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Saved posts pertaining to private properties

Private Property at Ebon Gate 2009

Category: Quests/Sagas/Events
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17633
Date: 9/5/2009 4:07:36 AM
Subject: Private Property Info (General)

Hey folks

In order to clarify some info regarding questions already emailed to me about these...

As may already be obvious, several private properties will be auctioned off in the auction section of EG:

  • 3-4 brand new properties that are being designed by some of our very creative GMs and will be located in various parts of Elanthia;
  • A new breed of property that will just "move" you to happy heights of joy because it's kinda nifty. There will be a hefty minimum bid on this;
  • Prime: Manor Olea (aka Island Oasis), located on Teras, will be auctioned off as custom re-design.;
  • Plat: vacant property (never released to Plat before) located in Solhaven, will be auctioned off as a custom re-design.

We'll have more exact details for you on all of the properties (locations, whether any others have minimum bids, etc.) as we get further along.

The question of 'if I already own a property, can I own a second property, even if it's with another character?' has already come up. The answer is: No, you cannot -- private properties are limited to one property per player. If you own another property and you want to own one of the new ones, you may certainly bid on those going out during the auction, but if you win, you will automatically forfeit ownership of your current property (you will not get a choice -- this is automatic -- since you'll have taken the chance of winning away from someone else.) Hopefully that clarifies that for my current property owners who have been inquiring!


One private property per account, not player

Category: Help for Players
Topic: Policy Discussions
Message #: 1524
Date: 8/23/2010 7:16:50 PM
Subject: Re: Private Property Info (General)

After some review and discussion, the policy regarding how private properties are owned was approved for a minor (but major) update.

Going forward, private property ownership is limited to one property per account, where properties are dually tied to both the character AND the account that originally received the property.

This replaces the old policy, which stated that ownership was limited to one property per player. This retains the part of the original policy that is meant to include an inability to transfer properties between characters and accounts.

The change was made for several reasons, but it comes down to several key points, one being that each account should be entitled to equal access, and another being that the number of properties "out there" is significantly higher than it was a few years ago (almost double the number.)

If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please post them to the forum in the original post category. If you are more comfortable speaking with me directly, you are welcome to contact my address.


Category: Quests/Sagas/Events
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17650
Date: 9/5/2009 2:58:54 PM
Subject: Re: Private Property Info (General)

> Questions regarding will the one-per-person policy be changed to one-per-account.

No, this policy will not be changed. I believe it's actually the only hard-lined 'item' that we have in game that falls under this policy, and there's no overwhelming reason to change it -- one property per player should be more than enough in order to actually be able to spread these out a little. We're pretty good about allowing multi-accounters fair access with all of their accounts to events and items -- this particular exception, however, will be maintaining its status.


No trading private properties between property owners

Category: Quests/Sagas/Events
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17654
Date: 9/5/2009 3:07:21 PM
Subject: Re: Private Property Info (General)

>>Can private properties be "traded" between owners. such as I have a home in zul, another player has a home in solhaven. they go hey, i would look to trade, could this be set up, so each owner could swap ownerships?

Nope! Your property is your property and is not transferable (or able to be sold) to another player. Those folks who win their properties during the EG auction will not be able to trade their win for other people's wins -- you win it, you bought it -- so keep that in mind when bidding.

You can always allow folks access to your home by giving them a key, but that definitely doesn't equate to giving them ownership responsibilities.



Category: GemStone Promotions
Topic: General Promotions
Message #: 428
Date: 3/25/2010 4:20:59 PM

I should probably mention for you feeder frenzy people...

Two private property "items" that are redeemable for two specific existing private properties were put in the feeders this month specifically as a ramp-up to this event. One has already been found in Prime. This means there's one more in Prime. Happy treasure-finding!

(There are, of course, also two in Plat. Given that your rate isn't all crazy right now, it may be awhile until ya'll get to it... but it's there!)


Current Private Property List - 2/23/2011

Category: Towns
Topic: General Towns Discussion
Message #: 1653
Date: 2/23/2011 8:08:36 AM
Subject: Current Private Property List

Since a few of you have asked for a list of properties over the past few months, here it is.

All of the unoccupied properties have come vacant since December unless there were already plans for their upcoming release and/or they were already being worked on in terms of updates to the property itself (and thus, they weren't ready for release during the December auctions.)

I should add that there are a few new properties in the works for this year.

Platinum Private Properties

Ye Oddity Workshop -- WL
Kodos's Cottage [Kodos's Workshop] -- WL
The Dragon's Lair [Pan's Place/Aanalar's Workshop] -- WL
Valmos' Cottage [Tedra's Workshop] -- WL
Sally's Retreat [Marc's Workshop] -- Teras
The Floating Jester [Trymble's Workshop] -- Teras
Modwir [Nighthawk's Workshop] -- Teras

The Falcon
The Carillion

Hart Lodge -- WL
Garden Cottage -- WL
NotaTree Houseboat [BayVigil Houseboat] -- WL
Crystal Dome -- IMT
Dark Tower -- IMT
Gelidity House -- IMT
Talon Redoubt -- Pinefar
Cozy Cottage -- RR
Smuggler's Tower -- RR
Tidewater Cottage -- Solhaven
Mesmere Bungalow -- Teras
Manor Olea -- Teras
Stormwild Manor -- Ta'Illistim
Library Aies -- Ta'Illistim
Misted Cottage -- Mist Harbor
Coral Villa -- Mist Harbor

Currently Unoccupied: The Floating Jester, The Dragon's Lair, Sally's Retreat, Manor Olea, Library Aies. These are already either slated for re-release or are currently being updated to bring the property up to current QC standards (this would be the workshops, since they're so old) and will be re-released when they're ready to rock'n'roll.

