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<br><br>('''Credit:''' [[Ebon Gate 2019]])</div> |
<br><br>('''Credit:''' [[Ebon Gate 2019]])</div> |
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<h4>Into The Unknown</h4><div class="mw-collapsible-content">It was during the Hour of Lumnis on Tilamaires, the 3rd of Eorgaen in the year 5119 and Graison was in the Meditation Chamber within the Order of Voln located just outside Wehnimer's Landing. He was doing his daily prayers to Lord Voln. There was a soft knock on the plain wooden door that separated him and the Hall of Brotherhood. A monk that is dressed in simple black robes that seem to swallow up the details of his form enters with a chest.<br><br>The monk quietly tells Graison that the chest he is holding contains items belonging to Sir Jackson Derges. That was his father's name. The monk continued that it arrived from the Southern Order of Voln in Aldora. Graison was confused. His father and mother had passed away four years ago. Why would his father's belongings make it here now? Graison nods to the monk and takes the chest. The monk slowly leaves closing the door behind him.<br><br>Graison sits on the ground, setting his back to the altar that is tall and cylindrical. He opens the chest wondering what will be inside. Much of what was inside looked liked found treasures on his father's adventures. There was also a beat up folio.<br><br>Opening the folio to a random page, Graison found a date written in ink at the top. He turned more pages seeing different days written. Did his father write his adventures down? He flipped through more pages. He stopped when he came to a page with sketchings trapped in between the crease. He pulled them out. They were drawings of a girl. She had long hair down to her waist and looked like it was braided. Her face had a delicate feature to it. Graison began to read the page the sketches were stuck in. |
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''Niiman, the 6th of Lumnea in the year 5113<br><br>I can't believe Saya is thirteen years old now. Today is the last day I will be seeing her. Her mother is taking her to the Isle of Four Winds. There is too much danger here in Aldora. I hope one day when she is older I meet paths with her again.<br><br>Today I am also taking Graison to the House of the Paladin. My hopes are he grows up to be a great Paladin. He is always eager to hear my stories when I come home. This will give me my distraction of not being able to see my little girl anymore.'' |
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"Wait! What?" Graison said aloud. "My little girl?" Graison's emotions took a turn. Did he just find out his father was cheating on his mother? "This can't be possible!" He continued talking to himself. His father always showed compassion and love for his mother. Why would he have someone else on the side? Graison flipped further back scanning for the name Saya. |
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''Tilamaires, the 1st of Olaesta in the year 5108<br><br>I travelled back to the woods to see her again. Little Saya looks so much like her mother with a touch of myself. She has my black hair and blue-grey eyes. She loves the animals and the animals love her. It's cute to watch her run around with the little creatures.'' |
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Graison flips the pages seeking more. |
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''Feastday, the 14th of Eorgaen in the year 5102<br><br>I went back to the woods to thank the woman who saved my life. It was last winter I fell ill and collapsed on my way home. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for her. I wouldn't be with my lovely Alyce and little Graison if it weren't for her.<br><br>She had a precious baby when I visited. She was so cute. I thought maybe the man of the home was out hunting food for them. I didn't want to stay long. But this woman asked me to sit and wanted to tell me something. She told me this little child she was holding, for which she named Sayakah, was mine. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could this precious young one be mine? She continued to explain that when I fell ill, I had a bad fever and as I was recovering, I called her Alyce. Because I was still not well, she didn't want me to relapse and get worse. So she played along.<br><br>I was furious. How could this woman do this to me? But as I looked at the sweet little child with those eyes, I couldn't stay mad. But I had to keep this a secret from Alyce. From Alyce and Graison. This is one adventure I must not tell either of them. I hope one day I can share this story to them. But for now, it must remain unknown.'' |
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Graison shuts the folio and stuffs the sketches of this girl in his hauberk. He has a sibling somewhere out there. Somewhere on the Isle of Four Winds. Should he seek her out? She should be nineteen or twenty of age by now. Something brought this folio to him for a reason. Do the monks know something he doesn't? Graison tucks the folio into his haversack and closes the chest. He finds another monk and tells him that he wishes to donate the items in the chest to the Order. The monk smiles graciously.<br><br>As Graison makes his way to the Courtyard of the Order, he takes out the sketches of this girl named Sayakah and stares at them for a few minutes before placing them back in his hauberk. Graison finally walks back to Wehnimer's Landing with a determined look. |
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<p>[[Category:Platinum Player Characters]]</p> |
<p>[[Category:Platinum Player Characters]]</p> |
Revision as of 01:18, 5 December 2019
[[Category: Human player characters]] [[Category: Aldora player characters]]
Name: Lord Graison Derges
Title: Vindicator
Race: Human Gender: Male
Age: 24
Date of Birth: Day 15 of the month Ivastaen in the year of 5095
Clan: Aldora
He is taller than average and has a muscular, able-bodied physique. He appears to be very young.
He has piercing blue-grey eyes and tanned skin.
He has short, frizzy black hair shaved at the temples.
He has a scruffy looking face and a broad chest.

