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Unarmed combat system/saved posts

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Posts pertaining to Unarmed Combat.

Unarmed Combat

Simucon Announcement

Category: Monks
Topic: Developer's Corner - Monks
Message #: 1128
Date: 7/13/2010 6:46:55 PM
Subject: Re: Simucon Monk Information...


A correction:

b) Three tiers
i) Start with jab, based on success go into new tier, up to 3

You do not have to start with a jab to progress up the tier chart. You can start with a kick or a grapple, etc. However, they are slower, and not as effective in terms of jump starting the tier train.

As an aside, unarmed combat will require an open left hand. While messaging may state that a character is fighting with two fists or feet, training in TWC is not required (and apparently will not help to raise DS either if you get it anyway), as the unarmed combat system will have its own means of calculating DS. However, if you opt to use Brawling weapons, TWC would then be required to swingeroo - as it currently is now.

~Eugenides, The Last

Holding shields will cause a penalty

Category: Clerics
Topic: So You Want to be a Cleric?
Message #: 2986
Date: 7/28/2010 4:34:24 PM
Subject: Re: Thinking about rolling up a cleric

>At this point, I figure using a runestaff is pretty non-mainstream as a cleric. Most clerics, especially upper-level ones tend to brawl/shield anyway. -LORDKRIP

My thoughts as well. I'm not going to go into much detail about it, since we still need to work everything out internally, but it was announced at SimuCon that the Unarmed Combat System would not work while holding a shield. So the brawl/shield method will only be viable until then.

GameMaster Estild

Voln Fu

Category: Organizations and Societies
Topic: Voln - General Discussion
Message #: 387
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 10/05/2011 03:19 AM EDT
Subject: Re: voln fu

The focus is whether or not the proposed new unarmed combat system will render Voln unarmed combat unviable or obsolete.

It will render Voln Fu nonexistent. The current throw, punch, and kick mechanics will be entirely replaced by the new UCS.


Category: Monks
Topic: Developer's Corner - Monks
Message #: 477
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 07/09/2012 10:26 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Katars

The specific weapons that do work with the unarmed combat system were selected because they don't significantly modify how an attack would be performed if you used or didn't use the weapon. Katars significantly alter how you would perform an attack. The brawling weapons that do work with the unarmed combat system have a penalty to hit, but a bonus to the damage they deal. Special gloves and boots are available for the unarmed combat system that also offer the same enchant (and flare) bonuses, but have no penalty for use.

GameMaster Estild

Crit/Damage Weighting

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Unarmed Combat
Message #: 46
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 07/11/2012 03:34 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Crit/Damage Weighting

>Just curious how critical and damage weighting on a brawling weapon affects UAC attacks. I've got a nice crit weighted knuckle duster to play around with.

Weighting works the same in the UCS as it does in melee combat.

>It was my impression that both flares and weighting were active with the UCS friendly brawling weapons.

Just about all weapon special abilities should have a similar (not necessarily identical) effect in the UCS as they do in melee.

Tier Timer

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Unarmed Combat
Message #: 159
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 07/17/2012 03:11 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Tier Timer

>How long does a tier level last?

Two minutes, which refreshes with every attack whether it connects or not.

Category: Monks
Topic: Developer's Corner - Monks
Message #: 7
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 09/18/2016 11:56 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Bug with focused MSTRIKE punches?

Your unarmed attack status against a particular foe remains valid for two minutes, refreshed with every attack against that foe whether it connects or not. A preexisting tier-up potential is retained across a miss, or across an involuntary strike (Flurry or Mongoose) that doesn't produce a tier-up strike on its own.

Brawling Weapon DF Bonuses and MM Penalties

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Unarmed Combat
Message #: 477
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 07/17/2012 03:11 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Brawling Weapon DF Bonuses and MM Penalties

>1) If I have no training in two weapon combat, can I use two weapons for UAC and get the stacked DF bonus and MM penalty?

You don't need TWC training to use multiple pieces of equipment in a single UCS attack.

>2) If I am using my Voln ability to hunt undead with UAC, do these held brawling weapons need to be blessed?

If you want those weapons to confer any special abilities on the undead, then yes. You can always strike them with the appropriate Voln rank, but the equipment may hinder rather than help when it isn't blessed as well.

>3) If these held brawling weapons have an enchant (say 4x for each yierka spur I'm holding), does the 8x of enchant get added to my MM to help offset the MM penalty for using the weapons in UAC?

Weapon enchant helps with UAF, not MM. Held weapons contribute half of their average enchant to your final UAF, and thus two 4x weapons would give (((20 + 20) / 2) / 2) = +10 to UAF.

>4) What do UAC gloves and boots provide in terms of UAC benefits or DS?

Gloves and boots provide their full enchant to your UAF on the appropriate attack type, and contribute whatever special abilities they have, such as flares or weighting. They don't have any defensive attributes.

In general, you'll be better off without held weapons.

