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North by Northwest (storyline)/2022-11-09 - Knightly Respite (log)
Eoantos 9-10, 5122
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier
Mayor Thadston returns for a brief Moot Hall meeting. He's aware of Earl Jovery's move and says he was asked to become a knight again as commander of the Darkstonian Army. However, he declined and instead recommended a few names, saying we'll see when their caravan arrives on the weekend. The new baron is already known to be Elidal Dhenin, but it's unclear when he'll arrive; his brother Enisius from the Hall of Mages is also coming. Thadston says the Landing will be tasked with very carefully keeping the peace since many will resist the Empire.
In the meantime, Thadston will hold a town hall soon, is still seeking aid with removing the kroderine from his arms, will look into bolstering defense against the Illoke attacks, and will look into a new Steward of the Guilds.
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse inquires, "Are your arms a reason why you turned down the Earl's offer to command the new army?" Thadston says, "Kroderine or not, I would have turned it down."' Thadston says, "I have no desire to return to those chains." Dendum says, "A city about to be chained perhaps can have some sympathy in this." Thadston says, "There is true freedom here in Wehnimer's Landing. We will be keeping it that way." Thadston says, " maybe we keep my arms." Thadston smirks.
Thadston says, "I will work on a new Steward of the Guilds soon." Thadston says, "The Merchants will push Amos on me again." Evia says, "Shove him back."
Chandrellia asks, "I hate to bring this up, as I really don't like the man, but should we possibily look at Amos and his Mercenaries for added security, if it comes to that?" Thadston asks, "Who are you?" Thadston peers quizzically at Chandrellia.
Dendum says, "Useless outpost remained very useless last time Illoke showed up."
Thadston sniffs at his honey-infused flatbread. Thadston says, "It's a little flat." Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk whispers aloud, "While he was out of town he found a sense of humor too..."
Thadston says, "We'll be ready." Thadston says, "For angry townspeople, and Rooks." Thadston says, "Especially Rooks." Speaking to Thadston, Kayse asks, "Have you spoken to Casiphia?" Thadston says, "Not yet." Thadston says, "We didn't speak much before I left either..." Speaking flatly to Thadston, Kayse reasons, "Yet Rooks still escorted us through tunnels when we freed Tyrrax." Thadston says, "Now you sound like the last councilors." Thadston smirks. Speaking to Thadston, Kayse asks, "Pointing out facts?"
Speaking to Kayse, Dendum says, ""The council of icemule would like conversation with the council of the landing." Speaking to Dendum, Kayse asks, "Oh?" Speaking to Dendum, Kayse asks, "When would they like to speak?" Speaking confusedly to Dendum, Kayse asks, "Why are they not coming to us?" Speaking to Kayse, Dendum says, ""Hrmm, do not know perhaps they sleep during normal hours." Speaking to Kayse, Dendum says, ""Perhaps they wonder why a city about to be put under the shackles of Turamzyrr has not reached out to them." Dendum says, "Should ask them." Speaking slowly to Dendum, Kayse says, "Hard to reach out when we still have NO information." Speaking to Kayse, Dendum asks, ""How deep does the lion have to have its teeth in your throat before you realize you are being eaten?"
Awaiting Thadston
The sky is filled with a blanket of low clouds, pale and unmoving. Sounds seem muffled and the air feels thick and takes on a quiet stillness.
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Hiea disk, the Smote disk, the Basteel disk, a sinuous bone white serpent that is sitting, the Katarax disk, a smoke lynx, a ruby-inlaid eelskin grimoire flying around with its feathery wings, the skull-shaped Irval disk, the flaming Nairena disk, an air wyrdling, the Vaemyr disk, an animated flayed gigas disciple, the Bellaja disk, the Beansie disk, the discordant Lahanna disk, a black leather book flying around with its feathery wings, the Kiyna disk, an upset wasteland spirit that is flying around, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and a round silver-banded barrel.
Also here: Hiea, Great Lord Smote, Bernadette, Sir Cryheart, Basteel, Katarax who is sitting, Goldstr, Irval, Stormyrain, Lady Nairena, Markx, Oxhammer, Mourdeyan, Town Councilor Vaemyr, Bellaja, Lord Beansie, High Lady Lahanna, Town Councilor Kiyna, Tikba
Bellaja says, "Well, either way I'm very curious, which is... never a good thing."
Cryheart says, "It should."
Speaking to Nairena, Bellaja says, "It usually means I end up in some type of trouble."
The voice of Pukk says, "Everytime I get cornered and I'm wondering if I will make it out alive I always think of a song that gives me inspiration."
Beansie says, "That's neat."
Cryheart says, "Might add to level of difficulty."
Beansie says, "Sure, i figured it'd be difficult to do."
Pukk sings:
"What would Kiyna do, if she was here right now
Well she would make a plan or two
that is what Kiyna would do"
Nairena says, "Dont we all at some point in our lifes."
Speaking pleasedly to Cryheart, Leafiara exclaims, "Here on time today so Pukk doesn't have to elect a new Cryheart!"
Beansie says, "Nairena.... i love your face."
Speaking to Beansie, Nairena exclaims, "Thanks!"
Flakes of glistening snow flutter down from the sky.
Speaking agreeably to Beansie, Leafiara says, "Very smoochable face."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Cryheart!"
Beansie exclaims, "Oooh magic!"
Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk says, "Remember you are on probation. No more being late."
Speaking softly to Cryheart, Lahanna says, "You're late one time..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Kiyna says, "You seem awfully exuberant tonight."
Speaking to Kiyna, Pukk says, "She is getting richer by the day."
Speaking to Kiyna, Leafiara exclaims, "Gettin' ready for Twilight Hall's 26th anniversary starting in just five days, so I have to put on the charm!"
Leafiara amusedly adds, "Or something."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Guarrin, our Cryheart for tonight"
Guarrin says, "Try now."
Beansie says, "Ok people, i have some young folks lookin for equipment."
Speaking to Leafiara, Viva says, "You always have on the charm."
Beansie says, "Seems to be shields, swords, other fun items."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Lahanna says, "The wheel is my favorite..."
Beansie says, "Anyone with a decent kid's chield."
Pukk asks, "Isn't the Mayor suppose to be arriving tonight?"
Beansie says, "Good one tikba."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Lahanna says, "I even like to lose..."
Bellaja says, "We've been waiting for word."
Beansie says, "Anyone with some real things to offer..."
Kiyna cheerfully says, "Time to see if the town clerk is due for a pay cut or not."
Beansie asks, "Maybe a neat helmet?"
Beansie says, "Or an aventail."
Speaking to Kiyna, Bellaja says, "Or a raise. Reach into those deep coffers the Empire has."
Vaemyr says, "Ehh give him a raise, and take it outta Thadston's salary if he's late instead."
Speaking softly to Beansie, Lahanna says, "Tiara."
Beansie says, "I think what they might need most is a large bag."
Mourdeyan says, "I unnerstood t'mayor was late last week."
