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Tales of Wehnimer's Landing (storyline)/2025-01-03 - Enisius' Escort (log)

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Lormesta 3, 5125

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier


This log is purely intended as an archival record of spoken words and actions of characters within the game as could be witnessed by the character or characters who were present to record them. Leafiara's player and the TownCrier hold no position on the veracity, falsity, legitimacy, nor illegitimacy of any character dialogue, opinions, perspectives, interpretations, and stances presented herein.


Various Landing adventurers and allies have a grand time with fun, food, and drink as they wait in the Hendoran outpost (as does Magister Remuliad) for the arrival of the Sun Guard, here to escort Magister Enisius to the Emperor as a matter of investigating whether he was the one who indiscriminately fired "the reiver bolt" at the Ember Vale a year and a half earlier, hitting hostile combatants, captives, Landing adventurers, and Vornavian adventurers alike.

Eventually Dame Falain arrives, along with Jarnsaixa. Falain explains that Enisius' alleged actions have stirred fury; people dispute the allegations and/or the fury. Jarnsaixa relays that the reports state Enisius claimed responsibility and adds that the Emperor has also opened an investigation into the Darkstone Barony, which effectively means an investigation into its baron-to-be, Elidal.

Falain inquires about evidence for the possibility that Enisius did not commit crimes. Various people raise the circumstantial evidence, lack of witnesses, Enisius' (and Elidal's) claim that only people of their bloodline could theoretically have fired it, and Enisius' claim that only he could actually have fired it.

Falain says the Emperor wants the investigation (into the Barony of Darkstone) conducted by means comfortable to Landing citizens and asks their collective aid as a request. Meanwhile, Enisius is brought in and requested to surrender for the investigation, so he'll be escorted to Vornavis before eventual transport to Selanthia. Enisius agrees. Falain says she'll return another time and to consider her request, then brings Enisius away.

Editing Protocol of this Log

  • NPC dialogue, NPC actions, and PC dialogue or actions which NPCs react to are bolded.
  • Actions are edited out unless they come from NPCs, are necessary to understand the context of surrounding dialogue that meets all other criteria, or are within the first three of a PC's responses to an NPC who was directing actions or dialogue toward them.
  • Greetings, farewells, dialogue on OOC ESP channels, and dialogue related to various services including but not limited to healing, resurrection, locksmithing, armor adjustments, and spellups are edited out unless they come from NPCs, are directed toward NPCs, or are necessary to understand the context of surrounding dialogue that meets all other criteria.
  • Dialogue in languages other than Common is presented from the perspective of a character who only knows Common so as not to give preferential treatment to languages which the logging character knows.
  • IC group whispers are excluded so as not to give preferential treatment to the group which the logging character is in.
  • OOC whispers that don't come from NPCs are excluded due to being OOC.
  • Visible whispers are presented from the perspective of a third-party observer.
  • Other dialogue not mentioned above is included.
  • Travel between a starting room and destination room is excluded unless it shows off unique and newly created rooms.
  • Combat is excluded.
  • Rights are reserved to include anything that seems especially amusing, all of the above notwithstanding.


Awaiting Guests

[General] Gutstorm drunkenly thinks, "We got Thunder in town, lock down yoo kids."

[General] Roselyne thinks, "Thunderstorms are the best."

[General] Ephah thinks, "I never liked the rain till I walked thru it with you."

[General] Remuliad thinks, "Good evening."

[General] Ramladu thinks, "Good evening."

[General] Dendum thinks, "Err....which of you is which."

[General] Perigourd thinks, "Fair eve Magister."

[General] Leafiara asks, "Ah, evening. Are the guests due?"

[General] Lithyia thinks, "Is it a good evening? The weather seems quite terrible."

[General] Tabubu thinks, "The weather is always good in the Kraken."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Good eve, Magister."

[General] Roselyne thinks, "Raindrops keep falin on my head."

[General] Lithyia thinks, "So true but I had to travel back to Mule to check the tavern and then I stopped in the Landing to get things from storage."

[Town Square Central] (7120)

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a sharp-nosed golden brown wolf, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the Xaochi disk, the Sylvanya disk, the sparkling Trivious disk, a sleek spotted owl that is flying around, the orange Fizzee disk, a delighted mountain spirit that is flying around, the sparking Eladarmi disk, a trail of aster-wreathed silver hedgehogs leading southwest, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Whimweaver Leafiara, Lady Alreia, Veyion, Korvvin, Dendum, Xaochi, Paragani, Sylvanya who is sitting, Trivious, Fizzee, Great Lady Ephah, Tolida, Eladarmi who is lying down

Dendum says, "The empire comes."

[General] Lithyia thinks, "And the weather unpleasant."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "We have two healers."

Sylvanya softly says, "I am still only just learning.."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, ""We have one and a half healers."

[General] Tabubu thinks, "That will teach you."

Leafiara wryly says, "If it helps, it *probably* won't get horrendously ugly. This time."

Tolida says, "Oh, I'm a healer too. Not a great one, but one."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "Yes...that is what they say."

[General] Remuliad thinks, "I am currently waiting for our guests in the entry way of the outpost. It should not be long now before they arrive."

Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum exclaims, ""We are back to two healers!"

Dendum says, "...and a half."

Leafiara says, "The outpost, eh..."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Aye."

Speaking in Guildspeak, Xaochi says something you don't understand.

Leafiara says, "I suppose it makes sense to investigate the Barony of Darkstone from a different barony's jurisdiction."

Leafiara exclaims, "Onward!"


[Hendoran Outpost, Entry Way] (336321)

Arrow slits ominously line both sides of the wooden entryway leading from the outside to the inside of the Hendoran outpost. Just wide enough to allow a wagon to squeeze through, the hard-packed earthen floor slopes inward guiding absent feet to the center of the space. Overhead three trapdoors punctuate the length of the ceiling between a thick oaken gate on one end and a black iron portcullis on the other. You also see a great white wolf.

Also here: Magister Remuliad

Dendum asks, "Do they draw lines so small?"

Speaking to Dendum, Leafiara admits, "I don't know how they draw them at all."

[General] Tolida thinks, "Leafie, you forgot a couple of your healers, heh."

Leafiara says, "One moment."


[Town Square Central] (7120)

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a delusive will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, a sharp-nosed golden brown wolf, a large acorn, the Xaochi disk, the Sylvanya disk, the sparkling Trivious disk, a sleek spotted owl that is flying around, a delighted mountain spirit that is flying around, the sparking Eladarmi disk, a trail of aster-wreathed silver hedgehogs leading southwest, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Whimweaver Leafiara, Ouendi, Picklemaster Ntinly, Carran, Korvvin, Xaochi, Paragani, Sylvanya who is sitting, Trivious, Great Lady Ephah, Tolida, Eladarmi who is lying down

Leafiara exclaims, "Join up if you want to head to the outpost!"

Ouendi squeakily asks, "Outpost?"

[General] Morandas thinks, "Hee hee."

[General] Leafiara exclaims, "We'll be at the outpost, but came back to grab people!"

Leafiara exclaims, "Onward!"

Ntinly squeakily exclaims, "Tank yas!"


[Hendoran Outpost, Entry Way] (336321)

Arrow slits ominously line both sides of the wooden entryway leading from the outside to the inside of the Hendoran outpost. Just wide enough to allow a wagon to squeeze through, the hard-packed earthen floor slopes inward guiding absent feet to the center of the space. Overhead three trapdoors punctuate the length of the ceiling between a thick oaken gate on one end and a black iron portcullis on the other. You also see the oversized Lithyia saucer of smalt-painted porcelain and a great white wolf.

Also here: Lithyia, Dendum, Magister Remuliad

Leafiara says, "There we are."

Lithyia says, "If not but you'd like to, i have ideas."

Sylvanya softly says, "Two and a half healers."

Remuliad softly says, "No potions of late."

Speaking to Sylvanya, Dendum asks, "You left the good one behind?"

[General] Ouendi asks, "Something going on?"