>Just to be clear with the Voln step 8 blessed attacks power. Your gloves/boots do not have to be blessed, but any held UCS weapons do need to be blessed. Aye?

When you have reached Kai's Strike, you will always be able to hit undead with an unarmed attack. Equipment which cannot hit the undead will not confer any benefit to the attack. In the case of gloves and boots, there is no penalty. In the case of held brawling weapons, there will be a penalty because they are not being used in the attack.

If you're messaged about a weapon hindering your attack, it is giving you zero offensive benefit, and some amount of penalty.

Aim Clear Reminder

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Unarmed Combat
Message #:
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 07/18/2012
Subject: Re: Aiming

Clear your AIM point. That is what gives you the failed opening attacks, and the extra RT for every strike. When you see the "precise attempt" attack messages with the UCS, it means that you're aiming.

Kai's Smite

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Unarmed Combat
Message #:
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 07/18/2012
Subject: Re: SMITE THEM!

>Speaking of which, Finros, is there any possibility of having it tweaked to stun more often? Or are we just not finding the good ways to stun, yet?

There are plenty of stuns built into the system, though many creatures are immune to stuns. Low tiers are less likely to see those stuns, however.

>About using smite, I would prefer not to have to use a symbol for every single creature.

Voln users should be using SMITE regularly among their mix of UCS attacks. It does not cost favor. Treat it as any other UCS attack and use it at the right time.

>Kai's Smite uses favor; Kai's strike doesn't. I tried using this symbol (Kai's Smite) 3 times and each time the noncorp returned to its ethereal state before I was out of the 4 second casting RT.

It has a minimum duration of 5 seconds. You'll find that it has longer durations when you've gone up in tier.

7/26/12 Update

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Unarmed Combat
Message #: 322
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 07/26/2012 03:42 AM EDT
Subject: Unarmed Combat Updates and FIXSKILLS Opportunity

In response to concerns about Unarmed Combat, some changes have just been released.

1.) Armor penalties for UCS attacks are now half of their former value.

2.) Held item penalties for UCS attacks have been divided into two components. All non-UCS items held in the hand impose a base penalty. Weapons and shields impose an additional penalty which may be mitigated by training in the appropriate skill. A training regimen of 2x ranks per level in the appropriate weapon or shield skill will fully eliminate the additional penalty, and 8 magical ranks per level will fully eliminate the additional penalty for a runestaff.

3.) UCS compatible gloves now add their enchant bonus to parry DS in the same way as a one-handed weapon.

4.) An empty left hand now provides parry DS similar to that of a main gauche or sai, for those characters trained in brawling and Two Weapon Combat.

5.) Brace (1214) now allows two chances to outright parry an attack for double open handed combatants trained in two weapon combat.

6.) The Punch, Grapple, and Kick Mastery combat maneuvers are now available to warriors and rogues as well as monks.

An additional FIXSKILLS opportunity is now available for all characters so that training may be adjusted accordingly.

Combat Maneuvers

Category: Monks
Topic: Developer's Corner - Monks
Message #: 525
Author: GS4-Oscuro
Date: 07/17/2012 07:35 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Masteries

>>Able to give any insight into what the masteries do? You mentioned in passing they raise the MM when using that attack style. Or if you can recommend a way to go and test I can compare between rank 1 and no mastery at all. My MM fluctuates so much (93-110 versus kobolds) I'm sure I wouldn't notice if it was consistently a few points higher.

The masteries provide +5 MM per rank and +5% tier up chance per rank, each when using the appropriate attack type.

GameMaster Oscuro

Roundtime Adjustments

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Unarmed Combat
Message #: 842
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 07/30/2015 10:15 PM EDT
Subject: HSN: Unarmed Combat RT Adjustments

The base speeds (minimum RT) of some unarmed attacks have been revised downward. Jab has been reduced from 3 to 2, grapple from 4 to 3, and kick from 5 to 4. Punch and smite remain at 3 and 4, respectively.

Unarmed Multistrike

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Unarmed Combat
Message #: 857
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 08/27/2015 10:53 PM EDT
Subject: HSN: Unarmed Multistrike

Unarmed combatants may now initiate unarmed multi-strike attacks, provided that they have sufficient training in the Multi Opponent Combat skill. Training thresholds are identical to melee multi-strike requirements for both unfocused (multi-target) and focused (same-target) versions. Such strikes are initiated with the MSTRIKE verb, specifying the type of unarmed attack desired, as in "MSTRIKE GRAPPLE" or "MSTRIKE KICK [target]". Use MSTRIKE HELP for more information and additional usage options.

However, the specified attack is not necessarily used on each individual strike. Instead, the following rules are used for each strike in sequence; the first one on which the conditions are met determines the type of attack.