Beansie says, "Does anyone have a VERY large SACK."
[General] Pukk thinks, "Hey Moot Hall clerks, remove all the chair from the meeting hall....we don't want to give Thadston any more ammo."
Beansie says, "Lookin' for a large bag over here. a very large sack or bag."
Speaking to Beansie, Bellaja says, "You have a very specific list."
Beansie exclaims, "Indeed!"
Beansie says, "I'm a very specific bean."
Speaking to Beansie, Bellaja says, "I heard that there is going to be a clothing and equipment giveaway in two days or so."
Beansie says, "I need the good stuf."
Beansie says, "Your ora's your mithrils."
Thadston's News
'[General] Thadston thinks, "Evening.";
Leafiara pleasedly says, "Ah, there he is."
[Realm] Perigourd thinks, "Fair eve."
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Evening, I see you are back Mayor."
[General] Kiyna thinks, "Greetings, Mayor."
[General] Leafiara amiably greets, "Good eve!"
[General] Pukk exclaims, "Uh oh...we are in trouble....hide the chairs!"
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Evening, Mayor."
[General] Goldstr thinks, "Evenin Mayor Andrews."
[General] Falvicar thinks, "Good eve Mayor Thadston."
[General] Kayse casually thinks, "Mayor."
[General] Thadston thinks, "I am sure you have questions."
[General] Nyaria thinks, "Heads up."
[General] Guarrin asks, "There are many. Where should we meet you?"
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Just about a few..."
[General] Cryheart thinks, "Good evening, Thadston."
[General] Nalver asks, "How come the town water supply is attached to the disgusting sewer?"
[General] Nyaria thinks, "I am thankful he cant throw this far."
Leafiara confesses, "I for one have absolutely no questions."
[General] Thadston thinks, "Council Chamber."
Speaking to Guarrin, Archious asks, "You will be bringing a group to see the Mayor?"
Cryheart whispers to the group, "Thadston on net."
Guarrin says, "Apparently so."
Alosaka asks, "I miss something?"
Cryheart says, "Nae yet."
Guarrin says, "Yes. Thadston has returned."
Alosaka says, "Oh... joy..."
[General] Pukk thinks, "Thadston, we have Kiyna with us, so you better behave."
Bellaja says, "Oh my.. I have been gone from town too long."
Kayse says, "This way."
[Moot Hall, Council Chamber]
A rich merlot carpet stretches from end to end of this large, spacious chamber, which is aglow from the moonlight shining in through several arched windows along an entire wall. Large, verdant green plants rest in terra cotta vases in each corner of the room, and the walls are decorated with detailed paintings of nearby historical landmarks. A circular table sits in the center of the room, surrounded by several wooden chairs. You also see the Kelfyr disk, a grizzled porcupine, an upset wasteland spirit that is flying around, the Kiyna disk, the Vaemyr disk, an animated flayed gigas disciple and a wide burnished oak archway.
Thadston nods at Tikba.
Thadston stands in front of an arched window.
Cryheart says, "Evening, Mayor."
Speaking to Guarrin, Pukk says, "Glad you were leading us...I would get us lost for sure."
Ulfwine nods to Thadston in greeting.
Thadston says, "Evening."
Tikba says, "I hope your journey was without incident."
Archious says, "Ah, this will be the right place to understand recent developments."
Speaking to Pukk, Guarrin says, "I am ever so appreciative of your kindness, as usual."
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Glad to see ye back Mayor."
Speaking evenly to Thadston, Kiyna says, "I'm going to assume that you... know."
Thadston says, "It's good to be back. For now."
Tikba asks, "Will you not be staying?"
Vaemyr asks, "For now?"
Thadston says, "It's good, for now."
Markx says, "I will repeat myself."
Markx makes a gobbling sound.
Thadston smirks.
Thadston says, "It's going to get very interesting soon, as you're aware."
Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "It is already."
Cryheart says, "Seems so."
Leafiara amiably says, "I already find it very interesting."
Kayse says, "Understatement."
Thadston says, "And yes, I know of the development. The Earl spoke to me of the new Barony."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "It's already gotten moderately interesting. Illoke attack with some stone sentinels."
Thadston says, "He even used my own words against me..."
Thadston chuckles.
Vaemyr says, "There are, and legitimately so, a lot of unease in the town."
Thadston says, "Explaining they helped convince him to move forward with it."
Thadston says, "Irony, I suppose."
Mourdeyan says, "Imagine that."
Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd asks, "Then you're not in favor of it?"
Guarrin curiously asks, "Which words?"
Thadston says, "I never said that."
Speaking to Thadston, Bellaja says, "Shocking, really."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee asks, "... they?"
Thadston nods at Perigourd.
Thadston says, "My words."
Thadston nods at Raelee.
Tikba says, "The proclamation quoted Sir Thadston."
Raelee glances expectantly at Thadston.
Tikba quotes, "The Empire has come not as occupiers, but as liberators."
Stormyrain bluntly says, "Well don't leave us in suspense, what is your stance, Mayor? We've spent days trying to hedge our bets many different ways."
Thadston says, "Jovery asked me to wear the spurs again. To take a new oath, to become a knight again. More importantly, the new Commander of the Darkstonian Army."
Evia says, "Darkstonian."
Alosaka says, "That might... preclude your obligations as mayor."
Speaking to Thadston, Tikba says, "Your boots seem light."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "Really don't care for the name."
Nairena says, "Nice name."
Speaking to Thadston, Thrassus asks, "I suppose you have plans for dealing with the folk baying for blood over all this, yes?"
Speaking to Thadston, Ulfwine says, ""A great honor, I should think."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr asks, "And?"
Thadston says, "I told him no."
Bellaja asks, "And they need more forces?"
Missoni interestedly says, "A new army..."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "The town will be glad to hear that."
Archious says, "I cannot believe that it will be as simple as that."
Thadston says, "I recommended a few names to him, we'll see who he selects, when the first imperial caravan arrives this weekend."
Nairena says, "They could hire from here in town to fill their ranks."
Evia asks, "Said no to which, the army part or the spurs part?"
Thadston says, "I said no to the spurs, and to being the Commander."
Thadston nods at Evia.
Speaking to Thadston, Missoni asks, "Will the Earl be with the caravan?"
Evia nods.
Thadston says, "I am the Mayor of Wehimer's Landing. I already have an army."
Thadston chuckles.
Speaking to Missoni, Kiyna says, "I wouldn't think so."
Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin asks, "Where will they be setting up their encampment?"
Vaemyr asks, "We heard the first caravan will have a delegation of diplomats?"
Speaking to Thadston, Bellaja asks, "How long ago was it that you spoke to the Earl?"
Speaking to Kiyna, Perigourd says, "If there's a ceremony of installment, he may need to be as the Northern Sentinel."
Thadston says, "I left him over a week ago."
Thadston nods at Bellaja.