Sylvanya softly says, "Oh, one and a half. my teacher didnt come."

Dendum says, "Oh well one and a half healers should be enough..."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Ntinly shalted da king, me need her reshted."

Dwi heartily asks, "We razin dis place to da ground?"

Lithyia says, "I hope so."

Speaking squeakily to Gutstorm, Ntinly exclaims, "Dwi tol me ta does it!"

Lithyia says, "Left my torches at home though."

[General] Leafiara thinks, "Some... guards or officials or others are coming to investigate an incident from a year and a half ago."

Speaking to Dwi, Dendum says, ""No...we are...welcoming more of them."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me think we goin to the phenix blue pub fer drinks, Remuliad ish buyin."

Speaking to Dwi, Dendum says, ""Get out the good ale."

[General] Brelani thinks, "That sounds interesting."

Dendum says, "And drink it."

Dendum says, "Because will need it."

[General] Ouendi asks, "Okay.. and why is teh sky flashy?"

Dendum says, "Someone find Bear."

[General] Lithyia thinks, "Because the weather is bad."

[General] Directed to Ouendi, Ntinly exclaims, "Becuase.....FIRE!"

Leafiara says, "He seems to be sleeping or away."

Dwi heartily says, "I aint in charge o' him."

[Drakes] Dremerie exclaims, "Svardin went to bed too soon!!"

[General] Rolfard thinks, "That's bureaucracy hardly at work, getting to tasks over a year later."

Lithyia says, "I'm only here for you...and you."

Speaking squeakily to Dendum, Ntinly says, "Bear went ta beds. He old an sleeps early."

Lithyia points at Leafiara!

Lithyia points at Dendum.

Lithyia says, "That's it."

[General] Carran asks, "Someone peeking me?"

[General] Ramladu thinks, "The rain washes the blood away."

[General] Directed knowingly to Rolfard, Leafiara thinks, "Indeed."

Lithyia says, "Hello Ephah."

[General] Directed to Muiritz, Perigourd thinks, "Fair eve."

Dendum exclaims, "Two and half healers!"

Remuliad softly asks, "Our guests are traveling from Vornavis, so it may take a moment for them to reach us. Perhaps we can find some refreshments in the meantime?"

Dendum says, "We know how they travel."

Dendum says, "The wrong way and slow."

[Dendum leaves to get someone]

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Ye read me mind Remuliad!"

Lithyia says, "I didnt bring a keg."

Lithyia says, "Sorry."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Da bar inside."

Lithyia says, "I charge triple for the empire."

Leafiara says, "Well, there is the Blue Phoenix Pub, yes."

Remuliad softly says, "That sounds like a dreadful task, that I would not wish upon anyone."

Remuliad nods.

[Dendum's back]

Dendum says, "Brought one Ouendi."

Dendum says, "And um..a Burghal."

Ouendi squeakily exclaims, "I'm Ouendi!"

Speaking to Ouendi, Dendum asks, "A burghal?"

Dendum says, "Yes...a burghal."

Speaking squeakily to Ouendi, Ntinly exclaims, "Hiyas!"

Sylvanya brightly asks, "Drinks?"

[General] Nucky thinks, "White Wyrm spotted in teh skies hovering for a pregnant moment."

Speaking in Gnomish to Rivianne, Dendum exclaims something you don't understand.

Speaking squeakily to Dendum, Ouendi says, "That's my Rivi."

Lithyia says, "So many of my favorite Gnomes are here tonight."

Lithyia says, "Warms my blackened heart."

Remuliad softly says, "Join me in the feast hall if you wish."

Speaking squeakily to Dendum, Ntinly says, "I be a burghal."

Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum says, "We can find some greengair if you want least favorite gnomes."

Magister Remuliad just limped through a black iron portcullis.

Lithyia says, "No."

[travel; some confusion over the next little bit as I thought Remuliad had taken Gutstorm's and Leafi's suggestion on the pub and missed that he was going to the feast hall]

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "He gotta bad limp."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi exclaims, "Dumdum dint gits his ale!"

Gutstorm yells, "Dennem! in here!"

Magister Remuliad just limped south.

Leafiara says, "One moment, think a few got left behind."

Sylvanya whispers something to Ephah.

Leafiara mutters, "Where'd he go?"

Leafiara asks, "Did he vanish on us?"

Dendum says, "Join Leafiara."

Ntinly squeakily says, "Uh oh.....we lost da dwarfs."

Ouendi squeakily says, "There is a chance that's not incorrect."

[Locate spell]

[Outpost, Inner Courtyard] (336329)

The thick aroma of grilled fish lingers in the air of the inner courtyard near a separate stone building immediately adjacent to the tower. A covered well is placed in the center of the space and is accompanied by stores for food, such as sacks of oats, and other supplies constructed to hug the inner stone wall's surface. Hendoran auxiliaries come and go carrying food into the keep or bringing back used plates and containers. You also see a great white wolf, a stained wooden training dummy and some archery targets.

Also here: Dwi, The Infamous Gutstorm, Magister Remuliad

Leafiara says, "Oh, they're exploring."

Leafiara says, "For some reason."

Dendum says, "Otherwise we get lost again."

Speaking squeakily to Leafiara, Ntinly says, "Prolly lookin fer da bar."

Lithyia says, "The Magister tricked us."

Lithyia says, "You cant trust those folks."

Dendum exclaims, "This is just a tour of empire fort!"

[Hendoran Outpost, Feast Hall] (336332)

A number of tables and chairs are set against the walls of the hall, waiting the next meal or well attended meeting. At the end of the hallway is a wide stairwell with two Imperial soldiers standing sentry at its base. Hendoran military banners decorate the stone walls along with flags of defeated enemies, a ragged Nalfein banner among them. You also see a great white wolf.

Also here: Dwi, The Infamous Gutstorm, Magister Remuliad

Leafiara says, "There they are."

Lithyia says, "Ah there he is."

Ouendi squeakily asks, "Was this always here?"

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "The chair not big nuff for me toosh."

Speaking squeakily to Lithyia, Ntinly says, "I dun trust no ones ain gots no knees."

Speaking to Ouendi, Dendum says, "Has been for years."

Lithyia says, "He's fast for a fellow who limps."

Speaking to Ouendi, Dendum says, "But not always."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dere a war room, me like to scribble me thots on da board."

Remuliad softly asks, "Did anyone bring refreshments?"

Gutstorm offers Remuliad a wide mug of Gorge Grog.

Speaking squeakily to Remuliad, Ouendi says, "I'm a Pastrymancer."

Remuliad accepts Gutstorm's Gorge Grog.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Got nuff for me."

Sylvanya softly says, "There are some refreshing faces."

Dwi offers Remuliad a flagon of Searswathe ale.

Lithyia whispers to the group, "I've given more than enough to the empire, I'm not giving them free food and drink."

Leafiara admits, "I seem to have not brought anything tonight."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Dendum says, "It is said the magistar of supplies comes."

Dwi offers Leafiara a flagon of Searswathe ale.

Remuliad takes a drink from his Gorge Grog.

Remuliad looks rather relaxed.

Leafiara accepts Dwi's Searswathe ale.

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Lasht time me ate here dere was a spread, Larsya gittin cheap on us?"

Speaking to Dwi, Leafiara exclaims, "Thanks!"

Lithyia whispers to the group, "They can pay triple or they can starve."

Ntinly whispers to the group, "Tis da empire should be buyin US drinks!"

Remuliad drops his jaw in utter shock and his eyes bulge.

Remuliad softly says, "That is strong... rum."

Remuliad coughs.

Dwi offers Lithyia a flagon of Searswathe ale.

Lithyia asks, "Or you are just of weak constitution?"

Lithyia accepts Dwi's Searswathe ale.

Lithyia says, "Thank you Dwi."

Speaking drunkenly to Remuliad, Gutstorm says, "Yoo a honorary Groggslammer now."

Remuliad takes a drink from his Gorge Grog.

