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Wehnimer's Landing 5118 Election Interviews with Cruxophim
By Irar, TownCrier Correspondent
18 Fashanos 5118 // February 18, 2018 - in Wehnimer's Landing
Mayor Cruxophim was kind enough to sit down and have a chat with TownCrier Correspondent Irar, discussing the rigors of running a Mayoral campaign in the Landing and the myriad of challenges a Mayor faces. Cruxophim served as Mayor of Wehnimer's Landing 5117-5118 in one term. He did not seek re-election for a second term.
Speaking diplomatically to you, Cruxophim asserts, "You're all fine people, one would hope."
Cruxophim chuckles.
You say, "We're alright."
You say, "First, I'd like to begin at... well, the beginning."
Cruxophim nods absently to you.
You ask, "Why did you decide to run for mayor?"
Cruxophim rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking frankly to you, Cruxophim explains, "Honestly, I owe this town and its people a great debt. In spite of my dark... past, they've largely forgiven and accepted me, a few exceptions notwithstanding."
Speaking mildly to you, Cruxophim opines, "That is not a small thing, in my book."
"Find your strength and focus on that, regardless of what it may be, and allow others to help you in areas that you are weaker in." |
You nod understandingly at Cruxophim.
Speaking pleasantly to you, Cruxophim continues, "I love this town, and its people... those of all walks of life. And I will do whatever I can and deem best to protect them, be it stand and fight on the front lines, or protect through other means."
You smile.
You nod.
Speaking wryly to you, Cruxophim adds, "We may not always get along, but by Koar, we can stick together when we need to." Cruxophim nods once to you.
You chuckle.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you say, "No buttering up the Deacon-reporter with Koar talk, mayor."
You wink at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim raises his voice at you in merry laughter.
You say, "I kid. I love butter."
Speaking bemusedly to you, Cruxophim assures, "Of course. Who doesn't? I mean, really."
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "Now to get the timeline straight, did you run against Puptilian in the very first election after Walkar and the interim mayor?"
Speaking thoughtfully to you, Cruxophim muses, "I don't believe I ran in the first election post-Walkar, no. If I recall...."
Speaking carefully to you, Cruxophim confesses, "I was not in a condition to do so, at that time."
You nod at Cruxophim.
Speaking pleasantly to you, Cruxophim assures, "I have since gotten things far more under control, however."
Speaking to Cruxophim, you say, "I do remember the second one. That was my first assignment as a Crier."
You smile at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim nods understandingly to you.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "What was it like running a campaign? Any notable challenges for you?"
Speaking amicably to you, Cruxophim assures, "Only of the most entertaining sort."
Cruxophim chuckles.
You nod.
Speaking sagely to you, Cruxophim admits, "Those with a past like mine or bearing other notoriety... people are often quick to remind them of their past mistakes, and attempt to use that as ammunition against them."
You nod.
Speaking pleasantly to you, Cruxophim praises, "However, I was rather surprised to see less of that than I expected, last election."
Speaking bemusedly to you, Cruxophim speculates, "Perhaps people truly can forgive."
Cruxophim chuckles.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "It was Puptilian, yourself, and Kylinarr in the first. Leafiara, Hapenlok, and yourself in the second, correct?"
Speaking nonchalantly to you, Cruxophim notes, "That sounds about right, yes."
Cruxophim gives you a strong, encouraging smile.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "Would you say your personal history led to your defeat in the first election you ran, or was it something else?"
Speaking bemusedly to you, Cruxophim states, "Close race in the first, I was rather pleasantly surprised. It's difficult to say, of course, as their were quite a few votes on all sides, especially between Pup and I. Perhaps that could be it, or...."
Speaking diplomatically to you, Cruxophim suggests, "Perhaps the Landing simply wasn't ready."
You peer quizzically at Cruxophim.
You nod.
Cruxophim looks at you and breaks into a cheeky grin.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you say, "How difficult was it to run a campaign? Many do not know the details that go into that sort of thing."
Cruxophim rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking politely to you, Cruxophim explains, "It can seem overwhelming at times perhaps, but honestly... it's also equally both entertaining and rewarding, enough so that I would say it is almost certainly worth it.... ultimately. Having a good campaign manager helps, of course, and I'm sure both myself and Pup would be more than willing to answer any questions that any prospective mayor might have."
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "Your campaign manager the first time... Sareyna?"
Cruxophim nods to you.
You nod.
You ask, "And the second time?"