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee asks, "Returning to a previous statement... who is 'they'? Who helped convince the Earl of this?"
Archious coldly says, "I look forward to discussing the accommodations for my Tower and our holdings with these diplomats."
Speaking to Perigourd, Kiyna asks, "Perhaps so, but that wouldn't be right away, surely?"
Speaking to Raelee, Stormyrain offers, "Thadston's words."
Thadston says, "Oh, my words, as in they helped. My words, not people."
Thadston nods at Raelee.
[General] Aspyre asks, "Where abouts is the council chambers?"
Speaking slowly to Thadston, Raelee says, "... I see."
Thadston says, "Although, I do not know how serious he was."
Speaking to Thadston, Bellaja says, "So in other words this plan was already in motion. A caravan doesn't just show up."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Upstairs in Moot Hall, eastward to the end, and through the arch."
Thadston says, "It has always been a partial goal in the past."
Thadston says, "But the absence of Talador has now made it an easier advancement."
Speaking to Kiyna, Perigourd asks, "I couldn't say, I expect if the need was great and time was short, possibly. but if not, probably not until things were settled locally?"
Thadston says, "The Empire is not our enemy. I am sure half of this town will disagree with me, especially the Rooks."
Alosaka offers, "It is the nature of empires to expand."
Speaking to Sunwu, Archious says, "You will assist the Warlord with preparing our armies when they arrive from Sharath. I expect you at the front."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Some of the areas they are claiming are not exactly... easy to settle."
Thrassus says, "It's hoestly the most logical thing for the Empire to do."
Thadston says, "But I won't speak ill of it. It was my home, no different than here is now my home."
Speaking to Thadston, Dendum asks, ""Then it is friendly conquering of lands?"
Thadston nods at Vaemyr.
Thadston says, "I'll have copies of the borders released soon. I was provided with that."
Thadston says, "You could likely expect them as soon as tomorrow afternoon."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "I agree they aren't our out-and-out enemy, but the townsfolk are... already very nervous and concerned, like I think you would expect."
Thrassus says, "The Imperial troops actively acting to tame the lands will make things much calmer."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "I didn't feel, like when we spoke to the town crowds the other night, that they really considered them an enemy, they were just... concerned. Change is always hard, and we need to do our best that Wehnimer's Landing, remains Wehnimer's Landing."
Thadston nods at Kiyna.
Speaking flatly to Thrassus, Archious says, "I assure you that is not accurate."
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Me thoughts be Da Earl establish land as a barony fer da now homelss Taladorians an jess happen to be near us."
Thadston says, "All valid concerns."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "We need to make sure Owly looks over the borders to make sure they are all okay."
Vaemyr says, "I drew a few prospective maps based on the missive, it'll be interesting to see how close I got to the actual boarders."
Alosaka asks, "Has the matter of the elven village come up at all?"
Thadston says, "I'm very tired tonight, it's been a long journey, but soon we'll hold a town hall. I'll answer questions, take requests, proposals and ideas..."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "More than anything, they wanted to hear from you. I hope you can take some time to address them on those matters. After you've had some rest."
Evia says, "It is odd to hear the people of the town referred to as the town folks, as if no on here is a folk of the town, or somehow separate. Just an observation."
Thadston says, "We'll be prepared. I expect the first caravan soon. I am unsure when the Baron himself will come, or his brother."
Thadston says, "Well, not a Baron yet."
Cryheart whispers something to Raelee.
Tikba asks, "Who is the new Baron?"
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse asks, "You know who it is?"
Thadston says, "But he will be eventually."
Vaemyr asks, "Whom is the new Baron?"
Thadston nods at Kayse.
Speaking to Thadston, Archious says, "I do not care what this town agrees to or not. Since you obviously have channels to these Imperials, you should tell them that Sharath will not see its holdings annexed without a word."
Speaking slowly to Thadston, Kayse asks, "Annnnd?"
Raelee whispers something to Cryheart.
Thadston says, "I met with him briefly."
Thadston grins at Archious.
Thadston smirks at Archious.
Speaking impatiently to Thadston, Kippe asks, "Care to share who he is?"
Leafiara amusedly says, "Such anxiety in here."
Thadston says, "Elidal Dhenin."
Stormyrain says, "Well now."
Ifanna mouths, "'o?"
Missoni thoughtfully says, "Interesting."
Goldstr exclaims, "Ahhh!"
Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "Very."
Nairena says, "That name sounds familar."
Kiyna states, "Larsya's crush."
Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.
Thadston says, "He visited briefly in the summer."
Speaking to Nairena, Stormyrain says, "He's the lad that --"
Stormyrain points at Kiyna.
Evia says, "Oooh, yes."
Thrassus says, "Oh, him."
Tikba says, "Not one to stand on ceremony."
Nairena says, "The handsome fellow."
Speaking amusedly to Kiyna, Leafiara says, "Or more importantly he worked for Breshon."
Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd asks, "Will the Green Sister Aloria be with the van as well, by chance?"
Alosaka asks, "How old is he?"
Thadston says, "An old friend of the Caulfields, and spent years in Lolle and the Earl's court as well."
Dendum says, "The north has not been friendly to those who would claim it by force in the past."
Thadston says, "He comes from Riverwood. I don't know everything about him. But we will poke and pry until we do."
Tikba says, "You might ask Larsya."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "They seemed all pretty close, at least when they were younger, we can probably bug Larsya for some more details."
Mourdeyan says, "A career Courtier sounds."
Tikba delicately says, "She has kept a close eye on him."
Thadston says, "I'd rather have truth, not fantasy."
Thadston nods at Tikba.
Tikba grins wryly at Thadston.
Thrassus says, "It's safe to say the attitude of the new Baron will be similar to Bourth's leaders then."
Thadston shrugs at Thrassus.
Speaking to Thrassus, Kiyna says, "I hope so."
Goldstr says, "He seemed good folk when when we met him at da Outpost."
Thadston says, "I didn't spend long with him. He's young. So that means..."
Thadston says, "Well..."
Thadston says, "He's young."
Thadston says, "I'll leave it at that."
Vaemyr says, "Aye..."
Kiyna says, "Elidal didn't... betray much of his character to us when I had the opportunity to speak with him before. I can't say I know much about him."
Mourdeyan says, "Discretion bein the better part of Valor."
Thadston says, "I know even less about his brother, Enisius. He's from the Hall, and being sent here too."
Speaking to Mourdeyan, Ulfwine says, ""or the bedrock of deception."
Thrassus says, "So, rash decisions and risktaking may be on the cards."
Archious says, "The Hall."
Pukk says, "The hall."
Vaemyr asks, "Oh, another magister?"
Alosaka says, "Oh, another Hall mage. Joy."
Bellaja says, "Surprise."
Evia says, "Interesting."
Speaking to Thadston, Archious asks, "So they will also attempt to extend their influence here as well?"
Thadston says, "A Baron and a Magister walk into a frontier town..."
Thadston smirks.
Bellaja says, "Like a greedy octopus."
