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Rumor Woods/2020 custom spell preps

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Rumor Woods custom spell prep options.

Order by number in Brickburn Hall, Laboratory to receive this service.

(Please note: Spell preps limited to a specific circle or profession cannot be purchased if you do not meet these limitations. In SOME cases, specific spell preps without circle or profession limitations can be purchased by anyone.)

If a spell prep does not have an "Invisible" message listed, then it has no third party message if used while invisible. 100s=Minor Spiritual; 200s=Major Spiritual; 300s=Cleric; 400s=Minor Elemental; 500s=Major Elemental; 600s=Ranger; 700s=Sorcerer; 900s=Wizard; 1000s=Bard; 1100s=Empath; 1200s=Minor Mental; 1600s=Paladin

# Description Spell/
Race/Prof Restr.
  • 1P:You murmur words of power into the air, summoning the elements to prepare [spell name].
  • 3P:Person murmurs words of power into the air, summoning the elements to do his bidding.
  • Invisible:You hear someone murmuring words of power nearby.
900s Wizard
  • 1P:You intone a mystical orison, petitioning for the aid of your patron to prepare [spell name].
  • 3P:Person intones a mystical orison, petitioning for the aid of his patron.
  • Invisible:You hear someone intone a mystical orison nearby.
300s Cleric
  • 1P:You murmur soft words into the air, the liquid syllables summoning the spirits to aid you in preparing [spell name].
  • 3P:Person murmurs soft words into the air, the liquid syllables summoning the spirits to his aid.
  • Invisible:You hear soft words being murmured somewhere nearby.
1100s Empath
  • 1P:You trace a burning rune into the air, melding the spiritual and elemental powers by sheer force of will into [spell name].
  • 3P:Person traces a burning rune into the air, melding the spiritual and elemental powers by sheer force of will.
  • Invisible:A burning rune shimmers in the air for a moment and fades away.
700s Sorcerer
  • 1P:You whisper quietly into the wind, summoning the forces of nature as you prepare [spell name].
  • 3P:Person whispers quietly into the wind, summoning the forces of nature to his call.
  • Invisible:You hear someone whispering quietly nearby.
600s Ranger
  • 1P:You raise your voice in rhythmic song, commanding the aid of the elements in preparing [spell name].
  • 3P:Person raises his voice in rhythmic song, commanding the aid of the elements.
  • Invisible:You hear a nearby voice raised in rhythmic song.
1000s Bard
  • 1P:You lift your voice in a rallying cry, calling confidently on the power of your patron for aid in preparing [spell name].
  • 3P:Person lifts his voice in a rallying cry, calling confidently on the power of his patron for aid.
  • Invisible:A voice nearby lifts in a rallying cry.
1600s Paladin
  • 1P:You weave your hands through the air, streamers of elemental mana twisting between your fingers as you prepare [spell name].
  • 3P:Person weaves his hands through the air, streamers of elemental mana twisting between his fingers.
  • Invisible:Streamers of elemental mana twist through the air nearby.
900s Wizard
  • 1P:Clasping your hands overhead, you fervently call on the guidance of your patron to prepare [spell name].
  • 3P:Person raises his clasped hands, fervently calling on the guidance of his patron.
  • InvisibleYou hear someone fervently invoking a prayer nearby.
300s Cleric
  • 1P:You outline a luminous rune in the air, summoning the spirits to aid you in preparing [spell name].
  • 3P:Person outlines a luminous rune in the air, summoning the spirits to his aid.
  • Invisible:You see a luminous rune being outlined in the air nearby.
1100s Empath
  • 1P:You scribe a hazy, dark sigil into the air, fusing elemental and spiritual power into [spell name].
  • 3P:Person scribes a hazy, dark sigil into the air, fusing elemental and spiritual power.
  • Invisible:A hazy, dark sigil appears in the air for a moment and fades away.
700s Sorcerer
  • 1P:You cast your voice into the air, causing the spirits to swirl around you with a sound like rustling leaves as you prepare [spell name].
  • 3P:Person casts his voice into the air, causing the spirits to swirl around him with a sound like rustling leaves.
  • Invisible:You hear someone nearby cast their voice into the air, summoning the spirits.
600s Ranger
  • 1P:You lift your voice in song, skillfully twining elemental mana into your harmony as you prepare [spell name].
  • 3P:Person lifts his voice in song, skillfully twining elemental mana into his harmony.
  • Invisible:You hear a nearby voice lifted in song.
1000s Bard
  • 1P:You trace your patron's holy symbol in the air, using it to focus your invocation of [spell name].
  • 3P:Person traces his patron's holy symbol in the air, using it to focus his invocation.
  • Invisible:A holy symbol appears in the air nearby, fading away quickly.
1600s Paladin
  • 1P:You quickly intone a battle chant, imploring your patron to lend you aid.
  • 3P:Person quickly intones a battle chant, imploring his patron to lend him aid.
  • Invisible:You hear a short battle chant.
1600s -
  • 1P:You meld a climactic chord into your melody, voice rising in a crescendo as you prepare [spell name].
  • 3P:Person melds a climactic chord into his melody, his voice rising in a crescendo.
  • Invisible:You hear a voice rising in a gradual crescendo, subtly altering the melody it had been singing.
1000s -
  • 1P:You murmur a twisting phrase, commanding the elements and spirits in uneasy cooperation, to prepare [spell name].
  • 3P:Person murmurs a twisting phrase, commanding both the elements and spirits together.
  • Invisible:You hear a twisting phrase being murmured.
700s -
  • 1P:You invoke a short blessing, hands clasped in prayer, as you prepare [spell name].
  • 3P:Person invokes a short blessing, his hands clasped in prayer.
  • Invisible:You hear the invocation of a short blessing.
300s -
  • 1P:You chant a short phrase, embers leaping from your fingertips, as you clench your hand into a smoke-shrouded fist.
