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This is where I'm going to start keeping a list of stuff I would love to see implemented, in some similar fashion, into GS4.

Paladin Pet

To go along with the other two semi professions that have "pets" (Bard's Singing Sword and Ranger's Animal Companion), I'd like to see Paladins also have a similar type of pet.

My proposal is that paladins have a Banner Of (Followed Arkati/Spirit/Energy), that when active, has a Banner (or similar item) follow the paladin around. When in combat, the Paladin can tell the pet to ATTACK ROOM (AOE the room), ATTACK -creature- (normal attack on the creature specified), or BUFF (giving the paladin & their group a random buff, in the form of a random 1609/1617/1618 effect).

The ATTACK's would be dependent on the paladin's training. ATTACK ROOM would use whichever is greater of weapon training or multi-opponent combat for the AOE strength (how many critters in the room are attacked) and the paladin's attack strength for it's AS.

The BUFF would be just like the paladin's normal 1609/1617/1618 effect, but only for the room the effect is triggered. If BUFF is re-triggered in a new room, the effect would be randomly choosen again.

Magical Mayhem

As a possible replacement to the Invoker, I'm hoping to see some sort of magical troupe/shop implemented. This shop could be a travelling thing like The Firebird is, moving from region-to-region on a semi-regular basis, or it could be a fixed shop at some location that's shared amongst the towns (like the Adventurer's Guild, all reasonable towns have one of those!).

If this shop travels, it could have it's regions be defined as: the Western Elanthia region (Solhaven/Landing/Icemule), the Eastern Elanthia Region (Cysaegir/Ta'Illistim/Ta'Vaalor), Zul Lugoth, River's Rest, Teras, and Kraken's Fall. It could stay in each region for ~15 minutes (which is what the Invoker does currently), and then take some amount of time to travel to the next region. If each region get's 15 minutes, at six regions total, that's ~ 90 minutes of active invoker-shop time. If we want to make sure each region has a sufficient amount of time in-between invoker-shop times, we'd want to make the travel time between regions (and the order of the regions) long enough to have each region have ~3 hours of non-invoker-shop time... this leads to a conclusion of ~25 minutes of shop travel time between regions. This time, of course, could be adjusted for different times of the day, similar to how the Invoker is currently set.

If this shop is stationary, we could have it set up in the Adventurer's Guild, and have it charge bounty points. It could have some sort of cooldown/refresh timer on it, so you can only buy the service every however many hours.

Either way (travelling or stationary), I'm envisioning a shop that sells slips of paper that you can then redeem or give to an NPC for a two- or four-hour cast of the spell(s) the paper says it covers. We could sell individual spells or groups of spells. For example, a slip of paper could be for a full cast of spiritual spells; this would give the character redeeming the slip four hours of 101, 104, 105, 107, & 112, and two hours of 103, 202, 204, and 207. Similar for elemental, four hours of 401, 406, 414, 503, 509, & 911, and a 511-disk. A ranger spellup would give four hours of 601, 602, & 618. Etc. Etc. Individual spells would also be available, for those who hunt in spellburst areas, so that they can pick and chose the spells they want. Prices would be dependant on the number of spells per slip of paper, and the spell levels of those spells. A ranger spellup (of 601, 602, 618) would cost more than 618-only which would cost more than 601-only. Profession-circle spells would cost more than major-circle spells, which would cost more than minor-circle spells.

Darning Awl - Armor Concealers

Knitting needles have various patterns that would be perfect candidates to have the armor concealer script added via a darning awl.

The awl would, of course, have restrictions on it. It would not be able to create full concealers, since that is a limited release thing. It would be able to create partial-coverage concealers based on the noun that it is being used on. For example, normal needles can knit sweaters which would work good for torso+arms coverage. Needles with the "Clothing" unlock can create dresses which would work decently for torso+arm+leg partial coverage concealers. Needles with the "Additional Clothing & Containers" unlock can knit robes, shirts, and tunics, which could also work. The darning awl would be smart (hopefully) to know that robes could be torso+arm+leg coverage, where tunics would be torso coverage, shirts would be torso+arms, etc. Any knittable containers that this awl is used on would have their capacities reduced to a standardized amount (fairly small amount for a couple of items).