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'''Cobbling''' is an artisan guild skill that allows a character to make footwear.
'''Cobbling''' is an [[artisan skill]] that allows a character to make footwear. Items made using this system weigh 2lbs and hold a [[Inspect#Clothing_and_Containers|very small amount]] with enough space for a couple of items (two) and cannot be [[Lightening|lightened]] nor [[Deepening|deepened]].
{{TOC limit|3}}
==Cobbling workshop locations==
There are eight cobbling workshops. They are:<br>
:*In [[Cysaegir]], in [[The Cobbler's Cobby]] near the furrier.
:*In [[Icemule Trace]], through the natural stone entrance in Ancient Burrow, Wiley Way.
:*In [[Kharam Dzu]], at the [[Teras Isle's Cobblers' Co-Operative]] in a single story stone building at the corner of Imflass and Dragonstail.
:*In [[Kraken's Fall]], at the Converted Weather Station on the far southeast side of Middle Arm Ave.
:*In [[Mist Harbor]], in the [[Eastern Harbor]] in an enormous warehouse on Cormorant Lane.
:*In [[River's Rest]], at [[The Cobbling Court]] on South River Road, just outside of town, in the patio entrance.
:*In [[Ta'Vaalor]], in the large limestone warehouse on Aethenireas Wey.
:*In [[Wehnimer's Landing]]: in the [[Cobbling warehouse|warehouse]] on the east side of town.
:*In [[Zul Logoth]], at [[D.H. Cobbling Outlet]] in a squat stone building in the Sapphire Tunnel.

==Joining the Guild==
== External Links ==
Find the foreman and ask him about joining. The foreman is the master cobbler of the guildhall, and among his responsibilities is that of teaching new cobblers. When asked about joining, he will demonstrate the first pattern, how to make a basic pair of shoes.
* [ Primer to the Cobbling Artisan Guild], on

>ask foreman about joining
"Ah, so you'd like to take up the trade of the cobbler, would you?" the foreman says to you. "Not an easy task, becoming a master cobbler, but everyone needs shoes, and some people even appreciate good ones."

The foreman pauses for a moment before continuing, "First things first. Start off with the registrar, who can set you up with a book to hold your cobbling patterns. Since you're just learning, we'll start you off with the basic shoe pattern. It looks like this:"

The foreman spreads a piece of leather on his worktable and, holding a piece of chalk in his hand, gazes at his pattern book and copies the lines onto the leather. He produces a measuring cord and presses it down on the leather, its small beads leaving distinct marks on the soft surface. Drawing from his boot a small knife, apparently made just for this purpose, the foreman carefully cuts out the pieces of the pattern he has drawn on the leather. He picks them up and studies them momentarily, finally nodding in satisfaction.

"So, that's how to cut out the pieces for the upper. Repeat the process for the leather of the sole, and you'd then put them on a form in one of the workshops and JOIN the pieces together," he explains. "When you're ready for a workshop, just ask me about one."

As the foreman turns back to his work, he pauses for a moment to say, "Oh, and you'll find all the supplies you'll need in the storage area. If you prefer to work with your own pelts, you'll need to see the tanner at the town furrier."

Roundtime: 20 sec.

To get a book to hold the patterns, find the registrar. A book costs 2000 silvers. {{boldmono|[[ASK (verb)|ASK]]}} the registrar about book, and then {{boldmono|[[GIVE (verb)|GIVE]]}} the note to the registrar and they will give you a book. The registrar will also give you new or replacement patterns, keeping track of those you have learned. (The registrar will also keep track of the individualized hallmarks of master cobblers, once these are developed.)

All registrars have the basic four patterns available: shoes, boots, slippers and sandals. Each will also have a selection of other patterns for more advanced cobblers. You can see what patterns are available in a particular guildhall by [[FLIP (verb)|flipping]] through the book of patterns in the registrar's office. You can specify a page number ({{boldmono|FLIP PATTERN 2}}), or just flip to the next page ({{boldmono|FLIP PATTERN}}).

To use a pattern, you will need to have a copy of it in your book. Each basic pattern costs 200 silvers while more advanced patterns costs 1000 silvers. Patterns will last between 40 and 70 uses. To select a pattern, flip the registrar's book of patterns open to the pattern you want, and {{boldmono|[[TAP (verb)|TAP]]}} it. Then ask the registrar about patterns to have the pattern put in your book. This must be done in quick succession.