  • 3P:Person chants a short phrase, embers leaping from his fingertips, as he clenches his hand into a smoke-shrouded fist.
  • Invisible:You hear a short phrase, accompanied by a shower of embers and a bit of smoke.
519 -
  • 1P:You intone a mystical phrase, your words flowing in a burst of speed, as your hands move rapidly through the prescribed motions.
  • 3P:Person intones a mystical phrase, his words flowing in a burst of speed, as his hands move rapidly.
  • Invisible:You hear a mystical intonation, its words flowing quickly.
506 -
  • 1P:You chant a reverent prayer, imploring your patron for aid in restoring the fallen to life.
  • 3P:Person chants a reverent prayer, imploring his patron for aid in restoring the fallen to life.
  • Invisible:You hear a reverent prayer being chanted, imploring aid in restoring the fallen to life.
318 -
  • 1P:You whisper the mystical phrases to invoke Wither, as a nebulous haze shimmers into view around your hands, casting them in murky shadows.
  • 3P:Person whispers a mystical phrase, as a nebulous haze shimmers into view around her hands, casting them in murky shadows.
  • Invisible:You hear the whispers of a mystical phrase, as twin spheres of pearlescent energy appear in midair.
1115 -
  • 1P:You whisper the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter, as pearlescent energy builds around your hands, casting them in an opalescent silhouette.
  • 3P:Person whispers a mystical phrase, as pearlescent energy builds around her hands, casting them in an opalescent silhouette.
  • Invisible:You hear the whispers of a mystical phrase, as twin spheres of pearlescent energy appear in midair.
1106 -
  • 1P:You utter a sharp phrase, tiny thorns rippling across your arms in a wave that moves toward your hands.
  • 3P:Person utters a sharp phrase, tiny thorns rippling across his arms in a wave that moves toward his hands.
  • Invisible:You hear someone utter a sharp phrase.
616 -
  • 1P:A light blue glow surrounds your hands as you prepare a minor Spirit Warding...
  • 3P:A light blue glow surrounds Person's hands as she prepares a warding spell...
  • Invisible:A light blue glow appears in midair.
101 -
  • 1P:A deep blue glow surrounds your hands as you prepare a major Spirit Warding...
  • 3P:A deep blue glow surrounds Person's hands as she prepares a warding spell...
  • Invisible:A deep blue glow appears in midair.
107 -
  • 1P:You weave an intricate pattern with your dominant hand, full of twists and turns, as you prepare the Unbalance spell...
  • 3P:Person weaves an intricate pattern with her hand, full of twists and turns...
110 -
  • 1P:You petition the local flame spirits as flickers of pale flame surround your hands...
  • 3P:Person petitions the spirits as flickers of pale flame surround her hands...
  • Invisible:Flickers of pale flame appear in midair.
111 -
  • 1P:You call upon a guiding spirit, invoking its power to shepherd the next attack to its target...
  • 3P:Person calls upon a guiding spirit, invoking its power.
117 -
  • 1P:Strands of translucent webbing flow across the back of your hands as you prepare the Web spell...
  • 3P:Strands of translucent webbing flow across the back of Person's hands...
  • Invisible:Strands of translucent webbing appear in midair.
118 -
  • 1P:You murmur a prayer to Arachne, asking for her favor as you prepare the Web spell...
  • 3P:The shadow of a spider crosses Person's face as she murmurs...
118 -
  • 1P:You invoke a guiding spirit, imploring it to return you to safety...
  • 3P:Person invokes a guiding spirit, imploring it to return her to safety...
130 -
  • 1P:As you begin constructing the mana forms of the Wall of Force, ethereal bricks begin to assemble around you...
  • 3P:A wall of ethereal bricks begins to form around Person, partially obscuring her form...
  • Invisible:A circular wall of ethereal bricks begins to form.
140 -
  • 1P:You murmur a calming phrase as you prepare to soothe emotions...
  • 3P:Person murmurs a calming phrase...
  • Invisible:You hear a calming phrase being murmured.
201 -
  • 1P:The scent of freshly baked bread fills your senses as you prepare the Manna spell...
  • 3P:The scent of freshly baked bread emanates from Person as she utters a short phrase...
  • Invisible:The scent of freshly baked bread fills the area.
203 -
  • 1P:Spirits swirl around you, shrouding your form partially as you prepare the Unpresence spell...
  • 3P:Spirits swirl around Person, shrouding her form partially as she utters a short phrase...
204 -
  • 1P:You call upon peaceful spirits and direct them send their soothing presence through the area...
  • 3P:Person calls upon the local spirits and directs them through the area...
213 -
  • 1P:You snap your fingers, producing a flash of brilliant light, as you prepare the Spirit Servant spell...
  • 3P:Person snaps her fingers, producing a flash of brilliant light...
  • Invisible:A brilliant flash of light is accompanied by the snapping of someone's fingers.
218 -
  • 1P:Opalescent spirits cover your body, solidifying into an ethereal suit of armor as you prepare a Spell Shield...
  • 3P:Opalescent spirits cover Person's body, solidifying into an ethereal suit of armor as she prepares a spell...
  • Invisible:An opalescent shell of spirits forms in midair, taking the shape of a suit of ethereal armor.
219 -
  • 1P:Whirling clouds of spirits surround you, a single white mote in their midst shining brightly as you prepare the Spirit Slayer spell...
  • 3P:Whirling clouds of spirits surround Person, a single white mote in their midst shining brightly as she chants an incantation...
  • Invisible:Whirling clouds of spirits fill the area, a single white mote in their midst shining brightly.
240 -
  • 1P:You call upon the power of your patron to Smite your foes...
  • 3P:Person calls upon the power of his patron to Smite his foes...
302 -
  • 1P:You utter a short blessing...
  • 3P:Person utters a short blessing...
  • Invisible:Someone utters a short blessing.