  1. If a tier-up strike is pending against the target, use that type of attack.
  2. If the attacker currently has decent ("tier one") positioning against the target, use JAB. If this is the first jab against this particular target during this MSTRIKE invocation, it does not count for the purposes of total allowed strikes.
  3. If the attacker has good ("tier two") positioning against a target, use the attack type that was specified at the start.
  4. If the attacker has excellent ("tier three") positioning against a target, use the attack type that was specified at the start, unless the specified attack type was JAB, in which case choose a random attack from PUNCH, GRAPPLE, and KICK instead.

Related to this release, the ASSESS verb has been updated to list your unarmed position against all foes in the area, via ASSESS UNARMED.

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Unarmed Combat
Message #: 889
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 08/28/2015 02:02 AM EDT
Subject: Re: HSN: Unarmed Multistrike

>Also, I got 7 jabs while in defensive stance in the clip below on a player, with a weapon I get 6 max. Intended?

Yes. This is a manifestation of the secondary clause of targeting rule (2): "If this is the first [decent positioning] jab against that particular target during this MSTRIKE invocation, it does not count for the purposes of total allowed strikes." Since you had decent positioning and no tier-up attack pending against XXX, the first jab was "free". (And in an open mstrike, you get a free first jab against each target in turn, if at decent positioning and no tier-up attack pending).

>One thing I note is that Assess Unarmed needs to be spelled out in its entirety or you just get the help message...can that be condensed to maybe work on just Assess Unarm... or maybe just make a new verb Position...or battlesense...or something like that to give the information...since Assess already has uses?

This is another one of those parsing issues, and requiring the full spelling minimizes the chance of overlap. Anyway, ASSESS seemed like a decent verb to put it into at the time, but I'm open to other suggestions. (I hate making new verbs for minor functionality, but that's a personal quirk rather than any technical limitation, so I'm not opposed to an entirely new verb if someone proposes one that I like and don't think will be needed down the line for something else. I'm afraid that "position" strikes me as something that would potentially be useful in other systems, and I'm not a fan of "battlesense", though).

>Also, ASSESS UNARMED only works on NPC/critters.

Yup. I figure you're probably not engaging enough other players in combat simultaneously that you need help remembering what your combat status against them is.

Haste Penalty Removal

Category: Monks
Topic: Monk General Discussion
Message #: 710
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 08/31/2016 01:41 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Not Sure if Ever. . .

There are no longer any penalties for wearing Haste-like spells in unarmed combat. Nor are there penalties for using quickstrike or Celerity.

I had always considered the previous penalties to be a band-aid solution, at best, to the problems posed by Haste-like spells. The need for those penalties went away when we recently revised the various roundtime-modifying systems.

Unarmed Combat Equipment

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Unarmed Combat
Message #: 715
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 09/15/2013 12:41 AM EDT
Subject: Re: A Bummer

For clarity, here are the full rules for unarmed equipment. These rules only consider equipment that is actually used in the attack -- if a held weapon isn't a part of the unarmed attack, it isn't considered in these rules.

AS/UAF: - Gloves and boots confer their full UAF bonus in all circumstances. - A single held piece of equipment contributes half of its AS bonus to UAF. - Two held pieces of equipment contribute half of the average of their AS bonus, to UAF.

Weighting: - Weighted gloves confer their full bonus when used alone. - Weighted gloves confer half their bonus when used with one or two held weapons. - A single weighted weapon confers half its bonus regardless of glove usage. - A single weighted weapon used in conjunction with a second weapon of any sort confers one quarter of its bonus regardless of glove usage (and this applies to each weapon individually -- so two weighted weapons will provide a quarter of their bonus each).

Flares and other scripted special abilities: - Each piece of equipment has a 1-in-N chance of activating on any given attack, where N is the number of pieces of equipment used in the attack. Some aspects (such as charge depletion of a blessed weapon) happen with every attack.

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Unarmed Combat
Message #: 725
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 09/15/2013 10:45 PM EDT
Subject: Re: A Bummer

Here is a case where I asked, no answer, I get disappointed, and then I get an answer after the fact. Having this exact information is perfect and would have changed how I planned my RtCF wins if it was provided when the system was rolled out or when I asked for it specifically before any services were spent in my planning phase. - ROLFARD

Yes, my apologies for neglecting the forums. I've been caught up with other game commitments, and until your question came to me (via another staff member), answering posts had become very low priority for me. Don't hesitate to post multiple times in the future if you feel that your question is being ignored; it is more likely to catch my attention that way when I've missed the first ones.

With regard to unarmed combat, it is always* better to apply an effect to gloves or boots, rather than a held weapon, whenever you have the choice. Held weapons are meant to be the inferior option, and are mainly allowed because of past statements that they would be allowed. If I were doing it again, I would probably choose to not use them in unarmed combat at all. They're only meant to be beneficial if you have an already-existing held weapon with some sort of superior effect.