Member of The Militia
Member of the Order of Voln
Follower of Voln
Strongest foe vanquished: a towering oozing zombie spider
He is wearing a little round mirror, a pure white onyx shield talisman, some metallic black pearl prayer beads, some jet prayer beads with a white shield pendant, a crystal amulet, a layered black wool cloak, a silver-dipped feather stickpin, a large-eyed purple dove charm, a golden feather charm, a gold-plated Militia insignia, a sailcloth haversack slung over his shoulder, a circular rolaren greatshield emblazoned with a bold blue lightning bolt slung over his other shoulder, a white spidersilk surcoat over a gilt-accented onyx jazerant hauberk, a pair of articulated black gauntlets with gold accents, a gold-framed band centered with a white sunstone shield, a miniscule gargoyle ring, a black-striated belt, a laje-buckled leather swordbelt with a gold-edged white ora sidesword hanging from it, an onyx leather pouch with mesh inserts, a sword-etched sleek silver case, a dark leather wine flask, a gold-plated onyx herb kit, a pair of loose stygian black leather trousers, some gleaming golden spurs embossed with argent roses, and some onyx-hued leather riding boots with rounded ora buckles.
Growing Up Graison
As Graison grew into his teenage years, he followed in his mother’s footsteps and tended their goats and sheep. He would go to the shanties outside the walls of Elstreth to sell what he could. He also wanted to be like his father and become a Paladin. He would listen to stories by his father for years.
When he turned 18, Graison was brought to the House of the Paladin by his father. His father didn’t follow the same deity as he and his mother, which was Kai. His father followed Lord Voln. Graison had heard about him. He also knew that his father was constantly out fighting beasts and other creatures that were killed but rose again. They called them the undead.
Graison started training as a Paladin at this time. He learned Paladins were fierce warriors with much spirituality as a cleric. The more he trained, the more he would learn how the spiritual magic works. He was taught that he could use these spells to help defend himself and offensively use against others in battle. He received a weapon as a gift from his father after joining the Paladin rankings. It was a sidesword made out of white ora. The white ora from the sword is a special metal that will react to the aura of a Paladin and allow them to fight the undead with weapon in hand without having to have it sanctified.
He fought many undead alongside his father for a year. The party he was with would always go out looking for the undead. There were many beasts that were harmful along the way, but their focus was to find any undead walking amongst the living. Alone, Graison would fight any beast that would try and hurt him, living or not. A few plants even got a whiff of his sword.
One evening when Graison was asleep, he had a peculiar dream. A man in full armor of black chainmail topped by a white surcoat and carrying a white shield was fighting alongside him. Graison had no idea who this man was. Something was different when they slain the undead. He could hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separated itself from the body of the undead as it would rise, disappearing into the heavens. The man would watch and smile contently as he stared at Graison. Then the dream was over and Graison woke up. He told his father about what happened in his dream and was told that Lord Voln had visited him and showed him the purpose behind defeating the undead.
Graison then started studying and learning more about Lord Voln and his mission. He heard about a band of folks living underground who were followers of Luukos, but never understood why until now. He even made friends who would worship Luukos, always keeping it a secret and never knowing the whole reason about it. He knew there were of Gods out there, but never really took any of it to the heart as to why. Until now.
At the age of 21, Graison joined the Southern Order of Voln in Aldora. He would meet up with monks who would guide him and lay symbols upon which he would learn new spiritual magic alongside the ones he was learning as a Paladin. He had a tattoo imprinted on his wrist of a white shield on a field of black to represent his devotion to the Lord Voln.
His father and mother grew too ill that the stone-tenders were no longer able to assist. They passed away and Graison knew this was his time to adventure outside of the Turamzzyrian Empire and begin a new chapter in his life while completing the works and studies of the Order of Voln.
Itzy Bitzy Spider
The battle lasted for what seemed all night, but probably only lasted a half hour or so. There was a call from the West Gate that the undead forces have overrun the guards and entered the town. Jaynon summoned for a group of defenders to stand alongside him and help the citizens of Wehnimer’s Landing. Graison volunteered and joined up.
Graison helped the defenders fight off the undead within the town and escort citizens and visitors to safety. As he was moving forward through the streets, Graison couldn’t believe what he saw next. A few feet in front of him, Graison notices a pocket realm form and larger creatures and beasts come forth. These ones were not the typical undead that Graison has fought. These ones were oozing from every pore and orifice.
A towering spider that clearly was zombified noticed Graison and used its eight legs to quickly rush him. Graison followed lead and ran at the spider as well as yelling. The spider was almost as big as him. Every stab he performed on the spider would result in more ooze. Graison was tired and getting injured. Tiny little spiders started crawling from the bigger spider and now he was stepping on these as well as fighting off the zombified spider. Other defenders joined Graison and the towering oozing zombie spider was eventually defeated. So was Graison and he needed to find shelter and get help.
A triage was set up at the Raging Thrak Inn where defenders were going to get healed. Graison was helped getting there. As his wounds were being tended by an empath, Graison noticed one of the tiny spiders had found its way onto him. He quickly grabbed the spider and tossed it away. The spider quickly crawled instantly back onto Graison. Using the palm of his hand, he covered the spider and pressed down to squish it. As he released, the spider was still there. As Graison tried to grab the spider again, it dug its legs into his armor and was unmovable. As much as he tried, there was nothing he could do. The spider was not harmful.