304 -
  • 1P:With a short prayer to Lorminstra, you perform the rites of Preservation...
  • 3P:With a short prayer to Lorminstra, Person performs the rites of Preservation...
  • Invisible:You hear a short prayer to Lorminstra.
305 -
  • 1P:Calling upon your patron, you chant a short Benediction of accurate aim and strong weapon arms...
  • 3P:Calling upon his patron, Person chants a short Benediction of accurate aim and strong weapon arms...
307 -
  • 1P:Invoking the power of your patron, you prepare to break a curse...
  • 3P:Invoking the power of his patron, Person chants a short prayer...
315 -
  • 1P:You begin a short tribal chant, gesturing wildly while imploring the Arkati's aid in restoring the fallen to life...
  • 3P:Person begins a short tribal chant, gesturing wildly while imploring the Arkati's aid in restoring the fallen to life...
318 -
  • 1P:Your fingertips begin to glow with a soft light as you call upon the power of the elements in the Lock Pick Enhancement invocation...
  • 3P:Person's fingertips begin to glow with a soft light as she calls upon the power of the elements...
403 -
  • 1P:You take a deep breath and quickly mutter the invocation of the Disarm Enhancement spell...
  • 3P:Person takes a deep breath and quickly mutters an invocation under her breath...
404 -
  • 1P:You trace a small circle in air and then push it forward with your hand as you prepare an Elemental Wave...
  • 3P:Person traces a small circle in the air and then pushes it forward with her hand...
410 -
  • 1P:Colorful motes of energy gather around you as you prepare Thurfel's Ward...
  • 3P:Colorful motes of energy gather around Person as he recites a magical phrase...
  • Invisible:Colorful motes of energy swirl through the air.
503 -
  • 1P:A coating of granite forms around your hands as you prepare the Hurl Boulder spell...
  • 3P:A coating of granite forms around Person's hands as he chants an invocation...
510 -
  • 1P:Thin tendrils of translucent mana stream away from your body, searching the area as you prepare the Mana Leech spell...
  • 3P:Thin tendrils of translucent mana stream away from Person's body, searching the area as he utters a spell...
516 -
  • 1P:A crackling corona of lightning forms around you, its blue-white tongues of electricity flickering in time with your voice...
  • 3P:A crackling corona of lightning forms around Person, its blue-white tongues of electricity flickering in time with his voice...
  • Invisible:A crackling corona of lightning forms in the shape of a humanoid, tongues of blue-white electricity flickering around the outline.
518 -
  • 1P:You whisper quietly as your skin briefly cycles between colors of spring green and autumnal browns and golds...
  • 3P:Person whispers quietly as his/her skin briefly cycles between colors of spring green and autumnal browns and golds...
  • Invisible:You hear a faint whisper.
601 -
  • 1P:You call upon the local spirits to guard against inclement weather and the elements...
  • 3P:Person calls upon the local spirits, imploring them to guard against weather and the elements...
602 -
  • 1P:You offer a short prayer to Phoen, praising his strength...
  • 3P:Person offers a short prayer to Phoen, praising his strength...
  • Invisible:You hear a short prayer to Phoen, praising his strength.
606 -
  • 1P:Tiny thorns sprout along the back of your hands as you draw upon natural power to create a Wall of Thorns...
  • 3P:Tiny thorns sprout along the back of Person's hands as he/she quietly chants an invocation...
640 -
  • 1P:An inky cloud of shadows surrounds your hand as you prepare the Mana Disruption spell...
  • 3P:An inky cloud of shadows surrounds Person's hand as she chants a twisting phrase...
  • Invisible:An inky cloud of shadows forms in midair as you hear a twisting phrase.
702 -
  • 1P:Parts of your arms and hands fade to various levels of transparency as you prepare the Phase spell...
  • 3P:Parts of Person's arms and hands fade to various levels of transparency as she utters a short, commanding spell...
704 -
  • 1P:Thin, straight grey lines cover the palms of your hands as you prepare the Disintegrate spell...
  • 3P:Thin, straight grey lines cover the palms of Person's hands...
705 -
  • 1P:Greenish-black flames spring to life in your hand as you invoke the power of Balefire...
  • 3P:Greenish-black flames spring to life in Person's hand...
  • Invisibility:Greenish-black flames spring to life in midair.
713 -
  • 1P:A small static charge builds in your hands, the electricity barely visible as you prepare the Minor Shock spell...
  • 3P:A small static charge builds in Person's hands, the electricity barely visible...
  • Invisible:A small sphere of static forms in midair, the faint electricity barely visible.
901 -
  • 1P:A small sphere of roiling water builds above the palm of your hand as you prepare the Minor Water spell...
  • 3P:A small sphere of roiling water builds above the palm of Person's hand...
  • Invisible:A small sphere of roiling water forms in midair.
903 -
  • 1P:A small sphere of boiling green acid builds above the palm of your hand as you prepare the Minor Acid spell...
  • 3P:A small sphere of boiling green acid builds above the palm of Person's hand...
  • Invisible:A small sphere of boiling green acid forms in midair.
904 -
  • 1P:A small ember of flickering flame appears above the palm of your hand as you prepare the Minor Fire spell...
  • 3P:A small ember of flickering flame appears above the palm of Person's hand...
  • Invisible:A small ember of flickering flame appears in midair.
906 -
  • 1P:A jagged shard of glacial ice shimmers into existence near your hand as you prepare the Major Cold spell...
  • 3P:A jagged shard of glacial ice shimmers into existence near Person's hand...
  • Invisible:A jagged shard of glacial ice shimmers into existence.
907 -
  • 1P:A chill passes through you, and a faint frost whitens your skin as you prepare the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:A thin layer of frost spreads across Person's skin as he incants an arcane phrase...
  • Invisible:The air suddenly cools noticeably.