Bane vs. Weight

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Developer's Corner -- Hunting & Combat
Message #: 527
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 09/15/2013 12:39 AM EDT
Subject: Re: bane vs weight

If one were using handwraps that were HCP and holding an undead bane UAC weapon vs living - half weight? vs undead - no weight and full bane? - ROLFARD

If you are holding no weapon -- or more specifically, no weapon that is involved in the unarmed attack sequence -- you get full benefit from weighting on the handwraps. If you are holding one or two weapons, you get half the weighting from the handwraps. One held weapon confers half of the nominal weighting bonus, and two held weapons confer a quarter of their weighting bonus, each. Other bane abilities, such as flares or specially scripted behaviors, are activated in proportion to how many total pieces of equipment you are using in the attack.

Here's another...if i'm using ensorcelled handwraps and a heavily crit weighted UAC weapon, will I get half the weighting? - ROLFARD

No. Ensorcellment grants flares which, like other flares, have a reduced chance to trigger when used with multiple pieces of equipment. It has no effect on any other aspect of unarmed combat.

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Developer's Corner -- Hunting & Combat
Message #: 529
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 09/15/2013 10:44 PM EDT
Subject: Re: bane vs weight

I have ensorcelled handwraps and a weighted UAC weapon and I am getting half the weighting of the UAC weapon but it has nothing to do with ensorcellment? - ROFARD

Ensorcellment on a piece of equipment used in an unarmed attack has no effect whatsoever on any other piece of equipment used in that attack.


Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: Research and Investigation
Message #: 450
Author: GS4-FINROS
Date: 08/31/2016 09:45 PM EDT
Subject: Re: UAC Gloves + Masterful Crit Weighting?

It works in roughly the same way as it does melee combat. Damage weighting adds to the HP damage done in an attack. Crit weighting adds to the crit calculation of the attack. The effect of the latter is more flattened in unarmed combat as compared to melee combat, since there's effectively only five calculable "crit ranks" as opposed to nine, which are mapped onto the crit table based on your current unarmed attack tier. In other words, you reach the point of diminishing returns more quickly than in melee combat. It's still useful though, especially with lower endrolls against high armor groups.

Unarmed combat advice for rogues

Category: Old Forum Topics [Read Only]
Topic: So You Want to be a Rogue?
Message #: 578
Date: 07/16/2012 11:45 PM EDT
Subject: Unarmed and You

This log is obviously edited to filter out all unnecessary 'white noise' such as unnecessary command inputs, thoughts, spells, effects, and room switching. Nothing is contrived, however. All creatures abused are in their natural state and not 'set up' in any way.

You say, "Alright, so you're wondering about unarmed combat as a rogue."

You say, "I'll let you in on a few of the things I've learned in the short time I've had with it."

You say, "Secondly I'm going to be using no weapons. Just a pair of e-bladed gloves and boots made by myself."

You say, "Trust me... even brawling weapons will make you suck. They will drop your MM to a point that you'll feel like you're swinging darts."

You say, "The downside is defense. Trust me. You'll have none."

You say, "So you're going to need tactics, and you're going to have to think."

You ask, "Do as Obi-Wan said and turn off Lich, alright?"

You say, "I'll be working against some grimswarm orcs."

You say, "Granted, they're not the hardest thing... but they'll give you the idea."

You say, "Let's spin this!"

You say, "Yes, I'm hiding..."

You say, "I'm a rogue. Not a damn monk."

You say, "I'm also using 117 whenever I can, because I can. I didn't come here to play nice or fair."

You say, "I'm also aiming for the head."

You say, "Forget the eyes and the neck for now. Do you want to play with your foes or kill them?"

[Warcamp, Outside]
Three beaten paths break off in a northerly direction, curving around a number of poorly built huts and tents. A pile of broken bones and rotting flesh compete with a pile of steaming offal for the most nauseating odor available. Over the top of the tents, a tall wooden flagpole marks the center of the warcamp just ahead, while a broad dirt path leads south to the sole entrance and exit of the encampment. You also see a Grimswarm orc guard and a polished fork.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, south, northwest

You say, "Here is one now."

You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 764 vs UDF: 403 = 1.895 * MM: 98 + d100: 4 = 189
A layer of shifting stone absorbs 12 points of damage!
... and hit for 40 points of damage!
Strong downward swing staggers foe and dents skull!
The orc guard is stunned!
The orc guard is knocked to her knees!
The orc guard seems at a loss for words!

As you hit, your handwraps flares with a burst of fire! 

... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit.
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
The guiding force leaves you.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
A Grimswarm orc guard throws her head back and roars, shaking off the stun!

>cman vanish
With subtlety and speed, you aim to clandestinely vanish into the shadows.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.

You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 689 vs UDF: 380 = 1.813 * MM: 110 + d100: 97 = 296
A layer of shifting stone shatters!
... and hit for 99 points of damage!
Explosive punch to the face leaves little else than a pulpy mass of blood, bone, and brain matter!
[You have earned 45 prestige points.]
The orc guard rolls over and dies.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding a Grimswarm orc guard suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
A Grimswarm orc guard seems a bit less imposing.
The orc guard no longer bristles with energy.
The bright luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
A Grimswarm orc guard becomes solid again.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You say, "Shots to the head are your best chance at a one shot kill. Even if you fail on the first try, hide and just try again. Sound familiar?"

