a cheer!

Myharl beams!

Nephtyris applauds.

Lithyia applauds.

Lilanna says, "Congratulations."

Exchange of Rings

Jastalyn produces a lustrous ebonwood ring box with platinum dragon inlay from within the pockets of her paeline wrap.

Myharl produces a heart-shaped platinum ring box embellished with onyx accents from within the pockets of his leather longcoat.

Myharl lifts the lid on his platinum ring box, revealing a delicate platinum wedding ring graced with onyx rose inlay.

Myharl removes a delicate platinum wedding ring graced with onyx rose inlay from in his platinum ring box.

Jastalyn recites softly, "Rings"

Lilanna begins chuckling at Jastalyn!

Jastalyn grins at Myharl.

Myharl grins at Jastalyn.

Myharl offers Jastalyn a delicate platinum wedding ring graced with onyx rose inlay.

Jastalyn pulls Myharl closer to herself.

Myharl gazes lovingly at Jastalyn.

Jastalyn accepts Myharl's wedding ring.

Speaking adoringly to Jastalyn, Myharl says, "I love you."

Jastalyn's face glows with a soft radiance as she slips on her wedding ring. She smiles lovingly at it for a moment with a pondering expression.

Jastalyn kisses her wedding ring with a warm and loving expression on her face.

Jastalyn holds up her ebonwood ring box, displaying a platinum-inlaid polished onyx wedding band within.

Jastalyn removes a platinum-inlaid polished onyx wedding band from in her ebonwood ring box.

Jastalyn offers Myharl a platinum-inlaid polished onyx wedding band.

Myharl accepts Jastalyn's onyx wedding band.

Myharl gazes lovingly at Jastalyn.

Jastalyn pulls Myharl closer to herself.

Myharl's face glows with a soft radiance as he slips on his onyx wedding band. He smiles lovingly at it for a moment with a pondering expression.

Speaking softly to Myharl, Jastalyn says, "Forever and always."

Speaking adoringly to Jastalyn, Myharl says, "Forever and always."

Jastalyn gives Myharl a gentle kiss on the mouth.

Myharl kisses Jastalyn on the mouth for what seems like an eternity.

Jastalyn grins from ear to ear.

Jastalyn beams!

Myharl beams!

Departing for Reception

Jastalyn softly exclaims, "Let's party!"

Myharl turns to Jastalyn and cheers!

Jastalyn grins from ear to ear.

Lithyia hoots.

Lilanna stands up.

Jastalyn snuggles close to Myharl, nuzzling his neck. Myharl suddenly recoils laughing as Jastalyn playfully nibbles the ticklish part of his ear.

Jastalyn grins from ear to ear.

Myharl excitedly exclaims, "To the reception tent!"

Lithyia offers Jastalyn a trailing snow white rose bridal bouquet tied with platinum satin ribbons.

Jastalyn accepts Lithyia's rose bridal bouquet.

Myharl raises his fist defiantly.

Myharl flashes a wide grin.

Jastalyn kisses Lithyia tenderly on the cheek.

Jastalyn removes a rolaren-hilted dagger with a platinum-hued blade from in her paeline wrap.

Myharl beams!

Jastalyn offers Myharl a rolaren-hilted dagger with a platinum-hued blade.

Nephtyris raises his intense green absinthe in a toast!

Jastalyn giggles.

Myharl accepts Jastalyn's rolaren-hilted dagger.

Jastalyn winks at Falvicar.

Lithyia recites, "Cut...the...cake"

Myharl gives Falvicar a friendly hug.

Lithyia giggles.

Jastalyn lets out a cheer!

Lithyia exclaims, "We all want that red velvet!"

Jastalyn grins from ear to ear.

Nephtyris smiles.

Speaking deeply to Falvicar, Myharl says, "It's amazing, my friend. Thank you."

Jastalyn softly says, "Follow us for food."

Lithyia grins at Lilanna.

Jastalyn giggles.

Jastalyn nods at Myharl.