Speaking to Raelee, Kiyna asks, "Is there a way you can, like... get him into some kind of official arm wrestle to assert authority?"
Speaking slowly to Kiyna, Raelee asks, "... arm wrestle?"
Speaking to Kiyna, Alosaka says, "Maybe they could have a frowning contest."
Speaking to Raelee, Kiyna says, "Yeah. Call it a magic arm wrestle, whatever."
Lahanna softly asks, "WHat?"
Speaking to Raelee, Archious says, "Perhaps the Stone Fist spell would be appropriate for such a thing."
Speaking to Raelee, Goldstr says, "Seem ye will be busy Magister."
Speaking to Raelee, Ifanna whispers aloud, "Ye coul' squeeze'em out magester, bet he ain' ever 'ad t' 'old yer oiwl."
Thadston twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.
Next Steps
Thadston asks, "Have you found a way to fix my arms?"
Thadston smirks.
Raelee slowly says, "... our positions are not determined by tavern games."
Alosaka says, "Or, ah, perhaps his presence will be enlightening and constructive."
Archious adds, "If the Hall indeed allows such magic to be used."
Speaking amusedly to Thadston, Kayse asks, "One problem at a time?"
Thadston says, "I want it done sooner rather than later."
Speaking airily to Thadston, Bellaja asks, "On the subject, have you noticed any more of those.. occurences?"
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "I believe trying to put them into a new vessel is the best option personally."
Thadston looks over at Bellaja and shakes his head.
Speaking to Thadston, Bellaja says, "That has to be a relief, then."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna admits, "I got nothin' on the subject of your arms. I'll leave that to those magical types. But it's good to have you back, Mayor."
Thadston says, "Regardless of the boy and his brother, and whatever the goal here is and the Earl's intentions..."
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse inquires, "Are your arms a reason why you turned down the Earl's offer to command the new army?"
Thadston says, "It will not be easy here, and people will resist."
Thadston says, "And we'll be tasked to very, very carefully keep the peace."
Thadston looks over at Kayse and shakes his head.
Thadston says, "Kroderine or not, I would have turned it down."
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse asks, "Why?"
Thadston says, "I have no desire to return to those chains."
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse murmurs, "Understood."
Tikba says, "One's step may be lighter without weights on one's boots."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr asks, "Little bit of the ole Free town rubbed off on ya ehh?"
Dendum says, "A city about to be chained perhaps can have some sympathy in this."
Thadston says, "There is true freedom here in Wehnimer's Landing. We will be keeping it that way."
Thadston says, " maybe we keep my arms."
Thadston smirks.
Mourdeyan says, "That makes glad hearin."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "I actually thing we have some interesting leverage that we can hopefully apply to ensure it stays that way."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "You sure? Loppin' em off is probably the fastest way."
Thadston says, "I heard Amos is revealing his temple soon."
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse corrects, "Head quarters."
Thadston says, "I tried to keep that paperwork locked up and slow moving. I guess my absence allowed him to grease the wheels more."
Thadston says, "A shame."
Thadston says, "Temple."
Thadston nods at Kayse.
Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.
Town Defense and Politics
Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin asks, "Have you been informed of the recent incursion of our stone friends from the mountain?"
Thadston nods at Guarrin.
Nairena says, "The Temple of Amos."
Thadston says, "I heard when I got back."
Alosaka asks, "Or, relatedly, have you ever heard the name 'Gnul'?"
Goldstr exclaims, "Amos nae gettin any a me silvers!"
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Ya can keep the arms, but I do think we gotta do something bout them shards, an anti-magic fit in the middle of an attack would be pretty devestating."
Speaking to Thadston, Guarrin says, "Good. Perhaps a starting place for the new Commander's forces."
Thadston says, "Likely not the last from them, or the last force from around here."
Thadston nods at Guarrin.
Thadston says, "The imperials coming will disrupt things."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "We're still working on wheeling the last of the boulders out of town."
Vaemyr says, "Aye I'd suspect the Storm Giants, and Minotaurs and Krags to attack at some point too."
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse offers, "Perhaps we should be doubling our defenses during this time. The stone attack was rather brutal to the surrounding areas."
Thadston nods.
Thadston says, "We can do that."
Speaking to Kayse, Perigourd says, "The forest was singed pretty badly."
Thadston says, "And widen the range of the scouts."
Bellaja says, "Yes, post more archers."
Goldstr says, "I tinks we sould ewaxt to da Emperials as Guests."
Dendum says, "Perhaps hand them signs pointing them towards Turamzyrr."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna asks, "Should we keep some of those boulders? Think you could hurl one back?"
Speaking to Nyaria, Pukk says, "Bless you."
Thadston smirks at Kiyna.
Bristenn slowly comments, "There were more holes than I remember, now that you mention it."
Speaking quietly to Pukk, Nyaria exclaims, "Thank you!"
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse says, "Sir Guarrin has a few key ideas to strengthen us. I will put it on your desk."
Tikba says, "The Red Watch and the Darkstonian Army will mean three armed companies in this area."
Thadston says, "Not for long. I do want my arms back."
Thadston nods at Kayse.
Thadston nods at Guarrin.
Thadston says, "I would like to see those."
Thrassus says, "Get rid of those tunnels under the town as well to eliminate all the ways in."
Guarrin nods at Thadston.
Speaking to Kayse, Archious says, "I expect to call for forces soon. Perhaps we should discuss some joint security arrangements."
Tikba says, "We must hope their uniforms are distinct."
Speaking to Archious, Kayse says, "Pick a time. I am happy to speak and discuss."
Thadston says, "Collapsing tunnels won't bury the Rooks."
Thadston says, "Half of them don't even hide in the shadows anymore."
Speaking to Kayse, Archious says, "The Obsidian Council will be meeting soon to discuss our response to these developments."
Thrassus says, "No but it will keep things from being able to infiltrate the town."
Thrassus shrugs.
Thadston nods at Thrassus.
Raelee says, "Collapsing the tunnels would likely result in significant flooding and destabilization of the ground the town is built upon. Sinkholes, minimally."
Raelee slowly says, "... it would bury something."
Vaemyr asks, "While defense is certainly very important, probably most important, I also think we need to be prepared for the economic discussions. Have you made any progress on appointing a new Steward of the Guilds?"
Thadston nods at Raelee.
Dendum says, "Just let an Illoke crawl in the tunnels...would get blocked...and no more Illoke could come in..."
Thrassus says, "If I had been suggesting to eliminate the Rooks I would have suggested poison gas."
Dendum says, "Big things the Illoke."
Thadston looks over at Vaemyr and shakes his head.
Thadston says, "I will work on a new Steward of the Guilds soon."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "A playground for sappers as it stands."
Thadston says, "The Merchants will push Amos on me again."
Evia says, "Shove him back."
Thadston says, "But I will not have the last councilor's backlash have happened in vain."
Speaking to Thadston, Alosaka asks, "How many fights do you want at one time?"