Dendum whispers to the group, "Maybe they kill less people if they lions..."

Speaking squeakily to Remuliad, Ouendi says, "If you need a sweet or a baked good, chances are I can conjure it."

Speaking heartily to Remuliad, Dwi says, "Dat stuff stunkt yer growf."

Dwi offers Tolida a flagon of Searswathe ale.

Lithyia asks, "Do Magisters not drink regularly?"

Tolida accepts Dwi's Searswathe ale.

Speaking squeakily to Remuliad, Ntinly exclaims, "An pickles! She kin makes GOOD pickles!"

Tolida says, "Ah, thank you."

Lithyia asks, "Is this why you cannot handle your liquor?"

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dwi, me check me mail tooday."

Lithyia peers quizzically at Remuliad.

Remuliad peers quizzically at Lithyia.

Lithyia says, "Your eyes sir were bulging before."

In a pleading whisper to Zelia, Ouendi prays for magical guidance as she prepares her spell.

Lithyia says, "It was... something."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "Ye done usin it assa extry locker?"

There is a bright flash and a miniature pure milk chocolate egg appears in the air, then falls into Ouendi's right hand.

Ouendi offers Dendum a miniature pure milk chocolate egg.

Sylvanya softly pouts, "No coffee or cocoa?"

Dendum accepts Ouendi's chocolate egg.

Dendum blinks at his egg.

Lithyia nods at Dendum.

Lithyia says, "Egg."

Speaking to Ouendi, Dendum asks, "The moon sends...chocolate?"

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Stigs musta send me hunnered rushted forks and spoons, me tole him doorknobs!"

Ephah says, "I have some, but I have other drinks also, adult drinks even."

Speaking squeakily to Dendum, Ouendi says, "I am an endless font of many chocolates."

Lithyia says, "I like chocolate."

Ouendi squeakily says, "A conduit of the bounty of the Moons."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Ye shoulnt tellim dat...he'll take offa doors in town."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Our friend Lil Bheni, she bake da besht brownie, dey got gooey shenner."

Speaking to himself, Dendum says, "Blessing upon blessings."

In a pleading whisper to Zelia, Ouendi prays for magical guidance as she prepares her spell.

Lithyia asks, "Ntinly, how ya been?"

There is a bright flash and a thick fudge brownie filled with pieces of walnut appears in the air, then falls into Ouendi's right hand.

Ouendi offers Gutstorm a thick fudge brownie filled with pieces of walnut.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dat look like a Brokk brownie."

Gutstorm accepts Ouendi's thick fudge brownie.

Speaking squeakily to Lithyia, Ntinly says, "I been good! Jes restin a bits back home in da Rest."

Speaking playfully to Ephah, Sylvanya says, "Ill take an adult drink then."

Lithyia exclaims, "Good to hear!"

Speaking to Sylvanya, Ephah asks, "You want something to drink? or eat?"

Lithyia says, "I've been spending time on Kraken's FAlls."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Brokk's's gotta kick."

Speaking drunkenly to his thick fudge brownie, Gutstorm asks, "Brokk share recipe wit Wendy?"

Lithyia says, "I steal Yardie's food."

Lithyia says, "Leave eggs in his house."

Speaking squeakily to Lithyia, Ntinly exclaims, "Is fun out in da Atoll!"

Lithyia exclaims, "It is!"

Lithyia says, "I like it there very much."

Lithyia says, "It's my home away from home."

Ouendi squeakily says, "I am a collector of knowledge of all sweet."

Speaking squeakily to Lithyia, Ntinly says, "I been splittin time atween sailin, da Hive, an Hinterwilds lately."

Lithyia says, "Hinterwilds... good boar for cooking up there."

Lithyia says, "Dont eat the cannibals though."

Speaking to Ntinly, Dendum says, "Ahh good places many challenges...lots of bacon."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me like yoo brownie, Wendy, Brokk tent to leaf him finner shmoodges in dem."

Lithyia says, "They are too gamey."

Speaking squeakily to Lithyia, Ntinly says, "I usually too worried bout stayin warm ta cook up recipes though."

Lithyia says, "Understandable."

Lithyia quietly says, "To each their own."

Ouendi squeakily exclaims, "I'm gonna go murd.. er.. educate the lawless in Vipershroud!"

Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum says, "Oi."

Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum says, "Oi...Lithyia."

Lithyia asks, "Yes?"

Speaking drunkenly to Ouendi, Gutstorm says, "Pashtafustishm will bring peace to yoo soul."

Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum asks, "What does Kroderine Soul and maker of imperial titles have in common?"

Lithyia asks, "What?"

Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum says, ""Neither can spell."

Gutstorm drunkenly admits, "Startin firesh ish fun too doh."

Lithyia says, "So there I was the other day, standing in Yardie's kitchen."

Lithyia says, "And there was some fresh brown sugar in the cabinet."

Lithyia asks, "You know what I did?"

Lithyia exclaims, "I licked mah finger and drew a smiley face in it!"

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Yoo datin Yappie?"

Remuliad takes a drink from his Gorge Grog.

Remuliad looks rather relaxed.

Lithyia exclaims, "No I'm not datin Yappie!"

Ephah says, "Food on the table everyone."

Remuliad softly says, "It's like a sucker punch to the gut."

Leafiara asks, "You're both happy in your status?"

Remuliad glances at Gutstorm.

Speaking heartily to Lithyia, Dwi asks, "Wanna borrow some ants...fer next time?"

Lithyia says, "Ooo cookies."

Lithyia says, "But it gets better."

Lithyia says, "I blamed it on Glugor."

Lithyia says, "Glugor took the fall."

Dwi heartily asks, "Is dat why winter started rite affer summer?"

Dendum asks, "Ouendi leave?"

Lithyia says, "Went to hunt."

Speaking squeakily to Dwi, Ntinly says, "Wait....tis winter?"

Dendum says, "That one must get some more patience to be leader...."

Dendum says, "Or maybe not..."

Dendum says, "Is hard to tell with Matriarchs."

Remuliad softly says, "I am quite nervous to meet one of the Sun Guard. They do not usually leave Selanthia unless it is of grave concern to the throne."

Dendum says, "One day it is sit and day it is go go go...."

Remuliad takes a drink from his Gorge Grog.

Remuliad looks rather relaxed.

Dendum says, "Pffft."

Speaking heartily to Ntinly, Dwi says, "Ah...dat's why ye dont lissen."

Remuliad glances at Dendum.

Dendum says, "Sun Guard....pompous rolton arses."

Remuliad softly asks, "Did you just spit on yourself?"

Speaking to Ntinly, Ephah says, "I love your earmuffs."

Remuliad softly says, "Hold still, I will clean it off..."

Remuliad's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...

Speaking to Gutstorm, Dendum asks, "Wasn't it sun guard who kicks us out of picnic?"

Remuliad gestures at Dendum.

Water sprays forth and scours Dendum clean!

A large splash of water drenches Dendum from head to toe!

Speaking squeakily to Ephah, Ntinly exclaims, "Tank yas! Dey nice an warm!"

Damp trickles of water drip from the ends of Dendum's hair.

Dendum says, "Ahh good we can be clean for pompous rolton arses."

Remuliad hiccups!

Lithyia quietly says, "Someone needs to do that to Trallihn."

Dwi heartily exclaims, "Issit Dendum's baff nite?!"

Speaking to Ntinly, Ephah says, "Oh i bet, they are cute."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Da lash Sun guard me met hadda crush on me, her name Jarnsaixa."

Lithyia says, "Guts.."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Dendum says, "That was the one."

Lithyia says, "Everyone has a crush on you."

Remuliad takes a drink from his Gorge Grog.

Dwi heartily exclaims, "I want in onna dis!"

Speaking to Gutstorm, Dendum says, "She failed way up to city guard....not sure if that is promotion or..."

Remuliad takes a drink from his Gorge Grog.

Remuliad looks rather relaxed.

Lithyia says, "It's the bunny slippers Guts."