You say, "Punches are the most reliable for the easy kill. Jabs might be the best for tiering. But we're not monks, are we?"

You say, "Here is another one, let's see if it goes better this time around."

You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 764 vs UDF: 527 = 1.449 * MM: 100 + d100: 66 = 210
... and hit for 72 points of damage!
Explosive punch to the face leaves little else than a pulpy mass of blood, bone, and brain matter!
[You have earned 40 prestige points.]
The orc guard falls to the ground and dies.
The wall of force disappears from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
A Grimswarm orc guard loses a thorny barrier.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
The guiding force leaves you.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You ask, "See?"

You say, "Well, he just called up his buddies, so this'll be fun."

You say, "If you want to play in the open like a chud... jab first."

>aim clear

You say, "Clear your aim. You don't need to aim your jabs. It is just extra RT that you don't need."

You attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 689 vs UDF: 506 = 1.361 * MM: 96 + d100: 91 = 221
... and hit for 10 points of damage!
Edge of hand scores a shallow cut across the abdomen!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup jab attack!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

You say, "Vulnerable to a jab attack? Well that is lame..."

You attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 689 vs UDF: 506 = 1.361 * MM: 92 + d100: 52 = 177
... and hit for 17 points of damage!
Solid fist to the stomach makes the orc ranger wince.
The orc ranger is stunned!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

You say, "Wait for good positioning and a cue. See how it is vulnerable to a grapple attack? Don't mess around. Aim for the head, and grapple away."

You're now aiming at the head of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You make a precise attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 689 vs UDF: 506 = 1.361 * MM: 95 + d100: 54 = 183
... and hit for 53 points of damage!
Awesome grapple pulls head from body!
[You have earned 45 prestige points.]
The orc ranger falls to the ground and dies.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc ranger.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm orc ranger.
A Grimswarm orc ranger seems to lose some dexterity.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm orc ranger.
A Grimswarm orc ranger returns to normal color.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You say, "Did you hear that? That was Shang Tsun shoutinig "Fatality" over the din. I can't stress enough. If you want to kill it... aim for the head."

You say, "But let's play some more."

You attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 689 vs UDF: 418 = 1.648 * MM: 98 + d100: 25 = 186
... and hit for 9 points of damage!
Slap across the eye causes disorientation.
The orc guard is stunned!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup kick attack!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

>aim head
You're now aiming at the head of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You make a precise attempt to kick a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 679 vs UDF: 418 = 1.624 * MM: 95 + d100: 47 = 201
... and hit for 72 points of damage!
Rapid side kick knocks out several teeth! What we have here is a failure to communicate!
The orc guard is stunned!
The orc guard seems at a loss for words!

As you hit, your boots flares with a burst of fire! 

... 10 points of damage!
Minor burns to right leg. That hurts a bit.
The scintillating red light surrounding the boots fades some.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

You say, "Imagine that, I kicked it in the face after I was cued and didn't kill it instantly. The entire mechanic must be broken!"

Roundtime: 2 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.

You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc guard!
All of a sudden, a Grimswarm orc guard rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 669 vs UDF: 336 = 1.991 * MM: 99 + d100: 100 = 297
... and hit for 89 points of damage!
Explosive punch to the face leaves little else than a pulpy mass of blood, bone, and brain matter!
[You have earned 40 prestige points.]
The orc guard falls to the ground and dies.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You say, "Punch to the head? Especially from hiding... works every time."

You say, "Okay let's fall back and I'll show you some tricks."

You say, "Now, there are a few things you can do from hiding with unarmed... and if you do it well enough you'll achieve an effect. These can be done from the open, but what are you? Some nambi bambi paladin?"

You say, "Let's start with a grapple to the neck."

You say, "Aim for the neck... and grapple."

>aim neck
You're now aiming at the neck of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 669 vs UDF: 468 = 1.429 * MM: 104 + d100: 46 = 194
... and hit for 43 points of damage!
Hands wrap around neck, reducing blood flow to the brain. That's the stuff dreams are made of!
The orc guard is stunned!
The orc guard chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The orc guard goes limp as he is rendered unconscious!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup kick attack!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You say, "Sweet dreams, sweet prince."


[Warcamp, Outside]
A great hut stands within a clearing unto itself in the encampment of the Grimswarm. Twin red and black banner poles flank its entrance, while bodies lashed to the walls with cords of leather decorate its exterior. Pale grey curls of smoke drift from the top of the hut, spiraling towards the smoke haze above the warcamp. Next to the hut, suspended upside down on a wood rack is the rotting corpse of a troll, pierced through the heart with a massive boar spear. You also see a Grimswarm orc guard that is sleeping.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, south, southwest

You say, "Notice he is sleeping?"