>flip pattern 6
You flip through the book of patterns to page 6, which contains the pattern for a pair of shoes.
This pattern is familiar to you.

>tap pattern
You tap the pattern for a pair of shoes found in an oversized book of patterns. Tamariya glance over at you expectantly.

>ask lass about pattern
Tamariya consults a large tome, scanning long columns of names before finally settling on one entry. After a moment, she looks up and nods her head, saying, "Yes, that'll be fine. Just give me a note for 200 silvers, and I'll set you up with that."

>give note to lass
You hand Tamariya your book of patterns, who takes it and opens the binding. She scans the labels on various drawers, finally opening one and pulling out a sheet of heavy vellum, which she inserts into your book. Tamariya closes the book of patterns, dusts it off quickly, and hands it back to you, saying "Enjoy!"

Tamariya accepts your note, tucks it away in a lockbox, and writes out a replacement note for 178743 silvers in perfect, though cramped calligraphy.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Cobbling novices can only get the basic patterns added to their book of patterns, and only those taught by the foreman. Asking about patterns not taught by the foreman gives the message "You need to learn the basic patterns before you can work with an advanced pattern like that."

Once you are past the novice stage, you will be able to choose to learn a new pattern from time to time. Master cobblers can know as many as 50 additional patterns, in addition to the basic four.
;Available patterns
|- style="vertical-align:top"
{| {{prettytable}}
|+ '''Shoe Patterns
!Pattern !!WL !!RR !!CG !!KD !!ZL !!MH !!TV !!KF !!IT
|square-toed shoes||X||X||X||X||X||X||X||X||X
|moccasins||X||X||X|| || ||||||||X
|round-toed shoes||X||X|| ||X|| ||X||X||X||X
|high-heeled shoes||X||X|| ||X|| ||X||X||X||X
|open-toed shoes||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|revelins||X|| || ||X|| ||||||||X
|spike-heeled shoes||X|| || || || ||X||X||X||X
|batts||X|| || || || ||||||||X
|low-heeled shoes|| ||X||X||X||X||X||X||X||
|dancing shoes|| ||X||X|| || ||X||X||X||
|brogues|| ||X|| ||X|| ||||||||
|divit-toed shoes|| ||X|| || || ||X||X||X||
|high shoes|| || ||X||X|| ||||||||
|pattens|| || ||X||X|| |||||| ||
|curly-toed shoes|| || ||X|| || ||X||X||X||
|poulaines|| || ||X|| || ||||||||
|narrow-toed||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|yatane||X|| || || || ||X||X||X||X
{| {{prettytable}}
|+ '''Boot Patterns
!Pattern !!WL !!RR !!CG !!KD !!ZL !!MH !!TV !!KF !!IT
|workboots||X||X|| ||X||X||||||||X
|riding boots||X||X|| || || ||||||||X
|half-boots||X|| ||X||||X||||||||X
|thigh-boots||X||||X|||| ||||||||X
|basans||X|| |||| ||X||||||||X
|ankle-boots||||X||X||X|| ||X||X||X||
|wide-cuffed boots||||X|| ||X||X||||||||
|buskins|| || ||X||X|| ||||||||
|climbing boots|| || ||X||X||X||||||||
|low-heeled boots||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|spike-heeled boots||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|knee-boots||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|slouched boots||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|high-heeled boots||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|calf-high boots||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
{| {{prettytable}}
|+ '''Slipper Patterns
!Pattern !!WL !!RR !!CG !!KD !!ZL !!MH !!TV !!KF !!IT
|clogs||X||X|| || ||X||X||X||X||X
|dancing slippers||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|scarpines||X|| || ||X|| ||X||||||X
|high chopines||X|| || || || ||||||||X
|sabots|| ||X||X||X||X||||||||
|pinsons|| ||X|| ||X|| ||||||||
|pantofles|| ||X|| || || ||X||X||X||
|moyles|| || ||X||X||X||||||||
|low chopines|| || ||X|| || ||||||||
|pointy-toed slippers|| || || || || ||X||X||X||
|ruched-toe slippers||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|open-toed slippers||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|flats||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|pompes||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|- style="vertical-align:top"
{| {{prettytable}}
|+ '''Sandal Patterns
!Pattern !!WL !!RR !!CG !!KD !!ZL !!MH !!TV !!KF !!IT
|sandals||X||X||X||X|| ||X||X||X||X
|ankle-tied sandals||X||X|| || || ||X||X||X||X
|calf-tied sandals||X|| ||X||X|| ||X||X||X||X
|crincs||X|| || || ||X||||||||X
|high-laced sandals|| ||X||X|| || ||X||X||X||
|thick-strapped sandals|| ||X|| ||X||X||X||X||X||
|thonged sandals|| || ||X||X|| ||X||X||X||
|low-heeled sandals||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|high-heeled sandals||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|toe-loop sandals||X|| || || || ||X||X||X||X
|wedge-heeled sandals||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
|backless sandals||X|| ||X|| || ||X||X||X||X
{| {{prettytable}}
|+ '''Optional Adornment Patterns
!Pattern !!WL !!RR !!CG !!KD !!ZL !!MH !!TV !!KF !!IT
|(item)-buttoned||X ||X ||X ||X || ||||||||X
|(item)-strapped||X ||X|| ||X|| ||X||X||X||X
|(item)-lined||X||X|| || || ||X||X||X||X
|(item)-laced||X|| ||X||X|| ||X||X||X||X
|(item)-toed||X|| || || ||X||X||X||X||X
|(item)-fringed|| ||X || X|| || ||X||X||X||
|(item)-buckled|| ||X|| ||X||X||X||X||X||
|(item)-inset|| ||X|| || || ||X||X||X||
|(item)-beaded|| || ||X|| || ||X||X||X||
|(item)-trimmed|| || ||X|| ||X||X||X||X||
|(item)-capped|| || ||X||X||X||||||||
|(item)-studded|| || || ||X||X||||||||X