Remuliad softly says, "That was quite a... refreshment."

Remuliad softly asks, "Perhaps something a bit more mild?"

Remuliad glances at Gutstorm.

Lithyia says, "Gutstorm, give the magister some water."

Remuliad gazes thoughtfully at a rough oak table.

Speaking drunkenly to Dendum, Gutstorm says, "She kicked yoo outta picnic cuz yoo not convincing asha me."

Remuliad softly asks, "How many kinds of rum do you have?"

Remuliad stares at a rough oak table.

Lithyia says, "Sandfire liquor...sounds refreshing."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "I dare ye."

Remuliad pours himself a mug of chocolate-laced coffee.

Lithyia says, "Do it."

Lithyia asks, "Coffee?"

Remuliad nods once.

Lithyia says, "I knew it... weak constitution."

Remuliad takes a drink from his chocolate-laced coffee.

A bit of foam clings to his upper lip.

Lithyia says, "Got a bit of foam on your lip there."

Lithyia points at Remuliad.

Remuliad softly asks, "Are you concerned for my health?"

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me not shootin da mashishter."

Lithyia asks, "What if i am?"

Lithyia glances at Remuliad.

Lithyia wiggles her eyebrows at Remuliad.

Lithyia shudders.

Lithyia says, "Okay no, I cannot keep that up."

Lithyia shudders.

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "We rentin a wagon?"

Speaking squeakily to Dwi, Ntinly says, "Mebbe we needs a shovel."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me know a good rum, we keep in da HQ."

Lithyia asks, "To bury a body with?"

Speaking surreptitiously to Remuliad, Leafiara asks, " they know we're in the feast hall?" [quite a bit of time had passed]

Leafiara asks, "Or are they expecting you at the entrance?"

Leafiara chuckles.

Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, "You have traveled with them before."

Remuliad takes a drink from his chocolate-laced coffee.

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Dwi asks, "I thought we was haffin supper? Der's a hub bub brewin?"

Gutstorm offers Remuliad some bubbling Eldreth death-rum.

Remuliad glances at Gutstorm.

Remuliad declines Gutstorm's offer.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dis da goot rum."

Remuliad softly says, "I know what that is."

Remuliad takes a drink from his chocolate-laced coffee.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Oh wait."

Gutstorm carefully places some bubbling Eldreth death-rum on the floor.

Gutstorm removes a flagon of Ice Drake rum from in his traveller's cloak.

Gutstorm offers Remuliad a flagon of Ice Drake rum.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Here we go."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Rock make dis, Svardin approof."

Remuliad stares at Gutstorm.

Lithyia exclaims, "SVardin...that maniac!"

Remuliad softly says, "I will stay with my coffee for now."

Gutstorm grunts in understanding.

Remuliad takes a drink from his chocolate-laced coffee.

Remuliad declines Gutstorm's offer.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "We need to tuffen ye up, Dwi drop him out da window next time."

(OOC) Lithyia's player whispers to the group, "It's like we're the clown car that pulled up."

Speaking slowly to Gutstorm, Tolida asks, "How do you.. umm.. how do you drink all the time without many side effects?"

(OOC) Leafiara's player whisper to the group, "Lol."

Lithyia asks, "You... you think he has no side effects?"

Speaking to Tolida, Dendum exclaims, "You think there are not side effects?!"

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Imma doin an essperimint."

Remuliad takes a drink from his chocolate-laced coffee.

Speaking drunkenly to Tolida, Gutstorm says, "Oh, deathrum, hasha kick."

Tolida says, "Well, he's not dead."

Speaking to Tolida, Dendum exclaims, ""Once lost a leg to side effect!"

Lithyia says, "There is that."

Leafiara explains, "Also, Gutstorm is a mystery of the universe, much like Owly. It's why he's so insistent on eating Owly one day, because it must be known who can consume more."

Dwi heartily exclaims, "We'll find ye!"

Speaking squeakily to Gutstorm, Ntinly says, "Ma tater grew a likin to da death-rum."

Dendum exclaims, "Oh sure Gutstrom doesn't show side effects...but everything around catching on fire...this is side effect!"

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me want to consume him power."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "He probably thinks the same about you sometimes."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Be ready to form da search party.."

Dendum says, "Entire wagons go missing...this is side effect."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Grab onta yoo socks afore ye drink dat Dwi."

Lithyia says, "They might still be in Solhaven, announcing everyones titles."

Lithyia says, "We might be here awhile."

Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum says, "They are debating who should walk in front of who."

Dwi heartily says, "My socks is lucky."

Lithyia asks, "LUcky socks you say?"

Tolida takes a drink from her Eldreth death-rum.

Her face flushes, and her eyes water.

Tolida falls to the ground with a "thud". She doesn't appear to be moving.

Tolida says she wants to be just like you.

Lithyia glances at Tolida.

Lithyia says, "Oh goodness."

Tolida suddenly confesses that she really does love halflings.

Gutstorm grunts at Tolida bashfully, averting his eyes.

Leafiara says, "Caravans involved with the Barony of Darkstone *do* get set on fire shockingly often. Definitely possible a poor fate has befallen them."

Dwi heartily says, "Dont we all."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dems da side fects."

Tolida says, "Well."

Tolida says, "That was something."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Ye told everyone ye luff me."

Lithyia says, "You need more practice."

Lithyia says, "Drink more."

Leafiara exclaims, "Lightweights!"

Leafiara is admiring Tolida.

Leafiara adds, "Metaphorically and literally."

Speaking to Dwi, Tolida says, "Do you uh, need this back? I imagine this is expensive."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Drink not want not."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me will take."

Speaking to Ephah, Dendum says, "" there we were...just talking and having fine time looking for missing Burghal."

Speaking to Ephah, Dendum says, ""The Gutstorm stumbles and blows off leg..."

Speaking squeakily to Dendum, Ntinly says, "But I ain missin."

Speaking to Ephah, Dendum says, "Then have to keep looking for burghal with ONE leg."

Ntinly squeakily says, "I gots both ma legs, thankfully."

Remuliad softly says, "It is likely nearing the time for our guests to arrive. We should go greet them near the gate."

Remuliad nods once.

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Leadi, get Dwi?"

Leafiara exclaims, "Alright then!"

Lithyia says, "I know Guts."

Tolida says, "Everyone, look normal."

Lithyia says, "I love you too."

Leafiara says, "Let's see if we can drag drunk Guts."

Remuliad glances at a rough oak table.

Speaking squeakily to Dwi, Ntinly exclaims, "Do somethin wif yer brother!"

Leafiara exclaims, "Onward!"

Remuliad softly asks, "Did someone need to collect their table?"

Leafiara says, "Oh, right."

Leafiara asks, "Who set that up?" [it was set up when Leafi wasn't in the room]

Magister Remuliad just limped out.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Not mine."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Da table told me it blong to Ephah."

Tinkering with some of the mechanisms on the side of the table, Ephah causes the table to fold in on itself, transforming it into a round river reed basket.

Ephah picks the basket up.

Leafiara says, "There we go."

Leafiara exclaims, "Onward!"


Gutstorm drunkenly says, "It one dem shmart tables."

Ephah says, "Thank you."

[Lower Dragonsclaw, Grasslands] (9023)

Growing among the warm grasses are a few scattered trees. It is hard to tell if the forest you can see to the west is encroaching upon the grasslands or if it is slowly being harvested and replaced for grazing. You also see a rolton that appears dead, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, a lazy wild silver-grey dog, a black-tipped orange caraval, a lonely sunburst spirit that is flying around, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around and a large stone outpost.

Dendum says, "Now remember."

Leafiara says, "Huh."

Leafiara asks, "Did they already head inside?" [due to seeing all the animals]

[looking around outside]

Leafiara says, "Guess so."


