Gold-strung onyx tile jewelry: Difference between revisions

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| role="rowheader" scope="row" | 2017 - 1000 favor
| role="rowheader" scope="row" | 2017 - 1000 favor
| 5/3, 5x/day
| 5/3, 5x/day
| 1, 3x/day
| 1x/day
| role="rowheader" scope="row" | 2018 - 2000 favor
| role="rowheader" scope="row" | 2018 - 2000 favor
| 10/6, 10x/day
| 10/6, 10x/day
| 2, 2x/day
| 2x/day
| role="rowheader" scope="row" | 2019 - 3000 favor
| role="rowheader" scope="row" | 2019 - 3000 favor
| 15/9, 15x/day
| 15/9, 15x/day
| 3, 3x/day
| 3x/day
| role="rowheader" scope="row" | 2020 - 4000 favor
| role="rowheader" scope="row" | 2020 - 4000 favor
| 20/12, 20x/day
| 20/12, 20x/day
| 4, 4x/day
| 4x/day
| role="rowheader" scope="row" | 2021 - 5000 favor
| role="rowheader" scope="row" | 2021 - 5000 favor
| 25/15, 25x/day
| 25/15, 25x/day
| 5, 5x/day
| 5x/day

Revision as of 08:40, 10 October 2021

Gold-strung onyx tile jewelry was introduced as an update to the Ghezyte chelioboros item quest reward first released at Ebon Gate 2017. At Ebon Gate 2021, the ability to convert the item's appearance and abilities, along with its deity, was made available as part of the quest. It is a self-charging item that has different abilities based on whether one has completed the yearly quest and/or converted to the deity Lorminstra. Similar to the ghezyte chelioboros item, the amount of favor gained for it allows its various upgrades. The first year being 1000 followed by 2000 for the second year. Favor is garnered by doing the various Caligos Isle yearly quest(s). There is a cost of 250,000 silver to purchase the item from the chest when available on Caligos Isle. Once purchased, the item is attuned to the character that picked it up.

The item can be rotated between four various worn locations via the PROD verb. Those four locations include wrist(bracelet), finger(ring), neck(choker), and ankle(anklet).

The LOOK/TAP of the item is: a gold-strung (noun) of alternating black and white onyx tiles. The SHOW is:

Blocky tiles of alternating black and white onyx have been fused atop a broken layer of smooth ghezyte, the shards of which are washed in rippled gold thin enough to reveal glimpses of the deep indigo metal beneath. Parallel strands of braided gold are threaded through the tiles with enough room for them to slide and clack together. The ends meet at an interlocking square of gold wrought to resemble a stylized joining of key and gate.


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Tier 1

Tier 1 refers to the benefits when the item has 1000 favor.