Prime Private Properties

Ye Oddity Workshop -- WL
Pan's Place [Aanalar's Workshop] -- WL
Tedra's Cottage [Tedra's Workshop] -- WL
Isle Retreat [Marc's Workshop] -- Teras
Nordred's Barge [Trymble's Workshop] -- Teras
Modwir [Nighthawk's Workshop] -- Teras

The Falcon
The Carillion

Kestrel's Perch -- WL
Garden Cottage -- WL
Crystal Dome -- IMT
Dark Tower -- IMT
Gelidity House -- IMT
Talon Redoubt -- Pinefar
Smuggler's Tower -- RR
BayVigil Houseboat -- Solhaven
Methais' Home -- Solhaven
Narcis Hold -- Solhaven
Muirgheal Manor -- Zul Logoth
Stormwild Manor -- Ta'Illistim
Library Aies -- Ta'Illistim
Island Oasis [Manor Olea] -- Teras
Farce Bungalow [Mesmere Bungalow] -- Teras
Misted Cottage -- Mist Harbor
Coral Villa -- Mist Harbor

Currently Unoccupied: Library Aies, The Falcon. Both of these are already slated for release this year.

Random FAQs
  • Most of the workshops are easily (by years) the oldest properties (several built when Wehnimer's was Kelfour's) and have the most bells and whistles.
  • Long ago, your property was repo'd after 30 days of unpaid rent. These days, you get 90 days to miss out.
  • The first set of "homes" to go out in bulk were built in 1998 under the tutelage of GM Talairi: Garden Cottage, Mesmere Bungalow, Manor Olea, Hart Lodge, BayVigil Cottage, Crystal Dome, Dark Tower, Talon Redoubt. The largest bulk of newly built homes to go out all at once since that time was during EG '10. (Other bulk releases have happened, but they mainly consisted of re-release properties.)
  • Gelidity House has its own ghost story that goes along with the property.
  • BayVigil Houseboat and Methais's House (which replaced Sorchia's Abode) are the only two properties to have moved cities (that I know of, anyway), and this only happened in Prime.
  • Kodos's Workshop and Cerulean's Workshop are both open to the public in Prime as sort of "historical" areas of interest. For a long time, you could only get into Cerulean's if you knew the dial combination.


Private Property Policy Addition 2/5/14

Category: Towns
Topic: Town Systems
Message #: 565
Date: 2/5/2014 11:06 PM
Subject: Private Property Policy Addition

The following policy addition applies to Private Properties (not Premium homes):

As of 1/1/14, in order to qualify for ownership of a Private Property that is inside a town, you must be a full citizen of that town and retain full citizenship status in that town. If you had full ownership and access to the property (ie, you had been given the key) prior to 1/1/14, then you will not be bound by this. However, any owner of a property inside Ta'Vaalor, regardless of when the property was obtained, must retain full citizenship. If for any reason your citizenship status is not retained (ie, you select to change it, it gets revoked, etc), then the property is eligible for immediate repossession. Properties are considered 'in town' if they are inside a town's walls or are governed by that town's justice system. This portion of the policy only applies to the Prime instance.

If you have any questions about this addition, another aspect of the policy, or about Private Properties, please feel free to email me!

~~GM Kynlee~~
Private Property Guru

Changes to the Rent System and Policy 8/5/14

Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: General Discussion About Gemstone IV
Message #: 1436
Author: GS4-KYNLEE
Date: 8/5/2014 1:19 PM
Subject: Changes to the Rent System and Policy

Everyone who has a Private Property here in Prime should have received an email from me this afternoon. If you did not, please email me so I can get a good email address for you. The policy has been updated, and I'll need to get it to you. Here's a quick rundown on what has changed:

Rent is due no later than 10:59 PM EST on the 1st of each month. At 11 PM on the 1st, you officially begin the new month for which you owe rent. For example, if you owe rent for September, you can pay anytime between 11 PM EST on September 1st through 10:59 PM EST on October 1st. At 11 PM on the 1st, when the new month begins, is when the amount owed is increased on your box. You can now LOOK at the box and see how much you owe at any given time, and the amount is in monsterbold. The moment the rent collection script runs (it's set to run at 11 PM on the first of every month), if your rent is over 3x your monthly rent, the box will automatically be closed and you can no longer pay. The property will then be considered repossessed, but you can still access the property to get your things if I've not yet had a chance to lock it up and sack your items up for you. Please don't wait until the last moment to pay! Here's an example of how a repossession would work out:

If rent is 50K per month - 11 PM on Sept 1, 50k due 11 PM on Oct 1, 100k due 11 PM on Nov 1, 150k due 11 PM on Dec 1, 200k due and repossession begun.

If anyone has any questions or would like anything mentioned above clarified, please don't hesitate to contact me. You can either post here or email me, but I check email a lot more often. If there's a desire between several of you, we can even schedule a property meeting sometime in the near future to go over everything. I've cleared everyone's rent for the rest of the month, so no one should owe anything until 11 PM on September 1st. Please let me know if you notice any problems or glitches with the new system, and don't hesitate to offer up suggestions on how to improve it!


~~GM Kynlee~~
Private Property Guru

Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: General Discussion About Gemstone IV
Message #: 1455
Date: 9/1/2014 10:40 PM
Subject: Changes to the Rent System and Policy

The 'month' goes from 11 PM ET on the 1st until 10:59 PM ET on the 1st of the next month. September's rent can be paid any time between 11 PM ET on Sept 1 and 10:59 PM ET on Oct 1.


~~GM Kynlee~~
Private Property Guru