Speaking bemusedly to you, Cruxophim admits, "I think the hardest part for some might be developing a campaign platform, but if one listens openly to the thoughts and ideas of the people, it is not difficult for something to come together... if one were to be uncertain about such."
You nod at Cruxophim.
You say, "Wrought from Sin, Born to Win...."
Speaking amicably to you, Cruxophim states, "Sareyna again, though less formally -- a good number of people came forward to help, and they have my gratitude still."
Cruxophim starts chuckling at you!
You wink at Cruxophim.
Speaking pleasantly to you, Cruxophim explains, "I'm a firm believer in learning from one's past mistakes. Such is how we learn, after all."
You nod.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "What do you think contributed to your electoral victory in the second campaign?"
Speaking affably to you, Cruxophim explains, "Perspective is important, methinks, as well. Knowing what it is like for those on various paths has given me such, and for that I am grateful. As for what contributed... I do try and listen to everyone, regardless of whether or not I personally agree or disgree with what they are espousing. Perspective, again."
You nod at Cruxophim.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "So... insight and perspective from experience are a major factor, you'd say?"
Speaking jovially to you, Cruxophim admits, "Probably hasn't hurt. That, and perhaps standing up for people when things get grim."
You nod at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
You say, "Accomplishments too, then."
You nod.
You say, "That brings me to the next segment, your tenure."
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "If that's alright?"
Cruxophim gives you a strong, encouraging smile.
You say, "If you have any more to say on any particular question, please do let me know."
Speaking pleasedly to you, Cruxophim states, "Of course."
You nod.
You say, "You dealt with many challenges during your tenure. Puptilian dealt with [[Chaston], the Blameless, Rooks and other crises. You were faced with the business of the Kestrels, a major issue for the Landing as a whole. Among others."
Cruxophim nods absently to you.
You ask, "Are there any crises I missed you had to face?"
You say, "Aside from the present. The vigilante."
Speaking wryly to you, Cruxophim reminds, "Well, yes.... that, as well."
Cruxophim nods in agreement to you.
You say, "Which will be brought up shortly."
You chuckle.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "How do you deal with crises like those as Mayor?"
Speaking to Cruxophim, you say, "Broadly speaking, that is."
Speaking thoughtfully to you, Cruxophim begins, "Well, of course... every crisis is different, and generally requires a different tact or method of resolving. Some are overt, as simple as overcoming powerful odds in the face of physical threat, while others are more... politically charged."
Speaking amicably to you, Cruxophim opines, "Being diverse and adaptive in one's solutions is, generally speaking, a useful talent for a Mayor to possess."
Speaking nonchalantly to you, Cruxophim adds, "For any future mayors who might be taking heed."
Speaking thoughtfully to you, Cruxophim explains, "The business with Chaston, for example, was obvious -- while there were some manner of political fetters in the beginning, ultimately it came down to one thing: we knew what was right and just, and we knew that we -- as a people -- needed to stand against it."
You nod at Cruxophim.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "What of the Kestrels? Do you, or did you, consider that to be a more complicated matter?"
Speaking placidly to you, Cruxophim continues, "The business with the Kestrels, however, was far more... insidious, because while we could have taken more overt action in what we suspected, that would have ultimately had far worse ramifications in the future, providing justification for retaliation we should never have to face."
You nod at Cruxophim.
Speaking patiently to you, Cruxophim states, "Thankfully, we had many dedicated people working both openly and covertly to collect information and evidence, which we sorely lacked."
You smile at Cruxophim.
Speaking amusedly to you, Cruxophim remarks, "As I'm sure you know, Deacon."
Cruxophim flashes a quick grin at you.
You say, "I'm aware."
Speaking gently to you, Cruxophim interjects, "I do not envy your own choices in that matter, of course, but I do respect the fortitude of your convictions. And ultimately, it all worked out in the end."
Cruxophim nods respectfully to you.
Speaking calmly to you, Cruxophim concludes, "In the end, justice was served. The Kestrels did -- and shall, for the one that remains -- get what is coming to them, as is right."
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "That's an interesting point, one that I had not considered with your predecessor. What is the relationship between the mayor and intelligence gathering, in your opinion?"
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "Citizens have rights, but there is also an issue of security and stability. How do you deal with that sort of conflict?"
Speaking to you, Cruxophim states, "A good relationship and a bond of trust with the Captains of the Militia, among other sections, is quite useful. You raise a good point, which is something that we did, of course, have to deal with many times during the course of those events... and current ones, perhaps even more so."