As days went on, others around town grew concerned that Graison was infested with a spider, Jaynon in particular since he had his own concerns with a spider-person taunting him. The spider soon became part of Graison’s life and he treated it more as a pet. Whenever he is asked about why he has a spider that lives on him, he shares his story of the fight against the undead and the towering oozing zombie spider.
(Credit: Fallen from Faith)
Teasingly Torturous
It was during the Hour of Tonis on Tilamaires, the 1st of Jastatos in the year 5119 when Graison was approached and given a poster. The poster had a picture of a young boy who went missing on Caligos Isle. Graison had heard of this island before. Many attend to celebrate the Eve of the Reunion. Merchants stop by during the month selling their wares and those who live on the isle set up games to play. It was supposed to be a fun place to visit. But there seemed to be trouble on the isle. Others around the town of Wehnimer’s Landing were also given posters. Their presence was requested on the isle.
As Graison arrived on Caligos Isle, there were many others he recognized from Wehnimer’s Landing and surrounding towns. A mystery was afoot. Those who had already gathered learned information that they were sharing. Ghost children were wandering the isle. They were stuck there and not able to pass into Lorminstra's Gate. Graison teamed up with some of what he now considered friends to figure what to do for these ghostly children who seem to be the ones missing on the posters hanging up around the isle. After time of investigating and research, everyone headed for the Whip and Wight Inn for the night.
When the Hour of Tonis arrived the next day, Graison was out and about with Rouste when Rouste all of a sudden asks, "Hear that?" Graison had no clue what Rouste heard and replied, "I didn't." Rouste scratches his beard and continues, "Dinna hear laughin'?" A silvery mist suddenly shrouds the area, obscuring Graison's vision. He feels something cover his face and the world goes completely dark. Graison awakens somewhere underground.
[Underground, Sacrificial Altar]
Khlast shakes her head, clucking her tongue. |
Graison's spirit was still with his body, but fading fairly quickly. He could hear voices coming from afar and some people to his location. He saw these people before, but wasn't sure who they were. They started dragging his body away from where he was. He wasn't exactly sure what they were doing with his body. Graison started to get concerned. But he finally saw two familiar faces. Jourwen and Ravenfritha were walking along and immediately speaking to Ravenfritha, Delieta says, "We found him in our walking path."
Raven, for short, placed her hands on Graison and started making some small prayers and his limbs begin reforming onto his body as well as his tongue. Jourwen cracks open a gem and scatters it all over Graison's body and chants a prayer. Graison's spirit and body becomes one again.
Graison remembers clearly what had happened to him and shares his story with his two friends. He tells them he thinks this is what happened to the missing children. As Graison was walking away with his group, a silver voice slithers across his ear, "Rest.... I will decide if we try again tomorrow."
(Credit: Ebon Gate 2019)
Into The Unknown
The monk quietly tells Graison that the chest he is holding contains items belonging to Sir Jackson Derges. That was his father's name. The monk continued that it arrived from the Southern Order of Voln in Aldora. Graison was confused. His father and mother had passed away four years ago. Why would his father's belongings make it here now? Graison nods to the monk and takes the chest. The monk slowly leaves closing the door behind him.
Graison sits on the ground, setting his back to the altar that is tall and cylindrical. He opens the chest wondering what will be inside. Much of what was inside looked liked found treasures on his father's adventures. There was also a beat up folio.
Opening the folio to a random page, Graison found a date written in ink at the top. He turned more pages seeing different days written. Did his father write his adventures down? He flipped through more pages. He stopped when he came to a page with sketchings trapped in between the crease. He pulled them out. They were drawings of a girl. She had long hair down to her waist and looked like it was braided. Her face had a delicate feature to it. Graison began to read the page the sketches were stuck in.
Niiman, the 6th of Lumnea in the year 5113 |
"Wait! What?" Graison said aloud. "My little girl?" Graison's emotions took a turn. Did he just find out his father was cheating on his mother? "This can't be possible!" He continued talking to himself. His father always showed compassion and love for his mother. Why would he have someone else on the side? Graison flipped further back scanning for the name Saya.
Tilamaires, the 1st of Olaesta in the year 5108 |
Graison flips the pages seeking more.
Feastday, the 14th of Eorgaen in the year 5102 |
Graison shuts the folio and stuffs the sketches of this girl in his hauberk. He has a sibling somewhere out there. Somewhere on the Isle of Four Winds. Should he seek her out? She should be nineteen or twenty of age by now. Something brought this folio to him for a reason. Do the monks know something he doesn't? Graison tucks the folio into his haversack and closes the chest. He finds another monk and tells him that he wishes to donate the items in the chest to the Order. The monk smiles graciously.
As Graison makes his way to the Courtyard of the Order, he takes out the sketches of this girl named Sayakah and stares at them for a few minutes before placing them back in his hauberk. Graison finally walks back to Wehnimer's Landing with a determined look.