Verb Modifier First Second Third
COVER (Lorminstra Follower Only) Success As you lay your hand over your (item), frost creeps across the onyx tiles with an audible crackle. Winter's chill spreads through you, imbuing you with a sense of fearlessness. N/A As (character) lays (his/her) hand over (her/her) (item), frost creeps across the onyx tiles with an audible crackle. (His/her) gaze assumes a cold resolve, (eye color) eyes sheened ebon and sparking crystalline white for the briefest of moments.
(Lorminstra Follower Only) Failure - Not Enough Favor The tiles of your (item) slide listlessly beneath your hand, their clacking muted. N/A N/A
(Lorminstra Follower Only) Failure - Backlash The luster of the onyx is dulled, coarse and grey, and the gold has a dirty cast. N/A N/A
(Lorminstra Follower Only) Failure - All Uses Expended for Day Your (item) remains quiescent, its energies depleted, but you sense renewal will come in time. N/A N/A
You raise your (item) and press it to your lips in reverence. Instead of warming at your breath, the onyx tiles cool until your exhalations are a spreading fog of pale vapor. N/A (Character) raises (his/her) (noun) and presses it to (his/her) lips in a reverent gesture. A fog of pale vapor formed of (his/her) chilled breath spreads outward from (his/her) hand.
You press a reverent kiss to your fingers and then transfer that touch to your item. Instead of warming under your hand, the onyx tiles cool until fluffy rime builds along their edges and then drops away, dusting you with swiftly melting particles of ice. N/A (Character) presses a reverent kiss to (his/her) fingers and then transfers that touch to (his/her) (item). Fluffy rime builds along the edges of the onyx tiles and then drops away, dusting (him/her) with swiftly melting particles of ice.
LISTEN N/A You strain your ears to listen and catch a weak, watery gurgle emanating from your (item). The sound cuts off abruptly, replaced by the chime of metal on metal, reminiscent of the jangling of keys. N/A (Character) cants (his/her) head, listening intently to something only (he/she) can hear.
POINT Success You narrow your eyes at (target) and focus your will through the (item) you wear, invoking the power of Lorminstra and the unrelenting cycle of death and rebirth. (Noun) shatters into crystalline motes, but the motes do not fall. Instead, they are borne upon a frigid blast of air that sweeps toward (target) and coils about (target) in an icy embrace. (Target) cowers before the arctic assault and shivers uncontrollably!

The whorls of wintry wind finally veer away from target and turn back to you, the crystalline motes scudding around your body before reforming into (item).

(Character) narrows (his/her) eyes at you. Abruptly, the (item) (he/she) is wearing shatters into crystalline motes, but the motes do not fall. Instead, they are borne upon a frigid blast of air that wraps you in its icy embrace. You cower before the arctic assault and shiver uncontrollably!

The whorls of wintry wind finally veer away from you and turn back, the crystalline motes scudding around (character) before reforming into (item).

(Character) narrows (his/her) eyes at (target). Abruptly, the (item) (character) is wearing shatters into crystalline motes, but the motes do not fall. Instead, they are borne upon a frigid blast of air that sweeps toward (target) and coils about (target) in an icy embrace. (Target) cowers before the arctic assault and shivers uncontrollably!

The whorls of wintry wind finally veer away from (target) and turn back, the crystalline motes scudding around (character) before reforming into (item).

Failure - Not Enough Favor The tiles of your (item) slide listlessly at your motion, their clacking muted. N/A N/A
Backfire You narrow your eyes and focus your will through the (item) you wear, invoking the power of Lorminstra and the unrelenting cycle of death and rebirth. (Item) shatters into crystalline motes, but the motes do not fall. Instead, they flicker with an unexpected indigo tint and then turn on you, battering you with a blast of chill and briny air! You cringe back, intimidated by the tainted power you've unleashed!

As abruptly as it occurred, the backlash subsides. The crystalline motes scud around you one last time before reforming into (item).

N/A (Character) narrows (his/her) eyes. The (item) (he/she) is wearing shatters into crystalline motes, but the motes do not fall. Instead, they flicker with an indigo tint and then turn on (him/her), battering (him/her) with a blast of chill and briny air! (He/she) cringes back from the tainted onslaught!

As abruptly as it occurred, the backlash subsides. The crystalline motes scud around (character) one last time before reforming into (item).


Crystalline motes flicker into view, tinted faintly indigo. They swirl madly for a moment, carried on a chill and briny wind, before disappearing once more.

Failure - Backlash The luster of the onyx is dulled, coarse and grey, and the gold has a dirty cast. N/A N/A
Failure - Used all daily uses Your (item) remains quiescent, its energies depleted, but you sense renewal will come in time. N/A N/A
PROD N/A You poke and prod at the (item) pooled in your hand. It slides and tumbles over itself with a muted clatter, finally settling into the form of (item). N/A (Character) pokes and prods the (item) pooled in (his/her) hand. It slides and tumbles over itself with a muted clatter, finally settling into the form of (item).
Changes worn location of the item.
RUB N/A With absent repetition, you rub the pad of your thumb along one (black/white) tile of your (item), taking comfort from its smooth texture. N/A With absent repetition, (character) rubs the pad of (his/her) thumb along one (black/white) tile of (his/her) (item).
TOUCH N/A You brush your fingertips over the cool tiles of your (item), touching first black onyx, then white, then black again. Coils of frost flash across each polished surface on contact, fading with a golden afterimage soon after. N/A (Character) brushes (his/her) fingertips over the monochrome tiles of (his/her) (item), touching first black onyx, then white, then black again. Coils of frost flash across each polished surface on contact, fading with a golden afterimage soon after.