Shoes require at least an "upper" piece of leather, hide or cloth. Not using a second piece of material (leather) for the sole significantly reduces the quality of the shoe and skips an opportunity to gain an "Aha", or a rank more skilled in cobbling. Each cobbling attempt fully uses up the piece or pieces of leather used.

{{boldmono|LOOK}}ing at a piece of material will indicate which pattern(s) it works for (update July 2014).

Shoes cannot be made from the hide of a humanoid creature. This includes [[kobold]]s, [[hobgoblin]]s, [[orc]]s, [[hisskra]], and others.

There are two ways to obtain materials for cobbling:

* Bring pelts (hides, etc.) skinned from creatures to the tanner in town. In Wehnimer's Landing, Kharam Dzu, and River's Rest, the tanner is located in the furrier's shop. In Cysaegir, you will find the tanner downstairs from the storage room in the guildhall. In Mist Harbor and Ta'Vaalor, the tanner is also in the cobbling warehouse. In Kraken's Fall, the tanner is in the Tanner's Corridor of the Converted Weather Station that serves as a cobbling warehouse (from the locksmith: {{boldmono|east}}, {{boldmono|east}}, {{boldmono|east}}, {{boldmono|east}}, {{boldmono|southeast}}, {{boldmono|GO BUILDING}}, {{boldmono|northeast}}). If you {{boldmono|GIVE}} your pelt to the tanner, she will assess its suitability and ask you some questions about how you want the pelt tanned. The lowest quality tanning process is cheapest and quickest, but will markedly detract from the quality of the finished cobbled goods.

:The three curing processes are:
:*Oak: Cost is 50 silvers and takes 7 days
:*Alum: Cost is 400 silvers and takes 10 days
:*Oil: Cost is 800 silvers and takes 14 days

:The quality of the tanned leather depends on the quality of the pelt. When trying to produce best-quality shoes, seek out skilled skinners who can provide magnificent pelts.

*Leather, hide and cloth can be purchased from the storage room in the guildhalls. The supplies there are ready to use, but they are more expensive than having the tanner tan a pelt. Although there is a range of pelt qualities available, none are as good as a top-grade pelt tanned using the best tanning process.