You say, "This leaves him open for all sorts of mayhem."

A Grimswarm orc guard snorfles silently in his sleep.

You say, "But let's go and punch his face."

>aim head
You're now aiming at the head of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

A Grimswarm orc guard is awakened by your attack!
You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc guard!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc guard.
UAF: 669 vs UDF: 468 = 1.429 * MM: 108 + d100: 100 = 254
... and hit for 74 points of damage!
Palm strike to face drives nose straight into brain!
[You have earned 65 prestige points.]
The orc guard rolls over and dies.
The opalescent aura fades from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
The deep blue glow leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm orc guard.
The powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc guard.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You say, "See? Easy as that. A kick works just as good if you want to evoke that American History X moment."

You say, "Now let's try kicking the leg on another one."

>aim left leg
You're now aiming at the left leg of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to kick a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 669 vs UDF: 607 = 1.102 * MM: 100 + d100: 23 = 133
... and hit for 40 points of damage!
Wheel kick connects with the left leg, tearing into tendons and muscle.
The orc ranger is knocked to the ground!
The orc ranger is stunned!
The scintillating red light surrounding the boots fades some.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

You say, "A stun AND a knock down. Not bad, eh?"

A Grimswarm orc ranger stands up with a grunt.

You say, "Damnit, he stood up."

>aim left leg
You're now aiming at the left leg of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You make a precise attempt to kick a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 649 vs UDF: 575 = 1.128 * MM: 99 + d100: 46 = 157
... and hit for 42 points of damage!
Hook kick connects with left thigh, fracturing the hip!
A Grimswarm orc ranger falls to the ground grasping her mangled left leg!
The orc ranger is stunned!
The scintillating red light surrounding the boots fades some.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

>aim head
You're now aiming at the head of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc ranger!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc ranger.
UAF: 649 vs UDF: 526 = 1.233 * MM: 112 + d100: 65 = 203
... and hit for 56 points of damage!
Palm strike to face drives nose straight into brain!
[You have earned 55 prestige points.]
The orc ranger rolls over and dies.
The wall of force disappears from around a Grimswarm orc ranger.
The deep blue glow leaves a Grimswarm orc ranger.
The powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc ranger.
The air calms down around a Grimswarm orc ranger.
A Grimswarm orc ranger returns to normal color.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You say, "Knocked prone and stunned, a punch to the head does it almsot every time. Kicks may be just as good... but they can be overkill and cost more RT. Not that I am opposed to overkill, mind you."

You say, "But let's try something else and try a grapple to the abdomen."

You say, "Aim for the abdomen, and grapple... like this!"

You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc mage!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc mage.
UAF: 659 vs UDF: 382 = 1.725 * MM: 99 + d100: 40 = 210
A layer of shifting stone absorbs 12 points of damage!
... and hit for 38 points of damage!
Powerful grasp squeezes abdominal muscles! The orc mage won't be doing sit-ups anytime soon!
The orc mage is stunned!
The orc mage appears to be moving more slowly!

As you hit, your handwraps flares with a burst of fire! 

... 10 points of damage!
Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit.
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You ask, "Notice that?"

You say, "Now he's moving all slow as if under the same effect as the spell... but lets see what else we can do, hm?"

You say, "Most shots to the neck will silence them if they don't put them to sleep, especially any attack that isn't a grapple. So stick to punches, jabs, or kicks. Keep in mind that jabs don't work all that good, and kicks love to miss. A punch from hiding is typically your best bet in this case. Let's find us a new victim!"

>aim neck
You're now aiming at the neck of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc archer!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc archer.
UAF: 644 vs UDF: 421 = 1.529 * MM: 95 + d100: 81 = 226
... and hit for 57 points of damage!
Uppercut compresses the diaphragm! The orc archer doubles over in pain, gasping for air.
The orc archer is stunned!
The orc archer chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The orc archer seems at a loss for words!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup punch attack!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You ask, "Notice how he is unable to speak? Yeah, consider him silenced. I could hypothetically change targets and switch to a more prominent threat, but look at that! He's vulnerable to a punch. Who am I to deprive him? Remember that we're not messing around... so we're going to aim for the head and finish it."

>aim head
You're now aiming at the head of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc archer!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc archer.
UAF: 644 vs UDF: 421 = 1.529 * MM: 98 + d100: 48 = 197
... and hit for 59 points of damage!
Awesome punch to forehead snaps head straight back with a sickening CRUNCH!
[You have earned 45 prestige points.]
The orc archer falls to the ground and dies.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You say, "Easy as that."

You ask, "So what have we learned so far?"

You say, "Ambush the head with a punch if you want to go for the quick kill. Grapple necks to put them to sleep. Kick their legs to knock them down. Grapple their abdomen to slow them down. Smack their throat to shut them up. But first and foremost. Pay attention!"