Speaking wryly to Thadston, Kayse says, "Why? They almost swore him back in two days later."
Chandrellia asks, "I hate to bring this up, as I really don't like the man, but should we possibily look at Amos and his Mercenaries for added security, if it comes to that?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Kiyna says, "They aren't ready, yet. The armigers have been released from duty, and the Red Watch is still under formation."
Thadston asks, "Who are you?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Chandrellia.
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "I was wondering the same thing."
Speaking to Kiyna, Goldstr asks, "Dem Armigers still guardin da Baystone mine Ayer?"
Speaking to Kiyna, Chandrellia says, "I really dont want them patrolling our streets again, bu I want this town as protected as we can get, those Illiokes werent no joke the other night for a some of us, and if they get stronger..."
Speaking to Goldstr, Kiyna says, "I think so, yes. Many of the armigers remain, those that will be folded into the new Red Watch once it's complete, as I understand it."
Thadston says, "There's lots of things we can do to bolster defenses and defenders."
Ulfwine says, "There are several still down there."
Thadston says, "The Red Watch is at the bottom of my list."
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse asks, "Do you pick a Steward or are they voted in?"
Thadston says, "I'd rather invite more Hendorans and Bourthians from the Outpost than use Amos's scarlet scoundrels."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "I think you mentioned a while back, the establishment of a war council. This might not be a bad time for that either."
Dendum says, "Useless outpost remained very useless last time Illoke showed up."
Tikba says, "Surely the men in the outpost will be guarding Darkstone."
Thadston says, "I don't know how well it would be perceived that upon first news of the Empire expanding to be our neighbor, we form a war council..."
Thadston nods at Vaemyr.
Thadston says, "A good idea yes, but maybe we let things cool a bit first."
Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "I would expect this Darkstonian army he mentioned to take on that role."
Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "And thus the Hendorans will return home."
Speaking to Thadston, Geijon says, "Folks don't widely have much understanding of th' Earl here."
Speaking to Thadston, Alosaka says, "Clearly, it's in response to the incursions of this Gnul and his stone minions. Nothing to be concerned over."
Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Has Larysa sent any word as to whether they will help or is it to soon? I'm sure the boulders rocked the outpost a lil bit the other night."
Pukk exclaims, "I vote that we add Goldstr to the war council!"
Chandrellia says, "Boulders."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "Well, the news that the Empire is planting their flag right outside our door hasn't been perceived well by many, either. Fair's fair."
Speaking to Perigourd, Tikba concurs, "Or be enlisted."
Thadston says, "Larsya hasn't sent word or spoken to me yet. I just returned."
Speaking to Kayse, Pukk says, "Don't stand too close to the window. You never know when an arrow will coming flying in."
Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Kayse says, "I've done nothing to upset the Rooks."
Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "They might take volunteers to stay and shore up the new army."
Chandrellia says, "I still think we should consider speaking to Gnull on a parlay if he is willing to accept it."
Speaking to Kayse, Pukk says, "Not you."
Tayler says, "With those windows it's really more the chairs you have to look out for."
Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "Especially if they're already familiar with the area."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "Speaking of just returning, I wish you sound rest once we're finished here."
Speaking lightly to Pukk, Kayse says, "Only people who do that get arrows in their neck, so I've heard."
Thadston bows to Kiyna.
Thadston says, "Of which I will soon. I've not yet eaten or slept since I returned."
Thadston says, "We'll have many long nights ahead. Many."
Tikba whispers a short prayer to Marlu followed by a soft incantation.
There is a bright flash and a tiered honey-infused flatbread appears in the air, then falls into Tikba's right hand.
Tikba offers Thadston a tiered honey-infused flatbread.
Thadston accepts Tikba's honey-infused flatbread.
Thadston sniffs at his honey-infused flatbread.
Speaking to Tikba, Chandrellia says, "Nice I was just gonna offer him a doughnut."
Thadston says, "It's a little flat."
Thadston smirks.
Speaking to Kayse, Vaemyr says, "I'm in pretty good company I think of people who've taken some of those arrows."
Speaking to Thadston, Falvicar says, "In that case, may Ronan give thee a good night's rest when you are ready for it."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk whispers aloud, "While he was out of town he found a sense of humor too..."
Parting Words
Thadston says, "We'll hold a town hall meeting soon. Once I learn more of the incoming caravan, I'll keep you updated on that too."
Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "Understood."
Thadston says, "I was told to expect them late Feastday evening."
Thadston says, "And it was, and I quote, "one caravan of many."."
Thadston shrugs.
Alosaka says, "As interesting as the new developments with the Empire are... the only actual attack we've suffered recently was from an entirely different quarter."
Kiyna mutters, "Many, huh... here we go..."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "I would be prepared for trouble."
Thadston nods at Vaemyr.
Ulfwine says, "If it is trade they are after, then I would expect many."
Speaking to Ulfwine, Dendum remarks, ""If it is trade they would not need an army."
Thrassus says, "Many should be expected. It will take quite a lot of people to found a province."
Speaking to Dendum, Perigourd asks, "Haven't you seen the bandits along the roadways?"
Thadston nods at Thrassus.
Speaking to Dendum, Ulfwine asks, ""To protect the trade?"
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "We did do our best to calm the town, but there's no telling what more... extreme folks might do when they learn of their arival. They might see it as a chance to try and strike before the empire has a large pressence."
Thadston says, "They're building a Barony, not a tent. But it'll take time."
Bellaja says, "I'd bet on multiple motives. It takes many wheels to move a caravan."
Thadston nods at Vaemyr.
Vaemyr says, "I certainly hope it doesn't come to that though."
Speaking to Alosaka, Archious says, "Tusting this Empire to treat such a ...diverse population.. as that which is found here with a fair hand is remarkably short-sighted."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Looks like the new councilors will have a bunch of long nights ahead of them. I lucked out."
Thadston says, "We'll be ready."
Tayler says, "Usually four."
Thadston says, "For angry townspeople, and Rooks."
Thadston says, "Especially Rooks."
Evia says, "If you're establishing a barony, an army it would seem would be part and parcel, among many other sorts of people."
Speaking to Archious, Alosaka says, "The empire is diverse and manifold. But I understand your point."
Speaking to Perigourd, Kiyna agrees, "They emerge fully-grown, birthed from the roadsides wearing sackclothes and wielding balls and chains."
Pukk says, "Nothing wrong with the Rooks."
Dendum says, "Turamzyrr is a beast with no end to its hunger."
Speaking to Kiyna, Perigourd says, "They're good with shovels and whittling as well."
Thadston asks, "Any other questions before I find some sleep?"
Guarrin says, "I imagine they intend to clear some of those troubling areas as well. Some forces would be needed to accomplish that."
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse asks, "Have you spoken to Casiphia?"
Speaking to Alosaka, Archious says, "You cannot possibly understand my point. You are one of them."
Thadston glances at Kayse.
Thadston says, "Not yet."