907 -
  • 1P:A blazing sphere of lambent, crimson flame appears above your head as you prepare the Major Fire spell...
  • 3P:A blazing sphere of lambent, crimson flame appears above Person's head...
  • Invisible:A blazing sphere of lambent, crimson flame appears floating in midair.
908 -
  • 1P:You feel flush, and your vision is momentarily obscured by red and orange flames as you prepare the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:Person's eyes flash with fiery reds and oranges as he chants...
  • Invisible:Flashes of fiery reds and oranges erupt from the shadows.
908 -
  • 1P:You lift one foot up and stomp down at the ground hard, and then the other, as murmurs of magical phrases cross your lips...
  • 3P:Person lifts one foot up and stomps down on the ground, and then the other foot, as murmurs of magical phrases cross his lips...
  • Invisible:You hear the faint murmuring of a magical phrase.
909 -
  • 1P:A crackling bolt of blue-white electricity appears above your head as you prepare the Major Shock spell...
  • 3P:A crackling bolt of blue-white electricity appears above Person's head...
  • Invisible:A crackling bolt of blue-white electricity appears in midair.
910 -
  • 1P:Your hands fade to complete transparency as you intone the Invisibility spell...
  • 3P:Person's hands fade to complete transparency as he intones a spell...
916 -
  • 1P:You hum a short tune as you softly croon a lullaby...
  • 3P:Person hums a short tune as he softly croons a lullaby...
  • Invisible:You hear a short tune being hummed, followed by the crooning sound of a lullaby.
1005 -
  • 1P:You sing a long form poem, praising the strength of Kai and his triumph over adversity...
  • 3P:Person sings a long form poem, praising the strength of Kai and his triumph over adversity...
  • Invisible:You hear a long form poem, praising the strength of Kai and his triumph over adversity.
1007 -
  • 1P:A slight flush tints your skin as you concentrate on the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:As Person concentrates, a slight flush tints her skin...
1101 -
  • 1P:A radiant ball of energy forms above your head as you prepare the Empathic Assault spell...
  • 3P:A radiant ball of energy forms above Person's head...
  • Invisible:A radiant ball of energy appears, floating in the air.
1110 -
  • 1P:A brilliant green corona surrounds your hands as you offer a short prayer to Imaera and Kuon as you prepare the Herb Production spell...
  • 3P:A brilliant green corona surrounds Person's hands as she offers a short prayer to Imaera and Kuon...
  • Invisible:A pair of brilliant green coronas appear in the air as you hear a short prayer to Imaera and Kuon.
1118 -
  • 1P:You chant a short mantra as you focus your thoughts on the rigidity of steel and iron...
  • 3P:Person chants a short mantra, focusing her thoughts...
  • Invisible:You hear someone chanting a short mantra.
1202 -
  • 1P:Using very precise and slow gestures with your hands, you tap into the raw elemental energy surrounding you in preparation to cast [spell name]...
  • 3P:Using very precise and slow gestures with her hands, Person prepares to cast a spell...
400s -
  • 1P:You thrust your hand away from your body and point directly ahead as sparks of elemental energy slither down your arm towards your hand...
  • 3P:Person thrusts his hand away from his body and points directly ahead as sparks of elemental energy slither down his arm towards his hand...
400s -
  • 1P:You begin pounding on your chest in a steady and hard rhythm as the elemental mana within your body begins to build up in preparation to cast the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:Person begins pounding on her chest in a steady and hard rhythm in preparation to cast...
  • Invisible:You hear a faint thumping sound in a steady rhythm
400s -
  • 1P:You command the local spirits to aid you with the [spell name] spell, an intense expression on your face as you stare straight ahead...
  • 3P:Person commands the local spirits to aid her, an intense expression on her face as she stares straight ahead...
100s -
  • 1P:Swaying your hips side to side in time with a hummed melody, you attempt to entice the local spirits to aid you with the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:Person sways her hips side to side in time with a hummed melody, attempting to entice the local spirits to offer aid...
  • Invisible:You hear a hummed melody.
100s -
  • 1P:You tilt your head slightly and stare straight ahead as you murmur under your breath...
  • 3P:Person tilts her head slightly and stares straight ahead as she murmurs softly under her breath...
All -
  • 1P:You concentrate intently on preparing the [spell name] spell and readying to cast it...
  • 3P:Person concentrates intently as she readies a spell...
All -
  • 1P:You slap your hands in a steady rhythm against the sides of your hips as the elemental mana within you builds in preparation to sing the [spell name]...
  • 3P:Person slaps his hands in a steady rhythm against the sides of his hips as he prepares to sing...
  • Invisible:You hear a steady thumping sound, keeping beat to a hummed rhythm.
1000s -
  • 1P:You raise one hand high into the air, and an arc of cerulean-hued mana spirals down your arm as you prepare to cast [spell name]...
  • 3P:Person raises one hand high into the air, and an arc of cerulean-hued mana spirals down his arm as he prepares to cast...
  • Invisible:An arc of cerulean-hued mana spirals down through the air.
1600s -
  • 1P:You toss your head back and howl loudly as swirling wisps of mana flow out of thin air and into your mouth, spiraling downward to fill your lungs with power...
  • 3P:Person tosses her head back and howls loudly as swirling wisps of mana flow out of thin air and into her mouth...
  • Invisible:You hear a loud howl followed by swirling wisps of mana appearing and vanishing.
All -
  • 1P:Mirage-like distortions surround you as you prepare the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:Mirage-like distortions surround Person as she prepares a spell...
All -
  • 1P:You unleash a series of unintelligible grunts followed by a proud belch as you prepare the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:Person unleashes a series of unintelligible grunts followed by a proud belch...
  • Invisible:You hear a series of unintelligible grunts followed by a belch.
All -
  • 1P:You speak quietly in flowing elven, preparing the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:Person speaks a quiet phrase in flowing elven...
  • Invisible:You hear a quiet phrase of elven.