Investigation of Enisius

[Outpost, Outer Courtyard] (336323)

Four raised garden beds fill the courtyard with a wide crushed gravel path passing through vegetable staples to the Hendoran stables. The whinnying and neighing of horses continually fill the air and accompany the sounds of uniformed auxiliaries moving about the gardens and in and out of storage sheds built along the wall. Periodically, mounted Hendorans ride their horses southward to the main entrance of the outpost, while others return from the same direction and disappear into the stables. You also see a great white wolf, the Oxhammer disk, the hammered silver Meliyara disk and a tall stone rotunda.

Also here: Magister Remuliad, Tikba, Brother-in-arms Alosaka, Brother-in-arms Oxhammer, Hospitaller Yukito, Conquerer of Reim Meliyara, Dame Falain, Conquerer of Reim Saesyra, Jarnsaixa, Land Pirate Maylan, Lord Kothos, Bathcwyn Missoni, Sister-in-arms Mourdeyan, Bakarus, Nalira, Perigourd, Sir Cryheart, Magister Raelee, Emissary Thrassus, Riend, Sir Geijon, Sir Guarrin

Gutstorm, Dendum, Ntinly, Sylvanya, Tolida, Ephah, Lithyia and Dwi followed.

Dendum asks, "Try cell?"

Leafiara says, "Oh, there they are."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me like how da mashishter ennertain us by ply ush wit drink, dat way when da utter mashishter show up, she kin trick us inta sumpin."

Speaking to Raelee, Falain says, "Matters like this are always accompanied by a flurry of parchment."

Remuliad softly says, "Please join us in the feast hall, and dry yourselves."

Speaking drunkenly to Jarnsaixa, Gutstorm says, "Me knew ye'd return to me."

Maylan exclaims, "Oh food!"

Magister Remuliad just limped south.


Speaking to Gutstorm, Jarnsaixa says, "I'm suddenly reminded of why I try to stay south of the Lower Dragonclaw."

[Hendoran Outpost, Feast Hall] (336332)

A number of tables and chairs are set against the walls of the hall, waiting the next meal or well attended meeting. At the end of the hallway is a wide stairwell with two Imperial soldiers standing sentry at its base. Hendoran military banners decorate the stone walls along with flags of defeated enemies, a ragged Nalfein banner among them. You also see the hammered silver Meliyara disk and the Oxhammer disk.

Maylan confusedly asks, "Whare's the food?" [despite being the feast hall, there's no food on the table]

Magister Remuliad just limped in.

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dis room look....familiar."

Dendum whispers to the group, "Should have left table."

Speaking to Ephah, Leafiara says, "I guess we need your table again."

Speaking to Raelee, Falain says, "Whatever else he may have done, Enisius is a trained magister. I do not doubt he will heed the call of the Sun Throne without protest."

Remuliad softly says, "Yes. I would hope so."

Remuliad nods at Gutstorm.

Speaking suspiciously to Maylan, Meliyara asks, "Did you eat it already?"

Speaking to Falain, Raelee states, "He will not protest."

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan says, "Woman, it's a feast hall. It's impolite not to feast in a feast hall."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Leafi, didja get ush losht like a ranger? we back where we started."

Speaking wryly to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "Something like that."

Tikba mildly says, "As I recall, Sablo said some such thing when he was ordered to apprehend Octaven."

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara says, "It is also impolite to feast in the feast hall before the rest of your feast guests have arrived."

Speaking carefully to Falain, Raelee says, "... it is also likely he is covering for... someone, and is quite resolved to do so. Thus, he will not protest."

Tikba says, "She did not protest."

Speaking to Maylan, Oxhammer says, "Otherwise its just a hall."

Remuliad softly says, "I see Magister Odelgarde did not make the journey."

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan says, "Lucky for me, I'm not expecting any guests. HARR."

Remuliad softly says, "I hope she is well."

Speaking to Raelee, Falain says, "Should that be the case, the truth will out."

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara asks, "What would you call the rest of us then, hmm?"

Leafiara suggests, "Get a mentalist to investigate his thoughts and the truth will come out indeed."

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan says, "Someone else's guests."

Speaking to Falain, Perigourd says, "One does hope so."

Remuliad gets a blank look on his face.

Speaking to Raelee, Falain says, "A magister's first duty is to the Empire, and his Emperor commands his unabashed honesty."

Speaking to Remuliad, Raelee says, "I am preparing some papers to send her, if there is anything you need to include."

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara says, "...fair. But it was still rude not to save some for the rest of us."

Speaking evenly to Falain, Raelee says, "Of course it is."

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan asks, "You want I should cough some of it back up?"

Alosaka says, "Magisters are renowned for their honesty."

Speaking to Remuliad, Guarrin says, "I am certain she is."

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara says, "Please do not."

Jarnsaixa says, "Ensisius will be well protected and housed at Vornavis before the trek to Selanthia."

Falain glances around the chamber, eyes lingering briefly on windows and doors.

Speaking to Gutstorm, Maylan blurts, "Thanks mister!"

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Thadston no here, no need to look out da window."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Maylan says, "Been a long time since I've seen that fella."

[General] Brelani asks, "Is Rivers Rest worth visiting?"

[General] Ayvain exclaims, "RR is lovely!"

[General] Liversta thinks, "Depends on what you are looking for, it's really wet there."

[General] Ntinly exclaims, "River's Rest is da bestest! Dats ma home!"

Speaking to Falain, Jarnsaixa asks, "I believe a proper investigation will be started. At the moment, the person who has admitted their guilt is the one that is being collected. Or do I have that wrong, Dame Falain?"

[General] Ephah exclaims, "Love RR!"

[General] Ouendi exclaims, "Restock your shop, Tinny!"

[General] Ayvain thinks, "There's pickles, and krolvins, and swordsmen."

Falain nods at Jarnsaixa.

[General] Dremerie exclaims, "RR needs bigger critters!"

[General] Brelani thinks, "Well, looks like its time for a trip to RR."

Speaking squeakily to Gutstorm, Ntinly asks, "Ya fessed up, did yas?"

[General] Ayvain thinks, "I think the best part of RR is the catapault."

Speaking drunkenly to Ntinly, Gutstorm says, "Dey will never git me."

Tikba carefully asks, "Is Enisius being taken to Selanthia before the investigation?"

Leafiara says, "Did he claim guilt or simply refuse to deny a charge? These are different things."

Speaking squeakily to Gutstorm, Ntinly says, "Oh, I thought ya wanted Jarnsaixa ta gets ya."

[General] Geovekn thinks, "And its just a crysatal amulet away from the Landing."

Speaking thoughtfully to Leafiara, Tikba says, "As I recall, he claimed he fired the obelisk."

Blades says, "Oh a knight."

Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd asks, "Did he or did he simply not contest it?"

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm says, "Close yoo pockets, dat elf ish ere."

Speaking to Tikba, Falain says, "He is to be retained by the Empire, and not only for our prerogative to investigate. It is also a matter of his safety."

Blades says, "I need to sit down."

Speaking to Perigourd, Tikba says, "As I recall, the first."

[General] Harlun asks, "What are you visiting for?"

[General] Ayvain thinks, "Assuming you have access to four winds, at least."

Leafiara says, "Interesting. I only recall Sablo being frustrated that Enisius stopped short of a confession."

[General] Brelani thinks, "Rivers Rest, here I come."

Tikba shrugs her shoulders slightly, lifting her wings slightly.

Leafiara says, "During the interrogation process." [OOC note: I've thought about it some more while editing this log and I believe Enisius did claim to have done it... to PCs, privately. This was after Sablo and Elidal had both expressed that Enisius stopped short of a confession, which is why Leafi and Perigourd are challenging the idea that Enisius confessed. That said, I didn't attend the KST night when Elidal laid out Enisius' punishment of teaching magic to the orphans, so it's entirely possible that by then Enisius had (falsely) confessed and Elidal was aware of it.]

Tikba says, "It was some time ago."

Falain says, "His alleged acts have stirred a great deal of fury, as one would expect."

[General] Thandor asks, "Do you still have to put the crystal amulet in the boot to get there?"

Speaking to Blades, Bakarus asks, "Comfortable?"