Tier 2

Tier 2 refers to the benefits available upon with 2000 favor.


Verb First Third
NUDGE You nudge one onyx tile of your (item) over to click lightly against its neighbor. (Character) nudges one onyx tile of (his/her) (item) over to click lightly against its neighbor.
TICKLE You walk your fingers along the tiles of your (item), sliding them against each other with gentle clicks and clacks. (Character) walks (his/her) fingers along the tiles of (his/her) (item), sliding them against each other with gentle clicks and clacks.

Tier 3

Tier 3 refers to the benefits available with 3000 favor.


Verb Modifier First Third
GAZE Neck-worn You idly toy with the onyx tiles of your (item) and your gaze drifts without focus. You find yourself ruminating on the circular, alternating monochrome motif as a metaphor for the cycle of seasons, of years... life giving way to death and rebirth until the final passage through the Ebon Gate. (Character) idly toys with the (item) encircling (his/her) throat, (his/her) gaze growing distant and (his/her) expression contemplative.
Your gaze falls to your (item), taking in the slight variegation of the black and white onyx tiles. You find yourself ruminating on the circular, alternating monochrome motif as a metaphor for the cycle of seasons, of years... life giving way to death and rebirth until the final passage through the Ebon Gate. (Character)'s gaze falls to (his/her) (item), (his/her) expression growing distant and contemplative for a long moment.
PRAY Ghezresh Convert Memories of Caligos Isle drift through your mind like an insidious mist. You dwell for a moment on your recollections, your thoughts becoming a wistful prayer before a shock of cold from your (item) shoves His presence from your mind. Character pauses in silence, and before long, (his/her) (item) shivers against (his/her) skin.
Lorminstra Convert Memories of Caligos Isle drift through your mind like an insidious mist. You dwell for a moment on your recollections, offering up a reverent prayer to the Goddess Lorminstra. As if in answer, a chill ripples forth from your (item), and you welcome this reminder of Her blessing.
"Other" Convert Memories of Caligos Isle drift through your mind like an insidious mist. You dwell for a moment on your recollections, offering up a reverent prayer. As if in answer, a chill ripples forth from your (item), a reminder of the blessing received.
Other Deity Convert Memories of Caligos Isle drift through your mind like an insidious mist. You dwell for a moment on your recollections, offering up a prayer to (deity) for seeing you through that time. As if in answer, a chill ripples forth from your (noun), a reminder of the blessing received.
Unconverted Memories of Caligos Isle drift through your mind like an insidious mist. You dwell for a moment on your recollections, and contemplate the strange workings of the many powers at play in the world. As if in response, a chill ripples forth from your (item), a reminder of the blessing received.

Tier 4

Tier 4 refers to the benefits available with 4000 favor.