Speaking to Archious, Alosaka says, "But... we are arguing over a convoy that may arrive to establish a polity that won't encompass our town... and meanwhile not two days past we had an army of titanic stone monstrocities rampaging through the town."
Thadston says, "We didn't speak much before I left either..."
Speaking to Alosaka, Archious says, "But it *does* encompas my home."
Speaking to Alosaka, Dendum remarks, ""That were riled up by thoughtless news from Turamzyrr."
Leafiara notes, "He literally just got back and everyone wonders if he's somehow spoken to Larsya, Casiphia, and everybody all at once..."
Archious says, "And I will make that the problem of this town."
Speaking flatly to Thadston, Kayse reasons, "Yet Rooks still escorted us through tunnels when we freed Tyrrax."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Maybe not tonight, I'll have some suggestions for the upcoming negotiations that I can send to your desk."
Pukk says, "I can feel the love in the air."
Thadston nods at Vaemyr.
Thadston glances at Kayse.
Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "My point was I wasnt sure if she sent a message to the Clerk or not."
Thadston says, "Now you sound like the last councilors."
Thadston nods at Kayse.
Thadston smirks.
Speaking to Archious, Alosaka says, "I imagine your tower is in such forbidding terrain that no mere barony would ever seek to conquer it."
Speaking to Archious, Geijon says, "Accusations and assumptions aren't going to solve this."
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse asks, "Pointing out facts?"
Thadston grins.
Thadston shrugs.
Speaking to Kayse, Guarrin asks, "One example. Shall we cite the many others?"
Thadston nods at Falvicar.
Speaking to Alosaka, Archious says, "That is one of the most naive things I have ever heard uttered aloud."
Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Now I'm debating if what he just said was a good thing, or bad."
Speaking airily to Guarrin, Kayse says, "The Mayor would like to sleep eventually, but I could."
Goldstr exclaims, "We has guests comin folks an Helga will prosper!"
Archious asks, "The ink on the repeal of Chaston's Edict is hardly dry and we are supposed to welcome these neighbors?"
Speaking to a wide burnished oak archway, Alosaka says, "Apologies, it was an awkward attempt at a compliment. If you prefer, your tower is weak and your people easily susceptible to defeat."
Perigourd slowly says, "I don't think helping to release a mass murderer is to their credit."
Speaking skeptically to a wide burnished oak archway, Tayler says, "Technically... wouldn't that be your problem, and not the towns? Unless you are impying the town owns your tower."
Ulfwine says, "Quin drinks enough for an army."
Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin says, "Alright."
Speaking politely to Thadston, Bellaja says, "I'd make my way home if I were you. This group can chew the fat like none other."
Speaking to Alosaka, Pukk says, "I ofter talk to that arch myself. It never answers back though. It's shy."
Raelee whispers something to Guarrin.
Speaking to Tayler, Archious says, "I am implying that the violence of my response will cover a very wide area."
Bellaja adds, "And with just cause."
Kelfyr says, "A repeal followed by a sudden expansion in boundaries."
Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Sleep well."
Speaking to Tayler, Kayse says, "You both might need glasses."
Bellaja says, "Still."
Cryheart says, "Rest well, Thadston."
Speaking to Thadston, Tikba says, "Rest well, Mayor."
Thadston nods.
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse wishes, "Fair evening."
Speaking to Archious, Tayler says, "It is bold to assume you can fight an empire."
Thadston says, "Goodnight everyone."
Pukk exclaims, "Bye Thaddy!"
Bernadette softly says, "Have a good nite Mayor."
Falvicar says, "Rest well within Ronan's embrace."
Mayor Thadston just went through a wide burnished oak archway.
Discussion Afterward
Leafiara cheerfully wishes, "Good night!"
Mourdeyan says, "G'night."
Speaking to Tayler, Archious says, "I have one of my own that is far older."
Ulfwine says, ""Good night, Mayor. Thank you for addressing us."
Leafiara amusedly says, "And off he goes."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Are we sure that is really him?"
Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara muses, "Well, one time he was a golem, so I guess not entirely sure."
Mourdeyan asks, "Who would pretend to be he in this climate?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Bellaja says, "I can only wonder how he had the self-control not to run."
Speaking to Archious, Tayler says, "Oh? I didn't realize you were an emperor."
Speaking to Pukk, Vaemyr says, "Well, the kroderine shards are slightly hard to mimic, kinda interfere with illusion magic."
Tayler says, "My mistake."
Cryheart says, "Good point."
Kelfyr says, "Curious how the eager promises to ameliorate the crowd two nights ago were hardly brought up tonight."
Tikba says, "Perhaps he was too tired to move more quickly."
Speaking to Tayler, Archious says, "The Dhe'nar are one, and I speak for them here tonight."
Pukk says, "He was in a good mood, had a sense of humor, made jokes and didn't scowl at me....I don't know if it was him after all."
Geijon says, "No necks broken atleast."
Speaking to Tayler, Archious says, "And I promise a great conflagration if the Hall or anyone else attempts to interfere with my work."
Speaking pleasedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Well, the news only grows ever better, after all."
Speaking lightly to Pukk, Kayse says, "No one was thrown out a window."
Cryheart says, "He is tired for one."
Speaking to Pukk, Perigourd says, "Being offered an army typically puts one in a good mood, even when declined."
Perigourd says, "It makes one feel needed."
Pukk exclaims, "Exactly!"
Leafiara wistfully says, "First a Baron and now a new member of the Hall of Mages, with whom we've had countless instances of stellar history."
Thrassus says, "After he gets some sleep he'll be back to his bristly self."
Speaking to Archious, Tayler says, "A little far from your power base, are you not."
Tikba says, "To be sure, Thadston must feel in great demand."
Alosaka says, "Well, perhaps the new baron will know something about this Gnul."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "A young and potentially impressionable baron at that."
Speaking to Tayler, Archious says, "Their southern border is not."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Maybe I'm losing my touch and didn't annoy him enough?"
Speaking calmly to Vaemyr, Leafiara asks, "What's the worst that could happen?"
Speaking to Kiyna, Kelfyr asks, "Or did I mistake the tenor of the discussion?"
Geijon says, "Folks imaginations running wild on most of this. Th' only actual activity was th' Illoke attack."
Chandrellia says, "Which I beleave had reason."
Bristenn neutrally ventures, "Rockmen, you say?"
Tikba says, "Elidal was not very impressed with the traditions of the Wyrdeep."
Speaking to Kayse, Dendum says, ""The council of icemule would like conversation with the council of the landing."
Speaking to Kelfyr, Kiyna says, "It's more that these things take time, as well as reaves of boring paperwork."
Tikba says, "He seems a man who believes in change."
Cryheart says, "Stone folks."
Falvicar whispers something to Avalera.
Bristenn agrees, "Ah, wankers. Right."
Speaking to Geijon, Bellaja says, "And a letter saying their land was allocated without their input."