Geijon says, "Lorminstra has been forgiving. Perhaps not th' people."

Speaking squeakily to Falain, Ntinly says, "But does ya has any proof to support dese alleged acts?"

Tikba evenly says, "Indeed? Many of us were quite grateful for his assistance in protecting the Landing."

[General] Liversta thinks, "That's the only way I know of to get there unless to take a boat."

Dwi quietly says, "I'll find ye...."

The voice of Dwi heartily says, "Luck all."

[General] Ayvain thinks, "There's the boot, the boat, the ocean, chronomages."

Leafiara says, "The fury is misdirected if the fury is going in Enisius' direction, so then hopefully you're correct that the truth shall come out."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Bye Dwi."

Speaking to Falain, Thrassus says, "The blood cult reiver faction that the acts were aimed at has been effectively scattered and destroyed."

Speaking to Falain, Raelee asks, "... are the hostile inhabitants of the Ember Vale factored into this?"

Speaking to Ntinly, Meliyara asks, "He confessed, did he not?"

Bakarus whispers something to Blades.

Speaking to Raelee, Alosaka says, "I assume they're the furious ones."

Speaking to Alosaka, Raelee says, "They are largely dead."

Speaking squeakily to Meliyara, Ntinly says, "I thought dey said he stopped short a confessin."

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "I escorted quite a few out under the rays of the obelisk."

Speaking to Raelee, Alosaka says, "Perhaps their ghosts, then."

Speaking to Meliyara, Missoni says, "He did not...not confess."

Bakarus asks, "The blood cult were...followers of Arachne, or is this different?"

Speaking to Perigourd, Raelee asks, "The hostile ones?"

Leafiara says, "The outrage was over Landing defenders, knights of Vornavis, captives in the process of being rescued, and others being fired upon, not most of the Ember Vale inhabitants."

Leafiara adds, "And the outrage was over Elidal's lack of oversight or adequate guard to have stopped the incident."

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "The ones that were misled."

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "The ones poisoned by Tyeid were too far gone."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Yeah! wot Leafi say."

Dendum says, "And for bringing giant stupid death thing out to begin with."

Speaking to Tikba, Jarnsaixa says, "The reports that I have state that he will be brought to Selanthia."

Ntinly squeakily says, "I dun trust dat Elidal fella."

Speaking to Leafiara, Jarnsaixa says, "The reports I have state that he claimed responsibility."

Speaking to Raelee, Falain says, "The magister's surrender is merely the first step of this investigation."

Speaking to Falain, Raelee says, "I expect he will not protest."

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "To my knowledge the survivors of the clan reintegrated with those atop Luinne Bheinn."

'Tikba wryly says, "I had no complaints for the use of the obelisk. The management of the obelisk, perhaps."

Falain says, "I will be remaining in the region to help coordinate the search for the truth."

Remuliad frowns.

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Leafiara says, "I see. He continues to protect another, then. So be it, but, regardless, even given that story, the fault also lies with Elidal."

Tikba says, "But as Leafiara says, that did not fall to Enisius."

Maylan asks, "Is there to be another Quizzining then?"

Remuliad softly says, "I hope that the investigation will reveal all that is needed."

Speaking suspiciously to Maylan, Meliyara asks, "Is that a part of the Quizzining?"

Speaking pedantically to Maylan, Raelee corrects, "Inquisition."

Falain says, "But my participation will need to wait until after he is safely quartered."

Speaking drunkenly to Falain, Gutstorm says, "From my sperience, talkin to bartenner, besht way to learn troofs."

Speaking to Raelee, Maylan says, "That's not quite how it's pronounced, but close enough."

Jarnsaixa says, "I am certain that it has been mentioned as far as Wehnimer's Landing that the Emperor has also opened an investigation into the methods of the Darkstone Barony."

Speaking dubiously to Maylan, Meliyara accuses, "Are you a Quizzinator?"

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan says, "I have no idea how such things work."

Jarnsaixa says, "By trait and right, that means its to be baron."

Leafiara pleasantly says, "Oh, yes, I've created an initial report on that front in the event that it aid the investigation."

Tikba politely says, "I am sure we are all grateful for the Emperor's benevolent attention."

[General] Mairanu thinks, "Don't forget getting lost in the astral plane somehow."

Tikba mildly says, "Elidal's methods are certainly worth investigation."

Speaking drunkenly to Mourdeyan, Gutstorm says, "Axe him."

Falain put a gilt-trimmed pale crystal falchion with a faceted sunstone set in the crossguard in her ebony scabbard.

Speaking skeptically to Maylan, Meliyara says, "That sounds like something a Quizzinator would claim."

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan says, "Well that's a true. They are tricksy folk."

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara says, "So you admit it."

Speaking to Tikba, Jarnsaixa says, "I do not think it will be as exciting as your tone implies."

Speaking drunkenly to Blades, Gutstorm asks, "Truce?"

Jarnsaixa smiles evenly at Tikba.

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan says, "I spose I could be one but not know it."

Tikba glances inquiringly at Jarnsaixa.

Leafiara raises an eyebrow.

Falain speaks to an attendant, who looks to be trying to hold his composure. As soon as she is done speaking with the lad, he rushes off.

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara asks, "How would you know whether or not you know it?"

Remuliad removes a crown-motif gold signet ring adorned with a wrought ram's head from in his azure cloak.

Leafiara contends, "It doesn't need to be exciting. It needs to accomplish its goal."

Leafiara chuckles.

Remuliad slides a crown-motif gold signet ring adorned with a wrought ram's head onto his finger.

Tikba politely says, "Surely that cannot be known until the investigation is carried out."

Jarnsaixa nods at Leafiara.

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan says, "I could conduct a Quizzening to find the answer to that."

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara says, "I thought you were already doing so."

Speaking to Remuliad, Raelee whispers aloud, "Are you and I required here?"

Speaking confusedly to Meliyara, Maylan says, "I spose I am one then."

Falain says, "Several of you have alluded to the possibility that Enisius did not commit the crimes that have earned him such an epithet."

Falain asks, "Have you evidence to support that claim?"

Speaking to Falain, Perigourd says, "There is much circumstantial evidence to point to it."

Lithyia says, "Leafiara has a list."

Leafiara says, "Define evidence--as Perigourd is implying."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Leafi check it twice?"

Speaking triumphantly to Maylan, Meliyara says, "This confession will stand. You must now take yourself into custody to await sentencing."

Alosaka says, "I think it might be more the case that Enisius acted under severe duress, in exceptional circumstances."

Tikba evenly says, "I am happy to take the man at his word."

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan exclaims, "Fair enough!"

Remuliad looks thoughtfully at Meliyara.

Falain frowns, the expression disturbing the trained neutrality of her face.

Geijon says, "Intent and choice are important if so."

Speaking to Falain, Perigourd says, "There were no witnesses to it except perhaps amongst the Dhenin's, so beyond a doubt, I couldn't say."

Jarnsaixa says, "If he is innocent, then he will be returned to his duties."

Jarnsaixa shrugs.

Speaking to Falain, Dendum informs, "The magistar bound the weapon to blood...and while a magistar's ties to emperor may be unquestionable....a son's bindings to father and a twin to a twin are also strong."

Leafiara says, "There is no evidence that he fired it because nobody but him knows how it operates, so it's likewise difficult to provide evidence that anyone else fired it."

Mourdeyan says, "Easy peasy."

Tikba thoughtfully asks, "If he is not innocent, would he be replaced with another Magister?"

Remuliad whispers something to Raelee.

Jarnsaixa asks, "There appear to be plenty of Magisters already in attendence here. Do you require more?"

Missoni offers, "We do know it requires Dhenin blood to operate, and there are only a few locally who share that bloodline."

Jarnsaixa peers quizzically at Tikba.

Tikba gazes in amusement at Jarnsaixa.

Mourdeyan says, "Then if he is the only one knows how, and it was fired, it stands to reason, but is not being taken for granted, hence the investigation."