Verb Modifier First Third
HISS N/A Your (item) constricts with a sudden chill, and your next breath is a startled hiss of air between clenched teeth. It thaws after just a moment, loosening its grip. (Character) hisses a startled intake of breath between clenched teeth.
MOCK Neck-worn It seems unwise to criticize an object of power wrapped around your throat. N/A
Standard You turn a critical eye to your (item), examining the thinness of the gold that binds the onyx tiles to the broken ghezyte beneath and how it doesn't quite disguise the indigo-black metal entirely. Your lips curl with scorn at the demonstration of just how little it takes to wrest an object of power from the influence of a self-proclaimed deity. (Character) regards (his/her) (item) with a critical eye, and (his/her) lips curl in a small, scornful smile.
Ghezresh Convert You turn a critical eye to your (item), examining the thinness of the gold that binds the onyx tiles to the broken ghezyte beneath and how it doesn't quite disguise the indigo-black metal entirely. Your lips curl with scornful triumph as, under your inspection, faint shadows ripple beneath the gilding and hint at a power merely contained, not truly broken or purged. Unconquered still, you know He can gain the upper hand in time. (Character) regards (his/her) (item) with a critical eye, and (his/her) lips curl in a small, triumphant smile.
Lorminstra Convert You turn a critical eye to your (item), examining the thinness of the gold that binds the onyx tiles to the broken ghezyte beneath and yet how firmly the stone adheres. Your lips curl with proud satisfaction and not a little contempt for the upstart sea spirit whose power was overwhelmed and broken by the might of the Goddess Lorminstra. (Character) regards (his/her) (item) with a critical eye, and (his/her) lips curl in a small, satisfied smile.

Tier 5

Tier 5 refers to the benefits available with 5000 favor.

Additional Information

Mechanical Information

In order to activate any of the special abilities on the bracelet, the user must have the required amount of favor for that ability. Minimum required favor is 1000.

Year/Total Favor POINT (at target) COVER
Adds an intimidate debuff to the target that reduces the targets DS/TD by: Must follow Lorminstra
Lasts 5 minutes, Sheer Fear Boost will increase user's sheer fear level by:
2017 - 1000 favor 5/3, 5x/day 1x/day
2018 - 2000 favor 10/6, 10x/day 2x/day
2019 - 3000 favor 15/9, 15x/day 3x/day
2020 - 4000 favor 20/12, 20x/day 4x/day
2021 - 5000 favor 25/15, 25x/day 5x/day


1P: The air about you takes on a wintry chill, and you find yourself shivering violently until the sensation passes.
2P: (Character) shivers violently for a moment.

1P: A single, perfectly formed snowflake alights on your (item) and remains there for a breath before melting away.
2P: (Character)'s (item) glints briefly with a crystalline fleck of cold white light.

1P: Your exhaled breath condenses on the air, visible as a puff of white vapor before it drifts away.
2P: (Character)'s exhaled breath condenses on the air, visible as a puff of white vapor before it drifts away.

1P: You catch the distant, resonant sound of a heavy gate slamming shut.
2P: N/A

1P: Moving slowly, a tendril of silver mist seeps from beneath the tiles of your (item), but before it can get far, it flash-freezes and scatters as crystalline dust.
2P: Moving slowly, a tendril of silver mist seeps from beneath the tiles of (Character)'s (item), but before it can get far, it flash-freezes and scatters as crystalline dust.

1P: The cold bite of your (item) raises gooseflesh throughout the surrounding skin.
2P: (Character)'s visible skin around (his/her) (item) pebbles with gooseflesh.

1P: Weak glimmers of indigo and silver well up between the tiles of your (item) before submerging beneath the binding gold once more.
2P: Weak glimmers of indigo and silver well up between the tiles of (Character)'s (item) for only a moment.

1P: One after another, the onyx tiles of your (item) slide about, shifting and clacking softly together of their own accord.
2P: A soft, staccato clack of stone on stone sounds from (Character)'s direction.

1P: A ghostly flicker passes through your peripheral vision, accompanied by a hollow sigh of relief.
2P: N/A

Fear Resistance Ending:
1P: Winter's bracing chill wanes, taking with it your sense of fearlessness.
2P: N/A

See Also

Gold-strung onyx tile jewelry Information
Type Mechanical
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Jewelry
Alterable No
Light/Deep No
Original Release Venue Ebon Gate 2021
Quest Item Yes
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 5
How to Unlock Quest
Attunement Yes
Attunes to Character
Item Verbs