You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc mage!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc mage.
UAF: 634 vs UDF: 432 = 1.467 * MM: 99 + d100: 8 = 153
A layer of shifting stone absorbs 7 points of damage!
... and hit for 24 points of damage!
Strike to shoulder blade briefly staggers foe!
The orc mage is stunned!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You make a precise attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc mage!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc mage.
UAF: 634 vs UDF: 495 = 1.280 * MM: 95 + d100: 41 = 162
A layer of shifting stone shatters!
... and hit for 48 points of damage!
Powerful grip twists head around until it faces backwards, giving the orc mage a new perspective on life!
[You have earned 55 prestige points.]
The orc mage falls to the ground and dies.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm orc mage.
The orc mage no longer bristles with energy.
A Grimswarm orc mage becomes solid again.
The bright luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm orc mage.
The silvery luminescence fades from around a Grimswarm orc mage.
A Grimswarm orc mage just arrived. Wait, wasn't she here already?
The translucent sphere fades from around a Grimswarm orc mage.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You say, "Aim for the head once they're tiered. Punch, kick, or grapple. Whatever you're into. Because you can. Don't leave it up to chance. You're a damn rogue."

You say, "Yes, you can aim for the eyes like you're used to..."

>aim left eye

You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc healer!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc healer.
UAF: 634 vs UDF: 402 = 1.577 * MM: 99 + d100: 71 = 227
... and hit for 67 points of damage!
Stiffened fingers punch left through left eye and into the head!
[You have earned 60 prestige points.]
The orc healer falls to the ground and dies.
The deep blue glow leaves a Grimswarm orc healer.
The opalescent aura fades from around a Grimswarm orc healer.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc healer.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm orc healer.
The dim aura fades from around a Grimswarm orc healer.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
You feel more refreshed.

You ask, "Works well enough, see?"

You say, "But keep in mind it is just like swinging anything else. You're going to miss more often than not."


You say, "Now let's play with something from the open and get in touch with our inner chakras, hm?"

You say, "Clear your aim location and jab until you see good positioning or excellent positioning, or a prompt that your target is susceptable to another attack."

You say, "Then if you want to kill it... aim for the head... and do what it says."

You say, "If things are too tall? Hit their legs... bring them to your level. Or e-wave them, or sweep them, or just plain ambush their leg off."

You say, "You didn't lose any of your other abilities as an ambushing rogue so don't forget them. Cut their damn throat with a traditional Cutthroat, old school if it is easier... but if you insist on fighting like a monk or a light warrior. Here you go."

You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 541 = 1.208 * MM: 95 + d100: 58 = 172
... and hit for 5 points of damage!
Sudden sideways jab to left arm gets through the orc acolyte's defenses!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup kick attack!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

>aim left leg
You're now aiming at the left leg of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You make a precise attempt to kick a Grimswarm orc acolyte!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 541 = 1.208 * MM: 94 + d100: 71 = 184
... and hit for 54 points of damage!
Hook kick connects with left thigh, fracturing the hip!
The orc acolyte is knocked to the ground!
The orc acolyte is stunned!
The orc acolyte starts to favor his wounded leg!
The scintillating red light surrounding the boots fades some.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

>aim head
You're now aiming at the head of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc acolyte!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 469 = 1.394 * MM: 99 + d100: 66 = 204
... and hit for 51 points of damage!
Solid blow to the jaw leaves the orc acolyte spitting blood... and teeth!
The orc acolyte is stunned!
The orc acolyte chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You say, "Hm."

You ask, "Didn't die. Wonder why? I should probably go to the boards and complain."

>aim head
You're now aiming at the head of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.


You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc acolyte!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 464 = 1.409 * MM: 109 + d100: 96 = 249
... and hit for 87 points of damage!
Explosive punch to the face leaves little else than a pulpy mass of blood, bone, and brain matter!
[You have earned 40 prestige points.]
The orc acolyte rolls over and dies.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
The powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
The air calms down around a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
The opalescent aura fades from around a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You say, "Wasn't ambushing, that is why. I'm a damn rogue, remember? So are you."


You leap from hiding to strike!
You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc zealot!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc zealot.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 366 = 1.786 * MM: 102 + d100: 55 = 237
... and hit for 54 points of damage!
Palm strike to face drives nose straight into brain!
[You have earned 55 prestige points.]
The orc zealot rolls over and dies.
A Grimswarm orc zealot loses the flickering energy surrounding him.
A Grimswarm orc zealot seems to lose some focus as his eyes narrow and shift momentarily to one side.
A Grimswarm orc zealot's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
The light blue glow leaves a Grimswarm orc zealot.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You say, "Okay, that is fun... but let's play from the open again. Remember, clear your aim and jab until you see something worthwhile."

You make a precise attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc acolyte!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 565 = 1.157 * MM: 93 + d100: 51 = 158
... and hit for 4 points of damage!
Quick jab to the nose leaves eyes watering.
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You make a precise attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc acolyte!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 522 = 1.252 * MM: 105 + d100: 37 = 168
... and hit for 7 points of damage!
Glancing slap upside the head causes slight disorientation.
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You say, "Damn, missed an opportunity to grapple back there while I was spamming away like some Volner clinging to memories of Kick II. But it is better to be lucky than good, and the game gave me a second chance." 

