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Twin Hammerfists

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Twin Hammerfists
Mnemonic [twinhammer]
Activating Verb WEAPON
Category Brawling
Type Setup
Roundtime 2s
Stamina Cost 7
Offensive Gear Both hands, arm accessory, or armor covering the arms
Requirements Two empty hands or two brawling weapons.
Attributes Bulky Item Penalty
Flares/Spikes Enabled
Initiator Stance Penalty
Racial Size Modifiers
Shield Defensive Bonus
Target Stance Bonus
Available To Warriors, Rogues, Rangers, Bards, Monks, Paladins
Rank Cost/acquired at
1 10 Brawling ranks  
2 35 ranks 
3 60 ranks 
4 85 ranks 
5 110 ranks


Attempt to knock down and potentially stun your opponent by swinging your fists down on them.


Maneuver a target for a chance to stun based on success margin. Applies Vulnerable to the target for (15 + (Rank * 5)) seconds and Staggered for (Success Margin / 10) seconds.

Additional Information

This weapon technique is available upon training 10 ranks of Brawling, and ranks in the technique will go up with further training. Spiked or flaring arm armor only applies when using the technique open-handed. Both weapons will flare when using the technique with weapons.

Creatures that use this maneuver


>weap twinhamm rolton
[Roll result: 167 (open d100: 63) Penalties: 10]
You raise your hands high, lace them together and bring them crashing down towards the rolton!
You catch the rolton square in the back!  She topples to the ground!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
>weap twinham kob
[Roll result: 176 (open d100: 70) Penalties: 45]
You raise your hands high, lace them together and bring them crashing down towards the kobold!
You catch the kobold square in the back! It topples to the ground in a dazed heap!

  ** Your zorchar troll-claw emits a searing bolt of lightning! **

  ... 15 points of damage!
  Nasty shock to the head. The kobold looks dazed and confused.

  ** Your drakar troll-claw flares with a burst of flame! **

  ... 25 points of damage!
  Right hand fried to a crisp. Think barbecue sauce.
The kobold cries out in pain one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
>weap twinhamm rolton
[Roll result: 303 (open d100: 179) Bonus: 2]
You raise your hands high, lace them together and bring them crashing down towards the rolton!
Perfectly executed strike to the rolton's back!  She collapses to the ground in a dazed heap!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