You nod understandingly at Cruxophim.
Speaking mildly to you, Cruxophim opines, "I am always in favor of public information, whenever feasible. Citizens have a right to know as much as we can afford to share."
Speaking pleasantly to you, Cruxophim concludes, "Walking that line can be difficult, of course, but I try to err on the side of transparency whenever possible."
Speaking wryly to you, Cruxophim jests, "Let us just hope Dennet has not ruined that word forevermore."
Cruxophim flashes a quick grin at you.
You chuckle.
You say, "Which brings me to my next question. Outsiders."
(Cruxophim kicks his feet up on the desk, leaning back in the bone armchair to make himself comfortable.)
Cruxophim takes a drink from his blood wine.
Speaking boldly to you, Cruxophim muses, "Ahhhh, outsiders. Most of us were outsiders, once."
You say, "Every mayor thus far, and I suspect for the foreseeable future will as well deal with them."
Cruxophim nods in agreement to you.
You say, "There's the Empire and all its associated institutions, invaders, and plenty other foreign influences."
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "How do you approach outside influences on Landing affairs?"
You say, "As a mayor, that is."
Speaking didactically to you, Cruxophim explains, "In that, we have the luxury of being comparatively small and out of the way, in relation to the Empire and its provinces. Unless we go out of our way to draw undo attention, for the most part... we are both content to be left alone and in peace. There does come a time every so often, however, when the nature of our relationship to places abroad becomes relevant, and some Mayors may be faced with decisions that impact the political relations with foreign entities. I prefer a firm but fair hand, myself, and an assertion of our independence without cultivating outright hostility... but it order to grow and flourish, we must also maintain trade with other regions."
Speaking proudly to you, Cruxophim states, "And as it stands, both myself and the former Mayor have established trade relations with several provinces, which -- in spite of various twists and turns -- remain in good stead to this day."
Cruxophim chuckles.
You nod at Cruxophim.
Speaking amicably to you, Cruxophim concludes, "We are continuing to grow and flourish, and while greater attention may be paid to our humble province in future -- as such continues, naturally -- we remain both proud and independent."
You smile.
You nod.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "This may relate to both resolution of crises and foreign relations... How do you balance personal feelings about a particular matter against your duties as a public servant?"
Speaking wryly to you, Cruxophim adds, "Or, you know... as demons continue to attempt to pierce our valence."
You chuckle.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you say, "Demons and my most recent question are a decent segue."
You grin at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim raises his voice in merry laughter.
Speaking mildly to you, Cruxophim states, "I do try and not let personal feelings or opinions, such as they are, stand in the way of wisdom that might guide our town. This is why I nominated several Advisors, in order to curate sage council in such times as the will of the people is divided, which does happen more often that not."
You nod at Cruxophim.
Speaking diplomatically to you, Cruxophim adds, "Several Advisors of all backgrounds and perspectives, and such."
You ask, "So you keep close to you consider wise advisors, but those of diverse opinions. Anything else that goes into it?"
Speaking mildly to you, Cruxophim adds, "One of the most difficult things a Mayor must face, in my opinion, are those situations in which the desire of the people is not always the most prudent course of action. Sometimes, one must be willing to be the 'bad guy' and make unpopular decisions as well, proverbially speaking."
Speaking sagely to you, Cruxophim opines, "Learning to differentiate those instances is, of course, important."
You nod at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim takes a drink from his blood wine.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "And how do you differentiate? Intuition?"
Speaking amusedly to you, Cruxophim reminds, "In some measure, yes. Intuition, research in some cases, and of course... sage council."
You smile.
You nod.
You say, "This brings me to my next question, and one of my last."
Cruxophim gives you a strong, encouraging smile.
Cruxophim tilts his blood wine side to side, making the light play off it.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "Your advisors, you say have a diversity of views and opinions. This is also the case with the town in general. Many with strong opinions... and many also well armed and powerful. How do you navigate such a gallery of individuals and groups?"
Cruxophim raises his voice in merry laughter.
Speaking shrewdly to you, Cruxophim admits, "If anyone could discern a singular answer for that, I have no doubt they would rule the Landing forever."
Cruxophim flashes you a toothy grin.
Speaking pleasantly to you, Cruxophim opines, "Acceptance and open-mindedness are things which I believe the Landing embraces... nay, dare I say, even embodies. Such does not come without some measure consequence here and there, of course; but by and large, it is the single unifying factor which makes Wehnimer's Landing the beacon of freedom that it is."