>aim head
You're now aiming at the head of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You make a precise attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc acolyte!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 522 = 1.252 * MM: 107 + d100: 10 = 144
... and hit for 25 points of damage!
Well timed elbow to the jaw causes the orc acolyte's mouth to suddenly snap shut, catching the tongue!
The orc acolyte is stunned!
The orc acolyte chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

A Grimswarm orc acolyte throws her head back and roars silently, shaking off the stun!

You say, "Persistent bastard."

You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc acolyte!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 519 = 1.260 * MM: 108 + d100: 42 = 178
... and hit for 50 points of damage!
Strong downward swing staggers foe and dents skull!
The orc acolyte is stunned!
The orc acolyte seems at a loss for words!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
A Grimswarm orc acolyte throws her head back and roars silently, shaking off the stun!

You say, "Well damn..."

>aim neck
You're now aiming at the neck of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You make a precise attempt to grapple a Grimswarm orc acolyte!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 509 = 1.284 * MM: 110 + d100: 15 = 156
... and hit for 26 points of damage!
Arm snakes in under the orc acolyte's chin, cutting off the air supply.
The orc acolyte is stunned!
The orc acolyte chokes, momentarily unable to speak!

As you hit, your handwraps flares with a burst of fire! 

... 2 points of damage!
Minor burns to neck. Looks uncomfortable.
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A Grimswarm orc acolyte throws her head back and roars silently, shaking off the stun!

You say, "Well this is starting to feel a lot like swinging a regular weapon. Unless you're paying attention to the various status effects he's suffered."

>aim left eye
You're now aiming at the left eye of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc acolyte!
You have excellent positioning against a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 509 = 1.284 * MM: 110 + d100: 67 = 208
... and hit for 72 points of damage!
Lightning-fast punch pushes left eye deep into skull! Out of sight, out of mind!
[You have earned 45 prestige points.]
The orc acolyte rolls over and dies.
The very powerful look leaves a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
The white light leaves a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
The opalescent aura fades from around a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
A Grimswarm orc acolyte appears less confident.
A Grimswarm orc acolyte seems slightly different.
The air calms down around a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Grimswarm orc acolyte.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You say, "For whatever it was worth. Dead is dead."

>aim clear
You're now no longer aiming at anything in particular.

You attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc raider!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc raider.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 615 = 1.063 * MM: 96 + d100: 43 = 145
... and hit for 3 points of damage!
Jab to chest. THUMP!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup punch attack!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

>aim head
You're now aiming at the head of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You exclaim, "To the FACE!"

You make a precise attempt to punch a Grimswarm orc raider!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc raider.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 420 = 1.557 * MM: 92 + d100: 66 = 209
... and hit for 57 points of damage!
Palm strike to face drives nose straight into brain!
[You have earned 35 prestige points.]
The orc raider falls to the ground and dies.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

You say, "Well that worked nice that time around."

You say, "Just like with regular melee... unarmed attacks seem prone to luck."

You say, "However, against heavily armored foes... you will find unarmed, even from the open, to be drastically more effective."

You say, "Observe again against this orc fighter."

A Grimswarm orc fighter swings a morning star at you!
You gracefully avoid the attack!

>aim clear
You're now no longer aiming at anything in particular.

You attempt to jab a Grimswarm orc fighter!
You have decent positioning against a Grimswarm orc fighter.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 290 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 89 + d100: 83 = 261
... and hit for 9 points of damage!
Fast strike to inner thigh knocks the orc fighter off-balance!
The orc fighter is knocked into a sitting position!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup kick attack!
The scintillating red light surrounding the handwraps fades some.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

>aim head
You're now aiming at the head of your target when using a ranged weapon, or while ambushing.

You make a precise attempt to kick a Grimswarm orc fighter!
All of a sudden, a Grimswarm orc fighter rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet!
You have good positioning against a Grimswarm orc fighter.
UAF: 654 vs UDF: 286 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 91 + d100: 65 = 247
... and hit for 93 points of damage!
Strong roundhouse penetrates the chest! The orc fighter seems to have lost heart for this fight!
[You have earned 35 prestige points.]
The orc fighter falls to the ground and dies.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

You adopt an agreeable expression.

You say, "One, two. Loot. I almost feel like a pure."

>sigil of location
You focus intently on your sigil as its power begins to reach out into your immediate surroundings and beyond...

You sense the presence of no hated enemies nearby.

Roundtime: 3 sec.

You say, "Well that does it for this camp... but I hope you learned something."

You say, "Just because you can Monk it up doesn't mean you have to fight like a monk. You're still a rogue... and you can still play to your strengths."

You say, "Until next time."

>tap my hat
You reach up and tip your hat.