All Elf, Aelotoi, Sylvankind, Winedotter Gnome
  • 1P:You grunt a short phrase of dwarven incantations as you prepare the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:Person grunts a short phrase of dwarven incantations...
  • Invisible:You hear a grunted phrase of dwarven incantations.
All Dwarven, Aledotter Gnome
  • 1P:In preparation of [spell name], you deliver a series of succinct gnomish phrases with masterful precision, a forward thrust of your palm completing the cycle...
  • 3P:Person delivers a series of succinct gnomish phrases with masterful precision, a forward thrust of his palm completing the cycle...
  • Invisible:You hear a series of gnomish phrases from the shadows.
All Forest or Burghal Gnome
  • 1P:Faint golden lines trace across your skin as you prepare the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:Faint golden lines trace across Person's skin as she appears to focus...
  • Invisible:Flashes of gold illuminate the shadows momentarily.
All -
  • 1P:You struggle to recall the correct way to prepare the [spell name] spell, but manage to stammer out something passable...
  • 3P:Person's face furrows in concentration as she stammers out a magical chant...
  • Invisible:You hear someone stammering a magical chant.
All -
  • 1P:You bark out a series of arcane syllables as your lithe fingers nimbly trace through the air to summon the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:Person barks out a series of arcane syllables as his lithe fingers nimbly trace through the air to summon a spell...
  • Invisible:You hear someone barking a series of arcane syllables.
All Half-Krolvin
  • 1P:Your voice lowers to a guttural growl as you pantomime a harsh invocation on the air...
  • 3P:Person's voice lowers to a guttural growl as she pantomimes a harsh invocation on the air...
  • Invisible:You hear a low, guttural growl.
All -
  • 1P:Closing your eyes, your fingers recall the familiar gestures to summon the [spell name] spell as your voice falls into a sonorous chant...
  • 3P:Person closes her eyes, her fingers summoning a spell as if it were little more than second nature as her voice falls into a sonorous chant...
  • Invisible:You hear a voice fall into a sonorous chant.
All -
  • 1P:As you focus, you bow your head slightly, staring balefully ahead from beneath your furrowed brow as you murmur an invocation...
  • 3P:As Person focuses, her head bows slightly, and she stares balefully ahead from beneath her furrowed brow as she murmurs an invocation...
  • Invisible:You hear a murmured invocation.
All -
  • 1P:Thick halos of deep viridian haze materialize around your hands as you prepare [spell name]...
  • 3P:Thick halos of deep viridian haze materialize around Person's hands...
  • Invisible:Thick halos of deep viridian haze materialize in the air before dissipating.
600s -
  • 1P:Your face is bathed in a serene countenance as you recite the practiced words of [spell name]...
  • 3P:Person's face is bathed in a serene countenance as she recites...
1200s -
  • 1P:You chant softly as you prepare [spell name]. A miasma of gold, green, and crimson swirls around you briefly before dissipating...
  • 3P:Person chants softly, and a miasma of gold, green, and crimson swirls around her briefly before dissipating...
400s -
  • 1P:Multicolored sparks erupt from your fingertips as you prepare [spell name]...
  • 3P:Bursts of multicolored sparks erupt from Person's fingertips as he prepares a spell...
  • Invisible:Bursts of multicolored sparks project into the air.
500s -
  • 1P:You awkwardly wave your hands through the air as you prepare [spell name]...
  • 3P:Person awkwardly waves his hands through the air as he prepares a spell...
All Warrior
  • 1P:A warm fog illuminated with muted brown, orange, and yellow hues envelops you as you chant the phrase for [spell name]...
  • 3P:Illuminated with muted brown, orange, and yellow hues, a heavy fog rolls over Person, enveloping him as he chants...
  • Invisible:A heavy fog of brown, orange, and yellow hues rolls into the area.
611 -
  • 1P:As you recite the words of [spell name], pools of churning water form beneath your feet, and a brisk wind whips around you before diminishing...
  • 3P:As Person recites, pools of churning water form beneath his feet, and a brisk wind whips around him before diminishing...
  • Invisible:Pools of churning water form along the ground, and a brisk wind whips through the area.
500s -
  • 1P:Ethereal shadows coalesce around you, chanting in unison with you as you prepare [spell name]...
  • 3P:Ethereal shadows coalesce around Person and chant with her in unison as she prepares a spell...
  • Invisible:Ethereal shadows coalesce and chant in unison with an unseen entity.
200s -
  • 1P:You trace a large circle in the air and then push it forward with your hand as you prepare [spell name]...
  • 3P:Person traces a large circle in the air and then pushes it forward with his hand...
435 -
  • 1P:With little enthusiasm, you wiggle your fingers lazily with your hands held out in front of you to prepare [spell name]...
  • 3P:Unenthusiastically, Person wiggles his fingers lazily with his hands held out in front of himself as he prepares a spell...
All -
  • 1P:Shadowy figures coalesce around you, chanting in unison with you as you prepare [spell name]...
  • 3P:Shadowy figures coalesce around Person and chant with him in unison as he prepares a spell...
  • Invisible:Shadowy figures coalesce and chant in unison with an unseen entity.
200s -
  • 1P:Crossing your arms in front of your face, you murmur a hushed prayer to the spirits for aid with the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:Person crosses his arms in front of his face and murmurs a hushed prayer.
  • Invisible:You hear someone murmuring a hushed prayer nearby.
225 -
  • 1P:You raise a clenched hand, and as you bellow the mystical phrase for [spell name], a coruscating vortex of energy begins whirling around your fist.
  • 3P:Person raises a clenched hand, and as he bellows a mystical phrase, a coruscating vortex of energy begins whirling around his fist.
  • Invisible:You hear someone bellowing a mystical phrase nearby.