Speaking drunkenly to Raelee, Gutstorm asks, "Ish he yoo brudder?"

Leafiara adds, "Actually, I would say that if Enisius fired it, it should have substanatially more difficult to take him into custody."

Tikba amusedly says, "I feel we have enough, but I felt that before Enisius arrived."

Speaking evenly to Tikba, Raelee says, "... let us not angle to make my assignment here even more permanent."

Speaking to Nalira, Jarnsaixa asks, "Do you know anything of this matter?"

Dendum says, "Don't forget the two we have in in jail and one in shortage of magistars."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Nalira says, "No, Vistix."

Jarnsaixa raises an eyebrow in Nalira's direction.

Jarnsaixa says, "Vistix? I'm not familiar with that name."

Speaking to Mourdeyan, Leafiara says, "This is a fair point, so I'll amend my statement: according to Enisius, only he knows how to operate it. But, of course, he's the very one in question, so he can't necessarily be trusted."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Perigourd says, "A title of authority."

Jarnsaixa says, "Ah."

Speaking to himself, Dendum says, "And the undead one we have below the town."

Maylan says, "I met a Vistix once."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Nalira says, "I am just learning the ways of the north, here."

Speaking to Maylan, Alosaka asks, "Is that, like, a female Vister?"

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara says, "And his wife."

Jarnsaixa nods at Nalira.

Remuliad nods respectfully at Raelee.

Speaking to Alosaka, Maylan says, "He was a fella."

Speaking to Nalira, Jarnsaixa says, "Stay warm and dry is the bigest one."

Maylan exclaims, "Yarp!"

Speaking amusedly to Raelee, Tikba says, "I hope your stay in the Landing lasts only as long as you desire it to."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Nalira says, "I am trying hard to do both."

Nalira smiles at Jarnsaixa.

Speaking wryly to Tikba, Leafiara says, "She would have been gone ages ago in that case."

Jarnsaixa smiles.

Speaking dryly to Leafiara, Raelee says, "... indeed."

Jarnsaixa says, "I hear there is a stew here worth trying, though I've not partaken myself."

Lithyia asks, "Helga's?"

Tikba politely agrees, "There is a stew."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Nalira asks, "A stew?"

Lithyia says, "Aye, eat a few bowls of it."

Jarnsaixa nods at Nalira.

Jarnsaixa says, "So I have been told."

Jarnsaixa asks, "Is this not the truth?"

Speaking drunkenly to Jarnsaixa, Gutstorm asks, "Ye talkin bout Helga's stew?"

Speaking in Giantman to Jarnsaixa, Guarrin says something you don't understand.

Thrassus says, "I'd suggest not trying that stew."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Kothos says, "You have been talking to Sir Goldstr."

Cryheart says, "Beware of Helga's stew."

Jarnsaixa asks, "Yes?"

Sylvanya softly says, "I hear theres a tavern in icemule with some good..stew."

Jarnsaixa says, "Oh."

Jarnsaixa nods at Guarrin.

Geijon says, "Raging Thrak's always had passable food."

Speaking softly to Jarnsaixa, Remuliad says, "Don't let the kobolds trick you into trying their brand of stew."

Falain ponders.

Lithyia amusedly says, "Everyone should try it at least once."

Speaking carefully to Jarnsaixa, Meliyara says, "It is, technically speaking, a stew."

Lithyia amusedly says, "Probably twice."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Nalira whispers aloud, "If it is from that Helga lady...I wouldn't eat it, if you see the state of her apron you'll not touch anything there."

Mourdeyan says, "Unless ye have an eonake stomach."

Speaking to Nalira, Jarnsaixa says, "Then, I apologize, but I take that back. Get some chowder from Solhaven."

Cryheart says, "I am nae sure of what she actually puts into it."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Kothos says, "Let us just say the protein is very...economic."

Nalira nods at Jarnsaixa.

Nalira smiles.

Jarnsaixa says, "I've never met her."

Remuliad softly says, "I believe something tried to leap out of the stew last time I was there."

Speaking bitterly to Jarnsaixa, Maylan says, "Helga is a sorry excuse for a wench and I wouldn't eat a thing touched by her."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Nalira says, "She's um...colorful."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Oxhammer says, "She's a sweet ole lass."

Kothos says, "She is a most enjoyable character."

Speaking to Cryheart, Mourdeyan says, "Whatever escapes the bus tray, or her apron."

Lithyia says, "Tell us how you really feel Maylan."

Speaking to Remuliad, Leafiara admits, "Sounds about right."

Thrassus says, "That would not be surprising."

Speaking drunkenly to Remuliad, Gutstorm says, "Leasht ye know Helga shtew ish fresh."

Lithyia says, "Dont hold back."

Tikba amusedly says, "The Landing has many places to eat that serve more pleasant food."

Speaking sympathetically to Maylan, Meliyara asks, "Is this because she has captured your fellow's attention?"

The attendant returns to speak with Falain, and she gives a satisfied nod.

Speaking sorrowfully to Meliyara, Maylan says, "Yarrrrr."

Speaking to his dark red wine, Perigourd says, "You're rather good."

Speaking to Perigourd, Kothos asks, "Is that so?"

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara says, "At least this one still lives, unlike your previous suitor."

Speaking to Kothos, Perigourd says, "For an elven wine."

Bakarus says, "Brother."

Falain says, "It is the Emperor's wish that this investigation be comported in a fashion keeping with the comfort of the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing."

Speaking to Perigourd, Kothos says, "As I said, I prefer the moonflower and citrus blends, but..."

Maylan says, "Sleepy never did pay me any mind on accounta he only has eyes fer her."

Speaking raspily to Bakarus, Zeminar says, "Eternal light."

Lithyia asks, "So..with a hangin?"

Lithyia glances at Falain.

Tikba gazes in amusement at Lithyia.

Sylvanya glances at Lithyia.

Missoni gets a blank look on her face.

Lithyia says, "Well they like them here."

Speaking to Perigourd, Kothos says, "I do like that touch of bitter."

Jarnsaixa asks, "Do you hang before the investigation?"

Leafiara asks, "Which investigation? The one of Enisius or Elidal?"

Bakarus whispers something to Zeminar.

Lithyia asks, "In this town?"

Lithyia says, "Sometimes."

Falain says, "I ask your collective aid, but must make it clear that it is only a request."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Perigourd says, "It has.. happened."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Dendum says, "The northern sentinel does."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "If dat troo, den we kill dem, den we haff da trial."

Lithyia says, "Its happened before."

Speaking to Jarnsaixa, Leafiara says, "Well, Thadston did and he's the Northern Sentinel now--"

Guarrin whispers something to Jarnsaixa.

Jarnsaixa frowns.

Leafiara adds, "As Dendum said."

Tikba amusedly says, "The citizens of the Landing I know have rarely found it comfortable being hanged."

Jarnsaixa nods at Guarrin.

Jarnsaixa slowly empties her lungs.

Enisius' Escort

Brisk, steady footsteps echo from nearby.

Jarnsaixa whispers something to Falain.

Enisius allows himself to be escorted in.

Speaking slowly to Enisius, Raelee greets, "... Enisius."

Enisius glances at Raelee.

Speaking amiably to Enisius, Leafiara exclaims, "Good eve again!"

Speaking to Raelee, Enisius says, "Ah, hello."

Remuliad nods gravely at Enisius.

Speaking to Enisius, Maylan says, "Thare's food and such."

Speaking politely to Enisius, Tikba greets, "Magister."

Jarnsaixa looks thoughtfully at Maylan.

Enisius fidgets with the ring on his finger as if it does not fit well.

Speaking quietly to Enisius, Kothos greets, "Magister."

Speaking mildly to Enisius, Tikba asks, "A gift from the Emperor?"

Enisius blinks.

Enisius glances at Falain as if surprised to see her there.

Falain clears her throat.

You see Dame Falain the Knight-Banneret of the Sun Guard.