*Gem settings for adornments can be made with the small (material) pouches sold in each warehouse cobbling shop. Place four identical gems in the pouch to get specific color settings of that type of gem (e.g. green sapphire settings), or place four of any color of a type of gem to get colorless settings (e.g. sapphire settings). Give the pouch to a gem dealer in a town gemshop to receive the settings.

{| {{prettytable}}
|+ '''Cobbling Warehouse Front Room Materials''' (see below and [[:Category:Cobbling Shops|Cobbling Shops Category]] for more comprehensive shop inventories)
! ||Landing !!River's Rest !!Cysaegir !!Kharam Dzu !!Zul Logoth !!Mist Harbor!!Icemule Trace !!Ta'Vaalor !!Kraken's Fall !!Icemule Trace
! rowspan=6|Uppers
| a tanned thrak hide||a tanned rat pelt||a tanned goat skin||a tanned rat pelt||a tanned rolton hide||a bolt of canvas||a snowcat pelt||a square of leather||a bolt of byssine|| a snowcat pelt
| a tanned spotted leaper pelt||a tanned troll hide||a tanned sheep skin||a tanned troll chieftain skin||a tanned orc hide||a bolt of oilcloth||a tanned spotted leaper pelt||a bolt of silk||a bolt of canvas||a tanned spotted leaper pelt
| a tanned black boar hide||a tanned black panther pelt||a tanned black boar hide||a tanned iguana skin||a tanned cave lizard skin|| ||a tanned black boar hide|| ||a bolt of sailcloth||a tanned black boar hide
| a tanned white puma hide ||a tanned antelope hide||a tanned leopard skin||a tanned pyrothag hide||a tanned wormling skin|| ||a tanned white puma hide|| ||a bolt of sea silk||a tanned white puma hide
| a tanned panther hide||a tanned rattlesnake skin||a tanned warthog hide||a tanned tsark skin||a tanned troll zombie skin|| ||a tanned panther hide|| ||a bolt of plush velvet||a tanned panther hide
| a tanned dark panther pelt||a tanned crocodile hide||a tanned tawny brindlecat hide||a tanned triton magus hide||a tanned undertaker bat skin|| ||a tanned dark panther hide|| || ||a tanned dark panther pelt
! rowspan=3|Soles
|colspan=10|some light tanned leather
|colspan=10|some medium tanned leather
|colspan=10|some heavy tanned leather

====Materials by Town====

Cobbling has its own set of dyes, but those found in the [[Dyer's tent|Dyer's locations]] in various towns and the dyes created through alchemy can be used on uppers. After purchasing a dye from the Dyer's tent, bring it to the clerk and {{boldmono|ORDER BOTTLE}} to have it converted. These can also be used with alchemy [[dye additive]]s.

It is not possible to dye cobbling materials as an apprentice or a journeyman cobbler.

In Cysaegir (and likely at other cobbling warehouses, but not the one in Mist Harbor), a vial of dye can be purchased from the backroom and customized with the following colors:
|silvery ||cobalt || burgundy
|white ||violet || peach
|ivory ||lavender || russet
|ecru ||amethyst || brown
|yellow || purple || umber
|pale green ||plum || black
|celadon ||magenta || pink
|viridian ||claret || blush
|emerald ||crimson || grey
|turquoise ||garnet || dark
|cerulean ||scarlet || dusky
|blue ||red || pearly
|indigo ||vermilion || golden
|sapphire ||wine ||

===Other supplies===
Cobblers will also need some marking chalk, a cutting knife and a measuring cord. These three items are available in the storage room in the guildhalls. The knife and cord are tools are purchased once and used for the entire cobbling career. They each cost around 5,000 silvers. The chalk is used up slowly and costs 100 per piece.

{{boldmono|LOOK}}ing at a measuring cord will indicate who the cord was used on. Measuring cords can also be dyed in the [[dyer's tent]]s for additional organization.

A [[cobbling tote]] may be useful to store supplies.

A [[cobbling punch]] may be used to add zests to the footwear.

Novice or apprentice cobblers (fewer than 200 ranks, checkable with {{boldmono|[[ARTISAN (verb)|ARTISAN]]}}), are tightly constrained by guild training rules. You will first start off making basic shoes, then move on to boots, and so on, until you have achieved sufficient basic skills. When you gain skill by practice, you may also be told that it's time to check in with the foreman ({{boldmono|ASK FOREMAN ABOUT RANK}}), who will review your work and may advance you to the next stage.