415 -
  • 1P:You tilt your head back, focusing fiercely on a distant point in the sky. You open your mouth, with nary a sound escaping, as bits of churning energy begin to coalesce and crackle across your lips. Lowering your focus to the ground before you, you summon the energy for [spell name]...
  • 3P:Person tilts his head back, focusing fiercely on a distant point in the sky. He opens his mouth, with nary a sound escaping, as bits of churning energy begin to coalesce and crackle across his lips.
  • Invisible:You hear a crackling energy build nearby.
720 -
  • 1P:A wavering image of sanguinous pustules erupting from your flesh forms across your hands and lips as you intone the chant for [spell name]...
  • 3P:A wavering image of sanguinous pustules erupting from his flesh forms across Person's hands and lips as he intones a chant...
716 -
  • 1P:The nauseating stench of decaying flesh emanates from your being as you prepare the spell for [spell name]...
  • 3P:The nauseating stench of decaying flesh emanates from Person as he prepares a spell...
  • Invisible:The nauseating stench of decaying flesh wafts through from somewhere nearby.
730 -
  • 1P:You sweep your arm in the horizontal arc of an encompassing circle, leaving a trail of argent-hued motes of light drifting downward in its wake as you prepare [spell name]...
  • 3P:Person sweeps his arm in the horizontal arc of an encompassing circle, leaving a trail of argent-hued motes of light drifting downward in its wake...
  • Invisible:A horizontal arc of argent-hued motes of light briefly appears, drifting downward and winking out.
401 -
  • 1P:A moment of focused concentration, and a single blue flame winks into existence in your cupped palm. In a heartbeat it blossoms into a carnelian orb of fire as you prepare [spell name]...
  • 3P:Person stares fixedly at his hand, and a single blue flame winks into existence in his cupped palm. In a heartbeat it blossoms into a carnelian orb of fire...
  • Invisible:A single blue flame winks into existence in midair, but in a heartbeat it blossoms into a carnelian orb of fire.
518 -
  • 1P:An intense gaze and a nimble flick of the wrist spawn a gyrating funnel of essence spinning upon your open palm as you prepare [spell name]. Within a moment it has grown into a miniature vortex of swirling air...
  • 3P:An intense gaze and a nimble flick of the wrist spawn a gyrating funnel of essence spinning upon Person's open palm. Within a moment it has grown into a miniature vortex of swirling air.
  • Invisible:A gyrating funnel of essence appears, spinning in midair. Within a moment it has grown into a miniature vortex of swirling air.
912 -
  • 1P:With steadfast concentration, you place your fingertips against your temples and close your eyes, chanting in monotone as you prepare [spell name]...
  • 3P:With steadfast concentration, Person places he fingertips against his temples and closes his eyes, chanting in monotone as he prepares a spell...
  • Invisible:Monotone chanting emanates from the shadows.
1220 -
  • 1P:You point your finger into the air and chant the phrase for [spell name] as a wispy haze snakes through the air in search of someone...
  • 3P:Person points his finger into the air and chants a phrase as a wispy haze snakes through the air...
  • Invisible:A wispy haze forms and snakes through the air.
116 -
  • 1P:As you sing the phrase for [spell name], your vibrato distorts with dramatic pitch excursion...
  • 3P:Person sings a phrase with dramatic pitch excursion...
1002 -
  • 1P:As you murmur an incantation for [spell name], a white heart forms at your outspread hands before suddenly turning into a sickly green cloud.
  • 3P:As Person murmurs an incantation, a white heart forms at his outspread hands before turning into a green cloud.
716 -
  • 1P:You recite a fervent prayer for [spell name], and water droplets coalesce and sparkle as they gather around your hands.
  • 3P:Person recites a prayer, and water droplets coalesce and sparkle as they gather around his hands.
306 -
  • 1P:You bow your head in prayer, and a radiant light engulfs your body.
  • 3P:Person bows his head in prayer, and a radiant light engulfs his body.
317 -
  • 1P:Invoking the powers of air and the cold, you bring the elements under your control and feel a rime of frost encircle your [eye color] eyes. The cold seems to trace a patina of hoarfrost across your [complexion] skin before discharging into the air...
  • 3P:Invoking the powers of the elements, Person begins to cast a spell and a rime of frost encircles [eye color] eyes. The cold traces a patina of hoarfrost across [complexion] skin before discharging into the air...
  • Invisible:Cold air pools upon the ground as arcane phrases spill into the air.
907 -
  • 1P:Calling forth the power of the elements, you quickly weave the spell [spell name] in the air. Your [eye color] eyes grow wide as flames begin to lick out of your lips. Covering your mouth, you briefly swallow the flames and channel them through your fingertips as you cast...
  • 3P:Calling forth the power of the elements, Person's [eye color] eyes grow wide as a belch of flame slips past his lips. Covering his mouth, he briefly swallows the flame and channels it through his fingers as he casts...
  • Invisible:Heat radiates upon the ground as arcane phrases spill into the air.
908 -
  • 1P:Using both of your index fingers, you trace the outlines of your [eye characteristic] eyes and carefully whisper the hymn of the [spell name] spell. Tapping your [complexion] eyelids closed, you release the spell...
  • 3P:Using both of his index fingers, Person traces the outlines of his [eye characteristic] eyes and carefully whispers a soft hymn. He taps his [complexion] eyelids closed for the briefest of seconds and releases his spell...
  • Invisible:A soft hymn drifts in from somewhere nearby.
311 -
  • 1P:Pinching your fingers together in an interlocking chain, you slowly draw your fingers apart as you murmur the words of the [spell name] spell and create an ethereal bit of string that you use to bind two fingers together. Pointing those two fingers away from you, you release the spell...
  • 3P:Pinching his fingers together in an interlocking chain, Person slowly draws his fingers apart as he murmurs the words of his and creates an ethereal bit of string that he quickly uses to bind two fingers together. Pointing him bound fingers away from himself, he release the spell...