Goldstr says, "A talk wid Meyno may ease da ire on us from dal Illoke."
Evia says, "Boulder boys."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Hmm... possessed by some antiant emperor spirit from darkstone castle, raises a giant extra-planar army or creaters and monsters and destroys the world? Nah I can probably think of something worse with time."
Kelfyr says, "I saw two interesting sheets of paper in the town square."
Ulfwine says, "That kind that rip legs off."
Speaking to Dendum, Kayse asks, "Oh?"
Pukk exclaims, "I will say this for Icemule, they sure know how to make their sweet tarts!"
Kelfyr says, "Those didn't take long to write."
Speaking to Dendum, Kayse asks, "When would they like to speak?"
Speaking amusedly to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Well, whatever the case, it's your problem if there is one."
Speaking confusedly to Dendum, Kayse asks, "Why are they not coming to us?"
Kelfyr asks, "Did you not see the manifesto?"
Speaking to Kayse, Dendum says, ""Hrmm, do not know perhaps they sleep during normal hours."
Speaking politely to Raelee, Tikba asks, "Do you know of this Dhenin brother, Magister?"
Kelfyr says, "Likely still on the bench."
Speaking to Tikba, Raelee says, "I have not met him, no."
Speaking to Kelfyr, Kiyna says, "I suppose I didn't."
Speaking to Kelfyr, Kiyna says, "I should like to see this."
Leafiara muses, "I saw a manifesto of sorts in the Small Park, but it didn't seem from Icemule... are there two out there?"
[The one she saw was this:] The page, written in Common, reads as follows: The Kindred know, the Tehir know, the Faendryl know, even the mountains and grass know....Turamzyrr never satisfies its never grows full...always it attempts to devour the land and people. Where we will you go next...where will they drive you next if you let them drive you away this time? To Icemule? To Pinefar? Must you go to the Hinterwilds itself to escape the shackles of Turamzyrr? [OOC note: Whether these are just players messing around or put there by a GM, I have no idea.]
Alosaka says, "The lesson here is, if you plan to attack the Landing, start a rumor about a barony moving in nextdoor first. Everyone will focus on the rumor and ignore the attack."
Speaking to Kayse, Dendum says, ""Perhaps they wonder why a city about to be put under the shackles of Turamzyrr has not reached out to them."
Dendum says, "Should ask them."
Kelfyr says, "Unless the squirrels have stolen them away for bedding, they should still be there."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Oh I'm sure everything will go just perfectly smooth over the next year, no issues whatsoever, we'll cleanse all the surrounding areas of monsters and threats. Unite with the empire to topple Grishom Stone once and for all. Yep no problems whatsoever."
Speaking slowly to Dendum, Kayse says, "Hard to reach out when we still have NO information."
Speaking to Kiyna, Pukk says, "If you need help in the council you can count on us...well...not me...but on Leafiara...I'm too lazy to try to do anything."
Kiyna says, "I'll go take a look."
Speaking to Leafiara, Evia asks, "We are a library of manifestos at time hmm?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Tikba says, "I did see two, much in the same vein."
Town Councilor Kiyna just went through a wide burnished oak archway.
Speaking to Dendum, Perigourd says, "I haven't seen shackles in Solhaven streets."
Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara whispers aloud, "You scared her off."
Thrassus says, "He's apparently stayed within the Empire so it might be safe to assume he's not much of a troublemaker."
Speaking to Kayse, Dendum asks, ""How deep does the lion have to have its teeth in your throat before you realize you are being eaten?"
Pukk says, "I was just thinking that."
Bristenn agrees, "Freeport status isn't so terrible."
Speaking to Perigourd, Guarrin asks, "Oh, you mean the freeport. Next to a barony?"
Perigourd says, "But then I'm old, and my eyesight fades."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You know me so well."
Geijon says, "Trolls and Illoke have invaded th' landing because it was Volnes."
Nairena says, "An eventless evening. I do enjoy some of those."
Speaking to Perigourd, Ulfwine says, ""Nor did I in Hendor."
Speaking to Geijon, Guarrin says, "Indeed."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Quick, what number am I thinking of?"
Bristenn slowly mentions, "Though the litter is something terrible."
Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara considers, "Three."
Pukk exclaims, "Witch!"
Speaking evenly to Dendum, Kayse says, "I don't believe in knee-jerk reactions, especially if you let emotion cloud your judgment."
Speaking to Dendum, Chandrellia says, "Maybe they want a solid foundation before acting, that is, the sensible thing to do."
Speaking to Kayse, Dendum asks, ""There is a difference between wise council and being rendered useless with inaction though yes?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Nairena says, "Dont pry to deep inside of his head."
Speaking measuredly to Dendum, Kayse says, "Were you here the other night? This council was anything but useless."
Speaking to Kayse, Dendum remarks, ""Did not say the council was useless."
Speaking to Dendum, Chandrellia says, "Its only been what, three days? four days since we recieved the letter from teh Empire, let the councilmemebers do their jobs."
Guarrin casually mentions, "I have found the council to be handling the situation as well as one could thus far."
Speaking to Guarrin, Vaemyr says, "That sentiment is appreciated."
[General] Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Hmmph!"
Ulfwine says, "I don't know what more anyone could expect from the council with so little known."
Guarrin agrees, "It is a complicated situation and must be handled carefully."
Speaking to Guarrin, Alosaka says, "Everyone has been reasonable so far. Sometimes that itself is a prelude to victory."
Speaking to Guarrin, Kayse says, "If you have anything new to add to your defense plans, now is the time."
Dendum says, "Bah the barking dogs of Turamzyrr are just happy they will not have to travel south to find a baron to kneel to."
Speaking to Dendum, Tikba says, "Thank you for bringing this message from Icemule."
Speaking to Kayse, Perigourd says, "Cannons."
Speaking to Kayse, Guarrin says, "Ah I will perhap send you an updated set."
Speaking to Dendum, Chandrellia asks, "And what would you do if you were council, tell us that?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Dendum says, ""Would seek allies in the North, to counter the great weight of Turamzyrr."
Tikba says, "Or the east, perhaps."
Speaking to Dendum, Perigourd says, "They're pre-occupied with vampires."
Speaking to Dendum, Chandrellia asks, "Then perhaps next election we'll see your name on a ballet yes?"
Speaking to Perigourd, Dendum remarks, ""Even in his occupation the mayor has expressed...unease."
Geijon says, "I never had much luck fighting shadows and myths, just reality and I've found that plenty difficult."
Speaking to Archious, Tayler says, "Well, I've ponder over what to say, and I guess what I've decided on is it would be amusing to watch your empire try."
Archious whispers something to Kayse.
Vaemyr says, "Alright I have several papers to draft up now that the mayor has returned, if anyone wishes to bring concerns to me, feel free to seek me out however, I'm always happy to listen, and I know there are many concerns and I hope we can all work through these times together."
Chandrellia says, "Until then, let the council do what they are voted in to do, give them a chance to get what they need in order and then approach Ice Mule with what they have disovdered."