*[[SERVICE (verb)]]
* [[Cobbling_Guide|Primer to the Cobbling Artisan Guild]]
* [ Officials folder]
* [ Laphrael's Shoe Ordering Guide]
* [ Riend's Material Inventory]
* [ Cobbler's Collective Inventory and Shoe Ordering Guide]
[[Category:Artisan Skills]]
[[Category:Artisan Skills]]
[[Category:Crafting mechanics]]

Latest revision as of 21:30, 2 July 2024

Cobbling is an artisan skill that allows a character to make footwear. Items made using this system weigh 2lbs and hold a very small amount with enough space for a couple of items (two) and cannot be lightened nor deepened.

Cobbling workshop locations

There are eight cobbling workshops. They are:

Joining the Guild

Find the foreman and ask him about joining. The foreman is the master cobbler of the guildhall, and among his responsibilities is that of teaching new cobblers. When asked about joining, he will demonstrate the first pattern, how to make a basic pair of shoes.

>ask foreman about joining
"Ah, so you'd like to take up the trade of the cobbler, would you?" the foreman says to you.  "Not an easy task, becoming a master cobbler, but everyone needs shoes, and some people even appreciate good ones."

The foreman pauses for a moment before continuing, "First things first.  Start off with the registrar, who can set you up with a book to hold your cobbling patterns.  Since you're just learning, we'll start you off with the basic shoe pattern.  It looks like this:"

The foreman spreads a piece of leather on his worktable and, holding a piece of chalk in his hand, gazes at his pattern book and copies the lines onto the leather.  He produces a measuring cord and presses it down on the leather, its small beads leaving distinct marks on the soft surface.  Drawing from his boot a small knife, apparently made just for this purpose, the foreman carefully cuts out the pieces of the pattern he has drawn on the leather.  He picks them up and studies them momentarily, finally nodding in satisfaction.

"So, that's how to cut out the pieces for the upper.  Repeat the process for the leather of the sole, and you'd then put them on a form in one of the workshops and JOIN the pieces together," he explains.  "When you're ready for a workshop, just ask me about one."

As the foreman turns back to his work, he pauses for a moment to say, "Oh, and you'll find all the supplies you'll need in the storage area.  If you prefer to work with your own pelts, you'll need to see the tanner at the town furrier."

Roundtime: 20 sec.



To get a book to hold the patterns, find the registrar. A book costs 2000 silvers. ASK the registrar about book, and then GIVE the note to the registrar and they will give you a book. The registrar will also give you new or replacement patterns, keeping track of those you have learned. (The registrar will also keep track of the individualized hallmarks of master cobblers, once these are developed.)

All registrars have the basic four patterns available: shoes, boots, slippers and sandals. Each will also have a selection of other patterns for more advanced cobblers. You can see what patterns are available in a particular guildhall by flipping through the book of patterns in the registrar's office. You can specify a page number (FLIP PATTERN 2), or just flip to the next page (FLIP PATTERN).

To use a pattern, you will need to have a copy of it in your book. Each basic pattern costs 200 silvers while more advanced patterns costs 1000 silvers. Patterns will last between 40 and 70 uses. To select a pattern, flip the registrar's book of patterns open to the pattern you want, and TAP it. Then ask the registrar about patterns to have the pattern put in your book. This must be done in quick succession.

>flip pattern 6
You flip through the book of patterns to page 6, which contains the pattern for a pair of shoes.
This pattern is familiar to you.

>tap pattern
You tap the pattern for a pair of shoes found in an oversized book of patterns.  Tamariya glance over at you expectantly.

>ask lass about pattern
Tamariya consults a large tome, scanning long columns of names before finally settling on one entry.  After a moment, she looks up and nods her head, saying, "Yes, that'll be fine.  Just give me a note for 200 silvers, and I'll set you up with that."

>give note to lass
You hand Tamariya your book of patterns, who takes it and opens the binding.  She scans the labels on various drawers, finally opening one and pulling out a sheet of heavy vellum, which she inserts into your book.  Tamariya closes the book of patterns, dusts it off quickly, and hands it back to you, saying "Enjoy!"