214 -
  • 1P:Tracing the curves and lines of your [complexion] ears, you soundlessly mouth the phrases of the [spell name] spell and wordlessly release it...
  • 3P:Tracing the curves and lines of his [complexion] ears, Person soundlessly mouths the phrases of a spell and then wordlessly releases it...
210 -
  • 1P:Calling upon the power and radiance of the sun, you begin the verbal components of the [spell name] spell and feel a warm light centered upon your [eye color] eyes. The warmth trails through your [complexion] skin towards your fingertips, and it is at that moment that you release the spell into the air...
  • 3P:Calling upon the powers of nature, Person begins to weave the verbal components of his spell into his movements. Golden radiance forms in his [eye color] eyes for a brief moment before draining beneath his [complexion] skin. Every vein is illuminated as the brilliance travels downward into his hands before he releases the spell into the air...
609 -
  • 1P:Summoning the power of the storms, you prepare [spell name] and feel energy crackle along the lines of your [face] face. As if sensing your desire, the raw energy races down your limbs and discharges through your fingertips...
  • 3P:Summoning elemental energies, Person prepares a spell and energy crackles along the lines of his [face] face. The raw energy races down his limbs and discharges through his fingertips...
  • Invisible:Elemental energies crackle in the air.
901 -
  • 1P:You concentrate on the [spell name] spell as you wiggle your ears and nose at the same time...
  • 3P:Person concentrates and suddenly wiggles his ears and nose at the same time as he casts a spell...
916 -
  • 1P:As you focus on the [spell name] spell, ripples of ethereal energy flow down your arms and into your fingers...
  • 3P:As Person concentrates, ripples of ethereal energy suddenly appear and flow down his arms and fade into his fingers...
  • Invisible:A soft glow of ethereal light suddenly appears before quickly fading.
403 -
  • 1P:As you focus on the [spell name] spell, tiny ethereal cogs appear and rotate quickly around your hands before being absorbed into your fingers...
  • 3P:As Person concentrates, tiny ethereal cogs appear and rotate quickly his hands before being absorbed into his fingers...
  • Invisible:A soft glow of ethereal light suddenly appears before quickly fading.
404 -
  • 1P:You focus your energy on the phrases and form of [spell name] as glowing orbs of power rise up and swirl about your body...
  • 3P:Person begins to chant softly, gesturing carefully as glowing orbs of power rise up and swirl around his body...
  • Invisible:You hear soft chant nearby, followed by a subtle glow of light, but you can t make out the source of either.
All -
  • 1P:You clench your teeth and angrily chant the words of [spell name] as shadows spring to life across your skin and begin to twitch and writhe...
  • 3P:Person glowers and chants between clenched teeth. Shadows spring to life across the surface of his skin and begin to twitch and writhe...
  • Invisible:You hear angry chanting from somewhere nearby, and for a moment, the shadows seem to twitch and writhe.
All -
  • 1P:You hum the incantation of [spell name], summoning a kaleidoscope of monarch butterflies that begins to flitter about your form. As your song reaches its end, the colorful grouping flutters away in a wash of black and orange wings...
  • 3P:As Person hums the incantation of his spell, a kaleidoscope of monarch butterflies appears and flitters about his form. As his song reaches its end, the colorful grouping flutters away in a wash of black and orange wings...
  • Invisible:You hear the soft sound of humming and the flutter of dozens of wings.
All -
  • 1P:As you chant [spell name], the stark image of a flame-encircled sword forms high above you. You reach your hand towards it as the sword hilt plunges into your waiting hand, temporarily bathing you in a faint glow...
  • 3P:Person's voice amplifies as the image of a flame-encircled sword materializes above him. His hand thrusts up to meet the sword hilt, temporarily bathing him in a faint glow...
  • Invisible:As the amplified sound of chanting echoes briefly, the area temporarily flashes with a faint light.
All -
  • 1P:You mutter a half-hearted attempt at [spell name], causing a small stormcloud to form above your head. As you finish your incantation, a fall of misty droplets rains down upon you, dissipating as they make contact with your form...
  • 3P:Person mutters half-heartedly to himself as a small stormcloud forms above his head. As he finishes his incantation, a fall of misty droplets rains down upon him, dissipating as they make contact with his form.
  • Invisible:You hear the sound of muttering and the faint rumble of thunder.
All -
  • 1P:As you whisper the incantation for [spell name], your vision glazes over in a haze of vibrant sanguine. Rivulets of bright red rise through your skin, thickly coating your arms and hands, dissipating as you unleash your fury...
  • 3P:Person whispers to himself, his [eye color] eyes enshrouded by a vibrant sanguine haze. Rivulets of bright red rise through his skin, thickly coating his arms and hands, disappearing as it makes contact with the ground...
  • Invisible:A phrase of whispered words and a puddle of bright red liquid appears, quickly dissipating into the air.
All -
  • 1P:Murmuring into the air, you prepare [spell name], causing pinpoints of silver-hazed light to dance along your form. As you gesture, the starbursts link together, forming ethereal constellations that fade into the air before you.
  • 3P:Murmuring into the air, Person prepares a spell, causing tiny pinpoints of silver-hazed light to dance along his form. As he gestures, the starbursts link together, forming ethereal constellations that fade into the air...
  • Invisible:A sprinkle of silver-hazed lights dance about the room, dissipating with a faint murmur.
All -
  • 1P:Tiny, glittering gems manifest around your hands and swirl in a brilliant multihued haze as you sing [spell name]...
  • 3P:Tiny, glittering gems manifest around Person's hands and swirl in a brilliant multihued haze as he sings...
  • Invisible:Tiny, glittering gems manifest and swirl in a multihued haze.
1004 -
  • 1P:You methodically chant the phrase for [spell name] as a whirlwind of air bursts from your hands...
  • 3P:Person chants methodically as a whirlwind of air bursts from his hands...