Wedding Attire

You see Jastalyn Dragorth the Bard Laureate.
She appears to be a Half-Elf from Ta'Faendryl.
She is diminutive and has a svelte silhouette.  She appears to be in the prime of life.  She has thick-lashed cobalt-violet eyes and petal-soft, tanned skin.  She has very long, gently curled champagne blonde hair gathered into a loose chignon with a few spiraling tendrils hanging free creating a halo of curls framing the face.  She has a perfectly symmetrical, delicately featured face, a pert, daintily upturned nose and luscious, pale pink lips.
She has a blush-winged spirited pixie tattoo clutching a lucent winter rose on her arm, a delicate wild rose tattoo on her wrist, an interlocking gold rings tattoo on her wrist, and a curving musical staff tattoo on her waist.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a trailing snow white rose bridal bouquet tied with platinum satin ribbons in her right hand.
She is wearing a wing-shaped krodera circlet entwined in ribbon-like inlays of everfrost shard, a pair of delicate platinum-brushed earrings, a delicate platinum locket with an intricate winter rose design, a sweeping platinum gossamer train with winter rose-patterned trim, a platinum paeline wrap with soft figured silk lining, a svelte platinum figured silk gown with a daringly cut neckline, a delicate hummingbird saewehna wristlet, a balenite ring worn around the left ring finger, and some ankle-tied platinum flyrsilk slippers with dainty diamond heels.
You see Myharl the Dark Tower.
He appears to be a Giantman of the Maeramil Clan.
He is of an extraordinary height, even for a giant and has a muscular physique.  He appears to be in the prime of life.  He has darkly rimmed, piercing tenebrous black eyes and deeply coffee-hued skin.  He has a bald head.  He has a well-defined face, a broad and strong nose and a sloe black silver-touched beard pinioned into a single elaborate braid by a dark wyrm's-eye aetherstone.  His features have a firm, statue-like quality to them.
He has a set of five lustrous onyx rings in his left eyebrow, a silvered ebon tattoo depicting a wyrm's talon descending from beneath his left eye, a lustrous onyx ring in the upper ridge of his left ear, and a small dark shard-shaped mark on his neck.
Dark shadows twist and swirl around him.
He gives off a fierce demeanor.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a talon-tined krodera crown entwined in ribbon-like inlays of everfrost shard, a glowing white winter rose, a tailored night-hued leather longcoat with an arabesque motif, a tone-on-tone black and grey figured silk vest with damask accents over a formal dark grey moire silk shirt with ashen ebonwood buttons, a pair of black alloy vambraces, a tower-ensigiled onyx signet ring worn on the right middle finger, a small onyx velvet pouch, a dark ashen kilt cinched by an eclipse-motif ebony leather sash, and a pair of night black boots buttoned with crescentic everfrost shard talons.

Myharl has a distinctive but mild scent on his skin.  Foremost are chilled chords of sap-rich fir and cedar that are grounded in notes of fine leather and warmed with a splash of whiskey.  As the warmth of the heart notes recede, a hint of dark musk is left in its place.

Wedding Rings



a heart-shaped platinum ring box embellished with onyx accents a delicate platinum wedding ring graced with onyx rose inlay

a lustrous ebonwood ring box with platinum dragon inlay a platinum-inlaid polished onyx wedding band

Wedding Invitations

                You are cordially invited                 
                      to attend the                       
                        wedding of                        
                    Myharl Gryphonwind                    
                     Jastalyn Dragorth                    
         Volnes, day 22 of the month Olaesta, 5124        
                      at 21:00, Elven                     
                          at the                          
                     Garden Sanctuary                     
     A reception will immediately follow the ceremony.    
            [OOC: Mon Apr 22 21:00:00 ET 2024]            

Wedding Cake

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                               {.  .  .  .  .  .  .}                               
                             .)                     (.                             
  a towering red velvet wedding cake trimmed with onyx marzipan interlocked rings

Wedding Reception Menu

                          THE WEDDING OF MYHARL AND JASTALYN                         
   1. a tender whiskey-grilled steak                                                 
   2. a buttered warm and crisp roll                                                 
   3. a chive-dotted fluffy baked potato                                             
   4. a garlic-topped sauteed wild mushroom                                          
   5. a handful of feta cheese crumbles                                              
   6. a honey-brushed slice of seeded pomegranate                                    
   7. a succulent boiled lobster tail                                                
   8. a multicolored bell pepper salad                                               
   9. a bowl of velvety forest mushroom soup                                         
  10. a paprika-dusted deviled egg                                                   
  11. a flute of sparkling rose champagne                                            
  12. a goblet of intense green absinthe                                             
  a slice of red velvet wedding cake trimmed with an onyx marzipan interlocked ring  
  [SIGNATURE DRINK]                                                                  
  a translucent night-hued glass bottle