Tamariya accepts your note, tucks it away in a lockbox, and writes out a replacement note for 178743 silvers in perfect, though cramped calligraphy.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Cobbling novices can only get the basic patterns added to their book of patterns, and only those taught by the foreman. Asking about patterns not taught by the foreman gives the message "You need to learn the basic patterns before you can work with an advanced pattern like that."

Once you are past the novice stage, you will be able to choose to learn a new pattern from time to time. Master cobblers can know as many as 50 additional patterns, in addition to the basic four.

Available patterns
Shoe Patterns
shoes X X X X X X X X X
square-toed shoes X X X X X X X X X
moccasins X X X X
round-toed shoes X X X X X X X
high-heeled shoes X X X X X X X
open-toed shoes X X X X X X
revelins X X X
spike-heeled shoes X X X X X
batts X X
low-heeled shoes X X X X X X X
dancing shoes X X X X X
brogues X X
divit-toed shoes X X X X
high shoes X X
pattens X X
curly-toed shoes X X X X
poulaines X
narrow-toed X X X X X X
yatane X X X X X
Boot Patterns
boots X X X X X X X X X
workboots X X X X X
riding boots X X X
half-boots X X X X
thigh-boots X X X
basans X X X
ankle-boots X X X X X X
wide-cuffed boots X X X
buskins X X
climbing boots X X X
low-heeled boots X X X X X X
spike-heeled boots X X X X X X
knee-boots X X X X X X
slouched boots X X X X X X
high-heeled boots X X X X X X
calf-high boots X X X X X X
Slipper Patterns
slippers X X X X X X X X X
clogs X X X X X X X
dancing slippers X X X X X X
scarpines X X X X
high chopines X X
sabots X X X X
pinsons X X
pantofles X X X X
moyles X X X
low chopines X
pointy-toed slippers X X X
ruched-toe slippers X X X X X X
open-toed slippers X X X X X X
flats X X X X X X
pompes X X X X X X
Sandal Patterns
sandals X X X X X X X X
ankle-tied sandals X X X X X X
calf-tied sandals X X X X X X X
crincs X X X
high-laced sandals X X X X X
thick-strapped sandals X X X X X X
thonged sandals X X X X X
low-heeled sandals X X X X X X
high-heeled sandals X X X X X X
toe-loop sandals X X X X X
wedge-heeled sandals X X X X X X
backless sandals X X X X X X
Optional Adornment Patterns
(item)-buttoned X X X X X
(item)-strapped X X X X X X X
(item)-lined X X X X X X
(item)-laced X X X X X X X
(item)-toed X X X X X X
(item)-fringed X X X X X
(item)-buckled X X X X X X
(item)-inset X X X X
(item)-beaded X X X X
(item)-trimmed X X X X X
(item)-capped X X X
(item)-studded X X X


Shoes require at least an "upper" piece of leather, hide or cloth. Not using a second piece of material (leather) for the sole significantly reduces the quality of the shoe and skips an opportunity to gain an "Aha", or a rank more skilled in cobbling. Each cobbling attempt fully uses up the piece or pieces of leather used.

LOOKing at a piece of material will indicate which pattern(s) it works for (update July 2014).

Shoes cannot be made from the hide of a humanoid creature. This includes kobolds, hobgoblins, orcs, hisskra, and others.

There are two ways to obtain materials for cobbling:

