Crusade (319)

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This spell is not yet implemented and may or may not currently be under development. Information presented in this article is subject to change.

Crusade (319)
Mnemonic [CRUSADE]
Duration 60 seconds
Offensive Magic  
Subtype N/A 
Weapon Enhancement {{{weapon}}} 
Enhancement {{{enhancement}}} 
Weapon Requirements N/A 
Availability N/A 
Cleric Base Spells
Prayer of Holding (301) Attack
Smite/Bane (302) Attack
Prayer of Protection (303) Defensive
Bless (304) Offensive
Preservation (305) Utility
Holy Bolt (306) Attack
Benediction (307) Defensive
Well of Life (308) Utility
Condemn (309) Attack
Warding Sphere (310) Defensive
Blind (311) Attack
Fervent Reproach (312) Attack
Prayer (313) Defensive
Relieve Burden (314) Utility
Remove Curse (315) Utility
Censure (316) Attack
Divine Fury (317) Attack
Raise Dead (318) Utility
Soul Ward (319) Defensive
Ethereal Censer (320) Attack
Holy Receptacle (325) Utility
Sanctify (330) Utility
Divine Wrath (335) Attack
Symbol of the Proselyte (340) Offensive
Miracle (350) Utility

Crusade was planned to replace Divine Wrath (319). Divine Wrath would move to Spell Slot 335 and be made stronger.

The original proposal for Crusade would grant damage weighting for the caster's group on weapons and bolts. It would grant flares and critical weighting for weapons of those in the caster's group. It would affect all bolt/ball spells, which includes 306, 111 and the bolt version of 118 with both the damage and crit weighting buffs just like the Sunfist bane sigils do. It would not turn bolt spells into ball spells.

Due to player disagreement as to the usefulness of Crusade for clerics, Oscuro and Estild scrapped the original plan for Crusade and are reconsidering what will go in the 319 slot when Divine Wrath is made more powerful and moved to the 335 slot.