  • Invisible:A whirlwind of air bursts from the shadows.
505 -
  • 1P:The lilting voice of a distant songbird flits through the air as you prepare [spell name]...
  • 3P:The lilting voice of a distant songbird flits through the air as Person prepares a spell...
  • Invisible:The lilting voice of a distant songbird flits through the air.
All Ranger
  • 1P:Discordant sounds rip through the air as wide vibrations build around you in an overture to [spell name]...
  • 3P:Discordant sounds rip through the air as wide vibrations build around Person in an overture to her spell...
  • Invisible:Discordant sounds rip through the air.
All Bard
  • 1P:You whisper beneath your breath the beginnings for [spell name], your incantation a calculation of carefully planned inflections and subtle twists of your hands. As you gesture, your vision bleeds into a melange of sanguine and black, returning to normal with a sharp stabbing feeling that fades as quickly as it arrived...
  • 3P:Whispering beneath his breath, Person begins a calculated attack of inflections and twists of his hands. As he gestures, a skeletal visage of sanguine and black bleeds across his face, fading as quickly as it arrived...
  • Invisible:The subtle sound of whispering is followed by a haze of sanguine and black bleeding across the ground, fading as quickly as it arrived.
All -
  • 1P:You begin to chant [spell name], your voice lowering octaves as it becomes an almost silent hiss. As you bow your head and release your spell, your vision narrows briefly as you blink rapidly and return to normalcy...
  • 3P:Person chants to himself, his voice lowering into an almost silent hiss. As he bows his head, his [eye color] eyes narrow briefly into slits as a pattern of scales skims across his skin, fading into normalcy with a series of rapid blinking...
  • Invisible:A low, guttural hissing escapes from the shadows.
All -
  • 1P:You quietly whisper yourself, listing the ingredients for your ideal version of manna. Counting each necessary component with your fingers, you gesture, filling the air briefly with the mouthwatering scent of baked treats...
  • 3P:As Person whispers to himself, you hear a number of ingredients being listed with a count of outstretched fingers. He gestures, and for a brief moment, the mouthwatering scent of baked treats wafts through the area.
  • Invisible:The faint aroma of baked treats wafts through the air, disappearing quickly.
203 -
  • 1P:As you murmur [spell name] into the air, ghostlike leaves appear and swirl about your form, encompassing your body in a cloak of muted autumn hues. You gesture upwards, causing the foliage to unfurl about you, scattering off into the unknown...
  • 3P:As Person murmurs her spell into the air, ghostlike leaves appear and swirl about her, encompassing her body in a cloak of muted autumn hues. She subtly gestures upwards, causing the foliage to unfurl about her, scattering off into the unknown...
  • Invisible:The soft murmur of words permeates the air, followed by a swirl of ghostlike foliage that dissipates into the unknown.
All Ranger
  • 1P:You focus your concentration into [spell name], kneeling briefly to touch the surface beneath your feet. As you rise, your power culminates within you, unleashing itself in a loud primal scream...
  • 3P:Person takes on a focused appearance as he kneels down briefly, his fist brushing the surface beneath his feet. As he rises, a primal scream escapes through gritted teeth as his eyes narrow in rage...
  • Invisible:A stillness pervades the air before it is pierced with a primal scream!
117 -
  • 1P:You chant solemnly to yourself, the words for [spell name] escaping your lips with a quiet power. As you continue, you feel the heavy weight of the spell's magnitude bind you in place, the feeling only escaping as you end your preparations...
  • 3P:Person chants solemnly to himself, the words of his spell escaping his lips with a quiet power. As he continues, a haze of iron-colored mist begins to wrap itself across his arms and legs, the ethereal chains dissipating with the conclusion of the incantation...
  • Invisible:A quiet sound of chanting is drowned out by the clanking of chains.
All -
  • 1P:You close your eyes and begin the incantation for [spell name], your body still as you concentrate on the beating of your heart. As you continue to whisper your spell, the cadence takes over your being as you open your eyes and unleash a volley of power...
  • 3P:Person closes his [eye color] eyes, his body perfectly still as his begins a series of incantations. As he continues to whisper to himself, the cadence grows louder and he opens his eyes, his body enshrouded in an aura of power...
  • Invisible:A cadence of even-toned words echoes in the area, culminating in a bright flash of light.
All -
  • 1P:With a raised hand, you command the powers to invoke the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:With a raised hand, Person commands the powers to invoke a spell...
All -
  • 1P:You cover your ears and utter the phrase to invoke [spell name]...
  • 3P:Person covers his ears and utters a phrase...
607 -
  • 1P:Your face goes blank before you give a start of realization and prepare the [spell name] spell...
  • 3P:Person's face becomes expressionless, and his eyes fill with realization before preparing a spell...
All -
  • 1P:You close your eyes and sweep your hand forward with splayed fingers, combing elemental essence from the air about you. Then, clenching your hand into a fist, feathers of crimson and sunrise-tinted flames coalesce into an orb that encompasses your hand as you cast [spell name]...
  • 3P:Person closes his eyes and sweeps his hand forward with splayed fingers, combing elemental essence from the air about him. Then, clenching his hand into a fist, feathers of crimson and sunrise-tinted flames coalesce into an orb that encompasses his hand.
  • Invisible:A fist-sized cluster of crimson and sunrise-tinted flames arc through the air, growing until they coalesce into an orb of fire.
518 -
  • 1P:You tense, and sparks of blue-white energy spring to life between your fingers and at the corners of your mouth and eyes. A sharp, mental command sends them racing along your body to gather at your fingertips as you cast [spell name]...
  • 3P:Person tenses, and sparks of blue-white energy spring to life between his fingers and at the corners of his mouth and eyes. A heartbeat later, they race along his body to gather at his fingertips.
  • Invisible:Sparks of blue-white energy spring to life, outlining the hands and face of a humanoid shape.
910 -