  • Bring pelts (hides, etc.) skinned from creatures to the tanner in town. In Wehnimer's Landing, Kharam Dzu, and River's Rest, the tanner is located in the furrier's shop. In Cysaegir, you will find the tanner downstairs from the storage room in the guildhall. In Mist Harbor and Ta'Vaalor, the tanner is also in the cobbling warehouse. In Kraken's Fall, the tanner is in the Tanner's Corridor of the Converted Weather Station that serves as a cobbling warehouse (from the locksmith: east, east, east, east, southeast, GO BUILDING, northeast). If you GIVE your pelt to the tanner, she will assess its suitability and ask you some questions about how you want the pelt tanned. The lowest quality tanning process is cheapest and quickest, but will markedly detract from the quality of the finished cobbled goods.
The three curing processes are:
  • Oak: Cost is 50 silvers and takes 7 days
  • Alum: Cost is 400 silvers and takes 10 days
  • Oil: Cost is 800 silvers and takes 14 days
The quality of the tanned leather depends on the quality of the pelt. When trying to produce best-quality shoes, seek out skilled skinners who can provide magnificent pelts.
  • Leather, hide and cloth can be purchased from the storage room in the guildhalls. The supplies there are ready to use, but they are more expensive than having the tanner tan a pelt. Although there is a range of pelt qualities available, none are as good as a top-grade pelt tanned using the best tanning process.
  • Gem settings for adornments can be made with the small (material) pouches sold in each warehouse cobbling shop. Place four identical gems in the pouch to get specific color settings of that type of gem (e.g. green sapphire settings), or place four of any color of a type of gem to get colorless settings (e.g. sapphire settings). Give the pouch to a gem dealer in a town gemshop to receive the settings.
Cobbling Warehouse Front Room Materials (see below and Cobbling Shops Category for more comprehensive shop inventories)
Landing River's Rest Cysaegir Kharam Dzu Zul Logoth Mist Harbor Icemule Trace Ta'Vaalor Kraken's Fall Icemule Trace
Uppers a tanned thrak hide a tanned rat pelt a tanned goat skin a tanned rat pelt a tanned rolton hide a bolt of canvas a snowcat pelt a square of leather a bolt of byssine a snowcat pelt
a tanned spotted leaper pelt a tanned troll hide a tanned sheep skin a tanned troll chieftain skin a tanned orc hide a bolt of oilcloth a tanned spotted leaper pelt a bolt of silk a bolt of canvas a tanned spotted leaper pelt
a tanned black boar hide a tanned black panther pelt a tanned black boar hide a tanned iguana skin a tanned cave lizard skin a tanned black boar hide a bolt of sailcloth a tanned black boar hide
a tanned white puma hide a tanned antelope hide a tanned leopard skin a tanned pyrothag hide a tanned wormling skin a tanned white puma hide a bolt of sea silk a tanned white puma hide
a tanned panther hide a tanned rattlesnake skin a tanned warthog hide a tanned tsark skin a tanned troll zombie skin a tanned panther hide a bolt of plush velvet a tanned panther hide
a tanned dark panther pelt a tanned crocodile hide a tanned tawny brindlecat hide a tanned triton magus hide a tanned undertaker bat skin a tanned dark panther hide a tanned dark panther pelt
Soles some light tanned leather
some medium tanned leather
some heavy tanned leather

Materials by Town


Cobbling has its own set of dyes, but those found in the Dyer's locations in various towns and the dyes created through alchemy can be used on uppers. After purchasing a dye from the Dyer's tent, bring it to the clerk and ORDER BOTTLE to have it converted. These can also be used with alchemy dye additives.

It is not possible to dye cobbling materials as an apprentice or a journeyman cobbler.

In Cysaegir (and likely at other cobbling warehouses, but not the one in Mist Harbor), a vial of dye can be purchased from the backroom and customized with the following colors:

silvery cobalt burgundy
white violet peach
ivory lavender russet
ecru amethyst brown
yellow purple umber
pale green plum black
celadon magenta pink
viridian claret blush
emerald crimson grey
turquoise garnet dark
cerulean scarlet dusky
blue red pearly
indigo vermilion golden
sapphire wine

Other supplies

Cobblers will also need some marking chalk, a cutting knife and a measuring cord. These three items are available in the storage room in the guildhalls. The knife and cord are tools are purchased once and used for the entire cobbling career. They each cost around 5,000 silvers. The chalk is used up slowly and costs 100 per piece.

LOOKing at a measuring cord will indicate who the cord was used on. Measuring cords can also be dyed in the dyer's tents for additional organization.

A cobbling tote may be useful to store supplies.

A cobbling punch may be used to add zests to the footwear.


Novice or apprentice cobblers (fewer than 200 ranks, checkable with ARTISAN), are tightly constrained by guild training rules. You will first start off making basic shoes, then move on to boots, and so on, until you have achieved sufficient basic skills. When you gain skill by practice, you may also be told that it's time to check in with the foreman (ASK FOREMAN ABOUT RANK), who will review your work and may advance you to the next stage.