You chuckle.
You nod.
Speaking didactically to you, Cruxophim explains, "I believe that by embracing that, rather than trying to impose too much rigidity and unnecessary regulation, we allow individuals the freedom to be who they are. If tha means accepting some things others might find questionable, we must always remember that acceptance is what brings us together. And through acceptance, we find understanding... and perhaps even unity, especially in those darkest of times."
You nod.
You say, "If you've no other comments on that, Mayor, I'd like to move on to my final two questions."
You ask, "If that's alright with you?"
Speaking lightly to you, Cruxophim reminds, "The sorcerer that you cross the street to avoid, for example, may very well be that individual that saves your life someday."
Cruxophim nods in agreement to you.
Speaking affably to you, Cruxophim adds, "Or the cleric whose beliefs your are derisive toward, may stand between you and a greater threat."
Cruxophim takes a drink from his blood wine.
Speaking amicably to you, Cruxophim agrees, "Of course."
You nod at Cruxophim.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "In practical terms... Just how much of a time investment is the position of Mayor?"
Cruxophim rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking frankly to you, Cruxophim opines, "I believe it can be as much or as little as you are willing to invest in it, to be truthful. There are a number of people influencing and making decisions for the town, not just the Mayor."
You nod at Cruxophim.
Speaking amicably to you, Cruxophim explains, "And leaders can differ, of course, as per their strengths. One leader may be charismatic and outgoing, one who others naturally follow; or they may be more reclusive, but still making changes and improvements that benefit our town."
You nod.
Speaking to Cruxophim, you ask, "Finally, is there any advice you could give to future mayors, or candidates for mayor?"
Speaking pleasantly to you, Cruxophim opines, "There are a variety of ways in which a Mayor can enact positive change for our town, not simply one. Remember that, and do not be afraid to set out on your own path rather than simply emulate and follow in the footsteps of past mayors. Find your strength and focus on that, regardless of what it may be, and allow others to help you in areas that you are weaker in."
You nod.
Speaking sagely to you, Cruxophim continues, "Listen to the advice of those who have come before, or those who bear wisdom, but do not be afraid to follow your intuition in those instances where it might guide you. Be open, be receptive... but be firm, when you need to be."
You nod.
Speaking nonchalantly to you, Cruxophim adds, "Also, platemail may help in some cases... apparently."
Cruxophim flashes you a toothy grin.
You chuckle.
Cruxophim squints at a tall arched window.
You nod to the arched window.
You exclaim, "Thank you May- oh!"
You exclaim, "I forgot, one more, promise!"
Speaking bemusedly to you, Cruxophim assures, "Of course."
You ask, "Do you like all Deacons of Koar, or is there one in particular you favor over the others?"
You snicker.
Speaking slyly to you, Cruxophim ventures, "This feels a bit like a trick question."
Cruxophim squints at you.
Cruxophim narrows his eyes, his dark sclera reduced to mere slits.
You wink at Cruxophim.
You ask, "Is there anything you'd like to add? Any questions you'd like to answer?"
Speaking amusedly to you, Cruxophim informs, "I welcome all Deacons of Koar who prove themselves to be valuable members of our community, of course. But I may not call all of them 'friend'."
You grin at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim flashes a quick grin at you.
Speaking gently to you, Cruxophim begins, "I would heartily urge any who are even considering running for Mayor this election to do so."
You nod.
You say, "If that's all then, we'll wrap it up."
Speaking patiently to you, Cruxophim reasons, "Even running itself can be an enriching experience... and even if you do not win, you have gained some manner of knowledge -- and perhaps even friendship -- from such. And if you are at all intimidated by the process, do not be. Remember that even if you are elected and feel unprepared for the task, you have a whole town of people... not just looking for your leadership, but also offering their support."
You say, "Oh, apologies, do go on."
You nod at Cruxophim.
Speaking amusedly to you, Cruxophim assures, "Oh no, I'm done. I may be a night owl, but I'm sure Deacons need their beauty rest."
Cruxophim flashes you a toothy grin.
You chuckle.
You say, "Thank you, Mayor, for the interview."
Speaking pleasantly to you, Cruxophim assures, "My pleasure."
Cruxophim clasps your hand, and you shake it enthusiastically in return.
You turn toward Cruxophim and render a sharp salute with your drinking horn.