She appears to be a Human from Selanthia.

She is not tall. She appears to be mature. She has kohl-rimmed sea green eyes and dark skin. She has short, straight raven black hair with a crimson streak cutting back from one brow. She has a hard face.

She is in good shape.

She is wearing a deep crimson silk cape fastened by a sparkling sunstone clasp, a red-quartered golden vultite shield, a suit of ornate golvern plate emblazoned with crimson sunbursts, a lacquered ebony scabbard chased in gold, and a pair of golvern sabatons bearing gilded spurs.

Speaking politely to Enisius, Jarnsaixa says, "Magister."

Jarnsaixa nods at Enisius.

Speaking to Falain, Enisius asks, "Oh, good evening, Madame Knight--Dame?"

Jarnsaixa stares off into space.

Enisius says, "I'm sorry. I was not allowed to bring my notes."

Enisius asks, "I understand we're preparing for a journey. I hope there will be inns along the way?"

Speaking sympathetically to Enisius, Leafiara says, "It's difficult keeping up with the myriad formalities."

Falain keeps her face mirthlessly still.

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Dey cut off him hands?"

Maylan says, "And outs, most like."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Thrassus says, "No."

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara asks, "Why would you stay out of the inns?"

Speaking softly to Enisius, Remuliad says, "The trip may not be to your liking, if you expect an inn along the way. I would prepare for a chill, and rain. It is unfortunate to see things come to this, my friend."

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan says, "Cause the outside is where you go to get places."

Speaking to Enisius, Falain says, "Magister Enisius Dhenin, you stand accused of crimes against the Empire of Turamzzyr attributed to the so-called Butcher of Ember Vale. By order of His Imperial Majesty, I ask that you surrender yourself for imprisonment and investigation until the truth of your actions can be determined."

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan says, "Nd the inside is where you go to stay places."

Enisius blinks at Falain.

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara says, "But you do not stay outs, you must go in the inn to stay."

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan says, "And out."

Speaking tritely to Falain, Enisius says, "Fine, I suppose."

Speaking exasperatedly to Maylan, Meliyara repeats, "But you do not stay out. You stay in."

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan whispers aloud, "And out."

Speaking absently to Falain, Enisius says, "I'll just go get my coat."

Speaking confidently to Meliyara, Tikba says, "If you are staying in one place, you are not going in or out."

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara says, "Fine. You may stay out, the rest of us will stay in."

Enisius says, "It was right..."

Mourdeyan says, "How about we have someone fetch your kit."

Alosaka says, "It's... awfully late to start a journey by road."

Enisius turns around, looking confused.

Enisius reaches out and touches his woolen dustcloak.

Speaking to Falain, Enisius says, "What a relief. It's here."

Speaking to Alosaka, Bakarus says, "Bandits will be watching the roads."

Falain frowns again, but says nothing.

Jarnsaixa stares off into space.

Speaking to Falain, Enisius says, "Is it just you who's going to be defending me on the way? You're not exactly a brigade."

Jarnsaixa stares at Enisius.

Speaking to Enisius, Dendum says, "You travel with most practiced bandit hunters of Solhaven."

Speaking briskly to Enisius, Falain says, "Arrangements have been made, Magister."

Jarnsaixa moves to stand behind Falain.

Jarnsaixa draws herself up to her full height.

Jarnsaixa looks thoughtfully at Enisius.

Speaking to Guarrin, Falain says, "Two may go where ten might be noticed."

[General] Mauss asks, "I'm hearin' some loud noises in the Landin'... Are we expectin' some trouble?"

[General] Leafiara thinks, "No, they're just escorting Enisius away."

Riend offhandedly remarks, "Perhaps bringing four who have skills in not being noticed might help."

[General] Dayannisok thinks, "Thats the consensus."

Enisius says, "Perhaps we might sup before we begin? I am famished."

Speaking to Falain, Guarrin says, "We will be nearby if needed."

Jarnsaixa says, "You can dine in Vornavis."

Speaking to Enisius, Falain says, "Magister, I fear you do not understand the seriousness of this situation."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me have faith in Jarnsaixa, her lasht assignment not her fault."

Maylan offers Enisius a crisp slice of caramelized bacon.

Jarnsaixa raises an eyebrow in Gutstorm's direction.

Speaking cautiously to Enisius, Tikba asks, "Are you quite well, Magister?"

Speaking to Tikba, Enisius says, "The best, I've been told."

Speaking skeptically to Enisius, Meliyara asks, "By whom?"

Speaking earnestly to Enisius, Leafiara states, "You were definitely the best the Barony of Darkstone had to offer."

Speaking to herself, Leafiara murmurs, "And it wasn't close, but that's another matter for another time..."

Speaking to Enisius, Maylan says, "Take some bacon fer the road."

Missoni sympathetically says, "I am sure it is difficult... when one cannot access the mana flows and is used to doing so."

Jarnsaixa nods once.

Remuliad softly says, "I will be remaining here in the outpost, Enisius. You should know that I consider you a friend and fellow academic in the Hall. Please do not let your future be wasted on pride."

Meliyara whispers something to Geijon.

Speaking to Falain, Enisius says, "Well, if I am to be starved, I suppose we ought to get on the road. You do look a little thin in the arms to be carrying my belongings, though."

Jarnsaixa stares off into space.

Speaking to Remuliad, Enisius says, "I wouldn't dream of it. My future is far too bright."

Falain visibly grits her teeth.

Remuliad smiles quietly to himself.

Jarnsaixa whispers something to Falain.

Remuliad sighs.

Speaking to Enisius, Falain says, "Let us go."

Jarnsaixa releases a slow, low whistle.

Tikba politely says, "Have a safe journey."

Leafiara amiably states, "Safe travel to you."

Enisius joins Falain's group.

Perigourd says, "Indeed, keep safe upon the roads."

Speaking to Remuliad, Raelee murmurs, "I will accompany him until Vornavis. Odelgarde will manage it from there, I expect."

Jarnsaixa joins Falain's group.

Dendum offers Enisius a bowl of Helga's chunky stew.

Leafiara optimistically adds, "And may the truth come out!"

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Where we goin?"

Chamorr heartily says, "Well.....bye."

Falain says, "I will return. Please consider what I have requested on behalf of His Imperial Majesty."

Remuliad nods respectfully at Raelee.

Speaking to Gutstorm, Maylan says, "To get Quizzened."

Remuliad softly says, "Thank you Magister Raelee."

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara asks, "You have not been quizzenating this entire time?"

Leafiara says, "It's not for your sake that I'll help with the investigation in whatever form I can, but nonetheless I will."

Leafiara nods at Falain.

Speaking to Leafiara, Falain says, "You have my gratitude."

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan asks, "Was I sposed to be?"

Jarnsaixa looks thoughtfully at Leafiara.

Leafiara says, "It's unnecessary gratitute. It simply is what it is to protect my home."

Leafiara shrugs indifferently.

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara says, "You said you were going to, from the beginning."

Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dis should make Bear happy."

Dame Falain's group just went out.


Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara says, "You will need to be written up if you were not."

Tikba politely says, "I am always happy to answer any questions the Empire may pose."

Remuliad frowns.

Geijon says, "Good to see you."

Speaking to Meliyara, Maylan says, "Well I spose I'll just go back to being a Mop Girl."

Speaking drunkenly to Remuliad, Gutstorm says, "It had to be done."

Speaking to Maylan, Perigourd asks, "Who can say they wish for more?"

Speaking to Maylan, Meliyara adds, "And knicker-washer, you are not getting out of that so easily."

Speaking to Perigourd, Maylan exclaims, "Not me!"

Leafiara says, "Well, I do have a bit of a prior engagement that I'm ten minutes late for, but I had to see off my favorite member of the Barony. ...the only one I liked."

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Cookie time?"

Leafiara wishes, "Do take care, all!"

Maylan exclaims, "Cookie time!"

[And off she goes to run a Silverwood Manor event which has a crier about the smell of cookies.]