Speaking to Tayler, Archious says, "That will not be the first time we were underestimated by your...House."
Speaking to Geijon, Bellaja says, "Especially when you find yourself in situations you could never imagine."
Bristenn slowly admits, "'s going to be quite strange not having you lot as neighbors any longer, to be fair."
Kayse whispers something to Archious.
Speaking to Archious, Tayler says, "Perhaps if you had done more than conquer small villages and parade your slaves around you might be seen as an actual threat to anyone."
Speaking to Bristenn, Guarrin says, "Yes, another barony between us."
Bellaja whispers aloud, "Troublemaker."
Kayse offers, "Perhaps we try not to bicker between us."
Speaking to Archious, Tayler says, "Generally it is unwise to build structures in unclaimed territory next to expansionist empires if you seek to remain in control of it."
Speaking to Tayler, Archious says, "We intend to remain in control of it."
Speaking to Archious, Tayler says, "I'm sure you will, as long as you keep up on those taxes."
Chandrellia exclaims, "Ok lets just settle this now! to the boulder!"
Chandrellia asks, "No?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Tayler says, "Can't... Boulder is Imperial territory."
Speaking to Tayler, Chandrellia says, "Nothing is in, stone...."
Speaking to Tayler, Archious says, "Perhaps we will study the way you dealt with the Ashrim as we formulate our response."
Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "Was that Pukk worthy?"
Archious adds, "Perhaps we already have."
Speaking amusedly to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "I think you're in almost as good a mood as I am."
Speaking to Archious, Tayler says, "You can certainly try."
Alosaka asks, "Would you two just kiss?"
Tayler says, "It is an excellent reference for destruction."
Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "I'm in a great mood, I'mma get on my ship and sail into the ocean and watch from afar,maybe."
Tayler says, "My house has many excellent examples you can study."
Ifanna suddenly looks like she wishes she were somewhere else.
Speaking to Tayler, Archious says, "Indeed. You were quite thourough."
Kayse wishes, "Fair evening. I am sure we will hear much arguing in the months to come. I am going to excuse myself from this for now."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Bellaja says, "It'd have to be far to escape the empire's territory."
Guarrin says, "Likewise."
Leafiara notes, "Too bad Pookia didn't make it tonight, though... I had the popcorn she requested, but now it'll have to wait until the weekend."
Chandrellia says, "Every house, no matter who or what has skeletons in the closet, no one is better then anyone else, hence why we are a, free, town, we welcome all, so lets just put these differences aside and look at the issue at hand."
Speaking neutrally to Ifanna, Raelee says, "It is a shared sentiment."
Speaking to Archious, Tayler says, "If you're going to do something, do it well."
Tayler says, "Otherwise why bother doing it at all."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Bellaja says, "I had to throw my skeletons out. Too many gowns."
Speaking to Tayler, Archious says, "You understand more of the Way than you realize. I shall include your advice in my letter."
Speaking to Bellaja, Chandrellia exclaims, "My locker is getting to that point!"
Speaking uncomfortably to Raelee, Ifanna whispers aloud, "Oh aye ain' know whot t'make ov'et."
Bellaja says, "Ah well, that was quite interesting if not overly informative."
Speaking to Ifanna, Raelee says, "Answers are desired now. Some answers are likely months, if not years away."
Speaking to Leafiara, Bellaja says, "He was smart to take it slow."
Chandrellia exclaims, "I suppose I should go write a letter, oh wait, I dont have to any more!"
Ifanna blithely drawls, "Aye I mean th' watched seed ain' goen t' grow faster I sware."
Speaking to Ifanna, Raelee says, "Indeed."
Bellaja says, "I think I'll go enjoy the new snowfall."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Viva says, "I missed that one, but that one really rocked."
Alosaka asks, "Ugh, is it snowing again?"
Alosaka says, "Gods, when will spring be here."
Speaking to Alosaka, Bellaja says, "Just lightly."
Tayler says, "I wish all this Ianthine put out some heat. It's cold out there."
Bristenn simply comments, "It's nice."
Speaking amiably to Alosaka, Leafiara says, "In three months, same schedule as always."
Bellaja says, "Not enough to make the streets ugly."
Alosaka wistfully says, "If we moved the town down south we wouldn't have to deal with the snow."
Speaking to a sharp-nosed grey puppy with long corded fur, Chandrellia says, "It'll be cute watching you play in teh snow."
Tayler says, "This is why my home is on Teras. Quite a nice climate."
Tayler says, "If you can ignore the ash."
Speaking to Alosaka, Bellaja asks, "So you want to take over some of the empire?"
Speaking to Alosaka, Viva asks, "More snow less empire?"
Speaking to Alosaka, Raelee says, "I can generate a snow storm in the Sea of Fire in summer, should I wish."
Speaking to Raelee, Tayler says, "Don't do that, you'll make the Yierkas extinct."
Speaking to Raelee, Alosaka asks, "But would you really want to?"
Speaking to Alosaka, Raelee says, "It would be situational."
Speaking to Raelee, Chandrellia asks, "Oohh not a bad idea! can you make a squawlling snowstorm when the imps show up?"
Speaking jealously to Raelee, Bellaja says, "Oh that sounds wonderful."
Speaking to Tayler, Raelee says, "I think that would require a more... long term shift."
Speaking to Raelee, Tayler says, "Oh... I didn't know you meant a temporary snowstorm."
Speaking slowly to Chandrellia, Raelee says, "I am an 'imp' and I have been here for many years."
Tayler says, "I was referencing your historical works."
Bellaja says, "Anyway."
Bristenn notes, "She has."
Speaking evenly to Tayler, Raelee says, "But of course."
Speaking to Raelee, Chandrellia says, "Naw, yer more like family, mybe like in-laws but still."
(Raelee merely raises both eyebrows at Chandrellia.)
Speaking to Raelee, Chandrellia exclaims, "Ist a compliment!"
Tayler says, "As long as the Obsidian towers war doesn't catch any of my vineyards in the crossfire..."
Bristenn grouses, "It makes it something of a bother to reach her, as well."
Alosaka asks, "Am I really the only one worried about this Gnul character?"
Speaking to Alosaka, Chandrellia says, "Yup, I wanna talk to him personaly."
Speaking to Alosaka, Leafiara confesses, "I mean... his forces haven't exactly put up a strong showing yet."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Alosaka says, "I'm not sure he's the sort of being that one engages with personally."
Tayler says, "They were quite durable, if not particularly deadly."
Raelee says, "... good evening..."
Speaking to Alosaka, Chandrellia says, "And one doesnt know unless its been tried."
Chandrellia says, "If all will excuse me, I have an invoker to speak to."
Leafiara exclaims, "The crowd thins and so do I!"
Leafiara exclaims, "Figuratively!"
Leafiara gobbles down a big bite of her dark chocolate ice cream.
Alosaka says, "And I've been scolded enough for one evening."